Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Council Blutfs
Writet Letter Referring to Able
Work for Shiloh Konumtnti.
Correspondeare Coaflrms Statemeate
Mad hr Oeaeral Dodge to Com
rades In Ftnon Iowa
Council Bluffs
Minor Mention
Ths OoaaoU BlaffB efflos of
Omasa Bee U at II ImM surest,
Both phraas as.
Soma time since General Qrenvlllo M.
Dodge of thla city, Iowa's Illustrious soldier
and the distinguished survivor of the civil
war period, aent out a letter to his com
rades in the Ninth congressional district
in which he stated, among other things,
that Congressman. Walter I. Smith wrote
the Inscriptions of the Fifteenth and Six
teenth Iowa regiments at Shiloh. Certain
papers In the Ninth district which are fav
orable to the candidacy of Attorney General
II. W. Byers and hostile to the renomlna
tlon of JudgeSmlth have seen fit to dispute
v the word of General DodKe.
' In a recent letter, President Taft con
firmed what General Podge had told his
, old comrades in the Ninth district In his
' letter to General Dodge. President Taft
wrote 4s follows on this particular sub
"I note your request to me to confirm
the statements that you make in respect
to Judge 8mlth'a connection with the in-
scrlptlons on the Shiloh monuments, and
Judire Smiths efforts in behalf of the
placing of General Grant's statue. 1 know
Judge Smith well, and know a great many
more reasons for wishing him to come back
to congress than those you state, for
regard him as one of the ablest and one of
the best men in congress, and one of the
strongest lawyers and debaters on tho floor.
But as you Invoke my, personal testimony
in respect to certain facts In your letter,
do not hesitate to say that Judge Smith's
connection with the securing of the In
scriptions which are now on the Shiloh
monuments was direct and close. Many
Iowa persons took part In the discussion,
and many long arguments were made, and
the matter acquired such Importance that
I delayed deciding tha question after the
arguments were made, as I recollect it, for
several months; and at the end of that
It ma snanr Alllimn unit Dolllver. and
v Secretary Shaw and Judge Smith came to
me with an inscription drawn by Judge
Smith which was offered and which
adopted as a solution of the difficult po
sition presonted."
Old Letter from Cumnilns
Judge Smith yesterday made public the
following letter received by him over four
years ago from Senator A. B. Cummins
who was then governor of the state of
Iowa, which it) a direct contradiction to the
friends and supporters of Attorney Gen
eral H. Webb Byers:
"executive Office, Des Moines. Ia., Feb,
21, !K)ts. My Dear Judge: I have yours ot
seventeenth instaht- 1 regret as much
as ou po.HxIbly ' can the premature publi
ration respecting the controversy over the
lnucriptions. You, of course, know that
was not In any wise responsible for It.
Somebody rent it out from Washington, and
the first I knew of It was a dispatch' in
the newspapers,
"There shall be no publication at this
end of the Una of your very gratifying
Information,' until it Is beyond recall
through the order of the secretary. I con
gratulate you most heartily upon the prog
rdis you are making, and I am Just as
grateful to you and your asaouiates as
though I hud been a member of th.ese
reglmentH, for I have become deeply in
U rested In the outcome of . the .struggle.
"As you know, I cannot speak authorl
tatlvely for the Iowa commission of the
representatives of these two regiments,
but I feel sure that insofar as the point
over which I have had the controversy
namely, the time of the engagement the
proposed inscriptions, a copy of which you
enclose, will be satisfactory. There is so
little dlffertnce between these that I pro.
posed and the ones you send me, in this
regard, that they ought to be accepted.
and I have no doubt they will be,
i "The members of the Fifteenth Iowa
jV will feel budly about the change in leases,
but It Is nit likely that they will insist
on any further contest. I am not familiar
with the merits of this part of my argu
ment. I only know that they will always
bellcv that the government has not given
them credit for all that they suffered In
that engagement. I will do my best to
make these Inscriptions the end of the
matter, if they are finally approved by the
secretary of war. Kindly advise me as
soon as the order Is entered, and oblige,
"Kours very truly
Hon. Walter I. Smith, House of Repre
sentatives, Washington, D. C.
raplle tu Moral Districts Given Cer
. tlflcates of Admluio to
, , High schools.
Ninety-seven pupils of the rural schools
In Pottawattamie county passed the recent
examination from the eighth grade en
titling ' them to admission ia any high
school In the county. Diplomas for these
successful pupils are now being prepared
by County Superintendent Charlotte Dry
den. Graduation exercises will be held In
all rural schools before June 1.
Following Is the list of the students
who graduated from the eighth grade
Belknap Glee Turner.
Boomer Roy Darnngton.
Carson Minnie Harts, Imo Henry.
Center Dean Tipton, Jessie Brock.
Crescent J osle Brownell, Jessie Covait,
Lloyd Kirkwood, Agnes Klrkwood, Dor
othy Fusey. Harley MCMullen. May Adams
Mary Adams, Mabel Dorsett, Grace Miller.
iwtrner . an cannon, nuaoipn Carlson
Gnrude Thomas, Henry Hansen, Clara
Downs, Elsie Roach, Judith i'eterson, Stan
ley itannsy, Russell Manood, Koy Garner.
Hardin Grace Brokman, Bruce Cham
bem. Leo llartwell. Julia Hamilton, Mabel
Kerbor. Mulu Kerber. Kay Kerber. Wal
lace Melton, Willie Melton, Fred Mammen,
Oscar Mmiimen, Ruth Sharp, Carrie
'1 nomas. Waller Underwood. Mary under
wood, liusel yochem, Theodore Whltson,
ituscoe Price, Margaret Mickey, Ross Men-
sir Mil It h. Mildred Morris. Esther Morris
Marion Sluptell, Sophie Bebensee"'Louies
Mills, Altophlne Vltters, Henry Peterson,
t.mei tiauuiion.
Hasel Dell Cecil Grove.
James lona Reinke, Orvtlle Young.
Creek Elvira Hoff. Marie Lorens,
V1 uuam jorens, Aiiren Horr,
Dayton Meta Fredertcksen, Roberta Rob
in on, Fred Kasmussen, Mela Sell, Mary
V.twls Vsrlan Millard, Marc Pettit. Harry
Tantiehtll, Laura Baacli, Martha Frohardt,
jiae r roniraL
Lincoln Lubert Hardenbergh.
Macedonia Lorena Lmtner.
Neola Anna Felton, Marie Porter,
Norwalk Harvey Klllon. Vol Roes, Fred
Steele, t-sia r-ius.
pleasant Viola Holdorf.
Rookford t-ugene Marker, Cecilia Jen
en. Mervin jvnon, cunic vs nil.
Silver Creek Kmniav Perkins, Harry
Valley nora rwr.vx,qwire U Nell,
Davis, drugs'.
The Clark barber shop for baths.
CORR1GAN8. undertakers. 'Phone 248.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tol. to.
Iwls Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 7.
Balrd & Boland. undertakers. 'Phone 122.
Hlgh-cla8 tailoring. Martin Petersen.
Wanted A boy to carry a Bee route.
Apply 15 Scott street, Bee office.
J. W. Terry, optician, moved to 411 West
Broadway. Eyes examined free.
Pictures and art novelties for graduation
gifts. C. E. Alexander, U!3 Broadway.
Send your lace curtains to Mrs. Brosius
for cleaning. Beat references. 'Phone F-lKiSt.
The best and cheapest place In the city
to get your wall paper and painting Is at
W. Nlcholalsen & Co., 14 South Main street.
When your eyes tire, and when you can
not continue for any length of time to
regard email objects, as In reading, come
to us. Letfert's.
No risk, no worry, no care; we do all the
worrying and take all the risk when you
give us a Job of painting; prices right.
C. Jensen, Masonic temple.
We have recently put In a big line of base
ball goods; balls, bats, gloves, masks, oouy
protectors, etc. We take orders lor uni
forms also. P. C. DeVol Hardware Co.
In some stores the prices of pianos de
pend upon the credulity of the customer
and the reelings 0I me salesman, ina a.
HosDe Co.. 28 South Main street. K -ean
street. Council Bluffs, la., has but one
price and that tne lowest.
Some vegetables are better than medl
ctnes, for Instance take asparagus; they
say there is noining eerier as a cure ior ,
rheumatics. We have a lot of fine aspara
gus on sale today at 6 cents and 10 cents
a bu.ich: green onions, three bunches for
5 cents, spinach, 15 cents per peck; radishes.
four bunches ror 5 cents; Decis, o ctnis,
Missouri strawberries are now in, two
boxrs for 2j cents; extra fine oranges, 40
cents per dozen; bananas, , 20 cent per
dosen. We have a fine assortment of
cookies at 15c per pound. Try some veal
loaf for your lunch basket; we slice it, 25
cents a pound; also cooked ham at 35
cents a pound. If you want good coffee
at modern prices try our New York roast,
2fcc per pound. Gold Medal flour, per sack,
1.50. Bartell & Miller. Telephones 39.
Specials for Saturday: New potatoes, per
peck, 35 cents; rhubarb, three for 10 cents;
radlBhes, per bunch, 1 . cent; asparagus,
per bunch, 6 cmts; three packages . of
crackers, 10 cents; 60-cent carpet broom,
34 cents; fl.tio guaranteed flour, . $1.43;
2i-cent can California grapes, two cans,
cents; fancy oranges, dozen. 20 cents;
mil n. on, three cans, 26 cents; corn flakes,
package, cents. In our meat depart
ment: Home-made bologna, three poundu,
25 cents; Morreil's Cooked corn beef, pound,
26 cents; pickled corn beef, pound, 8 to S
cents; veal, pound, up from 8 cents; choice
rnrnftit beef, nound. ud from 9 centi, etc.
in nur hardware department: Screen
doors, 88 cents; adjustable window screens,
2 cents; fourteen-lnch lawn mower, $2.18;
grass catchers, 4 cents; lawn swings, t6.50;
willow clothes baskets, 7 cents; ovns, up
from 11.25, etc., etc. J. Zoiler Mercantile
company, 100-102-104-106 Broadway. 'Phones
Weeding Out May
Come to Teachers
Plan on Foot to Have Theia Submit
to Physical Examination.
Ralph Patieraou. Fre
Wasnuigion uiau uuiuro,
Kthel Stevenson, Beulah Qlitner,
riuniblug Co. lei. jQ; night, I-itvx.
The question whether the teachers of the
public schools of Council Bluffs shall be
required to undergo a physical examination
Is now under consideration by the Board of
Education of this city. A special meeting
of the board was held yesterday morning,
at which this matter formed the subject of
a prolonged discussion. Representatives oi
the newspapers were not Invited to the
meeting and no information as to the opin
ions expressed by the different members
on the question was given out.
Although not so officially stated, it is
understood that the proposed physical ex
amination is a preliminary step to "weeding
out' some of the veteran teachers, which
some of the members or tne coara are in
favor of. The matter was finally referred
to a special committee composed of Di
rectors Shoedsack, Reed and Hendricks,
who were directed to make a thorough In
vestigation of the proposition and report to
the board at its next meeting.
Director G. A. Schoedsack, chairman of
the committee on teachers, is said to have
brought the matter before the board, with
the recommendation that all teachers before
being employed be subjected to such an
The board attended to some minor matters
and formally accepted the new school build
ing at Oak street and Broadway from the
contractors, Wlckham Bros.
Paal J- Klelalelo Run Down
Serloaaly Iajared by Tear,
las Car.
While crossing Broadway at Thirty-fifth
street last night about 10 o'clock Paul J.
Klclnlein of Council Bluffs was run down
and seriously Injured by a large touring
ear. the occupants of which are unknown
to police officials. The Injured man was
nicked ud unconscious and taken to his
home, 2810 Avenue L. In the city ambulance.
Three ribs were broken, his head badly
tattered and he may be suffering Internal
Injuries. After running down the man the
driver of the car put on full speed and
ccntlucd on his way.
Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
May 20 by the Pottawattamie County Ab
stract company of Council Bluffs:
John W. Slevers and wife to Harry B.
Slevera. t eefc 26-77-S. and nw
fractional quarter of 31-77-38, w. d.. 123.063
Daniel D. Dermyer and wife to Anna
H Stevens, ntt swW and se4 sw"i
t-76-. w. d 18.000
B. F. Miller, administrator, to J. L.
Caldwell, part lot 22. auditor's subdlv.
of se4 it 12-75-40. adm. d
Ross O. Craney et al. to Mary A. Gib
bons, w4 ne nw4 1-77-38, q. c. d...
Maggie E. Craney to Mary Gibbons
et al., part of sw4 swV H-77-3V, q. c.
Mary A. Gibbons et a), to Ross O.
Craney. e neS nwi f-77-S8. q. c. d..
L. Sheets et al. to Alma Sheets, lot
T and wVi lot , in subdlv. of outlot
3 Macedonia. Ia, w. d
Harrv H. Allen and wife to Green
shields A Everest company, lot 4.
block . Evans' Id Bridge add., w. d.
Harry H. Allen and wife to Green
shields A Everest company, lot S,
block 1 Evans' 3d Bridge add., w. d.
John Hammer and wife to James T.
MoCabe and wife, lot Li, block Jo,
Central subdlv., q. c d
Ten transfers, total
No OafMMltlvai for Jadaea.
The terms of Judges O. D. Wheeler, A.
B. Thornell and W. R. Green of the Fif
teenth Judicial district expire at the end
of this year and It la understood all three
will be candidates for renomlnatlon by the
Their names will not appear, however, on
the ballots at the primaries oo June 7
nl I )
SALE ON MAY 27th., THIS YEAR, in the
present month. THIRTEEN THOUSAND
ACRES OF LAND, the richest, most fertile
in the United States. It is INCONCEIV
This letter was found on West Farnam
street yesterday. The information it con
tains is most valuable for any man or woman
who has a little money' to invest in property
, which will assuredly double in value. Read
IDIOT could fail to avail himself of this great
advantage. You can double your money in
Idaho if you will take those chances that come
your way. This is one of them. Write to
maps, data, dates, and the state's appraisment
BURLEY, Idaho, April 28, 1910.
liss A. C Harrington, 3552 "West Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.,
My dear Miss Harrington :
You will remembrr me, perhaps, if I recall to
you our meeting on the steamer, a chance ac
quaintance, merely, during your Alaska trip last
summer. I am the engineer and surveyor, who
told you of irrigation and irrigated lands in Idaho
At the time you will recall, I promised to
"put you on," if I ever knew of something
"real good" out here; something you could
Since my return to Idaho and to Burley, I
have been elected Secretary of the Commercial
club and for that and many other reasons, I
know two or three things that may be of value
to you; if you can avail yourself of them.
Almost everybody out here knows of the
United States Reclamation Service Minidoka
Project. ' This is one of the great irrigation plans
of the government, which differs from the State
and Private projects in several material points.
One of . them is that it takes twice as long and
costs three times as much as any other kind of a
project. For example the private project of the
Kuhn Bros., the Pittsburg millionaires, whose
advertisements you 6ee signed by the American
Water Works Company, in all the magazines,
has been conceived, planned, financed and com
pleted, , since the Reclamation Service
STARTED on the Minidoka project. In that
time Twin Falls has grown to be a city of 6,000
people; starting with sage brush. This, you will
say is a dis-advantage. It is. BUT
When Ue government has FINISHED with
its project it is as much better than the private
project as it has taken longer to. complete it.
Just this example will serve; THE HEAD
FORCED CONCRETE AND cast steel slides;
enabling a PERFECT measurement of water.
The corporation-owned; or private projects
build THEM OF WOOD; compelling a loose
and inefficient system om measurement. And
while this plan MAY be as well for you as for.
the other person; still you KNOW the govern
ment has done the thing as well as modern en
gineering science permits. And while this may
take longer; when it is finished it is DONE
FOREVER. This obviaes expensive mainte
nance and repairs.
- Here at Burley, of course, we are all "cus
sing" the government because we have been
compelled to see Twin Falls pass us, when we
the Government is almost through. There are only
two more pumps to put in end OUR PROJECT v
IS COMPLETE; FINISHED, and our crops
are in; water is ALREADY running in the
canals and we have Twin Falls' system "fixed
for fair." It has taken longer, but we KNOW
we have got the best
The State of Idaho and Cassia county have
been "cute" enough to hold out 13,000 acres of
state land, which is under this project and
around, over through which the Reclamation
Service has been obliged to construct canals,
laterals and acequias. Sometime next month
the State of Idaho will offer this land for sale
at public auction and the men of the "inside"
r have not been saying a great deal about it. The
sale will be advertised, of course, but very few
people believe ANYTHING they see in a news
paper; much less the advertisements. However,
the advcrUsemeata, this time, will tell tha truth. The
IDAHO. Further than that the Oregon Short Line Is con- -structlns
Its Ratt River extension right throug Burley;
the Bhopa and the division point have been located here;
and an electrla line la being promoted to connect thla
town and Allon, an historic old place . lecated on the
Old Oregon Trail about twenty-five mllra from here, tho
county aeat. Therefore, this land, In time, will be the
moat valuable In Southern Idaho.
State ia going to SELL it. And at auction.
Aa County Commissioner, I have cruised all over the
land and I KNOW where the best land is. When this
auction comes off I 'will be there looking for a bargain
for MYSELF and I already own 120 acres on this project.
can look for a bargain for yon.
At former auctions the land has sold at prlcea rang
ing from $23 to 172.60 per acre. The last figure was no
cause the land was only a mile and a half from town and
a couple of bankers got to backing each other. I think
the land at the coming auction will sell at a maximum
average of $36. You see the sale Is VERY close at hand
and the officials have, done NOTHING yet to get a crowd
here. At that figure, therefore, 80 acres would cost
;$2,800. The water Is supplied by the government, but
the price of the water right has not yet been fixed nor
announced by the government. As an engineer I would
say that the maximum figure would be $40 per acre; or
$3,200 for the 80 acres, a maximum price of $6,000' for
80 acres of land with a water right all ready to clear and
set the trees In. The water right is perpetual and tha gov
ernment delivers It to the orchard FREE OF COST.
This land Is sold ON CREDIT. It la disposed of at
auction, the highest bidder getting the particular piece
offered. The method of payment is: (let's take the maxi
mum average.) One-fifth In cash on the day of and at
the time of sale; plus the Interest at 6 per cent on the
deferred payments from the day of eale to the end of the
year. Therefore, the first payment on SO acres of this
land at the next auction (and we are working on the
presumption that we pay the maximum average) will be.
one-fifth of $2,800, or $560, plua the Interest at 6 per
cent on $2,240 for 7 months, or approximately $80. That
aum added to $560 will make the first ABSOLUTELY
ESSENTIAL' SUM $640. In addition to this there Is a
charge of 50 cents per acre for Engineer's fees, and this
MUST BE PAID before the day of the sale. The purpose
of this, ostensibly Is for the verification of "corners,"
but well; you have to pay it. Its consolation Is that
It assures you of an ABSOLUTELY PERFECT piece of
ground. Some people refuse to pay it; some people get
"etung." I paid It I'm glad I did. So your first aum of
, money ia $680, one more little "graft" and you are
through with the land. Your have to pay about $4 or $5
filing fees. So we have arrived AT THE TOTAL FIRST
, ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL SUM AS ,$685, figuring our
You still owe $2,240 principal on the land and thla la
payable In 16 annual payments; giving you SIXTEEN
YEARS in which to pay for the land at the rate of $140
each year, plua the Interest at 6 per cent on the deferred
payments. Thus; January 1, 1911,, you will pay $140
of the principal and $126 of the interest, or $266 In all.
On January 1, 1912 you will pay another $140 ofv the
principal and $117.60 of the Interest, or $257.60 In all.
On January 1. 1913 you will pay another $140 of the
principal and $108.20 of the interest, or $849.20 in all.
January 1, 1914; $140 principal and ,$100.80 of interest,
or $240.80 in all. January 1. 1915; $140 principal and
$92.40 interest, or $232.40. January 1,1916; $140 of the
principal; $84 Interest, or a total of $224 In all. By this
time you can SELL the land at $150 per acre or $12,000
total; a profit of $9,200. However, you must take $710
interest from thla $9,200, which makes your total net pro
fit $8,490. Out of your $12000 you coutd pay the balance
of the purchase price, stop the interest and WALK OUT
GOLD COIN that you haven't had to work for.
But, if you want to hold the land; put It into orchard,
cultivate it and develop It; you can figure that for each
dollar you spend on It Is worth two dollars more; If not
three or four; development is really what pays tho best.
In that case the land would EASILY sell for $250 to
$300 per acre, increasing your profits by $8,000 to
$12,000 more; or a net profit of $24,000 in all; uesa
what you have spent on It.
I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but IT HAS BEEN
score of times to my personal knowledge. Men who
came to Twin Falls without a dollar In tholr aocη
men with far less Intelligence than a barter, have. done
It and today own their own automobiles.
Peraps you can handle an etghty acre orchard or an
eighty acre "farm unit." In that caso get some friend
to go in with you and halve it. If you cannot do that;
get some friend to go In with you and quarter it. Take
three of your friends and In that case you you would each
need $75.50. I may state that I have an order from an
other friend of mine who will buy 40 acre and if you
have a friend who will put In with you, so that eaob ot
you could have the other 20 acres each of the eighty acre
unit. It would cost each of you $172.50. It you want to
do this you can send $172.50 to the Burley State Bank.
here and Instruct S. Grover Rich, cashier, to rise my
vouchers and I will buy the land for you; pay for it; de
posit the papers in the bank; look after the tiling and
"clear it up" in ship-shape manner free ot charge; In
memory of the moon-lit night on the deck of the steamer
that took' ua to the glaciers.
So far as the water is concerned you needn't bother
about it. It will not be appraised until next year; you
then have a year's grace in which o make the first pay
ment; it is paid for in 10 annual payments without Inter
est. The application for the water MUST be made, but
it isn't necessary to do It, and you can just aa well let it
wait until next aprlng. The land la valueless without the
water, but you need not have it thia year; thus yon have
a year longer in which to pay for It.
Rember that the payments decrease each year; that
you only have $5 per week to pay the first year; after you
ave made our first payments. If you and three friends .
take an eighty then YOUR payment amounts to about
W 1-3 0 per week. If you and one friend go in with the
client I already have and who is paying all my fees, then
you will have but $1.30 each to pajr per week. And re
member that even this aum ia decreasing every year.
Also remember that you and your friends may PAY UP
ALL ot the interest.
I am not much of a real estate man but thrs much you
ought to know; that the project is only 31 hours from
Omaha, the gateway to the west and the market for much
of our products; but forty five hours from Chicago; and
a much leffa Item from the markets of the Pacific Coast,
thus giving this land an additional marketable value be
cause of the nearness of markets.
And remember that this is probably the last best op
portunity, of this kind that the west will afford.
, The Kuhns have the Oakley Project and the Raft River
project, but, if you wish, you can exercise your rights to
each of these projects so long aa you remain unmarried.
The taking of land on thla project under the atate land
sale, doea net affect that right. If you get married In the
meanwhile, however, you will lost your Carey Act right;
and this is true whether you have land under the State
Auction or not. .
Also ycrur taking of land under any one Carey Act
pro;oct d?ea not affect your right under any other pro
ject, utittl you have taken a total of 160 acres; then your
right there la exhausted. You wlU have left a homestead
right and and a Desert Act right, left So that it is pos
sible, so long as you remain unmarried, you can buy un
der the auction two units of 80 acres each; a homestead
of 160, and a desert right of 20 acres minus what you
have taken under the homestead law.
Leaving out all the technicalities of the Land Laws;
take my ad viae and IF YOU CAN POSSIBLY GET $685
together I would most earnestly advise you to get in on
this Auction Land now. If you cannot do that take eome
friend in ith you and raise $345 each, FOR THI3 CITY
IS SURE of doing what I have told you it will do.
Please give my regards to your brother, and say that
I advised you to do this. Tell him that he, too, can tnake
a "bunch of money" this way if he is "live wire enough
to get in the game." Yours Truly, F. E. GRISWOLD.
P. S. Should you desire to take up with this plan you
will need to give me a power of attorney to act for you.
But there Is time for me to send you the blank form and
have you return it if you act at once. Send a post card
RIGHT NOW; TODAY, and I will get the best piece ot
land for you.
This is the last of those great opportun
ities that have made the Western Million"
aires. You want money; you need it, don't
Secretary Burley Commercial Club,
urley, Idaho.
The nominations will bs made at the judi
cial convention. The county conventions,
which will be held July 2, will name set
of delegates to attend tha district Judicial
convention, which will name the party
candidates for the three positions on the
bench of the Fifteenth district.
As far as Is known at this time neither
of the three judges will have any opposi
tion In securing renomlnatlon.
Rtrarcf from Fear Bad of World
and Steal to rill Their
FORT DODGE. Ia.. May 21-Speclal Tel
egram) Gypsy bands camped here over !!'
18, fearing the end of the world, and broke
camp Thursday, starting west, bant night,
near Moorland, they stopped. at Benjamin
Blunck's farm, wher a young bride was
alone, and while she stood helpless among
so many they stole eggs, potatoes, chick
ens and other eatables. The women plucked
(lowers from tha garden to adorn their
hair. Moving on they stopped a farmer
wKh a load of eorn and took all they could
carry. Mrs. Blunck meantime telephoned
ahead warning the farucia,
Mrs. A. M. . Reyaolds Presides sad
Miss Floreaco Maims Heads
BERLIN, May 11. The World's Young
Woman's Christian association, which Is
holding its fourth conference here, had
for Its general subject of discussion today:
"The Place of the Young Women's Chris
tian Association In the Social and Indus
trial Awakening." Miss A. M. Reynolds,
a delegates from the United States, pre
sided during the discussion.
A summary of the subject, compiled from
reports made by representatives In various
countries, was presented by Miss Florence
8lm ma. also an American delegate.
Take Waralag,
Don't let stomach, liver nor kidney
trouble down you when you can quickly
down them with Electric Bitters. 60s.
Sold by Beaton Drug Co.
Be Want Ads Are Business Boosters.
Ions News Wo tee.
The suit of Mrs. Minnie Bridget acnlnst
the city of Council Bluffs la still occupy
ing Mm sttentlun of Judge Wheeler and a
jury In the district court and Indications
are that It will rot be completed before
some time Monday.
A marriage license was Isnued yesterday
to Hubert J. Hallett, aged 26 and Mary M.
Chrlbiunaen, aged 21. both of Omaha.
Daniel O'Connell, 23 Seventeenth
avenue, chanted with being a dipsomaniac,
was committed yesterday by Judge Snyder
to the state hospital for inebriates at
Knoxville for one year.
Lemuel J. Binkley has resigned as pro
bate clerk In the office of the clerk ot the
dlHtrict court, a position he has held for
three years to accept employment with the
1'axton & Gallagher company, Omaha, In
its new wholesale hardware department.
Mrs. Mary Garb of Charter Oak, Ia.,
aged 66 years, died yesterday morning at
Si. Bernard's hospital. The body was re
moved to CorrlKan's undertaking estab
lishment pending arrangements for the
funeral by the relatives of the deceased.
At the closing session yesterday of the
Delta Tau Literary society of the high
school, the debate on the queHtlon, "He
solved, That Suffrage Should Be Given to
Women." was won by Krna Gillllland, Rose
Weinberg and Irene Van fr'ossen, who
spoke on the negative side.
The hearing of Sam Sorenson, a car
repairer In the employ of the I'nlon Pa
cific! railroad, charged with breaking Into
and robbing freight cars at the transfer
depot, was continued In police court ye
terday until this morning. He gave bond
In the sum of 3ju for his appearance In
John Melhop, Jr., secretary of the Iowa
it Nebrai-ka Wholesale Grocers' associ
ation, left lust veiling tor Louisville, Ky.,
to attend the annual meeting of the Na
tional Wholesale Grocers' asxociation to
he held there May 24, 25 and 26. William
Groneweg, president of the Gronewfg &
Schoentgen company, will leave for there
Mrs. Arthur Moore, 622 Mynster street,
was called yesterday to Perry, la., whrre
her huMhaud, a brukeman on the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, was re
ported to have been serlouely injured
Thursday night. Details of the accident
were not learned here beyond that Moore
was sijueesed between two cars while mak
ing a coupling.
Tho district court Jury In the case of
N. li. Hawkins against Leopold Kastner,
Jr., which had been out since Wednesday
afternoon, was discharged yesterday morn
ing by Judge Whetler when It was evident
that there was no prospect of an agree
ment. In this suit the plaintiff sought to
recover fOO on a contract Involving the
trade of an auto truck for a stallion. The
defendant claimed the auto truck was not
up to specifications.
Howard W. Hall of this city has filed
suit agalnBt the Omaha A Council Bluffs
Street Kttllway company for damages
placed st Jl.VW. Hall alleges that on Feb
ruary 10 of this year while ou his way
homo he was assaulted by the conductor
of the car in which he was a passenger
and that as a result of the assault he lost
four teeth and received a black eye. The
aeiiault Is alliged to have been committed
when the car reached Twenty-second street.
This evening Miss Kdna Barker, a reader
of note unil furmer eturtcnt of Profs. Ner
vtns and Murray St Ames college. . will
give au eluvulionary recital at the Hardin
township Presbyterian church.' The pro
gram will also include several musical
selections by local talent. Miss Barker Is
visiting her college friends. Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Crossley and volunteered to give
this entertainment for the benefit of tho
Sunday school, which Is trying to raise
funds for the repair of the church build
ing. Refreshments will be served at tha
close of the program.
The supervisors of Harrison ' and Pot
tawattamie counties held a short Joint ses
sion In this city yeHlurday to consider
matters connected with the Joint drainage
district. An order directing the payment
to tlie Western Dredging company of
Omaha of the balance of Its contract
amounting to about tti.OOO, as soon aa the
Injunction secured by interested property
owners about a year uko was dissolved,
was made. It was stated that the In
junction would shortly be dlnsolved. After
allowing a number of small bills and claims
the Joint board adjourned to June 20.
Harry Ryan, claiming to be from Daven
port, Ia., who was charged wlih lurking
the pocket of J. II. Keames of Dunlap,
la., on a street oar in thla city Thursday
alternoon, was yesterday held to the dis
trict grand Jury by Jude Snyder. Ryan s
bond was placed at pm in default of M'hich
he was sent to the county Jail. The prin
cipal witness against Ityan at the pre
liminary hearing yesterday was K. G. Kim
bail, conductor of the car. Kyan, it was
stated at police headquarters, was Identi
fied yesterday by Omaha detectives as a
well known pickpocket. John Sweeney ar
retted at the same time as Ityan on sus
picion of being a pal of the. latter Is being
held for further li vtbliguiluu.