Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1910, Page 5, Image 5
TIIE BEE: OMAHA'. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1010. WALKER SAYS SAW ERDMAN eighbor of Dennison and Daughter Say Prisoner Wai Near Home. CLAIM: l8AW HIM SATURDAY Pfeotosrasih ef Kt onvlct of Colo red rrlaon Thought to B F.rd ( Maa Not Yet Received rrlnontr "till Urn In. Ball Games Good, Declares Mayor of Milwaukee Sport Keeps Boys from Saloons, Says Wisconsin Socialist Leader to Minister. Charles Walker, who liven at Fifteenth and Yaten street, aii'l his daughter Wed nesday afternoon positively Identified Frank Krrlman,' arrested In connection with the frustrated Infernal jnachlne out rio at the residence of Tom Dennison, 1507 Tate street, as a man they saw Sat urday evening In the vicinity of the house. They also say that the grip Is similar to the one 1 the man. was carrying. Walker came Into the case Wednesday morning, following a telephone message to Chief Donahue. The Identification took p. ace when Erdman was among a number, of other prisoners confined In the city Jail. "There the man," said Walker pointing to Erdman. when he and the , other jail charges had passed In review I Ills daughter was equally sure. They said they saw him over the hill In the dlrec tlon of Dennlson's residence. Chief Donahue has not yet received the photograph of the ex-convict Frank Brink man, from Canon City, Col. He expects to have It tomorrow. Dennison Wednesday offered a reward of 1500 for information that will lead to the v apprehension and conviction of the per son or persons who placed the Infernal machine at Ms house. Erdman Denies Statements. Erdman absolutely denies that he had admitted to any police officer or any re porter that he had been a convict In Colo rado or that he had made any confession whatever. Elmer Thomas, attorney for the Antl Paloon league was at the station to see Mr. Erdman Tuesday morning, but he said that he did not know whether he was to defend him or not as he had come simply in response to a request from Erdman. Rev. J. M. Leidy was also at the station. Upon looking at Frank Erdman, the pris oner at the police station, Mrs. Dennison, wife of tho man whose home was Jeopard lied by the Infernal machine, declared she did not think Erdman was the-man she g bad seen near the premises. Mrs. Dennison rWnlshed the clue Monday that she had seen a strange man pass ner nuuso leave an apple near the porch. Examina tion of the apple, she reported, had shown It to be perforated with queer looking blackj pinholes. It was destroyed. Mrs. Dennison first Identified the pub lished pictures of Erdman as the myster ious stranger who had deposited the apple near her porch a few days before. At the tatlon, however, she declared Erdman seemed to be altogether a different man than whom she had seen before. Dennison fa Certain. Other vlsltora at the city Jail in connec tion with the dynamite setting were Messrs. Dennison, Thomas and Leidy. Mr. Dennison declared himself morally certain that Erdman was the man who had set the fiendish trap to destroy the Dennison home and family. Mr. Thomas maintained his belief that Erdman had not been ' directly Implicated in the bomb setting and that the man's past record, ao far as he knew, had been a good one. He said a competent attorney would be assigned 'to defend the prisoner, but that he did not know who the attorney would be. Captain Dunn announced that the latest line of investigation being followed by the police Tuesday was the origin In the city of the suitcase used for the dynamite con trlvance. It waa learned, he said, that the grip waa of a peculiar slse and variety, the Ilka of which la not handled by any mer chants of Omaha. The grip was made by the Romadka Bros, company of Milwaukee, Wis., and la designed with double straps and double locks. It was twenty-six inches long, two inches longer than the usual make of suitcases. - MILWAUKEE, May 24. "While you are fighting for some tfieologlcai dugnia, our boys and girls are going to hell," declared Mayor Seldel, In an address before the Milwaukee Ministerial association. During the discussion and immediately after. Mayor Seidel had remarked that when a boy Is offered a base ball ticket he will shun the saloons. A minister de clared that he would not trust his boy to attend a base ball game because In toxicants were sold on the grounds. 'They'll manage to drink somehow," said the minister. "Then It Is up to you," replied the mayor, "to cultivate and develop a better taste." One of the ministers declared there was no need of trying to give the bovs "good wholesome amusement when the nickel theater downtown catered to their baser passions." "The thing for us to do then Is to compete with the nickel theaters," replied the mayor. "Have a moving picture machine right In the school house." BRUCEERNAMESC0MH1TTEES Will Present His List to the Co'incil for Approval. INSURGENTS ARE GIVEN RAP Kuakhouarr, an hnlrman of Finance Committee, la Itrplarrd by Shel don McClo vera Keeps Ills Old Job. Tariff Board Loses Out in Expense Fund Froposcd Appropriation Stricken from Sundry Civil Bill by the Lower House. Doctor Fasts to Prove His Theory Physician Follows Upton Sinclair's Anti-Eating Plan for Eight Days and Feels Fine. NEW YORK, May 24. After a fast of eight days, Dr. Gustav A. Gayor rinds him self sixteen pounds lighter, but stronger, he says, clearer In mind and with better memory and eyesight. He will consult an occullst for an- opinion on the Improvement of his eyesight The doctor sleeps out of doors and drinks water freely. He acknowledges that for the first days the smell of cooking drove him out of the house, but says that harder still he found the deprivation of tobacco. He used to smoke ten cigars a day. His hair has stopped falling out and he thinks It Is turning darker. Throughout the test, the doctor has con tinued his dally exercise and his lectures. He undertook the fast to study the Influ ence of auto-suggestion on the body, and Is so pleased with the results that he says now he will prolong his fast to fifty days Instead of thirty, as at first planned. Physicians will watch him for any dan gerous Impairment of vitality and should such be noted the fast will be discontinued. .BURGLAR SUSPECTS WAIVE Two Bar Ther Are Ready for Trial in District Conrt (or Kebblnsr : Morris Levy Home. Two auspects waived examination and three asked for a preliminary hearing when the five men were arraigned for the second time on a charge of burglary before Judge Crawford Tuesday morning. Harry Johnson and Harry Carter, the same two who waived examination in the first arraign ment, told the court they were prepared to appear in district court. The other three were James Johnson, Ray Morton and Harry Perrlne. WrKe men were charged with robbing the residence of Morris Levy In their hearing Tuesday morning. A third complaint charging they figured In the robbery of the Pray Clothing store will be filed against ithe men, according to the prosecuting at :rney. A, hearing on the Levy robbery will be given the three defendants Wednes day morning. Convict Witness in Butter Fraud Oleomargarine "Moonshiner" Leaves Leavenworth for Chicago Court Room. CHICAGO, May 24. William Broadwell, convicted oleomargarine "moonshiner" brought, to Chicago from prison at,. Leav enworth, Kan., as a witness In the gov ernment's Investigation into the butterlne trade, today told hla story before! the fed eral grand Jury. Broadwell had not completed his testi mony when the jury adjourned for the night, and will be placed on the witness stand again tomorrow. United States Dis trict Attorney Sims said that Broadwell probably would oe returned to the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth tomorrow night. President Brucker has made up hla list of new commute, which he will this evening submit to the city council for ap proval. Funkhouser, who has been chairman of the committee on finance, is replaced by Sheldon as chairman, and Johnson takes the place of Funkhouser on tho committee Funkhouser was one of the two democrats voting against Brucker for president. Bridges, the other democratic Insurgent, retains his place as chairman of the com mittee on fire, water and police. McQovern, the third democrat not In the coi.trolllng combination, Is also allowed to remain as chairman of the committee on street Improvements, and Funkhouser re places Davis as the third member of this Important committee. Hummel, also a member, could have had the chairmanship of this committee If he wanted It, but he In sisted McQovern should be retained. Davis succeeds Kugel as chairman on paving and sewerage, and Kugel becomes chairman of sidewalks, crosswalks and Driages. Burmester, retiring president. takes Brucker's place as chairman on rail ways and viaducts, and Schroeder succeeds Davis as head of the committee on tele graph and telephones. The lighting committee, at this time a very lmpprtant one, will be headed by Johnson, 'who succeeds Sheldon, and Bur mester takes Funkhouser's place as second on this committee. Funkhouser is put at the head of the committee on public prop erty and buildings, formerly held by John son. . The committee on rules Is entirely new In personnel, with Brucker as chairman and Sheldon and Davis replacing Bridges and Funkhouser. Following is the new list of committees, which may or may not create a little argu ment at the meeting tonight: Judiciary Berka, Hummel, Johnson, Bur mester and Sheldon. Finance and Claims Sheldon, Johnson and Berka. Paving and Sewerage Davis, Schroeder and Funkhouser. Street Improvements McGovern, Hum mel and Funkhouser. Telegraph and Telephone Schroeder, Bridges and McGovern. Railways and Viaducts Burmester, Kugel and Johnson. Fire, Water and Police Bridges, Schroeder and Davis. Street Lighting Johnson, Burmester and Davis. Public Property and Buildings Funk houser, Kugel and Brucker. Parks. Parkways and Boulevards Hum mel, Berka and McGovern. Sidewalks, Crosswalks and Bridges Kugel, Schroeder and Davis. Rules Brucker, Sheldon and Davis. SURGEONS FOIL MAN'S PLANS Doctors Lovrland and Standeven Save Will Dole from Death by Poison Ina. WASHINGTON. May 2I.-After an ex tended debate, the proposed liVi.OnO appro priation to defray the expenses of the tariff board, recommended by the president, waa stricken from the sundry civil appropria tion bill In the house yesterday. This action resulted from a decision by Representative Mann of Illinois, who was In the chair, sustaining a point of order made by Mr. Fitzgerald of New Tork, who contended that there was no law authorising such an appropriation. In order to meet the objection to the tariff board on the part of many demo crate and some republicans, Mr. Tawney proposed another amendment, which appro priated $250,000 practically for the same purpose, with the added provision that It was "to enable the president to give to congress Information of the state of the union and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall Judge necessary and expedient." Under this wording of the measure. It Is understood that the president should send to congress any Information which may be collected under the proposed legislation. By leaving out the president, all reference to the tariff board, which already exists, it was hoped that' the provision would come within the rules of the house and would not be subject to a point of order. Representative Fitzgerald promptly made a point of order against the new amend ment and pending his argument upon it the house adjourned until tomorrow. FATHER TAKES WIFE IN SPITE OFSON'S ATTACK Wealthy . hlrago Publisher Weds After Ilavtnar Hon Arrested for Assnnlt. CHICAGO. May 24.-W. D. Hoyce, wealthy publisher and paper manufacturer, was married to Miss Virginia Lee In the suburb of Oak Park, near here, today. It had previously been arranged to hold the wed ding on June 1. Boycc was attacked and ben ten last Thursday night at a lake front hotel by his son. Benjamin Boyce, who was Inter arrested by the police. Young Boyce Is snld to have objected to hla father's msr rlage to Miss Lee. Immediately following the performance f the marriage today Mr. and Mrs. Boyce eft Chicago for Montreal. Canada. They nil! snll from Monti esl for Kurope. where tt.ey will make an extended automobile tour. NEW TACK IN FIGHT ON BUCKETSHOPS Fonrteen Men Indicted on t'harae of Vlolatlna niatrlet of Colombia Code Aonlnat (lamina. WASHINGTON. May 24-Tlie Depart ment of Justice took a new tack today In Its' crurado against bucket shops by lodging a complaint of n direct violation of sec tion 863 of the district code, which forbids bucketing or sotting up n gaming table In the district. . This direct cHarge of operating a bucket shop in the d'strlct Is made again the persons ho are eid lo eotiut th Mandard Stock and . Grain company oi Jersey City. , t , .' i ' ' , ST. PAUL GIRL CHARGED . WITH MANSLAUGHTER Miss Theodora etark Rons .Ds nroker with Antomohilv and Kills Him. i CTi PAUL, May I. A eharge of mn slaughter was filed today against Mis Theodora Stark, the l-year-old Minneapolis girl, who while driving an automobile, ran down and killed 8. B. Phot well, a well known St. Paul nroker Jn this city last nlcht. ... Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters. REHEARSAL FOR TOY SHOP t hlldren Who Take rnrt Rehearse In Fall Costume Thursday Afternoon Institute Children Guests. Dutch dolls, Japanese dolls, French dolls, Teddy Bears and Gingerbread men, and all '.he tnerestlia young denisens of "The Toy Bhop'Sw hlca is Inspected by the publlo Krldaf evening, Saturday afternoon and venh-ig at Jthe Rrandels theater, are ex hibiting their characteristic steps for each other's admiration. The different groups are getting together and rehearsing for the KSi performance The first rehearsal with the orchestra waa held Tuesday afternoon. The first-dress ' rehearsal Is scheduled for rhursday' afternoon. " The children' of the Institute In whose benefit these other little people are giving the opera, the Child Saving Institute, will witness the performance Saturday after noon. The nurtfs of the Institute will occupy two of the upper boxes at the performance Saturday evening. TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION RE-ELECTS ALL OFFICERS Oao Chance, However, May Become Effective Among; Trustees of Printers' Home. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 24.-Reports from 577 of the approximately 700 unions of the International Typographical union, Indicate that with probably one exception all the national officers have been re elected. The exception la T. D. Fennesay of Los Angeles, the total showing that Michael Powell of Ottawa, Canada, Is lead ing by several hundred majority In the race for trustee of the union printers' home at Colorado Springs. The report received at the general of fice in this city, indicate that James M. Lynch, president, will be re-elected by a majority of about 7,000, while Secretary J. W, Hayes' majority may reach 10,000. Unlea the one hundred unions which have not reported, change the ballot materially, the offlcera chosen are as follows: Presi dent, James M. Lynch, Syracuse, N. Y.; first vice president, George A. Tracy, San Francisco; secretary, J. W. Hayes, Min neapolis; delegates to the American Fed eration of Labor, Frank Morrison, Chi cago; Max S. Hayes, Cleveland; Hugh Stephenson, Toronto, and T. W. McCul lough, Omaha. Trustees of the printers' home: Thomas McCaffery, Colorado Springs; Walter H. McKee, New York; Michael Powell, Ottawa. Agent of the printers' home, George P. Nichols, Balti more. The delegates to the American Federa tion of Labor will attend the meeting hld at St. Louis In November. 1 A Dangerous Wound Is rendered Atit aoptlo by Bucklen'a Arnlc Kalvj. the healing wonder for sores.- burns, pl'IK ecaeina and salt rheum. 25c. For a by Beaton Drug Co. ( HOSPITAL -BAZAR CLOSES Attraction nt Krua- Theater Nets ae,UO for Institution W ill Add Wings. The auction in the hall cf the Krua theater Monday night marked the last ataga of the naxar n aid of. the Wise Memorial . i . I .1 . V. - . . nonpuai. turn (i u remaining over were aolfl at sacrifices. It Is estimated that when all aecounts have been settled the basar, will have netted between K000 tended to add two wings to the hospital, tnd $7,000. As already announced It Is in y "mbrlain S-Ov,un ltsmedy u medl. clnVaf gxoat worth aad menu Try It wttea rf half" Police Surgeons Loveland and Standeven Monday night Interfered with. the hand of death. Will Dole, who boards at 1811 North Twenty-third Btreet, by drinking two thirds of an ounce of carbolic acid at tempted to take his life, but within ten minutes after .he drank the po.lsqn medical belp 'was at hand. Dole boards at the ad dress mentioned with John Shafer. The doctors had a stiff fight, but after about twenty minutes they were success ful and Dole was left In charge of Mr. Shafcr. It seems that he has been wor ried by domestic troubles. He is a Can adian and appears to have left his wife and clilld In that country. MRS. PLACE AGAIN BOTHERED Dundee Woman Alleges Her Hosnand la Perpetrating Disagree able Stunts. George riace, the Dundee chicken farmer and former attorney, devised new ways to plague his wife, according to an affidavit filed by Mrs. Place In support of a mo tlon to advance her divorce plea, , According to the affidavit, after Place had been enjoined from molesting his wife, he wrote notes to her by mall. Then, pos eibly that she might not open the letters, he wrote more notes and pasted them on furniture In the house. Still later he wrote rotes on hen's eggs and sent the eggs to his wife, so she says. What Everynoay Wants. Everybody desires goo health, which impossible unless the kidneys are sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy ahouM be taken at the first Indication of any l:reg ularity, and a serious Illness may be averted. Foley's Kidney , Remedy will re etore your kidneys and bladder to their normal state and acUvlty. For sals by all druggists. Historians Meet at Iowa City Convention of the Mississippi Valley Association Will Be Held Thursday and Friday. IOWA CITY. Ia., May 24.-(Spedal.)- Upon the Invitation of the State Histori cal society of Iowa, the third annual meet ing of the Mississippi Valley Historical as sociation will be held at Iowa City, next Thursday and Friday. On Wednesday a special program will be given by the Iowa society, Including an address by Prof. L. G. Weld, the organizer of three colleges In the university and one of the best known of the local professors. At the Burkley Imperial hotel In the evening a dinner will be tendered to the Rev. Joseph Newton of Cedar Rapids, by the members of the his torical society. He will give an address that evening on "Abraham Lincoln." Thursday the official sessions of the Mis sissippi Valley Historical society begin with an address of welcome by President George E. MacLean, at 10 o'clock. Many promi nent historians appear on the morning and afternoon programs. Edgar R. Harlan will preside at the conference of Mississippi Val ley Historical societies in the afternoon. In the evening the big address of the meet ing will be given by Frederick J. Turner, professor In the University of Wisconsin and president of the American Historical societly. John Lee Webster pf Omaha, Neb., president of the Nebraska State His torical society will atao-grve an address on the same evening. ' President Frank L HftfVey of the Unl versity of North Dakota, will give the feature address on Friday. Many luncheons and dinners will be given the visitors by local faculty members and residents of Iowa City. Along these will be a luncheon tendered on Friday In the Commercial club rooms, by Euclid Sonders, president of the State Historical society of Iowa. ONE SPREE EACH YEAR IS LIMIT OF NEW YORK MEN Inebriates' Farm In Sight for Gay Ones Who Hit 'Em Co , Too Much, NEW YORK, May 24.-The Inebriates- farm is in sight for New Yorkers who fall to limit their Indulgence to one spree a year. Mayor Gaynor signed today the bill recently passed by the legislature author izing the city to establish an Institution for their detention and treatment. Only Gov ernor Hughes' signature1 Is now needed to make the measure a law. Showers of Meteors nt Boone, la. BOONE. Ia., May 24.-(Speclal Telegram.) This morning small meteors struck Boone at Eleventh and Monroe streets, greatly ex citing ' people In that neighborhood. Con ductor W. B. Harris has small portions of this rain of minute meteors. The sub Btance Is In the form of coal, apparently partly burned. . It Is believed the par tides are from the tall of Halley'a comet. mmammmammmmtmeJ y'f. frnnMr.atnnannnasta ' Mi 1 TAFT SEES HALLErS COMET President Vlevre Traveler of the Skies Tkrouih Teleaoope at Kaval . Observatory.' WASHINGTON, May 24 -Through the big twenty-slx-lnch telescope at tho United States Naval observatory. President Tart last night for the first time 'saw Halley's comet. Having kept In close touch with Its movement the president was much in terested In observing It tonight,' although on account oi me ciouas ana naze, not much of the tail was visible. President Taft showed more Interest In Jupiter, the moon and some of - the other heavenly bodies than In the comet. In hla party were Mrs. Taft, Charles P. Taft, John Hayes Hammond and General and Mrs. Clarence R-- Edwards. Former Senator Stephenson of Wisconsin saw the comet tonight for the second time In his life, having seen It while in Maine, seventy five years ago, , when he was only 6 years old. The High cost . lavina Increases the price of many necessities without Improving the quality. Foley's Honey and Tar maintains its high standard of excellence and Its great curative qual ities without any Increase in cost. It is th best remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough and all ailments of the throat, chest and lung. The genuine U la a yellow package. Refuse substitute, ror sal " -a Orucgiata, Quarter size means perfect fit and it means permanent fit if it is one of the CLUPECO SHRUNK Arrow Collars ij cents s for j cents. Cluctt, Peabody A Company, Makers Arrow cup sj cents a pair The The. Lannh Particular atte ing of The Lant of the m of this hat durability, LanpEl&iSpyS" '7th -hntT8rfil difference In con. fly. wearer .fashion- er ha r v. yv.' UVIK.. . A"V fin. Hat brini.T ro.Jrh : 1 lift ill II II V ) In H r i mi in h i fin iiit hWiW'-'-J-.' V 4 oVha M' covej', tot t-tf o u,r.stuai cam of T-'.dJ tea - fCi, All and 'US Vt&V Va1 Hear any of the new Edison Phonograph records announ ced today, at the salesrooms of our Western Distributers Nebraska Cycle 100,000 records in stock always 1 5th and Harney GEO. . MICKEL 334 Broadway Omaha Mmer Co. Bluffs tecoras or .88 irii- On Sale May MS J 25th 11 EAD through this list of Records forty good reasons for having an Edison Phonograph. And remember this is j ust one month's list. Each succeeding month's Record list brings forth as many - more reasons for having an Edison Phonograph in your home. All ", of the best music that has ever, been published, and all that ever will be published, as fast as it comes out, you can have in your home on Edison A mberol (four minute) and Edison Standard (two minute) ' Records. Think of all the Records you have missed, think of all the Records on this list and of all the lists to come why, there are thousands of reasons for having an Edison Phonograph in your home 1 Ask your dealer to play these new ones for you: Amberol M Dem Dear Ole Days. . .United States Marine Bund 4M The Garden of Rosea. . .Joe Maxwell and Chorus 495 Larboard Watch SUnlry and Gillette M Whrn He Sings the Songs my Mother Sang to Me Ada Jones and Chorus 3T My Hero (from the Chocolate Soldier) Marie Florence US The German 5th Josie Sadler 49 One More Day's Work for Jeeos Miss Marvin and Mr. Anthony 440 Selection from "The Tattooed Mun" Victor Herbert and His Orohestra 41 Molly Lee Manuel Romsin and Chorus 44t Two Gentlemen from Ireland Len Spencer snd Billy Murray 44.1 Foxy Kid Edison Concert Band 444 Forgotten ... i W. H. Thompson 445 My Jesus, As Thou Wilt Edison Mixed Quartette 444 Moralma (Spanish Caprice) A mar lean Standard Orchestra 447 Red Clove Frederick H. Potter and Chorus 448 Peaches and Cream. . .Ads Jones snd Len Spencer 445 Motor King March New York Military Band 490 Casey Jones Billy Murray and Chorus 491 Farmyard Medley 431 Morganblatter Walts . Premier Qusrtette . Sousa s Band Grand Opera (Amberol) BIN BlM Bios BIN Bin Zasa Mamma f non lho arita mal i Lonca vile) bung In Italian. Orchestra accompaniment Carmen Metis. Soorano -Bellatella (Ucncmallo) Sung in Orchestra arrompanlment Marguerite Sylva, Soprano Paglisccl-Italian. Werther Ah I non ml ridestar (Mtuuntl) Sung In Italian. Orchestra accompaniment Luici Cilia, Tenor Ballo m Maathera-Eri to ( Vrrdi) Sung In Orchestra accompaniment Kroesto uaronna. nan tons Simon Beecanegra Preghlera di Fieeco ( Mi) Sung in Italian. Orchestra aocompan latent. Laigi Lneentl, Bass Standard loses Salute to Washington March United States Marine Band 10MM My Husband's in the City Sophie Tucker 10507 Underneath the Monkey Moon .Collins Ai Harlan loses Annie Laurie (Harp) Rosy P. LsRocco 10M9 What's the Matter With Father. . . Billy Marray 101,0 We 41111 Meet, Bye and Bye .Stanley and Gillette 10ST1 I've Set My Heart on You Manuel Romain lours The Flatterer .Victor Herbert and His Orchestra 1097 Dreamy Town Joe Max-well 10S74 Cupid's I. O. U Ada Jones and Billy Murray 1M75 Don'tGoL'pIn that Big Balloon, Dad, MurryK. Hill 10978 Lore's Torment Walts American Standard Orchestra 10177 I'm Looking for A Angel Marie Dressier 10978 The Bulldog Peerless Quartette 10970 Bachelor's Button .Sousa 's Band There are Edison Dealers every where. Go to the nearest and hear the Ediaon Phonograph play both Edison Standard and Amberol Records. Git complete catalogs ' from your dealer or from us. Edison Phonographs . . $11.40 to $900.00 Edison Standard Records '. . , . .' S5e ' Ediaon Amberol Records (play twice as long),A0c Edison Grand Opera Records . . 74c to 18.00 Does your Phonograph play Amberol Records? Ii not, ask your dealer about our money-saving combination offer on Amberol Records and the attachment to play tbam. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY, 75 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J. WUU three 9 few klJi salaried sees staaj Idle, wai tins for the .taorapha whOa yeu are dlctatina, wbe sys far the UnmeT Aa Ediaea Baalaees Paensgraph will ebjniaate this waste. To hear any of these new records played upon Edison's latest triumph, the Amberola, you've only to step into the salesrooms of our western distri buters, the Nebraska Cycle Co. 100,000 Records in Stock GEO, E. MICKEL, Minagsr Cor. 15th and Harney Streets Omaha, Neb. or 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Ia.