Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 18, Image 18

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CITY rillll'ElliV ruH 1AI.F.
SIX ROOM. New, modern, hot water
beat; close In, Vttl N. 2th; lot 4oxilO; barn
6 ronm, modern except (urenn; near 24th
ml Spencer; lot 40x127; nice place for only
8 rooms, I-atrry, modern eitcept heat;
lot 60x127, at 2423 Wlit St.. $2.7(10.
Lot rftxis. 8. E. Cor. SMh Ave. and Cm,
for only f.Vi0.
617 N. T. Ufo. Tel. D. 1134.
New Cottage On
R H. Landeryou,
422 Board of Trade.
Tel. Doug. 2151. Ind. B-215L
STRICTLY modern, brand new, two-story
square house, 2506 Maple, for aale by owner.
ITIce, $3,700.
' WANTED To trade a beautiful Kansas
. City bom for Omaha property. Call Doug.
6-ROOM home on boulevard; bin corner
lot: also large barn; will sell cheap. In
quire 2419 H. 34th.
Writ a description of It, buildings,
water, near what town. Make 70 words of
ft all and aend it to The Omaha Bee with
72 centa for each Insertion. People In Ne
braska have money and want land. They
look to The Omaha Be real estate of.
feiings. And tbev get tbem la The Bee.
Read the display ad. In this Issue an
nouncing Opening Sale
First Addition to
May 2Sth.
May 30th.
You cannot afford to miss this opportunity
to buy a fine lot adjoining this growing
Induetiial suburb; bring the matter to the
attention of your friends; prices and terms
within reach of all.
200 lots 200 each.
$10 down, $2 week.
No Interest. No Taxes. Free Abstract.
Head every word of the ad. then plan
to attend the sale and you will come back
the possessor of a lot yotfr very own.
Take Ralston car from 24th & N. Sts.,
South Omaha, at a quarter past each hour.
Half hourly after 12 o'clock, noon.
! Plat, prices and particulars this office,
( or on the ground all day Saturday and
I Monday.
Shimer & Chase Co.
i General office, 809 Bo. 17th St., Omaha.
1 Both phones.
and 12 Lots
Must Be Sold
Located at 4055 Grand Ave. This bunga
low la located on the Ames Ave. car line;
lies high and sightly; has large rooms;
first-class- workmanship throughout. The
U lots are worth 13,900; this would only
leave $1,900 for the bungalow, which can
not be duplicated for less than $2,400. The
prloe for all the lota and bungalow has
been reduced to $5,800 for quick sale. Terms
of Vi cash.
It will pay you to look this over at
1614 Harney St.
$225 Down, $25 Per Mo. $2,300
l For a good T-room modern house, In best
. repair, newly painted and decorated; nice
' lot on grade, east front, concrete walks,
i close to car line and In very pretty loca
tion on north side.
Also similar bargain In 8-room house and
corner lot, south and east front. $2,800.
y $400 Cash, $60 Per Mo. $6,500
Fine double apartment of 12 rooms each,
all modern, lot 00x180 ft., east front, on
Sherman Ave., and west on 17th St., with
space for cottages, flats or apartments. An
excellent home or Investment bargain. Tou
. can occupy part of this and rent ot bal-
I ance will practically carry It.
432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Eta.
6-Room Cottage
$2,700 Lot 80x128 ft, paving paid. House
has bath, gas, sewer and water; good re
pair; high and desirable location. Easy
terms. Owner leaving town, must sell this
week. 1321 a. atn st
Ill Board of Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam.
Telephone Doug. 49; Ind. A.-2049.
Near Farnam
Eight-room, east front, full' lot, $5,200.
1003 N. T. Ufa.
Doug, or A-2152.
The finest vacant corner In the West
Farnam residence district, 102x110 feet, at
s&tn Ave. ana uuage ot., xor wdu.
zi Hoard or Trade witig.
FOR SALE Arkansas lands. 23,000 acres.
one body; depot on ground; also JU.000 first
class wnus oaa timber. s. U. Wright,
xerajyu, aiu
RIVERSIDE. Alberta's finest stock farm
cf 1.000 acres. Is for sale at a snap. For
particulars of this and other farm lands
write io tue owner, w . j. aiciNamara,
20.000 ACHES.
Located In well settled district, neap sev
eral railway lines, 26 mliea north of the
v uiivu citiM uuunusif , i ii t wt nns tern
Saskatchewan; will be sold cheap on easy
terms, in tracts to suit or In wholesale at
a very low price. Full particulars on ap.
C4 Endlcott Building, St. Paul, Minn.
ROUTT county, Colorado: bargains Id
ranches and relinquishments, homesteads,
water rights. KM a. rol.. $oi0; a good 1 tie-
acre ranch, plenty ot. water. U.200. Writ
Free horr estead. relinquishments Of Im
proved hnninsieau. cheap deeded lands,
fruit and garden tracts.
56,000 acres at ege of Denver, coming
under Irrigation. Colorado's Irrigated land
yields U to $700 per acre. Easy payments
Oct a cheap, good home la sunny Colo
rado. White for literature.
410 Empire Bldg., Denver. Colo.
Here In an upurtunity; seize It; dissolving
a pai tncrsriip; 5u0 acres, all fenced, of
which 2W) acres are cultivated; very richest
soil; loo acres more can be cultivated; S
acres of that rich timothy meadow, with
numerous springs; 25 acres In finest grow
ing grain ami potato crops; excellent home
buildings, with largest Al barn, worth $4,000
alone; the finest saw, tie and post timber,
worth i,aOu easy; all implements, tools,
etc.; locution unsurpassable; 2 hours from
Denver, t miles to tailroad; this place is
a sacrifice and must be hold; price $.s,500.
only $4,ouo down, balance a years at 1 per
cent; Immediate possession; unusual sacri
fice. Charles F. Leimer, 1033 Champa,
Denver, Colo.
CHOICE relinquishment on Crow creek,
near new town of Ullggsdale; 100 acres,
finest soil, smooth land, 140 acres ready
for corn; deeded land adjoining held at t.'O
to an acre; relinquishments samo kind
land In adjoining section sold recently at
(lo acre; possible to irrigate; to sell before
May 25, offer at $450. Owner leaving Colo
rado. W. W. Lorimer. Grovcr. Colo.
Near Deer Trail, Coin., in the heart ot
the rain belt, shallow water, fine soil. Also
deeded lands, town lots. Deer Trail Is the
coming town of Colorado, 60 miles (ant of
Denver. Farming land in this vicinity pro
duces better crops than u0 to I I'M) lands
In the east. Its up to you. Write us
today, ask questions. The Deer Trail Realty
Co., Deer Trail, Colo.
FOR SALE 80 acres fine farm land In
Weld county, Colorado; price 11,000; terms,
$200 cash, balance on 8 years' time at 6
per cent. This Is a big snap. Stanley M.
Barrows, 1541 Champa St., Denver, Coio.
LARGE stock rancl, for sale at a bar
gain; no trade considered. Wrlk or call
on A. G. Putnam, Elbert, Colo.
FOR SALE Best Indiana bargain; 240
acres Cass county, Indiana, 4 miles from
Royal Center; 170 acres level, deep black
soil, well ditched; balance Umber, well set
In bluegrass; large 10-room brick residence,
modern; all outhouses; barn poor; two
acres orchard; two deep wetis; near school
and church: telephone and daily mall; very
desirable place; for short time only 72 per
acre. Box 00, Kokomo, Ind.
FOR SALE 86 acres first class farm
land; located lVi miles from city limits of
South Bend; no trade considered. Address
Happ & Taggart, South Bend, Ind.
HAVE short option on 10.000 acres of the
most fertile land In Mexico; will raise corn,
sugar cane, rice, oranges, nearly every
thing; river flowing through property for
five miles; double In value shortly; will
bear closest Investigation; want party to
furnish half of purchase money. Address
H. N. Nichols, um Marquette Bldg., Chi
cago. Michigan.
FOR SALE Michigan farms. No. L 20
acres, cleared; small house and barn; some
fruit; near town; fine fruit land; $1,000.
No. 2, 40 acres, cleared; good house and
barn; plenty of fruit; level, good soil; $1,260.
Mo. a, zoo acres, rich loam sow; level; 4
miles Muskegon, city 35,000; $12 per acre; $1
per acre down, balance easy terms.
iso. t, vxs acres; ciearea; good build
ings; fine lake front; 150 acres beech and
maple timber; $20 acre, others, catalogue
and list free. The Evans-Holt Co., ro-
mont, alien.
FOR SALE 80 acres oa lake: 100 rods of
lake frontage) this lies In sight of a beau
tiful village; lake has fine sandy shores,
affords fine fishing, bathing; 20 acres Um
ber land; Is good for all kinds of grain
as well as fruit: this lays on two main
roads, it. t: v., telephone line; $1,200, $500
down; m acres in uie edge or a village;
6-room cottage, large barn, outbuildings,
apple orchard of large, bearing trees; soil
Is a dark loam and a sandy loam, good
for all kinds of crops as well as fruit;
$1,700, $200 down.
GEO. bridges. Banger, Mich.
FOR SALE Perfectly eoulrjrjed noultrv
farm. 20 acres: sure crop: not affect hv
frost, flood or drought; successful business
6 years; finest Chicago trade; Investigate
details; 111 health. E. H. Wets, South
Haven, Mien.
FOR SALE Just on the Market and Will
Sell at a Bargain A fine Michigan fruit
ana general purpose iarm oi 48 acres; lo
cated near Fennvtlle. In the heart of west
ern Allegan county fruit belt; only 60 rods
from the Pere Marquette Ry. station: store.
postofflce, church and fine school; best of
soil; large orchard, good buildings, pure
water, etc; price only I3,miu; nan down,
balance to suit . For particulars address
W. E. Stedman, Fennvllle, Mich.
Better land values can be had in Minne
sota today than In any other section of
the country. Farmers are flocking here as
never before.
We wish to form connections with com
petent and reliable men to handle propo
sitions that will make big profits and sat
isfy your clients. Things moving fast. Let
us get into communication at once concern
ing both- our wholesale and retail propo
sitions, iv e nave tne ianas, nave naa years
of experience and can deliver the goods.
FOR SALE 200 acres good land: good
country, good neighbors; la acres rough
In timber, balance rolling to level; 28 acres
timothy, 16 clover, 20 pasture, 20 hog pas
ture, 65 corn, 20 oats; 6-room house and
tenant house, shed barn, granury (1,000
bu.), g other outbuildings; never failing
water; land advancing $10 a year; tele
phone, K, F. D.; $00 per acre, or will price
stock, crops, and give possession; 40 miles
from Kansas City, 6 miles Odessa, on C. &
a. it, it- j. w. uray, Odessa, Mo.
FOR SALE A good ten acres: bulldlnas:
some fruit; 8 miles south of SL Joseph.
Price $1,700.
80 acres, grain land; good buildings, well
and windmill. Price $4,000. .
10 acres, close to lnterurban station: arood
buildings; partly fruited. Price $2,500.
is acres directly on the lnterurban rail
way, 3Vi miles from St Joseph; good build
ings, good soil, well fruited. Price $7,000.
Natural timber land lying directly on the
banks of St. Joseph river. Just across the
road from lnterurban station. Will sell In
parcels to suit purchaser. This is a fine
place for summer. Schuli et, Plxley, bt
Joseph, Alien.
FOR SALE 10. 20 or 30 acres choice fruit
land in Bitter Root Valley, Montana; under
len;e: it acres orcnard: it. ti. v. L Co.
water right; house, barn, tee house, other
buildings; attractive prices. Address Cbas.
A, Carney, Corvallls, Mont.
4&0 acres, well improved, all smooth, rich
Best Farm Bargain in the State
land, 200 acre farm land, balance excellent
hay meadow. Cuts 400 tone. $30 an acre
for quick sale.
Board of Trade Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
Best 200 acre farm In Dodge county. Ne
braska. Modern Improvements; valued at
lu.ouo.uo. House naa twelve rooms, two
stories and basement; sewer, water, bath
rooms, telephones, and register dial for
each room, and furnace, and also four fire
places. There Is an artesian well, with a
water now ot l.ouo gallons per minute.
Best fence In state on the farm. Will sell
all or sub divide. Have option for one
week. Price leas than $100 per acre. Wire
or write at ouca, Ueorge iiconer, Fre
mont, tsto.
$4,000 will buy H section of land I mile
south or uenaeiraan. county seat or Lwnay,
rood soil, level riaa and close to water.
Box Aiwa, Neb. Owner.
When you want w-nat you want when
you want It, and want It In a hurry, ad'
vertlse (or tt In The Boa,
North Dakota.
If you want to buy good, smooth,
tillable land for your own use or as an
Investment, go with us to North Dnkota on
the next excursion, June 7. We-are closing
out 3,200 acres In quarter and halt sections
for Omaha men at from $10.50 to $1H.00 per
acre, close to main lino of Northern .Pacific
R. It. In a neighborhood where lands of
the same quality are retailing from $15 to
$25 per acre. One-fifth of this tract was
sold as a result ot our first trip. If you
want advantage of these cheap prices,
don't delay. These, lands are not only fine
for wheat, oats and flax, but every vege
table raised In Nebraska Is grown success
fully there. Corn makes a fair crop; al
falfa Is getting a good start and Is a sure
winner. Let us show you photographs In
our office.
The land Is underlaid with coal, and
mines are being worked within a mile ot It,
which Is a great advantage to the farmers
and adds to Its value, but nothing Is added
to the price on that account. This land
Is certain to make a big advance before
Go with us June 7. Ronnd trip rate from
Omaha $25. All of your expenses paid If
you buy.
J. H. Dumont & Son,
1605 Farnam St., Omaha.
25.000 ACRES choice North Dakota farm
lands for sale; any size tracts. Write for
booklet with full description. ALFALFA
VALLEY LAND CO., Towner, N. D.
FOR SALE A number of very good Im
proved grain farms; rich black loam soil,
clay subsoil; well adapted for raising
wheat, flax, oats and alfalfa, II. N. Tucker,
Courtenay, N. D.
FOR SALE Section of fine Dickey county,
North Dakota, land four miles from mar
ket; one-half under cultivation and now in
crop, balance now being broken up' and
will be seeded to flax; share of crop goes
to purchaser; owner must sell at once;
price low and terms reasonable, the biggest
snap on the market In Dakota land. Write
or call on Vouker & Perry, Ellendale,
N. D.
DETAILED Information rurnlshe con
cerning Oregon and Washington. I am con
stantly traveling through both states -
amlng fruit and farm land Investments.
Write me. W. G. Souther, The Souther
Albertson Co., 286 Oak St, Portland, Ore.
FOR SALE 140 acres of land, 2 miles
from Eagle river, Vilas county, Wisconsin;
7 acres plowed; one-half mile lake frontage;
on town road; 250 rods of fence; cheap and
on easy terms. Write Grant Law ton,
Antigo. Wis.
FOR BARGAINS In timber tracts and
cut-over lands, better write us today;
nothing better In the country. Grimmer
Land Co.. Marinette. Wis.
To the homaeeker or Investor: Why not in
vest In Marathon county improved farm ami
cut-over lands? Healthful climate, produc
tive soil and best ot market. Our cut
over lands can be bought from $10 to $20
fier acre; $3 down on an acre and balance
n yearly payments. Write us now for
particulars. Make known your wants. Ad
dress The Edgar Realty Co., Edgar, Wis.
South Dakota.
FOR SALE 160-acre farm, H under culti
vation; located 3ft miles from good town on
M. & St. L. Ry., in Walworth county, S. D.
Price $3,0uu; terms. Only reason for selling
have located In the south. B. H. Bundy,
Houston, Texas. 809 Chronicle Bldg.
COME to Walworth county In the
famous Blue Blanket valley, where you
can buy the finest land In South Dakota
at prices worth the money not boom
prices. Several thousand acres to select
from on main line C, M. & St. P. road
from Chicago to the Pacific coast. Act
quick. Prices are going higher every day.
Write for booklet and map. W. B. Myler,
Seiby. b. D.
FOR SALE Altolma stopk farm; 16,000
acres In one body, 30 m.rek of AuBtln, 6
miles of Leander, eight good residences,
eight farms, plenty of grass and water;
100,000 cords of wood on land and good
roads; $6 per acre, one-third cash. Other
large tracts at all prices. Box 664, Wln
terset la.
You are missing the best opportunities In
the United States today If you don't get In
touch with the bargains In the Texas rain
belt (Houston District). Next fall and
winter will be a record-breaker In the sale
of these lands. We have the choicest list
of these bargains from $5 to $16 per acre,
in all sited tracts from 200 to 25,000 acres.
Send for our list free. Address W. P.
ROSS & CO., First National Bank Bldg.,
nousion, Texas.
$250 WILL secure option on 1.000 acres for
60 days. The biggest bargain in Texas
(rain belt). Only $8 per acre. Greatest
activity In property adjoining this, where
large tract will be developed and sold this
fall at $20 to $30 per acre. This 1,000 can
be turned at same prices. Best opportunity
of the year for agent or buyer to make
handsome profit on small amount cash.
Apply to owners for fullest particulars.
C. S. Treadwell, 107 Dearborn St. Cochran
& McCluenjLand Co., Chicago, 111.
FINE bearing peach orchard; Texas fruit
belt; trade Nebraska. U. P. Stebbins.
810 PER ACRE and up buys good farm
lands, frequently wun improvements, in
Virginia. Fine climate, .water, markets and
society. Send for beautiful Illustrated
DamDhlet. farm lists, rates, etc. F. H.
Labaume, A. & I. Agent, N. & W. Ry., Box
110, Roanoke, va.
In western Nebraska and Colorado. Writ
for prices.
Sidney, Neb.
HOMESTEAD and high-class cheap
lands. We can locate you on 320 acres of
excellent homestead land in Oregon, wash
Inalcn. Montana or Canada. We can sell
you good wheat or fruit land at from $0
per acre up, with terms. Acme Homestead
and Realty Co., Room 8, Sherwood Bldg.,
510 Riverside Ave.. Bponane vvasa.
GARVIN BROS., Sd floor N. Y. Life. $500
to $100,009 on improved property, 3 delay.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W,
Farnam Bmlth it Co., 1220 Farnam St,
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co,
$100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead.
Wead Bldg.. Mia ana rarnaui.
$500 to $5,000 on homes la Omaha. O'Keete
Real Estate Co.. 1003 N. Y. Ufa, Douglas
or A-21&2.
to loan on
Omaha business property.
Room L New York Life Bldg.
LOANS to borne owners and home build'
era, with privilege of maalug partial pay
ments aeoit-aiiuuauy.
W. 11. THOMAS.
(OS First National Uauk Bldg.
LOWEST RATES Bemla. Brandela Bldg.
FIVE PER CENT BONDS for sale, la
amounts from i20 to 15.000: we cash then
any time. American bale Deposit Vaults,
lis B. mn. nee flag.
t, and T-room houses. If prices are right
we can sen your property tur jruu.
Suite 62 N. T. Life Bidg
A REAL treasure house where you'll find
a pleasing variety ot appropriate gift giv
ing tnings. visit us ua see uispiay.
cobaon At Furen Co., I-io4 N St., So. Omaha,
YOU won't find a better store for mlllln
ery than the Ryan, where satisfaction is
assured. ti No. 24ta St, South Omaha.
The old reliable family LIQUOR dealer.
N. E. Cor. 26th and N. Sts.
CONFECTIONERY that pleases every
body can be had at the
Novelty Store.
No. 24th St., South Omaha.
WANTED A good auto In exchange for
farm land or good Income town property.
Write and describe what you have, with
exchange price. Address Y 274, care Bee.
NINE rooms, strictly modern; large lot;
new; clear. Price, $7,000. Trade for land.
PLEASE give full description in first let
ter. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N.
Y. Life Bldg., Red 19SI9.
Two-story, brick buslne;i block, two
stores, rooming house and basement all
rented. Price, $20,000. Will trade for land.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999.
WE HAVE $3,000 of an equity In a fine
section of land nine miles from Lodge
Pole, Neb., that we will trade for the same
amount of Income residence property clear
of all Incumbrance. Price of land is lU.iJ
per acre. It will take $2,500 ensh besides to
handle this and there Is $2,500 can run
three years. Tate & Barlow. Lodge Pole,
Three-story brick, business building, well
rented, clear. Trade for good land.
624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999.
rich, black soil; 135 acres smooth and till
able. No Improvements. About 8 miles
from McCook. Neb. $4,000. Want
clear Omaha residence.
We have some choice eastern Colorado
lands at from $7 to $10 per acre; worth
50 per cent more money now and will soon
diuble in value.
338-39 Paxton Block. Omaha, Neb.
WILL EXCHANGE new 4-cyllnder tour
ing car, best make, $1,3."0, for city vacant
or residence property; will assume some ln
debtednesa. Tel. Douglas 67H8.
MISFIT tallorr.d sults-J35 and $40 values
at $15. See A. Rubensteln, 211ft S. 14th St,
Martin & Rubin, K. 21 old U. 8. Bk. Bldg.
YOU can't be a well dressed man by
wearing Inferior ciothes. Ed. Thlel, Fine
Tailoring, 719 So. 16th St.
WE sell our leather goods on the merit
of the quality, and are satisfied to sell on
close margin, allowing but one profit.
Alfred Cornish & Son., 1210 Farnam.
WANTED TO BORROW 1400 or 1600 for
1 year. Will pay 10 per cent Interest Ad
dress. H-676. Baa.
BEST PRICE paid for second-hand
furniture, carpets, clothing and shoes.
Phone Douglas 397L
r.r telephone Douglas 1660. METROPOLI
TAN FEATHER CO., 803 N. 20th.
Best Prices for broken WATPHira
Old Gold. etc. NATHAN, 211 So. 13th St
I WANT to buy a 5-room cottaea not
more than $2,500; not colored district, and
ran pay cash for satisfactory rjronertv. w
619, Be
WANTED to rent, from October first
by responsible party no children modern
nouse in west rarnam or Field club dis
trict, with at least four bed rooms, not
Including maid's rooms. Address H
Care Bee.
We Are Getting Numerous Calls
For Houses of All Sixes. List With Ua
(24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone Red Mi.
EXPERIENCED steno., gen. office assist
ant, capable of taking charge of office or
dept ddress Q, Bee office, Council Bluffs.
YOUNG man. well acquainted In city.
experienced, clean cut, wants position:
collector or typist; correspondent; refer
ences from foremost political men In Neb.;
campaigns; anytning. in til. tsee.
A' YOUNG man who has had ten years'
experience as a carpenter foreman and as
sistant superintendent, who is thoroughly
versed In all building trades, wants a posi
tion with a good, reputable firm. G 609, Bee.
STENOGRAPHER. 9 years' N. Y. City
office experience, open for position; capable
of taking charge of department Address
M, Bee office, Council Bluffs,
FORT MEADE, 8. D., MAI 2, 1910,
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived here until 10 a, m., Mountain time,
June 1, 1910, for constructing Concrete
Dam and clearing reservoir site, in con
nection with Fort Meade, 8. D., water
system. Plans and specifications may be
seen at offices ot Chief Quartermaster, De
partment oi tne Missouri, omana, NeX;
UaDartment of the Colorado, Denver. Colo.:
Department of the Lakes, Chicago, 111.;
Department, of Dakota, (it Paul, Minn.,
and this office, at which latter place ad
information may be obtained on aDDlici-
tlon. A deposit of $10, to insure return, is
required before plans are sent on Indivldjal
application, envelopes containing proposals
should be endorsed "Proposals for Dam
and addressed to constructing yuarter
master. M6-7-9-10-27-2S
Fort Mackensie, Wyoming, May u, iio.
Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re
ceived here until 1 P. rn.. mountain time.
June 1st 1910, for remodeling tne street
lighting system and building a suD-station
at this post Plans a no speculations oa
file at office of the Chief Quartermaster,
Department of the Colorado, Denver, Colo.:
Chief Quartermaster, Department of the
Missouri, omana, iseor., ana tne uuuaers
Exchange, St. Paul, Minn., or same may
be obtained from this of floe upon the da
porlt of $5 to Insure their safe return.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
indorsed "Proposals for Electrical Work"
and addressed to the Constructing Quarter
n-aster, Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming.
M 16-17-14-19-27-2$
Office, Fort Des Moines, la, May 3, 1910.
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re
ceived here until 3 p. nr., standard time,
June 8, 1910, and then opened for the In
stallation of a Steam Heating Plant In the
Hospital at Fort Des Moines, la Blank
forms, plans, specifications and full Infor
mation obtained at this office. A deposit
of 15 required for each set of plans. En
velopes containing proposals should be in
dorsed "Proposals for Steam Heating Plant
for Post Hospital" and addressed Con
structing Quartermaster, Fort Des Moines,
la M6-7--S-31Jl
Omaha, Neb., May 23. 1910. Sealed pro
posala. In triplicate, will be received here
until 11 a m., June 13, 1910, and then pub
licly opered for Installing Steam Heating
Plant In Commissary Storehouse at
Omaha Depot Information furnished on
application. U. S. reserves right to reject or
accept ail proposals or any part thereof.
Envelopes containing proposals should be
Indorsed "Proposals for Installing Steam
Heating Plant In Commissary Storehouse at
Omaha Depot." and addressed to Captain
F. C. Bolles, Q. M. . M24-2S-28-J7-8-U
t It. 000 Tea Twla-em Passenger Imstii
Direct M
Kcrwiy. Sweden id Deimarlt
Okii It Jun. l H.III OUT July I
C. r. TUtan....Juns 14i Oscar II Juljr II
t'nlud Iuim Jun a linlud Stat Aug 4
All lUimati MQOlpped tmh Wireless.
strai cssJo. tit apw&ro , hcw4 aMa. . a. k
JOUMIOa CO.. lat Wt ginii at, Chicago
bit 10 lAKiAa auaMTa,
proposals will be received by the city
clerk of the city of O'Neill, Nebraska,
until eight 8) o'clock p. m. on Tuesday,
the 14th day of june, 1910, for furnishing
material and constructing a complete San
itary hewer System for the city of O'Neill,
Nebraska, In accordance with the plans
and specifications on file In the office ot
the city clerk, O'Neill, Nebraska, and In
the o.'flce of the engineers, Omaha, Ne
braska. Estimated cost $11,500.00.
Each bid to be accompanied by a certi
fied check of five hundred t$!00.00) dollar.
Anyone desiring a set of plans and
specifications for personal use may ob
tain the same by application to the enai-
neers and a payment of five ($5.00 per set.
The city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
O. F. BIGLIN. Mayor.
H. J. HAMMOn'D. City Clerk.
CO.. Englneeis, 640 . Bee Bldg., Omaha,
Nebraska. M25-d-7t
VXION ITATION Teatk aad Maaoa.
L'nloa Pacific Leave Arrive
Pan Fran. Ov'rl'd Ltd. :15 a. rn. 11:30 p. m.
Chi. & Pap F at Mall. 4:10 p. m. 1:45 p. rn,
Atlantic Express 1:45 a. m.
Oregon Express 4:00 p. m. (:39 p. m.
Oregon-Wash. Ltd 13:40 p. tn. 1:40 p. m.
Denver (Special 6:47 a. m. 12.30 a. m.
Colorado Special 11.4s p. m. 7:43 a. m.
Colorado Express .... 2.50 p. m. :00 p. m.
North Platte local.... s IS a. m. 4:45 p. m.
Grand Island Local... 6:2a p. m. 10:30 a. m.
Lincoln-Beat. Local. ..12:41 p. m. 1:20 p. m.
Val. & Cen. City Lei. .11:41 p. m. 1:30 p. m,
Chicago A Northwestern.
Omaha Express a 7:00 am all: ant
Chicago Local al2:0o pin a 3:2s pin
t oluiado-Cnicago a 6:2o urn a 1:2& ora
Chicago Special a 6:00 pin a 7:fc5 am
Paclflo Coast-Chicago.. a 6:00 pra a 1:2s pro
Los Angeles Limited. ...a :io pm all:20 pra
Overland Limited all :4a pin a 7:46 ant
Denver Special al.40 am a 1:32 am
Carroll Local a 4.10 pin a 1:50 am
Fast Mall a 1:1s pm
Twin City Express a 7:50 am al0:20 pra
Sioux City Local a 3 8 pm a 1.21 pra
Minn. 4c Dakota l 7;w pra a 1:16 am
Twiu City Limited. ..... .a 1:03 piu a 7:30 aui
Lincoln-Chadron a 7:50 am a 11.00 am
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:60 am al0:4t pra
Long Pine-So. Platte. ..o 2:15 cm a 6:20 om
Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm b 6:20 om
Deadwood-Hot bpgs a I:5 pm a iM pm
Casper-Lander a 1:65 pm ail:00 am
reuioni-Aiuiuu 11 i.w iiu u i. put
Mlsaoarl Pacific
K. C. & Bt L. Ex a :40 am a f : ant
K. C. St, U Ex. (lv
Sat 13 p. m. all:15 pm a 1:30 pm
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a 7:00 am a 1:46 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:46 am
Minn.-St Paul Kxj. b 7:00 am
Minn.-St Paul Ltd a 1:00 pin a 7:45 am
Omaha-Ft Dodge L00..0 t:l pin bll:ll am
tawsie, Uuck Island & Paclflo
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 1.40 am alO.SO pm
Iowa Local a 4:8 pm
Chicago Day Express.. a 1:68 am
Des Moinea Local a :oO pm all:SO pm
Iowa Local t10:36 am b t:5e pm
Chicago-Eastern Rxp...a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. a s.oe put a 1:04 am
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln a 1:25 am a 6:47 pm
Colo, and CaL Exp a 1:26 pm a 4:30 pm
Okla. and Texas Exp... a 1:10 pm a 1:50 pm
Rocky Mountain Ltd...alo.40 pm a 1:15 am
Omaha-St Louis Ex.. ..a 6:30 pm a 1:25 am
Mail and Express a 7:30 am all .16 pm
btanberry Local (from
Council Bluffs b 6:00 pm am
Chicago, Milwaukee Jt ut. Paal
Overland Limited all:4t pm a 1:00 am
Omaha-CUcago Ex a 7.14 am a :30 am
Colorado bpecial a 7:o aui all: nm
Colo. -calif 01 nla Ex a :uo piu a i:ii pm
rirry-wuMuia wuw ..... w yui
cklcago Great W eat era
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm
Iwin City Limited a k.0 piu a l:0u am
Chicago iixpiaa a l:o pm
iwin City .uoti-reaa a l:uo aw a :ou ya
BURLINGTON ilalluA Tenth aad
B nrllncton
Leave. Arrive.
Denver and California.. 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm
puget Bound Express.. .a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm
Nehiaska point a 1 20 am a 6:10 pm
Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pra
Northwest Express all:26 pm a 7:00 am
Nebraska points.., a 1:20 am a 1:10 pm
Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pm al2 :15 pm
Nebraska Express a 9:11 am a 1:10 pm
Lincoln Local... b 1:0$ am
Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:5o pm
Echuyltr-Plattsmouth....b 1:05 pm bl0:20ara
plattsmouth-lowa a 9:11 am a 1:59 rim
Bellevue-Plattt incuil alii :30 pm u 2:40 pm
Colorado Limited all:26 pm a 7:00 am
Chicago Special a 715 am all:06pm
Chicago Express a 4:20 pm a 1:66 Pm
Chicago at Express.. a 6 20 pra a 8:00 am
Iowa Local a 9:16 am al0:30am
Creston-lowa Local a 1:30 pra al0:30am
St Loula Expreaa a 4:30 pra all:4aam
K. C. tnd St Joseph.. .. al0:46 pm a 6:46 am
K. C. and St Joseph. ...a 9:16 am a 6:10 pm
K. C. aid St Joseph.. ..a 4:30 pm
lllaaourl Paclfla
Leave. Arrive.
Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bl2 :10 pm
Chicago, Bt. Paul, Minneapolis at
Sioux City Express b 1:00 pm b 11:45 am
Omaha Local c 1:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger o 1:20 pm
Twin City Passenger.. ..b 1:30 ara
Bloux City Local o 1:85 am
Emerson Local b 6:65 pm b 9:10 am
Railway Mail
Clerks Declare
For Safeguards
Men on Trains Want Better Protec
tion Against Danger and for
Registered Matter.
KANSAS CITY, May 27.-That the pres
ent system of keeping a record of the move
ment of registered mail affords no pro
tection to the railway mall clerks was de
clared by E. D. Bartlett of the registered
mall department of Washington In an ad
dress to the railway mall clerks' national
convention here tonight
'I know of a ease where a clerk was
unjustly accused of stealing $5,000 In a reg
istered package," said Mr. Bartlett "It
later developed that a postmaster had got
the money, but as he was not forced to
sign a receipt for it blame for the disap
pearance ot the money did not fall upon
Mr. Bartlett insisted that the system ot
registering mall should be remodeled.
Resolutions which will be sent to con
gress were adopted by the convention,
asking that increase In salary be given
the clerks annually; that railroads be pro
hibited from placing wooden mall cart
between the tenders and steel coaches; that
clerks who are disabled be given full pay
during the first year of their disability and
half pay during the second year.
The convention will close tomorrow.
Syracuse Is the only applicant for the next
Mlsa Sarah Peck of . College View
Martyr for Prerogative Census
Law Would Break.
LINCOLN, May 77. Mlsa Barah E. Peck,
a member of the faculty of Union college,
near Lincoln, who was Indicted by the
federal grand jury on the charge that she
bad wilfully refused to give her age lo
th, census enumerator or to answer aura
tlons as to whether she had been married
or divorced, waa today fined by United
Statea Dlatrlot Judge Munger $10, after she
had entered her voluntary appearance. Her
age has not yet been made public. .
Captain Peter Powers Insists He is
Still Officer.
Flnda Oat Later Man llaa Valid
I.lcene Qneenan Gets Judg
ment Against Street Car
Captain Peter Powers of the South
South Omaha police department, as he still
maintains. Arrested B. Treanor yesterday
on the charge of peddling without a license.
When the officer made the arrest he found
that the man had a license for the year
1900-10 signed by F. H. Good, the new city
clerk. He thought the license waa a fraud,
because the year was so near gone and he
supposed any license for that year would
have been signed by the former city clerk,
J. J. GHlln. It was found upon Investiga
tion that the license was regular and had
been Issued by the present city clerk. May 25,
covering the balance of the year closing
June 30.
Peter Powers has been notified by the
Board of Fire and Police commissioners
that he Is no longer a member of the de
partment, but he maintains that he has
never been regularly removed. Tho new
board dismissed him summarily as It did
Paul Anderson. Ho demands that he be given
a regular trial before the board and that
unless charges are filed and proven he Is
entitled to serve tho city and to draw his
He has reported for duty at the South
Omaha police department and Intends to
maintain his contention. In the arrest of
B. Treanor, he maintained he waa in line
with his duties as an officer.
Winters and Murphy Join.
S. L. Winters and H. C. Murphy, the op
posing candidates for the office of city
attorney In the recent municipal election
have united under the firm name of Mur
phy A Winters and will have a suite of
rooms at the Murphy block. II. C. Murphy
after defeating Winters in the race ap
pointed his democratic opponent assistant
city attorney. This act caused a great deal
of comment at the time, mostly complimen
tary as showing a spirit of generosity. The
new firm will have charge of practically
all of Vie business of the city in legal mat
ters. The firm will also have considerable
private practice.
Decker In Default.
J. M. Decker, advance agent for the
"American Girls" dramatic company, which
Is to show ln South Omaha In the near
future, Is said to have spent all the ex
pense money advanced to him to support
himself and two assistants until the ar
rival of the troupe. His companions have
caused his arrest on the charge of em
bezzling $35. ;
Queenan Get Judgment.
W. H. Queenan secured Judgment Thurs
day afternoon In P. C. Caldwell's court
against the Omaha & Council "Bluffs
Street Railway company for $200 damages
for the loss of a horse which was Injured
on the tracks of the company by stepping
Into a hole which was said to have been
caused by the neglect of the company in
making repairs along Its tracks. The com
pany gave notice of appeal.
Country Club Affairs.
The regular weekly dance of the South
Omaha Country club was patronized by a
fair crowd last night tn spite of the cool
weather and threatened rain. Before the
dance several private dinner parties en
Joyed the luxury of the cafe. Those' who
gave parties were: E. O. Smith, three; H.
L. Mallo, four; Floyd Sherwood, two; Cora
Holmes, two; R, Montague, two; Floyd
Finch, two; D. Plnnell, two; E. Russell,
seven, and A. J. Radzuwelt, four.
Fire In Waste Paper.
A fire In a waste paper box In front of
Fred Heffllnger'a saloon at Thirtieth and
Q streets caused the fire department a run
last night at 8 o'clock. The damage done
was nothing so far as value Is concerned.
Mr. Heffllnger raised the Inquiry, "What
are these paper boxes good for, anyhow?"
He gave the answer that he thought they
were mostly a means of advertising. He
said he would ask that the box be moved
across the street away from his premises.
Magic City Gossip.
John Ulrich was arrested yesterday on
the charge of stealing a dog.
Dr. Andrew English. 823 North Twenty-
eight, reports the birth of a son.
S. Oslmo. 608 North Twenty-fourth street
a Japanese subject reports the birth of a
'PHONE SOUTH 868 for a case of JET-
TER'S GOLD TOP. Prompt dollvery to
any part of city. William Jetter.
The Presbyterian Finance commltteo met
last evening at tho offices of G. H.
American Federation of Labor No. U12.
will meet tonight at 2620 Q street to dis
cuss business of importance.
Washakie Haymakers' Association No. 39
will meet Friday at 1 p. m. at 326 North
Twenty-fifth street to elect officers.
Notice I will not be responsible for any
debt hereafter contracted by my wire, Mary
inoraeson. ihumao i tiuitutisuw.
The South Omaha Commercial club met
at noon yesterday at the Haverly hotel.
A business session was held afterward.
The Shamrock Athletic' club met last
night to further the plans for the mid
summer carnival, to be held June 13 and
the week following.
R. M. Laverty of the South Omaha
Country club played the low score of the
season by making tne course in forty-ono
for the nine holes yesterday afternoon.
The bogy is forty.
The Nebraska Shoe and Clothing House.
South Omaha, Saturday, May 28, places on
sale The Regent Shoe Co. stock at about
one-half price. $3.60 and $4.00 shoes and
Oxfords, In all styles In 'leather, patent,
veiour can. box can, vici kid,
tans and the new Sau-tare brown. Your
choice of the lot Saturday for $2.45. About
450 men's and young men's strictly hand
tailored suits, In all the new styles and
patterns, fancy worsteds, cassemere velours
and plain blue serges, both single and
double-breasted models, $16.00 and $18.00
values, Saturday your choice of the lot for
Say Guggenheim
Named Officials
Men Removed from Posts in Alaska
Assert Recent Appointments
Were "Controlled."
WASHINGTON, May 2S. Protesting
against the confirmation by the senate of
the president's nomination of H. L, Faulk
ner and John Rustgard to be United States
marshal and district attorney, respectively,
at Juneau, Alaska, Daniel A. Sutherland
and John J. Boyce, who were supplanted in
those offices by the nominees, today told
the subcommittee .of the senate judiciary
committee that both Faulkner and Rust
gard owed their appointments and they
themselves owed their removal to the Gug
genheim Interests and politicians alleged to
be friendly to those Interests.
Although Senators Nelson, Borah and
Overman, who constitute the subcommittee,
are said to wish open hearing, the rules of
the senate require that all proceedings
relating to the confirmation of appoint
ments roust be conducted in executive ses
sion. Hence the sensational charges made
before the subcommittee thus far have
imply "leaked" from the committee room.
Lobingicr for 4
of Trial by Jury
Judge of Philippine Court at Manila
Declares in Favor of Hearing
by Men on Bench.
Charles L. Loblngier, JjtdgO of Ihe
court of first Instance in Manila, P. I., and
official delegate of tho Islands to tho Inter
national Congress ot Administrative
Sciences, which Is to be held In Brussels
during the International world's cxposrki.
Is In Omaha while enrouto to attend uio
congress. He was formerly an Omaha law
yer. In speaking of the differences between
the methods of Judicial proceduro In Amer
ica and the Philippines, ho said: "The most
notable difference In the two systems Is
that In the Philippines we have no Juries.
I am familiar with both systems and can
truthfully say that I feci that no Jury sys
tem is an improvement" over our system.
Men who are trained to listen to evidence
and to determine its weight such as the a
men on the bench, ought in reason to arrive
at more Just decisions than men who per
haps were never in a court room before the
time they aro called to sit upon a Jury.
Moreover, In the Philippines a Jury system
could not be adopted with any satisfaction,
as we have not the material to maHe com
petent Jurors."
Judge Loblngier was born In Illinois and
went to Hebron. Neb., when a boy, having
been graduated from the Hebrou High
school. Like many other well known men,
he taught a country school for three years.
He attended the University of Nebraska
and received more degrees than any other
graduate from that institution. He was
admitted to the bar In 1890 and practiced
law in Omaha for twelve years. He wag
for three years a professor In the state
university and was a member of the Ne
braska Supreme Court commission. Aside
from his Judicial work he has written many
valuable works connected with law and
sound Jurisprudence and has a national
His court In the Philippines corresponds
to a United States district court In this
country, and he received his appointment
to represent the islands at the congress to
be held In Brussels from W. Cameron
Forbes, the governor general of the Islands.
He arrived in Omaha Wednesday and wi'.l
remain here a few days, visiting friends and
old acquaintances, before leaving for Ne..
York, where he will sail for Brussela k.
his official errand.
"Legal matters are dispatched much mum
quickly," said Judge Loblngier, "under
American rule than they were under the
old Spanish government There Is not so
much ceremony as formerly, but more is
accomplished In a much quicker spaco of
time. The Americans are taking hold of
the business at hand and are masters of
the situation. Things are done in the open
and If mistakes are made everyono knows
about them, whereas the old policy was to
hide all errors, and many things were dona
tn secret."
Conscience Makes
Convict Confess
Burden of Guilt Compels Escaped
Man to Give Up to
PASADENA, Cal., May 27.-Allen N
Smith is in the Pasadena Jail, at his own
request, awaiting word from St Cloud,
Minn., for confirmation of his confession
that he is an escaped convict.
Smith declares that he was convicted ot
grand larceny six years ago and sent tn
the Minnesota State reformatory fof
twenty-five years. After serving six months
he escaped and came to California, he sold.
Here the burden of guilt and the qualtri
of conscience became more than lie coultl
Presbyteilun General Assembly to
A wait Decision In Strcn-Flich-Black
ATLANTIC CITY. May 27.-No report of
tho decision of the Judicial commltton
which yesterday completed the hearing In
the Steeii-Fltcli-Black heresy matter was
made today to tho Presbyterian general as
sembly, In annual session here. Rev. John
D. Dlesmore of California, chairman of the
committee, Intimated that tho report might
be riven to tho assembly tomorrow morning
at 10 o'clock. "We nro pledged to the
strictest secrecy," ho said. jh
Practically tho length of the assembiV
now hinges upon the heresy report. Mont
of tho routlno business has been cleared
up. The last session may be Saturday
afternoon, although there Is a possibility
the convention may reach until Monday ol4
nocn before adjournment. r
Fifteen Hundred Pounds of Glnnl
Ponder Exploded Owners re
lieve Result of Spite.
DEADWOOD, S. D.. May 27.-FIftcer
hundred pounds ot giant powder under lock
and key In a tunnel of tho Mogul Mining
company's works at Terry were exploded
today. The powder had Just been stored
there and no one was working near. Th.
tunnel being near the surface. It ai
Wrecked, as waa the hlncksmlth ahnn. Tl,
officials believe the eiploslon Is due to
spite work. Three days ago an attempt
was made to blow up the Caledonian prop
erty of the Homestake, tho attempt being
frustrated by guards, who shot at the man
while escaping.
One at Hampton, Iowa, Usee Itmor,
One at Mason City 11 m
ploys Cm,
MASON CITY, la., May 27 (Special Tele
gram.) Miss Tlllle Johnson of Hampton,
committed suicide today by cutting her
throat with a razor.' Her mother Is sick
and news of the death of the daughter, is
withheld. - A
Mrs. A. F. Heath, wife of a popular trav
eling coal salesman, committed sulcldo to-
day. She threw a blanket over her hcnJ
and turned on th gas. She was
when found.
Joseph Christy Named Preaidrnt
and George Sargeant Vice
At a largely attended meeting of the
Fifth Ward Republican club, held at 1138
North Sixteenth rtreet, officers were
elected last evening for the year. These
were chosen: (
President William B. Christy. (
Vice President George Sargent tm
Secretary Men J. Btone.
Klerstead. -M
U call of the prA
1 reaaurcr tt iiiiniii i. ri
Meetings will be held at