Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6
THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 22. 1910. TARIFF AUTHOR IS SCORED Cercno . Payne Bitterly Criticised in Address by Congressman Ami. CHANGE COVEBS BESOLUTION New Yorker Aeeased of Refaalaa; to rbaaldrr It la Committee Let ters Are Read aa Erl-deaee. WASHINGTON. May 20-A sensation waa sprung unexpectedly In the house late to day by Representative Butler Ames, a re publican member from Massachusetts, when he obtained the floor for five minutes and proceeded to read a series of letters which had passed between himself and Hepresentatlve Hereno E. Payne of New York, chairman of the ways and means committee and republican floor leader, In which he scored Mr. .fayne In strong language. Trie letters concerned a resolution Intro duced In the house March 81 by Mr. Ames, which set forth that negotiations should tie opened with Canada with a view to establishing closer commercial relation with that country. Mr. Ames' resolution waa referred to the ways and means com mittee and the author charged that Mr. I'ayne refused to allow the committee to consider it, although he (Ames) presented a petition favoring It, signed by seventy eeven republican members and also urging the adoption of the resolution. Ames States Caae. "On three separate days I approached your august person and asked verbally and po litely for a hearing by your committee on my resolution," said Mr. Ames In one let ter. "To my first request you arrogantly Insisted that 'as far as you could find out, no one wanted the resolution, and It was not good political sense.' Kellevlng that your lack of courtesy waa Inexcusable and that you were unable to understand or appreciate that many republican members of the house, not only wanted the reso lution passed, but who, not yet having lost all touch with present desires of the party and the country generally, did believe the resolution to be good political sense, 1 went to the unusual labor of circulating a petition Which I enclosed." Continuing the letter said the petition was signed by seventy-seven republican mem bers, but Mr. Payne had glvn It no con sideration. It waa recounted that Its author had seen a letter dictated in his presence by President Taft and addressed to Mr. Payne favoring the resolution. It recited that Mr. Ames had twice spoken to Mr. Payne about the president's letter and that Mr. Payne . told him that his (Payne's) relations were such wltn the president that "when he wrote you such a letter he did want the resolution." Mr. Payne's Reply. Mr. Payne replied saying that the fact that "seventy-soven men have signed your petition does not change the situation in regard to your resolution." After expressing surprise that the peti tion of seveiny-seven republican members should be disregarded, Mr. Ames' letter continued: "Your whole attitude hae so lacked in common courtesy and a proper vense of proportion that I feel forced to make this written protest Your letter. If freely translated, should be interpreted to rend:. 'The desires of many republican representatives and the public be damned.' "It la Just such hide-bound Intolerance of the desires and rights of others that la forcing members to advocate, against their better Judgment, a committee of commit tees in the house to purge Itself of auch Individual misrule and abuse of power. It is ' Just such domination and disregard of the public desire that is fostering the move ment of insurgency, not only In the house, but also the widespread insurgency with which we are now face to face." When Mr. Ames had concluded Mr. Payne said he had Informed Mr. Ames that ne believed the president should take up the Canadian negotiations and after that it would be time for congress to act. - Continuing he said: "Now, I stated that to the gentleman, not with my hat In my hand, but aa politely . and suavely as I could state it. I did not exhibit any con tempt of the gentleman, who, I understand. is to be the next senator from Massachu setts, If he gets votes enough. I did not do anything of that kind, but I treated him politely." Miners' Strike in Illinois May Last for Months Seventy-Five Thousand Hen Out of Work, with No Peace in Sight Between Union and Operators. HIGH SCHOOL SOCIETIES ELECT Friday the Bis; Day for All Societies, ' Some of Which Giro Their Cloalno; Program. Friday was meeting day for the Omaha High school literary societies. It was the closing meeting for several and elections of officers were held in the Athenian and Webster debating societies. In the Athenian society John Rice was elected president, Edgar Morris, vice president; Charles Shook, secretary; A. Blotcky, treasurer and Ellsworth Devereux, sergeant-at-arms. Harold Moon was made president of the Webster society; Oeorge Lessel, vice presi dent; Ahmet Eoloman, secretary-treasurer; Joseph Woolery and Harry Gideon, aer- geants-at-arms. In the Browning society Ruth Ogle gave a piano solo and a play, "Engaging Janet was presented. Marion Parsons took the part of Janet, Clare Klnnear, that of Mrs. Brlggs, Bertha Seiner that of Madame Minnard, Ethel Alders on acted Miss Bumpus, Carolyn Pedersom the part of Miss Spike. Gertrude Dickinson. Miss Hlg- ins and Grace Robinson, "Bridget." The Margaret Fuller society was enter talned by a number of songs given by the society glee club. Alice Duval read a so ciety prophecy and Harriet Parmalee played a piano solo. In the Prlscllla Alden . society Freda Paustlan and Dorothy McAllister gave violin duet and Delia Nelson a piano solo. A Memorial day essay was read by Mary Reynolds and . a story read by Byrdle Trehileock. The Athenian society argued a debate on "Resolved that the statue of Robert Lee should be removed from Washington, D, C." Alfred Rittenhouse took the affirms tlve of the argument and Ward Smith the negative. Joseph Burger and Edward Newman each read some original pieces and Rollins Cummins gave some new Jokes. The Hawthorne society gave a program on classical subjects. Irma Ulwlts read an essay on the origin of the myths and Julia Anhauser one on the Greek and Roman gods. Discussions of classical statues and paintings were made by Gladys Walker, Zela Elmer. Cortnne Klein, Ethel Rein achleber and Mabel Wirt. TKORiA. May 21-Prenldent John H. Walker of the United Mine Workers of ITInols has Issued a call to all the miners' delegates to mfet In private tomorrow and plan for future action. Negotiations with the Illinois operators came to actuol close this afternoon when President Walker called sine die adjournment of the Joint conference. He ad attempted to prevail on President Moorehead of the operators to call the adjournment, but on the latter's refusal, Wulker wielded the gavel. President Walker Is as much at a loss as any other delegate as to what action further than callinK a general Indefinite strike in Illinois will be taken at tomor row's meeting. "First, I think, we will call every man In the mlner't union from further work, until some sort of agreement Is made through the concessions of either one of th econtendlng associations. This call will Include pumpers, pit men and others who have been working as stipulated in the temporary agreement. There Is no telling how long this strike will last, but Its aspect Is serious. There are nearly 75,000 men out of work." The operators Issued a statement today declaring to concede the demands of the miners would not only disturb the dif ferentials throughout the state, but make more difficult for the Illinois mines to meet the competition of the other cool producing states. - i 0KLAH0MANS OBJECT TO WAY BANK BOARD IS DOING Much Dtaaatlafactlon Exlats In South ern state Over Gaaranty Law Reanlta. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOIN. May 21.-(Speclal.)-The criti cism made by Martin Plinery, secretary to former Governor Sheldon, of the bank guaranty law of Oklahoma has been veri fied by a newspaper published In El Reno, where Dlmery Is now . located, which was received at the state house today. The newspaper criticised the action of the banking board in not permitting an investigation of the affairs of the defunct Columbia Bank and Trust company and bjects to the proposed turning over of the bank's affairs to a purchaser of bank rupt concerns for whatever price the insti tution may bring.' It Is held that on the remaining assets the state can realise noth ing except through the bankruptcy con cern. The governor of the state is criti cized aa is the banking board for em ploying so many outside attorneys when the money reported spent for this pur pose, the paper says, - should have gone toward paying off the bank's Indebtedness. In discussing a report that the banks are going to resist the assessment of 1 per cent on the increase In their deposits for the last year, the paper says: The bankers have seen aelr assessments of the last two years absorbed into the gulf made by the failure ot the Columbia iiank & Trust company and although no Investigation of the conditions of the fall ure is being permuted, it la generally un derstood that this assessment of 1 per cent on the Increase of deposits is made to cover the balance of the deficit of the de funct Institution. Accordingly It goes hard With the honest bankers wno nave conducted their air airs carefully and whose banks are In good condition to put more of their honestly earned money Into the "Black Hole of. the Columbia." For this reason they are pre paring to resist the payment and stand the consequences. a ne memoa oi proceaure of the banking board and the banking law run in such difficult channels tnat the bankers feel tnat this assessment of an additional 1 per cent will go the same "way of the unknown" which their former as sessments have taaen. The bank guaranty fund has been in a nrcmrlous condition since tne failure of the Columbia and this assessment is thought about sufficient to maKe up ior me ae nutinn of the lund which followed and pre pare for any failure whlcn might come Within tne next iw mum-iin. St. Louis Balloon Landsin Michigan . Big" Bag Travels from Missouri City to Northern City in Twenty Two Hours. DETROIT, May 21. The balloon Centen nlal, piloted by Captain H. E. Honeywell and carrying also Willlan Assman, which left St. Louis yesterday in an attempt to capture the Lahm cup for long distance fllahts. landed today at the little town of Shlloh, ten 'miles north ot Iona, Mich The balloon had been in the air twenty-two hours and had covered 450 miles. Crossing Lake Michigan early In the day from Kenosha, the balloonlsts mado good time and had hopes ot reaching New Eng land until they encountered a calm over Lake Michigan. After vainly trying different altitudes tor a favorable wind they landed gently between 3 and o'clock, dropping near the Pere Marquette depot and having an hour before train time to wrap their pack. They arrived here late today and left tonight for St. Louis. Captain Honeywell said they kept at a high altitude all night because of rain storms below them and paused Kenosha at a height of 2.000 feet. We saw a tug," he said, "but soon left It behind. During the morning the heat was Intense and blistered our faces, passing Grand Haven harbor at noon we were aa luted by the whistles of steamers on the lake and we passed five mile north ot Grand Rapids about 1:00 p. m." INDIANA QUAKER WINS PRIZE Levi T. Pennington of Earlham Col lege Takes Oratorical Contest. r H. F. COLEMAN, ( IOWA, SECOND Winner Is paper Man and rrearher Sabjert Was "Peace" -t'relahton I'nlreralty la Host for the Meet. Past Governor Rollins Fined for Smuggling Former Chief Executive of New Hampshire Pays $2,000 for Con spiracy to Defraud. ' Taft aad Taft Play Golf. WASHINGTON, May ll.-Charlea P. Taft of Cincinnati, arrived In Washington this afternoon and is the guest of his brother, President Taft at the White House. This afternoon. President Taft played golf a foursome with his brother, Genera Clarence R. Edwards and Captain Archl bald Butt. The game was over the Chevy Chase links. The Glad Head removes liver Inaction and bowel stoppage with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the pain NOISY CITIZEN LOCKED UP J. J. Hayes Arrested on Complaint of NcfKhuora When Their Sleep la Broken. That J. J. Hayes of 2716 South Fifteenth street Is a public nuisance seems to be the opinion of his neighbors in that section ot th city. It was in response to a sue cession ot teiepnone cans that he was placed in the city Jul! Friday night. When Officer Voborll went to the house the first time he found him quarreling with his wife and the nelghtors complained that they could not get sleep by the racket ha was causing. His language was vile, they said Hayes promised to keep quiet, but In less tuan an hour the officer had to go back when he found Hayes and his wife on th street, surrounded by two scor or more of people. "You'll hav to take him away, officer, we can't stand It," was their Indlgnan protest, and aa the officer heard a sped men of the language It did not tak much persuasion to get him to call th wagon, which whisked Hayes to a cell where his language would erase from troubling, be cause there are prompt and effective measures for putting It at rest. Levi T. Termlnaton of Earlham college, I Richmond, Ind., won the first prise of $100 Friday at the Interstate Oratorical as sociation's Ihlrly-elghtlt annual contest, held In the Brandels theater under the aus p.ecra of Crelghton university. Mr. Penning ton Is a Quaker preacher and a senior In the college he represented in the contest. The second prize of $50 was won by Henry F. Coleman of Cornell college. Mount Ver non, la. The speakers were greeted with a full hou.e and the buxes were decorated with flags and pennants of the various colleges taking part Musio was furnished by the Crelghton university orchestra, and Hale O'Reilly made a big hit by singing "The Holy City" and "Mr. Kelly." Mr. Pennington is a man of varied ex- erlence, having been a sohool teacher, a newspaper reporter and editor and a preacher. Born. In Amo, Ind., he went north to Michigan at an early age, and was grad uated from Manton High school. After his graduation he taught school for six years In order that he might get money to com plete his education. He then Went into newspaper work as a reporter for the Tray ers City Record, and was city editor of the paper at the time he severed his connection with the company. Being of the Quaker faith, Mr. Penning ton decided that he had a call to preaoh to s people and took charge ot a small hurch at Westland. Later he took up Imllar duties at Wabash and Knightstown, nd. At the present time he Is pastor of the South Eighth Street Friends' church In Richmond, Ind., and Is a senior at Earl ham college. Evolution of Peace. His subject was "The Evolution of World Peace," and that he thoroughly believed in what he said could be told by listening to him speak last night at the theater. He depicted the horrors ot war and the unreas onableness of going to war to sottle disputes and advocated the disarmament of the United States as an example to the world In order that the world peace might be brought about. During his college course he has won 1300 In prises given at oratorical contests. Henry F. Coleman, the colored speaker of the evening, represented Cornell college of Mt. Vernon, la., and he delivered a forcible appeal for the negro, saying that although his skin was black he had as clean a heart as any white man, and that although his hair was kinky It covered a brain that could reason na clearly as any white cue. He was born in Boone, la., and was graduated from the Boone High school In 1906. He won a scholarship to Cornell college and is now In his senior year. He has quite a reputation as an orator and has won a number of state prizes. The states which belong to the associa tion are Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minne sota, Ohio, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Missouri and Kansas. An the number of states desiring to Join the central organiza tion grew in numbers it was decided that the number of speaker in the annual con test should be limited to seven, necessitat ing the elimination ot three statos each year from the contest The man who Is selected to represent his statn Is chosen because he has won in Intercollegiate contests and has been Judged the best oratorlcally in the colleges of the state. Each ot the ten winners Is 'require to prepare an original address, which submitted to a board of Judges. How Judaea Work. This board is made up of the Judges on thought and composition, which eliminates tho three representatives of their respec tlve states .which show the least degree of perfection in thought and composition Those dropped this year were Minnesota Illinois and Missouri. The members of the board are: John E. Swanger. state bank Missouri. ' Prof. Vernon P. Saulrea. TTnlvr(fv North Dakota. I Chief Justice Horace E. Deemer. sum-em court of Iowa. I Edward F. Dunne, Chicago, III. Prof. Guy M. Maxwell. nrenMent .. normal, Winona, Minn. The Judges on delivery were Prof. Vernon P. Squires of North Dakota, Judge Deemer of Iowa and Prof. Maxwell of Minnesota. No announcement was made of positions secured other than first and second. Following Is the list of speeches and the order In which they were given: 'The Moulding Power." Karl w of lWttenberg college, Ohio. "The Philosophy of th Itin PmhUm Henry F. Coleman of Cornell college, Iowa "The Sands of Time." Francis '. Matthews of Crelghton university. roiana s urrering to tne American," Lew R. Saletsky of Beloit college. Wisconsin. 'The New Ideal." Btanlev H. nr Albion collage, Michigan. 'Lincoln, the Master Pol ticlan." John A Shields of Ottawa university. Kansas. The Evolution of the World Peace." T.vl T. Pennington of Earlham college, Indiana. J. Willis Hamblln of MacAlester college. St. Paul, Minn., the stirring president of the Interstate association, presided and at the close of the exercises read a set of reso lutions from the delegates. In which they set forth their appreciation for the kind trertment they received In Omaha. The new officers of the association are: President, Karl Becker of Wittenberg col lege, Springfield, O.; vice president, O. W. Pcrrett of Morningsld college, Sioux City, la.; secretary and treasurer, Henry R Pasma of Holland college, Holland, Mich. The next meeting will be held In Sioux City, la. NEW YORK, May 21.-Frank West Rollins, former governor of New Hamp shire, made his promised statement to day in answer to the charges of conspi racy to defraud the government of cus toms dues brought against him by cus toms Inspectors las: Friday. It took the form of a plea of guilty, and Judgo uand, sitting in the Unlttd States circuit court, construed It as an admlaslon tnat Mr. Rollins had violated the law "knowingly, wilfully and maliciously and fined him $2,000. The law provides a inuxtmum penalty of two years In prison, a fina of $5,000 or both. The former governor took a big roll of bills from his pocket and paid his fine without comment. The total value of the articles which the former governor neglected to declare Is given aa $4,736. The original complaint named Mrs. Rollins, his wife, and their son Doug las, as parties to the conxplracy, but the federal grand Jury today handed down but one Indictment naming only the former governor. As soon as Mr. Rollins learned of it he promptly entered his plea, and when he had paid his fine, visited the customs house, where. It Is said, he paid an additional $1,600 In duties 6n the understanding that further proceedings against his family be dropped. Workman Hurt as Gas Explodes J. H. Bracken Burned When Sewer Fumes Blow Against Light on Lower Farnam. In an explosion of sewer gas when a sewer main was cut open and the gas burst out upon a workman's candle, J. H. Bracken, a plumber received serious burns and narrowly escaped death Friday after noon. Bracken was making a connection between two sewer trenches at Tenth and Farnam streets. John Butcher, a fellow workman, was holding a lighted candle behind him as the first man spaded away the earth of the main sewer line, when the sewer gas burst forth through the new vent and struck the flame In an ex plosion. Bracken's face and hands were badly burned. His companion sprang out of the trench uninjured. Police Surgeon Stand even, who was called to the scene, dressed the Injured man's wounds and caused him to be taken to the St. Joseph hospital. Hyde's Wife Files Suit for Property Woman Asks Division of Residuary Portion of Estate of Her Uncle, Thomas II. Swope. KANSAS CITY. May 21 .-Mrs. B. Clark, Hyde, wife of the convlctfd physician, to day filed two partition suits against the estate of her uncle. Colonel Thomas II. Swope. One suit asks for a division, of the re siduary portion of the estate. The other action requests a division of the property that would have gone to her brother, Chris man Swope, had ho lived. to large are tho Intereels Involved, say attorneys, that tho only way the property can bo divided will be to sell It. John H. Atchison, assistant attorney gen eral of Missouri, arrived here today to In vestigate the Hyde casa, MAN HUNT AT DUNNING Mierlffa of Several Conntira I'arsne Kiel Word, Wanted by Kanaaa Autaorltlea. DUNNINCJ. Neb.. May 21 (Special Tele gram.) A man-hunt has been going on for the last few days In this vicinity for Kiel Word, who until recently has been employed by I. Evnns, a liveryman at Senrca. He suddenly disappeared, taking with him a horse, after which It was lenrned he wai an escaped convict from Topeka. Kan., where there Is a reward on him of $2.V). The horse has not been recovered, but Sheriff Evans of this county, together with sheriffs from Anselmo, Dunning and a deputy sher iff from Seneca, have been In hot pursuit. Persistent advertising In The Omaha Bee Is the road to Big He-turns. Oratorical Bouquets. Given Bryan by New York Friends NEW YORK. May 21. "Uncontaminated soul. Illustrious leader, peerless philosopher and pure-minded advocate of the people," were a few of the descriptive phrases hung In garlands about the neck of William Jennings Bryan last night by the speakers who preceded him at a dinner given In his honor by the Speaker's club. Mr. Bryan eschewed politics and confined himself to his subject of "What Consti tutes a Good Speaker." "I can claim to be a public speaker," he said, with a suggestion of a smile, "If you take quantity for a qualification rather than quality. It is safe to say I've talked as much as any one for the opportunity I had." "I've heard chairman Introduce me," continued Mr. Bryan, "like this: 'We have with great effort persuaded Br. Bryan to speak.' They didn't know me. "I believe in public speaking. I am glad to help within my power to make more public speakers. For, in proportion as a FLO UK M1LLKR f '. - d 1 BattuuUBBaajaWb In that proportion should every citizen have the ability to speak. "Oratory, In truth. Is not dead and not only has the newspaper not removed the necessity for public speaking, but It has made it imperative that there should bo public speaking to expose the mls-represen- tallons." One of the compliments tendered Mr. Bryan did not please him. Earlier In tho evening John Temple Uraves had said: "From the tip ot his eloquent tongue he has plucked three presidential nomina tions." In the course of his speech Mr. Bryan replied, "It wasn't fair to say that I have won three presidential nominations with my tongue, or to Intimate that whatever prominence I have attained has been by speech. Whatever strength I have Is not Individual, but is reflexive and hns come to me because of the things I have advo cated. The things I have stood for have not died, and there aro a great many people who believe that I believe what -milfiaaifWIllWsTHr Mere l a goldm rppurl mill y for a flour miller wini wantH to make a change nml get Into a now country where opportunity looms iRrse iiiul hero tho rnpld settle ment or the country Wil.l, MA KM Mlrt KOKTI NK Ft ilt 1I1M. Mulil, Idaho. I tho market point f"r SIO.OOi) acres I'lirev Act Iniul; the rlclit'ht lninl Unit His out of ilo'is. There l cheap electric power ruined from tl: falls of the Snake liver. Tin re are of farm produce of every description. Kverythlnit is fnvornlde. liene WKITU MK AT dXCR Yon can sntlsfv yourself nhont this If you will write to me nt oneo. I run send you n booklet showing Jl'S'P WHAT THIS SECTION HAS TO 1K I'KNH ON; lust WHAT IT Wit, I. 11 FOIt TOl'. Write for the booit. it costs nothlnsr and may mean a fortune to you. Address O. H. MeQrrOWK, Secretary BUHt, COM MXB.CIAIi CLUB, Buhl. Idaho. government Is a popular government, JustI say." Rugs Monday Hayden's from tlic ALEXAXPKK SMITH SsTS' xkw voir. KTIOX wipumuju ii-ra-iJiA..- i!..iriuj.flini.w,j FOR ALL THE NEWS OMAHA BEE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH CREIGHTON SENIORS IN . ELOCUTION CONTEST Graduating Claaaea .Will Compete for Gold Medals at School Auditorium Wednesday Night. The annual contest of the senior classes of Crelghton university will be held in Crelghton university auditorium next Wed nesday evening at 8:15 o'clock. The speakers will . be divided Into two sections and the winner in each will receive a gold medal. The speakers will be: First section Raphael Hamilton, John Polakl, James A O'Nell, Oraer Sullivan, Earl Sim mons, Preston McAvoy; second section Gerald Rademacher, John Keyser, Herbert Connell, Walter Hronek, Edward Costello, and Louis Kavanagh. The Judges will bo Judge A. C. Troupe, Lieut. Col. D. E. Mc Carthy and Or. John Ford. DEMONSTRATION If we could show you how to reduce your coal bill at least 80 would it interest you? If you could do your own cooking, boiling, roasting and baking with onefifth labor would you like it? BRANDEHS- STORE State High Schools Meet in Debate Plattimoulh Girl Wini Firit, Hast tags Boy Takes Second and Geneva Boy Third. YORK, Neb.. May 11. (Special Telegram.) In the third annual contest of the Nebraska State High School Debating league here last night Miss Marie Douglas of Plattsmouth was declared the winner, with Van Web ster ot Hastings second, Jessie Ertel of Geneva third. Th Judge were: Lincoln Frost and Supreme Judge Hon. S. H. Sedwlck and C. B. Letton. The labor union question was the subject. The program was aa follows: Affirmative Wayne Boper. Broken Bow. Weat-Central dlatrlot; E. Floy Lew la. Wymora. Southeastern district: Jesse Ertel. Uenava, Central district; Lloyd Worley, Ashland. Kaat-Central district; Van Webster, Hastings, South ern district Negative Edith Marie Chrlstensen, Valentine, Northern district; Clarence A. Davis, beaver City, Southwestern dis trict; Marl Douglas, Plattsmouth, East ern dlatrlct; Joaeph Fltsgerald, Kearney, Western district; Ethel James, Alliance, Northwestern district. Th champlonahlp a year ago was won by Clifford Radcllff ot Sidney, now at th Stat university, and In 190S by Arthur Anderson of Wahoo. 8 IiiiiMaaiiii..iMiJiwaawwaaaasana ill Special Sale of V 01 65 BEAUTIFUL DRESSES AND DINNER GOWNS of SILK CHIFFON. LACE, SHANTUNGS,. FOULARDS, MESSALINES, Etc.; ACTUAL S35 to $50 VALUES, AT These stunning gowns and dresses are all new, up-to- date models for 1910 they come in various delicate shades and are suitable for any afternoon or evening dress occasion. en's Elegant Gowns 50 Monday's Special Sale Women's White Serge Suits j Your choice of thirty pretty and stylish white serge and ... - a. t 1 i 1 diagonal wale tailored suits plain all wnite laDTics; some with Persian collar and culfs sott silk lining beautifully pleated skirts a special for Monday, at Shantung Suits Are Very Popular "We offer twenty-seven pretty Shantung tail ored summer silk suits prettiest, coolest and smartest garments of the season differ ent values and styles Monday, $ y C at 19 Summer Negligees Long Kimonos, Dress ing Sacques and Comb ing Jackets; also pretty House Dresses, Maids' and Nurses' Uniforms specially priced. New Wish Petticoats Good Quality Cham brays, percales and ginghams. 50c, 75c, 98c, $1.50 at Linen and Lingerie Dresses The styles that are in highest favor amon? correctly dressed women this sea- $ 50 son, nt law Stunning new Linen Suits at. . . .$12.50, $15, $17.50, $19, $25 Elegant new models in sheer white and dainty colored Lingerie Dresses. .$35, $49, $59 New Lingerie and Tailored Waists Many hand embroidered effects also Irish lace trimmed low or high necks short or long sleeve new summery effects at $3.98, $5, $0.98, $8.98 and $10 Those popular new plain tailored waists at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.98 Have You Seen the New Sailor anl Middy Wai.ti? They are the new season's favorite fad very stylish novelty effects, at 08 and $1.50 $11 New Arriyals from New York Designers Stunning Midsummer Hats The new mid-summer hats are different in shape, different in trimming and qui to dif ferent in style from the earlier models. See the big new mushroom hats see the beau tiful Leghorn, horsehair braid and chip braid straws, gracefully trimmed with ostrich plumes so those graceful new sailors for the first time Monday, at The New Aviator Hats Here is the cleverest and newest effect for midsummer a becoming shape that is ab solutely new. Smart for automobile wear and dressy for street. A variety of styles. Midsummer Dress and Outing Hats The new moderate priced hats for summer are here in profusion. New lingerie mushroom hats those clever linen top hats, faced with straw are light as a feather and very smart. See the new small lace straw turbans, just out. Splendid -groups, at $5 1 New Infanta' Apparel On Second Floor Hand made and hand embroidered dresses and slips; alno pretty new colored frocks and white undergarments for little tots Most com plete showing In Omaha. Children's New Ilouiper Plain and fancy chambrays, ginghams, etc.; most practical of all play garments 25 lii)C ana We have a cooker that will do all this. It will roast perfect, cook or stew all kinds of meats and vegeta bles. Bakes bread, pies, cakes and vegetables, in fact any kind of cooking can be done with this cooker. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week we will have with us three ladies who have made such a cooker. These ladies will do all kinds of cooking, such as baking, roasting, stewing, boiling and steaming, using but one-fifth the fuel required in ordinary cooking, with the labor practically abolished. We want every woman Interested In kitchen economy to see this wonderful fuel and labor saver. Demonstration In Kitchen Furnishing Department, In BaBemcnt, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. ORCHARD & WILHELM qiq-16.18 South 16th Street. OMAHA g less regulators. Kc Sold by Beaton Drug Co. Dee Want Ads Are Business Booster. 13 ee Want Ad Ar Buslnas Booster.