Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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State Superintendent Certifies Num
ber of Pupils.
Walt Mnrrlxon, Florence Pagels, Theo
dore retersnn. Freda roeverlln, Hnsel Phil
lip. Leonard I'urdy, ISnyd Kaynor, Kath
erin Fpahn, Maud Btoll. Harold Ftout.
Eleanor Smith, Gladys Slavens, Elizabeth
Weston, Thomas A. Woodward.
Amnnnt Going to the Nebraska
f'oantle Considerably la
Excess of Lnst
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. May 21. (Special.) State Su
perintendent Blohnp has certified to State
Auditor Barton the amount of the eeml
annual school apportionment and the
amount due each county In the state. The
county of (iBrdcn is not Included In the
list for the reason that the state superin
tendent has no official knowledge of the
school census In that county. So the
amount due the school districts In the
new county Ins been accredited to f)euel
county and when the school census Is taken
tor Garden, the amount due will be paid It
iy Deuel county.
The totul amount apportioned Is $.124,266.89
iralnst a total of $293,192.49 for last year.
For this year each school district will re
ceive .87297 per child of school age against
79 cents a year ago. The total number
of school children enumerates this year Is
71,4".2 against a total of 369,8 a year ago.
The money was derived till year from
the following sources:
State tax 1.794.49
Interest on school and saline lands
sold 97,401.09
Inn rest on school and saline lands
leased R2.934.70
Inten-st on bonds 13,",S!t8.51
Game and fish licenses 5,841.00
No Slight Intended.
J. H. Mooncy, chairman of the Furn-ia
Bounty democratic committee, has written
a letter to Charles W. Bryan, In which he
says that the democrats of that county
did not Intend any slight of William J.
Bryan when the toastmaster failed to read
his letter at the Baaver City democratic
banquet. Instead Mr. Mooney said the let
ter was glvem to the toantmaster to real
and "It waa Inadvertantly forgotten by
Charlrt W. Bryan gave out the letter ol
Mr. Mooney and Mr. Bryan's letter for
publication this afternoon. In it Mr. Bryan
makes his plea for the Initiative and ref
erendum and county option.
Delivers Commencement Address.
Governor Shallenberger went, to Papll
lion this afternoon to deliver the address
at the commencement exercises of the
school there.
Oil Inspector's Fees.
State Oil Inspector Arthur Mullen de
livered to the state treasurer today
$2,182.40, the net earnings of his office
for the month of April. The total re
ceipts of the office amounted to $3,500.60
and the expenses $1,324.50. The latter
sum Is made up of snlarles and expenses
of the chief and his deputies and $307 for
mileage books.
No Pino for Express.
The Dolan Fruit company has filed a
complaint against the . Wells Fargo ex
press company. The American express
company and the Union Pacific -ra..road.
The company has Its headquarters at
Grand Island. It pays the commission to
compel the eWlls Fargo company to fUr
prnss. The petition says that when the
Btfioit of the company, attempted to 'use
the b.icftage room of the Union Pacific
he was threatened with bodily expulsion
unless he quit the practice. In the com
plaint against the Union Paclflo It Is set
out that certain business men of Gran
Island were promised that when the labor
situation was settled the company would
construct an additional room for the stor
age of baggage and express, "but" the. pe
tition says, "we are unable to substa
ntiate this before your commission as the
promise was given orally and In men
to whom It was given being than past
middle life have completed their three
core years and ten and are now beydnd
the jurisdiction of the commission.'
This matter has been taken up from
lima to time unofficially by our president
Efr. Dolan. At the time he first asked
for adequate facilities he was a young
man la his prime, but he has grown old
and gray awaiting the coming of these
improvements, and their promise Is still
tomorrow. Lack of facilities Is tne
omplalnt against the American.
Wants Soundproof Floors.
' Trofessor Gregory Inspector , of normal
training In high schools Is very much
' gratified over the action of the school
; Ward at Lexington In lnslsi'ng upon the
' contractor putting I deadening of the
.' floors of the new school building. In his
; rounds over the state Mr. Gregory has
; found that many schools have floors
"which are not sound proof and as, a re
s.ilt the noUe made by pupils tn ti e sec
nd story, -walking to and from classes
socaslons much annoyance to teach rs and
yuplla In the first story. It Is reporte
that the new $80,000 school at Grand
' Jaland Is in this condition due to the ab-
nc of deadening tn the floors.
Bond Isaac for Northwestern.
The Northwestern has receive 1 per-
; mission of the state railway commission
to issue bonds to the amount of $13,622
; 100 to take up other outstanding 'indebt-
sdness and make Improvements. Tin
' money will be spread over many states.
Satisfactory Site Secured and Balld
Ins Will Soon Be Erected
t?on It.
ALLIANCE, Neb., May 21. (Special
Telegram.) Alliance now owns a library
the entire . amount of $2,600 being paid
yesterday and the title transferred to
the library board. Tnls Insures the erec
tion of a Carnegie library costing $10,
000. The site of the location Is close to the
business section and at the same time not
inconvenient to the resident portion. It
is expected that the library will be
erected within the next four months, thtu
putting Alliance on tne map as the most
aJvanced of Nebraska's western cities.
Ware F. Allen, Who Was Arrested on
Insanity Charge, Shoots
WEEPING WATER. Neb., May -(Special.)
Ware F. Allen, a Junk dealer, killed
himself by shooting Friday afternoon. C.
D. Qulnton, county sheriff, came over from
Plattsmouth and arrested Allen, who had
been charged with insanity, and expected
to take him to the county seat In the after
noon for a hearing beforo the Board of In
sanity. The sheriff accompanied Allen to
his home, and the latter made an exese
to enter another room and shot hlmoelf.
Allen's wife secured a divirce last week
and the cuBtody of the children. Allen was
considered a dangerous man. Years ago,
near Ashland, he held off for days a
sheriff's posse and shot one man.
Large Number of Features Will Be
on ' Proa-ram for Monday's
Rally at Seward.
SEWARD, Neb., May 21.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The Juvenile band from Dwlght,
the David City band and the Germantown
band will play for the Modern Woodmen of
America district rally here Monday. Uni
formed foresters will come from nearby
A. R. Talbot and the head lecturer of the
order will be here. A class of 130 will be
adopted and the new ritual will be ex
emplified. A special train will be run on
the Northwestern.
Blase In Cot t aire Motel Thoua-ht
to Have Been Set by
BEAVER CITY, Neb., (Special Tele
gram.) The Cottage hotel, it Is thought,
was fired by an Incendiary about 3 o'clock
this morning. The fire had burned
through- Into the kitchen before discovered
and the main part of the building was In
flames when the fire department arrived.
It was soon under control, the damage
-being $500, fully Insured. The fire Is
thought to have started with rags soaked
In oil and a quantity of sticks plied on
the outside of, the building.' '
York Flannlaa- Big Celebration of
Day When New Home Gets
Its Start.
YORK, Neb., May (Special.) The
York Ilooati rs held a meeting last evening
In the parlors of the York Commercial club
rooms, and at that meeting It was unanl
mously decided to celebrate the Fourth of
July and assist the Odd Fellows In cele
brating the laying of the cornerstone of
the new Odd Fellows home here.
A detonation of Odd Fellows met with th
boosters and stated that the cornerstone
of their new building would be laid on July
4 and that they had assurances of large
deletions from Fremont, Omaha, Colum
bus, Lincoln. Beatrice. Hastings and eac
promised to bring a band. On of the fea
tures will be a parade of 300 automobiles,
speaker of note and. If possible, the com
dn.ttee will arrange for an air ship flight.
JUcurslon trains will be run to York.
Commencement at Beatrice.
iftlEATKICK. Neb.. May Jt-(Speclal.)-
ne commencement exercises of the Bea
trice High schoot will be held June 1 and t
Dean George Beecher of Omaha will give
the commencement address and Rev. L. D,
, Young of this city will deliver the bacca
1 laureate address, Sunday, May 29.
The graduating class numbers thirty-nine,
twenty-six girls and thirteen boys, and Is
as follows: Ruth Ayleaworth, Mae Bern
teln, Beulah Brewster. Mabel Carre, Lor-
nts Claussen. rrancla Chlpperfield, Fern
Davis. Mary Davis. Chester Dobba, Theo
dora Dodds, Vera Farlow, Eleanor Fore-
yui. Trecla Hill. Ruth Hutchlns, Leila
Vmna. Augusta KUpatrlck. William Kil
oatrtujWW'hard Kreulnger, Ida I-em. Ash
L;i Love, Lillian Love, Edith Luddsn, Roy
AlUler, Donald McClecry, Edltb McOaffey
Springfield High School Reception.
SPRINGFIELD, Neb., May 11. (Spe
cial.) The 'Springfield High school Ju
nior-Senior reception was held last night
at the opera house, and plates were laid
for forty-four. Among those present
from abroad were , Miss Elva Jarman,
Omaha high school;' Miss Ethel Darling,
Grand Island high school; Miss -Verda
Sanborn, and Miss Rhoda Hlckey, Gretna
high school.
The following toasts were responded to
When called on by toastmaster Thomas
Nicholson. Welcome, A. B. Cockerlll,
response, W. M. Kleck. Jr.; "High School
Athletics," James W. Calhoun; "Maybe."
Miss Ruth Elwell; "A Semester In the
Toughest School." Prof. Cahlll; "Nehll
Sine Lahore," Herman Vlerrlgger; "Per
severance," Miss Jessie Critchfleld; "A
Square Deal," Ernest Brawner; "Scarlet
and Cream," Lucille Anderson; "Blue and
White," Loyd Morrison; "Review of the
Term," Allle Snide; Prophecies," Mls
Gertrude Rich; "Alma Mater,' W' Alma
Nielsen; "In Our Senority," Perl Adair;
'Class Will," Alice Freeman; "Res Iturti
Esse," Frank Begley,
The Springfield sohools are taking
steps to consolidate the district with
three outlying country districts, wnlch
will make It tae largest one In the
county. . ,
Judgment for Bondsman.
SEWARD, Neb., May 21. (Special Tele
gram.) In the case of the state of Ne
braska against George Campbell, name
otherwise unknown, and H. T. Jones, de
fendants. Judge Good rendered a decision
Friday In favor of defendants. This case
arose over the forfeiture of an appearance
bond In which H. T. Jones was a surety
for Campbell. Campbell was arrested in
iwi ior picking a man's pocket on a train
entering this town and before his pre
liminary hearing, he disappeared. He said
he was from Omaha. The case has been
appealed to the supreme court.
& s ,4k
J. Y ,Jl '1'
mn&wm&mm&m n0
a few
prices from orig -inal
at which a
large vari
ety will be
One Bale 50 Shivoan
Mats, sizes ranging about
Ovf vrmr choice. Sfi.OO
One Bale 13 Senna Mats,
bizes ranging about 2-6x3
your choice .
One Bale 26 Senna
sizes ranging about 3x5, your
choice $34
One Bale 50 Kendjas Rugs,.
sizes ranging about 4x5, your
choice $12.50
One Bale 50 Kazak Rugs, sizes rang
ing about 4x8, your choice . . . .$29
One Bale 50 Mosul Rugs, sizes rang
ing about 4x7, your choice $33
One Bale 25 Khiva Rugs, sizes ranging
about 7x8, your choice $55
One' Bale 25 Khiva Rugs, sizes ranging
about 7-6x9, your choice $80
One Bale 90 Beloucbistan, sizes ranging
about 3x5, your choice ..... ... ...... .$20
17-1x10-9 Kerm'an $950
13-9x9-8 Shal Abbas . . $525
14x9-6 Mahal $285
414-lb-lS South Sixteenth Street.
The rugs selected by our
Mr. Wilhelm when in
Constantinople recently
have just been received,
will be on display beginning Monday.
Constantinople is the one great Oriental rug market
of the world, practically all the collections from Asia and
Turkey in Europe being brought to this market, where
the government furnish very large storage warehouses,
in which they are handled.
It has been our hope for sometime, to show the lovers of Ori
ental rugs, in Omaha and vicinity, a display unequaled in this part
of the country, and we feel that we are now prepared to do so. This
showing is particularly strong and complete in room size rugs. The
varietv of grades and sizes being the most extensive, and priced
at such very reasonable prices that we recommend this to our
friends as a special opportunity to buy large rugs,
Following is a Partial List of Sizes and Prices :
No. 6107-2x9-10 Bokhara Rug for $125
. 654 8-8x12-1 Muskebad Rug for. . .$110
No. 6538-7x12 Muskebad Rug for $110
No. 652-8-9x12-10 Muskebad Rug. . .$110
No. 65110-2x15 Muskebad Rug for $185
No. 6508-8x12-6 Muskebad Rug. .$115
No. 648 10-5x14-2 Muskebad Rug
for $185
No. 6488-9x12 Muskebad Rug
for $110
No. 647 9-6x14 Muskebad Rug
. aw
for $lo"
No. 6468-7x12-9 Muskebad
Rug for $110
No. 65510-11x13-3 Mahal
Rug for $275
No. 6568-10x12-2 Manal
Rug for $200
No. 65710-3x14-2 Mahal
. Rug for $275
, No. 658-11-9x9-5 Ma
hal Rug for .... $200
No. 659-11x13-2 Ma
hal Rug for. .. $285
No. 66010-1x13-8 Mahal Rug for. .$265.
No. 645-13-9x10-3 Mahal Rug for. .$2G5
No. 64411-11x8-10 Mahal Rug for.$2'JO
No. 643-8-7x11-1 Mahal Rug for. . .$185
No. 642-12-6x9-1 Mahal Rug for. . ..J$200
No. 641-10-8x13-9 Mahal Rug for. .$275
No. 640-10-9x14-1 Mahal Rug for. .$285
No. 63911-11x8-5 Mahal Rug for . i $175
No. 6387-4x11 Mished Rug for. . i$125
No. 63714-3x10-5 Mished Rug for. $205
No. 63610-2x14-7 Mished Rug for. $250
No. 635-15-3x10-4 Mished Rug for.$280
No. 63411-11x8-10 Mishod Rug. , . 1$170
No. 633-9-11x12-4 Mished Rug for. $205
No. 632-12-8x9-3 Royal Tabriz Rug $383
No. 63110-8x15-4 Royal ICirman. . .$695
No. 630-9-3x13-10 Meshed Rug for. $210
No. 629-13-5x9-2 Kirman Rug for. .$375
No. 62813-5x10-8 Royal Kinnan. . i$680
No. 6279-3x13-9 Kirman Rug for. .$490
No. 626-8-5x13-1 Meshed Rug for ...$175
No. 625 ;1 2-2x9-2 Royal Tabriz Rug $375
No. 62213-3x9-5 Royal Tabriz Rug $410
No. 621-12-8x9-5 Royal Tabriz Rug $395
No. 620-8-11x12-2 Royal Tabriz Rug $350
12-1x9 Camel Hair ..- $265
9x7-2 Kerman $285
13-1x9-10 Mahal $175
11-10x8-8 Mahal $168.50
11-8x7-4 Meshed ...$295
13-10x9-10 Kerman $800
11-11x8-10 Mahal ....$147.50
14-10x10-5 Kerman $750
12-8x9-3Mahal .$250
in ?o n tt l '
j.u-oo- ivuiva .ipj.7a
11-10x8-8 Camel Hair $250 9x7-11 Afghan . .$127.50
11-5x9-2 Khiva $265 10x10x7-7 Khiva $150
10-5x7-8 Afghan $125 9-10x8 Serapi ........ .$159.75
New of Nebraska
M'COOK-The May term of district enwA
ior itea winow county will open In Mc
Cook Monday. It will be an equity term;
no Jury.
1NUIANOLA-Jasper S. Phi 1 oa. an earlv
sutler and one of Indianola'a prominent
citlaena. died Thursday night. Funeral
services Sunday
BEATRICE The local lodse of Elks held
meeting lasi evening- and in tinted a.
class of flftern. A smoker waa held at
ine close or tne Duslness meeting.
BEATRICE A. S. Gardner, who lost
leu some time ago by falling on a defec
tive sldealk at Hlue Springs, yesterday
inaiiiuiea suit ior iia,ouu damages.
WYMORE The annual araduation exet-
clses of the Wymore High school will be
neiu in myior s opera house. May . Rev
K. F. Gatis of the Methodist church will
give the baccalaureate address next Sunday
BEATRICE Mrs, J. D. Allen, an old
resident or ttlue Hprlngn, died yesterday
aged 76 years. Bha Is survived by her hus
band and one daughter. Mrs. Henry
fhllipps or Kingsbury, Kan.
NEBRASKA CITY-A young colt kicked
and serously Injured Frank mail, a farmer
residing six miles south of tl
cut deep gash In his face, broke two
rlba and It la feartd seriously Injured him,
NEBRASKA CITY At a special meeting
of the city council Thursday evening a new
flro tam waa purchased for which the
city paid.triuOi The team that has been
used haa been tn the service for twelve
years and will be aold.
CENTRAL CITY A special meeting of
the Menick County Board of Supervisors
hsa been called for Wednesday, May 26,
for the purpose of further discussing the
project of building a bridge acroea the
Platte river at Havens.
CENTRAL CITT While operating
nlaner In hie shop yesterday. Tony Forsell
a local blacksmith, had the misfortune to
have Dart of hie left hand sliced off
neatly. There waa great flow of blood
before the wound waa dressed.
NEBRASKA CITY The Pally News h
Durchased the building owned by the Uor
ton Printing company and in which th lata
.... . M W I - V-
Dally Tribune waa puDiisnea, ana wnn.ii i
was erected Dy me me j.
in which to publish the Conservative.
NEBRASKA CITY The high school giee
club gave an entertainment, at tne "
school building on inursuay even.., -
large and appreciative auaienc.
um was netted wun wniun to vy
lebt of the high achool lecture course (
last winter.
EXETER Married, at the home or tne
bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Graul,
their daughter, Pearl, to James M. Mc
Ohle. Mr. and Mrs. McGhie are tw-p of
...tap', he.t vnunc DeoDie. i ncy vviu nL
h.fin hnusekeeDlrg in their new j
home in the aouthwest part of town.
TEKAM AH Tekamah Friday voted on
the proposition to bond Its school district
for $20,000 to build an addition to lta
schools. There were 2t4 votes cast and the
bonds carried by a vote of 2S3 to 10. The
women or Tenaman yoieu ite. .
Drooosltlon. reglsteringnearly one-half of
the vote polled.
BEATRICE Mrs. Anna H. Coon yester
day filed twenty airioavits in tne uibihui.
court in support oi nrr
that a receiver be appointed for th Pad
dock block. The affidavits refer generally
to the condition of the building and state
that it la In bad condition ior wui vi
palra and proper sanitary surrounumao.
NEBRASKA CITY-Word waa receives in
this city by Mrs. R. H. Taggart or tne
death of her mother, Mrs. S. 8. Beeley, at
her home In Santa Barbara, Cal., at the age
of 82. after a brktf Illness. The deceased
waa for some years a resident of Palmyra
and some years since moved to caiuunua
with her husband, who ia 88 and still aur
vlves her.
EXETER The Board of Education has
completed Its corps of teachers ror tne
Exeter Hlgn school ior ine year laiv-n,
follows: Superintendent, It. Jennings; prin
cipal. Louise ES9ex; assistant principal, Oarriner: arammar. Ethel Lain; Inter
mediate, Josephine Cabeen; second primary.
Bess Kinney; first primary, xuauae nana,
muste, Eva Stone.
RTEt.lJl-Oovernor Khallenberger deliv
ered the class address to the graduates of
the Stella High school to a large audience
In the opera house Thursday, -ine ciass
this year was composed of five girl grad
uates, aa follows: Mae Mortts. Helen Bald
win. Neva uowei. urace mnaie ana cmiiy
Sumner. J. A. fcastwood la principal and
Miss Grace Jngalsbe assistant principal.
TF-K A M AH R. J. Mansfield, an Omaha
chauffeur, was haled before County Judge
Ireland yesterday and fined iu ana corns
for speeding throiign Teaaman s streets.
Mr. Mansfield recently drove up a new
car which Congressman Latta'a younger
aon, Bur, had purchased, and wnen the
party struck Tekamah a main thorough
fare Mr. Mansfield proceeded to show the
natives Just how fast that new car could
NEBRASKA CITY At a maaa meet in y
h-ld at th Mtthodist Episcopal church
Thursday evening a human society was
organized and the following officers were
elected: President, I. W. MoCallum; vice
president, Mrs. John C. Watson; secretary
and treasurer, J. Hyde Sweet. John C.
Watson waa fleeted as attorney for the
association and Mrs. C. M. Hubner was
chosen to organlzo a Band of Mercy among
the younger generation. j
NEBRASKA CITY Word has been re
ceived here of the death of Sulen A. Shep
erd at Ienver, Colo. The deceased waa for
many years a resident of this city and vas
67 years of age at the time of his death.
He located In this city ahortly after the
civil war and waa engaged In the shoe
business and sold out nnd entered the gov-
"ernment service, and prior to his death was
city ticket agent ror tne uenver tt wo
Grande railroad at lienver.
HUMBOLDT L. C. Mann, who for
twtruv years has bten in the ranks of
Humboldt business men, died from a stroke
of apoplexy at his home on First street,
and funeral services were held at the
Christian church yesterday. LvceaBed was
a native of Indiana and was t:' years or
age. He leaves a widow and five children,
all grown, as follows: Leonard. Harvey
and Winnie, all of Humboldt: Mrs. 10. l.
Wood of Table Kock, and Joy Mann or
NEBRASKA CITY Mrs. Julia Stevens,
died Friday at the home of her slater,
ifrs. H. Y. Gregg, aged 82 years She j
has been an Invalid for years because of
rheumatism. Her husband died some forty
fix years ago at Fairfield, la., and her
body waa taken to that place last evening
for interment. She is survived oy two sis
ters. Mrs. Elizabeth Gregg of this city, ana
Mrs. Hoise of Burlington, Ia., and tn
eons, but the. latter have not been heard
from for years.
. EXETER Wednesday evening occurred
the second annual banquet of the Exeter
Commercial club In Fraternity hall. Plates
were laid for 144. W. H. Taylor was toast
master and the toasts were as follows:
"Exeter," Dr. O. P. Baker, secretary of
Exeter Commercial club; "Relation of
Country to Town," Alva Gay; "Our
Schools," Superintendent H. Jennings;
"Good Roads for Country and Town," T.
C. Allen. The address of the evening was
by Hon. Charles H. Sloan, Geneva. The
entire program waa a very Interesting one.
NEBRASKA CITY-Mrs. Ruth O. While
haa filed a suit In the dlstrlot court pray
ing for a divorce from her husband, Laish
WT While. She charges non-support and
savs she doea not know the present where
abouts of her husband. She asks for the
custody of their minor child, aged 2 years.
They were married in ima city on ueot m-
ber 10, 18a. Th applicant for a divorce Is
the niece of John W. steinharl. casnier ot
the Otoe County National bank and for
merly mayor of thin city. The husband Is
the only son of Captain T. N. White, frr
years a resident ot this city, but now out
on the Pacific coast.
TEKAMAH The class of 1910 of the Te
kamah llinh school have Issued their In
vitations for commencement, which takes
place on Jun i. Th claas this year num
bers eighteen young people, nine boys and
nine girls, as follows: Marguerite Jack,
Iva Parmele. Meta Michael, Augusta
Houston, Jeanette Goodwill, Charlotte
Miller, lleah Bowker. Leah Bowker. Marie
Ulbson, Sam Griffin, Orvllle Chatt, George
Schaefer, Harry Smith, Herbert Daniels,
Dick Perkins, Emery Latta, Orvllle Wal
lace and Elmer Ollnger. August Houston
Is class president, Marie Gibson gives the
salutatory and Sam Griffin the valedictory.
EXETER The commencement exercises
will begin with the class sermon Sunday
evening. May 22, In the Methodist Episco
pal church. Rev. John Croker of the Con
gregational church will give the sermon.
Patrons and class day will be on May 25
at the high school, where a fine program
will be presented. On Thursday afternoon
In th grammar room will occur the eighth
grade graduating exercises, at which time
a fine program by the achool and an ad
dress and presentation of county eighth
grade diplomas will be given by Dr. O. P.
Baker. On Thursday evening, May 26. The
claas play entitled, "The Spoiled Darling,"
will be presented at the Auditorium and
will deserve a large audience. Friday even
ing. May 27, will be commencement night.
The address will be by Rev. II. O. Prltch
ard ot Bethany,
Groat Bonofit
Always Derived from Hood' 8rsav
parilU in the Spring.
Mia Bar J. Robinson, Box 130, Al
bion. N. T write. "My father, who
1 a ston cutter by trad, used to feel
wore In th spring ot th year than
when h was don work In th fall. For
several year in succession b ba taken
several bottle of Hood Baraapartlla
In th spring, and ha always derived
great benefit from it."
Remember thr Is no ral substitute
for Hood' Baraapartlla no "Juat aa
good" preparation. Oet Hood1 Sarea
parllla tody. In usual liquid form
tablet called Barsatab.
Rugs Monday
from the
wilhsave you lots of trouble and expense if yours is a large
We Dave Them in Slock
Then we have regular sizes of Lawn Mowers Continental,
Cadet, Regal, Lakewood, Pennsylvania up from $2.25
Then we sell GOODRICH HOSE the best hose made.
Goodrich name on every 50-foot section. You can't beat the
quality or price.
Jas. Morton & Son Co.
Agents for Yale Hardware.
1511 and 1513 Dodge St.
Trunks and Traveling Bags
lit Tau TreTallna- oooda at a xauiv snore.
Wher they know what leather Is. We are selling high grade goods at
low prices. Our Cowhide Leather Suit Caa for $6.00 1 th best value la th
Harness, Soddl and TrvUag floods. 110 Varaaaa Itmt