i . .... MMMM,,JMa,,usasaMJamniasa .12 THE REE: -OMAHA,-1 FRIDAY, --MAY 27. 1010. J NckI Saturn it Sale . Men'f Sample Straw Bat Worth opto 11.59 98c uBt I h Brandcis Stores Open until Noon Monday ' v - . Decoration Day j REMNANT DAY 1 SPECIAL SALE OF SILKS 3,500 Yards of Silk Poplins, Fancy Rough Silks and Foulards surplus stock from a Cg- mfgr worth 59c and 75c yd., at y Full lino of the host colorings and positively the best silk bargain we have offered in many months, and range from 19 inches to 24 indues in width on bargain 7Q square, at per yard , eev 18 and 27-in. Fine Embroidered Flouncing., "J Cp a OP Skirtings and Corset Cover Embroideries, yd. lw v 2 fciuC . Swiss, ljainsook and cambric all kinds of designs many worth 00c two big bargain squares. Fine Embroidered Edgings and Insertions, Remnants r Odd Lots; worth up to 12ic yard, at, yard ....... L v Nainsook and. cambric narrow and medium, widths. French and ; German Val. Lacea and Jnsertiins, " linen ' torchons, V clirny curtafln., 'laces and fancy wash laces, -worth to 12 c yard, aT.y."d:. . . . 3c and 5c GrtJSale of Warm Friday in Our Remnants 20c plain colored poplins, beautiful printed foulards and pon- Hn .fceesnt, yard ... . .'..'..I 21 Remnants of fine ba tistes,' Friday, at, yd. 5c Cretonne, ticking, denim and sateens all fancy printed designs, including -floral, Persian; 'Jnp and, Oriental designs. Sample strips for laundry bags, shoe bags, porch pillows, etc, ft at, each . Ginghams are very popular. You will be more than pleased with the new lot that will go on sale Friday. The best 27-inch ging- Q hams at, yard . ., wt 2.000 PIECES OF Salads, Cakes, C c5' C c3 T- i iicca i Restaurant O Second now. V 'f mm w Omaha's Pure Food Center i) SPECIALS for FRIDAY and SATURDAY 3 cans Corn 25J 4-lb. sack Wheatol 2aO 4S-lb. sack Lotus Flour . .1.50 PretxcU, per lb Head Rice, per lb. Miner's Evaporated Peaches, per lb:, at 10 Mother's Wheat Hearts, pkg. Od Our own make Peanut Dutter, per lb., at 20 x ufiuuia, jwr qi. , Uaillshes, per bunch i 3 plalu Lettuce 5jk i Pineapples, each 10 rew roiaioes,-per pecK ...35 ij unr oeoi wouniry tiuiier (in san- Hary Jars) per lb SO 4 Country and Ranch Eees. uer doz. -v : . . 1 . . . . a ; now. at , 23 Q5OTfj CSS (CRt S5r5 Potatoes, Lawn WRITES FOR t CATALOGUE FREE THE 1U13 Howard street Rings and Rings and Rings M. Rhlrt TValut Bln. Fancy Turquoise Matrix Kings und law iiuiiuies iu uur iur. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1310 Douglas Street. a Next Satarday pi. if. Bttall Stack Meal n Special Sale a S n i y y y y i y y B a H is Remnants all over laces crochet, Oriental and fancy effects, to 1 yard, f A. in each piece, each..' X"C Weather Fabrics Basement Very fine batiste light , and medium colorings from the bolt at, ' per yard ". ...... 10c Yard wide 12VaC blue and tan chambray ttg long lengths, yard . . . v2 v Yard wide fancy printed and bordered night, gown- shirt ingsa rare cloth and sel dom sells for less than 20c a yard. Ask the salespeople to show you, at, , Ol per yard 021 Full standard dress calicoes, apron and fancy dress ging hams short lengths of yard wide percale and plain col ored dress duck Ql worth to 12 Vac, yd...2t ODD SAMPLES ' .A FANCY CHINA Targe Vases, large Tankards, large Chop Dishes, Fern Dishes, Etc.; worth up to $2.50, choice, at each 4Se Friday in China Dept. C53 a Z.nnch f Coaster ? lor ,f Bny JopU Bran- (i a.' a Wt Cheese Department Large Ripe Edams, each Sl.OO"' Cottage Cheese, per pkg. . . 10 O men, mpe iew xorK uneese per lb. 2S Young America Cheese, lb., 20 (f J Fresh Fruits and Veiretables Canteloupea, Sweet Corn, Mush-O rooms, FreRh Mint, Limes, Etc. g Si''lal Drives on the Following s Mineral Watein. & "Shago Llthla" Water, Rep. qU., " per doz 62 per case of 100 bottles . . 85.00 t "Hydrox" Ginger Ale, Rep. ts.. J Per doz 81.20 "Delatour" Ginger Ale, Rd. bot.. Per dM- '81.25 V "Lotus" Grape Juice, pts.. per f do- t 82.75 I IxKk for Our Saturday Ad. ; tfv c C I Grass, Flowering Bulbs, Etc Why waata time and money planting doubtful eeeda when you can buy seeda thai grow from 4 NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY Telephone Douglas 1301 Ftone Rings. Silver Rings. Wediling IUuks- lspiid iff uh lor the name. Bin. 99 1 "Wl TCiTXTiT" 8 MM Hit I If -JIM THIS HTOKK CLOSES l)K(X)RATIQtN DAY AT 1 O'CLOCK. BARGAIN FRIDAY FRIDAY AT NINE (V CLOCK Women's Spring Jackets) AAjAr Women's Dress Skirts . Women s Wash Suits , - p ' v . . The star bargain for Friday In the garment department. There can be no doubt about the greatness of the raluea: CO Spring Jackets dark grey, black and tan garments, strictly this season's best stylep and made to sell for $7.60. now S2.95 ' Dress Skirts of all wool Panama black, navy and brown, new pleated and gored skirts, actually good values at $7.50, Tor .$2.05 Wash Suits for women, mostly linen garments, all de sirable styles and good colors, but need laundering to freshen them up, values to $12.00, for ...... .82.Q5 OS HALE PROMPTLY AT NINE O'CLOCK, NONE BEFORE Amoskcag Gingham Aprons Very . large 1 size and made with bib, a purchase of 50 dozen, blue and white checks, 60c to 59c values, special, 25t Dressing Sacques ' Navy and black lawn, nicely made and trim med, excellent 50c values, Friday, 25a Wash Petticoats, made of gingham, plain or stripe, nice tailored flounces, and really 75c values, ' Friday, at, each 49 Sun Ilonnets Plain percales and checked ginghams, In all best colors, worth 25c, at, each ...... . Friday Bargains in Linen's, Domestics, Etc. Illcaced Table- Huck Towels Bath Towels Bed Spreads Damaxk, our Strong, dur- Good sire, large hemmed usual 35 cent able 15c Tow- spongy -and spreads, worth quality, at, per els with red absorbent $1.25, at less yard . ..19 borders, 10 12Vcklnd9 than cost 89 White Lawn Pillow Cases Bleached Sheets Feather Pillows 40 Inches wide size 42x36 in., full 8i x. 90 all feathers, the very best . very good ma- inch, wide 18x25 Inch 12 c line, fine terlals, 16 cent hems, good 65 worth $1.25 a for dresses, at, v a lues, at, cent values, at pair at v' , yard .. 7H each, im each ..40 each J 50 Another Sensational Wash Goods Day Summer fabrics with well known establjilied'Values, at half and less regular prices- The goods are best spring styles, cut fronr the piece: . vi? : , 36 incn rercaies, at, yard. . . Ginghams, worth 12y2c and 15c, at, yard: .V. . Madras Waistings and Dress styles, at;' yard. Egyptian Tissues, tc, at, yard.;. : . . i,1Q. .T. . 1 Pongee Silks for ' Plain and Rough 'Weaves, launders perfectly and will service, the actual value is o. i. iAaj , u.1., j ai . Once More 75c Silks for 29c 'All sorts of wanted Summer Silks are ij "this collection, Silks for dresses, Silks for waists, Silks for petticoats and coats, plain Silks m several ji ' shades fancy silks in profusion, worth 75o r Si mostly. For Friday Bargain Day, yard.!. . i FRIDAY SALE OP WRITING TABLETS Wholesale Samples from A. 0. McClurg AKIo.y of Chicago All sizes and qualities of paper with values as high as f A n 35c each. We bought them at a low figure. Arrang ed in two lots. . Lot 1 worth to 15c, Lot 2 worth to 35c, at . r ' Ribbons, Laces, Neckwear, Etc; Sharply Cut Venise Allover Laces White and ecru, handsome waist Laces, worth $2.50, yard, at ....70 Val. Lces and Insertions Many patterns, always selling at 50c a dozen yards for 25 Laces and Embroideries Over 2,000 yards miscellaneous lines, worth 5c to 8c yard, for ; . . .3 ' HARDWARE NEEDS $1.75 Klv. Garbage Cana . ...tl.a $2.25 na!v. OurbuKe Cans ....fl.SS $3.08 Novelty Cloilica Wringers, at each 3.15 5o (?alv. Wash Tubs, Friday 49o 6fo Window liruxhes, cut to ,.3So r.Sc Gasoline Cans. 3 gallon . .3So $2.00 I.lsk Hollers, copper bottom, at, each tl.48 10c Scrub Brushes, rice root . .60 Screen Wire Cloth, eq. foot ....So Screen Frames, knocked down, z for i "So Screen Doors, to close, one lot BOo 100 Sink Brushes, each 3o Thomas Enamels, per can So J The Big Grocery List N Abounds With Diamond C 1 Bennett's Excelsior Flour, per sack $1.60 for " so Small Sour IMckles, per dozen rAe French Cut loaf Sugar. pkg aac And 10 Stamps. -Snider's Pork and Beans, lurge can SQo And 20 Stamps. Capitol Country Uentle- inun Corn '..',,110 And 10- Stamps'. . Capitol Whole Tomatoes, can 14 G And 10 stamps. Franco-Ainericaii Soups, pint, 2uc cans De Jon r'rencn Musturu, Jar SO And 10 Stamps. Double Stamps oa . Satterlae, L. W. C. Table Syrup 24-lu. can 18c Pride of Kltcnen Soap, 8 cakes , . . . Soc Shelied Popcorn,, 3 ts. for .lot Nutlet Peanut tiutter. 'i loc Jars 15c Dalldit Alaraschln Cher . ries, s&c bottle. .... .60 SUtrling Uloss Btarch. lb. box ' UK. And 40 Stamps. Rex Corned Ueef, So.' ; can 8S( And 20 Stamps, polk Tomato boup, fou IOo cans 16. i Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 pounds for 1.00 And 100 Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 pound for 33o And 30 Stamps. Bennett's Reliable Cof- , fee. pound 300 And 20 Stamps. Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 680 And 75 Stamps. Bennett's Teas, assorted, pound 680 And 60 Stamps. Tea Sittings, lb. pkg.lSo And 10 Stamps. Armour's very best Slic ed Beef Jar ISO And 10 Stamps. Asparagus.' C. C. t'. brand, iOo cans, at only 1810 Stollwerck's Cocoa H- 1b. can 30o And 20 Stamps. Sterling Corn Starch, 1- lb. pkg 40 Snlder's Catsup, per pint bottle 30 And 10 Stamps. Hartley's Marmalade ipure orange) . ...8O0 mji 1 IFTilF i i Gowns and Chlmene We put on sale ' for ' bargain Friday, a fine assortment of beauti ful lace trimmed and embroidery trimmed gowns and chemises, that are excellent 75 0 garments. Many stylo irt the lot, 0.11 go, special for the one dy. t 594 . . Coats and Dresses the natffrar '''pongee, fabric; give no end of good A 69c a yard- For riiH weaves, and jnany AA 6dVj 540' v (sample neckwear smart new Neckwea Jabots and Collars, hundreds of plecesi 60c vgoods, at ....25 Fancy Ribbons All silk, plain and fancy, 5 and 6 inch goods, worth 25c and 35c yard, 15! Veilings Greatest bargains ever, new. up-to-date fancy Mesh Veil ings, worth 25 and 35c, yd. 10 CHINA BARGAINS Another fine Havlland China Day 1,000 pieces on sale, fancy cupa and saucers, , placques. vases, bowls, etc., worth $1.S0, Friday, choice, at . .'. 490 Tulip Jugs, hi gallon, glazed and decorated, 60s values, for ....830 Colonial Glass Sherbet Glasses (6 only to a customer) each ....60 Mixing Bowls, large size, bide col ored, Hubstantlal 26c bowls, at, . each lOo for Friday and Saturday Rich Economies Soap. 8 bars Old Dutch Cleanser. 3 cans 86o And 10 Stamps. E O Com Flakes, three Ps-a. And 10 Stamos. Castile Toilet Soap ten C1'e. full cream, per u,l uaa And 10 K(U Cheese. Virginia k'u,i.. Per lb- 85o - And 10 Stamps. Oil U lmporteu Olive 'Small bottle ..... a. And 20 Stalling. " Medium bottle ... 45o - And 60 Stamps. ' Large bottle 75. .And 100 Stamp, cal fornla Rip , olives, 0c rans for 050 Spotlight Matches, six boxes for . ., .aao Chocolate Fingers and Banana .Bars, Loose w Ilea goods. Jreah ' baked, package . ; . 103 ' Aidl0 Stamps ...Ing Clothes. ten 60 Jkgs. for g6 Cocoa Bars, fresh made y'Vker-a Chill Con Carne -r-en , . . . .An '. And 10 Stamn. Qllletfa Mustard. ir- kE1 Jar And 20 Stamps. ' Ban mi-avwwrjiii'iijari Piano Salo Extraordinary Dogins Saturday HAYDEHs THE. KUtlLI tnm i j AIL SAMPLE PIAIIOS Secured from the Manufacturers' Piano Exhibit at the Big Convention of the . , NATIONAL PIANO DEALERS' ASSOCIATION, Richmond, Virginia, will be placed on sale at MOST WONDERFUL BARGAIN PRICES. The best styles the best pro ducts of the best factories in the world are represented. Seldom, if ever, . has such .. an opportunity for almost unlimited choice of style and make at bar gain prices been offered western piano buyers. watcn Friday evening papers H for particulars and prices. TEfl DAYS STOPOVER Kansas City AND St. Louis Is One of the Good Fea tures at the Command of Those Who travel over Above Lines. Either going or returning to the South, Southwest, West or Eastern points. For Full Particulars .ad address or call rTTY TinTKT OFFICE S 1433 Parana St. Omasa. THOS.F. GODFREY, Fan. and Tlckat Affant. ADVANCE NOTICES Spec iqlI Sales SaLtMrday . Our Oreat Annual Hale ' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Greatest Bargains In Fine Under muslins Ever Offered. Great Sale of Women's PATTERN HATS From Jas. G. Johnson, 047 Broadway, New York Worth up to $25 7 CA now at ; vletfW Great Sale of Women's UNTRIMMEI) HATS . Worth up to $1.50, each, at 89 Great Special Sale of .LEATHER SHOPPING HAGS The Bargains Will Re Wonderful. TELESCOPE PHOTO CAMERAS Every one guaranteed to OC work, outfit include. ... .AdC These are complete cameras and include . lens, automatic shutter and view finder, magazine with 3 plates, developing tank, bottle of developer and fixer. ALL ON SALE SATURDAY AT BRANDEIS STORES By THEODORE ROOSEVELT African Came Trails i Bis Own Book AOZOTS WASTED for the only aoconnt of kla adrentares In Africa by himself. IIWABI Or TAKB BOOKS . CllARLlia SCRIUNER'S SONS fOrtn Ffin Weak and nervous men vi a w w,,o f,1(1 tlier ioer to NERVES work and youthful vigor gone as a result of oxer- ork or mental exertion should take UKAY'S NKUVK FO(JU PIUL.8. They will make you eat and sleep and be a man agal'i. 1 Bos bosea la.so by mall. ISXBMaS a MoCOMRZLL SlUd CO., Oor. ieu and Dot.f Strsets. OWL DBTO COMPAITT, Oor. 16tU and Uaraey Bts, Oataaa, Bob. 7o Close at 12 Hsnday, Daccraiisn Day iU!M7ln) WATCH TOR r 4 SATURSAT'S , A a si rat ": M CIU ALL mm TKX rtSUACLCLSTCflX - Very Special Silk Values Friday' Plain and Fancy Silks aMUlf Pri:o A big special purchase of foulards, pongees, messallnAA, poplioa, etc., not a yard worth regularly less than 50c; choice, new colorings and patterns, on sale Friday, at jara All Silk PoBgees 10 pieces in the lot; tan only; splendid for sum ruer dresses; moat delightful spe cla, at 40 Se-lnrh niack Taffeta worth fl a yard; Just 5 pieces in the lot, per yard, at. ........... GO Wool Dress Goods Suitings, Henriettas, Serges, Lansdown, fine Melanges, Broadcloths, ya?d,T.h. I! .l.2.!!.a. .1 5c-1 9c-25c-39c-49c-59c Remnants of Fine Linen 75c to $1.50 a yard values In 2-yard, 2-yard and 3-yard lengths. j 9C-25Cf-39C49C-59C now at ................ . , ( Remnants of Bleached and J ABOUT ( "Remnants j of .toweling1, Unbleached . Muslins, Rem- V HALF , Towels, mixed, ots. PUlow nants of Wide Sheetings. J 1Ca I AAMj. Cm' Pare linen Laces from the fine Armenian patterns to the heavy torchon and cluny ef fects, .up to 3 Inches ..wide, worth to 16c a yard, choice, at, yard ......5 Friday is Remnant Day In Oor Famous Dcmestls Rssn About a carload of mill ends of all the latest, up-to-date wash goods, linen dress goods, percales, prints, ginghams, pongees, white goods, and all kinds of dry goods; fine patterns, fast colors and arranged on 6 tables at about off the regular price " . . ':5c- . Tio 01c 10c. 12Jc yd. At 0.S0 A. M. Cotton Remnants, per yard, at At a P. M. Remnants of better worth up to 15c yd., at, yd. 3H At 2:45 P. M. All the remnants of the high grade wash goods for the last two weeks;, some silk and cotton mixtures; also all the remnants of fine, white goods, up to 60c a yard, all at one price, yd. ....JO r i . - . . , Ladies1 Outer Garinehis '' FRIDAY SPECIALS IN THE ? DOMESTIC ROOM ; Xew Tailored Suits Values to $15 all nobby, new styles, $5.00 New Tailor Suits worth up to $25 choice Friday, at .-$10.00 Pretty Wash Dresses Regular $3.50 values; big assortment at $1.05 One-piece Silk Presses Values to $20; slightly soiled, at $5.00 $1.00 Long Kimonos ......50 All wool Dress' Skirts; $3.50 val ues, at ...:..:.. $1.08 $1 Wash Underskirts .....40 Wash Waists Values to $1.50 choice, at 69 $1.60 House Dresses .'. ., .08 HAYDEN'S FOR CROCERIESG It para you to trade with Kay dsn's, where 70a oan save from 88 Ser oent to 80 per cent oa your ousekeeplns; expenses. 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar 1.00 The , best high patent flour, made from the best No. 1 wheat, per 48- lb. sack $136 8 bars Diamond C or Beats-'Em-AM soap for ,....26c Tall cans Alaska Salmon IOo OH or Mustard Sardines, per oan 4c All kinds Potted Meats per can 4Vtc 2-lb. cans Karly June Peas ....70 1- lb. cans Fancy Sweet Buaar Corn for 74o 2- lb. cans Fancy Wajc, String, Green or Lima Beans 7o S-lb. cans Golden Pumpkins, Hom iny, Apples or Baked Beans .70 1-lb. cans Assorted Soups 7 Ho Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per package "M-o Fruen's Wheat Flakes, pkg.. ..7o E. C. Corn Flakes, pkg .j..6o Urape Nuts, pkg IOo 3 cans Lavallne the great magic cleanser .....'... i 10c The bent Bulk Peanit Butter, lb l&c Cold Water Starch, pkg 4c The best Tea Sittings, lb ....12Hc The best Golden Santoa Coffee, per pound l&c The Very RnifkTRV Best in all fSrcotTRY HATDECrs FlflST Special Saturday Sales Manufacturers' Stock of Silk Dresses Hundreds of them for your Seoured by our buyer who New York- Newest styles values ever offered in Umaha at sale price. . . , . j Linoleums Bill mill purchase, high grade perfect goods; on sale at, per sqcare yard 29c "d 39c HAYDEN BROS :rn c:rT . sATumrs eiasAUs .Sf I White Jap Silks A big special purchase on sale Friday at great, ly less than regular prices Oa three big lota, whits Jap Bilks, at .17 35 nd 45 Actual Values to f 1.75 per yard Remnants ll-lf PfilCt Cases, mixed lots. 1 (1a I AfillA -10c Laces 3ic- Odd pieces of French and Ger man Val. Zlon City- and Elyria Laces; also cotton and linen Torchon Laces that told to IOo a yard, on sale in do mestic room, yard... .,.3 H worth up to 12 Vic a yard; all kinds 2K goods than above and longer lengths, Furnishing Goods Bargains ; 1 In Domestic 1 Room BIO SHIRT SALE 60 dos. MEN'S and BOYS' SHIRTS Manufacturer's surplus stock divided into two big lots. Shirts worth to fl.OO Good pat terns, all styles,-all' sires, 11 to 17, at ., . , Shirts worth to $1.00, plain and pleater bosoms, all qolors and aides t 9o Most Delightful Bargains Ever. Men's 11. 00 Porus 'Knit Union Suits. Krlday o Men's Porus-Knlt Undershirts . and Drawers. 50c valuas ........ .850 Men'a and Boys' Belts regular toe values .130 Hosiery Worth to fl5o Fair Men's, Ladles' and Children's black and colors, on sale at 7 Ho, IOo,- 184o Ladles BOo Union Suits, low neck sleeveless, lace trimmed knetr, on' saio at t ........... ,,'..U60 Batter, Cheese and Egg Mala. The best No. ,1 Creamery Butter. per pound ........ . ...iOo The best No, 1 Country Butter,' per pound u ago The best No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb. 26d Fancy Full Cream Cheese ,,,...18o Neufchatel Cheese, eaclv . . . .80 The best No. 1 Strictly Freeh Egg s, per dozen 20a Xaydsn'a for rresh Tegetablea and lroit. Their high quality and low prices are the talk of OnutUa, ' 6 bunches fresh Kadlshee ...... So 4 bunches fresh Leaf .Lettuce, . . . 60 6 bunches Fresh Onlona ........60 t bunches fresh Asparagus . ...IOo New Potatoes per lb 80 Fresh Spinach, per peck ....... Vo Fancy Itlpe Tomatoes, per lb ,.7vio 1 bunches Fresh Pie Plant &o Fresh Beets or Carrots, bunch .if to Fresh Turnips, -bunch iHo Large Cucumbers, each So Fresh Wax or Green Beans, lb 7V4o Fresh Peae, quart ..... 1 1. 7Uo Fresh ' Cabbage, pwr lb 4o sfxciaz, pxtrAXpx,a siAx.a. The balance of our first car. 7 Each 5c, IMa, H Ho 10c, 12He. Dozen 60c, S6c, 6o, tl.lO,'1.55.' CnORQ . New DPt- uuwmu m U lasement selection, values up to $2300, t - 9 has just returned from and colorings; greatest Muslin Underwear Assortments and ''values surpassing any. shown else where in Omaha. Matchless special bargain offerings for Saturday. Engraved Stationery Wmddint lnHatlmt Aeaowtssmsiis . . Vimiting Cmrdt All eotroat form im currant social imuss aaBraved in iKa hM wannss end pusctuaUjr olivrM wKn promised. - . Embodsed Monogram Stationery and other work tf yUfl si prices lower than usually prevail eUcwnera. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1212 Howard St. Phane D. 1404 BSBaBBsaBBBaBusasaaBSBaBasa .7 3