Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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NothipUkcThem in Any
Tjhofe famous Lilliputian
ijistep strap pumps with
wide toe. Hazel brown
."jfajf, Mack suede, dull calf
in nil patent
It in rYi ti-a
1518-1520 Farnam Street
' ' ' vv
In rif jira?ij FurlKormore, 1 they -will
put m gfowi'rttt'i 4bo t"i ' '.
C M) El utter, sit .Omaha attorney, was
CRll j;tvpon 6 W u,e possibilities of
legal!,fIUf. Ha d'ctaHtyl' Hint the. United
Stately aftoii)4 ie, Involved Ui .bring action
again',, Oi ...rathfds.t.'chargliig that.tlie.
agrei i:otAf.' lhBtKutofl an Illegal com
blnatJ; V tralnf 'jf trade and simul
taneity ;4otrlrttm,;i mnde to the In
terstate Ctbtilerc'-c)ilml8Hlon. His sug
gestion became pntctlcally tlie decision
of the meeting after considerable dlacus-.
slon.-v . ..' ". '. ' '. . '
John' M. Glenn, representing the Illinois
manufacturers of Chicago, made a fiery
speech In ,whlch '.' be, declared In favor of
sr'lotinaf' prosecution.
..'Those who attended- the meeting were:
"y 'fharie "VVhi Attended.
.Omaha E. J. McVann, L. L. French, A.
O. Umbarger; M. 'iC. Spain, C. S. Elgutter,
H E. lirando. A. M. Longwell, M. S. Hart
ma u, J. A. Kuiin, 4.,N..liyp, E. P. l'eck,
A. O. SuillU. .VV. ,K.j Spain, W. 8. Wright,
W.1 M. Ofass, 11. K. Johnson, 3. L. Rees,
J, P. Siptth, .11. J.Uonlmg, Hi. 15. tfrancn,
J. KUBhtoii.
Council Ulutfar-Fred D. Empkle, S. C,
H.iutn Omaha E. K. Buckingham. J. A,
McNaughton, M. L). Welch, J. H. Uiancbard.
. hioux City w. . l acKuerry, v. u.
Kmipp, I'J. C. Currl(!f I
' Lllicolii K. IS. Henkle'.
JUipneapolis 11. F. Voges, W. P. Trlchett.
Hi i'aul Ueorae 1. Myron.
ItiJnver William IX Tlilwcll, national
seVrvtary of Western Trult Jobbers' asso
AtohlHon. Kan. A. E. Mire, J. B. Sell
man, K K. Hairon.
nnont W. 11. Young.
Milwaukee K. J. liertschy, Charles
lCrafne. Wis. -r-II. A. Walter.
Chicago John' M. Glenn, secretary Illi
nois Manufacturers' association; W. J.
Kvttns, secretary National Association or
Agricultural Implements and Vehicle Manu
taetBrerxir JPl j.' .Cheesinan of the llooth
li'lBlierics company., ; ,
Kansas yiiU,.q. Wilson of Commer
cial 'Club, it. Jlan-y Jones of Western Fruit
Jobbers' ;assoctailon W. . 11. Klchards,
OtorKe 6. Uarland.
St.L.oui U Feltkert, R. Muehlberg.
'bU 'Joseph H, U..K.rake jut Commercial
c)ub,J. A. Warner, M. V. Blanchard.
'WhV suffef f ijomSdemat'lm Mben 'n'
poUcaop.yf'c'banViM!ilalB Wnlwent gives
Workman at Colrsmbaa Injured While
' ' , GnlOliifr Vlork of Stone
Into Place. .
COWTMBUS. Neb. Mayt4. (Special
T.'legmm,")--AVhlle. vAinf. onk -tf tire 'cap
itohV-.ta, place 'ruv'TtH. First National
bante ilIiJlrl tfel's asrioon J. H. Brock
receivWwltiJr'e1;rta;t.. imy prove fatal.
The : li-KVy.Kone, 'ijlch! weighed about
800 ooUs Was eady o be placed ,ln po
litlan Wbvn tue.'TeV'li .whlqh .was d
fectlviy hrtilfa-)anfl,.ipre;Ip4Uted Mr. Brook
ad; tjWj'Ma.4'?Vtlii sidewalk, below, a
distance tnj-'f iyo . feet. Mr. Brock
BUffiVii'R, brokaiTleg aiid very probably
lntcu nai' Ifijurlt!!, altliugb. physicians are
unable.' i -, bell ' Just ; w hat the outcome
will W'v-v..'
.A An': Anet(tn . Klna;
is the great king "ot.cuts, l)r. King's New
Discover)-, the, qu,lck safe, sgre cgugh and
cold remedy.-'DOd -ariu Jl-W. Beaton Drug
co. ; V,';r '
St . .
? . "n vV.V.'A""V,V.'.V,V.V..
' i ' ' A
We'vi just; received that much wanted
Vclooze Pumps
Other Omaha StarcJ ;Price $5 t
Classy pumps and two-Jhole
j .. -'V
; tics of dull leather afld ,y
patent leather, the pret-
le pret- V
ioKt low shoes in i fr. J 3
the'eitv. at!
Alleged Member of Mabray Gang-in
, . . Officer's Custody.,...;'
' ' .': .. .- VJ V
Kvaslv Answers Ewnt. ln br .Appli-
cants for Of flee
.'XirnlnW'f ; f ''''
i . .C'harsres .'
i .'''. ..'.' v--i")' '
(From a Staff Correspondent.) "". 1
DES MOINES. Ia,, May 23. (Special Tele
gram.) Luther West, alia. Tpmmy Rogers,
who is charged with being a member" of -the
famous Mabray "gang ot .Council Bluffs was
turned over . to.the custody of a fnlted
States marshal In Des Moines 'and placed 'n
Jail. West, who Is accused of hartng acted
as one of the "stperers" for tho Mabrav
gang, -was arrested at Webb City, -Mo., a
few days ago and was brought to Des
Moines this morning unSeT orders of the
federal court. . ,.
Candidates Dodge Ismie.
From the replies to the ilettnra 'sent out
the first of the' month by the iciwa Coir-
stitutlonal Prohibitory. Amendment .'asso
ciation to the candidates for election In the
thirty-fourth" general ' 'assembly asking
whether or not they.LwQi)ld the
prohibition Issue, it would seem that the
democratic nominees are dodging the Issue.
Out of the demooratio candidates but twenty-one
were In favor of resubmission, while
seventy-two evaded the question or refused
to respond. Of the: republican candidates
seventy-two were hi favor of prohibition
and four were against. Five socialist can
didates were in favor of prohibition and
eleven did not report. . -
Carroll Makes Chargri.
apvernpr B. .F. Carroll, Jn a"; statement.
Issued todaj-; avers that John Cownlc,.t
lgnt4 member ct the t'Et4iriiat &n
troC permitted Immoral cgndltions to jre-.
vafl tthe Mltohellvtnei;.IOirts-i. IcSuArHal1
school under the former superintendent.
that he purchased goods for state Institu
tions -without asking bids as the statute re
quires and that he shipped fifty-five tuber
ciilin cattU to Omnha.iiv centra 4ctlon of the
federal statutes, costing the, state. 12 to
settle with the Cadahy .Pato', ewmpeivy,
Hptel Burned. at;
: , Monrnouthrili
Two Hen from Galesburg Killed and
' One Injured by 'jumping ' ' v "
....... from Window-
GALESBURO, 111., May 24. John Jacobs
of Qalesburg and Bud Miller of Moncoftiitb
ere killed early toda,,(n ,a t Ire. theft d,e
suoyed the City hotol-of Monmouth. Ed
ward Calhoun of Galrsbunf-wa badly In
jured by leaping from' a lecond story'. win
dow. Other guests had narrow escapes, but
It Is believed all are accounted for. A lamp
IS supposed to have exploded. aud caused
the fire. ;, , .
Look F TkU UUI
Kcfwe All SubstiluUs
; ,Poroknitl Union Suits
are cut bom our special union
suit patterns that - is why ; .
they fit perfectly. No gaps
in the garment between' each '
button. No double thick-; - ;
nesb at waist Never pulls "
or feels uncomfortable any
where, ,,
Poroknit, suits whethei ;
two-piece or union-rare "
always cool and alwavs com- V
fortable. ' .
For Men at s.tU For Boys
$1.00 Unioe Suilt 50 c,
Anr Stria
SKirtt and
25c L
Buy fmm marmi ieakrBockkf fm ,
Chalmers Knitting Company'
60 WukuctM St-. AwUtsm, M. T.
, J-
Steamer Frank H. Goodyear Run
" Down by the Frank H. Wood.
Vessel noes Dunn In Three Hundred
Feet of Water and OnlrSIs Per
sons Are Saved, So Fur
as Known. '
I'ORT HCRON. Mlcf)., May tl.-Seven-teen
are supposed to be dead as a result of
a collision of two big steel freight steameri
on Lake Huron, t orth of Point Aux
Barques, In a dense fo Monday morning.
News of the collision reached here today. .
'The steamer, Frank 'H. Goodyear of
Cleveland, was sunk in forty-seven fathoms
of water. The steamer, James B. Wood of
Cleveland, which struck tho Goodyear bow
on, camo Into Tort Huron harbor today
with a big hole In Its bow, carrying half
a dosen survivors from the Goodyear. The
latter carried crew of .twenty-three men
and several passengers.,
Captain F. . R. ' Hemlng'er of Algonae,
Mich., who commanded the Goodyear; Chief
Engineer Gibson, Steward David Bassett.
one wheelsman -and twopassengors, Mrs.
Thomas H.i Bassett and her daughter, of
Marine 'City, Mich., were saved and brought
to iPort Huron' on tne steamer "Wood.
' The oniyjiope of the survival of the oth
ers who wee on board the Goodyear lies
In,: ,'the ''possibility cf their having been
rescued. bJMhe steamer Sir. WiUlam ele
ment; -which was nce-r the. .scene of the
wreck arid Is due at Detdur and-Sault Sto.
Marie today- . ..
The'' ,Cooiyear was struck .. amldshtp on
tiie;' starboard 'sfde While'- the how of the
Wood was -punctured. , ;' .'
Id' a monient It "wtts'"seen Siiait" the Good
yf ar : was'.dopmed.) as It bpan rapidly to
fill :m I th? "water., v Everyone., on , board was
suppileiwitn' a i life preserver and every
effort "was., made' ,t'6 iman and launch tlu'
small boatsiBut the1. .water poured Into
tile' hold . so fast -that i the heavy hatches
wore ' forced from their frames by the
pressure from underneath and shot Into
the air In every direction and tne falling
hatches added terror to the crew and pas
sengers. With his Infant child In his arms. Stew
ard Bassett had almost reached safety In
one of the life boats when one of the
tumbling hatches struck the baby from
bis arms. The little one fell Into the lake
abd was drowned, despite the frantic ef
forts of its "father to rescue It
Steamer Owned in Cleveland.
CLEVELAND, O., May Z4.-Accordlng to
the- -information received by the Gilchrist
Transportation company here, owners of
the James B. Wood, the steamer which Is
reported sunk, was the Frank H.. Good
year, owned by Captain John Mitchell,
a)so of this city. It carried a crew of
twenty-three men in charge of Captain F.
R. Hemenger of Algonac, Mich.
Captain Mitchell received word from Cap
tain Hefn'cnger by telephone this morning.
He reported that two boats collided in the
tog twenty-seven miles south of Thunder
Bay at 6 o'clock last night, and that the
Goodyear Bank In forty-seven fathoms of
, i Captain. Mitchell received, no word as to
the fate of the ciew.
.The Frank II. Goodrich was a modern
Steel steamer and was 436 feet long.
Six members of the crew of the Good
year, including captam Hemlnger, were
rescTied by ' the 'steamer. Wood and taken
iJi'HWjkn, aocqj-tUng to word. fcecelvefi
at" the Gilchrist offices." As the- Goodyear
fa -,-814 .to- have.. had twenty-three men
aboard, the number thought to have been
drowned Is seventeen.
' That some of the crew of the Goodyear
were rescued by the steamer Sir William
Siemens was announced at the offices of
the Gilchrist company. The Siemens Is up
bound, and- until It reaches the Sbo, some
fclme today. It will not b Known how many
were saved by that vessel. The crew of
the Goodyear was shipped at Chicago.
Taft Writes to
Unitarian Laymen
Executive Accepts Position of Honor
: ary President of-Association for
i ':; ' .v '.'Mother Year..
t . '.,: .. r ;.(.. . ......
BOSTON. May 24. At the meeting of the
National League of Unitarian laymen to
day the following from President Taft was
read by Secretary Burdett: 1
. "My Dear Mr. Burdett: In accepting for
another year the position of honorary
president of the National ) League of Unl- I
tarlan. laymen, I am glad to express my
sense of responsibility devolving upon the
laymen, not only of our own church but
of all the churches, as churchmen, to
uphold the religious ethical principles for
which the church stands, and apply these
principles actively to: the solution of the
civic, social and industrial problems that
today are confronting our country. We
look to the churches and kindred organiza
tions for the preservbtlon of these ideals,
and we should hall every Instrumentality
which is adopted for their promulgation.
"One of the most pleasing signs of the
times is the rise of organisations within
the church, by which earnest men com
bine for the purpose of increasing the
strength of the church as a body, making
it a power for the amelioration of social
conditions and carrying lis message into
all lands. By such organisations, properly
dli-tej, can the ideals for w(ieh we
stand, such as charity, forbearance, civio
righteousness and human brotherhood, be
applied to the working out of our national
destiny. .
"Sincerely yours.
Offleers Find. Enoagh Stolen Property
at Home of James Vysoclal to
Stock Small Store.
SIOUX FALLS, S. P., May 24.-peclal )
Not satisfied to have drawn No. 116 In thi
'recent' Rosebud land - lottery by which he
secured one of the finest tracts ot PSO acres
of government land in Gregory county, an
Individual named James Vysoclal evidently
aspired to become tho champion thief of
South Dakota..
That ha la entitled to this title Is shown
by the result of a raid which the officers
of Gregory county made on his home, after
he had been arrested on the charge of
wholesale thievery. The remarkable feature
ot the case Is -that Vysoclal was not In nerd
of money. - He has repeatedly refused S3,O0j
In cash If he would sign a relinquishment
of his rights in the homestead which lie
drew at the government lottery.
'-For months the residents of a territory
about six miles lu diameter have been miss
ing articles and goods of all descriptions
which they were careless enough to let He
loose around their plncrs.
nt was unrortunata enough to steal a
tool chest belonging to C. F. Fuller of Dal
las, containing tools to the value of about
IKK). Fuller did not remain Idle after dis
covering his loss, but immediately set out
to dn 'a little detective work, whlrh re
sulted In tracing the stolen tool chest lo the
home of Vysorlal, Where It was found, and
where the officers were surprised to find
such' a " large amount ot other stolen
The property stolen by Vy(clal rangrd
from log chains and telephone poles and
chickens. o farm machinery, saddles, bug
glfs, anvils and other articles, which. If
enumerated' here, would fill six or seven
Inches of snce.
Vysoclal has been held for trial at the
next term of state circuit court, and In de
fault of bonds Is In custody of the offi
- " (CoWrlnttrd from First Tage.)
town and city Is a state booster and every
newspaper e,. self-appointed advertising me
dium for South DakoU lands. They want
to see everyone in their home state get to
gether and work for Nebraska, Increasing
the population per square mile, making the
agricultural possibilities known, that lands
may be more valuable and per capita
Chairman David Cole of the executive
committee of the Commercial club has also
authorised a telegram from Omaha, Invit
ing the newspaper men to meet in Omaha
next year. The 100 hundred business men
on the train have pledged the editors their
Individual support and combined influence
to get immigration work and state adver
tising started. They mean business, and
the next legislature will be covered up
with requests for appropriations to do such
work from Omaha, as well as from other
parts of the state, where the work has
boen wanted for years.
Several hundred sheep bells, with their
labels changed to read, "Ring for Ne
braska," bave been sent to the press as
sociation. F. I. Ellick of the Omaha Print
ing company, who Is to speak at Lincoln,
Is leaving the party today for the meeting
Route for Wednesday.
The last day of the excursion of the
trade boosters begins with a ten:mlnuto
stop at Winnetoon on the Bonesteel line
Wednesday morning. Then the party will
visit the towns and -cities from there to
Dallas, where they will spend the evening.
After the reception and meetings planned
In that city the moving picture aiiow and
unloading of advertising matter "taps" will
be sounded by the band and the Omahans
will board tho train, which will . run to
pmuha during the night, arriving at the
Union depot at 8:30 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, after having covered more than 2,500
miles. This is the route of the last day:
"' Arrive.
6:45 a. m.
7:10 a. m.
7:42 a. m.
8:55 a. m.
9:25 a. m.
9:50 u. m.
10:20 a. m.
10:44 a. m.
11:25 a. m.
Creighton, Neb...'..,.,
Wtnneloon, Neb
Verdlgre, Neb....:...
Niobrara, Neb '.,
Verdel, Neb.....
Monowi, Neb
Lynch, Neb
bristow, Neb
Spencer, Neb
Anoka, Neb
iiutte (inland town);
Anoka i..t:
Fairfax, S. D .;.
Bonefcteel, B. D.. ..-.,
St. Charles, S. D..,..
Herrlck, S. D..
burke, S. D
Gregory, 8y D., ...;.'
Dallas, S. D....V....
7:01) a. m.
,1.21 a. m.
," :0o a. ni.
. 8:15 a. rn.
. !):40 a. in.
. 10:06 a. m.
. 10:34 a. m.
i 11:00 a. in.
. 11:45 a. m.
2:00 p. m.
2:36 p. m.
3:10 p. m
3:il0 p. m.
4:30 p. in.
6:00 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
2:20 p. m.
2:50 p. m.
3:25 p. m.
3:45 p. m.
4:45 p. m.
, 6:20 p. m.
6:00 p. m.
8:. 'to a. m.
Telephone Girls
Victims of P tomaine
Nine Operatdri Wichita Taken
Violently 111',' After. Eating Ice
Cream Tbree May Die.
WICHITA, Kan.. May 24. The office of
the Missouri &, Kansas Telephone company
ih this city was converted Into a temporary
hospital last night when nine of the com
pany's operators became violently ill, after
eating ice cream - purchased at a' nearby
confectionery shop. '' Physicians pronounced
It ptomaine poisoning. Three of. the pa
tients, including a chief operator, may not
recover, '..',''
Kansas Guaranty Appeal.
; KANSAS CITY, t May 24.-A number of
Kansas bankers were, In conference here
today formulating an appeal to the United
States supreme court from the decision
qf the United States court of appeals
which declared the Kansas bank guaranty
law valid.
Watch for This "Thermos
This Is It Tho Thermos Auto Advertising Car
Built at a cost of $15,000! Conceded to be the most unique ad
' - vertising idea ever seen on the streets. Wednesday, the 25th, it
::yill be operated on the streets of this, city distributing free
Syhermos literature. So keep your eye "peeled!" :: :: ::
We' Are Factory Distributers for Thermos Goods
ViKvery thing manufactured in the Thermos line. Thermos Bottles,
Thermos Flasks, Thermos Jars, Thermos Coffe Pots, Etc.
This Car May Be Seen in Front of Our Store
See Window Display of "Thermos" Goods
1414 Harney Street,
Senate Sub-Commmittee Hfears Evi
dence Against Federal Officers.
Delegate Accuses tJovernor Clark and
Ex-Uovernor lloagatt Uh Favor
ing; the (agaenhelm Interests
First Session Hxecntlte.
WASHINGTON, May 24. An Investiga
tion, which Is expected to disclose to a
greater extent than ever before the bitter
factional feeling In the republlcun party
In Alaska, was begun today before a sub
committee ot the senate committee on
Judiciary. It Is being held in connection
with protests made against the confirma
tion of John Rustgard and Herbert L.
Faulkner, appointed by President Taft as
United States attorney and United States
marshal, respectively, to succeed John G.
Boyce and Daniel A. Sutherland, who were
removed at the request. It Is understood, of
Governor Walter E. Clark.
Senator Nelson la chairman of the sub
committee and associated with him are
Senators Borah and Overman. The prin
cipal speaker today was Delegate James
Wlckersham, who made charges against
Governor Clark; ex-Governor Hoggatt and
Louis Shackleford, the member of the re
publican national committee from Alaska.
The Alaskan delegate sought to connect
these men with the Guggenheim interests.
First Session Executive. .
As to the exact testimony given today
little could be learned. Senator Nelson,
after an adjournment had been ordered
until Thursday, cautioned the witnesses
against revealing the executive proceedings.
It is understood, however, that Senators
Borah and Overman will recommend open
The controversy is said to be chiefly be
tween factions opposing the activities of
the Guggenhelms in Alaska and that which
favors the rapid development of territory.
The men who were ' removed from off ce
charge ' that Governor Clark has become
affiliated with the C.uf.kUihelm faction and
that he Joined with National Committee
man Shackleford In rt commending the ap
pointment of RustgarJ and Faulkner.
Many Charges Made.
Boyce and Sutherland are not seeking to
be restored to office. Tbey say they desire
nothing more than to place before the
senate the facts as they see them, con
nected with their removal. According to
their story they incurred the enmity of the
Guggenhelms becausa of their prosecutio'i
and conviction of Ed liasey on tne charge
of having shot and killed two men in Key
stone canon in October, 1907. Hasey was
employed by the Guggenhelms and it "as
charged that he shot the two men while
trying to guard Keystone pass against the
invasion of the representatives of a rival
concern which was seeking entrance to the
pass. Hasey was convicted and sentenced
to serve eighteen months In a federal peni
tentiary. Boyce and Sutherland claim they dis
covered that "men higher up" In the Gug
genheim service were responsible for the
affair at Keystone pass.
A young man named Douglass, who had
been an auditor In the employ of the Gug
The Midwest Life
KuW many Nebraskans realize how large
some of the eastern life insurance com
panies now are? It all the state and
national banks in the whole state of Ne
braska were merged Into one colossal
bank, the assets of this bank would not
equal forty per cent of the assets of Just
one of the New York companies. Now
while these eastern companies can fur
nish to Nebraskans good safe Insurance,
The Midwest Life can do the same thing,
and the, premiums paid It will remain
In Nebraska. Other things being equal
which is the saner course for the people
of this state: To patronize eastern life
Insurance companies, the direct effect of
which is to make stronger the financial
Institutions of the east; or to patronize
Nebraska conipanles, the direct effect of
which is to keep money in Nebraska and
to develop her own institutions.
Tlfe MldweBt Life of Lincoln issues all
the standard forms of life Insurance. Take
out your next policy in It You will not
regret If.
r G. Clark Co.
"Everything from a Fish Hook to a Motor Boat"
genhelms, testified $70,000 had been ex
pended trior and durmg the Hasey trial,
and he rharged that the expend Hires had
been made for the entertainment of Jurors
and otherwise ns a toiiuptlon fund to de
feat tho prosecution by federal officers.
Iloy Fatally Kicked by Horse.
PIERRE, S. D., May 24. (Special.) Beit,
the 11-year-old son of Mrs. M. Kennedy,
living In Lyman county, south of Fort
Pit rre, w as kicked In the face Sunday even
ing while leading a horse and his skull so
badly crushed that several pieces wore re
moved. While the boy was living at last
report. It Is not thought that his recovery
is possible.
State manager wanted for Iowa or Ne
braska, by established old line life Insur
ance company. Highest contract. Don't
answer unless you are experienced and can
give references and bond. Write today.
H. O., care Grand Hotel, Council Bluffs, la.
Comet seta Wedaesdajr at 11:08 p. m.
Comet sets Thursday at 11)33 p. m.
Comet sets Friday at 1H38 p. m.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Fair, warmer
For Iowa Fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Dfg
6 a. m 49
a. m 4S
7 a. m 52
8 a. m ff
9 a. m 60
10 a. m 63
11 a. m (4
12 m f5
1 p. m
2 p. m 67
5 p. m
4 p. m 70
6 p. m 70
6 p. m 68
7 p. m 67
8 p. in 03
g Coat & Pants to uraer au
May blossoms with orders.
Despite "the comet" and the
"climate" the old weather man
as been handing us, we're up to
our ears In orders.
It Is the sterling values we
offer at $20 made to order that
does the trick.
Every garment guaranteed per
fect in fit and style.
Tailoring Co.,
304-306 South 10th St.,
Near 10th and Farnam.
40o Black Wain- t 'Taffy,
Fresh , Home-Made.
sales' Wednesday
Candy Special
and Saturday.
is what makes
We make ous
good Soda Water.
own ICE CxtbjAM iNurr oaw
Try our Soda Water.
Myers-Dillon Drug Co.
16th and Parana Bts.
Th.e INN
Thia Famous Summer Besort,
Will be open Jane 1st. rlnest fishing-,
bathing, etc Tor terms address
TIE INlf, Okobojl, Iowa.
203 South Nineteenth street, open dally
from U a. m., to 7 p. m. ; Sundays, from
5 p. m.. to 8 p. m. Chafing-dish suppers on
Sundays. ;
Car" Today!
Omaha, Neb
ririifJi '' - ' h'iihi i h -'-- r-AiM1' 1
oho im p o rta n t
things upon which
mens ccats defend
for fit and stylo aro
a cZoss fitting collar
and a shoblder of natural
conformation from -which
the coat is balanced, ZThe&e
two factors stand for accu
racy cf fit and are stand
ardized in JBobrke twenty
five shits and Raincoats.
Ve aro shovini thsm in hand
some grei. broWn and tan
scotch cheviots and blue serges.
Spring Suits $iS to $0
Raincoats $iS to $30
0br$3 hatJBoiirke Preferred
is a hat Value fyoli should be
come acquainted With,. JW the
new blocks and colons. 'V
31$ South 15th Street
Leave Your Monev
at Home
THE DR. BRANAMAN CO. have been,
treating all forms of CHRONIC DIS
EASES for the past 24 years lu Omaha
and Nebraska.
THEY know what they cart do, but
YOU may not. YOU want to get well
and WE believe WE can cure you. What
you are Interested In knowing la finding
YOU have been the one to taka all the
risks In seeking health. Now WE want
you to Investigate our treatment and we
want to prove to you at OUR expense
that It will cure you.
We are going to give a full MONTH'S
TREATMENT FREE to all who call or
write before the first of June. Remember
this. You get the best we have. If we
were to give you Inferior treatment we
would not benefit by It because you
would not. Our Interests are mutual.
You get all the benefit of our 24 YEARS'
EXPERIENCE In the treatment of
Chronic, diseases. We cure Asthma,
Catarrh, Headnolses, Deafness, Stomach,
Liver and Bowel Troubles, Kidney and
Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism, . Goiter
and all chronic diseases.
AND CALL AT ONCE. If you can't call,
write. Our home treatment Is the same
as the office treatment. THIS OFFER
Suite 20 .Continental Block.
3d Floor, over Berg Clothing Co., .
Cor. 15th and Douglas Sts., Omaha.'
Office hours: 9 a. in. to 6 p. m. Open
till 8 p. m. on .Monday, Wednesday and
Saturday. Sur.dav. 9 to 12 m.
African Game Trails
His Own Book
AOEXTTS WASTED for the only aoconnt
of his adventures In Africa by himself.
153a Fifth Avenue. New York.
For the Benefit of the Child
Saving Institute
May 27 and 28 Saturday Mat.
Night Prices 25c to $1.50
Matinee Prices 25c to $1
Friday Night, May 27th.
Bill Hokuf vs. Ben Pavelka
John Holden vs. Arthur Pavelka
Seat Sale Opens Wednesday, May 25.
Prloss aso. 6O0 and 75c. ' X
MAY 22, 23, 24, 25
Vinton Street Park V
Monday, May 23 Ladies Day.'
Game Called 3:45
pedal Car leaves 16th m rasaaat at,
at 3iiiu. f
CHAHLEa raOEUAl Vresenta I
Otis Skinner
Prloesi Mat. Bto to 11.60. Might I 607
to 62.00.
Kay 60-31 THI ALASKA
Call Us
Tonight Matinee Thar, and Bat,
Beat Wtik. The Boetsty Comedy, SHAM
J-.-Sy0, aUonunsr.
Jf3Sf,vaag... 10 a4 35a
l a i" I sO mam A "
Magnificent Boenlo at viral of , v,
tvionte CrlMiq T
Bnnmsr-Tlms Vaudeville Beteewn awtsA
i nun liir us., itu.s.
,vvw a, -- ana has, basis.
Bun. and All Week, The Widely read "T
K4.MO." Sstra Mai. Moa. Beooratlea fc