Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1910, WOMEN, Page 5, Image 42

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    TIIE OMAHA'. SUNDAY- BEE: -MAT 22. 1910.
Uome-Building: for the Industrious Wage Worker
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RE you otie of the great wage
earning army one of the bread
winners who pay tribute to the
landlord, reckoning the while
that of your modest pay en
velope it Is beyond tho range
of possibilities for you to pay for a home
from your savings? If so, pause right now
nd suspend Judgment while you read and
tudy this story wherein la set .forth tho
evolution of a wags earner's cottage.
I dinners who pay tribute to the t-rs erected. At these primitive hearth- 1 IWvFSi& IL 1 W -v A-AA" 1 1
' laying for a home out of a moderate
,l lry thc days of high prices fur
lounehold supplies may seem liko the ta.k
of shoveling back tho sea with a pitchfork
; or tunneling the Rocky mountains with a
I gimlet-but, listen to the story of T. J.
! Fltimorris. ji old-timer In the service of
I The Omaha Cce, and you will readily
agree that the example he has set in
home-owning Is well worthy of emulation.
Mr. Fitzmorrls has Just been awarded a
; prise by the Chicago Tribune for tho best
article on ihe subject: "Mow We
j Built Our Home." In that article,
he tells In a concise manner Just how ho
proceeded to make the start, and in con
clusion he asserts, most emphatically that
it does pay.
Grlt, economy and Industry these form
an Indispensable trinity, and In this age
of building and loan atisociatlons und easy
payment plans of lot selling, any salaried
man of ordinary earning capacity may. If
''f" ipossesses this trinity, buy and occupy
Siid eventually own a home.
For many years Mr. Fltxmorris has been
exchange editor of The Bee, but he begun
ire as a printer. In those early days It
was the custom of printers to take life as
a Joke, and the pay envelope found Its
way with unerring swiftness, as a rule,
Into tho cash drawer of some near-by
groggery. Mr. Fitzmorrls, however, was
an exception to the rule, and at a time
when his maximum earning power was
about $100 per month, he laid the founda
tion for his future achievement as a
home builder.
The prize essay on home owning, written
by Mr. Fitzmorrls for the Chicago Tribune,
Is as follows:
"My father came to the United States in
the early 60s, seeking liberty, opportunity,
and a home. In Buffalo, N. V., where the
family first settled, and later In Omaha,
Demure Quaintness Their Character
istic Now.
laanti Hradwear for Little Folk
Particularly harming- This Year .
Made of Lave, Lingerie and
Delicate Straw.
NEW YORK, May 21. The summer bon-
neta for little folk are particularly baby
ish and charming this year, and whether
one wants to spend much or little money
re Is really no excuse for buying an
ly or unbecoming baby bonnet. The
hugo ornate creations are things of the
past, and a demure quaintness character
lies the bonnets and hats designed for
babies and wee women.
For the very small girls the tiny close
fitting caps are, of course, the thing, and
auch delightful little caps there are; In
surprising variety, too, when vne considers
the small scope allowed to the designer,
Borne of the prettiest aro made entirely
of narrow real Valenciennes Insertion
I set together by hand, bordered around
the face by little frills of Valenciennes,
lined with soft silk of very delicate pink
:snjLt1ramed with little bows of narrow
: plait liberty, matching the ties.
Others are made of mull or other fine
heer lingerie material In minute shirred
tucks alternating with frills of the nar
rowest real Valenciennes, while a two-Inch
. b(,1(-r all around the face Is entirely
1 of closely set lace frills. Then there are
the exquisite hand embroidered lingerie
', capa with lace merely around the edge.
Some of the prettiest of these have an
embroidered piece or flap turned back
I flat over, the cap, Its scalloped and em
broidered edge meeting the slightly fulled
Even after the first baby stage is past
the round close caps may be worn, but
ffor the babies of 3 or S year and' from
that age to years there is much variety
In the line of headwear.
The close bonnets take on Normandy
"towns or other piquant crown shapes
itead of fitting the head closely and
though some of the brims are snug and
relieved only by a narrow softening
frill of lace many models have broad
full frills or poke brims. Ucwitchingly
quaint and old fashioned some of these
models are. seeming like Lilliputian rep
licas of bonnets worn by our grand
mothers. Diminutive coal scuttle shapes of white
linen or mull finely corded are made be
coming by soft lace frills Inside tho brim
Mud brightened by knots and ties of ribbon.
4of much the same shape are other models
such as the one sketched here, with wide
frills of lace covering the brim and crown
of shirring and lace. A lingerie bonnet with
full wn delicately embroidered has a
very ep frill brim, also embroidered, fall
ing over and equally deep frill of lace.
Adorable little aunbonnels are made of
dalmlfc' sprigged dimity, the prettiest
having a design of minute prim single
blossoms in pink on a white barred
ground. The bonnet may have a full Nor
mandy crown or may be of ordinary sun
bonnet shape, but with a wide flap folding
back flat over the brim and bordered by
little scallops buttouhcled in pink. The
ripe of .the bonnet Is also scalloped and
ft .ttonholed and . little pink ribbons tie
'across the back and form the strings.
Attractive bonnet models In fine lingerie
material have round crowns entirely tucked
os shtrred and deep pointed flaps turning
tack At uton the bonnet just over the
eaJjfcJTnete flaps we beautifully
a soon as family finances permitted,
ground was secured and little family shel
ters erected. At these primitive hearth
stones the writer was taught the principles
of home ownership, which he has prac
ticed, encouraged, and advocated through
out his mature years.
"I have become a home owner by the old
reliable route of working and saving. As
a journeyman printer my wages averaged
about 100 a month. A lot was purchased
for 1000 on the Installment plan. The debt
becamo a stimulus for greater effort, for
fewer holidays, and the cutting out of
youthful gayeties. In two years $700 of the
debt wus paid off.
"A new loan for $1,000 was negotiated at
10 per cent, with which the bulimce of the
old loan was paid and the reiiiuining $S00
u?ed in building a single story cottage,
:0(j36 feet, divided into five rooms. The
building of this little snuggery wus In
anticipation of marriage, and when we
moved into It on our wedding day a mort
gage of $300 was forgotten in the happiness
of beginning married life In our own home.
"Our income remained at the Bame wage
figure. Various unforeseen expenses of
family life stretched the payment of the
mortgage over six years. When that was
disposed of we began new plans. Our suc
cess in paying off the debt ftrengthened
confidence In our ability to ii a tulle a larger
one. Our little house was regarded as a
shelter, now we would build a 'real home.'
"A competent and trustworthy architect
was employed to draw plans for a two
story frame dwelling of eight rooms and
bath, full cellar, front and kitchen porches,
and furnace heat. It Is cruciform in de
sign, twenty-five feet wide in center with a
depth of forty-eight feet. The contract
price was $3,200. Furnace, fixtures, side
walks, and other Incidentals ran the total
up to $3,500.
"The problem of financing the enterprise
entailed much thought and investigation.
Our cash resources were about $000, hence
a $3,000 loan was necessary. A straight five
year loan at 6 per cent could have been
obtained, but no payment on the principal
was permissible for two years, and In the
succeeding years only on semi-annual in
terest payment dates.
"The straight loan, while attractive In
hand embroidered and edged with narrow
Valenciennes. ' ' ..
Little clusters of artificial flowers or
ribbon flowers appear upon some-of. the
bonnets, chiefly upon those made of chif
fon, silk mousseline and lace, and certain
flowers have a babyish air, but many
mothers oppose artificial flowers for baby
wear despite the French designers' sanction
of the association. Forget-me-nots, tiny
rose buds or button rose, and pink-tipped
English daisies are the favorite baby
flowers when flowers are used at all and
though other blossoms are seen Vipon
French bonnets and hats none seems as
appropriate as these three.
BaDy Irish lace enters Into tho composi
tion of some of the baby bonnets, and
pretty, close fitting models are made with
the round back or crown formed entirely
of the finest real baby Irish laco made
for the purpose, while the rest of the
bonnet Is formed of soft frills of narrow
When the sn.all zrl is promoted to hats
new possibilities open up before her. Lin
gerie hats there are galore, many with the
familiar full crown and shirred, coruod
frilled or plain drooping brim, others made
more on mushroom lines. Some of the
latter In hand embroidered linen, made
over a corded frame and trimmed In knots
of ribbon and garlands of tiny flowers, are
as dainty and charming as anything of
fered, and the more usual full crown shape
attains great variety through clever origin
ality of detail.
Some sweet simple little models in this
class are made of swisx or lliun dotted in
pink or light blue. The full crown Id un
trlmmed, the brim Is scalloped and button
holed In the color of the hat nnd falls over
a frill of laco and liberty iu tho color of
the dots Is folded round tho crown and
knotted at the side.
The Bimple hats In straw with bowl
crown and brim that can ba turned down
or rolled up sharply are In evidence again
and are still among tho best of the simple
Btiaw shapes. They are made, too. In
cordtd lingerie with scarf bands of liberty
or of gay Human stripe ribbon.
Pretty little hat of this and other sim
ple shapes aro mado up In supple, course
straw braids, combining pink and white
or light blue and white and are trimmed
In ribbon and flowers matching the color
in the ' straw. The gauze ttraws. light,
fine and supple, as their name Implies, and
almost aa easy to drape and handle as
gaue Itself, are drup.d into full crowns
for hats and bonnets and used mure
plainly fur the brims, and these braid
uro combined freely with chlflon, silk
lnoubiiellno or lace.
Some of the fine, lacy Tuscan braids
are made up with' chiffon or mousseline
i for the small irl' wear, and ior the
girls of I or 7 years or mure are piquant
bonnets or hats, dish-shaped, coming down
close over the head and around the face,
like many uf the bizarre small hats for
grown-ups, and turned up at the bottom
In the back so s to fit the back uf the
luck comfortably. Two small girls on the
avenue the other day wore such bonnets
in rough, shiny, dark blue straw.
From the edge of the brim a flat band
of antique pruned , cotton lu soft,x dull
blues and ruaa tones aiid white extended
back upon the bonnet for at least five
Inches, and at the back the bottom of the
bonnet rolled up flat against the crown
for a few inches and was facd with dull
blue. The description doe not convey any
Idea of the charm of the quaint little bon
nets, and fddly enough the effect was ex
tremely childish.
bummer coals for baby girls come lu
embroidered pique, embroidered linen and
In many silk stuffs and light weight wool
tns. Charming coals are made up In the
corded silks and In light cloths of soft
coloring, but the pique coat or the em
broidered lingerie coat with silk slip is the
daintiest thing for a first short coat.
7 ft Thos.cS.ribzmoppis : s3J
r-- iLH J jrsiiiiiiiiii iiiiiinr'v 2IT
interest rate, Imposed conditions as to pay
ments which tend to discourage the payday
thrift of the borrower. We chose instead
a loan from a co-operative savings and
loan association, an obligation calling for
regular monthly payments of principal and
Interest. The current interest rate of these
associations in Omaha is 60 cents a month
for each $100 borrowed, or 7.2 per cent a
year, payable monthly. Our loan of $3,000
calls for an ' Interest payment of $18 a
month. In addition we pay $15 a month
on the thirty shares pledged for the loan.
We may pay as much more as our means
will permit. Payments of $100 or multiples
of that sum may be made at any time, In
terest ceasing with tho payment, and the
whole debt may be canceled at any time
the borrower turns In the cash. Such,
One of the Tribe Insinuates that
v v ' the' "Homely Alone Are
Ihe man who said lie mad discovered
"how to be happy though marrled"dtd not
tako into consideration the trials and trib
ulations of the handsome husband. He fs
"up against" some conditions and' circum
stances which perjure his domestic happi
ness 'and the peace of mind of his wife.
For the handsome man Is bound to attract
the attentions of other women and he is
only a man, for the matter of that! People
always look upon the - handsome man as
the man who welcomes the attentions of
women, and nine women out of ten will
say :
"Do look at- that handsome man on the
platform,' Mabel. Isn't he a dear?"
"He's married, though," says Mabel, with
a curl of the Up and a sigh.
"He isn't either!" comes the retort. "He's
too swell looking for that."
inui me man wim tne good looks, a
good appearance and pleasing manners is
the subject of much attention within the
minds of romantic young girls who refuse
to believe he is married because of his
Statistics have amply proven that the
ugly man enjoys more domestic happiness
than the handsome man. ' Divorce courts
prove this beyond any doubt The aver
age handsome man is fond of the society
of women, but he seldom marries. He
will talk optimistically on the subject of
matrimony, he will praise the state of
conjugal happiness, but when It comes to
following the advice he has so freely
given he will balk and refuse to listen to
this form of "madness." Get married?
Nit! Not for me! ,
On the other hand look about you and
see that the men who seem to enjoy mar
ried life are those whose personal ap
pearance would scarcely get them Into any
scrapes. Tho homely mun goes on his
quiet way unmolested. His wife respects
him highly, pcrhape is perfectly con
tented with him; but Bhe has not the
continued fear preying upon her mind that
his elegant, wavy hair, the classic profile,
his black eyes or his slender hands are
drawing the attention of other eyes than
her own. Therefore, domestic peace reigns
supreme. True, the warmth of love In the
home of the more handsome man may be
missing, but the divorce court Is not
staring tho latter In the face a few
years after he has settled down.
It was eald not long ago by a New
York woman that the would not allow her
daughters to marry handsome men. -
"They are the ones that fill the divorce
courts," she said. And all New York took
up the matter. Many mothers have seen
l the wisdom of the same theory. The
ugly man who has a good character to
day makes the best husband in the minds
Cultivating Sllmness
Fat women must take this Injunction to
heart If they want to. be In style for the
new modes will not drape over a fat figure.
The fat has got to come off quickly, but
without harm, of course, and this means
only one thing can be depended upon. Ex
ercising or dieting are too slow. The fat
woman who wants to wear a form cling
ing gown must make an Immediate trip to
her druggist and get a case uf Marinola
Prescription Tablets, which will cost her
about 75 cents.
Taking one of these after each meal and
at bedtime olijuld lr euiiugli to bring her
to the "loslng-a-pound-a-day" stage before
even the first case Is uaed up. It is
hardly believable that auch delightful re
sults can be obtained without barm and
for such a mall sum of money, but then
fact Is stranger than fiction.
Test the effect of these tablets by get
ting a case yourself, either from the Mar
inola Co., 633 Fanner Bldg . Detroit, Mich
or from any druggist. They are made In
exact accordance with the famous Mar.
mola Prescription and consequently can
not hav any M effect. Adv.
loan conditions best meet the needs of a
wage earner, being adjustable alike to
prosperity and a pinch.
"Consider now ihe hard, practical bene
fits of home ownership on the terms out-
lined, with home sentiment out of the
reckoning. Our home would rent for $:io a
month. If I were a renter $30 a month
would be about my limit. Taking that fig
ure as an Illustration, shelter hired from a
landlord would cost us $360 a year. Our
obligation to the loan association calls for
$396, or $36 a year more than the rent
would be. By keeping up the monthly pay
ment of $33 without any Increase other
than the association dividend of 6 per cent,
the loan will be paid off in about eleven
years, and 'the cos, of the loan, over what
wo would pay as rent, would be $396.
of hundreds of mothers. ' Wot that ugly
men have better characters than their
less fortunate brothers, but because they
do not prove magnets to the quota of
"vampires" who ply their trade In all
American cities in greater or less num
bers. A handsome man can scarcely make
himself ugly; an ' ugly ' man can scarcely
be "made over" Into " the Adonis class.
For further
"To this should be added the excesa cost
over the loan, $500. and the home stands
to cost us $S96 ov-r what we would have
paid a landlord In eleven years for less
satisfactory quarters. No account Is
taken of homo expenses Insurance, taxes,
repairs, etc., for the reason that Increasing
value of the property offsets these Items.
The little house we have enlarged at an
expense of $500 and rents for $31 a month.
The now home Is good for $35 if we desired
to rent It. Both together, considered a an
Investment, will pay 7 per cent per annum
on S,000 and leave iiw a year lor taxes,
repairs and Insurance. Total first cost of
enterprise, $5,700.
"Does home ownership pay? Emphatic
ally, yes In financial returns, In family
comfort, in elbowroom and Independence."
But the foregoing summary does not tell
all of the story. It simply deals with two
houses, while, as a miner of fact, Mr.
Fitzmorrls has Just completed his third
house an elegant home costing $5,000 at
Fortieth and California streets. This
done, he has the two houses mentioned in
the Chicago Tribune article, for rent.
From these he derives something like $t
per month, living with his family the
while In his new home on California and
Fortieth streets.
Some day when you feel like taking a
street car ride. Journey out on California
street and look at the new Fitzmorrls
home. Then take Into consideration that
every dollar of the money that built
has vacated. Then take into consideration
that every dollar of the money that built
these houses came not as a legacy from
ancestors, not as the fruits of speculation,
not by any brilliant stroke of easy money
getting, but out of the hired man's pay
envelope, and you will find In such reflec
tion an example worth the earnest consid
eration of every wage earner In this
The handsome man lives in a different at
mosphere from the . ugly; man. He will
be found filling the chairs of the clubs,
In the boxes at the theaters, In the fash
lonablo drawing rooms where society holds
forth. The ugly man will be found In
theolid, substantial' residence district
of . the city, a child bouncing on each
knee, an amiable wife In the rocker stitch
ing his socks. Tho ugly man has for-
OS All
I united
The Safe Road"
Train Electic Lighted Throughout
Electric Block Signals
Dustless Perfect Track
Dining Car Meals and Service
"Best in the World"
Watch for Later Announcement Giving the Time
Train Will Leave Omaha
information call or address,
Phones Douglas 1828 and Indepeneht A-3231
zzzzr" rrr
gotten how to whisper sweet nothings
Into fair ears. If, indeed, he ever knew
how. The handsome man looks approv
ingly pehaps a bit enviously upon the
ugly man's domestic Miss, but ho says:
' Not for nie."
The question would arise: iVhu makes
the best citizen? Nine icipte out of
ten would answer the homeniaker. The
handsome man Is paradoxically referred
to as the "homebreaker." Hut there
are lots of handsome men who are neither
horaebreakers nor homemakers.
When a girl Is at the romantic age she
prefers the handsome man. When she
wants a good home when she wants to
enjoy the bliss of peace of mind and
happiness she prefers tho ugly man.
Though she looks back with pleasure
upon the days when she was courted
by the handsome man. she casts here eyes
upon the ugly man, now her husband,
and she says, "I am satisfied."
"I do not go to tho seaside any more,"
said a woman of wealth recently, "be
cause my husband Is In too much dan
ger." Consequently the family spend
their summers In the heat of the city,
though they have ample means to do so.
Hundreds of women have foresworn all
pleasure and social obligations In order
to protect their Adonis husband from the
wiles of other women.
When once the ideas and suspicions of a
woman married to a handsome man be
come aroused she forges ahead by leaps
and bounds. Every move he makes Is
fraught with some terrible meaning. She
will visit his office In order to watch over
hlm. Imagining that he is paying atten
tion to other women while she remains at
home. The lives of more women have
been marred and ruined In this way than
In any other. More than one business man
will not allow his wife In his office be
cause of his disgust for her absurd sus
picion, Chicago Inter-Ocean.
"A Heart Welkins Around with Out
stretched Arms to Help Them
aa Kreds Help."
It seems as If there must nave been police
matrons always, und yet the first woman
In America to hold such a position died in
Philadelphia last t-aturday and it wasn't
from old age, either. Her name was Kate
Kalbach, and she brought to her duties
so much 6f loving enthusiasm, so big a
heart, and so hopeful a disposition, that. In
earlier days, she might have been canon
Certainly, she was regarded as a saint
by her associates, and tho story Is told of
the reply which a policeman made when a
visitor pointed out Mrs. Kalbach at the
station house and asked, "Who is that
"That ain't no woman,' waa the answer,
"that's Just a heart walking around with
outstretched arms to help them as needs
A finer epitaph could not be found to
carve on i er tombstone, but It lives in the
memory of her associates, and In the
hearts of the thousands of women she had
befriended, and perhaps that is the better
and more lasting place.
Like praise could be given ' police mat
rons as a class, according to those who
know, for while men grow stern and cal
lousedcynical, too, in their sad experi
encesthe women of the police service
never seem to lose their sympathies or their
sisterly hopefulness. i
And yet, as anyone knows who has even
circled round the outskirts of crime, there
Is more to be looked for in the way of
regeneration on the part of men who have
become criminals than can be hoped for
from women. They have greater chances
to , become straight and stay so; society
doesn't hedge them In so impenetrably;
their own sex and women, as well, are
kinder and more helpful to them than to
A woman, though, who has stepped
aside, finds it harder to return, and largely
through the social conditions which force
- - ". . .
her lsteis to stand aloof from her or
even to take a more aggressive stand.
In spite of this, hoaever; In spite, too,
of all the disheartening experiences with
women criminal themselves, the police
matrons hold tight to their optimism, be
lieve In the uplift of Ihe feminine fallen,
and never stop working for 11. Cleveland,
1 .carter.
Forty-Kite tear In One College. j
Mrs. Margaret SUmson has Just com- I
plet d her forty-fifth year of service at the
Institute of Technology. Boston. She was
appointed In 1MB by President Rogers to
take charge of the chemical apparatus I
used by students. She Is still In active
service and Is said to remember the names
and personality of more men who have
attended -classes In the Institute of Tech- i
nology than any other person connected
with the Institution.
Because of its delicate, emolli
ent, sanative, antiseptic properties
derived from Cuticura, united
with the purest of cleansing in
gredients and most refreshing of
flower odours, Cuticura Soap is
the mother's favourite for pre
serving and promoting skin and
hair health of infants and chil
dren. In the treatment of dis
' tressmg, disfiguring eruptions,'
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment are absolutely unrivaled.
Hold tbfougfceut ths world. Depots: Londoe, ST.
ChtrtcrhouM Bq.i Psrli, 10, Ru la CbsusMse
d'Anttn: Aurtnlls, R. Towns A Cc BrdMT; India.
8. K. Pol Calcutta: Chlruk. Hong Kong Drug Co,
Jspaa, Mtrur. Ltd., Toklo; F-o. Atrirs. Lnaon.
Ltd., Caps Town. M. : V. B. A.. Poller Drur A Cbtia.
Corp, Bole frap.. 1M Columbus Ave.. Boston.
M-S2-pse Ouucurs Book, poil-frwi, Ull tnoUnre
about Us Care sad XrestSMBt et Skin and Bcl
Lm it I fj 0 I Save Tour Combings
14 U I km W j and bring them to me
z BgeKo All Kiaas oi satr ooons
Swrlohes. S1.60: Fomoadours. Sl.aSi
Transformations, fl.SO: Puffs. lBo eaofcu
Mall Orders Promptly Pilled. Address,
304 WcTille Block,
Omaha, Hon. Phone Dong. 6363