The Omaha Daily Bee. The Omaha Dee Im to tha bomea U read by tb jromn Ha rood for a4T"rtler. WEATHER FORECAST For Nebraska Partly cloudy. Per Iowa Partly cloudy. I 'or wonthor roport s"c nape 2. VOL. XXXIX NO. 293. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOIiNING, MAY J6, 1910 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. i t 1A FOLLETTE FOR NEW BATE BILL Wisconsin Senator Speaks Lou; in Support of the Cummins Increaf- :) Amendment ; i SAYS COMMISSION IS WEaH Deolares for Re-equipment of Inter-' state Regulation Board. SIDETRACKS MARTIN'S PLAN Mot for Compromise Proposed is Not Voted Upon. FAVORABLE PRIVATE COMMENT Uoaaln Indicates . ' I'osalblllt r rassasre . Later Revision of Physical Valuation is u Sasrareated. of WASHINGTON, May 25.-"There is not ne Una In tha statutes to give to the peo ple reasonable railroad rates," declared Bsnator La Follctt in the senate today. "All that hag been accomplished," he said, "la to afford a meana of giving equal rates to shipper." ' ' ' The Interest of the shipper was by -no means tha Interest of the general public, h asserted. lie declared the people gen erally were as much entitled to protection at tha shipper. Forty years ago the fight aa begun with that end In view, he said, and It u as much a fight against ex tortion as against discrimination, but in tha former ratptct there has been an utter fllure. With a huge chart to show the relative Importance of tha various railroad groups, lha Wisconsin senator spoke in support of tha Cummins amendment' to the railroad bill requiring tha prior approval by the Interstate Commerce commission of In creases la rates. Mara Child's Play. "Tha Interstate Commerce commission Is engaged In a mere child's play," said Mr. La Folletta, adding that it was so hedged 'about that It could not effectively deal with; tha problem. , "The rules of the son ate seem to be so formed as to prevent on from speaking the truth. The rail roads have teen having their way for forty years. We have the sins of many con grease to atone for if we permit this bill to par from our hands." While th rata regulation provision of the president' original bill was In the public interest, Mr. La Folletta aald, the pro vision had been so modified by Senators A Id rich and Elkins as to ba wholly in the interest of the railroads. Since January 1, he said, the rates on wool from fit. Louis and Duluth to New York had increased 17 and 18 per cent; on grain and grain products, domestic, from Ml. k Louis ta New York, 18 per cent, -and' from Chicago to New York W per cent. Fresh meats from Missouri river points to Chicago, IS per cent; Missouri river points to East St. Louis, 23 per cent, and the rates on horses and mules between St. Paul and La Crosse, 10 per cent. I Western Rate' Raised. Out of th multitude of rates to become effective Jun 1 he cited the following: Agricultural Implements, Chicago to St. Paul. lSft per cent; brick, St. Paul to Chi cago, 16 per cent; cement, St. Paul to Chicago, 25 per cent; harness, St. Paul to Chicago, -IS per cent; hides, green salt, St. Paul to Chicago, 2.S per cent; paints, Chi cago) to St. Paul, IK 4 per cent; wagons, Lak City, Minn., to St. Louts, 14.1 per cent; wool, St Paul to Chicago, 15 per cent. " lie contended that instead of an increase there should have been a decrease. - Quoting Senator Root as saying that unreasonable rates could be corrected under th present law, he said that "such Si Statement inipeacuea eiuict mt inieiu gene or the candor of the man who make it." Hate An Extortionate. Contending that the present railroad rate are "not only not reasonable, but are extortionate." Mr. La Follette declared that Vthose who will not consent to giving tha commission power to examine further increase betray the public Interest. I am here today to plead that rates shall not ba further advanced until ws go back and Cloth tha commission with authority to determine the reasonableness of rates and equip it so that it can perform that ser vice.'' Saying that of the 240,000 miles of rail ways' in tha United States six groups con trolled 200,000 miles, Mr. La Folletta found there really waa very little variety of In taraat, ln railway ownership In the United State, leaving tha control In practically on glgantio trust. He found Morgan and Rockefeller at the head of the entire fabric and he predicted that ultimately thoae two names would Stan! not only for the finan cial put for tha production and transpor tation interests as well. MRS., THOMAS F. DAVIS IS DEAD assBSHasaaaas tVlfa ( Commander at Fort MacKea at Dlea In Hospital at gherldan, Wyo. BHEWOArt, Wyo., May 25.-The wife of Colonel Thomas F. Davis of the Eighteenth United States infantry. Fort Mackensle. died at Wyoming State hospital following an operation at t-lt this morning. Mrs. Davis waa taken to the state institution Monday afternoon and was not considered to be seriously 111, aa she waa able to walk about. Colonel Davis has been tha commanding officer at Fort Mackensle since November and til faintly Is well known In army circle. Besides her husband, tha deceased leave two sons, one in El Paso, Tex., and th cither In Santa Clara, Cal., and oue daughter, wife of Lieutenant .Cummins of T th Twenty-ninth infantry, stationed ' at y for Niagara, w Bay Fatally Kicked by II arse. PIERRE. S. D.. May 24 -(Special.)-Bert, th 11-year-old son of Mra. M. Kennedy, Jiving In Lyman county, aouth of Fort rurre. waa kicked In the face Sunday even ing while lsa6ing a horse and hla skull ao badly, crushed that several pieces were re moved. While the boy wa living' at laat report. It 1 aot thought that hla recovery is possible. - DnrkfUkon Men tis to frlaoa. CINCINNATI. O. May 25.-Loute W. Poster. Ed Hill, Walter Campbell. J. M. Scott . and Arthur W. Baldwin, the five . ..mtnbeis of the O'Dell Brokerage oinpauv. Wtrtio tvera sentenced to Jail on chaiga of f UVa Vtne mans ior oui-Keinnup operauona. rd to I mien Ma'ea atarahal Ku--ii !r1s today. I ney wore taken to tbe couiay Jails In Dayton and Trvy, O, Prescription Will B Exhibit in Doxey Case Columbus, Neb., Druggist Who Filled Order for Poisonous Compound Will Be Witness. . LOUIS, Mo., May 25. Attorneys for Dora E. Doxey, accused of poisoning ' m J. Erder, today are engaged in . : ng from the special panel of forty obtained yesterday in Judge Grimes' c velve men who will acceptably, to th. .,-tiVar the evidence for and against her. When court opens tomorrow the state will be ready to strike out fifteen names from the panel and Mrs. Doxcy's attorneys will then have an hour to strike off twenty more. Assistant Circuit Attorney C. A. Newton will make the opening statement for the prosecution. A prescription for five grains of cacodylata of soda, a deadly arsenical compound, written by Dr. Loren B. Doxey, liusband of the accused will be an exhibit of tha trial, according to an attorney connected with the prosecution. The prescription was filled In Columbus Neb., the home of the Doxeys. The drug gist who filled the order will be one of the state's witnesses. The prosecution will offer in evidence the original bottle from which the drug' was taken. Experts will be introduced, who are expected to testify they Injected the drug Into guinea pigs and rabbits with fatal results. First Skirmish in Beef Trust Case National Packing Company and Sub sidiary Concerns Attack Validity of Indictment. CHICAGO, May 25.-The first skirmish in the government's attack on the so-called beef trust began before Judge Landls, In the United States district court here today, when counsel for the National Packing company and Jts ten subsidiary concerns assailed the validity of the Indictments charging a combination in restraint of trade. In his argument. George T. Buckingham for the defendants, alleged: That the Indictment does not go Into particulars sufficiently. That it does not charge a crime, nor cite facts constituting a crime.' That, if there was a, crime the statute of limitations (3-years), had run against It. That the Indictment charges ' no . inter state transaction. That no place in which the combination operated or had existence is alleged. It la a combination, which la illegal; not It acts. Burkett Bill isfle ported Measure to Establish Forestry School at Nebraska City Approved by Committee. : WASHINGTON, May 25.-Senator Bur- kett's bill for the establishment of an In stitutlon of agriculture and forestry at Ne braska City, Neb., as a memorial to the late J. Sterling Morton, formerly secretary of agriculture, was today reported by the senate committee on agriculture, at which Senator Dollver is chairman. The purpose Is. to train forestry experts. The cost of the building and grounds would be limited by the bill to 1200,000. Contract for th disposition of the water supply of the reclamation projects to irri gation systems and to individuals, corpora- tions. associations and irrigation districts distributing water for Irrigation are au thorlzed in the Warren bill, which the Irrigation committee today ordered favor ably reported to the house. New Jersey May Oust the Packers f RENTON. N. J., May IK.K notice was flltd In the New Jersey supreme court to day by Prosecutor Garven of Hudson county, that h would apply to the court on June 7 for n order dissolving the char ters of Armour & Co., Morris & Co., Swift & Co.. and National Packing company. This is a new move on the part of the Drosecutor to hav the companies punished for their alleged conspiracy to raise, the price of meats. K lit. Garvin should bo aucccsaful in hi new fight thee companies could not do buslnea In New Jersey. UNITARIANS ELECT OFFICERS Samael W. K.lllot of Cambridge, Maita., Choaen President of American Association. BOSTON', May 26. Reports of the offi cers were read at tha annuah business meeting of the American Unitarian asso ciation in Tremont temple today, the third day of the eighty-fifth anniversary week of the association. Rev. Sidney B. Hnow of Concord. N. It- opened today' meetings by conducting a mourning prayer service in King chapel. The following officers were elected: President Samuel W. Elliot of Cam bridge. , , . oi Vice presiaeni msnes w. aiucb iu n. Paul. -Secretary Rev. I Lewia G. Wilson of Cambridge. . Treasurer r rancis n. uncoin oi mug- ham. HalleyVComet Has Many Knockers, but it is Here Too many people are knocking on the comet now. They want a regular flambeau exhibition a celesttal torchlight procession marching across tha heavens to the muslo of the spheres. Some even insist it has no tail. The comet has a tall. It I a long bushy one, too. Sometimes the light of the moon dims It. There are a whole lot of Omaha people who don't believe it, but It la so. There Is a, bit of knack about seeing tha comet's tall, anyway. SPITZER YIELDS TO CONSCIENCE I T Cross-Examination Leads Star Wit ness to Declare Motive in Giving;, Up Evidence. "I WANTED TO, 'BE SHRIVEN" Says He Could No Longer Stand Burden of Sins. v PARDON COMES AS SURPRISE Citizenship and Rights Restored at Court Room Door. ; ,- DEFENSE TOUCHES . LIGHTLY l.arrjera for Sigir Trobe Dec0 Into of the Man ' Prison. Men Do Xot Tratlmonr from NEW YORK, May .-Oliver Spltzer. the ouiwrinienueni or xne Ameri can Sugar Refining company, who walked out or me Atlanta penitentiary with a pardon rrom President Taft to testify for the government In the sugar conspiracy cases, was the chief witness at the trial of Secretary Charles It. Helke of the American Sugar Kefinlng company, and fava former subordinates, today. There was no little speculation today over the probable attitude of the govern ment toward the problem presented by the mysterious disappearance of numerous sugar trust books and records. The de fense has agreed . to accept the figures prepared by government experts regarding sugar weights in the time covered by the records In the missing volumes, but there Is no way of reconstruumg the vanished letter copying books of the period, con taining the correspondence, which ' passed between the refinery docks and the head offices of the company. Search for these records, it was intimated, had not been abandoned. Thompson Corrects Tratlmonr The first witness called was John H. Thompson, a bookkeeper In the Wall street offices of the sugar company. Today Thompson asked leave to correot his testimony of yesterday. It was Spltier who told me the docks were being watched, not Bendernaegel,' aald Thompson.. . He corrected his testimony In other de tails, mostly of minor nature. Theodore L. Keppler, head of the Sugar trust's refinery in South Boston, testified as an expert to sugar making processes, and was led to state that raw sugar would lose In weight by being refined. There was a general rustle of expectancy In tha court room as Oliver Sprtser was called for cross-examination. Washington u. x nomas, president of the American feugar- Refining company, who' Is under subpoena to appear, watched the former employe of .. the corporation closely as Spltzer began his testimony. Spltzer was cross-examined -Dy rormer State Senator Clarence W. Lexow. Appointed by Theodore Havemerer. Spltzer said Theodore A. Havemever. brother of the late H. O. Havemeyer, ap pointed him superintendent of the Williams burg dock. When he left Atlanta prison Spltzer said he had no hope of a pardon. and added :s vl left my effects in Atlanta. I came here to unburden myself of the trrv-at wrongs I had dona all these years. I wanted to confess all my sins before this court and tell all I knew. "In wanted to stand among my fellow men once more and tell all I should have told before. I wanted to go back to mv, family. I wanted to be shriven of ail that cankered me those sleepless night In Atlanta prison, where I suffered so much. "I could not stand It any longer. I told Captain Flynn of the secret service in Atlanta that I could not stand the toiture; that I must tell the truth and 1 would not have been behind those bars, if I had taken the advice of my lawyers, Mr. Mackellar and Mr. Cochran. They told me to confess, if I had anything to confess, after my conviction last Febu rary. They told me to confess before It was too late." Makea Counsel Sit Up. Spitzr'a former counsel, Mackeller and Cochran, who are now defending the ex government checkers, Halllgan and Voel ker, two of the six defendur.s, leaned for ward In their chairs listening with close attention to the testimony of their former client. Spltzer said he had received the pardon in the United States district attorney's of fice, Just before he took the stand Mon day morning. No promise, he said had been made him by Special Deputy Attorney General Stlm- Bon. or any one else connected with the government. Spitzer stood the cross-examination well it was neitner prolonged nor severe. " On the re-dlrect examination. Federal Prose cutor Stimson simply asked him if he do sired to change his testimony as given last Monday. "No I told the truth and have nothing to correct," was Spitzer's reply. GOLDEN RULE CHIEF SUSPENDED FROM OFFICE CLEVELAND, May 25. Pending an In vestigation of charges against him, Chief of Police Frederick Kohler, who has a national reputation as the , "golden rulo chief," was suspended by Mayor Uaehr late today. The charges filed yesterday ac cuse the chief of misconduct In office and of immorality. The best way la to get Into a dark but safe place at the appointed hour and gase at the comet from a point where the lights of the street cannot Interfere. "I believe a lot better comet than that could be made," remarked Herman Peters in his usual philosophic way, "but this one will have to do for a while. What I like about it Is the speed. Home day they will make an automobile that will go that fat Then I'll get one." Tha comet may be aeen this evening t" ;i aundown till it sets it U:S, I From the Cleveland Leader. PICTURE IDENTIFIES ERDMAN . 1 . Prison Photograph Shows Him to Be Escaped Convict. PROMISES TO I TELL IT ALL Dcclarea Himself t'nrepentant and Abandoned When Questioned Suit Case Found to Have 1 Been tolen." Frank Erdman Is escaped convict No. S9M from the state prison of Colorado at Canon - City, according to Identification made by the police from a prison photo graph received Wednesday, morning. Erdman was identified as Brlnkman at the city Jail shortly after his arrest in connection with the placing of an Infernal machine on Tom Dennlson's porch. This Identification was made by a workman from the ' Union Paclflo ' shops. Erd man made stout denial and has repeatedly insisted that he never has been In Colo rado. 1 ' The man under arrest la said to ' have been In prison for theft of . bullion.' His escape, according to polio Information, was made about six year past. When Erdman-yWfl'V' confronted with tha picture and the suggaation that ha might as well confess h sneered at the officers. "I am - and I have been all my life and I don't glva a rip for anything. In fact, I would Just as leave die right here," was his reply. He became Irrational and onoe.said in the course of a wandering conversation that he would tell all in due time.' A letter trom Warden Tlenan of the Colorado prison says that Erdman, alias Brlnkman, served several terms there and became unbalanced In prison. The sultcaBo in which the internal ma chine was placed came from the store of Frellnif & Stelnle. Eighteenth and Far- nam streets. Detectives Donahue and Helt feld made the discovery of the place which supplied the suitcase when they found an nther of the same type In this store. The suitcase was stolen, sometime since April 20, when the last Inventory was taaen. R. G. Williams, a young man employed by the Walter G. Clark company, me powder firm which sold some dynamite a few days ago which answered the descrip tion of that placed In front of the Den- nlson home, appeared at the station to try to Identify Erdman as the man who bought the dynamite. He said Erdman was not the man. ShrrclUle Back of Itf Messages received In Omaha by the offi cers from the Denver police have given rise to the suspicion that whoever it waa who placed the dynamite upon the porch of the Dennlson home may liuve Deen snaiigatea by a desire-tor revenge prompted by Frank Shercllffe, who bears an old grudge against the Omaha man. To bear up mis ineory would be necessary to - presuppose that the plot was laid in the west and that Shericllffe, who has been taken back to the Cation City penitentiary, has communi cated with the man who did the work. It Is along lines like these that the police are bending their energies. Denver police take a great deal of stock In the theory. Charles Walker, who lives at tuteenm and Vates street, and his daugnter Wed nesday afternoon positively lueminea Frank Erdman as a man they saw nrdav evening in the vicinity ot the house. They also say that the grip Is similar to the one the man was carrying. Walker came Into the case uuesaay morning, following a iciepnone iiirn f'Mvt Donahue. The identification rnw nlace when Erdman was among number of other prisoners connnea in tne city Jail. "That's the man," said Walker, pointing to Erdman, when ho and tha other Jail charges had passed in review. His daughter was equally sure, uney sain they saw him over the hill In the direc tion of Dennlson's residence. Erdinun Issued a statement through John O. Yoiser, lawyer, at noon Wednesday. In this statement he tells of his conviction c,l theft at La Junta. Colo., and his escap from prison. He reiterates Ills innocence of connection In the dynamite plot. A little want ad in today's Bee will find you a reliable servant. It will find the house you wish to rent or buy. U will secure a position for you. It will sell whatever you offer. It brings landlord and tenant together borrower and lender face to tace and does a thousand and one thing that would be difficult, to do any other way. Any ad 3 times, one cent a word. Call Douglas 23p and the ad taker will write your notice and place it lor you. Everypoay Head Dee Want Ada A motoring costume possibility. Liquor Dealer Discuss Model License Systems Among the Speakers is L. P. Larson of Fremont Ohio and Pennsyl vania Laws Considered. CINCINNATI, O., May 2o.-Exposltlons of model license systems and reviews of conditions in various states were heard by the convention of the National Whole sale Liquor Dealers', association today. The morning session was devoted to addresses, but . after luncheon there were reports from the committee on resolutions and by L. H. Glbsori of Cincinnati on the publicity bureau of the organization and W. E. Hull, Peoria, HI., on the protective bureau. The principal addresses of the morning session were by T. M. Gilmore, president of the Model License league, and Percy Andrae of Cincinnati, chairman of a com mittee wMch recently completed a sur vey of the results 'of the Rose local option law in Ohio. . In addition ' there were addressee by Ignatius Kugel. Cincinnati, president of tha Wine and Spirit association; Frederick Dlehl, Chicago; Owsley Broen, Louisville, and L; P. Larson, Fremont, Neb. - W. J.- Friday, Pittsburg, upheld the workings of the Brooks license law In Pennsylvania. "Proper license lawa should be advocated by the trade," he said, "not for the people appearing as enemies of our business, but to prevent improper men being licensed and disorderly places from being con ducted. Temperance agitators prefer dis orderly to orderly liquor stores." Peace Advocates Call on Roosevelt Former President Visited by Deputa tion from Inter -Parliamentary ' Union. LONDON, May 25. A deputation from the British group of the Interparliamentary union was received by Mr. Roosevelt today. The deputation was headed by Lord Weardale and presented the former presi dent with an address setting forth the alms of the union and the hopes of the British group for universal peace. Mr. Roosevelt in reply expressed his sym pathy with the cause represented by the visitors. He spoke briefly, as his throat is still bothering him somewhat. Fraternal Funds Are Misapplied i ' ' Fifty Thousand Citizens of Illinois May Be Affected by Inquiry Begun at Rock Island. ROCK ISLAND, May 25. State's Attor ney L. M. Maglll stated here today that probably 60,000 citizens of Illinois will be affected directly by the Impending grand jury investigation of alleged misapplication of funds of certain fraternal insurance as toclatlons, particularly the Fraternal Tribunes. Mr. Maglll stated that the in vestigation has so many ramifications that the work will require a month. Doctrine of "Elect Infants" ' Again Up for Discussion LEWISBURG, W. Va., May standing for two cealurles and 25.-After l half as a doctrine of the, church, the "Elect ltfanl" clause of the confession of faith the Southern Presbyterian church came up for revision today in the general assembly In session here. Tha church is divided into confessional; th other advocates boldly changing the wording ot the "elect Infant" several parties on the question and the fight for or against It has been waged for years. Tha question arose from the comment being made that If "elect" infants are saved, there must be some Infants that are not "elect." How to say, In churchly language, that the church holds that all Infants are "elect" Is the problem. At the last assembly an ad-Interim com mittee, headed by Dr. A. M. Fraser. was appointed to propose to thia assembly a proper wording of the proposed amend ment. It was itbis report that waa st for actlou today. Those who favor action by tha church FIFTEEN INJURED IN WRECK Two Coaches of Rio Grande Train Roll Down Embankment. VICTIMS ARE TAKEN TO PUEBLO Accident, Which Happened Near Cnchnraa Junction, Was Canard by Spreading of the Ralls. PUEBLO, Colo., May 25. FIrieen peo pie were Injured at 1:30 a. m. today, when two coaches of Denver & Ilio Grande train No. 116 Jumped the track two miles from Curiaras Junction, Colo. Spreading rails caused the wreck and two cara went down the embankment. The injured: Morris Hausman, 330 West Sixteenth avenue, Denver, left side bruised. Samuel Lorton, officii! of Soldiers' Home at Monte Vista, Colo., back and neck hurt, cut on hand. is. Ij. Jacobs. .Kansas City. Mo., hip bruised. Mrs. George Strange. Kansas City, Mo., shoulder bruised. Mra. H. J. Strange. Dodge City, Kan., side bruised. W. J. Uyrd. Oakfleld, Colo., toe broken, shin and knee lacerated. John Zelgler, Strawabury, Kan., leg hurt Charles- Stout, 2608 South street, Den ver, cut on head and mouth. .John Coleman, Carmel, Ind., cut on head; shoulder and arm bruised. Arthur Warner, news agent, Denver, shoulder and hip broken. Simon Young, Des Moines, la., arm hurt. . . . ; Heorge W. "Pierce, Alamosa, Colo, cut Oil forehead. W. F. Blair, Atlanta, Kan., back and shoulder sprained. Joseph Wright, Arkcltff, Colo., head and leg bruised. Perry Johnson, railroad laborer, leg and back hurt. A wrecking train with seven physicians left Pueblo 1 r the scene of the wreck and the injured were brought here and taken to St. Mary's hospital. Several of the injured are in a serious condition. WILL ENFORCE THE TWENTY'EIGHT-HOUR LAW Department to Bring- Trst Caara aa to Space to Be Allowed Live Stock. WASHINGTON, May 25. (Special.) A controversy has arisen between some of the railroads of the . country and the larger live stock shippers In regard to the space In the cars which must be afforded an imals in transit from one state to another, in order to make unloading unnecessary and still comply with tha twenty-eight-hour law. The Department of Agriculture has been appealed to by both railroads and shippers, and today the position of the de partment is tentatively announced as fol lows: It is the Intention of tlio department to Institute a number of test cases and secure rulings from the federal courts as to what space must be afforded. It Is claimed by the department that this Is the only course open, since no power Is given the secre tary Of agriculture by the law to make rul ings and regulations regarding space to be afforded In cars. In all cases where live stock Is not un loaded en route "Into properly equipped pens for rest, water and feeding," the cars must be provided with facilities for feed ing and watering In transit, and live stock must, - when so fed and watered, receive proper feed and water. Texas-Mexican Veterans Meet. HOSTON. Tex., May 23. Texas-Mexican war veterans mt-t in reunion today, with an attendance of fourteen. Thursdav mm be spent on the field of San Jacinto, where General Sam Houston crushed General Santa Ana In 1836. winning the indepen dence of Texas. on the subject are sub-divided Into turn classes. One would taek a footnote to the clause itself. The ad-inttrlm committee reported its first recommendation aa a footnote read ing: "Thle paragraph (the elect infant clauae) cannot, by a fair interpretation of th language, be construed as teaching that any of those who die In infancy are lost and It is not the belief of the Pres byterian church in the United States that any Infanta dying in Infancy are lost." As second choice the committee recom mended that the present clause be super ceded by the following: "If those whom God hath given to the Lord Jesus to be his seed, such ai are incapable of being outwardly called by tha ministry of the word, are regenerated and saved ly Christ, through the spirit who workatli when and where and how he pleaseth." Thla was drawn to proiact the doctr'ne of election, to avoid Implying that any dying infanta are lost and to preaerve th theoretical tyla of th confession. BOOSTERS NEAB END 0FJ0UKNEY Trade Excursionists Due in Omaha This Morning After Jaunt of 2,500 Miles. LAST NIGHT SPENT IN DALLAS Entertainment EnJs with Vaudeville Show in Dining Car. WELCOME IN SOUTH -DAKOTi Fairfax, Bonesteel, Gregory Dallas Give Receptions. and SCHOOL CHILDREN MEET TRAIK I.Utle Ones, with Colors and Pnilrcs, Greet Visitors in .tinny To,wiia Women I.onil Reception Committers. GREGORY, S. D., May (Spi-clal Tele. j gram. Without question the most unlnin reception tendered the trade boosters wai that at Herrick. S. D., on the Inst after noon. A. W. Jefferls is chairman of tht committee to receive delegations mcet ng the Boosters. At Herrick Chief Yellow Horse of the . Sioux from Pones Creek and fifty-aeven 'of his braves and squaws constituted th jaige committee. ' ,. "Glad to see you, Yellow Horse; glad you are here to greet us," said Jefferls as lis shook hands with the old Ind'an. Sticking out the left hand while Jefferls gripped the right. Yellow Horse screwed up his fare and replied: "Give me that So." Charles E. McChesney, Indian agent, had brought the Indians.. In, telling them th Boosters were the same men who gave the Ak-Sar-Ben. Tellow Horse has visited the Ak-Sar-Ben festivities several times and always got $6 for dancing with the Bone steel band. There was nothing doing In the way of a reception from his commute until the $5 was collected. Fifty minutes of Bptrlted dancing fol lowed. Put In Dsir Dny. BONESTEEL, S. I)'., May 25. (Special Telegram.) From Cretghton, through the Rosebud country and valley of the Verdi gris to Dallas, the end of the Northwestern line, and practically the end ot the trade boosters' Journey, the weary and footsore workers have made their way. It has been brightened by the greetings of thousands of school children waving flags and singing songs. May 25 has been a holiday for the peo ple and every town has had a holiday ap pearance. In Fairfax, for Instance, the day had been Beclared by handbills put out sev eral, times by the cltisens' committee, ad vising people to take a dy off and greet the Omaha boosters... .... , The first big demonstration wa at Spencer, Neb., where automobiles were provided to take the entire party to tha town on a hill. In front of the school huse ' the children were lined up. Each child had a flag and wore a badge which read "Spencer Boosters." Everyone on the streets also wore ribbons. - As tha boost ers came along the children gave their yell. They were led by Kf young woman, who kept the yelling going like a drum major would a band. "Who are we? Who are wa? We are the Spencer boosters; can't you see!" was the yell they gave. Here was secured one of the best mov ing pictures taken on the trip, th light be ing perfect. After a short stop at Anoka, the entire party was driven to Butte, three and one-half miles away. There waa no reason to regret the trip. Women Welcome Uooatfra. In Butte the women took, charge of the reception, pinning badge on everyone In the party. From. a specially constructed stand Mr. Jefferls spok to the crowds, telling them that, as the town seemed to be run by women, he believed he would move t6 Butt, . a under such circum stances he could surely he elected to of fice. The town was decorated with flags and bunting. More extensive decorations were never used by the peoplo Of Butte for any clcbratlon than wera displayed lit honor of the Omaha boosters. Fairfax, presented a golden key to tha city, and from a decorated stand erected in the center of the main street the visitors were given another welcome to South Da kota and to Gregory county In particular. Arriving In Bonesteel another reception by the school children had been arranged and with their teachers wr at the train to meet the Omahans. An Immense Ameri can flag was hung from a ropa across tha main street of the town and forward of this A. 'W. Jefferls mad a speech. The people of Boneateel, with their Usual enter prise, had invited all the fanners on that part of tho old reservation to be In town to meet the Omahans, and from the alxa of the crowd they were all there. Return ing to their farm, their automobiles raced along the side ot the train, giving a re markable, demonstration ot the prosperity of the claimliolders who u few years ago drew lucky number at the great Rosebud opening and have since developed fauna which have mado them independently wealthy. Dallas Receives Visitors. For days Dallas had planned to entertain the visitors and the city was well prepared for a crowd from Omaha. It will be witli the greatest difficulty that th party la loaded on the train to leave Dallas. Al ready the time of leaving ha been extended an hour and the Boosters will not arrive iu Omaha until S o'clock or later. A smoker tendered by the business men of Dallas, a dance and the moving picture show given by' the Boosters formed a part of tha en tertainment. The visit to tha Rosebud country at thlj time is regarded as one ot the best posslblt trips. Steam plows, ripping up Sixteen fur rows at once, were teen at work along the line and told ot th new farm and pew homes to be established l)w customers for tho Omaha market. When the train leaves Dallas an afmateur theatrical show will be given in the dining car, . whio has been converted into a moving picture theater. Rufus Belasco Harris of Armour & Co. 's presenting the performance, backed by suen comedians as Joe Kelly in monologues, J. Deforest Richards aa the money channel, Paul Beaton as the volunteer soldier and a quartet ot which J. II. Thomas of the Cumi Exchange bank Is the leader. Feudist Killed front Atubnali. JACKSON, Ky., May SB. Alexander Combs, member ot a well known county family, was ehot tnd kill, d from ambush today, while floating down Ilia Kentucky rler on a rat