Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1910, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.'
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
For Iowa Fair and warmer.
For weather report see page 2.
a clean, reliable newspaper that la
admitted to each and erery home
xxxix-m 2111.
Government Plays Its Trump Card in
Prosecution of Sugar
Man Convicted Last February Par
doned bv President.
Brokers Secure
Duplicate Loans
on Grain Receipts
Bag: of First Used to Manipu
late Scales. .
Albany and Chica Grain Firm in
Financial Tangle "Which Prom
ises Sensation.
greater navy is
Appropriation Bill is Passed Provid
ing Big Addition to Sea
Fighting lorce.
ri. i.
WltnrH rll Wnsjes to It
Welwhers nllh Money Knr
II I in lr Mr. aesbrneht, . -J
of the DrfruJanls. V
' N'KW YORK, May 23. The trtim. .
In tho prosecution of Charles II. .
secretary of the American SuKar Rek.ulng
Company, was played at the opening of
tho Sufiar trust underweighlng conspiracy
trial today when Irosecutor Stlmson
railed aa the government's first witness
Oliver Bpitzer, superintendent of the WH
llamsburg dorks who some months ago
was convicted of underweighlng and sen
tence! to two yeara In the federal peni
tentiary at Atlanta.
When Spttcer took the aland. John B.
gtanghfleld for the defense claimed that
under the federal statute Spltser, as a
convicted rnan. could not testify.
The sensation of the trial was then
created by the declaration In court that
Spltser had been pardoned, by President
Taf t.
Helke Is on V'&l In the United States clr-
cult court, with five former employes of
the American Sugar Refining company, on
the charge of conspiring to defraud the
government by underwelghlng cargoes of
sugar Imports. Witnesses have testified to
the discovery of fraudulent devices on the
sugar docks at Williamsburg, whereby, it
was alleged,' employes of the so-called
Sonar trust manipulated the scales so aa
to bring fbou underweights.
On evidence of Richard Parr, a govern
ment Inspector, who made a raid on the
sugar docks In November, 1907. and others,
Spltser, who waa the dock superintendent
at the time and for some years previous,
waa convicted, with four checkers em
ployed under him, of coanectlon with th
conspiracy to perpetrate frauds whereby
. the government was cheated out of mll-
. lions of dollars In sugar 4 u ties.
The four checkers Boyle, Ooyls, Kehoe
and Hennessey were seat to the Black-
. well Island penitentiary for a year. Spltser
gov two years in Atlanta. He protested
Ignorance of frauds on tbe docks.
Men "higher up" were sought, and
Helke, the secretary of the trust, and
rest-F eatfbracfil. ttia refinery superln-
tehdeat, were indicted. With them on trial
now, besides four other former company
eheokers. Is Jamas K, Besvlernagel, tbe re
finery cashier, who was tried with Spltser
and tha others. . The Jury disagreed as to
whether Beudai n.el ' had a part In 1 the
1 conspiracy, and It was decided to retry
Big "of Lead Firs De-rice.
As Bpltaer testified to the underwelffhlng
frauds on the docks It was developed that
President Taft granted him an unoondl
tlonal pardon on May 19.
1 Spltser went back to the years 1894 and
1835, when, be said, on investigation he
suade developed the fact that the check
ers vera affecting the weights on raw
V sugar toy placing small bags of lead on
the beams of the soalea, causing the rec
orded weights to drop below the actual,
often as much as forty pounds on each
In addition, Spltser said It was also the
' practice to stuff paper underneath the
floors of tha scales for the earns purpose.
lie said that whan Deputy Surveyor of
Customs Vail took office, these devices
were abandoned and the use of the steel
corset spring was begun a ad continued
Spltxer demonstrated In court the use of
the bags of load. . He. walked over to the
sample scale, which is one of the govern'
ment's exhibits in. tbe case, and Indicated
, ou the beam the placa wheru the bag was
i 'impended. Testlfyinf regarding the use
if rhe wire spring, which superceded the
t bag of lead, Spltzer :ild that two styles
of springs were used, a heavy one first
and then a spring considerably lighter In
weigh I,
wording to members of the firm, lp lnstea(1 of two, the senate today passed
statement from him about the!the naval appropriation bill. "The bill
ALBANY. N. T., May 23Through the al
leged manipulation of warehouse receipts,
the firm of Durant A Elmore, grain
merahants with offices In Albany, Chicago,
Buffalo and Boston, has become Involved
In a financial tangle, which promises sen
sational developments. The National Com
mercial bunk of Albany holds the com
pany's paper for IIWO.OOO; the FlrBt National
bank has $77,200 ard many thousands more
are said to have been secured from out
I of town Institutions.
According to a statement by Vice Presi
dent James If. Perkins of the National
Commercial bank, the company Is "hope
lessly Involved." "We are Informed," said
Mr. Perkins, "that eight or nine banks
hold tho firm's paper, besides grain com
mission brokers with whom the firm lias
dealt and a Dumbest of Individuals."
, The exact condition of the firm's affairs
not known, but an examination Is under
v;ay. Gibson Oliver, treasurer of the com
pany, has charge of affairs at Its Albany
office, a
but no
shortage Is forthcoming. Edwin Moore,
who was summoned from Chicago, Is as
sisting In the examination.
The scheme by which the money Is al
leged to have-been secured was a simple
one. Aa soon as a car load of grain was
shipped from Chlcagd for the local firm,
the manager received a warehouse receipt.
This was In the regular course of business.
Later on' the warehouse receipts are raid
to have been so manipulated as to make
possible the heavy loans from the banks
on the bUls aa security.
Tbe man whose duty Is said to have bean
to take up the warehouse receipts when
the grain waa actually delivered by the
railroad company. It la alleged, did not do
ao and hence the genuine bills were used
over again.
President Frederick A. Mead of the First
National bank aald today bis bank holds
$77,200 of the Durant & Elmlre paper, bear
ing the personal endorsement of Messrs.
Durant, Elmore and Oliver and secured by
original bills of lading deposited as collat
eral security for the loans.
Careful Investigation led him to believe
that the bank would be amply protected
from any loss.
The Durant A Elmore company Is under
stood to have grain In Onoonta and In
Boston valued at about (100,000 and much
additional grain In transit from the west
Monsters Will Be of Dreadnaught
Type and Cost Millions.
Torpedo Boats ' and Destroyers Ara
Included in Provisions.
. i
Work of Construction Is to He DIs.
trlbnted and Mast Be. Built
Indrr the Elsht-llour
' LlTT,
WASHINGTON, May ' 23.-Votlng down,
2i to 39. an amendment offered by Mr.
Burton to authorize only one new battle-
Spotter's testimony regarding the weight
lessening device of the newspapers under
neath the scale was a new development
liclke listened to Spltzer'a testimony with
tense interest.
Spltser talked freely about the frauds, by
, which tho government was robbed of mil
x lions of dollars. Ho eaid the use of th
steel springs was stoppcet after the supra
trust had paid the rebate to the govern
ment as a result of the federal court.
In reply to an Interrogation of the prose
cution If lie had ever reported tho weigh
ing frauds to anyone, Spltzer replied he
hud' Informed a man tunned Leroy, who
worked In the Wall street office of the
sugar trust.
Spltzer told of conversations he had with
former cashier Jomes F. Hondernagel and
ex-f uprrlntendent Frank W. Gorbracht, two
of the defendants. The witness said when
lie wanted to raise any of the checkers'
wages he was obliged to put the matter
before Bendernagel and Oerbracht. The
government weighers wore favorites, over
those of tho city weighers In .the matter
of wages. He said every effort possible i
made to conceal this from the other work
ers on the dock.
Frauds Stopped 1 Telephone.
Spltzer said that In the fall of 1S06 he re
oelved a telcphuu message which causod
a letting up In the frauds. He said ho did
i know who sent the message, which
ned lilni to be cartful of the wlrj
springs a3 the government was watchlnz
tho dorks.
fej:Vltser aid that following the raid In
jS'ovMiiber. 1907, by the government he was
Informed by Mr. Oerbracht that the weigh
ers and himself would be taken rare of.
"When the six welirhers were discharged,
what happened?"
"I paid them the same wages every week
at my home," replied Mr. Spltzer, who sa .1
he money was given 1 1m each week by
Mr. Oerbracht who left It In a pnckige at
h s asrage.
'When did this money cease"
"When I was sentenced last February,"
si sweitd Mr. Spltser.
' A'l'"' '"l1 h kn'w Secretary liclke, but
Trial of Mrs. Doxey
Begins at St. Louis
Columbus, Neb., Woman is Arraigned
on Charge, of Murdering Wil
: liaa J. Erder.
ST. LOUW, May 21 Mrs. Dora Elisabeth
Doxey, who, with) her hunband. Dr. Lorea
B. Doxey, is tinder Indictment . on the
charge of murdering William . J. - Erder,
Whom ft Is altered she married, was placed
on trial here today. Tbe defense asked a
severance of the trials and the state
elected to try the woman first
It la charged that Wnlle ahe was the wife
of Erder, and also that of Doxey, ahe
poisoned Erder with axsenlo. It developed
at the coroner's Inquest that Erder ate
heartily of a blackberry pie shortly before
bis fatal Illness.
Erder died In convulsions July 10, 1909,
and shortly after It is charged that Mrs.
Doxey sent Erder-s furniture to the home
of Doxey In Columbus, Neb., and collected
Erdrs life insurance.
Mrs. Doxey, In an Interview last week,
admitted sue married Erder while ahe was
the wife of Doxey. She said she was not
responsible for her acta, as she was under
the Influence of morphine which her hus
band sent her.
HI nee she has been In Jail here she has
been cured of the drug habit. The coroner's
Jury returned a verdict that Doxey had a
"guilty knowledge" of Erder's death. Last
December the grand Jury returned indict
ments. The defense will -claim that Erder took
patent medicines. Mrs. Doxey has an
nounced sho will not live with her husband
"1 will do nothing out, of spite toward
Dr. Doxey," Mrs. Doxey said, "but I ex
pect to protect myself. He and I are quits
forever, whatever Is tho outcome of this
Mrs. Doxy's father, Jefferson Fuller, of
Joy, 111., and her sister, Mrs. 1). M. Morris
of Evanston, III., took seats near the pris
oner. When t lie examination of veniremen
began, Mrs. Doxey bit her lips and
clenched her hands.
Tho defenso obtained, by the court rul
ing, the names of the witnesses the slate
had suppressed. '
The defenso filed an application for a
chnime of venue from J mine McQuillan's
court. Tho cuse wss sent to Judge Grimms'
division for Immediate trial.
carries an appropriation of almost 1134,000,.
000. It was before- the senate for two rlnvs'.
the 'debate being confined- almost exclu
sively to the battleship' question. !
Two Important amendments were adopted
today. One of them, offered by Senator
Johnston, appropriates S4n,000 for the pur
chase of torpedo boats "whoso vitals are
below the normal load line,", the-other by
Senator Jones, eliminating railroad; county
and municipal bonds . from the securities
which may bo deposited by contractors.
The naval Increase for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 1911, provided by the bill,
is as follows: Two first-class battleships,
to cost not exceeding $8,000,000 each, and
when equipped with armor and armament
about 12,EOO,000 each; two fleet colliers, to
cost not exceeding 11,000,000 each; five sub
marine torpedo boats, not exceeding a to
tal of $2,500,000; b!x torpedo boat destroy
ers, cost hot exceeding $750,000 each.
Senate More Generous.
The house bill provided for only four
submaries and no torpedo boat destroyers.
The senate also added a provision that not
more than one of the battleships should
be built by the same company. The provi
sion rnserted In the house requiring that
the battleships and fleet colliers should be
built under the "eight-hour law" was re
tained by the senate.
The closing hour of the debate served
to elicit two Important historical revelations
by -Senator Depew, which were given from
his own store of information. One of them
bore on the war with Spain and the other
on the Venezuolan embrogllo with Great
Britain In' the second administration of
President Cleveland. ' The statement re
garding . the Spanish was elicited' by an
assertion by .Senator Heyaurn that the
people themselves did not want wars,' but
ge-iMTslly Tfrere compelled by theTV rulers
to submit to them.
Taking issue with the Idaho senator, Mr.
Depew said that popular demand had
forced the war with Spain on the country
and that President McKlnley was opposed
to It- He asserted that terms as favorable
could have been obtained from Spain with
out a conflict as with war
"Does not the senator belief that but
for the pressure of that time the presi
dent would hve negotiated Spain off the
American continent?" asked Mr. Hale'.
1 do," responded the New York senator
"1 know of my own knowledge that' Spain
was prepared to abandon Cuba and Porto
Rico to prevent humiliation if it could bo
assured in advance of the acceptance of the
He said President McKlnley had not been
a strong enough personality to resist the
popular will. Mr. Depew also related some
history concerning the Venezuelan episode
of tho first Cleveland administration.
"An intimate who was also an intimate
friend of Ird Salisbury, then the British
prime minister,' he sad, "told mo that
when the president's message was promul
gated Lord Salisbury said to him,. ' be
lieve that on account of the rancor coming
down from the revolutionary war and ac
centuated by certain occurences in the
civil war, .America means to have a war
with Great Britain at snmo time and I be
lieve now Is the best time, when America
has no navy.
"The view of tho prime minister wus
overruled by Queen Victoria, but If Iord
Sall.sbui-y had the powers possessed by
some of tho English prime ministers the
Irsuc certainly would have been tried eiut."
Mr. Depew used tho last Incident to en
force nn argument In favor of a strong
navy and for the present authorization f
two new battleships of the DroadnouKht
Mr. Ileyburn expressed the opinion that
there should be a eont limed increase of
the navy until the completion of tho Pan
ama canal.
The democrats voting for two battle
ships were Clarke of Arkansas, Mclnery of
Ioiilslana and Taylor. The republicans
voting for one battleship were lirlstow-,
Burton, Clapp, Crawford, Cummins, Dixon,
Dolliver, Hale, LaFollette and Page.
?' ' 1
.sssssssasssssSSaBSWSBSsasssSsazaa sss
Evidence Accumulating that the
Battle for Better Rates Is
Just Beginning.
Intimations Gently Conveyed that
Kicking is Dangerous.
In Meeting Today the Missouri River
Towns Will Be Heard.
Whatrrr Action Is Taken Most lie at
Once, as the Advanced Schedule
of Rates Takes Effect In
On M'crk.
From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Getting Into Full Swing.
of Jane Adams
is Arraigned
Nebraskana Will Not Agree to Caucus
on Savings Bill.
Follows PrecedVtit to Have Majority
Party Arr on Postal Savings
Bank Measure Before Gen
eral Discussion.
Showers of Mrtrnrs at Bonne, la.
BOONE. la.. May 23. -(Special Telegram.)
This morning small meteors struck B lone
at Eleventh und Monroe streets, greatly ex
citing people In that neighborhood. Con
ductor W. B. Harris has small portions of
this ratu of minute meteors. The sub
stanco is In the form of coal, apparently
partly burned, it ts DeHevea the par
ticles are from the tail of Halley's comet.
pJJontlnutd ou Second rage)
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 23.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Representative Norrls and . Hen
shaw have refused to sign a caucus call
for the meeting of republicans next Wed
nesday evening to consider the postal sav
ings bank bill. Others of the insurgents
to refuse to go into caucus are: Davis and
Nelson of Minnesota If-pee and Lenroot of
Wisconsin, Poindextr of Washington.
Haugen of Iowa, Cronna of North Dakota
ana rew others, who did not even have s
chance to refuse to sign the call.
Representative Weeks of Massachusetts,
chairman of the house committee on post
offices and postroadB, In asking for a
Caucus on such important measure Is fol
lowing precedent extending over fifty years.
He is asking for consideration of the bill
by the -majority charged with leglsatlon and
if a majority should approve he will ask
for a rule from the rules committee, which
will prevent amendments being offered to
the measuer as reported from the com
mittee. '
It Is expected that republicans will re
spond enmasse to the call for a caucus and
will meet the demands of the Insurgents,
who are holding out for a mandatory pro
vision, requiring funds to be retained In
communities In which they originate, more
than half way.
The call was not presented to Represen
tative Polndexter of Washington, and one
or two other "Insurgents."
The Insurgents base their action upon
their desire not to be bound by the result
of a secret caucus as they preferred to
see tho bill considered on the floor of the
' Chairman Weeks of the committee on
postoffiees and postroads said today that
he had not doubht the bill would be made
In the caucus Wednesday night. He said
it was the purpose to allow the freest dis
cussion and amendment of the bill then,
and later (o bring It Into the house under
a Hpeclal rule which would not permit of
amendment on the floor.
It was pointed out that a combination
of democrats and republicans might de
feat an attempt to bring such a rule Into
the houso and Mr. Weeks admitted It was
easily possible. If the bill were thrown
open to amendment on the floor, Mr.
Weeks expressed the fear that It might
be picked to pieces with amendments such
as was done In the case of the railroad
bill. He contended that the Mil was a
good o:ie in its present form.
Senator Burkett will leave Washington
Saturday to be present at tho memorial ex
ercises under the ousplces of the Grand
Army of the Republic at Lincoln on Mon
day. Tho senator makes the principal
speech on that occasion.
The secretary of the treasjry has awarded
the contract for the construction of the
public building at Ottumwa, la., to Bart-
lett & Klug of Cedar Rapids, la., for
William Seyler, Who is Charged with
Causing Death of Girl, is on
Trial at Atlantic City.
MATS LANDING, N. J., May 23.
Charged with having been responsible for
the death of Jane Adams, IS years old,
at the Million Dollar pier in Atlantic City
on the night of February 4, William Sey
ler was called to face a jury In the At
lantic county court. The disappearance of
Jane Adams and the finding of her body
In the surf nine days later created a
sensation in this seotlon of New Jersey.
Seyler, who is a young married man of
Atlantic City, accompanied Jane Adams
to a. moving picture show on -the pier. They
were accompanied by Seyler'a brother,
Orvie, and Miss Adams" sister Alloe, both
younger than the principals In the tragedy.
Later in the evening Seyler and Jane
Adams went to the ocean end of the pier
and the younger pair returned to- their
homes. Jane Adams never returned home
and the following day the two Seylers dis
appeared. On February 13 the body of
Jane was found In the surf at Chelsea,
Suspicion having been directed to the
Seylers, search was made for them and
a week later they were found In Peters
burg, Va. William Seyler denied all knowl
edge of the death of the girl, but later
confessed, declaring, It la alleged, that
Jane Adams met her death accidentally
while with him near the end of the pier.
Iowa Will Take
Action to Stop
Raise in Rates
Railroad Commission, Will Ask Attor
ney General to Bring Suit to En
join Advances. '
DES MOINES, la,. May 23. The Iowa
Railroad commission today officially an
announced that It will ask Attorney Gen
eral Byers to bring suit before the Inter
state Commerce commission If any of the
railroads try to make effective the higher
interstate rates which they have announced
for tho first of the coming month. If the
railroads do not restore the rates which
have already been raised, the commission
will take the same action.
The proposed action Is the result of a
complaint filed today by the Western
Grocer's company. Ai. oriicial statement
to the railroads was Issued.
Wayside Will Have Occasion to Re
member Visit.
Fine Exhibition of Spirit Shown at
Chadron, Hay Springs, Hush
f vllle, Gordon and
LONG PINE, Neb., May 23. (Special Tel
egramsAs a result of the visit of the
Omaha boosters to Wayside the people of I
that new Nebraska town will get a depot.
General Manager Frank Walters of the
Northwestern says so, and the visit will
be long remembered by the citizens. Way
side gave the trade excursionists the wel
come into Nebraska and It was such' an
enthusiastic .one, so many people ' coming
In from the surrounding country that the
railroad officials were convinced the town
needed .a depot.
When the train pulled in Just before 7
o'clock an anvil was booming and a dozen
young women, living on claims from five
to twelve miles distant, appeared on horse
back, some racing along with the train to
reach the station on time.
Then the new depot proposition was
sprung. The citizens surrounded S. F.
Miller, the general freight and passenger
agent, and placed In his hands a petition
signed by more than one hundred, ask
ing for a depot and an agent, The Omaha
business men were also asked for a phy
sician, lawyer and drug store and a bank.
General .Manager, Walters Joined the
party at Chadrpn. The Boosters presented
the petition and declared they endorsed
it and Wayside surely deserved a depot
Judging from the spirit of the place, and
number of good people living around it.
"I will give them the depot If you will
furnish the bank, drug store, physician
ana lawyer," said Mr. Wattler.
we win give them a bank," said David
Lole. There s no better place for a bank
and in less than a year Wayside shall have
a bank. "The deal is dosed," said the
railroad man.' "Wayside gets a depot as
.. vmlI ,cl UJ, lvl u jn a year
or less we win build."
Thus, the excursion, running in Nebraska,
has scattered sunshine all the way. The
experience at Wayside is one of tho visible
evidences that Omaha trade excursions are
not alone good for Omaha, but a boon to
the country through which they pass. The
business men of Omaha mean what they
waysiae win get some Omaha money
Son of Murdereu Millionaire Dies
n Itoointnic House In
CHICAGO, May 23. Albert J. Snell. son 'lM000-
of the millionaire. Amos J. Snell, whose j E- - Kendall of Santeo, Neb., has been
murder here In 18 created a widespread j appointed an expert farmer at Umatilla
sensation, was found dead In bed at a!Inl"'", -Agency, Oregon.
rooming house here today. !
Speed Censor's Juvenile
Appearance Causes Tangle
Slnco he has taken to the assignment of the street car men. Each turned a
of . arresting automobile speeders. Police
man Eddie Morgan declares he can pass as
anything but a policeman.
"Pretty soon some wise conductor will
tell me I'm under age," the officer re
roarkd In aggravation.
Morfcan'B trouble over personal' appear
ance grew out of the. refusal of several
street ca' conductors to accept him as a
free police passenger. Garbed In dist-cov-ered
clothing, commonplace cap and high
motorcyclo boots, the officer aroused sus
picion. On four occasions Intdde of a week,
he declared, conductors had demanded to
see his star after he had told them he was
a member of the fcree. Even a glimpse of
the star was hardly sufficient for several
searching scrutiny upon their passenger,
and, according to Morgan, turned up their
"I still don't think you're an officer,"
one of them said, related Morgan.
Would you like me to arrest you as I
proof?" I asked him. Ho decided on sec
ond thought he didn't need any more prcof. I
Morgan's predicament broul t several i
Jokes on his h?ad at the station. "Maybu
you ain't big enough," reuiarkej a uni
formed man.
"I'm as big as 1 look, sonny," retorted
Moigan. "Do yon want any proof?"
"Vou're plenty big," sooihlngly remarked
another officer. "Trouble with you is
Morgan, you're too clever looking."
A little want ad
in today's Bee
will find you a reliable servant.
It will find the houso you wish to
rent or buy.
It will secure a position for you.
It will gell whatever you offer.
It brings landlord and tenant
together borrower and lender face
to (are and does a thousand and one
things that would be difficult, to
do any other way.
Any ad 3 times, one cent a word.
Call Douglas 238 and the ad taker
will write your notice and place It
for you.
Eoe Want Ad-
Members Will Hand Designations to
Kins; on Ketnrn from
COPENHAGEN, May 23. At a meeting
of the cabinet today the ministers author
ized Premier .ahle to hand their resigna
tions to King Frederick Immediately on his
return from London.
In the recent elections the contest turned
on the question of defense and tho radicals,
through whom the government had. secured
the dissolution of tho Folkethlng In order to
get the defense bill of l!Ktt amended, were
defeated.' The premier and the minister of
the Interior were re-elected, but the min
isters of worship ar.d commerce were not.
invested there as a result of the visit
Many other small stations have attracted
ciiual attention.
Chadron, Hay Springs, Rushvllle, Gordon,
Valentine, Alnsworth vied with each other
to see which town coUld give the Omaha
viistors the best reception and before the
day was half done It waa evident the towns
along, the Northwestern line recognize what
Omaha Is doing for the state of Nebraska,
even as Omaha recognizes Its debt to the
small towns and farms of the state. It was
necessary for A. W. Jefferla to "make a
talk" at every station.
When the shippers of tho Missouri river
valley meet at the Omaha Commercial club
today they will find that the railroads
have been on the Job since the rate meeting
in Chicago last week.
Evidence of the efforts of the railroads
to Induce shippers to Individually nullify
their action taken In resolutions passed at
the Chicago meeting will be shown at the
meeting. This evidence has come into the
possession of the leaders of the present
movement of the shippers In the form of
correspondence from a railway purchasing
aRent. In this correspeindence tho railroads
are good buyers of goods.
At the same time weekly railroad organi
have appeared with long argumentative
articles placing emphasis on the same
At the meeting today at the Commercial
club, It Is expected that all of the im
portant cities on the Missouri river, from
Kansas City to Sioux City, will be repre
sented. Invitations to those in many other
cities in Nebraska, lowa and to the east
ward liave been issued. E. J. McVann of
the Commercial club's traffic bureau, has
received acceptance from many of tho
shippers, whlio others who have made no
reply are probably to be here.
"What the action of the meeting will be
I do not know," said Mr. McVann. "The
meeting represents a collection of Indi
viduals, not an organization."
The schedule of advanced rates filed with
the Interstate Commerce commission be
comes effective one week from the date
of the Omaha meeting. Action to be taken
will necessarily have to bo Immediate.
The plans now are to make the meeting
open to the press and pUDllo, as was the
Chicago meeting last weak.
That a meeting was held by the railroad
attorneys with reference to the rats agita
tion among the shippers waa reported yes
terday. This waa denied by each of ths
Omaha railroad attorneys approached..
'There wart no meeting- of that kind."
said James E, Kelby, general solicitor for
tho Burlington, "The whole affair Is s,
tempest fn a teapot and the agitation can
not be serious."
Copies of Letters Secured.
Copies of a letter Sent out by the rail
roads to shippers following the. hostile
declarations of the Chicago meeting have
found their way into the possession of. Mr.
McVann. Following is a specimen of the
letter and enclosed "ready mods" reply
which the receiving shipper is expected to
slitn and mall back, or else tell why he
will not:
Chicago & Enstern Illinois Railroad Co.,
Evansvilie & Terre Haute Railroad Co.,
Old (,'olnney hulldlnir, Chicago, May 18, 1910.
T. J. Powell. Purchasing Agent, Gentle
man: If you feel as we presume you do
that business of the country cannot flour
ish unless th railroads are able to pur
chase freely, you will doubtless be willing
to slun the enclosed and return to me
If unwilling to sign, please return the
blank to me with statement to that effect.
Yours very truly, T. J. POWELL,
Purchasing anent.
We recognize the fact that our business
Is largely affected by the amount of ma
terial that railways purchase, which Is
now reduced to a minimum, and at con
sequently minimum prices, because their
net earnings are and will be reduced by
the great Increase In operating cost, and
It Is almost Impossible on their prospective
earnings to present a good reason for In
vestors to purchase their securities, or
make loans. The only way to change tTils
situation Is to Increase their earnings, now
and prospectively, by an advance In
We do not endorse or advocate unrea
sonable advances, but we deprecate any
movement In opposition to the proposed
advances that Is based upon a denial of
business reasons or puts forth deductions
that are misleading, Incorrect or unfair,
aa lias been done. The condition exists;
It must be remedied both In the Interest
of the railroads and ourselves; and Jus
tice, after calm and careful .analysis, is
all we ask for, and it cannot be obtained
by appeals that are born of general pre
judice, Isolated conditions, or personal
Snow Storm In IS'ew Mexico.
ALnrqrKRQrE, N.-M.. May 22-North-eastern
New Mexico Is In the grip of a
heavy snowstorm tonight. The storm, evi
dently a continuation of the one that swept
southeastern Colorado yesterday, Is cen
tered at Kolsoin. It is feared great loss of
live stock will result.
Favor Postal Kavlnas Ilanks.
CLINTON. Mass.. May 22.-Resutlons
favoring postal savings banks were passed
today by delegates representing 8.000 mem
tieis of the New Klin I a ml division of the
National German-American alliance at the
annual convention here today.
Southern Presbyterians
Divide on Divorce Rules
LEWISnUIUJ, W. Vo., May 2!l.-One of
the big fights of the Southern Presbyterian
assembly v. as Inaugurated today when the
committee on marriauo and divorce was
called upon to repoit. Sei divergent were
the views of its members that attempts to
procure a majority report were abandoned.
Dr. W. T. BoKgs, Atlanta", (la., and Dr.
W. Joplln, Red Sprint's, N. C, submitted a
report recommending radical changes in
the confession of faith. Dr. Russell Cecil,
rt'ehniond. Va., anj Dr. H. Fleming sub
mitted a substitute report, recommending
that no changes 'be mud.
Dr. Boggs wanted to debar jiolygamlsts
from baptism and the Lord's supper. lr.
Cecil wss In favor of missionaries exercis
ing discretion In etxendlng membership (0
heathen polygamlsts, claiming that great
hardships would result froin reuirlnK
ing discretion In extending membership (0
family. Dr. Boggs met this with the state
ment that It was the duty of the church
to care for those cast off.
Dr. Boggs opposed the church's continu
ing to allow "willful desertion" as a cause
of divorce;.
Sharp Increase on Snsrar anNI 1 utfee
Are Announced.
WASHINGTON, May 23.-A sharp in
crease In rail and sea freight ' rates on
sugar and coffee from Atlantic seaboard
points to destinations In the western trunk
linn territory was announced today by '
the filing of tariffs with tho Interstate
Commerce commission, making increases
on those commodities ranging from 16 per
cent to 44 per cent.
Tlui tariffs were filed by Mr. Uosiner.
as agent of the Western Trunk Line as
sociate v and will become effective on
June 30, l'JIO. The increased rates will
apply to coffee and suasr In car loadit
moving from New' Yolk, Baltimore, Phila
delphia and Boston, to Duluth, St. Paul,
Minneapolis, Kansas City and OinfcVia. The
common points of those cities all have
tho baiiie rates. Fixim New York to
Duluth an advance on suKar is made from
3ti to 42 cents a hundred pounds,' 17 per cent
on coffee from 31 to 42 rents, 3 per cent.
From New York to St. Paul and Min
'M to 42 cents a hundred pounds, 38 per cint;
and coffee 27 per cent. From New Yjrl,
to Kansas City and Omaha auKar is ad
vanced 30 r cent and coffee 83 pef cen
From Baltimore to Kansas City sr
Omaha, the advance ou both sugar ai
coffee is 39 per cent. From Phlladelpl,
to those points the advance on both hua
and coffee Is 3S per cent. From Phlladelpl.
to those points the advance on both eofl
and sugsr Is Sit per cent. From Bo
to Duluth the adVanue on sugar is Pi p
cent and on voffee S per cant. Fro...