The Omaha Daily Bee. ; the Omaha dee Is the wort powerful business getter la the west, became It goes to the homes of oor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST For Nebraska Probably Showers. Kor Iowa TrobaMy Showers. For wenther report set page 2. VOL. XXXIX NO. 294. OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1910-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. MRS. DOXEY HEARS BITTER CHARGES Defendant in Erder Murder Trial Branded by Lawyer as Cold Blooded Murderess. nam-- INHUMAN PLOT IS CHARGED Taft Will Not Meet Roosevelt On His Arrival Special Ambassador Will Probably Go to Washington to Report Result of His Mission. ROOSEVELT GETS SENATE DEFEATS RATE AMENDMENT ENGLISHDEGREE Ex-President Receives Honorary Title Turns Down Senator Cummins' Plan of Doctor of Laws from Uni versity of Cambridge. Rejulating Increase of Rail road Tariffs. CEREMONY SHORN OF SPLENDOR TAKES r0WER FROM COMMISSION r ' 6 f i Woman and Husband Involved in " ... I foman and Husband Involved in Conspiracy to Secure Wealth. PHYSICIAN HELPS DEFENSE Says There Was No Indication that ' Poison Caused Death. f HEARING ATTRACTS BIG CRl I . " . v Prisoner Evinces No Distress ov Opening; Dif and Gftlmea "mllea Jory Composed of Mar ried Men. . . I! ' HT. LOUS, May. 2.--Mi s. Dora E. Doxey, accused of poisoning WUHam J. Krder, heard herself- described as an -avaricious and cold-blooded murderess." wHh the ut most composure today, when Assistant Cir cuit Attorney C. A. Newton made his open ing statement in Judge Grimm's court. Ex cept for a slight Indisposition In the early hohrs of the session. due o a sleepless night, she evinced much interest in the pro ceedings. When the state's first witness. Dr. t. Arthur Friedeberg. the physician who at tended Erder during his last Illness, proved an excellent Witness for the'defense under th gruelling cross examination of her at torney, she emiled. The . nhvslclan admitted that there was nnihinr in mh'i condition before his death' to Indicate he was being poisoned Mrs. Doxey, deprived o"f the company of her father and slater In the court room because they ara to be witnesses, turned her attention to the state's evidence and offered many auggestlons for questions to her attorney. Judge Orrlck C. Bishop. A crewd which packed the court room and the oorrldora adjoining, kept deputy sheriffs busy. Adjournment was taken at o'clock, aftef tvo witnesses ljad been examined. Husband ' Alio Aroused. The stat -and RossUopf expect to show that Mrs. Doxey hatched a plot 'and through the aid of her husband, Dr. Loren B. poxey -who n awaiting trial, carried It out He said the state would prove Mrs. Doxey- deserted her first husband- for Dr. Doxey .. . JI said the state would Introduce as evidence Mrs, poxey's signature to a cer tificate when she marrle4 Erder. Rosskopf detailed the cacodylate of soda which, It la alleged. Mra. Doxey gave to Erder.1. He aald hs expected to prove that while the strong arsenical compound was betttf administers! Mrs. Doxey waa. most ' affectionate-, v. , V ' Mrs. , Doser'a father and sister were ex cluded from the court room with other witnesses. -,'; Mlprf Kats Erder, sister of the man al leged to have been poisoned, today an nounced her purpose of pushing one of the two o(hsr chargea of perjury and bigamy in the even Mra. Doxey is acquitted In the murder case. Mrs. Doxey took-a more active interest In the court proceedings this morning after her day of rest yesterday during the recess.' Jurors Married Men. Th Jury which will hear the testimony in the Doxey trial follows: Frederick A. Gerdlng, electrician; Wil liam J. Murray, merchant; John M. Ban ford, freight agSnt; Charles D. Todebuss, bookkeeper; Robert A. Tupper, machinist; George F. Bepleer, candy maker; Absom J. Carr, stationary engineer; Louis F. Dusard. clerk; Albert F.. fccoff, insurance Inspector; GultaV M. Haupt, carpenter; William J. Mansfield, milliner; Charn-e H. Meyer, carpenter. . , All of tho jurors are married. Assistant Circuit Attorney Henry A. Roeskcpt bcgn the opening statement for the state. I'lnat of- Defense. Medical experts are ready to testify to tho mental and moral effect of morphine as the part of Mra. Doxey's defense, according to former LMi'enant Governor Charles P. & pohnson, who wm retained by Mrs. Doxey 'a family.' Mrs. Doxey will take the witness stand, tf the prudent plan of the defense Is carried cut, anj will declare that she mar ried Erder, not with tho Intention of mur i tiering him for his life Insurance, but be V cause he urged her to marry him, knowing th was Dr. Doxey'a wife. In order that he might live openly with her and not . offend his mother and sisters. I se of Morphine. She will say, If she takes the stand, that aha did not know he had any Ufa Insur ance, but It was due to the use of morphine that she consented to a bigamous marriage. 'How shall I Speak of her?" asked Dr. friedeberg, , nodding to Mrs. Doxey, "as Mrs, Erder or Mrs. Doxey?" "Better just speak of her as 'the defend ant,' " said Assistant Circuit Attorney C. A. Newton, Who did the questioning. Dr. Friedeberg aald that prior to Erdor's last Illness his health waa fair. II waa on the stand three hours and was followed by William J. Roberts, the under taker who buried Erder, and Dr. J. A. Uartmann of the cUy dispensary. Tho lat ter was not examined, court adjourning for Hie day after he was sworn. The defense brought out In the cross examination that Erder'a symptoms did not seem to Dr. Friedeberg to resemble the symptoms of arsenic poisoning. AGED WOMAN IS TAKEN TO WASHINGTON IN HANDCUFFS Miss Dentil, Who Jumped Bond, Is i l Cantared by Hondeman In " Arlsonn. WASHINGTON. May 2S.-Wtth Ills prls W Tner, Miss Josephine Dennis, a gray-haired oman of 64. Deputy United States Marshal Fletcher arrived hers today from Clifton,'. Arl.. where ht arrested her a few days Sgo. Th prisoner wore handcuffs. On March 1 last Miss Dennis wss ar retted here on a charge of conducting a secret saloon and gambling house In con nection with b dressmaking establishment Fletcher, then not an officer of the law, became her bondsman In the sum of $1,600, When; her case was called, however, she had dlssppared. Fletcher thereupon became active, located the woniar. n Artaona, had ' a) mslf 1 appointed a deputy marshal, went i- ted arrested ber as a bond Jumper a..n4-(lliv- Ha will save tl.UA WASHINGTON'. May 26.-rrM.Jent Taft III not ultend the home-coming celebra- tion in honur nt TliPiwIurA . i xt York on June 18. The pre sldent has been urged to attend by representatives of the Republican club of New York, who. first suggested the celebration. On the day the former president vails Into New York har bor, President Taft will be at Villa Nova Tl. .... . . ' ., iMdvuig me degrees of Doctor of jurisprudence from St. Thomas college. i There la much speculation in Washing- "1 t.V Z "J- will meet. There Is a strong prob , nowever, mat Colonel Roosevelt as -ning special ambassador represent , vfiiieu fiaies at the funeral of V 'XJ wl" come t0 Washington "v ' 8 arr,val In this country to .e,ioi state department. In t. ;,t he probably will be enter .-rv,.uo uouse during his stay In Washington. In case the president and ..... noose veil ao not meet under these circumstances, it Is said their first change of greeting will take Dlacs in New York city June 24, or 25 at the convention of the National League of Republican Clubs, which both have promised to at tend, Exodus of Jews From Kiev Begins Expulsion of Persecuted Families is Attended by Many Harrowing Sights. ST. PETERSBURG, May 26. The exodus of Jewish families from Kiev has begun The total departure from that city up to last night were 2,000 proscribed families be longing exclusively to the poorest classes. The exodus Is compulsory and in fulfillment S of the order of the Russian government. The 'scenes In the streets of Kiev yes terday were affecting. The evicted ones were paupers. Sobbing women clinging to their little ones and aad-faoed ' men we're alike escorted outside the town limits and told to return to the placea of their birth. ' A different procedure Is adopted towards the Jews who have some wealth. They, however, are put to great expense, being obliged to return to their native towns to obtain new permits for a -visit to Kiev on the grounds of urgent personal business. These permHs are Issued for limited terms and ao require frequent renewal at the mercy of the polio officials. - The authorities explain that part of the number bsjrujexpelled. are recent arrlvalwf in n. lev. .. .ww. . , in auinorines aaa that heretofore many of, the lnoomlng Jews have succeeded In gaining . a . residence through connivance Ith minor police -officials, but that thi year strict orders have been given that each case la being thoroughly Investigated. Miss Harriman Bride of Sculptor t. r" ' Daughter of Late Railroad Magnate and Mr. Charles C. Rumsey Are Married at Arden. ARDEN, N. Y., May 26.-Miss Mary Har riman, daughter of the late E. H. Harri man, and one of the wealthiest ' young women in the country, waa married here today to Mr. Charles Cary Rumsey of Buf falo. The ceremony waB performed In the little Episcopal church In the presence of tho relatives of both families and a few friends. On acount of Mr. Harriman's- compara tively recent death, the ceremony was simple. Not more than forty persons saw the daughter of the late railroad king and the young sculptor wedded.. A wedding breakfast at tho Harriman home fo.lowed tho ceremony. The honey moon. It Is understood, will begin with a short stay at Aiken, but the greater part will be spent here on the Harriman estate which will be given up to the young couple for tho time being by the' other members of the family.- ' ' BOY KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Robert Prldley of Centervlllc, la., Ilnn Dorra by Msrhlae Driven by Slint' Nephexr. DF.S MOINES. la,, May 2. - Robert Fridley, aged .7 years, was run over and killed at Centervlllc last night by an auto mobile driven by Lazell Sawyers, aged 15 years, son of Dr. J. L. Sawyers, a leading physician of southern Iowa and brother-in-law of Theodore P. Shonts of New York. Young Fridley dodged an Ice wagon and ran directly In front of the automobile. ' Abraham Lincoln Rises to Defense of Family Tree Abraham Lincoln couldn't be president If he wanted to now,. He said so this morn ing. ; . "A. Lincoln. N. Y.," he wroto on the reg ister at the Rome hotel. Then aa the clerk took over the pen and added "A., Room a." Mr. IJnroln' turned about to answer a young man standing at ltls elbow. 'Bet you are a reporter.' "Guilty. Is this Abe IJncolnT" yes. I decline to be Interviewed.'' -Honest Abe never used to talk that way." "We'l, It is' different when one Is presi dent." . . Think you'll run this timer Completely at sea In the matter," re plied Abe, warming up at the figurative relation. "Bom that way," he added. "Listens good; what's the answer?" "NO Interview," , he replied coldly with real statesmanlike dignity. . "No; Just a story." "1 was born In mid-ocean, not eligible to of floe; therefore' a cut fed merchant" Faculty, However, Displays - Enthu siasm for American. MOURNING GOWNS PREDOMINATE Only Recipient of Honor and Vice Chancellor Wear Scarlet. GALLERIES - RING WITH CHEERS Students Siting Teddy Bear Over Center of Hall Durlua- Cere mony and Shout "Teddy I" Amnslnar All. CAMBRIDGE, England, May 26.-Theo dore Boosevelt today received . from the University of Cambridge the honorary de gree of doctor of laws. The ceremony. was brief and shorn of much of the .usual splendor, but was marked by much en thus lasm on the part of, the faculty, and students" who gave their guest a Bplendld reception. . ," ,.: ..;'... . The conferment took place In the senate house. Only the' recipient of the degree and the public orator., vice-Chancellor Mason wore the pink lined scarlet robes while the women of the autTYence were in mourn ing gowns. As Mr.- Roosevelt accepted his diploma the students who crowded the gal leries shouted "Teddy, Teddy!" and the whole audience cheered. The old senate building was packed with over 1,000 persons. The galleries -were occupied by students.' During the ceremony the students swung a teddy bear over the center of the hall where It dangled to the entertainment of everybody. Mr. Roosevelt Joined In the pleasantry and as he was leaving the building reached up and patted the toy beast with his hand. Lunch at Pembroke Colleue. The procession started from Pembroke college, where Mr. Roosevelt had lunch, and moved slowly to the senate house. First marched the liveried mace bee.rers. Next came Mr. Roosevelt in his robe and wearing a flat velvet cap: Beside him waa vIce-Chancellor Mason. Following the two were several professors, while two more bearers brought up the rear. The proceedings of the conferment were In Latin. The vice-chancellor delivered a laudatory address highly praising Mr. Roosevelt as a statesman, llteratteur. sportsman ana peacemaker. - As he con cluded he handed Mr. Roosevelt his diploma while the audience gave three cheers. The audience waa decidedly friendly, cheering the former president frequently. Wben-.tha?Wce-chaBce1lor referred to, the university's guest aa a "friend ot peace and a friend of the ' human race whose fame is attested by all Europe," there was a roar of approval from his listeners. Address of Vleo Cbanceilor. In presenting Mr. Rooftevelt, vice-Chan cellor Mason said: "The universal gloom of the mourning ror King Edward Is broken by a ray of sunshine on the anniversary of the birth day of Queen Mary, which Is made doubly memorable by this reception to Mr. Rooee- velt." The orator spoke of .the former president as "a most welcome guest and a) man of singular vigor and personality, who for seven years presided over the great republic which Is united with Great Britain by many , ties." and dwelt on the .part that Mr. Roosevelt had played In the govern ment of the United States and on his ef forts for the promotion of the peace of the world. He spoke, of his almost royal progress tnrough Europe, and his literary dlstinc lion, ana concluded by Introducing Mr. nooseveu as "tne faithful friend of the British empire and of all good men throughout the world," who will continue In the future to do good service fpr his country." The speech waa In Latin. I BOYS ARE LOST TO CHURCH Sanday School Work In Vnlted States Much Less Kffectlve Than In v Eaarland. WASHINGTON. May 26.-A statement was made today before the workers' con ference of the World's Sixth Sunday School convention that 75 per cent of all Sunday school boys in United States were lost to the church and never made professions of faith, against 3 rer cent of the same class In England. DES MOINES CAR BARN BURNS Twenty Cars Are Destroyed and the Service Is JVov Bndly Crippled. DE3 MOINES, la.. May 2S.-Flre de stroyed the downtown car barns of the Des Moines City Railway company early today, burning twenty street cars and crippling the car service badly. The loss Is 1100,000. Mr. Lincoln of New York, a cousin of tho dead president, came to Omaha on a business errand. His features bear a re markable resemblance to those of his noted relative, a resemblance made con spicuous as he stood under a group picture of the three martyred presidents In the hotel writing room. "I can have sympathy with Nick Long, worth, who Is tired of being a great man's son-tn-law," said Mr. Lincoln. It lseouallv hard to be Abraham Lincoln In 1910. Have to tell who I am about every stop. i v been kidded, interviewed and photographed across to San Francisco by tbe southern route and now they re getting me on the return by the north." ... Mr Lincoln rises to the defense of his family tree with a denial of the story n circulation In the east to the effect that the Germans are claiming President Lin coln as a Qerman descendant. "The Llnco'ns were English, English all the lime, nothing Teutonic about It." de clared Mr. IJnco'.n. est v. From the Philadelphia Record. MORE BOATS FOR THE RIVER O Eagle Such a Success Owner is Build ing One Twice as. Large. , osnsnSMS ' , BOATS MAKE'.; REGULAR TRIPS Slight Draasht -Permits Good Loads In , Shallow Water Excursion Season Is About to Start on tho Mlxsonrl. The good ship Eagle, twenty-five ' tons bur.den, has proven Its .worth in Missouri riven, navigation- antiwar a second and mora powerful packet SMa process of build ing. The little boat, awned by W. A. Smith a river enthusiast ana capitalist ol Cali fornia Junction, Is plying now between Omaha and Sioux City, putting in at Deca tur each trip. The river freighter has found ample pat ronage,, in the opinion of Mr. Smith, to demonstrate the practicability of naviga tion on a profit making basis. Orders . have been placed with Allen P. Ely & Co. of Omaha for the engines which will equip the new boat. The 100-horse power motor equipment Is under contract for de livery on June 10 and the boat is to be put In commission In the' middle of July. ' The new packet Is to liave twice the capacity of the Eagle and Is expected to develop a -trifle more speed. The Eagle is now making six miles an hour up stream In the swiftest parte of the channel. The new boat like the one now In operation will be propelled by gasoline power. In general form of construction it will be the same, stern wheel type with a draught of a trifle over twenty-four inches with capacity cargo on board. The: Eagle cost $2,000 and is now paying a good Interest on the Investment. Mr. Smith says that he will keep trie uoats In opera tion as long as the river la open. The slight draught of the little freighters will enable them to carry maximum loads even In periods of low water. ' - The capacity at the gasoline boats is to be increased-by a fleet of barges. The Eagle Is now towing a small barge. S-he Is due in Decatur tomorrow and by the end of the week will be at the Omaha dock again. The City of Peoria made a trial trip up the river and again down the river , this afternoon. The management is preparing to Nmake regular excursion trips. AVERAGE PAY OF MINISTERS : -IS UNDER SEVEN HUNDRED Census Bureau Compiles Reports Prearhers of All Denom- -nations. WASHINGTON,, May 26. Tha average annual salary of a minister of the gosp?l waa but SU3 In all denominations repi sented In a special report on the census of religious bodies for ll'OS. which Is now In press preparatory to submission" to Census Director Durand and Secretary Naeget of the Department of Commerce and Labor. The statistics, the flint of the kind ever gathered by the government, wera pro eurred by W. C. Hunt, chief statistician of population in the census bureau. The fig ures are from the cities of the I'nlt-d States having a population In 1900 of K.000 and over. The denomination showing tho h'ghest average are the Unitarian, with $1,663; the Protestant Kptscopal, 11.212; the General Convention of the New Jerusalem, $1,233; the Jewish congregations, S1.C2; the Pies byterlan, $1,177. A little, want ad in today's Bee will find you a reliable servant. It will find the bouse you wish to rent or buy. It will secure a position (or you. It will sell whatever you offer. It brings landlord and tenant together borrower and lender faco to lacfi and does a thousand and one things that would be difficult, to do any other way. Any ad S times, one cent a word. Call Douglas 238 and the ad taker will write your cotkeNind place It for you. "Nobody Loves a Fat Man." FrenchSubmarine Boat is Sunk in English Channel Warship is Struck by Ferry Boat Off Calais and Twenty:Seven Men Are Drowned. CALAIS, France, May 2. The ferryboat Pa's De Calais, crowded with cross-channel passengers bound for Dover, had Just left Calais this afternoon, when one of Its aide wheels experienced a . violent shock. .. The captam, ' believing' his boat'had struck a submerged bnoy, stopped the vessel and a moment later the hull of .a submarine, the Pluviose, came to the surface a short dis tance astern. A boat from the ferryboat went alongside the striken craft, but the sailors rapped In vain against Its metal sides, and a few moments after the sub marine arose to the surface it sank again. The ferryboat, which was making water rapidly, summoned two tugs to the scene of the disaster and then put. back to the French shore. ( The Pluviose, with a crew of twenty seven men left Calais thirty minutes before the time It came up under the paddle wheels of the Pas J5e Calais, though It 1b almost Impossible to conceive that It would dive In such crowded waters. ' Advices received by the minister of ma rine' confirm the report of the probable loss of the entire crew. A torpedo boat de stroyer has been anchored near where the Pluviose sank and divers gone down to the submarine. PARIS, May 26. Admiral Fournler states that the Pluviose attempted to pass under neath the Pas De Calais. The submarine had on board three officers and twenty four men. Torpedo boat destroyers have been dispatched to the scene from Dun kirk. Business Part of OklahomaTown Destroyed by Fire Twenty-Fight Buildings Burned at Wister, Causing Loss of Hun dred Thousand. FORT SMITH. Ark., May 26.-Practlcally the entire business portion of Wister, Okl., waa destroyed by two distinct fires last night. Twenty-eight business houses were burned, causing a loss estimated at $100,000. Only a bank, two stores and the depot re main In the business section. A report that a man lost his life at the Brown hotel was not true. Wister, which has 600 inhabitants, Is dl vlded Into two parts by the Rock Island railroad tracks. The first fire destroyed sll the buildings except three north of the tracks. This fire had Just burned out when an explosion In a drug store started a fire south of the tracks, destroying all but one building. The town has no fire depart ment, and the high, wind made fire fight ing difficult for the citisens who volun teered. No residences were burned. State Attorneys General in Convention at St. Pau ST. PAUL, May 26. Attorneys general and their assistants from more than half the states of the union are here to attend the fourth annual convention, of the Na tional Association of Attorneys General, which opened at the state capltol today. President F. 8. Jackson, attorney general of Kansas, delivered his annual address, and Chsrles West, attorney general ot Oklahoma, spoke on "The Federal Railroad Bill." Attorney Jack -on ot Kansas, president of the association, in his address argued In favor of a national democracy, which he defined as a "revivified democratic govern ment." He defended increasing the scope and power of tha government ln state and na tion and advocated the fixing ot the re sponsibility of the government on the elec- SHIPPERS .STILL IN FIGHT Impetus Added by Word that Kansas City is Now in Line. MANY , GO . TO WASHINGTON - i Besides. Action Against Railroads for . Conspiracy Another Case May Be Brought for Being; In Con " tempt of Court. The shippers' . movement against the- in creased freight rates , received new Im petus ' Thursday mpmlng when v Kansas Cttyy which has laid dormant through tbe agitation, declared for a share . In the fight. ' . . . . A message from the Kansas City Commer cial club received by the Omaha Commer cial club's traffic bureau, announces that I delegation of three, O. V, Wilson, whole sale grocer; George B. Rlckards, wholesale hardware, and H. G. Wilson, traffic man for the Commercial club there, will be sent to Washington to attend the meeting to be held at the Millard hotel Tuesday morning. E. J. McVann of the Omaha Commercial club's traffic bureau Is to represent the Omaha shippers. Hs may be accompanied by others. Kansas City has been flooding Wash Ington with messages and la now Into the battle In earnest. Messages to Omaha as the center of activity have been received from several of the other large cities con cerned In the controversy. The meeting In Washington ,1s gaining enthusiasm Communications have been received from T. C, Byrne of Omaha, who Is In New York, announcing that he will be at Washington to tako a share in the effortB to Interest Attorney General Wlckersham in the complaint to be made against the railroads. Mr, Byrne's attention has an added significance In that he Is an official of the National Wholesale Drygoods asso elation. The Omaha delegation will leave for Washington on Saturday. . Plans Not Changed. The plan of action determined upon a the Omaha meeting has not suffered change In the consultations of the last two days. The first step taken will be a direct complaint to the attorney general alleging that the railroads are In s- conspiracy in restraint of trade. The legal aspects of th shippers case will be cared for by Wliliar Duff Haynie, attorney for the Illinois Man ufacturera' association. V . In the opinion of Francis B. James. chairman ot the committee on commercial law of the Commission for the Uniformity of State Laws, who attended the Chicago meeting, the shippers have another weapon In the proceedings to show that the rail roads by this alleged conspiracy are In contempt, oi an injunction irom the su prems court In 1897. If action Is taken in this direction It will be secondary to th first complaint to be made to Attorney General Wlckersham. Burlington Trackwalker Killed DES MOINES, la.. May 26 -James Cover dale and Frank Rhodes, two track walk era for the Burlington railroad, were struck by a train near Agency early today and Instantly killed. torate. He also urged a limitation of th power of federal courts to Issue Injunction The speaker predicted that unless th power of federal courts to veto state law la limited ths power of democracy in thl country will demand limited terms for fed eral Judges and their selection in sinie man ner other than by appointment. On this point Attorney General Jackson said: "Let It be conceded for the time being the courts have taken the kernel out of the eleventh amendment, which prohibits Suits against states and left but the shell In sus taining suits against officers through which the states must act. We must still remem ber that the latest and most mandatory opinions of the supreme court enjoin on courts ths duty of using this power only to prevent clear and positive wrongs." Iowan Sought to Prohibit Raises Until Approved by Board. CLARK'S M.0TI0N LIKEWISE LOST Arkansan Offered Suggestion Along Same Lines as Former. ) -nas-an-s.. LA F0LLETTE RESUMES SPEECH Ways that Knaetnient of Orlalnat Rill Would Mean "a Disaster to tho Country" People Want j Justice. WASHINGTON, May 2t).-The Cummins amendment to tho railroad bill prohibiting the Incrt-aslng of rates by railroads until they have been declared by the Interstate Commerce commission to be Just and rea- koi bio, waa defeated by tho senate toduj by a vote of 29 to 43. Another amendment to the bill by Sen ator Clark of Arkansas, to prohibit In creases In rates from becoming effectlv ntll approved by the commission, but dif fering from the defeated Cummins provis ion, was rejected, 35 to 40. Tho senate adopted an amendment bj Senator Jones authorising the commission to suspend Increases of rates for sli months beyond the 120 days fixed by tht pending railroad bill whenever the reason ableness of Increases cannot be determined lthln the original period. ' Senator Dolllver withdrew his substitute to the capitalization sections of the bill and the senate, on motion of Mr. Hughes, ordered these sections eliminated. Ln Follette Npeeeh. Resuming his speech in opposition to the bill soon after the senate convened today, Senator LaFollette undertook to prove that Instead of rites advancing, all economic conditions demanded that they should have been materially lowered during the last few years. As going to support his theory that the railroads could afford lower rates, Mr. La Follette asserted that In 1908 the roada were earning 50 per cent more per mile than ln 1897, while there had been an In-' crease of only ahjjut 20 per oent In wages and salaries. Mr.' La Follette charged that twelve dayi In advance of the attorney general's peti tion for (he pending bill the same mesurt still In typewriting had been outlined te a house committee by a railroad attorney.' He declared that the enactment pt tlu" lilll ab originally presented notwithstanding. It represented the views .ot tha president, would be "a disaster to th country." , Taking up the railroad capitalization pro-. Islons of the bill, Mr. La Follette declared. they had been drawn by a corporation law yer In the Interest of Wall street manipu lation. "Senators," ' he exclaimed ln conclusion, 'this Is not a time to trifle with the peo ple. They want Justice and If they do not get Justice they will demand a reckoning from us. They will strike back; they will strike hard and they will bo Justified in striking." l i LINCOLN P0ST0FFICE BILL PASSES THROUGH SENATE Measure Favored by t'pper Chamber that Gives Nearly Halt Mil Hon Dollars. WASHINGTON. May 26.-( Special Tele gram.) Senator Burkett's bill giving $421,000 for an addition to the present postofflce building at Lincoln passed the senate. The senator work on the bill to such an extent ' that he really forgot there waa a railroad bill under - consideration. He had backed his bill with recommendations from tho secretary of the treasury and from every department doing business at the present Lincoln postofflce. - He was prepared to show that the distributing division of the Postofflce department was handicapped be cause of Inadequate quarters, . that the court'a apartments were wholly unfit and that men who work In the postofflce were not provided with suitable arrangements. Chester V. O'Meara ot Hastings, Neb., was appointed a clerk at Panama. The comptroller of the currency has au thorized the First National bank of Im perial, Neb., to begin business with $25,000 capital, C. N. Collctt as president, K. F. Bayley, vice president, and J. T. Johnston, cashier. The comptroller has also approved the application of F. S. Barnes, C. W. Roe, J. O. Barnes, C O. Roe and D. H.' Smith to organize the First National bank of Mar cus, la., with $100,000 capital. Albert L. Anderson has been appointed postmaster at Irvfngton, Douglas county, Nebraska, vice H. F. Knud.iun, resigned. BURGLAR BEATEN BY WOMAN New York Thief Forced from Window by Blow ot Rolllnhpln Falls to lenth. . NEW YORK, May 26. Louis Oratch, St years old, palntetf by day and burglar after man in her apartment fn the third floor of dark, was discovered by Mrs. Dora Olel a DcLancy street house today, and, aftrr beating the man with a cuspidor until he backed against an open window with a low sill, was smashing him across the face with, a rolling pin when he toppled to deuth on tho concrete pavement fifty feet below. Gratch got Into the house by climbing the five-escape. - . . j BIG FIRE IN MEXICAN TOWN Ulase started by Ks plosion in Mine Destroys One Hundred , IIousps. EL PASO, Tex.. May M.-One man was killed und several Injured as the result ot an explosion at the Dolores mine In ths state of Chili ahua, Mex., yesterday. Th exp oslon started a fire which destroyed 100 houses, rendering 600 persons homeless. Court-Murttal for t sixain (land. SAN FRANCISCO, Msy 2a.-Catain Daniel W. Hand, 1'. 8. A., former ((uurter nmnter of tlie transport, Sherman, who tint been frequently recommended to the War department fur distinguished service us a captain of field artillery in I'm Philippines, has been arrested to await trial by court-martial on the charge tha he wss Intoxicated while on duty.