ft TIIE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1910. The umaha Daily Her FOUNDED Dr EDWARD ROSKWATKR. VICTOR HOSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflce eecond cla.ua matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally life (Including Sunday), pr week. 15c Dally Hm (without Sunday), per week..lOc Daily Hee (without Sunday) one yar..$40 Dally lie and Bundojr, ona year SOU DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Evening Bea (without Sunday), par week. 6c Evening Bea (with Sunday), per week....lOc Kunuay Bee, ona year I1 M baturday Dee, ona year LW Addreaa all complaint of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bea Building. Kouih Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluffs 14 bcott Btreet. Lincoln filt Little Building. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. New York Rooms 1101-11M No. 34 Weal Thirty-third Btreet. Washington Tit Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and editorial ' matter should be ' addressed: Omaha Bea, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received in payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. 6TATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, aa. : Ueorge B. Tsschuck. treasurer of The Bea Publishing Company, being duly sworn, aays that - tha actual number of full and compleia copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Bea printed during the iouuj oi April, uio, waa aa follows: 1 43.800 it a,no t.....i.,. .42,910 41,100 44,400 43,770 .......... .491.640 ......' 42,690 48 QM 43X00 '10 44,T 11 4840 II.... 43,600 1 48,600 1 43,680 i ,.a,roo 17 48,800 !... .3 II 43,680 JO..... 48,660 11 4860 St 48,830 IS 43,100 14 41.400 It 48,840 ( 48,830 IT 43,600 SS 43,690 29 43,760 S 43,970 Total J 1,884,640 Returned coplaa 10,481 Nat total. JL.8T4.1M Daily average...... 43.470 OEORUE B. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Subscribed la my prasenca and awora to before ma tols Sd day of May, 1910. H. P. WALKER, Notary Publia, Sabaarlbera tearing; taia city tens porsrlly thosld tin Tke Baa availed to them. Addresses will ha changed mm oftest aa requested. The comet's tail was shaped like the big stick. Just The colonel did slow up, after all. but not until he reached London. Anna Held threatens to quit the stage snd raise asparagus. For the stage i Now, will the astronomer kindly step to one sldet or take tha,t seat In the rear. It Is Acting Mayor Brucker now but he won't even try to compete at rope-throwing.,.,; In Texas, the ' promoter says, one can find any climate be likes. And some he does not, perhaps. Senator Heyburn is the most far seeing man In congress when it comes to detecting the dark side of things. John D. Rockefeller, we. are told, wears a paper vest when playing golf. But baa he got down to toe paper collar? .. It evidently did not occur to Stenog rapher Kerby to offer to flip coins with Secretary Balllnger to see whether he would stay or go. The issue is squarely drawn at last between St. Paul and Minneapolis by a Minneapolis girl running down a St Paul man With her. automobile. Clarence Darrow says, "I have prac ticed law too long to have any conceit about its Justice." Oh, cheer up, you elected your ticket in Milwaukee. If Omaha trade boosters as they go along could deliver 'railroad depots to all the towns 'needing' new stations they would be more popular than ever. This theory of fasting as a means of Improving health looks like a cheap way to solve the hlgh-cost-of-living problem. But it is Just as expensive to die: The Decoration day parade, in Omaha Is scheduled to proceed in car riages. The 'most luxurious automo biles would be none too good for the veterans. "You can-always tell a St. Loulsan by the fact that he does not drink champagne said the tourist. Yes and another, thing, he does not call it "Sant Loole." Y Mr. Bryan believes in the quantlta tive theory as applied to money and oratory, for he says, "I can claim to bo a public- speaker if you take quantity as a standard." Some of these Bourbon, democrats who have1 pledged themselves to follow Bryan whither he goest must be re minded of that old game of boyhood days. "Sheep, keep up with your master." Those nicknames, "Peerless philoso pher," "pure-minded advocate of tho people," "undented patriot," hurled at Mr. Bryan by ardent admirers at that New York banquet sound like an orl ental subject addressing an heir ap parent to the throne. - It Is gratifying to know that it was at the request of the duke of Norfolk that Mr. Roosevelt wore an American regulation evening dress suit at the siornlng funeral serricea of King Ed ward. This information shields the colonel from all' criticism. . Hey burn Wrong on History. Senator Heyburn of Idaho was given a very sharp and well-deserved rebuke by Senator Depew when, In the course of discussion on the bill appropriating 134,000,000 for navy enlargement the Idaho senator made the assertion that toe people of the Country did not want wars, but were generally, com pelled by their rulers to submit to them. Senator Heyburn must have shut his eyes to the pages of American history when he made that statement. It was never true in this country, from the day of the revolution to the sinking of the Maine. Our wars have always been precipitated by popular pressure and npne more so than the recent war with Spain, to which the senator had' spe cial conference. , One of the most con spicuous circumstances leading up to that war was the fact that the people clamored for hostilities months before President McKlnley would consent to war and this public demand became so insistent that it led to severe criticism of the president in and out of his own party. -It is true that the people later came to acknowledge mat president McKlnley was right In staying the inevitable as long as possible, but they did not come to that realization until after the war had been declared. The McKlnley policy of negotiation will always stand out aa the most con spicuous prelude to the Spanish-American war. Senator Depew, In his re marks, declared that he personally knew that Spain would have aban doned Cuba and Porto Rico rather than submit to war with the United States if its proposition could be made acceptable to this government and in timated that President McKlnley was pursuing this negotiation in the hope that satisfactory results might be ac complished without war, and only when he found they could not, he yielded to the popular demand for war. Pushing- the Sugar Frauds. By pardoning from the federal prison the man who probably can throw more light on the case than any one else, Oliver Spltzer, a dock super intendent who was convicted and sent up for two years, three months ago, the president has served notice on all concerned that he proposes to make a clean sweep of the sugar trust fraud prosecution. The government, might perhaps have used this witness with out restoring him to citizenship, but his testimony would not have had the weight it will now have with a court of justice. Mr. Taft has unquestion ably taken a carefully planned step in the direction of the "men .higher up," for whose punishment the country has clamored. Public sympathy went with Spttzer to the Atlanta prison and it probably will follow him away, from , there be cause he Inspired confidence when he declared he was made the scapegoat for his superiors In this gigantic sys tem of fraud by which the United States government had teen swindled out of millions of dollars in a period of more than ten years. No sane per son ever believed that a mere dock superintendent was responsible - for such wholesale grand larceny and it would have been preposterous to have stopped with his conviction. The, ad' ministration, however, never by its con duct of the case gave indication that it would stop there. It has continued Its investigation quietly, but persistently, and there must be ground now for be llevlng that bigger game will be caught, as the president would not have acted as he has except to : strengthen the prosecution's case. Caring for Immigrant. Congress is reported about to appro priate $400,000 to erect a station at Seattle for immigrants landing in that port. At first glance it might seem that the people at large had little or no Interest In this bill, but closer study will dispel the illusion. The country is vitally and directly inter ested in every measure that looks to a better reception and more humane handling of the alienB who come to this country to make their homes. It is of the utmost importance that they be received at the port of entry not only hospitably, but under a system of direction and helpfulness. It Is the first step toward moulding them Into good citizens. And this bill should bring to the at tention of the proper authorities the necessity of diverting some of the con gested traffic from the New York to other ports. At present foreigners, ignorant of our ways and country, pour Into New York and at times over-run the accommodations provided for them. The results are, more serious, often, than mere discomfiture and In convenience. The immigrant is not only put to great difficulty In getting hrS'feet properly set in the new land, but frequently falls Into hands It would be better for his welfare to avoid. He is naturally an easy prey for the shark and the congested con dltlon at New York makes it difficult for the authorities to protect him In time. Philadelphia has a port adequate for large demands, but for some reason It Is all but neglected. Philadelphia also has the disposition to help - these foreigners get started right and It seems that the government would do well to divert if it could a part of this immigrant traffic to that point. It Is 100 miles nearer the central west, Chicago for Instance, than New York by whatever, route might be selected, and It affords every .possible railroad connection that New York does, so that if the Immigrant Is bound -for western destination he could be sent on his way more conveniently from Philadelphia than New York. So long as this facility exists at the Quaker City and the need for Its use Is so urgent It does seem that it should be brought into commission. The Interstate Commerce Court. In connection with the provision for the interstate commerce court, which is said to be regarded by the president as the most important feature of the railway bill as It Is pending in con gress, it may be interesting to note that the idea is not a new one, but was urged at the time the original inter state commerce bill of 1886 was being formulated. At that time the whole question of railway regulation was taken up by a select committee of the senate, at whose head was Senator Cullom, and before whom a large amount of testimony was taken from men who had made the railway ques tion a study. The founder and then editor of The Bee, Edward Rosewater, appeared before this committee on In vitation to give his views, and in the course of his statement occurred the following colloquy: Mr. Rosewater If a commission could be constituted as the English commission is; If you could, under our system of govern ment, transfer to It quasl-Judlclal power, so that they could noT only Investigate a complaint, but arbitrate It and force their dictum without any further reference to anybody, It would bo a very desirable in stitution. Senator Piatt Congress could do that; but In order to do it congress would have to create Judges with life tenures. Mr. Kosewater Yes, sir; very likely we will have to come to that, anyway, some time In the future. Senator Piatt That Is the only thing that stands in the way of doing as you suggest. Mr. Roso water There might be a railway court constituted. Just aa the court of claims has been constituted. Senator Piatt Congress could make a railway court, with power to enforce its decisions, the name aa any other court The only objection to that is that under the constitution tha Judges would have to ba appointed for life. Air. Rom water I sea no objection to that. Of course, we know very well that the in fluence bearing upon the appointment of the Judges might be very peculiar. But It la the same machinery that meets us at every step, and probably a man, one ap pointed for life, would be more likely to act Independently than he would if he were simply dependent upon a reappoint ment or upon a tenure that was uncertain. What was apprehended then, with almost prophetic vision, was that an in terstate commerce commission, vested merely with powers of investigation and compelled to apply to the courts for decrees for enforcement of find ings, would fail to afford the full measure of relief from railway exac tlons which the people -were demand lng, and that the way to expedite re dress of grievance would be 'through a special court devoting Its time to complaints of shippers, passengers and public against unequal or unfair treat ment. With the tremendous growth of the country and corresponding mul tiplicity of controversies coming up before the Interstate Commerce com mission, the need of a commerce court has become more and more pressing, and the promise still stronger that it will prove the solution for most of our still unsolved railway problems. Characteristic. About a dozen members (of the State Press association) arrived In the city yes terday. The crowd Is expected to ba gath eiing all day today. The men are pleased with Lincoln as a meeting place. The re ceptlon of the association in Omaha at the various times it has met there was cold according to some of the members. Lin. coin Journal. This Is characteristic of the dog-ln-the-manger policy pursued by Lincoln papers on every such occasion. The State Press association is an experi ence meeting of live up-to-date Ne braska editors for the purpose of keep ing up acquaintance, and profiting by the lessons one another have learned The association has met in Omaha at various times, always the recipients of hearty welcome and cordial entertain ment. The association has never met in Omaha without expressing its ap preciation of its warm welcome and hospitable treatment, even though Omaha has never tried to persuade its editorial guests that it Is the only place where they can meet with the at tention they deserve. The newspaper men have been Invited to hold the next session in Omaha, and if they accept the invitation they may be sure that their reception here will be neither cold nor lukewarm. Churches Getting Together. The convention of the World's Sun day School association in Washington has set an example of practical Chris tian fellowship before all religious forces in discarding racial and denomi national lines and uniting in one great body of worshipers. One of the Inconsistencies of the church In hlstpry has been Its devotion to creedal doctrines. Of course this may not be difficult for members of the, various denominations to under stand and appreciate, but it Is confus ing to . outsiders that the church is seeking to bring within Its folds those who are hard to convince that there can be so many roads to salvation and some of them so widely separated. But the tendency of the times Is at least toward lnterdenominatlonallsm and the religious statistician will tell that the church Is stronger numeri cally today than ever and the rest ol the people can see that' It Is more energetic. So It would seem that the disposition to break away from creeds were in fact growing. In the world's gathering at the na tional capital denominations from all climes and countries were inter mingled and the men and women of the colored races, after some little misunderstanding as to the seating of accredited delegates, were admitted on the same footing with those of the white races. It Is this spirit that is lifting the Church higher In the com mon respect and esteem of the world and making It a more potent agency for good. Lincoln newspapers print in full the brief of the local Traction company lawyers against a 5-cent fare to Have lock which has got Into court. While there are no distinguishing signs to indicate that this highly interesting mass of legal verbiage is a paid adver tisement, the earmarks warrant the supposition that this good space would not be thus wasted In behalf of a grasping and greedy corporation aa against the oppressed masses even by these distinguished examples of unsel fish uplift Journalism without some moving inspiration. How kind In the Traction company lawyers to furnish advance copies of this document to the papers with no expectation that it would be printed, and no thought that Its publication might influence the court? Attendants upon the meeting of the Nebraska Press association at Lincoln are reported looking remarkably vA.ll groomed and prosperous. Must be a terrible disappointment to our amiable democratic contemporary, whose stock-in-trade Is in preaching distress and calamity. The old Latin proverb Is that "a drop of fortune Is worth a cask of wis dom." As Tingy Connors would say, "I can buy brains at $25 a week." But this is the day of neither the Latin philosopher nor the Honorable Mister Connors. It seems that Edgar Howard does not take very kindly to the candidacy of Congressman Hitchcock for United States senator. Edgar evidently has not forgotten what happened to him when he ran for congress In this dis trict. Tests by experts disclose the fact that the apple crop at Arbor Lodge has been killed by the frost. Wonder If they expected trees planted by the Mormons to have a special dispensa tion, while neighboring trees suffered T According to a ruling of our su preme court the railroads will not be allowed to make advertising contracts in exchange for mileage. That will be harder on the railroads than 6n the newspapers. A New York doctor has fasted eight days to demonstrate his hygienic theory. We know gome doctors right here in Omaha whom we would like to see taking their own medicine. A Missouri woman left her fortune to "the relative., who loves me most." It would be Interesting to know if she left It to the relatives to tell her how much they lay4 her. Cieafl-a la On. Cleveland Plain Dealer. King Oeorge may not be the equal of his father in tact, but he sent two noted fighting men to act aa T. K.'s suite In London. IsspwHlbl Rights. . Life. The American people undoubtedly are entitled to a great many rights, and, if the truth were known. It would show these rights to be worth having. But the trouble with these rights is that they are never around when they are needed. They are either in cold storage or in safe de posit boxes or In litigation or In some ward heeler's - vest pocket. Inaccessible rights are worsa than no rights at all. Obstacles to World Peaea. Indianapolis News. Of course, aa tha gentlemen at Lake Mohonk are saying, all the logic and common sense of tha world are In favor of international arbitration, peaceful methods and . disarmament. But greed and lust for power and international jeal ousy and trade rivalry and "white men's burdens," and exploitation of weikfc:' races, and a few other things are mighty powerful facts or considerations to kaep the nations up to maintaining "the fig it lng edge." JOHN ADAM KASSON. Well Rounded ' and Highly Useful Pablio Lit. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. John. Adam Kasson, who has died at the age of 88, was one of the best rounded, the most satisfying of our publio-men In tha last sixty yeans. Ha was no doubt most remarkable as a legislator and debater, but he had also great ability as an administra tive official, and' his service in diplomacy was Important. In all his lines of activity, the same characteristics of high and con stant principle, thorough knowledge and un failing oapaclty, faithful pursuance of duty and the patriotic virtue of regard for tha people above the party, were manifested Ha possessed the gift of eloquence as well as the acquirement of argument. Indeed, he belonged to the statesmanship of clear brained and deep hearted scope and pur pose, and not at al to the present day of corporation Influence, and the narrowing effect of partisan ascendancy which does not always pay true regard to the Interests of the whole people. Mr. Kasson left pub lio Ufa of his own will because of the blind refusal of congress to enact those treaties of reciprocity between the United States and other American republloa which he had negotiated for mutual advantage. He was utterly disgusted with the official career, Ha waa in private Ufa what he was In pub lic service honorable, sincere end trust worthy. Our Birthday Book Kay SS, 110. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the Concord sage, waa born May 86, 1843, In Boston, and died April 7, 1881. As poet, essayist and lecturer he Is among the front rank of American literary men. Norman Hendtickson, United States food inspector at Omaha, is Just SO years old today. He was born at Beloit, Wis., and Is a graduate of the University of Wis consin. He has been In the government service for six years. Arthur C. Potter, son of Philip Potter and still a student at Union college, is celebrating his twentieth birthday today. He went through tha Omaha public achools, and holds several local records as a lawn tennis player. Army Gossip Hatters, of Inter it Oa and Back of tha Tiring x,lne Gleaned from tha Army and Havy Stagleter. New rules for the examination of re cruits for tha army have boon promulgated from tha adjutant general'a office. They take the place of the Epitome of Trlpler's Manual, which will no longer be Issued to the army. The new regulations are the result of much study and research and collaboration on the part of the various officera who are concerned In the exam ination of tha acceptance of the recruits and represent tho fruits of experience. The new regulations will furnish the most soldierly appearing body In tha world and establish a uniformity in the examination of recruits. The secretary of war has considered tha question of holding a competitive examina tion of civilian candidates from at large for appointment aa second lieutenants In the cavalry, field artillery, or Infantry, and lias decided not to order such an examina tion at present, if at all during the cur rent year, on account of the prospect that but few, If any, of the vacancies that may exist on July 1, 1910, wilt remain available to be filled by appointment after the mem bers of this year's class of graduates of the military academy, the qualified en listed men of the army, and the honor grad uates of colleges at which officers of the army are serving as professors of mili tary science and tactics shall have been appointed. Under the laws and regulations now in force persons of the classes speci fied are entitled to appointment in ad vance of any candidates from at large from civil life. The comptroller has rendered a decision In the matter of the army officers who wcro advanced one grado on account of civil war service and who have been or who are on active dirty. These officers were advanced by tho act of April 23, 1904, and the question raised by tho auditor was whether they should receive, when on ac tive duty, the pay of the grade from which advanced or that of the higher grade. The case In point was that of Major Edward I. Orumley, who held only the office of captain of Infantry, while he had the rank and pay grade of major from April 23,' 1904. Tho pay of a captain of Infantry of his length of service is $210 "per month, while the retired pay of a major of the same length of service Is $218.76, so that, if Major Orumley while on active duty was only entitled to the active duty pay of a cap tain, his pay while on active service would be $8.75 a month less than it would have been on active duty. It Is held by the comptroller that the pay grade established in the act as the basis of fixing retired pay must be the same pay grade as used in tho same act for fixing the full pay when assigned to active service as provided In the act. The officers of this olass, there for, when on aottve duty will receive the pay of the advanced grade. It requires all the resistance possible on the part of the army medical officera to resist the demands which are constantly being made for the adoption of various devices and cure-alls for the army and for Issue to pensioners. Recently the war department ordered the investigation of a nostrum which was urged for adoption by Influential politicians, whose Interest had been aroused by the prominent man. ufacturere. It was found that this was the same article which had been offered for sale as long ago as 1832, when It appeared as a cure for cholera. It is now put forth as a ' remedy tor all sorts of fevers. A device which has been recently under consideration has been an electrical contrivance for deaf people, It being de sired by the manufacturers to have a quantity purchased for periodical issues to pensioners, after the manner of the Issue of artificial limbs. The war department re fused to purchase the device, largely on aocount of Its cost, which waa $50; where upon those who are Interested In the trans action llnduced Representative Sher wood of New York, to present a bill, the text of which has been published in our congressional report, authorizing the sur geon general of the army to contract with the manufacturers of this article and fur ther providing an appropriation of $6,000 to acquire the device. It is estimated that If congress gave any such authority, It 'would require fully $100,000 to supply the demand. At present the surgeon general's office supplies deaf- pensioners with less expensive aids to hearing, auch as the familiar born, and it is not considered Judicious to go to any greater expense In the matter. The War department has had under con sideration for some weeks the case of Col onel George F. Cooke, U. 8. A who waa recently retired with the rank of colonel from the grade of lieutenant colonel of the Twenty-second Infantry. It has been deter mined to bring that officer before a mili tary court, which will ba convened In the department of the Columbia. While Colonel Cooke was on duty with his regiment in Alaska, there occurred the loss of about $11,000, which sum was supposed to have been extracted from the safe at Fort Gib bon, At the aame time an enlisted man, a member of company C of the Twenty second infantry, deserted, and the Investi gation led to the suspicion that this soldier had a large part of the money in his pos session or knew something of the embes slement. He has not been apprehended, al though In his case, in consideration of the circumstances, the War department author ised a special reward of $1,000, instead of the usual refard of $60 In the case of an ordinary deserter. This occurred In Jan uary, 1900. Colonel Cooke, then a lieutenant colonel, applied for retirement and his transfer from the aotlve list was deferred until it was possible to retire him as of the next higher grade. That action has led to some criticism of the military authorities. It was even then under consideration, whether the officer should not be ordered before an army court. It has now been decided that such action shall be taken and Colonel Cooke will be brought before a court martial, presumably for failure to take sufficient precautions against the loss of the money at Fort Gibbon. Some months ago tha secretary of war ordered that the pay of Colonel Cooke be stopped to the extent of about $10,000. Slmm Par Oat Against A'lacty. Kansas City Times. The latest estimates of the Department of Agriculture show that In the decade from im to 1908 the production of field products corn, wheat, oats and other orops has Increased per cent. In the same decade their value has Increased 99 per cent. Whether the Increased gold supply had anything to do with this tre menodus rise In prices must be left to the economists to figure out and they dis agree. What Is certain is that this country has got to get back to first prin ciples and produce more farm stuff it the cost of living Is to be brought down. Added Slgairieance. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Mr. Bryan recalls with pride tha fact that in all hla battles he polled a larger vote than was aver given any other demo cratic candidal. Ulit another significant Tact is that it wasn't enough by from COU.000 to 1,300,000. . PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Disappointed multitudes express scant sorrow as Mr. llalley fades away. An $3,000,000 radiator combine promises to Increase the warmth of the ultimate con sumer next winter. Senator llalley of Texas Is slowly emerg ing from tha camp of sartorial stamlpatt r.. Occasionally he chucks the soft felt and dons a tall hat. Tho oldest Irishman, "Paddy" Itlake of Clare, is reported dead at tho age of 111). Methuseleh can afford to loan his crown to this modern recruit. The wife of Dr. Hyde of Kansas City formally Invites her mother and the rest of the family to come Into court and show cause why she should not get her share of the Swops estate at once. The Hydes are In pressing need of money. A Miss Ryerson of Chicago, who was buncoed out of $.100 by a giddy suitor a year ago, by assurances of forgiveness In duced him to come back from San Fran cisco, met him at the depot and welcomed him Into the hospitable arms of a police man. Two can play the con game. Germany has now seven officially licensed aeronauts, or "sky pilots," to give the old word Its suggested new and more dignified meaning. In Austria only three candidates have thus far succeeded in passing the required examination. Of the seven Germans, only ono has a license for a. Wright machine. LAUGHING GAS. Tnn.haiwTAii An nnl lnAnA A IMftlcA R profession of your study of music? rupll--Dcar me, no. I am only learning to play to kill time. Teacher (grimly) You're doing It. Balti more American. Futton-Ayrts I am caviare to the gen eral, you know. Miss Innocent Oh, are you, really? My brother is in tho military, too. Boston Transcript. Mrs. Jenner Lee OnrleKO Do you know. I have never seen my huxhRiid without his beard. Some, day I am going to ask him to shavo it off, so I can see what he really lonK llKe. Mrs. Selldom Holme O no: don't do that! ESfBHW&CBWGBlIti account of his EI(9ijdBd'&ijd11 l 1 anndtiundgn oniMount 5 will be considered by many THE BEST OF HIS REMARKABLE ARTICLES about his African Trip. It is vividly picturesque, full of the most interesting comments upon natural history and as a narrative of exciting and dangerous adventure unsurpassed. Illustrated by Kermit Roosevelt with the most remarkable photographs of herds of wild elephants ever taken. IN THE SAME NUMBER SOME AMERICAN PREPARATORY SCHOOLS Dy Arthur Ruhl. Illustrated. Wharton's THE EYES A story of mystery. REST HARROW fJaurico BtiovjlQft'a noteL OTHER STORIES, ARTICLES, POEMS, ETC. K CHARLES SCRIDMER'S SOMS, NEW YORK 1 You'll he sorry. I Vnrw Mm before he ever had any beard. t'hlcago Tribune. Mrs. Uronson My husband is pin In spoken; he calls a spade a spade. Mrs. Woodson So does mine, but I must decline to repent what he calls tha lawn mower. Life. ... bt'Ciituu mere fiolMiim and jesam. Survivor Y-yc. sir; the crew flolted sonio of It, I believe, and Jetted tho ifst of It. Chicago Tribune. lie (enthusiastically) The scenes In Iho nlHV nr. no tmnff tftv Antll.llv tkn mu breath away. !ho (coldly) if they are stronger than your breath they must be Herculean. Haltlmore American. Visitor What became of that other wind mill that was here Inst year? Native There was only enough wind for one. so we took it down Everybody 'a Masaxlne. "C. l'.,.a B fa A tir..fnu.ln.,..l W . . . . I.. u . i a the policeman with the stubby mustache. "Well, I thr.HKht I was." replied the subject of the Interview. "Uitt the way you fellers Rot mo makes me nollove I'm only an amateur. THE PEERLESS IN ERROR. Brooklyn Eagle.' (My speaking has been overestimated, and the good It lias done exaggerated. It Is unfair to say that 1 won thrve presidential nominations with my1 tongue. Bryan to the Public Kpeaklng Club of America.) The first by lung And tongue Was won; Cold tonK"o the second furnished; The third Occurred, . ; ; And stirred Our fun; All knives were sharp and burnished. The nation's Joko Thus broke. Of all Whose views were democratic Who'd end Or mend The trend , They call A boom for schemes erratic. Ah, Uryan, dear, Wo hear You say 'Twos not on tongue you gambled; Thourh bravo Wc waive The issue grave. Since off the stage you'vo ambled. 1 ewSii.i,flT Kenia in the THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF INLAND WATERWAYS Dy Samuel O. Dunn n