Want - Ads Want aila reoelveel at mmr time, " to Inanre proper cloaalflratlnn mast be prramlrd brfore U o'clock M. lor the evenla edition and before nao o'clock of orerlooe erealaoj for mornlDf and Saadnr edition. Want ada received after aocb have their first laaertloa onder tke heading "Too Late to laaalf r." Caab maaf aeeompnnr all ordere for mat ada and no advertisement will be accepted for leaa than ZO centa for flrat Inarrtloa. Ratea applr to ellher The Dally or flnndnr Bee. Alnaya count six worda to m line. CASH BATHS l'OK WANT ADS. HlKlil.AH CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-S eenta per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent Inaertlon. Each Inaertlon made on odd da ye, 1 1-2 centa per word, ft. BO per line, per month. Want ada for The llee mar 1'' at any of the following drug atorea one la yonr "corner drnnBlat" they are all branch offlcea for The Bee and your ad will be Inserted Jnat aa promptly and on the aniue ratea aa at the muln office In Te Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam atreeta. Albnch. V. C. 40ih and Farnam. Kersnck, S. A.. 14w3 H. Itth t Payton pharmacy, 730 S 16th St. Menson Pharmacy, benson. Neb. Bemts Park Pharmacy, S3d and Cuming. Rlake-nradlah. Kit Bherroan Ave. Caughlin. C. K.. tb and Pierce Ste. Clifton Hill Fnarcnacy, 313 Military Ave. lllntprlmig Drug Co., 81t Ave. ami Fartiam. ;rly Pharmacy. Ih and Lake Coonay Pharmacy, 2:21 B. 16th St Ornak, Emll, 1264-43 S. 18th St. Khler, F. II., tun Leavenworth. Ki.f'.-r fc Arnoldl. 113 N. ISth St. Krj tea, John J., 1114 N. 24th t r ienncr Drug Co.. VM N. IStb SL Klonroa Drug Co.. Florence. Nab. Ureen'a Pr.ariuary, Park Ave. and Polflo. OrefloiiKh. U. A., 106 8. 10th St. Ureenough. O. A., Tenth and Hickory. Hayden, Wl'.l'.am C. 2930 Farnam St. Hai.rcom Park Pharmacy. 1601 . tb Ava, Hoist. John, 624 N. Mth St. Huff, A. I.. rj-Jt Leavenworth St. Julinsm Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding St Kins. H. H., 2238 Farnam St. Kountro Place pharrrtaoy, 8304 VI. Uth. Mares, Fred L.. (019 Cantral Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1824 N. 14th St lthrop. Charlea E.. 1324 N, S4th St. Goldman Pharmacy, Uto and Leave wortn Sts. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Jesse Mcintosh, 2028 Pierce, boy; Harry J. GradKteen. 1107 Pacific, boy; M, Jonee, 2578 Harney, boy; John Dohne, 28)8 Ames avenue, girl; Herman Smith, 2619 Ieoatur, tooy; O. Dacosta. 1114 Pleroe, boy; Morris Merson, Wise Memorial hospital, Deaths Augustus F. Saunders, Colorado Springs, 27; Mollle Nldlns, Fourth and Ban croft, 24; Lee A. Peterson, 2721 Sprague, 3; Edith V. Hall. 8410 Grand avenue. 84: Bes ide Spoerrl, 2114 South Forty-sixth, 47; Mar garet Mouuire, am Norm xwenty-iourtn 87. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY UNION LOAN TO LOAN LOW RATE, in sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Doug. 21KH. COMPANY. v i -r- i Timln Watches. Jew tt A KIT A I L elry. Clothing, etc FRIEDMAN'S LOAN BANK. 201 S. UTH. COR. DOUGLAS. TEL. . 5325 DIAMONDS?! : ARR SELL DIAMONDS AT 40 PER ri;MT BELOW COST. Money to loan. Brodkey. Jewelry Co., 1401 Douglas St iron and Wire I n rhamnlAti Wfr,fM C11V mh Jackgon sts. Tel. D. 1590. WEDDING rings and presents; complete ' . . l . . 1 , n oft. XT ldK Stock. UUSlttiaon n.Biim-i"". .qui, DIAMONDS 84 PER CARAT Our famous Mex ican White Sap phire gum,' which la practically the same as a diamond; brilliancy and sparkle guaran. teed forever. Call or write for catalogue. De Ixng Jewelry Co., 609 McCague Bldg., Uth ana Dodge, umana, eteo. . WHERE DOES THE CROWD GO? TO THE PARLOR TMnUVTUK, Uf UOUKSE. Gef your WEDDING RINGS at FRED BHODEGAARD'S. It Insures good luck. . . r . . . U u. ,Ua slim t t V- I'ruun WEDDING tings made by hand, sold by .eight. IV L. comos as -o., ism uougias. UMBRELLAS recovered and repaired; -....!.. lUk-TITDM 1TM RRlT.r.I.A li , 1K2J arnam. iiea mo. THE SICK MADE WELL Without medi cine; tha Oxygenator eures diseases with oxygen; free book. C. C. Johnson, Be atrice, Neb. s vmniMlA DARE wine. 7Bn a larva hnt- Ue. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSE. 6a N. 16th bL' Douglas Wiu. JOHN NITTLEB HomDlBtcrrbT.m,r TJTXTIS THE BKER XOU LIKE. LiUAUO K24 8ou, ,4th a, Douglas 18!9, Red 8631; Independent, A-142& GOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH c nrpC! A. JETJSH. Ii2 Douglaa St. BAEKER BEOS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail. 1600 Farnam St. Bhor win-Williams' paints, oils, varnishes, glass. whit lead, wall paper, brushes, glaxing and picture framing. Tela: Bell, Douglas Aim; lud.. A-SaiU. LYNCH BEOS. PLUSaf KKfAlR WUKIt A SPEC1ALTX, 71 ltui. Phone Douglas 1477. FINE clock repairing; prices right; call oeuver. jaemuap, ouo .ounueriana J3!ag. GET Missouri. Filters, 1310 Howard St 1C.V m?F,AAf "ALWAY8 THE BEST, hardin u s Ice Cream x.eUgowooa ere. Butter. Harding Cream Co EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. Al kins. 816 8. l.lli, upsUlra. ur WATnRS nrnnnirn t i l . j . . - .. ...i.i. viaii., as aonger. J, U. Kennedy. 104 S. Uth. Doug. 7 MAGGARD Van & Storage or Omaha iiuiiK, van & otoraga lo. pack, move, loi and snip H. 11. goods. 1). 11W. U-241U. BE AV EE BO AE D F'M"?" lr. American Supply Co., UU Farnam, GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo landa tells how. Western Land A lnv. Co. t'M HRELLAS RECOVERED AND RE PAIRED. Ed. F. Pickering, 105 B. 16th St . CASH OECEEDIT BAVEU on rrftduaUon prnt. . . v- w., mi uvur, CAaAMK Pou"- lirs- lim- 3rriM vlloj.jv old Bo,ton 6tort &1UMC) THH liriMn niRVlTTTDv rn n cent less than -Omaha prices; a) til and per L Dta. OMAHA VACUUM CLEANING CO Contracts for cleaning houses. halls churches, opera houses, etc W. 694 and B-KUl. , Multigraph AYork Typewritten letters duplicated. ' J." C. Northup, 60 Paxton. Douglaa 66SS. JOHN E. HIMOE. shlrU. (JO Paxton Blk. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS COMMANDS Order your houae and porch screened from IHU OMAHA WINIXJW SCREEN CO. A : SAW 1 Alt I INKCKSSlfX FOR aVBiHI UUM, Hi N. 16th St Call Doug. 4C32. Bee Hive Cleaning and Dye Worka.'lC.'O 8. 10th Bt Tel. Douglaa 43CT. IKJUOLJ.B Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 644. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. ) I LEU GRAND HOTEL iFr .WWw'.rd'i Turkish Baths ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and Wire Fencea Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime T N. 17th. 'I'hona Red 814 TIIK City Garbage Co., Tel. iJouglas 1.W7. cleans vaults, cesspools .nd removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of refuse. WESTERN DUPLICATING CO.. 403 Bee Bldg. 'Multlgfsphed letters. Douglas S64L PHOKS called for and delivered frea. Standard Shoe Repair Co.. 1804 Farnam. NOTIIIN'fl mora cool I nil or lefreshlng tan a arlasa nf Ice cream aoda at tha Bell Diug Co. a fountain, 1216 Farnam St. S. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 37GS. 1316 Farnam. A. v.. ROHERTS. reliable (Hip. agent. uccessor to Martin Co.. loll Capitol Ave. A TM'PQ CHI-JEN AM El J A PA LAC, A J. IN J. O H1TN PROOF PAINT. SARATOGA DRUG CO.. 24th & Ames Ave. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. nWV V AT? 14 FRENCH VHY CLEAN lllllj 1 AlVlO 1NG Co., u N. 16th 8t. Douglas 2313, B-22Z4. B. F. WUKN. Optician. 424 Brandels Bldg. MERCHANTS' "midMd cafe. PRIVATE DINING ROOMS, 317 N. 16th St TT flT.4VM Practical Builder, i. 11. UJJOJJil, Kstlmates Furnished. Tel, Benson 260. DELMONICO Cafe. 617 N. 18th; Chinese and Mexican dishes, all hours; best meal, 16o up. CODAlfS and supplies; largest stock; ..JULIO AMATK1JR FINISHING best work. DEMPSTER. 1215 Farnam St ED ROTIIERY Proprietor Schllts No. S. Full line of wine, liquors and cigars; merchants' lunch served irom io a. m. to 2 p. m.. regular meals at all hours: atramrpra in llinnhi and visitors to the city always welcome and shown every attention; information bureau in connection, wnere all inquiries are cneer- lunjr uiiBwerea. a call appreciated. ll BUUlH OUHTEENTH STREET THE NOVELTY STORE It'i wnrlh a iait to see the lars-a line nf noveltv eooda. tc. A. E. Jones. Prim N. tit.i ml. 8outh Omaha. FRAMTNfl w wlgt to announce that w, ftre n(JW locB)ted n our new home. Omaha Art and Frame Co., 7v7 O. IdUI ri t. Remember ntm )' Ihu no 1 v urn ple in the city that handle metal frames wiin convex glass ror embossed portraits. Formerly of 2424 Cuming St. t FERN CAMP. S1G5. RovaJ Nthhnr. nf America, will give a card party Thursday evening at Banght's hall. 19th and Farnam streets. Admission 15 cents. Refresh ments. STORE YOUR FUNK IT-iTna iu Mnru. PROOF VAULTS. Nomlnul . cost SHU KERT'S, loth and Harney. PATTON-BOWMAN UWD. CO. AGENTS P. A RV ffiRRiw mitr nirnoi HARDWARE, CONTRACTORS' SUP PLIES. 1615 Farnam. Phone Douglas 5884. KEYS and LOCKSMITHING. 1IEFLIN Douglaa 2974. . . .' AUTOMOBILES DRUMMONDg Sella Buggies, Makes AUTo 'lUfS. RnilH Wagons, Repairs Autos and all kinds of juacnines. i&in ana narney sta. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All Irlnria nf hrrU,n KvllnJ.i.. ,. uu vKiiuaB piuMipLi repairea. All work guaranteed. . BEKTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. U'BITR f nr 1 1 nf lit flulnmnhll. Ka.H.H- H. E. FHEDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha FOR SALE One IhOO mniial 7.n.4n. White Steamer auto, complete equipments Has only been run 12,000 miles. Cost 85,100 Will sell for 81,900. . No trades will be con sidered. Object of sale going to Europe, wuuam xi. xiiav-etun, juopinouin, 111, BARGAINS In used cars: exDert renair. lng. Agent for Oakland, Staver Welch. ja iiM j. ixvui uiu ua arnam. 6END for our list of second-hand cars. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St C0le 30 "WKST AUTO CO.. 216 Motorcycles. 20 I r n 1 1 n f nn' nanr hlnvnl.. mnA motorcycles mis - month. Re pairing and sundries at . lowest prices, Flescher Motorcycle Co., 1622 Capitol Av. WRITE for list of used motorcvoles. Wi carry a lull line of JUUH parts. NE BRASKA wxttih; uu, umana. WE CAN take a few more . cars tnr storage in our new fireproof garage. Prices very reasonaoie. jet us near from you. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO.. 8062-64 Farnam St Douglas SOW Auto Paintinr? "MurPhy "'i it" Get auio iruimiug our rice,, andrew BUitrnx tc isuiN, 1412 Jackson. . AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 26o to' ta Kft COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO.. 209-211 S. 16th. BARGAINS IN SECOND HAND CARS, STANDARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 1812 Harney St. 'Phone Douglas 1821. TIEE EEPAIEING S,e,t JJii"1- WMt AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 1920 Farnam. n.vlv r I n t i1 rmrfn.t mMiKanln.l m n .. I ts5n; full equipment; extra casings, tube top, glass front; bought In April, 1909 rirninn tnr Alllnar wtnl th. iyi . a .1 dress, W. Carey Lewis, 84 Adams St tnicago. OAKLAND touting car. with top; never been used; at a bargain. NEBRASKA- BUiqjv auto CO., Lee Huff, Mgr. 22-H. P. Ramble r Touring Car In fine condition, 8460. C. F. LOUK. 2060 Farnam St FOR RENT Large two-story brick barn for automobiles and storage. 123 8. 26th Ave. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. S. Fogel TO BUY OR sELL V 32 Neville Block. Doug. 8121. SEE me for city and farm Investments, Alex Chapman, 830 Neville Blk., D. 1698. LUMBER. Implement and hardware bull ness for sale; will sell either separate or any two lines together, t. v. Berck, Boeius. iseo. FIRST class restaurant for sale, doing fine buslnesa In town of fourteen thousainl inhabitants, poor health, reason for selling, Aauress i tun, umana itee. LAWYERS A law office. North Dakota with practice, library, furniture, etc., for rem. uuy equipped, uooa business oppor tunity. Write or telegraph D. J. O Connell, i owner, in. u. OWNERS Let me IMPROVE your VA- tAN i lots, jvr.ee. Ferguson, 610 Paxton FOR SALE 810.000 stock general mer chandise; 2-story brick building; will allow W per cent discount; mostly Uerman trade established business. Address Y 4uS, car ee. INCORPORATE your BUSINESS. Mooav eaaier obtained; IMPROVED share-selling piau; amau euat. rnimour, u i axton. A YOUNG man who has had ten years' experience aa a carpenter torero n and assistant superintendent who Is thoroughly : verseo in ail Dunning traqes, -apta a posi tion witn a gooa reputaoie iirm. u-u. Bee, TO BUY. BELL OR TRADE. See Midland lnv. Co.. lot McCague Bldg. To buy. aell or trade, anything, any place. ee 11. Holdrege, M N. Mtb. Bo. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES (continued.) FOR SALE Good paying restauiant; best of location's; excellent, fine class of trade. Reason for Belling, interested In other business. N n3, care Bee. FtiK SA LE 81, 211 Cretors Peanut and Pop Corn street wagon. Fine shape; witn or without location; a nickel factory. In vestigate. O. F. Smith. Ames, Iowa. ESTABLISHED LETTER DUPLICAT ING BUSINESS, clearing II0 per month and growing; owner has otner interests; terms. Adaress L 6iH, care umaha Bee. WANT man to take Interest In legltlmat business; big profits; no competition; must have 82,600 to 3 6oU. Address F 172, Bee. GROCERY store, good business; invoice price, building and lot, $1,600. A bargain, .irs. J. K. iusucK, Meina, Neb BLACKSMITH business, macninery, tools and stock tor sale. It U. mine, George town, Colo. SOME MAN who has business ability and is not atrald to work can make an in dependent fortune In the next two years if he cares to Invest 84,000 and assume control of manufacturing business. Good references are required, and unless your acuity per mits you to successfully manage and direct men, both In the factory and on the road, please do not answer. Address, E 709, Bee. FOR SALE Variety store, good location. Address box 446, Brush, Colo. . CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St. Douglaa 6497. DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. . Call aiai ney 6130. PERRY DRESSMAKING SCHOOL. 4)th and Farnam. - - DENTISTS BAILEY St MACK. 3d floor, Paxton. D.1086. TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Pet Agenoy. 42S Paxton. D. 1318. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 Karbach. D. 2832 EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College, i nnnr nnen dav and night Students are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable positions in BOOKKEEPING. SHORT HAND. TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY. CIVIL, fct-ltVlLEi, sure io ue open in me fall. The catalogue is reaay. Apply lor it BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb, Both 'fnones. SPEING TEEM MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. TTnvf.ellei1 rriii I-ha in bustneas. short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions, most interesting catalogue puo lisnea in umana. eseno. ior one touay. mvoniuti at ijAwraiA, . ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41st and CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. mS Charles. Harnay 2383. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN ttt TTT Drugless, nonalcoholic and V I A V I nonsurgical treatment; it has spared the lives of thousands of men and women; 400-page book free. 812 BKANDHilS ; BLDG., OMAHA. E. P. BRUCE, Mollne Pianos. 413 McCague. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make .clear, white skin. By mall EOo and 81.00. Sherman - & Mcuonnell Drug Co., umana. CHINA decorating: order work a special ty. L,eesona Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. U. (J. H ungate, 104 ttranaeis mag. .tel. tea Bists. SANITARY Hatrdresslng Parlors. Switches made from combings, tL&O. Wl Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 46,1. Dress Pleating. Buttons Covered All sixes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 lAiugitB moult. J3ut.il piioiiea. THE FEENCH WAY gSJV.hrn.S Ladles' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. THE PARLOR THEATER la In a "class by Itself, - a big show tor the smallest ad- naision. Wifinnn " 6EAMLESS hosiery. Best on l IIIUIIO vrth 119 Rm Rldr 1 dxn. 18-Inch Willow plumes, 82.26 and up, reamers cieanea. fennen. itii uougias. CHIODO. . the leading tailor and dress. maker of Omaha; latest styles, workman ship best Parlors. 214-218 S. 18th St EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN , Nurseries. TRTTTR nd- plants that grow. F. W. xj.vXiXjO Meneray. Crescent Nursey Co- Omaha yard, 21st an4 Farnam Sts. 'Phone Harney 4660. FLORISTS HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St J. H. BATH., 1628 Harney. Douglas 8000. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L Y H WTIlilT rA..MA(l Qlnffa Ta . In eat greenhouse in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. a. BRANDE13 CUT FLOWER DEPT. L. Henderson, 1518 Farnam. Doug. 12&8. FURNACES AND REPAIRS OAS WATER HEATERS. VASES forparka. yards and oemeterles: tank heat era 8 and 4-hole, water fronts and furnaoea, OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1208-8 Douglas. Both 'Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE . Clerical mm Office. YOUNG lady for office work. Salary $8 per week must -writes plain, rapid hand Answer stating experience. M-RO oara Bee YOUNG LADY, stock clerk, wholesale. experienced prererrtri, for jobbing house must, oe accurate at rigures ana rair pen man; references required, o vtu. ne. BRIGHT High school girl that wants a business education stenographer. book keeper or most any of. the trades. We will pay for your schooling and assist you to a position. Aauress l, ia, uee. Factory aaid Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls at once; good wages and steady work. Bemls Omaha Bag Company. Entrance off Eleventh street viaduct. . Heasekeepera aad Doaaeatlca. GOOD girl for general housework, 88 per week. Mrs. Cowrtaroy. 1326 80. Wth Bt , COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. Tel. Harney uat. GOOD girl wanted for general houaework. no waahlng. 140 N. 81at Ave. Tel. H. 8064. Cook and second girl wanted at 818 B. avth kit WANTED A general houaework girl who can ceok. Wagea 87 a week with waahlng. 84 without waahlng. Telapbone Douglas 2uc. KOkiuence, at07 Dodge Bt GIRL for general houaework; 87 per weak no wanning, km m. Both ut WANTED A good cook (white); refer, ancea required. M08 Jackson Bt Tat Har ney K7. , GOOD competent girl for general houae work; three in family; wagea 8a. Phoue Harney 876. UU B. 82d Bt Mrs. it J. Clancy, YOUNG girl to wash dlahea and aaalat In general work. . Tel. Har. . 1118 B. uth. HELP WANTED FEMALE II oaaekerpers and Domeatlce t'oafd. WANTED Girl for general housework In mail (amity; light worn, nainey Mw. aui win Ave. GOOD colored cook. 1617 Burt St GDHL for general housework. 406 N. 15th St GIRL fur general housework; no washing. 83U Burt et. 'lei. Harney 1020. ' GIRL tor' general housework; small family. ana goou pay. 60s S. mh bt WANTED A nurse girl. ' 2571 Dodge. GIRL for general housework; small fa. mi anu 'gouu wages. Mrs. A. M. Orr, its) r arnain. w ANTKU-t-Ladles-to- do stamping work taken noiue. experience unneweasory. HlUis vara Co., iw i. ltn. Hours to a. , . , K'M' r 1 1 If nlm kl.. .!-Ft. u n fur hnn.a. YY , 1.1 ..lll.DIU ,T V. , .. .IWUW- kteper; aiiiall family; best wages and ex ccnui.t lioinu lor cuuipuieut Viuiuau. Cail alter tf at dto4 Dewey Ave. Tel. 11. 806. WANTED Girl for goneral housework; small family; small house. 'Phone Har ney 210. ' WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; must be koud cook; laundress employed. 416 h. 8MI1 .at Tei. Harney akxl. U1KL for general housework. 1901 Bin. ney Bt. FIRST-CLASS washerwoman. 417 North 26th St. . COMPETENT girl for general house work; gobd wagea paid; house cleaning one. .nan onennarj Ave. iui. v ouster 4162. AN experienced girl for general house- .. L. . muora. ta a u'f.I Mn. V.A Tt Wll. Hams, 622 So. 29th St. GIRL for general housework. 120 8. 83d St ntRL or woman for light housework: no washing or cooking. 2334 Ohio. CTRL wanted for general housework: Bo hemian or Polish preferred. Apply at 1906 Farnam. . 1 . GIRL for general housework; two In fam ily; no, washing or ironing. 1921 Cass St WANTED Good, competent girl to do second work. Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, 1132 East Pierce, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A white laundress at once. 133 N. 42d St. rcmt.-fnr general housework. 6018 Cass St. Telephone Harney 1321. n T H 1 . tvflnt.ii ttr n.rltl hmiRAWnrlr. Mrs. C. W. Shrader. 2524 Blondo St WANTED A good, plain family cook. Apply 2607 Cass St GIRL to assist with general housework. A. J. Collet U 1114 Georgia Ave. WANTED Middle-aged woman for gen eral housework; family of three. 828 Georgia Ave. Phone H. 4406. WANTED Capable girl who can cook; second girl kept;' two In family. 2460 St. Mary Ave. y 'f LJ Kill LU SHS191 Willi Vila vu. iu mi, upstairs work; easy place. 116 S. 32d St Harney 9S4. r- -ia i i.u ..ma aKIU n . 1 HOUSEKEEPER for man and wife. 8017 Manderson. GOOD general housework girl, employ also second girl and washerwoman. 187 S. 86th St' GIRL. or woman to care for Invalid lady; good home; light work. 614 S. 28th 6t GIRL for general housework; good wages. Call at once. 615 Georgia Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. C. C. Rice, 4016 Cuming St Tel. Harney 10C2. LADIES wanted to take work home: ap plying transfers; 11 to 84 dozen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Thleber's, 1201 Farnam St., basement COOK WANTED 2564 Marcy St GOOD washerwoman,,' 1024 Park Ave. . WANTED A first class cook by the day in private rajnlly out of town, for 8 weeks, while present cook is away on vacation; best wages and transportation both ways. Mrs., slubbs, . lbll Farnam st GOOD, reliable girl for general house work; wages 86. Call 1024 N. 52d St. , A RELIABLE second girl, apply person ally. 610 S. 22d St., between St Mary's Ave. and Howard St 'Phone Douglas 4430. GIRL for ' general housework. 1906 Chi cago st GIRL for general housework: three In family. 2M6 California, Cor. 26th St. GIRL' to help and assist with children: can go nome nights.- 14 Emmet st AT ONCE Experienced girl for general nousewora; two in lamuy. i per week, Call 3316 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 3763. WANTED A child to care for: good nome. zuu6 Bancroft St. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work; no Washing. Mrs. T. E. Sanders, 1301 S. Dotivst, Tel. i-iarney zsiu. GOOD girl for general housework: family of three.. Tel. Webster litis spencer st WANTED A good cook: small family and highest wages paid. 8Ub s. win st GIRL" for general housework; family of four; no washing. : 420 S. 16th. Phone Douglaa 1829. WANTED Competent nurse girl; one who Is willing to go tu country place near Council Bluffs for tha summer. 104 S. 34th St. Tel. Harney 1188. WANTED A nurse girl to assist with children; color no objection, iu s. wa st Phone Harney urns. WANTED A girl for general housework. Good wages. No washing. 3521 Farnam. Phono Harney GIRL- for general housework, small fam My, no washing, good wages. Phone Har ney 4iiz;..iHi(i -uoage. EXPERIENCED girl, good cook 87: no washlna or ud stairs work, Mrs. w. J. Hynes, 3816 Harney. Phone Harney 4760. GIRL for general housework. 2216 Howard. WANTED Good girl for general house work; small family. Mm. George D. Tun nlcllff, 4MB Davenport St ltsT. fn vanarftl hnnaAornrif anrl uv W lng. 3218 Dodge St. Tel. H. 848. COOK and second girl. 120 N. 82d Ave. TWO glrhi wanted. Experience unneces sary. Olympla. Candy Co., 1618 Harney. WANTED A laundress at country home extra large wages; work aa laundreaa two days a week, assisting in general work re matador of week. Call between 8 and 9 a. m. at main office. Brandels Stores. i . . W AINTB.U uiri ior general nouseworK, out of town, small family; reierenceai re quired. S3? s. s.tn st. WANTED Girl , for general housework. 206 S. 36th Ave. WANTED Immediately, girl for general houaework. 626 N. 41st Ave. Mlacella TOUNO WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to viait tna xoung Woman's Christian association building al EL alarv'a Ave. and Seventeenth St. where tbry will be direoted to suitable boarding placea or otnerwiee aaaiaiea: ioob iw our travelers' aid at Union station. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; 81 to 84 dosen; original; re liable firm; work guaranteed, iiieber's. 1201 Farnam St. . basement PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglaa County Hospital, otb and poppieton. Ad dress Mabel Christie. LEARN HAIRDRE58ING It pays. :an earn 816 to 826 weekly. Full ci You can earn 816 to 826 weekly. Full couraa taught. J. L. Brandela, Halrdreaalng Dapt YOU CAN'T be happy unleas you vlait tha PAK1AJK THEATu.it Beat vauaeviue. Matinee ha:f price. GIRL. 14 yeara old, to wrap bundles. Apply at office Nebraska Clothing Co. LADIES to learn tha art of corset fit ting and selling; Instructions free of charge good position aasurta. mm, Bee. HELP WANTED MALE Amenta, Saleameat and Solicitors. LEES. TEXAS New town In lilasscock County; ouiiding hotel, atorea, paving streeta. electric lights, newspaper; center I5.0UO acres lineal arft lcuiturul land, no.. being culonixed; crop lauure unknown; lota, 8X to MM; laniln, 1 to $4v; noeral terms; opening, mercantile firms; townsite and land salesmen wanted. x.ee-Norrls Co., Lees, Texas. t START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT W ILL PAY YOU $15 TO 840 WEEKLY, UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT START AND RAPID INCREASE TO WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS. HOME CASUALTY CO. WONDER EGG BEATER and cream whip; most effective csg beater ever made; price 16c; 34-page catalogue useful articles free. Superior Supply House, Superior, Neb. WE'VE the hottest 26o seller yet. lUrely less than three sales to m home. Wooi farine Co., Pittsburg, Pa. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road for The Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation, The Bee Publishing Co. WANTED First-class salesman for retail drug store; cood wages for good man; also neat soda dispenser. Sherman dt McConnsll Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. Boys. WA NTED Boys for factory work: clean. light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co.. East Omaha. BOYS WANTED at once. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. Good chance for right boy. BOY of IS years to deliver Dackaarea: must have wheel. Apply at otflce Ne braska Clothing Co. GOOD boy wanted, with references. 22 Douglas St. Clerical and Office. IF YOU ARE IN NEED of a position, SEE US, w have more .calls than we can fill. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), im-m jn. i. i,. Bldg. (Kcst. 8 years.) WANTED A young man who has had experience in keeping books; stato former positions held and salary expected. Address W 6S7. Bee. Factory and Trade. Drug atorea (snaps). Jobs. Kniest. Bee Bldg. WANTED All round butcher and sausage l.ll.l. I, , ,r.A all,. vAfAKAn..A A .!,)..... ""'"' ' ' . . v. .c. ft i viri siii.il, nuuin, Kendrlck Meat Co., Fremont, Neb. Miscellaneous. I MADE 860.000 In five years with a small mall order business; began with 86. Send for free booklett. Tells how. Heacock. 6067 Lockport, N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Omaha examination schedule. Preparation free. Franklin institute, dept 187. O. Rochester, N. Y. TT -TTT THE OLD RELI $15 I KVl P,l ABLE, 108 N. 16th Suits to Order. COME and see our large stock of plain nd fancy lauchs. THE PARLOR THEA TRE. Matinee halt price. DRUG CLERK, registered In Nebraska: no (fountain; good wages, steady situation and light work; married man preferred. Jerome St Detrlck, York, Neb. WANTED Men to learn barber trade: practice, furnished by 'free work; careful nstructions by experts: few weeks com pletes; tools given; board secured; ex perience In shops before completing; cat alogue mailed free. Moler Barber Col lege, 110 s. 14th St. LEARN my profession, organizing, an- pralsing, auditing; fits you for handsomely paid position; start for self, no capital; enormous profits; easily learned; costs 820; great mall order bus. Am too old to hustle: join me; earn 8300 monthly. Organizer, 610 paxton. TWO trees lying on the ground sawed Into cord wood. Apply 2786 Caldwell. HELP WANTED MALE! AND FEMALE. WANTED Six good agenta to work around city. BartVett Supply Co., Brown Block, Omaha LAUNDERERS CLEANERS TK. I n i rt H wxr mioaHrtri I si a a lmnnUHl A1IV iuuiiui j ifumtiuu 10 4i 4 8 J yill lew II I, one. Unsatisfactory work never leaves uur jjitLue. aiiuw us iu munuer a inuf pUUKUSvi V III Ullaj DirMlll JvCX UIIU1 J ( A JV Leavenworth. Particular attention Is given to ladles' garments In our hand laundry, try us. National jLaundry, 2916 Cuming street. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicle, A 4fja saaja DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming. gear and farm wagons. 1117 Farnam St FINE wagon repairing. Frost, 714 S. 14th. HORSES for sale. 1415 Cap. Ave. D. 1810. GOOD driving or riding horse for sale. 3024 Emmet St 'Phone Webster 498. FOR SALE Three second hand wagons. one leather double wagon top. Apply The Cudahy Packing Co., Purchasing Depart ment, aoutn umana. Cons, Dlrda, Doga and Pets. Boston Bull pups. 2626 Parker. LOST AND FOUND LOST Package containing letter and pic tures: finder please return to N St. restau rant and receive reward; ask for H. J. Lair, proprietor ana owner. The Teddy Bear. B eaners Jyers. 1818 HARNEY. BOTH 'PHONES. LOST Ladies' open-face gold watch: monogram E. C. T. : on N. 24lh St.. be tween Ames Ave. and Fort St Suitable reward. 'Phone Webster 2704., LOST Pair of eyeglasses on 10th St. boul evard, between Ohio and Manderson; If re turned unbroken to trie iaxton hotel office, will pay 86 reward. Ralph Kitchen. TOOL BAG. Return to Omaha Motor cycle Co., 17th and Capitol Ave. Reward. LOST Gentleman's gold open face watch with monogram W. A. B. on back, at Vin ton St. ball park; liberal reward If re turned to 2U47 Doage Bt. MEDICAL GAIN health A- wealth. Adv. under Colo. lands tella how. Weatern Land tc lnv. Co, FREE medical and aurglcal treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Daven port ata.: apeciai attention paia to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 11U7, Calls auawered, day or night BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. 81 a box, postpaid, ktherman A MoConnell Drug Co., umana. U A T CT T IT A UY TJ I F V PriHFfl, IimI m- edy for itching, bleeding or protruding a: Jaouonneii urug uo.. umana. DRS. STIVERS & STIVERS. TJnvmArlu thm KuHiiim LfA,ll,al and Rnrt. oal Inatltute, now suite 8, Patterson Block. ah nnraniu aiaeaaea ior mtn auu nviuiu, fonaultation and examination free. We give tha radium treatment MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS LOOK! I! LOOK!!! THE OPEN DOOR TO RELIEF. If you owe a loan company now, come In and get our terms on the aame amount for the same time. We'll lend It to you for leaa. NO APPRAISEMENT FEE or other charges. LOOK!!) LOOK!! I The Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., for eighteen years at US Board of Trade Building. Telephone Douglaa 86. MONEY TO LOAN alary and Chattels t'ontlunrd, mjWHu$!tnsw luammssimiuiWM I Notico to the Public No More High Bates I $10 to $1,000 I I LOANED ON t 8 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, t 8 PIANOS AND SALARIES. 4 THIS IS A NEW FIRM i 8 Organised by the REPUTABLh, BUSI- 8 NESS MEN wt this city to protect t honest working people in need of 8 8 temporary heip from tUe extortionate k 8 charges of the so-called loan com- I 8 panies. We win loan you all the 8 I money you -want and viiargu you ouiy J 8 10 per cent a year. I 8 THIS MEANS YOU PAY I l.oo interest on I 10 tor 1 year. 8 2. no interest on 26 tor 1 year. I 8 lu.oo interest on loo tor 1 year. 8 and an otner sums in proportion, ciasy I 8 Weekiy or Montnly payments. Hem- 8 I Bona Dm Appraisement Cnaiges. I A glance at the aoove raits will con- 8 8 vim you how much you save by 8 8 dealing with us. 8 NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. 8 Money in your pocket within an 8 hour. independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 VVll'HNELL BLDG., 8 'Phono jjoug. 6vtj. lata anu tiariiey. 8 8 ( sstmmtitmttmntmt tmitmttnmtmtittt Could iou Use $5U.UU g To a Uood Advantage t g 18 Sit down and sum up all your bills, M putting mono of uie butcher, the el tl grocer, ibe rent man, the furniture et 88 store, etc., an in one amount; then 84 88 come and see us ana give us an op- 88 88 portunuy to explain uui pian ior nelp- 88 18 ing you to pay yuur bills. 88 88 We will luan juu the money to pay 83 your bills. 88 88 It is rar batter to have all your debts 88 In one p.ace. 88 88 It will be easier to make payments 88 8i on one dtbt than many. 88 88 Wo will loan you money on your fur- t it nlture, piano, team, fixtures, ware- 88 88 house receipts or otner peruonal prop- it 88 erty of value without removal. 88 88 All bUBinesa strictly vonlidentlal, 88 Your payments will be so small you 84 it will nut feel tnem, and you can have1 88 88 fifty weeks to pay olf your loan, It 88 88 you wish. 88 88 8L20 la the weekly payment on a 850 88 88 loan for fltty weeks. 81 Other amounts in same proportion. 8$ 88 Loans made in all parts of the city. If 84 88 you need money, call on or write us 88 88 and our agent will call on you. 84 88 8 88 STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 88 88 88 Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1611ft Dodge. 88 18 'Phone Douglas 46i. 81 8Mtttmtmttsttt8$m$s t8tttmttsmsttmtttt 88S8mtm8888888t8888$84S88$8888888888a888(im CHEAP LOANS g 88 on Furniture, Piano or Salary. 8 88 XOU BORROW 88 810.00 you pay back 811.00 88 88 36 00 you pay back l-T.OO 88 88 80O.OO you pay back 854.00 81 88 NO OTHER OHAROE. 88 OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $ 88 Room (01. Brown Block. 81 88 207 S. Uth St, Cor. Douglas St . 81 88 'Phones: Douglas 20:; A 2036. 88 8m88ttWm8m888ffl3W688838i8 MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loan you any amount on your FURNITURE, PIANOS and LIVE STOCK, or any other chattel SECURITY. We positively have the lowest rates In Omaha. CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUSI NESS STRICTLY fOIMUTDJlirMTlAlj. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 1 Crounse Block, Corner 16th and Capitol. upposue roaioitice. Both Phones, Douglas 1366; A-1368. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker service ana auai uur?r iliai, iiaj, DEAL of any In the city. Patronize tha BIGGEST AND BEST. RELIABLE UKEJJIT OO., Third Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block. Douglas - - - 14U anu-A-iui. . - - HfnfH"'V LOANED ON CHATTELS MUIMJiiX AND SALARIES. Easiest terms and lowest rates obtainable. OMAHA TRUST JJ., 437 Board of Trade Bldg. DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 W.C.FLATAU, tTOTi,. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security: easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 613 New York Life Bldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. oleans carpets on your floor. Electric vacuum system. 309 So. 17th. Tel. D. 1668. rTTT?T ATJS Cleaned, day work dona. Phone Douglas 4623. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 2207-03 lxard St STOVES stored. Ranee, 1611 N. 34th St rjn TT "NTfWv1 HAVE YOUR FURNI- UPHOLSTERED. 290614 FARNAM. H. 8110. WHAT Is tha use of taking ud your car pets when you can have them cleaned on the floor in a lew hours T free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Douglas lock, 107 8. 16th St 'Phones: Doug. 746; Ind. A-1936. Across from Hayden'a. STORAGE: reasonable rates, prompt serv. ice. Cole's Exp., 1616 Capitol. D. 670, A-8337. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. ROOMS and board. 3070 Mason. Tal. Har ney S6e6. . FRONT ROOM nllnhl tnr .urn, ..!. lent board. 2510 Dodge. THP! mvtvn oin t . ... --. ...v. mu. u.CHHVIUIi I1C W 1 T flPf-nrn t ft .Inula mnri ilnnt.l. ..,. , O " W U U U 1 . V.U11, Willi flrat class board at reasonable prices. iaDie Doara a specialty. Douglaa 6637. ROOMS AND BOARD Home cooking; car line. 3009 8. 24th. Doug. 6482. HAVERLY HOTEL, 2310 M St., Am. plan; bath; 8126 day; weeklv, 86 up; meals, 26c. UTOPIA Good board and rooms, mh ana Davenport. LARGE ROOM, on first floor, suitable tor two; mans prererrea; detached house; board If desired. 2162 St. Mary's. BOARD AND ROOMS; desirable summer nome. na o. tttn Ave. Furnished Rooms. NICELY furnished front rooms on first floor; modern; sultabla for man and wife or two gentlemer. 2964 Harney St PRIVATE family, room with alcove and other rooma. 2667 St Mary's Ave. ONE large furnished room for one or tnrrt BAnllMltlun A t MI1M R 9A, K A .... rr. i phone Douglas 63SL ONE or two good furnished rooma, mod ern, walking distance 2616 Dewey Ave. Douglas 7606. MODERN furnished front room. , private family. 2776 Burt St Tal. H. 6468. CLEAN parlor room for rent to lady. Kl week. M N. 20th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooma. 840U Cuming St FURNISHED rooma, 87 to 310. 2216 Cali fornia St Tel Douglas 4478. MODERN room. 638 S. 24th St NEWLY furnished front room suitable for two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. DO DOB HOTEL Large outside, and steam beat In ever room; rates uy weak WARM rooms. 81 per week; free feat a, Oiden Hotel. Cauncll Bluffs. FVJRNllUltD rooms for geotlawea, 11 I. Uth Ht. Tha Chatham. A nice large room oo 1st floor; pleasaai surroundings and with private family; suit able for two gentlemen. 138 8. 36lh Ave, ELEGANT froat room, flae rurcitur II, Mia, No alga houasv OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished tlmimi - oallnned. TWO furnished rooms, ensulta. very eet tral. Inqulie 1606 Farnam. 3d floor. LARGE, airy, comfortable, ta-o baths: few yuict roomers; large porch. lawn; 3i( and 316. Doug. 3tl. 2x.'4 llair.ey. TWO rooma, atrictly modern, sis block from postofflce. 60S N. 2tftli bt. DKWKY Kuicpn hoial. 18 lb a Faraanw ELEGANTLY furnished, large rooma; ail modern; private bouse. Red 7i. 1M Chi cago. IAROR. airy, comfortable, twn hurl,. few quiet roomers, large porch, lawn; 81 J and 316. Douglus Sustl. ;'4 Harney. TWO large rooms, one with alcove; board if desired; private. 114 9. lmh St. NICELY furnished south room for gen tleman, 1707 Dodge St. ITURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 816 N. lith. , TWO furnished front roomj. with m-u.. Ilcge of bath. 2210 Snwaril. Webster 4601. The Georirill Klrs-tasa family hotel. Alio utuifclll MJ Georgia Ave. H-WU NICE furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred. 2864 Dodge. NICELY furnished front rooms; modern. S02 N. lUIh St. SUITE of 2 rooms and one other large room; nicely furnished; modern. 1617 Capi tol Ave. SINGLE rooms, 82 week; modern, 21 U Douglas St 1 . LARGE, nicely furnished front room and alcove, with piano;- atrictly modern; nice bath, plenty of hot water; both telephonea; no objection to practice or music of any LlnJ, I'lA. , I . . . . . , . iw 1 1 u , w , nmniiiH uiaiaiiuu; car una dioch. 2663 St. Mary'a Ave. . NICELY furnished large modern front room, suitable for two gentlemen or man and wife. 224 N. 19th St Doug. 62!Jl TWO nicely furnlfched rooms, 2114 Harney. modern. NICE furnished rooms. 616 S. 16th. Tlat 4. GOOD, clean, desirable rooms, suitab! for one or two young men or man and wife. 21S N. Ulth St. LARGE modern rooms, furnished nicely, 83 and 83.60 per week. 618 N. lth St NICELY furnished rooms. 1811 California. NICELY furnished room In new flat 2102 California. Tel. D. 6319. . LARGE front room with South 10th. street alcove. iWS 181G CHICAGO ST., nice front parlor. Etiltable for two gentlemen; strictly mod ern. . LARGE front rooms with big closels; walking distance. 2025 Dodge. TWO single rooms and one front parlor; modern. 2213 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms; 83 week to gentlemen; modern. 2472 Harney. FRONT room with alcove, for four. 2210 Harney. . , - 1 ONE large furnished room In - modern home, with private family. Tel. Douglaa 2896. 2566 St. Mary's Ave. TWO furnished rooms, front and back parlor; suitable for two or four gentle men. 2577 Harney St. Reference. LARGE front room, suitable for four boys. 2627 Harney St VERY desirable furnished room with pri vate family. 2116 Poppleton Ave. TWO front parlor rooms; modern; house, keeping privileges. 2220 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooma. 2208 Harney St Strictly ifiB9rn, newly papered, excel lent location; call. quickly t SINGLE furnished room. Sd floor, flat U. 622 S. 16th. MODERN furnished Mary's Ave. ' rooms. 2018 St FRONT, room Tor 1 or X .., 221S-. Farnam, At, PARLOR-ALCOVE on third floor north, suitable for man and wife, or two gentle men. Breakfast privileges. Rent reasonable. 663 South 26th St ROOMS and first class day board. 418 S. 24th Ave. FURNISHED sleeping rooma. modern. 1811 Cast St ONE single' and on front room; modern. 801 S. 24th St TWO elegantly furnished apartoientg la the Cornish apartments, S. W. corner 10th and William stre.ts. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. 1320 Farnam. FURNISHED room In new. modern apartment house to on or two iadlos em ployed during the day. References. Tele phone Red 7700. FURNISHED rooms, 85 per month, for young men; electrlo 18xht, steam heat, tele- fihona, running water; laundry and press ng privileges. 2627 Harnay. BEAUTIFUL suite of nicely furnished rooms in fashionable residence district Also single room If desired. Walking distance and on car Una. Modern conveniences. In cluding use of phone. Good board nearby. Address 633 Park Ave. ROOMS, both large and small, newly papered and renovated, brick building, modern, walking distance. 2206 Harney. . FOR RENT Rooms close to depots and new car barns. 1404 S. 8 Lb. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms: near car line. 2336 8. 19th. MODERN rooms for 2, 8 or 4; separate beds If desired. 2037 Harney. MODERN furnished rooms. 211 S. 20th St NICELY furnished rooms; all modern; nice lawn and shade. 2716 N. 22d St Phone Webatar 4316. TWO rooma. suitable for four. 308 N. 220. ROOMS, both large and small, newly pa pered and renovated; brick building, mod ern, walking distance. 22U6 Harney. CLOSE IN, large, clean, beautifully fur nished front rooms; unfurnished If desired; modern and reasonable. 1918 Cass St. NEWLY furnished modern rooms, with or without board; also tuble board; reauoiiabi rates. 4406 N. 24th St NICELY furnished, strictly modern sleeping rooms; large flat; clone in. 82.69 week; 647 S. 24th Ave. FRONT room, modern, In private family. 114 Bo. 2th. FURNISHED modern rooms for ono or two gentlemen. 1717 Burt. A ALCOVE SUITE, suitable for two gen tlemen; also one larve room. 317 S. 26th St LARGE sunny south room with alcove; four big windows; appropriate for ono or two gentlemen or married couple; walking distance; private house. Phoua Doug. 2966. 2214 Mason St ' LARGE front room; also single rooma with board. 2610 Harney. Harney 2842. FOR young ladies employed, two beauti ful, ii e rooms, strictly modern; private tainlly. Harnuy 6320. - - . ONE large furnished room, strictly mod ern; walking distance, close to 24th St car. 2308 Dewey Ave. Doug. 6401, YOUNG man to share oomfortable fur. V nlshed room, reasonable terms, 2702 Far-- " nam; Harney 673. ONE room, 81.60; 1 room, 82; both newly . decorated; walking distance; modern eon-w venlences; csn be used together", inquire 2U0 Davenport St 1 LARGE front room, eouthero exposure, 117 8. tn Ava. 'Phone Douglaa '.Old. NICELY furnished south room for gen tleman. 1707 Dodge Bt FURNISHED rooms for tant. 414 S. 19th. NEWLY papered, new'.y furnlahed rooms; sight blocks from P. O. Red 8100. 2J04 California. TWO modern rooms for Harney 4146. 843 Muaou. housekeeping. LARGE single room. 2709 Farnam. $onv taut' a WELL fumlahad southeast front l with alcove, also email room; private lu' ' uy; large lawo. iu B. 2ui ow V: i w , 1 s 4