Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1910, Image 2

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    The Omaha. Daily
goes to the homes la read by th
'omn cells goods for advertiser.
Tor Nebraska Tartly cloudy.
For Iowa Showers and coolor.
For wrather report nee pngp 2.
Illinois Senator Will Make a Speech
on the Floor of the
Proposes to Give Version of the Legis
lative Scandal.
Legislators Who Confessed to Accept
ing Bribes Mast Talk.
line: and beckemeyer also
Reported that Attorney for Browne
la About Ready to Make a
A'ew Move Very
CIIICAOO, May 22. -When Senator Lnrl
mer leaves for Washington he will t ike with
him a speech already written, fortified with
documents and affidavits, which, If It Is
delivered according to program from the
hetiate floor, will probably become a cam
paign text book for the biggest factional
fight every waged among the republicans
of Illinois.
It Is said to be written in vitriolic
vein, ami to answer the charges that Mr.
Lortmer't' senate seat waa paid for, with
counter charges little leas sensational.
The history of Representative Charles A.
White's confession, from the time It was
written until It was finally disposed of,
after being refused by several protec
tive purchasers, will form a big part of
the speech. White's letters to Mr. Lori
mer. telling him that $75,000 had been
offered for the confession probably will
be given. The whole bribery exposure
will be termed a political conspiracy,
with the object of "getting Mr. Lorlmer."
Governor Deneen's name Is said to
figure prominently In the speech. The
senator's friends say he will deliver the
speech If he Is allowed to do so by his
friends in the senate, with whom he will
consult in Washington. He will be guided
ly the advice ha receives.
Stnatoi Lorlmer, it Is understood, will
demand that Governor Denecn, State At
torney Wayman and others prominent in
tho Inquiry, including the three legis
lators who confessed to accepting bribes
ti xcta fot him Charles A. White, H.
J. C. Hckemeyer and Michael S. Link
be summoned to Washlngto;. to ue Ques
tioned. In his speech he will charge that he Is
the victim of a gigantic political conspiracy.
Points tn the Speech.
These Will be points that It Is understood
he will make In his defense:
That in the first, place ha never would
have become a candidate for the senate had
H -- ' "- -"' rrrmi oii
erhor Deneen.
That the White story was extensively
peddled throughout the state and turned
down by certain people, but at length taken
up by avowed bitter political enemies.
, That White's record will notntand In
vestigation. That the publication of the story was
timed to come when he was about to open
two banks banks which would come into
competition with financial Interests opposed
to him.
That the alleged confessions of Link and
Beckemeyer 'are not nearly as sweeping as
have been Intimated and that they were
forced under duress.
That unprecedented political pressure was
Drougni lO Dear lu inane uui a vase aea.itob
him. . '
That In fact he never spent a cent in tne
senatorial fight.
That certain persons, fearing prosecution
on other matters, went farther than the
line of truth in accusing him so as to pro
tect themselves.
The' details, If the senator follows the
line laid down by his advisers, will be ex
tremely sensational and will bear on the
manner In which the Link and Bockemeyer
"confessions" were obtained. In this fea
tu re high executive officials will be brought
into the case.
' Looking; for Indictments.
V State's Attorney Burke of Sangamon
county pressed his grand Jury Inquiry vig
orously and true bills were said to be cer
tuln. The Indictments, it was known,-were
being prepared by State's Attorney Burke.
It was thought possible, however, that the
V indictments would be held back by the
jury and not returned In court until some
time next week with still other true bills,
Counsel for Lee O'Neill Browne, demo
cratic' minority leader, accused of bilbcry
are ready to make a move which friends
of Browne predict will halt his trial
abruptly next Tuesday. A mass of In
formation hns been obtained by a small
army of private detectlvts employed by the
defense. The detectives n.ive invaded every
county In the state and have traveled to
distant parts of the country. Evidence
they obtained Is said to reflect on one of
the Important witnesses for the state.
State's Attorn y Wayman announced that
ha was ready for the fray and expected to
...... ,.,. than ons man to tirison. saying
"We have our evidence well In hand and
will see whether any wltnfsses were sub-
I Jetted to sweat box tactics or coerced Into
confessing that they were paid fl.uM each
to vote for Senator Lorlmer.
"All tho secrets of the 'Jack pot' In the
state legislature will also be presented to
ths court and Insofar as this office Is In
possession of evidence,"
Mr. Wayman said he did not expect to
call more than six witnesses for the state,
Vkla Is Matt-meat of Representative
Donti-ll of Illinois When
., "peaking on Tariff.
vA3Mi.UTU.x, May 22. From tho
fcrum in front of the speaker's rostrum
in ins nouse, Kepresentatlce Boutell of
Illinois, a member of the ways and means
committee, yesterday delivered a speech la
which he defended and described the ef
fecti of the Aldrlch-Payne tariff law "from
the standpoint of the ultimate consumer,'
s he saia.
"The poor old democratic donkey" was
pictured by Mr. Boutell as "walking the
alack rope of discontent, trying to flop
m ear toward the producer with promts
j Increased prices, and the other far to
' tha H ansumer with assurance of low
r - nr--rt a
Great Gathering
of the Catholic
Clergy Next Fall
Congress in Montreal Expected to
Bring Together Churchmen from
All Over the Country.
MONTREAL, Canada. May 22 (."Special
Telegram.) One of the gnatest Koman
Catholic gatherings ever held In North
America will take place here In September,
when the twenty-first International Euchar
liitlc congress convenes. Cardinal Gibbons
has accepted the Invitation of Archbishop
Prucheid of Montreal to participate and
rromlncnt Catholic prelates from many
sections of the world will foregather In
conf ronce.
Vyp Plus X has appointed Cardinal Vln
' ' Vannutelll to represent the Vatican.
T; Vrancla Bourne, D. D., archbishop of
1 S Vister, will represent tho English
k''h v. and the duke of Norfolk will
Irfl representative of the lalety
fc U " Britain. Among the American
ii v v""" suena are jrcn-
bU j t, ', New York; Archbishop Glen
non --JUX . Archbishop Ryan, Phlla-
ck . who will attend are Areh-
de'l'V ' ; li, ishop Mocller, Cincinnati:
Arch'i oft, -and, St. Paul; Archbishop
Keane, -ju -j, la., and Archbishop
Klorda. ''. Sar, Francisco.
Cardlr, Gibbons will preach the sermon
of the congress In the church of Notre
Dame,, one of the largest and oldest
Catholic edifices on the north American
Cardinal Vannutelll will arrive in Mon
treal several days before the opening of
the congress. Tuesday evening, September
8, he will be officially received by Cardinal
Gibbons, Archbishop Pruchesl of Montreal
and the members of the American and
Canadian hlerachlea, in St. James' cathe
dral. Aviation Meet
to Be Held in
Omaha in July
Proposition of the Omaha Aero Club
is Accepted by Representative
of Glenn H. Curtiss.
Omaha Is to have a big aviation meet and
the probable dates will be July 9 to 14
The Omaha Aero club has made a defi
nite proposition to H. W. Sutton, represent
ative of Glenn II. Curtiss, and Mr. Sutton
has accepted all the terms except the dates,
and on a counter proposition suggests the
above mentioned dates.
Colonel Glaasford of Fort Omaha, presi
dent of the club, says that these' dates
probably will be. acceptable to the olub, as
Is understood they are the only ones
available for the early summer.
Mr. Sutton agrees to have at least three
aviators, at the meet and flights will be
made.evwx daj.Xrte.avls.tors probably will'
Include, besides Mr. Curtiss, Charles F.
Willard and J. C. Mars.
The Omaha Aero club Is to hold a meet
ing Tuesday morning, at which time the
proposition .will be definitely accepted and
arrangements will also be made for grounds
for holding the meet. .
The all-ships are to be aeroplanes, and not
dirigible balloons.
Moon to Go Into
Eclipse Tonight
Will Bein to Enter Shadow at 9:48
and Will be in Total Eclipse
at 11:09. -.,
The moon will go into total eclipse to
night, and at an hour when all who care
to may view the sight.
Father Rlggs of Crelghton observatory,
says the eclipse is to Degin ai ai
11:09 the moon will be In total eclipse) and
will so remain until 12:00, when the orb
will begin to emerge. At 1:22 the moon
will be out of the shadow again.
The Crelghton astronomer did not expect
to get a view of HaUey's comet last night,
he conditions being unfavorable.
Wild Mad House Ravings
Or Real Deep Down Truth.?
ASYLUM. Neb., May. 1910-To the
Editor of The Bee: The bughouse is get
ting no better fast. The democrats cut the
wages of female attendants to $18 per
month and male attendants to $22, and
now the place Is run by the lowest type
of bums who can't work' any place else.
The asylum Is so short-handed that the
patients cannot get out, for an airing, on
the lawn more that halt the time.
Previous to the last election the employes
were compelled to pay into the democratic
campaign fund from $2 to $5 each, accord
ing to the amount of wages received. The
girls had to pay, too. This never happened
In Dr. Ilaye's or Dr. Greene's time.
Dr. Woodward Is trying to run the place
by specials.
Mr. Baker's people pay $23 for a special
attendant. The drug clerk takes Mr.
Baker out walking for about half an hour
every forenoon. BeeT
Governor Johnston's people pay for a
special attendant, and Governor Johnston
gets about as much special attendance as
one of the milch cows.
Mrs. Brown, ot Lincoln, pays for special
attention for her son. If Grant Brown
goes, home for dinner on Sunday any old
bum "specials" him home. When Mrs.
Brown comes out here to visit her son any
old bum Is at Grant Brown's heels, and
that Is all the special attention Grant
Brown receives. . .
Frank Griffon la another patient who
gets special attention. Well, the milch
oow will fit In here. too. The Grlffens live
in Omaha, in the neighborhood of Twenty
fourth and St. Mary's avenue. Mis father
has something to do with the mall serv
ice on the Union Pacific Mrs. Grlffen
was here last week and found out that
Frank waa short on special attention, and
she and Dr. Woodward had a little time
about It out on eenter.
That makes four special attendants for
male ward No. t. The ward la run by
three attendants sometimes only two.
There la a special attendant on ward Ho.
Congressmen with Election Contests
Apprehensive Over Late
Postal Savings Bank, Statehood and
Railroad Bills Still Up.
Warfare Over Appropriation Wages
Longer than Was Anticipated.
(hnrsre Made that Postal Havings
Measure la 'Rankers Dill" and
that Would Deplte West
of Funds.
WASHINGTON. Miy 22.-8h I vera have
been dinning tlumselves up and won the
spinal columns of members who must face
"erlous trontests In their states or dis
tricts. If they come back to the next con
gress, ever since John Dwlght, republican
whip of the house, Issued his prediction
that the session would not adjourn before
July 13.
The contest In tho house over the $230,
0C0 appropriation contained In the sundry
civil bill to extend the scope of the tariff
board has waged much more stubbornly
than had been anticipated. The democrats
have opposed the Item on the ground that
the results of the investigations by - the
board should be reported direct to congress
li stead of to the president.
The sundry civil bill has been used as a
vehicle to convey more campaign speeches
under government frank throughout the
country than any other measure that has
been before congress at the present ses
sion. It has been used about equally by
both parties.
Postal Savlnsa nank.
The postal savings banktblll, which has
been reported from the committee ot post
offices and post roads, Is ready for the re
publican caucus, which will ' be held
Wednesday night. Practically all the re
publicans of the house signed the call. It
Is not likely, therefore, that the division
over the bill will .be along regular and
insurgent lines. It Is more likely to be be
tween eastern and western members.
The caucus will take the form of a com
mittee of the whole majority membership
of the bouse and it is probable that many
changes' from the form In which It was re
ported ' will be made in the bill. Some
members believe that in order that there
shall 'be a free discussion of the meaaure
the caucus may have to be extended over
several nights, but Chairman Weeks of
the postofflce committee believes that One
night will be sufficient.
Metiy v western ' memfierV believe Jthe 7i
per cent of deposit which the bill as re
ported would require to be kept In the local
banks Is too small, and that the provision
Of the bill Which passed the senate would
be more effective to keep deposits In the
communities where collected.
Charge of Westerners.
The westerners charge that the bill as
drafted Is a "bankers bill" and that under
rts operations their communities might be
depleted of money and that it would be
taken to New York and other money cen
ters. When the caucus haa agreed upon a bill
which It has reason to believe it can put
through the house the majority party prob
ably will endeavor to bring In a rule with
a view to passing the bill without amend
ment. The democratic members and all
of the Insurgent republicans are expected
to reslBt such- a rule on the ground that
they are opposed to "legislating in secret"
as they characterise-- the caucus method.
After reposing on the senate culendar
for many weeks the statehood bill suddenly
has been called to take an active part In
bringing the opposing factions together
on the railroad bill.' Regular republicans
concede they need democratic votes to pass
the administration measure In a, form sat
isfactory to President Taft, There are
many of the contested measure of the bill
(Continued on Second Page.)
3. I do not know of any more.
Over on the female side there Is a special
on Nos. 1, 2, 6. and 6, that I know of. The
charge for special attention ' is $23 per
Having the friends of patients pay for
special attention that they do not get Is
barefaced robbery. 'You may find another
name for It.
Last Sunday a bunch of Dr. Woodward's
cheap bums got drunk and created one of
the most disgraceful scenes witnessed
about the asylum for years. Dr. Wood
ward fired three or four of them, and some
more will go when he can find cheap bums
to take thctr places.'
A bughouse bum Is a bughouse bum be
cause if he or she were any good they
would not be a bughouse bum. The bug
house bum is J system of trampdom that
the state of Nebraska should put up the
bars against.
From October 21 to February 23, the green
house furnished Mrs. Woodward with 702
roses and 5.20& carnations. As none of
these flowers got to the wards or were
much in evidence, where did they go?
During February the chicken house fur
nished 1S7 dozen fresh eggs to the matron
As no eggs go to the ward dining rooms,
and as they were eating cold storage eggs
in the attendants' dining room at this
time, how about the eggs?
I think the greenhouse and the chicken
yard are run largely fur the benefit of the
officers down at the state capital, the of
ficers of - the bughouse and ' possibly the
The wages, of the outside night watch
man were cbt .down this spring and th
result wss fjve night watchmen In about
sixty days, ,wlth the further, result of
trouble In the chicken yard, rose house
ruined and 700 rose bushes ready for the
brush heap new stock too.
If the management of the bughouse bow
is lemocratlo simplicity for Christ's sake
let us have some republican cussednesa
iWrltar'a signature withheld.)
Jj'rom the C'nteago Post.
Promises for Initiative and Referen
dum May Lack Required Number.
Shallenbera-er Hears No Word Re-irardlna-
Commoner Efforts bo ,
I Nothing; la Done About
. Special Scant on.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 22.-(Speclal.)-Although
no official announcement has yet come from
the Commoner office. It is the belief around
the office of the governor that Mr. -Bryan
111 not be - able to secure tho written
pledges of - three-f IfTHp .jf tire; -members of
the legislature that fhey' will Vote for the
initiative and, referendum at a special ses
sion of the legislature, so,' therefore, no
preparations are , being made for the Issu
ance of the special session proclamation.
Mr. Bryan has not yet Informed the gov
ernor how he Is getting along with the
pledges .and the letters of the members of
the legislature have not yet been filed' with
the .chief executive. In the meantime, how
ever, the belief Is growing among the
friends of the governor that Mr. Bryan Is
becoming . more friendly to his candidacy
every day.
This spirit of friendliness, it is said, dates
frnm h A hAMtnir nf tha rlemnrrAtlft ttjinnllet
at Tecumseh, when the governor carried off
the honors of the occasion In so far as the
applause Is concerned, over his approval
of the 8 o'clock closing bill. That action
was received with more generous approval,
according to those who attended, than was
Mr. Bryan's county option. Since then, it
is said, Mr. Bryan In his talks never falls
to speak approvingly of the action of the
governor in signing that measure.
Friends of the governor take this en
dorsement of the executive to mean that
Mr. Bryan will not put out a candidate In
opposition to him, though all admit they
do not know the future Intentions of the
presidential candidate. All they do know
for sure Is that Charles W. Bryan has full
charge at this time ot Mr. Bryan's future
political action In Nebraska. He has full
authority to announce his brother as a can
didate for the senate or keep his name out
of the race, Just as it suits him.
Tfot Informed ot Uereavement.
Dr. George L. Miller, who Is In the Bailey
eanltorlum. haa not been appraised of the
death of Mrs. Miller. Dr. Bailey said Dr.
Miller was getting along as well this week
as usual, but that he thought It not wis
to mention to him the death of his wife, as
it might cause him to become worse, and
as his condition is not good ,the result
might be very serious.
Bin Time for Kill tors.
All the time the State Press association
Is in Lincoln there will he something doing.
Monday night the association is lnvltnd to
the Lyric theater to see the "Boys of Com
pany B;" Tuesday night supper will he
served the editors at the state farm and on
Wednesday night )
mmerclal club will
the Lincoln hotel.
Ion to the regular
itlnn, and to the
entertain, at a
All of
which the Corn-
Second Page.)
The wants
Turn to them
If you want a gervant they will
bring one to your door.
If you want a position they will
find one for you.
If you have something to sell
they will Bell It for you. ,
If you have lost something they
will find It for you.
It you have found something they
will he .the first to tell you who
lost It.
If you can't come down
town to the office, call Doug
Ins 238. A cheerful staff will
write the ad for you and see
that it geta proper classifica
tion. Everybody j ,
Heads ,.ti!5;'
BeOVant Ads. f. j
Now Believed
Clara Morris is
at Death's Door
Specialists in Attendance Upon
Actress Fear She May at Any
Time Pass , Away. .
NEW YORK, . May 22. (Speolal Tele
gram.) Knowing that she la upon her
deathbd and can live but a few weeks
at most, Clara Morris, . the once . famous
actress, has been . constantly pleading' for
one last "visit" with Mollle Revel, the
soubrette who sang and danced In her
companies for. ten , years, and whose
whereabouts have not been known-, for
montha .At a last report,' V. C. Harriott,
the husband of Miss Morris,, inserted a
personal advertisement In the papers to
day. ' , ...
"If we" coud ony find her , and bring
her to my wife's bedside, I am sure it
would prolong her life," said Mr. , Har
riott, "but I am afraid that even the
'personal' cannot reach ' Miss Revel . In
time . so that Mrs. Harriott can see
he. My wlfe'a eyesight Is fallng rap
idly and there is no hope of saving it. It
It pathetic, now that It Is her dearest
wish to see her actress friend while sight
Dr. Belcher said today that Miss Mor
ris'' general conditions continue about
" -" "u...ou ......i. ,c . iv
tendance, but they fear
that she may
pass away any time.
Cyclone Sweeps
Over Oklahoma
Severe Electrical Storms Demolish
' Homes and Tear Down Telegraph
and Telephone Wires.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okt., May 22.
Severe electrical disturbances heavy
rains and damaging hailstorms were re
ported from over the largest part of
southern and southeastern Oklahoma last
night. Telegraph and telephone wires are
down In many places. High waters are
threatening regions along the Arkansas,
Washita. Canadian, Blue and Little riv
ers. Tha severest storms are in the
vicinities of Hugo, Durant, Colbert and
other towns on the Red river.
On the field left barren Friday by
tornadoes that swept away the town of
McCarty, twenty-five demolished farm
houses were found today. A Wynftewood
physician reported today that he nad
dressed the wounds of eight injured near
McCarty. Some of them had their
clothes blown off. None were seriously
injured. Two houses were wrecked at
Paoll. The town of Maryavllle remained
intact. .
Young Rockefeller Takes Up
Task of Purifying New York
NEW YORK, May 22. -The task of purg-.
Ing the city of New York which
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., haa taken upon
his shoulders Is one which haa taxed and
discouraged reformers ot variety for a
great many years. The net results of Mr.
Rockefeller's labor Is as follows:
Belle Moore, a convicted whrt slave
dealer, Is In jail awaiting sentence next
week. Two others, charged with being
white slave -dealers, are under Indictment.
Six hotels of shady reputation have fallen
under police ban and Mayor Gaynor will
ask that their licenses be revoked.
And Mr. Rockefeller declares that he has
not yet begun to fight. Already his ex
pendltures ar estimated to be about $30,000
In his crusade against vice In New York
He has gone after crime with business Ilk
methods. Setting asld a sum of $50,000,
which will b replaced with another $50,000,
and many other sums of ths same slse If
needed, he employed private agents to in
vestigate conditions and report everything
found to District Attorney Whitman. Then
Mr. Rockefeller called upon the district at
torney In person, and followed this with a
call upon Mayor Gaynor. He told both of
them that he was anxious, as a good cltl
sen, to us his wealth and Influence to
stamp out the vie which bad bean shown
to exist X
Trade Excursionists Are Royally En
tertained at Hot Springs.
Members of Party Enjoy the Plnue
and Bathluir Salts Work Over
time Itesults of Trip
, Gratifying.
HOT SPRINGS, 8. D., May 22.-(Speclal
Telegram.) "Boost the Boosters," Is the
sclgn which greeted the Omaha trade ex
cursionists on their arrival In Hot Springs,
an they Came to the little city they
riava.b'een boosted and entertained In. a
way-whlchlitatts theln 6u on the balance
of the trip feeling like work or fight.
Every store window had some welcome
sign out and the Evans hotel, a high elec
tric sign flashing out, "Boost the Boost
ers," In colored lights.
From the moment the train pulled In,
the party' haa been busy som members
visiting every bath house In the city. The
plunge was the favorite and long before
the place closed, every bathing suit had
been used several times. Captain H. E.
Palmer of Omaha; met the party ' at Hot
Springs and Sunday morning, gave a recep
tion in the Battle Mountain sanitarium,
followed by a band concert In the after
noon, by George Green's' band, as well as
the sanitarium band. The entire party
visited the Institution which Captain
Palmer has done much to organize and
maintain. Others went to Wind cave and
took horse back rides In the hills.
Railroad Men Arrive.
S. F. Miller, general freight and passcn
ger agent and George West, of the. North
western, joined the party here and will
continue with them until Omaha is reached
Thursday morning.
Every member of the party is enthusi
astlo over the results of the trip already
visible. J. DeForcst Richardson, cashier
of the Omaha National bank, says, "From
a banker's standpoint, we are satisfied
the Omahas will reap the best of results,
increased trade as well as an Increase In
shipping to the Omaha market. Closer re
lations with the financial Institutions of
Omaha have been established with the
country banks. The trip has also been I
revelation to us and from a better appreel
anon or tne resources of the country
through which we have passed, we shall
be able to transact a larger business in
a much more satisfactory way."
A. c. bmlth and T. L. Davis left the
party here for Omaha.
New Church at Hherldan.
SHERIDAN. Wyo., May 22.-t8peclal.)-
The Presbyterians will build a new church
In this city. Rev. Dr. Long, the pastor,
Is now' having architectural plans drawn.
The building will cost $12,000.
Mr. Rockefeller was so horrified with the
revelations made before th special grand
Jury of which he was foreman that he la
determined to consummate his alms. Being
very earnest young man with a square
Jaw and plenty of money, he is making
it notter now for the tenderloin dwellers
than any other crusader who ever at
tempted to purge New York.
, The arrest of kaepers of Raines law hotels
In tha tenderloin waa a direct result of the
hearings of the special Rockefeller irrand
Jury. . Among the numberless young dere
licts of women and girls who were rounded
up as witnesses, many made statements
concerning th hotels in question.
Mr. Rockefeller waa not content then to
allow this material to go to wast. I
prompted him In his desire to cleans New
York. He is reticent about th work he
Is doing. He will not even admit that he
Is trying to reform New York by win
ing out th stains of .vicious hotels and
white slavery.
i am aoing just what any good cltl
ten ought to do, and If I happen to have
more money that Is my gooo fortune, for
it means I can do more work with it
says the scion of - th housa of Rocke
feller, and th son of th world's richest
General Assembly of the Church
Receives Resolutions, Which
Are Referred.
Governor Gillett is Called Upon to
Take Action.
Whole Matter May Yet Come, Before
President Taft.
Three Young; Preachers of Ww
York Moat Appear and Ananer
to the Chars; of
ATLANTIC CITY. N. J., May t'.-lf the
proposed prize, fight between Jeffries and
Johnson is held lu San Francisco on
July 4, It will he over the solemn pprotests
not only of the Presbyterian, but of the
?t:urches ot the whole country. Thin Is the
consensus of the great gathering of Pres
byterians from every tecton of the coun
try in attendance here at tho general as
sembly of that powerful religious body.
Much indignation la expressed at tho at
titude of Governor Giilctt of California In
calling this fight a "boxing match," and
therefore not a violation of the law against
prise fighting.
"If the newspapers are to be believed,"
declared ono of the commissioners, "If this
18 n"i a prise right, then there Is
no such thing as a prise fight. To call it
a boxing match Is a puerile and obvious
subterfuge, unworthy u! a law abiding
man. Why, these men tell how they expect
to knock each other out; the newspaper
accounts tell of their training and specu
late how long either of them will last, and
how they will batter and beat each other.
Fortunes Muked on Reanlt.
"A fortune is at stake on this affair and
we are treated to the deadly doings of thes
bruisers. It Is a disgrace to our civilization
and should not be permitted.
A resolution calling on Governor Gillett
of California to prevent the. fight was In
troduced; by Rey. F. L. Forbes of Seattle
Wash., and was referred to the committee
on bills and overtures. The resolution
Governor James M. nuiotf c.
ai.. ine wnoie worla is looking to you
tyredeem your state, tha Paclflo coast and
thi whole United States from tne disgrace
n.pruucning rigiu between Jetlrjea and
Johnson will fasten upea'you and th state
'uu eieMMu as wil as the country oi
mui-ii you are a part.
Irtue, decency and Datrlotlsm
that you save your state and our nation s
sacred birthday from the filth, the vui
sarlty and the brutality of an intamous
prize fight on the Fourth of July.
"The morality, respect, and education and
nobility of the youtn ut the land appeal
to you to stop this contest. The law Is in
your hands and the public at large has a
io expect you to execute It."
To Be Taken to Taft.
Members of the assembly who odoos th
proposed fight will attempt to have th.
aipeal duplicated to President Taft, with
eu.ucai ioi ieaeral Interference In hold
ing the fight on the Fourth of July when
th-j matter comes up on Monday.
Rev. J. Willis Baer of California pre
sented a report received from the Federa
tion ciuo ot ban Francisco, In which was
an opinion from Nathan Newby, a Cali
fornia lawyer, to the effect that nr.n)
California laws would warrant police or
state officers stopping the fight.
mis about expresses the general opinion.
The prize fight, however. Is not the nnlv
thing which interests the general assembly.
. imeiy to De a lively time next
week over the heresy charges brought by
a minority of the New York Presbytery
against three young preachers, one of them
a brother of Rev. Hugh Black of the Union
Theological seminary, who were licensed
to preach, although it Is claimed they failed
to subscribe to some of the fundamental
principles ot the Presbyterian faith. The
matter has been referred to the Judlcllal
committee and it Is said an effort wll be
able to keep It quiet. Opinion, however, is
that this will be resented by th strictly
orthodox element and ther Is liki v '
be a lengthy fight over It. Another fight
is brewing against Rev. W. If. Roberts
stated clerk of the general assembly. It
it ciaimeu in some quarters that he Is too
much of a "pooh-bah," and If he Is not de
feated for re-election his powers will be'
The general assembly probably will be
In session all next week.
Decide on Pnttlns; Cbnrrb Affairs on
Bnslneas Baala.
LEWISBURO. W. Va., May i2.-After
two days of argument the general assembly
of the Southern Presbyterian church today
agreed upon a thorough reorganisation ot
the church work, designed to put It on a
business basis. Th recommendation of the
special committee on co-ordination was
adopted with slight amendments. The
great changes are grouped under three
heads, th consolidation of executive com
mittees or boaids, the conversion of the
standing committee on systematlo benevo
lence Into a permanent committee with en
larged powers and a new system ot gather
ing funds for assembly work.
Hereafter the executive committees will
be those on foreign minions, home missions,
ministerial education and relief and publi
cation and Sabbath reboots. The com
mittees on colored work and on schools
and colleges were dissolved and put under
home missions and ministerial educutloii
and relief, respectively.
In regard to collection, the churches are
urged to adopt the so-called budget sys
tem. Until that Is done, th churchet
will take up only eight collection a yeai
tor assembly work, Instead ot nineteen.
Park Heaervolr Finished.
SHERIDAN, Wyo., May 21.-(Hpclal.-The
large park reservoir, covering 200
acres and with an average depth nf twenty-two
feet in about completed. This has
been built by provate capital, for the pur
pose of storing flood waters of Big Ououe
creek, and supplying the sams for Irriga
tion purposes. The reservoir will irrigate
about 7S.OO0 acres.