Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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    0 '
tho whole, being prepared to rule on the
point of ordrr, Mr. Macon restricted his
objection tf) the words "to be Immediately
available." The point of order being sus
Prize Winning" Pianos
tained these wo, ds were stricken out while
the appropriation remained In the bill to be
available after July 1, MO.
'01e" Marsh of the "Big Store" Gang
Wants to Back Up.
Acrimonious Debate in House Over
Money Expended in Travelings
Joaraer Tfcroaak the Wt and Soatt)
Last Fall Cot HI Sam Money
o Make t'p the Deficit U
Ref aari.
WASHINGTON, May tT.-Presldent Tafl's
traveling expenses and the fact that he has
already overdrawn hla allowance of 125,000
a year voted by congress led to acrimonious
debate In the house yentcrday and to a re
fuiial to permit hlrn to we the next year'a
allowance to meet the deficiency,
Aa reported from the house committee on
appropriations the Hem of I2S.000 for the
fiscal year beginning July 1 next would be
come Immediately available except for the
protests of democratic members. The words
immediately available" finally were
stricken uut by the action of Mr. Mann of
Illinois, the ocupant of the chair. In sus
taining a point of order made by Mr. Macon
of Arkansas, a democrat.
It was the western and southern trip
made by Mr. Taft last fall that exhausted
the White House traveling fund.
Speaker Cannon, In a speecn from the
floor, defended the necessity of the presi
dent meetlna- the whole people and saia
Sugar Magnate's
Letters Show Up
Liberal Weights
Heike's Correspondence Introduced at
Trial Speaks of Concessions at
Customs House.
NEW YORK, May 27. Charles R. Holke,
in the United states circuit court this aft
ernoon, heard Henry L. Stlmson, for the
government, slowly read letters In which
Ileike spoke of the "liberal weights we re
ceive from the custom house." As Sucre-
tary-treatmrer of the Amettean Sugar Re
fining company,- the so-called "trust.'
Ileike Is charged with conspiracy to de
fraud the government of customs dues on
Imports of raw sugar, Five subordinates
are being tried with him, and the prosecu
tion has been endeavoring to prove that
he, although aa. executive, was cognizant
of and Instrumental in cheating at the
trick scales.
Counsel fox Helke fought bitterly to bat
the letters, but Judge Martin overruled tho
that these long trips to various sections of objections and they became part of the
recora. ine nrsi was aaiea utcemocr u,
1904, and addressed to Frank O. Turner,
superintendent of the (South Boston re
finery. In It the writer speaks of differ
ences In statements relating to sugar
The letter was Introduced unexpectedly
by the government and was read from
Heike's private letter book, which was
identified In court by William Foster,
auditor In the company's Wall street office.
During the afternoon session William A.
Bryan, a clerk In Heike's office, testified
that in March, 1909, he destroyed a package
marked "technical statements, 1906," at
Heike's direction. This was four day after
the1 termination of the government suit for
the recovery of the sum of $2,000,000 In
duties from the company.
the country were necessary.
President Taft, Mr. Tawney explained.
had made his extended trip through the
west and south at the Invitation of sena
tors, governors of states and civic organisa
tions. Met Popular Demand.
"This trip," Mr. Tawney said, "was not
made for his own pleasure. Congress was
in session when delegations from this house,
from the senate and from the different
states visited htm, urging him to make such
a trip."
At that time, Mr. Tawney said, there was
no appropriation to meet traveling expenses.
"The president Informed the chairman
of the committee on appropriations," Mr.
Tawney explained, "that personally he
would rather remain at his summer home
after adjournment than to make that trip,
and that the only way he would be able
to make It would be through congress
giving - him an appropriation which we
failed to make at the close of tie sixtieth
congress. Now, after the president has
accepted the invitation of mcmbeVs of this (jpy (jenerai Throughout Country for
small .cms xrcasuiy auujjis
Popular Demand
For Paper Money
senators and governors Invited i him, and
while on that trip he accepted their hos
pitality, they criticise."
This statement greatly excited the demo
crats, several of whom vainly attempted
to Interrupt. i
Democrats as Hosts.
Mr. Tawney said nine doniooratlo gover
nors invited the president to visit their
states, the states being Texas, Colorado, In
diana, Mississippi, Louisiana, Montana,
WASHINGTON, May 27-There Is a popu
lap demand throughout the country for
paper money. of the smaller denominations
which the treasury Is unablo to meet. I
order to relieve the situation the depart
ment will encourage banks holding silver
certificates of the denomination of 110 and
over to send part of them to the Treasury
Waa Takes with the Other Members
of the Mahrar Gist, bat Son
Wants the Jsdimcnt
Bet Aside.
George N. Marsh, alias "Ole" Marsh, one
of the three alleged members of the J. C.
Mabray gang of "big store" swindlers, who
entered a plea of "nolle contender" in the
federal court at Council Bluffs last March
and was sentenced to fifteen months In the
United States penitentiary at Fort Leaven
worth and to pay a fine of $100, now says
he did not fully understand what entering
such a plea was.
Through his attorney Marsh has filed
a pleading to wunaraw nia piea or none
contender and to have the Judgment of
the court set aside.
Judge Smith MePherson, who sentenced
Marsh is holding a special session of
United States court at Council Bluffs, nnd
will take up Marsh's application this morning.
The effect of a plea of nolle contender
on the part of Marsh and his two com
panions, Wlnford S. Harris and Bert R.
Shores, all three of whom were arrested
In Seattle, Wash., was that ftiey accepted
conviction of the offense of which they
were charged, while not actually pleading
guilty to It.
Shores was also sentenced to fifteen
months In the Fort Leavenworth peniten
tiary, but Harris escaped with a sentence
of six months In the county Jail at Red
Oak. Later he waa permitted to serve out
the six months in the Pottawattamie county
Jail In Council Bluffs, where he Is at pres
ent with Frank Scott of Pender, Neb.,
another member of the gang who escaped
with a six months' Jail sentence.
Marsh was taken with the other members
of the gang sentenced to penitentiary terms
xo me leaerai prison at jj-ort Leavenworth
on March 23, where he Is now known as
No. 6980, and where he te putting in his
time making oncK, an occupation which
tenas to Keep mm in a proper physical
condition for his business, which was that
oi a proiessionai wrestler.
Marsh was one of the members of the
gang who felt particularly sore at Mahr
whom he blamed for getting them Into the
clutches of Uncle Sam. It was Marsh who
auooea juaoray uie "elephant" and nm.
,11-... . V .. .
vesieu iuu uui lur me elephant s trunk
he and his companions would not have been
In the fix they were. Marsh had reference
to the trunk containing the data and mem
oranda oi me operations or tho "biar atnr"
gang which fell into the clutches of the
government omcers wnen Mabray was or
restedaln Little Rook In February, 1908,
A Brilliant Display A Special Selling
Tha greatest convention of piano manufacturers and dealers In the world's history has Just romp to an end at Rich
mond, Va., and, of course, the world's FINEST Instruments were exhibited there. We selected, through out representa
tive, a number of the rarest, most noteworthy "blue ribbon" winners that could bo purchased. Tomorrow we offer a mln-
laturo exposition of these finer pianos.
Every style a manufacturer's triumph every instrument inspected and heard by a THOUSAND dealers ii'ho KNO W
quality every piano unanimously passed upon by the music trade of every city from coast to coast; from the Gulf to
Canada. Highest graded, specially produced instruments that were displayed at the Convention held by the
National Piano Manufacturers
and Dealers Associations
N. A. r. D. of A. Insignia
for 1910.
South Carolina, North Carolina and Arkan- department so that they may be exchanged
sas. He added that democratic senators
from. .Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee,
Georgia, North Carolina, Florida and South
Carolina, together with twenty-five demo
cratic representatives, had extended to the of the denomination of $10 and over, held
for those of smaller denomination.
As a preliminary stop a circular note
has been addressed to the ' banks asking
them for data as to the silver certificates
president the hospitality of their states and
"is this southern' hospitality?" Mft Tan
ner shouted, looking towards the demo
crats.' "Can there be a meaner man than
. he who lnvltae-another to accept his hos
pitality and, then hicks him because he
accepted r ...
Mr. Bartlett Of Georgia demanded to
know what representatives had accepted
by them on June 2, and whether It would
be agreeable to make the exchange pro
posed. SUver. certificates over the denomina
tion of 110 issud by the government Include
those of S30. S50. S100.--S600 and $1,000. .
' Lams back may e wirea oy applying
Chamberiln's Liniment two or three times
a day, with a vigorous rubbing at each ap
the hospitality of the president on that HOSPITAL CLASS TO GRADUATE
trip R8 BlUea Qjr r. anu7 in.-, iwn7
See the "Blue Ribbon"
Instruments In the win
dow and on third floor.
Not one of the makes to
be had at any establish
ment other than The
Dennett Co.
.named Mr. Bartlett and his colleague, Mr.
Hardwlclc of Oeorgla.
"Tffat Is not true; that is false," Mr.
Bartlett exclaimed. The Georgian added
that he did not ride in the president's ear,
but he paid bis own fare.
Mr. Tawney said three democratic sena
tors had been gueBts of the president on
bis western trip,
FltsceralA Criticises.
Mr. Fitzgerald said that when the presi
dent exhausted his appropriation for travel-
Norses of Methodist Episcopal Hoa
pltal Take Professional Cer
tificates Saturday.
The seventeenth annual commencement
of the Nebraska Methodist Episcopal Hos
pital Training School for Nurses will be
Saturday night at the Walnut Hill Meth
odist church, Forty-first and Charles
streets. The address of the evening will
be given by Bishop John L. Nuelson and
muslo will be furnished by the Walnut 1IU1
orchestra. Fourteen young women will be
Ing' expenses he should have, "had strength graduated as professional nurses.
of . character either to decline some cf Rev. William Gorst, D. D., will preside
these invitations or to pay his own ex- at the exercises and the invocation will be
reuses." He dismissed the president's given by Rev. O. W. Abbott v Dr. J. M.
speeches on his trip as more harmful to, Aiken- will give a talk to the graduates and
the republican than to the democratic party the diplomas will be presented by C. M.
and criticised as a remarkable proceeding I DeLamatre, president of the board of
Mr. Tawney's securing from- the White I trustees. The graduates are Anna M.
House a list of the democratic governors Dillon, Athena Eggleston, Wllda A. Graden,
who, at the request of the people in their Bea W. Graves, Emma Z. Harvey, Elira-
Berarer Realty Company to Build
00,000 Structure at Twenty
Fifth Avenue and Harney.
Plans have been drawn by Fisher
Lawrie, architects, for apartment houses
at Twenty-fifth avenue and Harney street
which will cost in the neighborhood of
tne Berger Realty company will erect
the buildings and work has started. Ac
cording to the plans which have been ac
cepted, these apartments will be among
tne finest m the city. Two will be erected
on the southwest corner of Twenty-fifth
avenue and Harney street, which will be
twin apartments. They will be four stories
high and of colonial style. The material
used on the exterior will be a special light
colonial brick which will give them a
striking appearance. Each will be divided
into four complete homes, each of which
will contain a living room, two bedrooms,
a bath room and a kitchen. The Interior
will be finished In birch mahogany with
the exoeption of the bath rooms, which
will be in white enamel. Each win hv.
ail the latest improvements, and win be House Members Undecided About Dis
innovations in modern home building. A .gl 0 'Denosits.
porch for each Dart has been ari-ftnmut I r . r
in the plans. The frontage will ba
Harney street, facing the north, and. will huh
w v....., .LVM AUQ ULl'lll Villi DB
thirty-four feet.
Just west of the brick building a frams
structure will bo erected on the same gen
eral plan. This will contain four apart
ments, each of which will have a living
room, btdroom, small dining room, bath
room and a kitchenette. Although these
apartments will not be as large as the ones
communities urged the president to visit
' "I am inclined to believe," Mr. Fitzgerald
said, "that after the fifth of last August
no republican governor desired the presl
dent to make such speeches as those in
'which he declared the present tariff law
to be the best ever passed,
beth W, Horn, Louella P. Jensen, Bessie
D. McDonald, Vesta Plckard, Jeanette
Schmlts, Wllhelmlna Pieman, Maggie E.
Taylor and Sara E. West.
The Yellow l'erll.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
when Dr. King's New Life Pills are taken.
The country did not deBire to hav h Guaranteed. 26c. For sale by Beaton
president away from Washington while Drug Co,
congress was in session, according to Mr.
Fltxgerald. He deprecated what he asserted
to be the practice of cabinet officers to
leave .Washington In hot weather and set
up their official headquarters In other
places. There had been no official account
Ing In the case of these traveling expenses,
Mr. Fltsgerald said.
"The president may think It Is proper to
furnish my name as one who was on his
If you have anything to sell or exchange
advertise It in The Bee Want Ad columns,
C. G. Buchanam, vice president of the
Burlington. Is expected to pass through
Omaha Sunday while enroute to Salt Lake
Judge W. H. Munger. Judge T. C. Man
train," Mr. Bartlett said. "If the president ST t'n" States Marshal W. P. Warner
.. satisfied .with the propriety, with the de- ftf1 .VrtdTy" evening S?'l
cency of furnishing the names of myself fih!ng excursion of several days at Lake
ana my coueagues to tne gentleman from Washington, Minnesota.
Minnesota In. his sneering attack upon what Postmaster Ed R. Sixer of Lincoln la In
v.. .ii. tho hnaniiaiitv .k.. Omaha. In reference to he postmaster'
w. .... WUllI, " .1 K. .L.,. , .
I. a matter for him. But the president has ...teX thitlt hid J "ro 5
viuiaiwu wit ,a um ui UUBpuuiliy SuQ
of decent conduct."
v Increase la Salary,
Mr. Cullup of Indiana, suggested that it
had been olearly understood that when the
president s salary was Increased from $50,
009 to tTfcOOO that that amount would cover
- traveling expenses, this statement leading
to a 'controversy between Mr. Cullup and
Mr. Tawney. .
"If a gentleman Is the guest'of the presi
dent, must that fact be reflected In his
vot here upon appropriations," Mr. Hard-
wick of Georgia inquired.
Speaker Cannon took the floor and de
fended the president In hla desire to maet
the people of the country. ''As far aa his
power' and responsibility are concerned,'
Mr. Cannon said, "they are greater than
those of any executive on earth, save the
caar of all the Russlas.'
He said he would be glad to make the
president's salary $100,000 annually and he
wanted not only the president to be able
to travel, but he said he would have a re
quirement that every member of the house
should see the country for which he was
to legislate before taking his seat in con
"I would risk my soul's salvation," Mr.
Cannon said,, "that neither In Missouri nor
any other state will there be found a man.
woman or child who would endorse such a
course aS Is being pursued on this floor."
Mr. Garrett of Tennessee suggested that
the objection to the appropriation was that
the money had been used by the president
, pay his expenses "in making partisan
Mr. Mann, who was presiding while the
houe was acting aa In the committee of
postpone the convention until July in order
to secure the attendance of some of the
postotnee department, oinciais from Wash
Richmond, Va., May 16-21, 1910
See the .ENTIRE exhibit of The
Weaver Piano and Organ company,
which was purchased Intact by Tho
Bennett company. Pianos admired as
much as any other exhibit at the convention.
See the three beautiful uprights and
two exquisite grands purchased from
the original Chlckering & Sons
America's oldest firm of makers the
peers of all builders.
See the pianos made by Gram &
Rlchtsteig the only instruments em
bodying an ALL, metal action. The
very first and ONLY Omaha showing
of this "hit" of the convention.
See the style 14 and "L" of the
Henry & S. G. Llndeman pianos. Dis
tinguished instruments that held
throngs during the entire convention
See the Kohler & Campbell, Pack
ard, York, and other makes that came
up to "convention" standards.
See the two Kroeger pianos that are
so universally admired by truo musi
cians. The Kroeger is the foremost
among, "musicians' own Instruments."
These are especial beauties.
See tho two specal Auto-Pianos
the 88-note pluyers thst received high
est possible awards at the Seattle ex
position, and which also captured tho
Grand' Prix at tho Rotterdam Inter
national Exposition of 1909.
See the exhibit that made the firm
of Kurtzmann so much talked of at the
Richmond convention.
See the window exhibit;, the floor
ghiblt; experience a gala occasion
generally in pianos. Remember that
The pennett Company purchased all
of these Instruments DIRECT from the
exhibitors and that you may OWN
them at CONSIDERABLY reduced
ii a i i w i r-
lsrV-asi, I I St
a. B
CMrkorinK & (Sons,
Ivors & Pontl,
11. & S. (i. Llmlcman,
St riling,
Grain & lUelilntelu;,
Kohler & Campbell,
1 ten net t ,
Krell Auto Grand,
Ami Others.
To he offered at Radically Reduced Prices and Special
Terms Because of Reasons Given Below
Manufacturers exhibiting at the convention realized that re-freighting pianos back to the factories would
NOT prove a paying proposition, so readily acceded to The Bennett Go's, offer for the 28 instruments iu
question. Even though these ARE the finest instruments ever exhibited at a National Convention, they will
be offered to you for LESS money than one usually pays for "taken from stock" instruments, because we
PURCHASED them at a considerable reduction.
I -i t i
Jj Piano Department
The "Blue Rlbboners"
Include both upright and
grand pianos, piano play
ers and player pianos.
The veritable "cream"
of the musical world at
The Dennett Co. only.
Hen from Various Sections of Country
eek to Increase Limit of
Deposits in Local Dank
Ins; Houses.
WisniwriTnN Mv 27. The rermbllcan
inauneu iur wo dhm structure, the Same IV,, (..urii nr. fhn nostal savlnsa bank
' w,u DO enrnea out in rinlsh and ar- hm tr,,rk ihA Mnnrted snaar last nleht when
laugwimu ,otlnn B nf h nnrrinnr Mil
4 a An with tha iiorrvttlf.n nt danil.
nMIT r I I nM-n unvn I ""'B " """" "
ClUni bnflnUCU Willi ASSAULT Uts of savings banks. Reaching no dlspo
I .iinn nn this feature, the caucus, after
Complaints Hare Been riled Against three hours' deliberation, adjourned Until
W.a4 IV . . ...
Omaha Case. Th Oardner bill, on which tho caucus
Eight complaints against South Omaha I was working, would permit 17 per cent
men were filed in dlstrlot court by County of the deposits to be withdrawn by the
Attorney English in the prosecution of an board of trustees and invested in govern-
was supposed only by about fifteen mem
bers and was declared lost An amend
ment by Representative Kesterman of
Wisconsin provided that no Interest should
be paid on deposits remaining uncalled for
after five years, but this also was rejeoted.
When the proposition of limiting the
total of individual deposits to $500 was
reached a number of amendments offered
by Representative Madden of Illinois pro
posing to Increase this amount to varying
amounts up to 11,000, but all were defeated
by decisive votes. Ue first proposed a limit
of $1,600, but this foiuid no favor and he
withdrew it.
6S than ninety members were present
out of the total republican membership of
assault case which came to the attention
of the authorities a few weeks past The
defendants are Wlllard Stanley. Jn.K
LDrahos, Anton Korlnek, Michael Ri..
Joseph Vondra, William Kraljck, William
eeaiacea ana xnomas Cauley.
Twenty Cars Are Destroyed and the
Service Is Now Budly
DES MOINES, la., May 2C Fire de
stroyed the downtown car barns of the Des
juomes uiy nanway company early today,
burning twenty street cars and crippling
the car service badly. The loss is $160,000.
ment bonds or 'other securities; 6 per cent
additional to be used as a reserve and re
quires the remaining 47H per cent to be
kept in the city where the postal deposits
were received. '
When this' section was reached tonight
there was a flood of amendments by mem'
CAR BARN SOLO FOR GOOD SUM ber8 representing various sections of the
- I country, but all seeking to Increase the
Street Hallway Company Sells Twen
tieth and Harney ! for 80,.
OOO Unnamed Investor.
olre rapway com nan v h.. add
the Harney street car barn to an Omaha
investor. Tne building Is soon to be v.
cated by the street car company on tha
completion of the new car barn at Tenth 66 to 70 per cent of the deposits.
ana i-ierce streets. The price paid was
Mrs. C. B. Nash is the purchaser.
amount of deposits, which, under the law,
would remain in the local banks. Repre
sentative Vreeland of. New York offered
one amendment increasing to 72H per cent
the amount which should remain In the
local banks. Various other amendments
proposed the retention in local banks from
Fremont Officers Find Mint
When They Search Man
Vreeland Urges Amendment
Mr. Vreeltnd spoke at length on his
amendment and the indications were that
the discussion on this phase of the bill
would continue several hours. Mr. Oardner
vigorously defended the bill as reported.
Practically there was no change In the
bill until the ninth seotton. Representative
Snapp of Illinois wanted to Increase the
limit which an individual may deposit in
any one month from $100 to $500, but this
grief over their corn crop. It Ib claimed
that fully one-hair the seed planted has
failed to germinate and quite a number
re planting for the third time, fieed is
very Bcarce and hlh and the time to plant
so short, which makes farther testlnp Im
practical, that the farmers begin to fuel
tne liu crop will be considerable of a
CRESTON The publln schools will close
Friday for three months' vacation. Th
grade schools will hold public rhetorical
exercises and place on exhibition specimen
of the pupils' work done throughout the
year, so that parents may get some Idea
of the scope of the work done. The manual
training department and the claws in eew-
Ing by the girls under the direction of the
regular teachers are planning an elaborate
MARSH AtiLTOWN But for his em
ployer, Henry E. BundeLl, Andrew Hedge,
second cook in the SundelT restaurant, would
have been burntd to death early Wednes
day morning In a fire that partly destroyed
the kitchen of the restaurant and badly
damaged the restaurant Itself. While using
kerosene to light the fire, the can caught-
on lire, on epreao over me rioor ana be
came Ignited and In trying to put it out
Hedges' clothing caught. Ills screams for
help brought his employer, who, after try
ing Jrf? beat out the flames, dragged the
cook Into the nlK-y otid tore his clothes
off before the flames had reached IiIh body.
ROCK RAPIDS One of thn largeot
clauses ever graduating at llock Haplds will
take their diplomas from that school June
3 at tho twenty-fifth commencement. There
are eighteen in the class. Iluldah Creglow ,
will give the salutatory and Ethel HoHtlan
the valedictory address. The annual sermon ,
to the cIubh will bo given May X at the
Methodist church by Rev. J. J BiiHhnell. i
Tha class play will be given at the armory .
Monday evening, May. 30, and Rev. I'ereival '
Huget of the Central church at Galosburg,
111., will deliver the commencement addrusa. j
TYRONE In a head-on collision betwoen
two freight trains Wednesday on the Ot- i
tumwa dlviHlon of the liurllngton near hero
Engineer M. J. Canny and Fireman Wll- J
Hum Hunch, both of Ottumwa, were In-
.lured, the latter having ono of his legs
broken and the former sustaining a bad I
scalp wound. The cause of the wreck was
the failure of tha operator at Maxon, owing;
to a pressure of work, to deliver the proper
orders to the extra freight train. Six cars I
of live stock, four . of dead freight and ,
several ears of gravel were scattered over
tho tracks and blocked the right-of-way ,
for about eight hours, necessitating trains
No. 3 and No. 7 being sent around' by De .
Moines to reach Cretiton. 1
lont Km Motes.
LOGAN The Aid societies of the Chtls-
tlnn itanllot T.BIt., fta,r Solnl. 1W U I ...
and Presbyterian churches united In a bene
fit supper last evening and according to
reports $253 was received.
ESTHERVILIjE Miss Mabel Wcscott of
this city and Roy R. Peterson of Spirit
Lake were married here Thursday. They
left for Spirit Lake immediately, where Mr.
Peterson has a position with the Spirit
j-ibko neacon.
KANAWHA Mark Burd, a far mhand,
employed on the Augunt Fetter farm, was
fatally hurt when he fell upon the upturned
tines of a hay fork, which penetrated his
side six inches. The load of hay on which
he was riding, overturned.
lams t:iM'Y After an Illness ot about a
year, most or which time he was helpless,
rsainamei nnney passea away Thursday
morning. He was one of the foremost
pioneers of the city, coming here In the
early '70s. The funeral will be held Satur
day afternoon from the Preobyterlan
church, Rev, F, H. darnel officiating.
TOLEDO Leander Clark college Is mak
ing great preparations for the annual com
mencement and quadrennial celebration to
bi held June 2 to 9. The quadrennlum
closes with a graduating class excelling in
number any .that ever graduated before.
Ex-Governor Joseph Folk of Missouri, is
to deliver the commencement address.
ANITA Farmers are experiencing much
FREMONT, Neb., May 27. (Special Tele
gram.) When Deputy Sheriff W. C. Con
dlt tonight determined to make a thorough
investigation of the clothing of a prisoner
caught yesterday on a forgery charge,
he little dreamed that he would strike a
gold mine. Picking apart seam after aeam
of the clothing of J. W. Martin, who se
cured the cash on a $492 check at tha Com
mercial National bank, he was amased
when he uncovered three $1,000 bills, four
$j0t bills, and two $100 bills. Thirteen
hundred dollars had been taken from the
man when he was arrested.
The man had been taken earlier In the
day at Arlington where It Is thought he
had walked from here after making a neat
getaway with the proceeds of his game.
The bank's assistant becama suspicious
after he had parted with the goodly sura
and hunted up tha members ot the firm of
Hllllker Schllchter, horse dealers, whose
name purported to be on tha paper. Both
members said tha paper waa spurious and
then tha officers grew busy. Martin was
caught Just In the nick of time at Arling
ton wbera be was about to take a train to
leave tha slate.
wnen searched In Jail here tha large
aura on Martin for a time satisfied the
officers, who were looking for only enough
to recoup the local bank for Its loss. Dep
uty Sheriff Condit, however, the mora he
thought of tha case, the more ha waa sus
picious of tha prisoner and determined
upon" hla prospecting tour, la all $6,100 was
There la no doubt of hla Identity, as sev
eral employee of the Commerolal National
Dana saw mm wnen be asked for the
money. He had been banging about Fre
mont for about two weeks and always had
plenty of money. He pretended to be a
horse trader, though no one aver saw hint
with any horseflesh In his own possession
Ue frequently changed $- and $A0bllla at
tha bank, which later accommodated him
to the extent of $492. It is tha purpose to
look into his record closely and Informa
tion waa asked tonight of the Omaha offi
cers, aa It Is thought he has been there.
Local police nave' a report of tha case
from Fremont, but tha man's name is
given a Emery. Ha la said to have stayed
for a time at a local h,oteL
When wa sea persona with soft, smooth aMm wo know at once that their
olood is par and healthy, that tha cuttcla la being sufficiently and properly;
bonrlahad by tha circulation. But when tha blood becomes Infected with any
unhealthy humor tha effect Is shown by eruptions, bolls, pimples, or some mora
definitely marked skin, dlieaaa such as Ecfema, Acne, Tetter, etc. Humors get
Into the blood usually, because) of a sluggish condition of those members whose
duty it is to collect and carry off the waste and refuse matter of the system.
This unhealthy matter, left ia the system, sours and ferments and is soon ab
sorbed into tho circulation, filling the blood with an irritating humor. BemoT
these humors and the skin disease can not exist, because its very cause is then
destroyed. 8. S. 8. cures all humors of the blood because It is the greatest of all
blood purifiers. It cleanses the blood of every particle of unhealthy matter;
enriches the circulation snd causes it to supply healthful nourishment to all
tissues. Then the skin becomes soft and clear. Local applications can not cure-,
they can only soothe by temporarily reducing the in snmation. but the causa
remains in the circulation and the eruption will be no nearer well when the ex
ternal treatment is left off. The humors must be removed and nothing equals
B. 8. 8. for this purpose. Pur blood makes healthy skins and 8. 8. 8. makes
. pure diooo. ooo on cin Diseases free to all wlio write and request it.
House. Hotel and Office Furnishers
4iq-4Ife'413 S. 16th Street.
Specials Saturday Only
Porch Rocker or TLrm Chair .
(Like illustration) made of oak, 1
stained green and finished with
Spar varnish to 'withstand the
weather. It is very sub
stantially constructed, has
double reed seat. Rocker
regular $4,50; special for
Saturday $2.50 each. Arm
Chair, regular $4.25; spec
ial for Satur
day only at,
Crochet Bod Spreads for full sized or three-quarter bed.
White, bcautuull designs, . worth $1.05 each. f i
.......... VU
Special for Saturday, each, .
!' . ' . . ' ,'
. S ,
,.!.;,-. .
Basement Specials
House Mail Box (like cut) mado of
heavy galvanized iron, finished iu
aluminum or black neatly lettered;
has lock and fwo keys. Sell3 regu
larly for 75c; our price for A A
Saturday only UC
We will close at noon (12 o'clock)
Monday, May 30th Decoration Day,