THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 24. 1010. V CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET t, ft) cars; corn, 130 cars; oats. 223 WKATIIRH IN THK BELT Further Decline in Wheat on Weak w and Lower Cablet. rmer la aad 0ff East ern Moantala Slope. OMAHA, May 23, 1910. A disturbance, that ia central over th lake region and Ohio valley this morning. Is canning unsettled weather everywhere east of the Missouri river and throughout the southern states. Rains are general In the lake region, Ohio valley and southern states, and soma heavy falls occurred In the lower Mississippi valley within the last twenty-four hours. A ridge of high pres sure extends from the western Canadian provinces south over the eastern Rocky mountain slope, and generally clar weather prevails throughout the west.. The weather Is warmer In the west, and a very risniinna . it. . . ,, marnen rise in temperature n '.'V":' the tradlnr . . . .""''" '"J. J'"1'" 'J" oorn nera iirm lor the day regard ess of .--...-.... ,"'"A .,.. . tha weakness In wheat. News U favorable high pressure will move eastw over tha to the nawly seeded crop and with tti sur- central valleys within the next twenty-four pht stocks values are Inclined downward. hours, and fair weather will continue In wneai opened lower and weak and out- this vicinity tonigni ana iu.,, wnn n sld . markets raured free selling and Important change In temperature, values tiroKo sharply finding a nw low Temperature and precipitation as com level on tha distant futures. Cash wheat nared with the last three years: waa offered' Hj2c lower than Saturday. 1910. 1909. 190". 1907. Corn values nelri mnHanialv firm earlv. I Minimum tcmDerature.,.. 49 88 Bl CpS but Weakkix-d later on lower cash markets, precipitation- 00 T .75 .25 Heavy receipts featured the cash market Normal temperature for today. degrees GOOD WEATHER HELPS BEARS Cora Holds Firm for the Day Regard " lesa of Almoepherlo Conditions V'. ' JiH-A'ewle- Seeded Crop Bald V to Do Doing; Well. T '.! ' ', ' , . tJ'. ' ; ' ' Omaha, May 23. wio. Weak and lower rabies and good growing -nrr in me wneat belt caused furthe NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Sagging Tendency "of Pricei Disap pointment to Wall Street. PARIS BUSINESS ' DISCUSSED rgotlatloas Said to Be ProKresslcgr for Sole of Bonds to Forelaa Bankers Sharp Break la Wheat. and san pies were offered Wjflo lower than Saturday. Primary wheat 'receipts wera 771,000 bu. and shipments were 364,000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 358,000 bu. and shipments of a.UXW bu. Primary com reeelots were 417.000 bu. ' and shipments were 377,000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 869.OU0 bu. and ship ments jf G18.OU0 bu. Vifarsncn wera 110.000 bu. or corn, none Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, 5.33 Inches. Deficiency corresponding penoa in t.6 Inches. Deficiency correnponaing penoa in istn, 1.53 Inches. L. A. WELSH, Local forecaster. Cora and Wheat Region Balletla. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenty-four r.RT UU. fJl tuni, . - v. w , . . ... a i of oats and wheat and flour equal to 24,000 hours ending at a. m-.-ioio meriumn nine, Dui aionaay, iy a, Liverpool closed 2324d lower on wheat , OMAHA DISTRICT. and nominal on corn. . I Temp Rain ft heat I May..! 103 103 July..., to Ml Corn May.. 65 ' 61 July.. &7 ' bl Oats . . l May.. 38 37H July.. S7V4 87V 1 03 98 102 1 Local range of options: Stations. Max. Mln. Voh 69 41 Articles.) Open; High. Low. Cloe HaVy. Auburn ' Neb..... 70 46 40 43 61 40 40 39 48 44 45 43 48 38 41 57 S7 18 6HI 674.1 37V' 371 B'ken How, Neb. 70 I. ,,!.,,. Mull - A 1 C ulhertHon, Neb.. 73 T Falrbury, Neb... 65 Fairmont. NeD... ei 55H fir. Inland. Neb.. 64 K Hartlngton, Neb. 9 Hastings, in CD. ... t( Holdreae. Neb. 8i Oakdale, Neb... Umaha, iNeo. . . Tekamah, Neb. Alta, la ' Oinaha Caah Prices. WHEAT-No. 3 hard, ll.OWffl.01V4; No. 8 cirroll. Ia hasd, i$100; No. 4 hard, Wfltfio; No. 8 ciarlnda, 1.... spring, ll.oWal.OlVfa; No: 3 sprfhg, 97(&$1.00; wbley, la.". no. M aurumt wuwc; so. a ourum, ootrv i vtuux City, ia CORN-NO, 2 whtto, Mc; No I whits, s Minimum te 44 44 42 fall. .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Sky. Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Minimum temperature for twelve-hour . - . , I - Minimum j6c; White. JbWoc; ro iUr, .ndlng at 8 a. m. oiyio no.ii yeuow, DO''-'" - niH' -a i,.ii . siff..-.-! No. 4. fifiVflli DlBlitil AVLHAUts. K-r. 9 UUiAnlX- Nn 4 fUf. TIO rad. I .MO. Of iK ?' "I I Districts.. n Btatl OATR-Standard, .38c; No. 3 white, 37V4W .oiumou,, u., i. 37.c; No- t- whMa. 8ttHS7Hc; No. t yellow, Louisville, Ky.. ... 1 87637V4c; W t yeilow. 36ff37e; No. 3 mixed. Indianapolis.. Ind.. 12 MtetSIW i . Chlc?o. HI... 28 RAHI.OTi.Nn' 4 4Rlflr- No1. 1 feed. 4&3 J-uuia, f" a7!jk ' Des Moines, la.... 14 RYE No. 2, 73&T4c; No. 3, 7273c, l' t'arlot necelpts. Temp.- Rain- i. Max. Mln. fall. 78 62 .20 70 - 62 . 30 0 62 . 30 7 66 .70 ' 76 68 .30 62 48 .80 68 44 - .50 60 46 . 40 66 44 .00 Chics i-.n.rt Minneapolis Omaha7,,....-....'... JDuluth ' Minneapolis. Minn. 30 Kansaa City, mo., t Omaha, Neb 1 Wlieat. Corn. Oats. I Kxcesslve rains ware general within the 63 119 172 last twenty-lour noun in me st. i.ouis ana 3;i9 ... ... Chicago districts of the corn and wheat jl H3 18 region. Uoon rains oocurrea in an omer ex- .. 16 CHICAGO G HAITI AND PROVISIONS Featnses of tho Tradlna- aad Closing nmit tha Omaha district. Local Forecaster. Weather JSureau. NEW YORK. May ZJ.-Trtday'a stocV mar ket was a disappointment to those who took on stocks In the latter part of last week In the expectation that a broadening of demand and a rise In prices were to be looked for this week. The sagging tendency prices was ntrectly due to selling to realize by such disappointed holders, while he expected demand was not In evidence. The deeper causes for the action of the market, or Its lack of action' still remain obscure. The tone became decidedly weak by the end of the day. The alleged progress of negotiations for tha sale of bonds to Paris bank ers was a subject of discussion again, with the old assertion that official announce ment was Imminent. There was also Ins istence on tha prospect that tha old pro ject of listing United States on the Paris Bourse was near Its consummation. The stock market was not Influenced by these lalms nor by the reports of signs of re vival In the Iron trade. The sharp break In wheat prices bore out the news of Increasingly favorable crop con- itlons, but allowance waa made for tha Ifflculty of the speculative position In the market. The evidence of liquidation there looked on as , secondary In Importance only to the good progress of the crop Itseir. New York banks report considerable dis counting hera by outside banks, while de mand for mercantile paper is Indifferent owing to considerable resort by merchants to their own banks for accommodation on tha plea that collections at this time are low. The receivership for the Chicago City railways, following that of the Hocking valley property, was disliked as an evl ence of tha mlsearrlare of Dlans of lead lng financial groups, rather than for any ireci eiiecta on ine mantel Bonds were Irregular. Total sales par vaiue, ii.ites.uw. united mates were un Changed on call. Number of sales and leading Quotations on Donas were as ioiiows t Sail Allls-Chalmort prd , milKimatM copper ..... merlcan Agricultural ... Am. Bot Sugar American Can C. a P Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. L. pfd Am. Ica Seouritlas Amarfcan Llnee4 Am.rto.n Lmomottv. Am. 8. A R Am. 8. A R. pld Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining Am. T. A T Am. Tobacco prd American Wool.n Anaconda Mining Co.... Atohiaon Atohiaon pfd Atlantlo Coast Line P-rleea njnud of Trade. NEW YORK CHONDRAL MAKKHT a Various Quotations of tha , Day o Commodities. ... . - " . - i r. vv i ijilil. 1,1 cv r iit.wL ij'ty iuti ' J .w"eaV W thrown, into tha pit .... ,Drtng patents. . $5.aO6.Mi winter CHICAGO, MarO--More than a million tha aona todav. Such I Vv.. m, .. ..... uiuti iKivuii tactics rspewted throughout tha session and 5 40. prlng ' clears,' 34.264.50; winter ex- re- rye following a., -breakv' Saturday, demorallawl traa, No. I, $4.00fa4.'40; winter 'axtraa No. 8, 1, i ZT '. . r . " i UJ? " I3.7oa3.80; Kansaa straignts, h bwbd.w said i to be heavily; short in tha May led Ui900 bu.; spaclals, 6,602 bit; lit the selling. Foreigners assisted in pound- finfir.teid v. ng-down prices.. May -wheat was 4a off at I n-.uvuL .r n.,i. .im. white and vel- one time, but closed with a net loss of 24c, ow. 31.404il.46; coarse, 81.251.30; kiln dried, New -crop futures' finished ltplVo to IVic 13 S033 36 down. 'Final figures on corn were un- WHEAT Spot. weak;H No. red, $1.10 changed to Ho higher; oats 440 lower and nominal, c. 1. f.; No. 1 " northern, $1.16 provisions lower also by 60 to 7Hc nominal f. o. b. Option market: Wheat Notwithstanding the furious onslaught, was weak and lower under heavy sailing leading longs In wheat did not let go their on the cables, favorable weather and crop Jioldlnga, but watched chances and lent sup- news and soma liquidation, closing 34c ' port from time to time, by purchasing Bep- lower on May and l4o lower for other temoer or May at cntioai periods. It was poslaltlons. May. ll.H4H.lltt, cioaea slu; noticed, however, that this class of buying July, ll.061.07c, closed, $107; . Septem- was carefully minimised. Much. covering of ber, $1.02Wu.03, . dosed ll-OS1; t"ecelpU short -wheat' wa"aan' and hot a' lutle 13,200 bu. ; Shipments, 12,l$r mi. additional short selling. Pit operations were CORN 8 Dot. easy; No. 2, 7Hc nmlnal on a scale so laraa as almoat ta mniuun, .Lvainr damestlo basis: export. No, Z " llr attention, but a slump in all European SxWo nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Option mar markets had somewhat shaken tha confl- ket waa without transactions, closing at dence of the bulls before the day'a opera- VnWKc net decline; May ciosea wc; juiy, tlons here began. Then came news that tha !io; September, 68Hc; receipts, 14,628 bu, weatner was again highly ravorabla for the OATS spot, easy; miiwi, roj.u ium., nom rn in nffir.1.1 rtitii f.nm if..... I Inal . iiii.iiiral white. lbe... 40HH7C , spoko ootlmlstloaily of 4.500.000 acres of natural white. 8442 lbs., 46o0o. Option ' arowlnar a-raln there exoected to harvA.t ss . market was without transactions. Kec 000,000 bushels. Bxports who ra-exaunlned the aeipts, 79,300 bu. i-Heaelan fly In Illinois asserted that In very HV-Steady; prime,- $1.16OT.; No, . "t. .1 1 . ' . 1.. Kin 4 tl CfSrM IA: NO. S. DnCfall.OO. OT. ip.-on iittu luno uooii iijr nciuai until- I -, - " r - - " - , , age.. .There was no Indications of a let-un HOPS Dull; state, common to choice, in the boat arrivals of wheat from Duluth. 1W, 2l4f84c; 1908. nominal; t-aouio . coast, ' Some grain which had come that way was UW. Jl4H8o; 1308, nominal. - . . kept waiting at the docks, prevented by bad HIDEfcb,Firm,' Cent,al America, 234c ,,, novum IIUU1 mill IUI 1UIO SlOre, DUI ,",,"iV-Vr vr nevertneieas piainiy in eigm ana a menace to the bulls, who had persisted In keeping ' up quotations. Hammering of prices con- imuou milium interruption, oepiemDer . tzA. ... ." n toi ca'rr nn. iUr ZAMW&mttSL' 5eef:f TteadyV mess. H5.0UO , W)(4c a decline of 10 JOO; family. $19.00 20.00; beef hams. $21.00 i.RATHKR-KIrm: hemlock firsts. Iflc; seconds, a27cj thirds, 223oc; rejects, 21lft25c.-. ' . , , ROVISIONB fr"orK, Dareiy steauy; mean ranging from 974ii&y77 at a slit lVaC- light reaction, There was extenslva coverlna- hv ahnrt. w ;iSi?,A. Tf SiT". T""' lnorn.. Frnat waa fnMna.ti 1 to 14 pounos, aio.iwnii.oy, -'- areas tonight. Ij.rd. easier: middle west, prime, $13.00&18.10; refined, easy; continent .lJ V... . ?;ri S.Z.. 0 0ln?..at8a.turiday' fl3 VeoT South America. $14.50; compound W iiwJiu.; 0 WK- No- 3 yeI1w c,osed TAOkW-Dull; prime etty. hhds., Vc . yrw - - r-onntrv. 6a.ia,7VC. in oats, eievator people sold May and " RicK-eteady ; domestlo, 6V48c; Patna, bought new crop moiitha Other shorts also LfMc aougiia (iistant figures. Beptember sold be- " uttttu-.ti Slla-htlv firmer: creamery spe twoen. 37io. and 3yc, closing 440 off at L-iaia 2m-c: extras. 38c: thirds to firsts -T , C. . . I ...... t.l... l r. .u OU. nmmnn ' Pro1s1bns dipped ' little because of the to prime." 231(tv27c; process specials, toe; weakness tn'graln. Tha decline ahnwn 1 9u.n,f tmrtarv. seconds t tne rinisa.was practloally uniform, 60 to to flrsU, 22m&23V4o; Imitation creamery, .reading quotations ranged as follows: CHEESE Firm; state, full cream, new Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.! Bar y. colored.' 14Vc i; average prime, 1414V,c; i ' 7 - 1 ..... nnA i-nmmnn lft5f12c: Old. .Oil 1U sva, ....... , - - " " - a tr I1UH.111V. ItiOTKC: Siaxe SKllua, aucuiais, 1 I l.i4c; fine, luvrfj'tic; iir w gwu, inni. i'Wheat May -.July 1 04 1 oov Sept.. lW4liSV Pec. . May - ' . r!epu. Tec. "Oats 'May . July Sept. Dec. July . Bvpt. Lard. July'1 ' Septr htba- - Spf. -' S6497 fafl0',! eoww 40 38.-u3.SVs 3syvj 22 60-65 22 60-65 12 60 a 4(V4 13 40-60 13 40 1 00t4 B7H 60Vj 61V 40-H341 3 22 R5 23 76 It 60 12 621 It 66 12 46 oX'-a 61iV, 0H7. 40V4 371 . SSI,, 7V4 22 60 23 80 12 60 . 12 42V4 12 46 It S2t4I 1 OS $. 6HS 60Ts 667. 12 6241 U 40 1 01 nnmmnn fiUrlTc: full SkimS. 3f(6c EOOS Weak; regular packed, extras, flrets, tmc; firsts DUauHC. pi iTf.Tfty Dressed aulet: frosen chick 6S ens. 164.28c; western fowls, 1519c; turkeys, SX? I300- 40V4I 3SS 87H 22 60 22 70 It 80 12 62U 13 47V4Li2 42V4 41 89 38 V4 38V4 St. Loots General Market. RT. IjOTTIS. Mo.. May 23. WHEAT Fu turea. lower: May. 11.041.0444: July. 8t4c September, 971o. Cash, lower; track: No, 2 red. Il.1274Sil.15V4: No. 3 hard, CORN Futures, weak; July, 6O7.0; Sep- TZVa I tfiili. xr o -.kit. RAn 06 I iata 1Tiiiii-mic un. k - Julv. 3?aic: Ren- tember, HiSo. Cash, lower; track: NO. 89c; No. t white, 41V4'g42o. RYE Nominal. 8O0. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, $S.20 bl.&); extra fancy and straight, 14-10 hard winter clears, h wji w, SEEI" Timothy, $3.0U4i3 60. CO R N M E A L-$3. 26. HRAN Weak; sacked east track, $1 1.06. HAY Steady; timothy, $14 6091860; pra 13 43 12 85 'No."t FLOUR Steady; winter patents. t4.8MT6.25 ttralghU. 84.3iMi4.80; spring straights, $4.7(ktfi !.; rjasry, iti'Mo.o, . W'Y-T,:?.t lint' Kt57C: ,alr ' BaVrMN.7 3-16c, SEEDS-Flax. No. 1 southwestern, $2.09 Ko. 1 northwestern. 12.19. Timothy, noml lal Clover. 111.25. PROyiiJlONS Mess pork, per bbl., $33.00 cub. uard, per luu ids., iiz wy u.w. unori nos. sides (loose), 1Z.,(J tlrlrs, (bor.ed). I13.50lllj.75. Total clearances of wheat and flour HEMP TWINE 7c. ' PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jobbing $22.75. Lard, higher; prme steam, tl2.77V.3p 12 87 V. Dry salt meats, unchanged: boxed extra shorts. 814 00; clear ribs, 114 00: short ihi, .1, I v ia -lijt 14 rtih r r-i. I clears, $14 26. Hacon. unchanged; boxed " 1" .J?0,',,' Jt,,;;110- hOFt cler extra shorts. $16.26; clear sides. $15.25; short Receipts. Shipments ... 8.9U0 6.700 ... 33.000 48,800 .. .118.400 70..VI0 ...118.400 68.500 clears. $16.50. I Vrl "T Til V Cf . - - nlil.l,.n. iuiw p , lnf aa? f,r.0-iti. 5 BUTTER-Steady: creamery, 23S;27c Vlslblu supply of wheat In tha United EGOS-Steady; lic ' Statea detneased 842.0UO bu. for tha week. " . Rh,. Tha amount of breadstuff on ocean pas- ., uwi. te increased 104.000 bu. u'k..V k.. estimated receluta fhr tomorrow: Wheat. I r, i.. ' S9 cars; corn, 230 cars; oats. 223 cars; hogs, oats' bu. 1 u.. .1 I -ta, uu- tALC.f.- vaSh.Pr!.c,,?r'h.e?.i: x,.,l,t2 Kaaaas CUr Oral, and Provtatoaa. . W2 ;HS No. 3 hard ..tkSV.twS: Hi 1 . KANSAS CITY. May 23-WHEAT-July, ' 1 . ... : .. . . , 1 ui,. in ,1 rttfrtrtr mKn.' r-. n ,. n iiurtnvrn piinpr. s1.iK7aWi.11; ISO. I nortncni ---- v.'i -., ttjl. ,r anrm. ti ict.i, 1 nu. xi. . i ,k... 1 r; chansted No. 3 hard. II Xifl.l2: No. I tin: No. 2 caah, SUSfetWc: No. I cn, "l. a iw, e-ui.iv, io. a, i.tH W' Nov '", 3W:4io: No, I white, 81- ... m tlfeftlKtr-: NO. 1 vallnw fil r tit U." KTn X VAl- I lUn-iniy. ntrrn;, JUIT, or a TOfhO DUI low, fwV4c. Oats: No. t white", 41'?i42V.c: September. 67V4i667l40 bid; December, 61 fvo. s nile. wiii41c; No. 4 white. j4uc; also via, cam, iv tower; rso. 1 mixed, Htannarii, 41t.42c. istK3VVtc; no- a, w., ro. s wniie, oi'atiiVaC BtrrTER Steady; creameries. t327c; No. 3. sowc. dairies, Hw.'So. OATS Unchanged; Na white, 41w4Sc K.u Kieaay ; receipts, sa.ols esses; at no. I mixea, mark, rases included. MfilDc: . flrata. 19c: ttTK-No. 1 70-11 71c, prime flrata. 20c. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, $15.00; CliEfch: Steady; dairies, 144JHV.C; choice prairie, $10.75jll.OO; choice alfalfa twins, IJ'VQU'Xc; young Americas. lt ; I fxi-p 17 bo. long horns, l4Vul4V4c. BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, extraa, I'OTAWtu-rirm; cnoica 10 xancy, 119 26c; firsts, 14c; seconas, zzc; packing stock, t3c; lair o govu, SOc. I-OULTrij oieau) , itiraeys, jec; cnick- ECQS Steady : current receipu, new ehs. 14c. ' .. . cases, t5.4f: miscellaneous cases, $4.30, VEAl-aay; ou to vu-n. wrignis, snso; southerns. 85.06; storage. 85. TO. t to--o. weiguie, sujivc; as 10 iiv-io. 1 . Kaoelpta. Shipments. riiL-hte. 10-u 1U. Whiat bushels 31 Uu) 36 0i 1 lto;ia loday Wheat, 43 cars; corn. 1U Corn, bushela 87.000 40.0.10 irt.lm. 173 cars, tstimaled tomorrow- q.. bushels 19.000 18,000 tiflcates outstsndlng, $4. 110.000. Oeneral fund: standard silver dollars In general fund. $l.W2.rS6; current liabilities, V.S 62; working bslance In treasury offices, $1.663,S2; In bsnks to credit of treasurer of the United State, t37,727,2!; sub'ldlsry silver coin, $21.Sf4,4; m'nor coin. $1.3:'0.653; total balance in general fund, $S3,101,Kt. Local See art ties. Ountatlor.s furnished by Samuel Burnt. Jr. 633 New York Ufa building. Omahat Bid. Aakad. Auditorium. Oilcasa. (a, lt t'S CUf ot Omaha 4Sa, 1M Cadahjr racking Co. ta ma PortlanS Omant toads, U...... M Inwa Portland Camant Con. 4a M tart St. Lou la A Sub. ta M Kansas City Sock -tarda itoca iT Ung Ball Lumbar Co.,,.., X Uticln, Nah., 4a, 1W0 W Maora.ka Tel. atoek. par eaat Nonh riatta Vl. Irrl. Co. fa, Omaha Water Ce. M. 114 lu Omaha Water Co. ta, 144 Omaha Oaa ta, Wl aivj Omaha p.a ta, 1U 1M Omaha Elae. Light A P. ta. UU MVj Omaha Rlec. Light pfd I par cant.... 4 Omaha It Rr- aa. JU O. A C. B. St. Rr. ta, l3t O. AC. B. St. Rr- Pfd O. A O. ft. Rr. torn.. ... 0. 4 C. 0. H. B. pfd Panltlo Tal. A Tel. ta. 1917 South Omaha ta, Cltf of twartachlld A Sulibargtr ta, 1114., Topcka Rr ta, r Trt-Clty Rr A Lt. ta 4V 74 t'nlon Stock Tarda Co., So. Omaha My. London Closing- Storks. LONDON. May 23. The market for American securities opened Hifii higher on the good bank statement, but declined on realising. At noon the market was easy, with prices H higher to H lower than the New York closing of Saturday. London closing stock quotations: Coiirala, money ... t-MLeularllla A Nairn.. Ul da account 7 T-ICMo., Kaa. A Taiaa.. 44 Amal. Copper T3SNw York Ontral...lW Anaconda I Norfolk A Watam..lOTVi Atchlaun -. .11 IV, do pfd S3 do pfd 109 Ontario A Weetem.. 4t4 Baltimore A Otilo...llTHPcrmarlTanla Mt. Canadian Pacific ...onRand Mlnea . S Cheaapeaka A Ohio.. Reading . V Chi. Oraat Waatarn.. MHSouthorn Railway .. 1744 Chi., Mil. A St. p.. 144 do .pld S Da Been ItHRoutharn Pmclfio .. .104 Danrar A Rra 414 Union Paclflo .. stvj .. N . - .. Tl .. a .. MH .. 1"4) .. l0Uj lit ll lio 4 TS4 100 MV4 lusva KU 101 lot M uv. least MUj 74 sa M 1011 M"4 do sfd . 4U. 8. Steal.. 4t4i do pfd .... . MttWabaah 11 do pfd .... .!aVt8pantah 4a .1MH .. f7Vt .. Ui ..lllVa .. V4 .. do pfd Erie do lat pfd da id pfd Grand Trunk Illinois central ... SILVER Bar, ounce. MONEY-3444 per cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short bills is 8 per cent; for three months' Dins, sja'4 per cent. steady at 21 13-16d per M 1100 73 1044 7H , 44Vi lo it it last 1-10 10 ID Hi . 400 ta iV4 00 04 414 S3 400 16V4 IIS 100 3tV4 13 0 4I4 4t 4RV4 , n so4 101) lorH V ins 100 54Vi M4 M 100 1214 123S4 121 500 lM'A 1344 18H 4 100 16 It It 1.000 44 41S 41 1,600 111V4 110H HO 101 V4 400 114 U44 12 3.000 11444 1UH ll'S, rrvk Boston Mlnlnar Stocks, BOSTON, May 23. Closing quotations on mining stocks were Brooklyn Rapid TT Snadlan Paclflo ntral Laathar Central Laathar pfd Central ot Naw Jereey Chaaapeake A Ohio Chicago A Alton Chicago Gt. W saw C. 0. W. pfd Chicago A N. W C, at. ft 8t. P..... C, C. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern Conaolldatad Oaa Corn Products , Dataware A Hudaoa Benver A Rio O ran da .k R. O. pfd Dlailllera' Becurtllea fcrla Brie lat pfd Erie 2d pfd Oaneral lilactrlo Oraat Northern pfd 7,00 82S 81V4 1 Vk 4. 400 14 1M l,O0 42H 41H 1H 100 108 108 10744 S9t 6,400 88 (744 ' 20 4644 4HV4 4 400 i I74 17V4 100 tl Uli 61 800 It V3 ltl4 6,100 140V4 Ut 13H M IS It li too t a it too eo so t44 3.800 142 140 140 2i0 1M4 14V4 lVw 100 11 111 17 1.400 4144 41 41 00 II 700 100 4744 17 1044 '44i 0 0 18 4i Oraat Northern Ore ctfa.,.. llllnola Central nterborougti Mat. Int. Mat.. pfd International Harrastar O-Infc Martita pfd .A.. iH.rnatlonat raper ntematlonat Pume Iowa Central Kanaaa City Southern K. C. So. sfd Laclede Oaa Loulavllla A N Minn, A St. L M., St. P. A g. S. M M K. A T M., K. A T. pfd. ..4 Mlaaourt Paclflo National Btecult National Lead N. R, R. of M. 2d pfd.... Naw Tor It (antral N. Y., O. A W Norfolk A Waatarn... j. North American ........ Northern Paolflc ....... Paclflo Mail ronnnylTanla People' e Oaa P., C. C. A Bt. L Plttaburg Coal Praaaad Uteri Car Pullman Palace Car.... Railway StMl Spring.. Raadlna Kapubllo Steal Rapubllo Steal pfd Rock laland Co 1 Rock laland Co, pfd... St. L. A a. F. ti pfd. Bt. Loula S. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Blou-Bheftleld S. A I. Southern Pacific Southern Railway .... So. Railway pfd Tenneaaee Copper .... Texaa A Paclflo T., Bt. L. A W T.. St. L. A W. pfd.. Union Paclflo Union Pacific pfd V. S. Realty V. 8. Rubbar D. 8. Steal V. 8. Steal pfd t tah Copper V a. -Carolina Chemical Wabaah Wabaah pfd Waatarn Maryland .... Weattnghoua Electrio Waatarn laion Wheeling AUK 0 16044 160U, 160 1,100 111 1S5H 16T4 100 4 M -0 lit 138 TOO tl 20 1,104 M44 M' 4,000 M A 13 Vi 65 it 100 41 48 4 800 31 11 0 14 at .409 104 104 109 400 14744 141 147 6 13 1,100 3 42 42 17,200 73 73 72 10 W0 7 1 7 100 2 2344 4.600 121 130 1M .. L 41 44 44 .. T:00 104 104 104 ., 200 14 14 74 ..'3.000 182 131 111 00 r 2 M .. 1S,00 18t 134 134 400 108 103 107 .. 1,2110 101 101 101 .. 400 (0 30 1V 100 38 3944 ISO 40 ....123,900 14 1(4 14 700 Id 14 9 n i 4:, 44 IS 8 i 444 48 41 2 31 - 32 78 75 76 73 18,400 127 1(5 12 BOO 17 4 1,100 18 43 100 27 27 1.6U0 13 IS 00 1,100 100 100 1.SO0 1,200 400 37 37 a 4 (9 4t,00 186 133 183 800 16 Do M 100 78 74 71 00 ' 48 41 41 1M.S0O 14 83 83 I. TOO 113 113 U 1,800 47 44 46 41 0 21 31 47 44 48 44 . at 46 8 68 4 4 1,200 w 1.8 00 100 100 Total aalea for tha day. 411,800 ehane. cost 3M tw 47 84 41 4 New 'York Money Market NEW YORK. May 38. MONEY On call steady at 4ft4tt per cent; ruling rate, t per cent; closing bid, 3 per cent; offered at ttt per cent. TIMS LOANS steady ; sixty nays, Ber cent and ninety days, IVA4 per cent; six months. 4G4 per cent PRIME MEKCANTll-irj fArtilt M tier cent. . RTKRLINO B8.UHAMJK-ettrong. W1M actual business in bankers' bill at $4 .84253 4.8440 for slaty-day bills and at $48780 for demand; commercial bills, 64.8iVa4.84. BILVER Bar, 63T4C. Meaican dollars, 44c, BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. i Closing Quotations on bonds wera as follows: V. 8. raf. 2a. rag 1044 Int. Met. 4a 80 la, coupon 100 'Japan 4a V t. 3a, raf.,...,.-lo3 do 4a 'do aoupon 1m K. C. go. lat ta V 8. 4a, rag 114 L 8. deb. 4a 141.., do coupon 114 U A N. uol. 4a.. Allla-Chalmara lat 6s. 11 M. K. A T. lat 4a. Am. Ag. ta !! do fen. 4a im T a T. ct. a..l"lMMo. Paclflo 4a Am. Tobaoco 4s 11 N. R. R. of M. 44. 4 do aa 106VN. T. C. g. a S3 . ao aae. aa . mK. V.. N. H. A H .111 ct. la 133 .113 N. A W. lat c. 4a.. M44 . 36 da ev. 4a 104 . 7No. Pacific 4a 101 . to do 8a 11 . t). S. L. rfdg. 4a.... M . sft Penn. a. 3a Hl... e On of Oa. ta ...104 do eon. 4a 101 On! Leather U. Reading I en 4a. r C. at N. 1. g. ee...m8. U A 8. T. fg. 4a. 11 Chaa. A Ohio 4e....l01 o gaa- ta 87., do rat. ta 84 St. L. A W. e. 4a... II Chicago A A. a.... ee let gold 4a K C., B. m tj- I- aa..., vaeaDoejn A. 1 e.... do gen. 4S n-tau. racuie aoi. aa, ao. at. A S P. g a rl do ct. 4a... C. I. A P. 0. 4a.... T. de lat raf. 4a... do rfg. 4a 8 o. Railway ta... rolo. Ind. Is 1 da gen. 4a Colo. Mid. 4a 13 Union Pacific 4a.,, V'. A 8 r. A a. 4s , 89 , . M , ' - 88 41 Alloeea Amal. Copper A. I. U A S.i.... Arlaona Com Atlantic B. A C. C. A S. M Bulla Coalition .... fal. A Arlaona.. i:al. A Heels...., Centennial 41 Mohawk 10NTeada Con. ... ft Nlplaalng Mlnea lNorth Butte .... 3 North Lake 14 OM Dominion ,. .. 10 Osceola .. M Parrott S. A C. ..188 Qulney II shannon Ooppar Range C. C 78uparlor Beat Butte C. M 8 Superior A B. M. I-'ranklln 11 Superior A P. O.. Olroux Con 7 Tamarack Oranby Con 41 u. 8. a at o Greene Cenanea sV. s. s. at ja. lata Rnyala Copper... 14 do pfd Kerr Lake S Utah Con. ....... Lake Copper t4lPtaA Copper Co.. La Sal a Conner lauwinona Miami Copper 83 , WolTarlnar 118 Aaaea. . .... 81 1 .... 11 .... 38 .... 1 .... 17 ....140 .... 13 .... 34 114 t 11 II 60 1 49 84 48 New York Cnrb Market. Tha following Quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, 815 South Sixteenth street: Bar State Oaa. Butte Coalition ... Caotui Chief Darla-Daly Ely Central ..'..4 Ely Conaolldatad franklin Olroux Ooldfleldd Cona'ated. 8 Tone Oraena Cananaa .... Tonopah 21 Laroae 4 . 1044 Nav. Oonaolldatad ..11 . !Nawhouee 80 . lOhlo 2 15-18 , I Rawhlda Onalltlon .. 14 1 l-16Ray Central I 11-18 . 65 Swift Pkg. Co 106 .. 13Seara, Roebuck Co.. 141 . 7 Superior A Plttaburg II J q,JsiJtjaxaAsijaja Nye TiiFiniep Co. ? f TELEPHONE Ta e a a a aaa-s a a w i -a a . am BOSTON, MASS. J DOFCLA5 270Z 1 CJ SO STATE STKECT . t OMAHA. 1MXB. DOAKP 0T TBADK tWO. t i We Own find Offor S5SO,000 Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co. First and Refunding Mortgage Six Per Cent Bonds. Dated October 1, 1909. Due October 1, 1929. Interest payable April 1 and October 1. At Fidelity Trust Company, Milwaukee. Wisconsin , ..... a . 114,547.85 , 65,200.00 , . . .V. . . ... . ... ... . . 5tf.847.05 . . a . . Trustee: FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. T Cnupon Bonds of 1800 and 11000 each with privilege of rasrlatratlon, EUBJSCT TO CAli. AT 106 AND ACCRUED INTEREST on ANT INTEHKUT PAYMENT DATS Tha aWafreaVat arnlngs of tha propartla ownid by th Kaa tarn Oregon Lrght A Powor Co. for th yaar tiding Dm. 5U 1909. ro aa followai EARNINGS Orosa Earnings .,., .$168,806.40 Operating Expenses 4f.26T.4S Net Interest Surplus We reoommend these bond for Irtvattment for the fallewlng reasansi FIRST Secured by tbe first mortgage on four water-power plants, 188 miles ot transmission lines, with gas, electrio power plant of Baker City, the light and power plant of La Grande and five other towns, subject only to an underlying Issue on the Baker City plant, to retire which bonds are held inescrow by the trustee. SECOND Further bones can be Issued for only 80 per cent of the cost of new property. improvemenU or additions, and then only when the net earnings show double the Interest charge. THIRD- The water supply Is ample and certain, and the market for hydranllq electrio power Is unusually favorable, which la due to the high price ot coal. FOURTH The. combined net earnings In 1909 of individual plants were about twice the Interest charges. FIFTH The present development an be increased seven times at a small cost. SIXTH The principal stockholders are men ot high financial ability and Integrity and are well known throughout the middle west. PRICE 100 AND INTEREST RAILROAD, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS CAPITAL , FULLY PAID &XOO,000.&S ,uui 1 jj... m an "'"! , , I m nng T14 Inspiration New York Mining Stocks. NEW YORK. May 2.. Closing- quotations on mining stocks were: Alice 3T aitatfTtu. Con Brunewlck Cton T Uttle Chief ., Com. Tunnel eteck... Mexican , de bonds ) Ontario Con. Cat. A Va Ophlr Horn Silver ......... 4 Standard Iron SlW.r 184. Yellow Jacket .. .. M ..135 .. 0 .. 70 Offered. -4- . Bank Claarlnca. OMAHA. May 23. Bank clearings for to day wera ia.7W.7W. 12 ana lor the corre sponding date ' last year 12,810,715.14. ' Metal Market. NEW YORK,. May 23. METALS Tha market ror standard copper was nrmer to day; spot and May closed $12.50 bid; June and July. 112.KXB12.55: August. 12&04nj0. Tha London market waa easy;, spot, 1:4 Us zd; futures, vu ps. Local dealers Quote Lake copper at IH.TftdPll.OO; electrolytic, H26a,.- 13.TT,; casting. IlZ.77WriZ.60. Arrivals ot enp per At New York today were 350 tons; cue torn house returns showed exports of 2MZ tons, making 14,464 so far this month. Tin was easy; spot and .May, t33.033.30; June and July, 33.1K(S33.22Vt: August, $22,153 33.26. London closed easy: spot. 150 Us; futures, 162. Lead was steady; spot, $4.48 j4.e0 New York, f4.15i4.20 East ft. Louis, The London market was lower at 12 13s 9d, Spedter was steady; spot, $o.t05.tl0 Nsw York. u.iMis.zn bt. Louis. Tne Lon don market was unchanKed at 21 17b M. Tha English Iron market was lower at SOs for Cleveland warrants, Locally, quiet; No. 1 foundry nJortlMsrn. tl7.0Oi7.75: No. 2 northern, $16.50(317.26; No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft, . $19.2ol.75. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 88. COFFEE The market for coffee futures opened aulet at unchanged prices to an advance of . t points in sympathy with steady European market. Business waa very quiet and the markets later ruled unsteady under scat tered offerings, which were believed to come from European sources with tha mar ket closing quiet, net 2 points higher, to f points lower. Sales were reported of l,7&0 bags, closing bids follow: May June, July, .36c; August, 8.60c; October, Novem ber and December, 6.5&c; January, 6.A3c; February, t.64c; March, S.Gec, and April, 67o. Receipts at tha two Brasllan ports. 11,000, against 8,000 last year. Jundlahy re ceipts, 6,200, against 4,20ft last year. New York warehouse deliveries Saturday, 6,M8, against 6.660. Spot quiet; Rio, No. 7, Bc; Santos, No. 4, 4c; mild quiet; Cordova, 'AO 120. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Best Grade, of Cattle Are Strong, All Others Weak. HOGS ABE A SHADE HIGHER Packers Take Most of Offerlna-s and the nptir ia Cleared Up Early i-Sheep and Lamba Are . I , r . - 'low Sale, ... SOUTH OMAHA, May 23, 1910. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Estimate Monday $.267 4,244 6.315 Same day last week 4,16 2,6&3 6,541 Same day 2 weeks ago.. 1.176 4.654 6.6U7 Same day S Weeks ago.. 4,650 3,19? 2,370 fame day 4 weeks ago.. 4,634 2.716 9,324 Same day last yesr 2,667 4.9S 8,077 The following Ubls shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: year: 1910. MOB. Inc. Deo. Cattla 390.960 8,164 22,786 ....... HoS ,38,16a 1,079,460 Sheep 580,274 696,118 Tha following table snows tha average prices of hogs at South Omaha for tha last sevsral days with comparisons: 4 , 69 t3 13 18 31 31 t 11 17 10 10 to 3t 11 45 tl 14 W 10 13 M 1...:. t 10 1 6 I..... 13 II 10 T 1 1 1 2 1 Data j WO. lfcX.100g.ll)07. 1IW. 11906. 11W4. May 14.., May U.. May 16... May 17.. May U... May 111. May 20.. May 21.. May 22.. May 23.. 7 081 7 11 30 t 864 7 08 7 02 6 241 6 301 6 22 6 24 6 24 6 19 6 81 30 6 151 6 291 6 20 8 44 8 V 41Vk 6 92 6 88 7 01 7 00 a 1 t s Hi ( S3' 6 ta! 6 30 S 261 US 0 w 6 84 16 D6I 0 " a 6 29 6 28 6 381 6 38, 6 87 6 26 6 23 6 24 6 18 6 U 6 381 e 6 26 6 23 6 19 4 87 , a 461 4 63 4 (2 4 47 4 46 4 41 a 4 37 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of Hva stock at the Union Stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattla Hogs. Sheep. H fs. C. M. & St. F 5 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pavilla 30 C. & N. VV. (east).... 3 C. & N. W. (west).... 39 C. St. P. M. 0 20 C. B. & Q. (eaat) C. B. A Q. twest) SI C. R. I. A P. (east)... 7 C. K. I. P. (west) Illinois Central a. o. w 16 6 19 8 is 16 Armour A Ce. 4Ha.. Atcnleoo gen. 4a eo . aa do ct. ta Al. C. I, lat 4a.... Bal. A Ohio 4a do ISas de . W. ma.... Brk. Tr. c. 4a.... Dr. A H. e P. A R. O. ta do raf. ta Dletlllara' la Crla p. I. a do sen. 4a , do c. 4a, aar. A do aeries B , Oen. Elec. n. ta... 111. Can. lat rat. 4a Int. at. M. 4Sa..., Hid. Hlflarwt. do it A rW. aa. 4a ..101 .. M ..lot 14 ... ...101V4 ..104 34) . 14 f. a. Rubber la 103 . IIHl'. 8. StMl 3d aa....ot . ta'a.-Cara. Cham. ta. test . 11 Wakaan let ta 1 . It do lat A aa. 4a Tl . M eweatrm Md. 4a M . MSiW'aal. KUr. . ta... 3 .140 Wia (-antral 4a 30V. . T Ua. Pa, ar. ta Mfa. ISV. Trraiarr Stateaaeat. WASHINGTON, May O. Tha condition of the treasury at the beginning ot business today was aa follows: Trust runda: Uold, coin, $M4.116.M8; silver dollars, MU10,0u0, sliver dollars of lo90, $J,7U,(W; aUver cer- Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 23.-COTTON-Market opened steady at an aavanre of tiill oolnta. with July leading on continued covering and bun support prompted py steady rabies, particularly as to spots, and further talk of too much rain In th south. Realising cheered tha advance and prices reacted to within a point or two of Hsturday's closs during tha early trading under this selling together with operations for a reaction. It Is rumored that freight room for over 60,000 bales has Deen engaged wiinin tne last few days for shipment from New Yfrk abroad. Cotton futures opened steady; May, 16.20c; July, 16 34c; August, 16.08c; September, 13.88c; October, 13.00c; December, 12.84c; March, 12 90c, asked. Spot closed quiet; middling uplands. 16.40c; middling gulf, 16.65c. Sales, i7,96 bales. Mlaneapolla Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. May 23. WHEAT May, $1.0el; July, $1.06V,: September, 96c; cash, No. 1 hard, $1.10L; No. 1 northern, $1.07 1.074 to $1.094: No. 2 northern, $1.06A J.07H-. No. 3. $1 rcwtf l.otVi. SEED Flax, $2.134. CORN No. I yellow, 66SV,e. OATS No. 8 white, S7jj3Sttc RYE No. J. -mslZC. BRAN In 100-lb. sacks, $18 0018.25. FLOUR First patenu (In wood. f. o. b.. Minneapolis). $6.6V6 60; seennd patents. $6.10 a 5.30; first clears, $4.164 26; second clears, .9063.20. Oils aad Rosla. SAVANNAH. Oa., May 23.-OILS-Tur-pentlne, firm, 60c; sales, 122 bbls,: receipts. 44$ bbls.; shipments, 466 bbls.; stock, 4.80 bbls. KOPIN-FIrm: sales, 1.662 bbls.; receipts, 1,227 bbla; shipments, 1.278 bbls.; stock, 42, 17A I-hi. Onnte. R 14 VV ): II 14 4f,rMM. E. $4.;6'44.aD: F, $4-8N64 0; Q. U Q, $4 96 rft.w; I, 300: K, 36 10; m, 3 rs; N, K.bceii 66; WO, $5.7086.80; WW, $586.10. Visible Sapply of Grain. NEW YORK. May 23. -The visible sup ply of grain Saturday, May 21, aa corn plied by tha New York Produce exohange, waa as follows: Wheat. 82.0u0.0C0 bu.; de crease 842 000 bu.. Corn, 6.641,0)10 bu.; de oreeee 1,239.000 bu. Oats. 7.446.000; Increase, 140.0U0 bu. Rye, 67S.OOO bu.; Increase, 14.U00. Barley. 2.152.000; Increase, 117.000 bu. Cana dian wheat. 7.883.000 bu.; Increase, 749,000 bu. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, May 2S.-CORN Steady; No. $ white. 63c; No. 3 yellow, 69c; No. $ yellow. t ; No. 3, 684c; No. 4, 67o; no grade. OATS-Lower; No. 2 white. 41Hc; No $ while, 40c; No, 4. white, ac; standard, 41S, Total receipts .141 1 1 63 27 DISPOSITION H E A D. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 490 l8 679 ... 978 1.188 37 .. 672 1,209 1,646 .. 641 8A7 260 122 ... 8 ,.. 45 ... 127 .... ... ... 22 ,., 17 ,.. 19 ... 3S ,.. 86 ... 97 ... 13 ... 11 ... 219 .... 1,0 0 Omaha Packing Co... Swift H Company Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour 4l Co rich warts- Bolen Co.... Morrell Stephens Bros Hiu fc eon F. B. Lewis Hunton 4b Co J. a. Root at co J. H. Bulla L: Wolf S. Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton Lee Rnthsciilld Other buyers Total 3,285 4.0J3 4,496 rvi i .C-TIm m.V , .nuiril out a'lth a rather moderate run and no great change In condition, aa compared wltn tne iaer part of last week. There was a very iu inquiry for the well-fatted and good weight steers and these commended steady to strong figures. On tho other hand there lit) tall frnm anv atiurce for thS OT- itin.rv lia-ht and medium welirht grades and ysarlings in particular were st prices in at were uuw ...... The suop'y of cows and heifers was rather limited and although there was l.l, Ha.nunA ffrnm hlitn local uatneii outside buyers the tone 10 ' rather weak than otherwise. i .- for veal calves was Just about steady wltn last week's close and tor tl he most pari hull, atnars. etc.. sold In substantially the same notches as on Frldsy. ..... , There was vsry little me 10 mt. ..v- ... stockers and feeders as "I'Pe .wr JlT Ited and the demand not at all "rn!" prices were little different from the latter part of last week. In fact, desirable stock steers and heifers sold to slightly .better advantage. Medium and oomm ' S all kinds was hsrd to mora andtne g. leral tone 4o the market was weak; on anything of this claas. 4w -v-i-. Quotsttons on oaiii cornOsl steers. $7.4ott8.W; fair to good corn fed steers. $f, 90a'J 40; common to fair corn fed tir..l76.76j good to choice cow. and heifers. 8.0uA7b; lair to good oos and heifers. HTP 85; common to alr eows 2nd helfera, $2.76W4.76; g'od to wholes .lockers and feeders. -li . ta lr to good stockers and feeders 84.75.40; com mon to fair stockers and feeders, $3.&itf 4 75; slock heifers. $3.754,4.". veal c calves. $275750: bulla, stags, etc, $3.75S25. Representative sales: BKUT STEERS. a, rr. a. a. rr. 416 10 ...... no 1 10 1041 4 15 6W 4 40 11 1 45 1010 4 55 11541 4 10 60 4 70 HO 4 SO 111 4 10 11J4 4 15 O40 1 85 lltl 4 10 134 4 0 1153 4 90 1113 4 16 IN K 11& 7 00 , 1330 1 00 1170 7 00 Ml 7 10 1201 7 30 10 IT 81 14 11 11 S3 30..;... i 11 i tt 14 40 21 14...... 11 10 11 18 11 10K5 7 20 , 1171 T 35 1301 7 38 1041 7 40 , Its! 1 40 12 ,7 7 40 1S5T 7 41 1K6 7 4t , 1451 7 44 , 1311 7 10 1371 7 W , 1304 7 30 13M 7 56 ,.....1833 7 SO 1235 t IS ,.....1304 7 70 1377 7 7 1188 7 0 1373 7 35 H 7 10 1413 7 H COWS. ... 128 t 0 12 ... 360 4 00 8 ... 130 4 10 4 ... 184 4 2f ... 70 4 35 4 ...1033 4 44 11 ...1041 t 15 HEIFERS. .. 633 4 40 lt ... 115 4 35 6 W3 6 78 It....... ... 131 6 BULLS. ... 830 $ 50 1 ... too 4 15 1 ...1310 4 IS 1 ... lf 4 60 $ ... 410 6 00 CALVES. 141 8 76 ... 7t 4 76 $ ... 0 5 00 ...;371 6 00 .... 10 6 7t W 4 60 1;::::: ...101 6 60 ...1107 t tt ...1153 I 78 ...1100 t 76 ...lilt 4 88 ...lin 140 .... 74! B at .... 871 SO ...4071 4 10 1M0 8 28 1300 6 75 3100 t 00 1870 4 06 ... 110 7 00 ... 170 7 00 ... 130 7 00 ... IM 7 it ... 130 7 IS 140 7 60 15... I... 14... 14... n... !... 11 aTricKERs AKl FBUDBHl 4 4 75 14 411 t 10 ... t4 4 76 I 'l t 36 69! 5 00 4 3 t 437 6 10 t H7 6 60 STEERS AND HEIFERS. - ..... 184 t 16 84 447 7 41 695 4 75 "" COWS AND HEIFERS 1123 1 40 iunna-Hn nrloea ruled a shade higher this morning on A barely normal supply. The opening and tha closs were a trifle weak, but tne Dig um y- w... manded quotably strong figures. Packers took most of the offerings, shippers picked .... . wi,t inta and movement was rea sonably active and a very fair clearance effected before miaany. t .r. nnt verv many light hogs in eluded In tha run and the spread of prices LVnrtir,rlv narrow. 69.40(29.46. buv- ina- most OI the noga. uwu iiuu "y sold at the top of the bulk, but at the to. of the market as well. Tops reached $9.5( the same as Saturday. No. t.. tt.. 61.. 81.. 64.. 71... 60.. 71.. 30.. 60., 45.. tl.. 70.. 10.. 17.. 43.. 34.. It.. 61.. 43 '. 1 . 61.. 6.. I.. 61.. 61.. 61.. 4).. 64.. 11.... W ... 70.... TO. ... 67.... 11. A. So. TT. ....!7t ... tit ..,.101 !W) t 38 ... Ik 160 t!7 ....! ... 8TV ....361 40 1 40 ....135 ... 140 ....80S ... 140 ....147 100 t 40 . ....KT ... 140 ...194 ... 140 .., t6 MO t 40 ...,l"4 30 ( 40 ....164 40 40 ....315 t0 1 40 .-.150 ... 140 ...3M ...21 .ta 40 1 40 ... t 40 40 1 40 10 4 40 ...131 310 t 40 II! ,...337 ...too ,...316 ...'3 Sirs I 40 ... ' t 40 $0 1 40 ,.. 1 40 .. t 40 10 t 40 ....77 160 t 40 ....170 120 1 40 ,.J8 :o . .163 10 142V4 ..231 110 142 ..837 ... 42S4 .121 160 (4t4 ..Ml 140 424 ..tfil 40 143 ..164 30 1 42 341 140 4C No. At. Bh. Tt. T 141 10 t 48 Tt 313 160 t 44 41 f t ... I 46 so ..i2t 840 1 a tl 833 10 1 41 Tl r0 180 t 44 81 H7 KM t 4t H 174 ... 8 48 41 233 10 1 46 18.. J:H ... 145 4T !86 40 1 41 T6 147 10 1 45 71 831 110 4 46 . it 1:0 160 t a 46 ir.4 10 141 16 t34 130 t 48 61 164 ... 9 48 W 145 40 I 43 R2 130 120 1 46 It 161 40 1 48 It 160 tot) t 41 M 234 ... 145 tt t6 140 1 41 47 tS ... t 71 160 ... 147 89 ...lit 80 (41 71 140 40 ( 41 66 26 140 1 47 N ...MT SO t 60 14 314 ... ISO 11 171 40 (60 1 !0 ... 160 (1 114 W ( K) I Ill ... (60 Tl 2.18 10 ( 50 T8 261 IK IM 47 Ill 40 I 60 Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and Dealers anvinr, rsoniaoirn, tooxs, Omaha Of fleet lia Board of Kraaa Bid Ball Talsphone, Batiflaa Mil ' SaAepaadeat, A-I1231. Oldest aad Z.ara-est Boose la (ha statea 11 California ewes, .feeders 114 274 western lambs 10 451 western lamba 74 243 western lamba 62 80 western lamba 60 6 50 6 60 8 00 8 00 f 00 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Market Slow Hogs Strong; Sheep Demoralised. CHICAGO. May 23. CATTLE Receipts. 22,000 head; market, slow; steers, $6.25(88.70; cows, $4.756.75; heifers, $4.2T7.46; bulls, (1.75(5.46; calves, $3.00&8.00; stockers and teeners, M-70ni.4, " nous Receipts. 82.000 head: market. strong, 6c higher; chavloa heavy, is.n59.474; butchers $9.66'(i9.67H: light mixed, 89.00a.firl choice light. $9.65.TO; packing. 8.62Wi9.tK; pigs. $9.251!.0: bulk of sales, 89.60Co8.70. KHKUP AMD LAMBS Receipts, ao.ono: 1. ... 11. ...I iKkmi. $4.75rrf6.O0; yearlings, $0.25-7.00; lambs, 87 'A tfi9.0; spring lambs, 88.75( Kansas City Live) Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. May 23. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8,000 head, including 2,800 head south erns; market steady to strong; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, 87.00&8.26; fair to good, $5. 90437. 25; western steers, tt-MtV 8.10; stockers and feedera, Ht&Q&OO; south ern steers, $4.8004.80; southern oows, $8.76i8 6.76; native cows, $4.00ir6.75; native heifers, $5.00(7.65; bulls, $4.604j6.60; calves, $4,009 7.56. ' ' HOQS Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady to 6c higher; top, $9.624; bulk of sales, $9.4tV&9.GG; heavy, $9.5X39.62Vs; packers and butchers, $9.45g9.60; light, 89.40O8.55; pigs. 89.OOQ9.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10,000 head; market, 2530o lower; lambs, $7.00 9.00; yearlings, $6.764.00; wethers, $4.S6 76; ewes, $4.3516.00; stockers and feeders, $3.09 65.00. St. Lonta Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, May 23. CATTLE Receipts, 8,81X1 head, 'Including 2,000 Taxans; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, t7.008.50; dressed beef and butcher steers, 36.60ti8.50; steers under 1,000 pounds, $6.00fg.00; stockers and feeders, $4.26 (h.26; cows and hsifers, $4.6vtt7.86; canners, $2.76(63.25; bulls. $4.006.75; calves, $4.78.26; Texas and Indian steers, $4.7fw8.00; cows and heifers. $8. 60S 8. 26. HOGS Receipts, 7.700 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $8,7!yft.70; packers, $90fV9.76; butchers and best heavy, $8.70 tSfl.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.400 head; market steady to 10c lower; native muttons. $5.50(86.25; lambs. $7.609.50; culls and bucks, $3.5085.26; stockers, $3.006.00. SI. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., May 28. CATTLE-" Receipts, 1,200 head; market ateady to strong; steers, $5.60T7.7Ii: cpwg and heifers, $3.60a7.2S; calves, $3.00-f.OO. HOGS Receipts, 4.600 head; market steady to 5c higher; top, 89.80; bulk of sales, 89.46 4)9.65. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 8 000 head; market dull and lower; lambs, $7.50 49.00. took In Sla-at. Receipts of live stock at tha five prin cipal western markets yesterday wars: cattle Hogs. Hheep. He. , 144 4 to II.. ...1140 7 !0 uuE-rrp -A noarentlv. lambs were more numerous than orders this morning and trade was slow and draegy from the start. Supplies were fully normal, advices from the east were still discouraging and the trend ot prices at thla point decidedly lower. Many of the early bids looked to he about S&dtOc less than those of Friday, but after more or lexs aiCKerina; iraaing iinauy started at 16a25o lower figures, tha bulk of sales showing this decllnf. There was nothing strictly prims on sale In the way of shorn lambs, but stock of this description would probably sell pretty close to $8 40. California shorn Jambs that had been dropped In JJfcember, went to a feeder at $6 30, and A fair kind of shorn lambs sold early to a packer at $6.60, Tha May market this year has benn a dis tinct surprlsa to the trade. At this time of year prices are soaring, but the rocent big slump in values goes to show that It Is not always the best ot policy to play the mar ket to repest. A lot of stuff eomlng from esstern feed lots, coupled with a season able shrinkage of demand, Ig generally ascribed as the main bear factor at present. Current quotations on shorn lambs and sheep are pretty close to 60ft75e lower thai a year ago. Quotations on shorn stock: Oood to choice lambs. $7,7618 40; fair to good lambs. $6.75tf 7 75; good light yearlings. 87.OW7.50; good to choice wethers, $6 too!. 60; fair to good wethers. $5.25Q6.00; good to choice ewes IS6oa.O0: fair to good awes, $6 . 60. Kepresentattva sales: No. ' 4v. Pr. 1733 California lambs, feeders 62 (20 $8 California lambs, feeders (2 I 30 South Omaha St. Joseph .... Kansas City . St. Louis ..... Chicago Totals $.263 1.200 .... 8.000 1.300 ....22,000 4,244 4.600 8,000 7,700 82,000 6,815 8.010 10,000 2.400 20,000 ....38,762 66,444 42,315 Liverpool Grain aad rrovlsloaa. LIVERPOOL. May a.-WHEAT-Bpot, dull; No. 8 red western winter, no stock. Futures, weak; May, taSKd; July, 6s8d; October, 6s 9 Tad. CORN Foot, quiet; old American mixed, 6a7Vid; new kiln dried. 6e6Hd; via Alalvea ton, 6s6Hd. Futures, dull; July, 6s. FLOUR Winter patents, dull, 30a tl. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. May 28. HAT No. 1. $9 50: No 2, $8.00; packing. $5.00. Straw; Wheat, $6 50; rye and oats, $7.j0. Alfalfa, $12.60. Tha best grades of hay are holding their own, but nobody seems to want tha poorer quality at any price. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, May 23.-PRT OOODS Moderate alzd orders for cotton goods were received In the mails. Advices from raw silk growing centers stats that pros pects ars bright for a large crop. Dress g. Kills markets rule quiet. Yarns are firm and quiet. - - , (near Market. NEW YORK, May 2$. -SUGAR Raw, firm; muscovado, 89 test, I 74c; centrifugal, 96 test, 4.24c; powdered. 6 36c. Klala Bailer Market. EIHN. May 23. BUTTEii Firm, At tfo Output, 687,000 pound