TTTE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, MAY 2fi. 1910. Boys' WashiSuits SWill wtarwont fade; wA) wash won t crock. ijTub Suits for little and big boys, in natty styles, suitable for every age; all priced to sell in quantities. Boys'. Russian and Sailor Suits, in madras, chainbray, kbaki, galatea and linen, in wide ranges of plain colors, stripes, checks and white up from $1.25 Boys' Jacket Suits and Norfolks, of imported tan khaki ages G to 16 .'at $3.50 and $4.50 iNorfolk Suits, in tvJute galatea lor ages 6 to 14 years, at ...... . $3.o0 Write for Illustrated Catalogue. S m YOUHO f E0PLT5 OWN STORE 1513-1520 Farnam Strwrt fa? I vi w. n r J i rf I n CAtCCS.Ori'OSTAL SAVINGS House Reiublicaiii Will Make JPinal . Draft ol Bill. ' OAKDSER BILL IS THE BASIS Mexaure Approved Espected to Dif fer Lamely from Bill Passed. by ' Sraate -.Sevrrnl lasuriienta ' illerue to Attend. WASHINGTON, May 25. The caucus ot republican' members of the house on the subject 'of the postal savings bank will be 'held tolight 't 8 o'clock' ln the chamber ot Vie house of representatives. Not all of ' the" members of the 'niajerlty party will attend, but the' exact number that will pur posely absent themselves to prevent their being bound vby, the .'actio'n takn ' tonight; Is unknown. Liens than a dozen, all ln surgtmtSi d far as Is known, have declined to sign the call for the' caucus. About 170 names wtre signed to the petition, out of a total representative .Jiwmbei ship of 217, but a large number are absent from the felly that would attach their names to. the Jcall had they been; In Washington. . '.' , " 'i'iie action tov bo taken ) to "be decisive as far aai the house Is concerned. The, bill .Introduced "by' Kepi'esentatlve Gardner ot 'New Jersey,1 which- la the product of the republican. members .$ tfitf committee ort postoffices and post roads, will be used as a , t)Hls for party, agreement on the ''"iubject j- Ttw trerti A iscii s tu'n 'itfiJ amerndmenF WftH ,7 be had tonight, and It Is expected the bill ,i which the caucus will approve will dlffei. largely from the Gardner bill as the one which passed the senate some weeks ago. There is strong opposition to both bills and wide divergence of opinion among both regular and Insurgent republicans. There were numerous Informal confer ences" among representatives today with Indications that the republican caucus In the house tonight over postal savings bank again would be fruitless of action. It was predicted that the republicans would have to caucus for three nights at least before reaching an agreement and that the fight would center on the disposition of the funds deposited with the postal banks. Convict oh Way Back to Prison MOKE OBJECTION TO CfflON Presbyterians Discuss Speaker in Con nection with Temperance Bill. BONETT MEASURE IS ENDORSED It Wm Drawn by ronareimmaa, Who la rromlnest Layman, and Pro Tides for Inquiry Into Liquor Traffic. 1 Building and Loin-League in Annual Session Total Assets of Local Associations in United States is Now Near Bil lion Dollar Mark. St Louis Man Who Escaped Nine Years Ago Captured as He Was -.? Leaving British Jail. NEW, yORK, May.25.-Nlne years after his escape from a prison In Missouri, M. B. Bates was brought back to this country on his way to St. Louis, arriving here today on the steamship Carmanla frdm Liverpool, In charge of two St. Louis police officers. Bates, whose home- was In St. Louis, wb s serving a sentence of twelve years for robbery when he broke Jail. The Missouri, authorities heard ot his arrest In England for robbery,-and officers were sent, on to bring him back on the expiration ot his sentence. ., ; vs. .. VJ U ill pWKrJUVUl.W.v, n House, Committee Actress Telia "How ? ' Youth Is Preservd (From New Vor TT V Tli catrical News.) One of America's lt'inLji actresses who for thirty years, has stood In, the front rank of )ver $ profession, and , who BtJU plays young girls' parts In a man ncr to cause our fathers to say, "She . doesn't look "a day older .than when. I fust saw her," recently told an Inter viewer how she retained her beauty. "I never use paint, powder or other scosmetlc, exej-pt., on . the. stage. . I attri bute my tconipex!on,'. today" io the use of ! ina atone, Jnq 'Oftly tblDg S know .that pre- i serves a womkh'S' complexion In its nat- i ural daintiness. I buy jaa - original pack age of mayklope. . from wiy druggist and dissolve .It lrl eight .ounces- of witch hazel to make ''solution with" which 'to mas sags my face",', arms and heck, daily. ' ' .. "1 have 'been on the stage more years than I cafe. tJe U bu( you see my skin Is not coarse nor saggy. ' Mayatone keeps my face free from pimples, blotches and bletiilshea and prevents the growth of .downy hair that annoys so many women. This treatment Is not harsh Indeed, It is . absolutely ' harmless 'and T would advise any woman nbf satisfied with her com plexion to try mayatone. It certainly does wonders for me." Adv. .' - tli ' . - Head of Federation Urges Passage of Bill Creating a Department" of Laljor. L WASHINGTON, lay woitjd father be president o the American n soeraiion of Laboi- than to Bold any other office on earth," declared Samuel Gompers, presi dent of the American Federation of Labor, In assuring the house committee on labor today that he had no ambition to. become secretary of the proposed department Of labor, the establishment of which he was urging. Secretary Morrison of the Federa tion pointed out that the 20.000,000 wage earners of the country had no direct rep resentative In the president's cabinet. Rep resentative Sulser (dera.) of New York addressed the committee on behalf of his bill. ATLANTIC CITY, May 25. Commission ers of the Presbyterian general assembly objected, today to Speaker Cannon of the house of representatives having the power of appointing the proposed federal com mission for the Investigation of the liquor traffic In the United States. The matter was brought up In a report on temperance which followed the main report yesterday. In discussion of the question of temperance legislation, Congressman W. H. Bennett of New York, one of the leading laymen and father of the bill providing for the com mission, asked for support for the measure by the assembly. Rev. II. T. Laughbaum of Oklahoma City said: "I would be willing to have the member ship of the committee placed In the hands of Congressman Bennett, but I am not willing to trust the speaker of the house with the appointment of the committee." lr. Laughbaum and other commissioners attacked the proposed bill on the ground that the Intended Investigation work will only delay needed temperance reforms. Congressman Bennett defended the bill, which was finally voted the support of the assembly. 11 ' Members of the assembly applauded the Introduction of a resolution condemning the white slave traffic, introduced by Qulncy Thacker of Elk Rapids, Mich. In discussing the resolution Commissioner Thacker said: "There should be an old fashioned brim stone hell for those engaged in this ter rlblo business." . . Simon Wolf, former consul general to Egypt, appeared before the convention on Invitation and expressed the thanks of the Hebrews of the world for the resolu tlon adopted by the assembly on Monday condemning persecution of the Jews In Russia. Iteport on Home Mlnslons. Tho board of home missions In Its re port stated that tho total receipts for the year were $1,108,343.66. The board expressed gratification, because, while the churches of the- country had been asked to contrl bute- an advance of but 6 per cent in their offerings, the advance had really been 6 per .cent and this advance amounted to $16,707 over the previous year. Thn board reDortel having missions In nearly every field in discussing Mor monism raid: "This problem abides and has lost none of Its perplexities. As a system it still has all the ugly marks of sin. Those who know it best and meet it daily on the field, think it resembles Mohammedanism in Its subtlety and sensuality. Yet thore arc indications that God is honoring the wcrk of our. church In this hard field Men and women have come out of Mormon Ism Into the light and liberty of the sons of God." ' Work Among; Indians. Speaking of Indian missions, the report says: "With only .100,545 Indians in the United States, exclusive -of Alaska, there Is rarge-pf't!rrt ' of heathen unenlightened by the gospel among this people than among any other element of American population. The report says that the estl. mated adherents of the Presbyterian faith among tho .Indians fire 18,000 and that not a people In. .the world is more devout Jhah these Christian Indians." Discussing Alaska, the report says: "There . Is really no Sabbath In Alaska with steamers large and small calling In pert and the Industries and mines running seven duys In the week. Stores and shops are open Just the same every i'.o.y in the week. The only hope of our people here Is the coming of some good Christian man, who will conduct the fish business and the timber trade on Christian principles end by example teach Sabbath observance."' CHARLOTTE, N. C. May 25.-The scv- enleenth annual convention of the United States league of Local Huilrilng and Loan associations, begun a two days ses sion In this city today. Delegates repre senting fourteen state leegues in tjie east, south and middle west are In attendance. The annual report of the Secretary Her man F. Cellarlus of ..Cincinnati, exhibits in detail the developments of these co operative savings societies, their success In promoting thrift and home ownership and th'e notable prosperity enjoyed during 1909. The number of associations la 6,713, hav- ng 2.016,6fl members and assets aggregat ing $8(6,332,719. This Is an increase for the year cf 114 associations, 96,394 members and $72,156,000 In total assets, the largest Increase In any single year In their hls- Hall Coaatr Option League. KEARNEY, Neb., May 25 (Special. A meeting of a . number of cltlsens was called Monday evening for the purpose of organizing a county option league. The plan pf the members is to circulate a pledge and have each signer agree to vote for tie candidate who Is not favorable to .county option. ; Wide and extensive campaign work la planned by the members. The officers elected at the meeting were: W. L. Hand, president; W. R. .Brookings, vice presldentr A. P. Salgren, secretary: John N. Dryden, treasurer. The meeting was the culmina tion of a series ot calls Issued by advocates of county option. j"33SSBBK3B uili.-u j-".'. ' " ' "y. . i - .....i'V'itoai jJl 0 vPjUAYER PIANO A simple explanation of the Player Pinno situation that gives you the correct basis for your investigation. . Iff it not a fact that Paderwiski or any other, pianist . ays the piaao by a downward stroke on the Piano key ! . )o yok know wliat we mean by touching down on the key ? : Is it not a fact that no other point contact in a player. piano fa correct except that which the human fingers would naturally seek t .' . . ' ' It IS A FACT that the APOLLO U the only Player plane in the world, jh which the pneumatic finger touches down on the piano key Just os a pianist plays the piano. We ran make it very plain to you, why no other manufacturer employe this correct method of construc tion. This information ia bound to better qualify you to use your own judgment in deciding the player piano question. " Send for catalogue. Old pianos taken in exchange. Sold on easy payments. s 1-. M. H.OSPE :COr OSTEOPATHS AS! OWN BOARD Fight Going On in Iowa Between New and Old Schools. STATE BOARD CALLED HOSTILE Convention In Dn Moines Devotes Attention to Preventive Tnbercn lost Heqnents of Aext Legislature. DE8 MOINES. Ia.. May 25. (Special Telegram.) The annual state convention of the osteopathic doctors of Iowa began here today. It Is their Intention to demand a separate state board to Issue certificates to them and to cut loose from the board of medical examiners. They state that they are vary much aggrieved, because of al leged bad treatment by the state. The tendency, they say, on the part of the state board of health, is to prevent any advancement that the osteopathic pro fession my want to make. The osteopaths declare the attitude of the state board ot health Is hostile, and because of this feel- j ing of antagonism want a board separate General Estradn's artillery fire and sus tained small losses. The situation at Rama remains un changed. General Mena of the Insurgents Is checking every move made by General Chav'arila, who has directed his strength against Rama unsuccessfully. The Insurgent strength In the city has been Increased by the enlistment of 1.000 volunteers. So far General Estrada hss sustained no losses among his forces In this city. torv. Their ceneral condition is verv satis- tm the state board of health and espe factory, and favorable reports eome from'clallr created to look after the Interests or tne osteopainic prtucsnion in lowa. Preventive tuberculoslasjis the main sub ject, given discussion this afternoon at the opening session of the convention. The proposed legislative measures to be asked of the next general assembly wer dis cussed at length. The state association of undertakers was also in session all day, but considered only matters of technical nature. Stntlent Mystery Dispelled. Carl Schomann, the state college student who disappeared from Ames mysteriously last Saturday morning, has been found very ill in a hospital at Marshalltown. He Is ap parently unbalanced In mind and suffering greatly. His Illness was undoubtedly due all parts of the union. Ohio shows the greatest gain lrt assets,. 114,164.077; followed by Pennsylvania, . $12,989,255; New Jersey, $5,269,927; Massachusetts, $4,605,731; Illinois, $4,131,600; Nebraska, $3,678,919; New York, I2.90S.338; Louisiana, $1,937,437, and Indiana, $1,03,002. ,- ,. '.. There has been a net increase, since 1901 in the number of associations, of 411, or 7.7 per cent, and that the membership, which In 1901 was 7,53J,5'.3, Increased in, 1909 to 2,016,651, a gain of 477.058, or 80.9 per cent. Tho total assets 'during' the same period increased from $3ft.22 to $424.63, a gain of gain of $290,944,753, or 51.4 per cent. The average amount, due each member Increased from $367.22 to $424.63, a gain of $57.41, or 15.6 per cent. The annual receipts Increased from $39.1,- 987,216 In J901 to $579,892,862 In 1903, a gain of $183.905,1X or 46.4 per1 cent. Pennsylvania, the parent state of associ ations, roports 1,450 associations, Ohio sec ond with 647 . ami Illinois third ith 521. Nebraska Is credited with seventy associ ations, 49,441 members, and assets of $17,- 094.771, ranking eighth among the states. Iowa has forty-eight associations and 15 200 members and assets of 34,390,441. Kansas reports fifty-eight associations, 39,114 mem bers and assets of $10,107,663. Persistent advertising in The Omaha Bee la the road to Big Returns. Hastings Auto Tonr. - HARVARD. Neb., . May 26.-(SpeciaD Last evening' Hastings Automobile club made a visit "to . Harvard .with fifty machines all well filled. The Harvard club with , some .thirty-five machines met Hastings three miles south of this city and falling In behind, guided by Mayor Phillips, followed the Jia.Htings delegation .and the procession led by It li. Herxog of this city and his company, passed through "the various streets of Harvard,' bringing up In front of Stokes opera house, where all the machines were "anchored", for safety and the people Joined with the local clttzena In a social hour. On ' request of 'Mayor Phillips, Dr. . A. J. Jenlson welcomed the visitors, closing with the presentation of W. A. Taylor,, president of the Commer cial club. Relegations were present from Clay Center, Inland . an,d the . surrounding country generally ' and all Joined in mak ing the . occasion-Wjeof -pleasure and in terest. ' BODY OF MAN IN RIVER John McMntaon nt Central City Dis cover Body Possible Morder ' Case..' .,',.. CENTRAL CITY, Neb., May 25. (Special Telegram.) The body of a, man. was dis covered by John McMahon while spearing fish in the Platte river this afternoon. The man was five, feet seven inches In height and was clothed in a cheap suit and shirt, and wore No. 8 Sunflower shoes, but had no papers or other marks of identifi cation. His pockets contained only a comb and "a pocket knife., .A hole In the skull, above the'. ear would Indicate that he. .was shot : or. may haye sb.ot hjmselfv Evidently the body, had,. been .In. the river a month or . six . weeks.. . The . body was brought to . town and is at Kombrink's undertaking rooms. : Bentrlca to Have Park. BEATRICEUNcb.May J3.,-(Special Tele gram.) Thejflt ;council tonight purchased the property of 1 is". Mary Miller, which adjoins the 'pW selected for a city park, for $3,300. This is one step further in solv ing the park question for Beatrice. The property ,ha, been'. )n litigation if or a long time. An"ordlhance' ko curb Washington street from Fourth t4 Seventeenth' street was vetoed by the mayor because Jn be lieved the expense was too heavy for the city, to carry at ihls time. to hard study. Will Condemn Lee Btatne. It Is regarded as certain that the Depart ment of Iowa, Grand Army of the Republic, at Its session next month In this city, will condemn the placing of a statue of General Lee In the capltol at Washington. A num ber of the posts have taken action along that line and are prepared to bring it be fore the department meeting. . Persistent advertising in The Omaha, the road to Big Returns. Bee Make Ready for Yard Rate Case Beport on Physical Valuation of Union Stock Yards is Reported to State Railroad Commission. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May tS. (Special.) E. C. Hurd, engineer in charge of the physical valuation department pf the State Railway commission, lias made a report to the com mission showing the valuation of the Union Stock Yards at South Omaha. This report will be passed upon by Ihe commission, and then used I nthe hearing on the application of the stock yards to Increase rates. Mr. Hurd reported the present value of the company's property, to be $1,TJ5.719.69, and the reproduction value (new) in,42.49. The value as reported by the company is as follows: Present value, $2,591,390.57; re production value, $2,744,838.84. Mr. Hurd's present valuation is $765,679.88 less than the value placed on the property by the com pany. The value refers only to the rail road property. . v. The Item upon -which, the engineer and the company differ meetly. Is the right-of-way. Mr. Hurd valued the right-of-way and the station grounds; at$S71.49S and the company returned it at $1,273,800. Mr. Hurd treats the rails in his reoort an hoi no- nu when In fact, he-said they were second hand, for the reason the rails were not new from the mill as represented In price by the Stock Yards company's report. In other Items, where difference occurred Mr. Hurd has treated the property in ques tion as though the plant was put In within a reasonable period of construction and not spread over a number of years with incidental periods of construction. The engineer said he deems the report of the Stock Yards company one representing a fair service value In many respects and not strictly a physical valu of the property, NICARAGUANS SEARCH AMERICAN SCHOONER Party from the Venns Boards Ship Flying; Stars and Stripes Pta-ht-ingr Near Blueflelils Continues. BLUEFIELDS, Nicaragua, May 25. A Nicaraguan government fori from the gunboat Venus today boarded and starched ,the American schooner Esfuerxo, flying the Stars and Stripes. The action was In de fiance of a ruling from Washington that the Venus had forfeited its rights of Bearch. Following the search the Venus and the other Nicaraguan gunboat, San Jacinto, were seen approaching Blueflelds Bluff. The American gunboats Paducah and Du buque were lying off Blueflelds and It was expected here that the commanders .would take prompt action. The fighting outside Blueflelds continues without definite results. Throughout yes terday the battle waged. General Lara of the Nicaraguan government army, seeking a position near the city, was repulsed by Calls for more The Appetite Post Toasties Let a saucer of this de lightful food served with cream tell why "The Memory Lingers Pkga. 10c and 18c. ' Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek. Mich. I Comet est. Wednesday at 11:25 p. m Comet set Thursday at 11:33 p. m. Comet sets Saturday Ui40 p. m. Kcott's Blnff High School Banquet. SCOTT'S BLUFF. Neb., May 23. (Spe-claI.)-The Scott's Bluff High school Junior-senior reception and banquet was held last Monday night at the Emery and plates were laid for thirty-five. The following toasts were responded to when called on by the toastmlstress, Floy Gertrude Shumway: "Senior Symptoms," Albert T. Howard, president, class JP10; "Before and Afterwards," Bertha Kron berg; "The Road to Yesterday," Verda Pickett; "Speed no Object," Earnest Young; "Three Strikes and Out," W. L. Greensllt; "Seniors of I9U," Mytrle Shumway; "Senior Words," Leslie Phillips; "Some thing Late, "Marguerite Rice, president, 1911; "To 1911," Charles Kllngman. The faculty reception to the seniors will be given this evening and the senior class "play " 0h Thursday "evening. . Foritrr Fremont Man Killed. FREMjONT, May .-(SpeciaD-Herbert Reckmeyer, a son of the late Henry Reck meyer and until within a few years ago a resident of this city, accidentally - shot himself while out In the mountains near Sand Point. Idaho, Monday. He was cash- i ier of a bank at Mountain Home, Idaho, I and had gone to the northern part of the state to spend a few rnpntha In a camp for the benefit of his health. . Ha started alone from Sand Point to find a suitable site nd was found dead near the place. His body will be brought to Fremont for burial. He leaves one child, a boy 1 year old. Ills wife died seveial months ago. He was 81 year of age. 1513 Douglos uect. til i II V W4aVUV-B V V 1 1 W MrmmmmimixmcaiLWMH i.irenieamwsn J assembly In Lincoln. . Prof. Bleliorn at Convention. BEATRICE, Neb., May . (Special.) Not the leafct important part of a success ful convention Is the music, and the State Sunday School convention at Beatrice, June T, 8 and 9, la to be particularly fortunate In this respect. Prof. L. D. Elrhorn of Denver, Cola., will have charge of the music and will be astUted by a largs ' chorus choir from" all the churches of the city. The local committee already has this mat ter in preparation and rehearsals arranged. Prof. Eluhorn has. for several years been the leader of the music at the Epworth The Weather. FOR NEBRASKA Showers; warmer. FOR IOWA Showers: warmer. Temperature at Omaha yesterday Hour. Deg. ,...48 ,...45 ....49 ...51 ...54 ...58 5 a. m 6 a. m 7 a. m 8 a. m ia. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 12 m ...62 1 p., m ...64 1 2 p. m 66 8 p. m 66 4 p. m.. 67 5 p. m 66 8 p. m 66 7 p. m 66 S p. m 63 ANNOUNCEMENT During the week beginning Saturday, May 28tn, we will have in active oper ation in our south show window a WHITTALL RUG LOOM assembling yarns of different colors and weaving them into carpets and rugs of various designs, just as they are woven in the large carpet mills of the east. . At the same time our contract depart ment will have a special display of interior furnishings arranged in booths on the first floor in charge of experts from that department. v You are cordially invited to witness this interesting exhibit. Miller, Stewart Beaton PERMANENT LOCATION, 1808 FARNAM ST. WE ARE Here To Stay About three months ago we opened a branch at 1507 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Neb., and now have positively decided to make Omaha the dis- tributing center for Nebraska and adjoining ', states and are making extensive preparations for the convenience of our many old and new cus- ' tomers. . Announcement The manner in which the people of Omaha and vi cinity have taken to the Segerstrom Piano Manu facturing Company's product, namely the fc er strom Piano, demands that we open our it. .til store in the new and better equipped quar- v ters, and oii June 1st we move to 1808 .i arnam Street. Segerstrom Piano Mfg. Co. ' Watch Us Grow. A PERMANENT LOCATION, 1808 FARNAM ST. En 31 It io our j?vr$oh to mallo tho xc'6r2o fivo bring into your mind a -picture . 0 superlative clothes gliah'ty embodying all that a rharj of good taste flight wish m shit or raincoat. oYoi; may at any time find at obr clothes shop tle orig inal of the picttire and make it yoUr ovlj. Spring Shits $18 to $40 Raincoats $18 to $30 Olirfj hatJBolirke JYefarrtd is tqt. best hat shon fn Omaha at the price. Stfjis js a strong staterrfeijt; coma in f.j i. ix - : y. ana ec us prove ft. 318 Sohth i 5th" Street v laiiiiiMi.ifalrnnty:-'-' ' J " OVER HALF MILLION PAI11S SHOES Made by St. Louis Bhoe Houses la Weel The output of 49 St. Louis shoe 'factorial for the week ending . May . Jlth wai 60M94 pairs of shoes. The shoe shipment! for the week were 20,460 cases. Ovel seven hundred drummer?, travel from St. Louis selling shoes. Pt. Louis mad shoes are sold In every state In the union and In many foreign countries. Ho ported by the bhoe & Leather Oatette. Beautiful Tebth There are but few 'people who "have them. Oood Teeth, every one might have If they would go to JUr. Uradbury. . The quickest, easiest and least painful are the only methods employed by vu and hundreds of. our patients, both In and out 'f the city will gladly tell you about the good dental work and our up-to-date ways of doing things. Crowns and bridge work from to. 00 per tooth. Plates that fit from $4.00 to $12. SO. Painless extrac tion of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed without hurttpg you. Work warranted ten years. ; . , , . . DR. BRADBURY, TKE DENTIST ISOeTarnam St., rhone Z. 178i 17 rears sam looatloa. ' "G IVE me a drink of SKYROK all the way from the Rdckiog. No wonder it quenches thirst. SWROK Auto Wagon Rocs on your street Hail the driver. f 10c a gallon Delivered ROCKY MOUNTAIN WATER CO . Douglas 60 AMUSEMENTS- BRANDEIS THEATER TOY SHOP For the Benefit of the Child Saving Institute ; 4 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY May 27 and 28 Saturday Mat. Night Prices .25c to $1.50 , ivxauucu uvea ..... tu px AUDITORIUM Friday Night, May 27th. BIG NEBRASKA TALENT WRESTLING MATCTI. Bill Hokuf vs. Ban Pavtlka and John Holien vs. Arthur Pavelka TOTS FmiLIMlWAKIES. Beat Bale Opens Wednesday. May 25. Prices BSo, BOo and 76c ASE BALL Omaha vs. Sioux City May 26, 27, 284 29 ' Vinton street Park; Friday, May 27, Ladies Lay. Special Car J f araam Its, lows'.rii.yX-1919 1 TOWIOHT rXTBA MATIWBB FRIDAY Tonight Matinee Tunrs. a&4 gat. EVA I AUG in PETER PAN next We. The Society Comedy, MAM Opto ' au lanuatr. vnfrs.,'lO ana 25. KOCfcDIA STOCK CO I Msgnilloent Seenlo mertval of' tvionte Crlsto ! gammer-Time YaudevUl Beteewa AotK w ' i.oco nv 100 'i.r.i'iV ana. an AU Week, The Widely .' SX.MO." Xatra Mai mob. BecuratMrS a . V