f TITE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 22, 1910. Relics Twenty-four Hundred Years Old Are Discovered in India , OCX 44 'if i 4 'Hp 4 1, ., ri -I y ... - if Be than 2,500 years ago, and he . me arcneoioglcal department of the Brit ish government, and the viceroy of India, Earl Mlnto, has had them brought here to Calcutta and has made a formal pre sentation of them to a delegation 'of Bud- hlst priests from Burma, wnicn naa long since been blotted from the face of the . earth. They were . in a fcroni. casket and Inside a crystal box, and they consisted of a mass of grayish white powder and four charred human bones. t . . f f - ' i i I V M Mill , H VX III M 'Ni . ::) M : III L r?kj UNDO. THE BO-TREE , A SUGGESTION fclfe j 1 vi ' - . ' ?f;v-. V - 1 1 or BUDDHA GAXA. "WHERE THE GREAT Wz" fflfl VX" ' V A ' ' ' -r ''"-L. Tl ' - 11 prophet " -Z ij'--'Cr y : jiLL: iJ1 I C -Oyr ' fl VlTril ' thrown truKEle alter strusvl ana temp- f4v&-,r&fe J rtTZ - 2 Jt'3"' S -y.-AViirrrZ ' tation after temptation, until at last at 14,1453 irWVK" "J 3 V sJMuSX-- Buddha Oaya, h found the light and went ST UiH4 ' V .K1 I TA. Jfjz3 to Benares, where he first gave It to man- ' " """" -'''y1' J?' I ASSr-rJ - - . Buddha Qaya is to the BuddhiaU . the . VVM 'i 't I rSBt U Ui . iTT ' most holy spot upon earth. The Bo tree. I - "t si, V, , iK Si-,3 I rVVVMlUS under which Buddha sat during his great f ? t sfc H1 ' f ' Huf I ' SW." SSr contemplaUons they believe to be the cen- . b Sk 5. VTk',54l5 O . . If I J I I.... . . ... .... ..a uj-1 ' iKMav J .. tTTLi,'. ' Mi't I ' ! -V J I i err r- 'c i f f Mi, Hf" 5 14-"- 150 MILLION OF HUMAN" BEINGS BELIEVE IN" THE . BUDDHIST RELIGION (Copyright. 1810, by Frank O. Carpenter.) French scientist who came out to India a jALCUTTA, 1910. (Special Corre- few years ago to study Buddhism. He had sponaenca or The Bee.)-Ttie the writings of these pilgrims and from Buddhist religion is on the eve them he located the site of the pagoda as of a revival. The movement has being under one of tw6 mounds which Is already made some headway In about half a mile east of the city of Pesha- i. h77 . "u o war. ai tnat time there was no tower In n BuJm. ,v, "T! lmPPtU here and 'tenc. It had fallen to ruins centuries h!.T b Z. !L "C0Very of th8 W. and no vestige, were in sight except- tound in . buf. h h Were reCenUy ",K theae mounds- The Frenchman's nam. ouna in a buried chamber near Peshawar. was Foucher. ..... K"iiti. was Dorn nere in India more Foucher found himself unable hava died in northern India at the age of make the ecavatlon" required to verify W. There Is no doubt as to the authen- h'8 tneory- He Presented his evidence, how ticlty of the relics. They were found by ever" t0 Dn sPoncr 01 " archeological department of the Indian government, and the latter took up the work. That was two years ago. Since then the mounds have been dug over and the remains of the great tower found. . The heavy foundation was , uncovered and It was shown to have been The relics were discovered through In- ,arer than any other Ttnown Buddhist pa- eatlgatlons made by ancient writings Koda. It was square, with massive walls of which described their existence. " They lay dre8Be(' stone, and, according to the records In a chamber far down .under the ground of Heuen Chwang, the Chinese Buddhlst RoK wnlch carpet ov woven ailver like 150,000,000 Buddhists In the world, but or,"1a, tre, t, Blana8 that fwvw ins neavy zounaaiion or a tower, pilgrim, it was so lofty that four towers wlre nd contains a little gold god set with this estimate is based upon figures which had to be built at the corners to hoist emeraWs an other precious stones. Bang- cannot be verified. The religion is the chief the coping, stones Into place. The remains ' kok nas hundreds of figures of Buddha one of Japan, two-thirds of the Chinese piaiea witn goia, and in one temple there are supposed to believe it, and its most I saw what Is perhaps the largest idol ardpnt followers are Tibetans and the It Is a sleeping Buddha so MonKollan population of Asia. There are heavily plated that It shines like a new Buddhists in Siberia and in the Dutch wedding ring. It Is 150 feet long, and Its Kast Indies, and the faith is supposed to of these towers hava been found, u "... : v " "r- :r of the world. uonn uuLimeu. n.1111 urn iihhvv f iiiririsi i if i ji Tha box was first . carried to Simla, and uncovered, the British archeologlsts sank a It la now on Its way. to Burma. It prob- shaft down through the stone floor to a ably will be kept at Mandalay and a depth of twenty feet, and came to the rello mighty, pagoda erected above iu . 'chamber described in the records. There in ' ..that UUe stone room that had been burled Earl Mtnto'a Speech. ....n...s u, Bt,ecn lo me priests, the u.u.ioo nvui jnuneo dha wag born Here ha pent mB vhol( Ticeroy said: high and five inches In diameter. . frm Mm ., "The government of India has decided " wa round, and it had a lid slightly to other Darts of the worId, Today. of branches of It have been carried to Cey lon and there sprouted. This tree is situ ated near a Buddhist temple which Is about seven miles from the little city of Qaya. It lies some distance south of the Ganges, 302 miles by rail from Calcutta, and Is reached by way of Patha, whore the great opium factories are. As the crow flies It arm Is as big around as a flour barrel. be alive in Korea, although the priests u Rbout m m,lf,B from Benares. Indian Biiddhlnm. India. JthrhtiM hava mnr TCiiHrihtnta thun . B1H..v ...an lor over AWU yearB. MJ other ,an(J u waa here that BuU. there are low fellows and 'are despised and rejected of men. In the Footprints of Bnddha. The temple, which stands near the tr was erected about 300 years after Buddha's death and is hence about 1,300 years old. It is 1G0 feet hieh and the wall of It During my present stay In India I have tower Is fourteen feet thick. It Is In the walked In the footprints of Buddha. I form of a pyramuj of nine storlea, embel- .... 6 ! iiii-J'' -J A GOLD PLATED PAGODA FOR BUDDHA mat th. relic, ahould remain within the curved at the top, made to represent a tne three unared mmona of lndla not He wa, th on of a king who " ' 'i : 5th.t ttm .uuni Poisoned arrows, but before they fell they feeling and even all Ideas. It 1. a sort ot confine, of the Indian empire, and that full-blown lotus, upon which a small figure more than one ln tnoueand la a foIlower elr .To" . 1 sou hern Nepal. shrine, Ire chiefly n wer9 ch"ed lnt flowe". In addition a reUg.ou. trance or ecstacy. known a. th. ,u n' rlr MUn- fMBhUddha h'aL A1nK thU1d There m betWeen n,ne and yti w .pent in the mPoa; 7J B1 there ar. a th" the most beautiful Nirvana. thll .2. '1!; V d Pr0VLld rr W rh- was "n ten millions of that faith In Burma, and bcautlfuI Jenery under the shadows of ?eW Buddt monk, who worship in a women trom lrlhood to natur1 wh tneir safe custody. I am sure that the fese, and lower down, around the main m.nv mirn . cevlon and narts of farther h- hh. mn.,n.in on earth. Durlntr . v.. tv .v.... . tried to attract the saint by their charms. The t oinmaadnienta of Buddhism. n,n, in t. . KaJ nf 4h. ..an .r. " c - 1 1 1 1) 1 1 a s lci y lira. vy. x ncjr n7 jai iiid. n 111 Utl w. viv wwanvh ntiO i'ui CO W. UUUUHO. T 4 . u 4 . U Uo. rt l'kirAl aiiH . . ..... . i ... S.rSI ? Lite, y 1;",,Pe0Ple, a"d . y.tan';. r,ep"sentin8 ,hlm ,n the The Buddhists of Hindustan number less ,uxury M oniy India knows. He was given nas been hl.ought from .Tapan. Buddha I a .. Preserve different stages of his life. In the center of than aoo.0fc They are found In small CVery pleasure, was married to a charming G ha8 about mm pilgrims a year, ana cherished. theso was engraved a larse. sUndlng flaure w . -i .v.. v,.. rni nr . hdh . hon,,Hfni . . viceroy concluded with this state- of King Kanlshka. the great Buddhist ruler Bengal and upon the lower, slopes of the Bon. During this period he was kept from lent, which seems remarkable, as com- and conqueror of the time the casket was Himalayas, ln Nepal, where Buddha was the sight of all evil, sorrow and pain, for men in. irom tne LIirlBtlan ruler of - India, made, and there were also InHi-rliUlorm the king of England', greatest subject, stating that the maker was the head en He closed: glneer of this king. "I trust, too, that a suitable shrine may Upon opening the casket a lump of rock be erected at Mandalay over these relics, crystal was found within. This had been wher. ln future yeax. devout pilgrims hollowed out at one end for the reception may gamer rrom all part, of the to do honor to the memory of the founder of their religion." The ceremony connected with the ui u renu. wa. impressive. It ivanisnna were also rouna. The govern- almost wlped out at the timo the Moham WW.,. u ui uu uiieruuiu 01 uio vice- ioui ui Aiiuia cuiisiuers uio reucs us De regal palace, the floor of which was cov- yond any doubt genuine. The ftrent Temptation. born, he has still many followers, and in fear that his contemplative and aescetlo It was on this spot that Buddha, ac- They tried every one of the two and thirty modes of making men fall, but they were powerless against Gutama Buddha, who had conquered and risen above all carnal desires. In addition there were hundreds of other temptations of which this manu- take to the cording to a manuscript supposed to date Bcrpt tells; but Buddha vanquished them Vihmir near where these ashes were nutura mlirht lead him to i . i, ... v. ! h l i v -t nortiHn. nhnrAh it waw nut until ho was almost from .0 000 'all told. years of age that he learned of the .pent six years In penance a.ul mortlflca- the third century before Christ, The religion at first had great sway. It troubles of mankind, and decided upon the tlon of the flesh. During that time he " , .....,,.. .T.H.,.,,n nrt t th .,,,.t iwnHnriAiliin. Ho then aave uo his t cross-legged under the Bo tree fast- .. ........ spi-eau nil uufciiwu " V . v.. 1 I,n, a llvlnir wonu ui me reuc ii was originally eealea with Um0 of Kmg Kanlshka, who built the palace, cut off the long hair ana putting , .... great clay, but the moisture had detached the t t le over thB aaheg recently found, on the cloth of a beggar went forth upon ' skeleton, was ne anJ covered w seai, ana mis was round lying at the side . of tne predomlnant faiths After the highways. He spent Blx years ln wan- u.n. ..u ... UJv. ... pres- of the crystal. Coins bearing the head ti u t0 decllne and it was derlng about In his efforts for the attain- villages about. He was tempted e. It Kanlshka were also found. The govern- . , ar h Hmo the Moham- ment of peace. He practiced one religion angels and devils. Legions of red with rich golden carpets. The lieu tenant governor ot Burma was present and mong tha spectators were Lady Mlnto, Mrs. Anna Besant and the highest of ficial, of India. medans cam. northern India. living rlth to tho by both demons, ln and took possession of after another; lie lastea ana pmyeu, no - -- - Today there are something mortified the fleBh In every way, and went fought around him to vain. They threw all, and came to perfection. After that he bathed himself ln the river nearby, and partook of food made for him by a village maiden from the milk of a thou sand cows. His life revived and he Btralghtway became whole. His course forth from elaya was a triumphal pruces siun ln whlcn the gods and others took part. Flowers rained upon him, cool tauks of water sprang up by the wayside valed places. Tfc Ashes of Bnddha. A Buddhist nevlral. During my present trip around th. world I have traveled extensively through the great lands of the Buddhists. I first .topped In Japan, wher. the more advanced followers of this religion are modlfvlm: upposa th. Christian world of today their fulth to suit our modern civilisation, could hav. authentic Information of the I a temple in Kyoto which has an In discovery of some of the bone, and ashes come of $JOO,000 a year, atjd In Korea found of St. Peter or St. Paul? What a sensa- ttia missionaries of that church at work, tlon It would create. Suppoee, further, Tne Buddhists are adopting th. same that they might hava relic, ot the Savior Plans fo propagating their faith as those which were real beyond th. shadow ot a UBed y u Christians. They hav. Budd doubt? Th. whol. civilised world would Young Men', associations, oorrespond- be excited about It Th-t 1. w hat ha. ,n to our Young Men'. Christian assocla-- J( Happened out here In India. Buddha is now puDiisning tracts ana Just as real to the, people as Christ 1. distributing all sorts of religious documents, to u., and they have now found this caa- during my stay In Chin 1 visited th. k.t containing hi. bones. great lamaaarles outside Peking, where the During the presentation Mr. Marshall. Xalal L'"8' wh ha ome from Tibet, was Sector of th. axoheologlcal department of toPPln' ""' engeged In conferences with th. government of India, described how !na hln cl'ln official.. While In Burma th. r.llc wer. found. Th. first inform- 1 '"'Pa many Buddhist monas- enes mere, ana tamed with the high H Ilooaevolt Grow. Yoanster. ENRi Beach Needham describes In Collier'. Weekly the Blowing physical condition of Theodore Roosevelt as noted at the land ing stago at Naples. "The first thing that struck in Colonel Roosevelt s appearance, as he walked down the gangway clothes, lie wore a gray tweed suit and it and divine musio vas constantly heard. From the Bo tree the prophet went forth to preach. He traveled over north ern India, and continued preaching until B. C. 477, whep ho died at 80 years of age. Just where he died we do not know, but the ashes in tho casket may Indicate that It was somewhere ln northern In- , Ula, not far from Peshawar. The un- enough for a country editor to run a photo- Tho corner shook whero l'i csideiu Norih.uu klndiy say ,8 death was caused by eating Gossip and Stories About Noted People graph of Roosevelt taken when he was civil servleo' commissioner and get awuy with it." was well pressed! Th. wrinkle to the coat, the bag to the trousers, so usual with him, were conspicuously absent. Whether this be a characteristic of second youth or not, I can't .uy. The first near view of his sunburnt face told the story of his regener priests, and laid flowers upon the shrines atlon- How Mlke Dnovan would have en- of the Uolden Pagoda at Rangoon. That Jo'd thl. first sight of him! I remember pagoda Is built over eight hairs which came talking with Donovan, an ex-pugilist, but from the head of the great Buddha, and Its a thoroughly good citlxen, who acted at Mnmiiv ! .urn. onA nniu v... ,Ka, v. - nnA time. Iloooevelt'a Dhvsical trainer. r T ylAi thro"Bh11,ndl temple at Kandy. which contain. Buddha'. After commenting on the then president's luting Buddhist writing, and visiting th. favorlu tootn, remarkable physique. Donovan added, with hrines. He tramped acroa. th. Himalaya K1. w w..u. , u,mPthn. of a .!: .nl.ln .tonnlnv In th. llttL rvruln... ' v-ej-lun more A Bloff and Flareliat-W. Caught without the goods, aftur making daring bluif, abashed, confuted, but deb- was his ptralely relalllaut, and victorious ln tho cud. Dr. John U. Keed ol ino acaucmio faculty of the Liuiverslty of Alichitun was bucked Into a corner Thursday by Presi dent Cyrus Northrop iu tho university chuckled in his glee. Then Dr. Reed's eyes flashed and ho looked dungcrously at President Northrop. Very well," he said, "1 will tell you a story." He told of a man who had fifteen chil dren and he took them all to thu circus. They wanted lo seo the bear and that was too much pork. tlon concerning them cam from records left by Chine, travelers who walked over India on pilgrimage, about four or five hundred year, after Christ. One of thcee men wa. a Buddhist monk, who Bpent Some Buddhist Beliefs. The Buddhist religion contains many beautiful things, but It has nothing of the worship of Jod as we know Him. It Is practically atheistic, and is a religion all they cared to see When they hud gono or despair rather than hope. It considers of Buddhist praying, in must things tnuse ln and looked at the bear the man of ureal personal existence a source of evil, and puople are centuries behind the times, but and noisy family asked the circus proprle- one of Its theories Is that the greatest evil as to their religion they have econuinlied tor how much he owed him. of mankind Is birth. Without that we energy and adopted many Inventions. You Not a cent." said the proprietor. Tho could not have old ace. misery and death: may remember the story of the American chapel, relates the Minneapolis Journal. bcal. eilj0ycd looking at you and your fam- and we would not have to go through the wno had a beautiful prayer written out for Thence he emerged after gathering some lly jugt aa much as you enjoyed looking at long line of transmigrations by whjch him covering his evury possible need. It self-possession and lauded on "prexy" nlln. man rises and descends to heaven or hell, was full of Christianity and brotherly love. Northrop a verbal wallop that put hlin lulo w hereupon silence tinged with gloom According to Buddhism one's soul, like He pasted it on tho head of his bed and quiescence. gathered In the corner where sat President that of John Brown, Is alway. marching every night btfore jumping ln, folded his Dr. Reed, who attended the Michigan Northrop and he said not another word on. This moment he dies he is born again, hands and reverently said: 'Oh! Lord, alumni dinner la St. Paul, vaine over to uuiing tho remainder of the addresses. nig oul passing at once Into the form pf them's my sentiments. Amen." the chapel with Dean Mortimer C. Cooley a man, a dog or some other animal, or WUI. that man was much like the Bud- and Prof. Wilfred li. tihaw of Michigan How Blaine Floored a Duke. worse than all, Into -a woman. If he ei- dhists. 'J'hey write out prayers on long for the purpose of telling the young nitii It Is a good story which Chauncey M. capeg the latter fate he may go down, scrolls which fit into round metal boxes and women of Minnesota how much better Depew tell, of a dinner that the late King dowlli oowni through the dlfforent degree, attached by plvois to handles, so that when off they ar. than Rockefeller or carnegie. towaru, as prince oi w aies, uuoo ... of anjmal life, until he falls into one of they give the handle a twist the box ine iiuuanist religion has its ten com mandments which are taught to the chil dren. The first five are: 1. Thou shall not take any life at all. 2. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 4. Thou ehalt not lie. C. Thou shalt not drink Intoxicating liquors. The socoml five are obligatory chiefly on the priests ln the monasteries, and by all other good people on holy days. They are: 1. Thou shalt not eat after midday. 2. Thou shalt not danc. or play upon musical instruments. 3. Thou shalt not use cosmetic. 4. Thou shalt not stand or sleep on ela S. Thou shalt not touch gold or silver. The theory of the religion Is that every one must work out his own salvation, and that no one can help another except by example. Bnddha Mot a God. It is a mistake to speak of the worship of Buddha, He is not a god, but a teacher. His followers look upon him as having been a mortal man, and they believe that any mortal may aspire to be what he wa. Ho is their idea of the perfect man, and his life is the perfect life. Nevertheless, they pray btf jre his shrine and use his name ln their prayers. And tills brings me to the various methods to pray at tne various place, where th. IX CO.- ? wher. Buddha wa born He walked to " jruici, pm n "v '""' tie arose to speaa, ana, jixuig u ui ........... .... tne nunarWa oaj BUddhlst hells, which are tawing tne scruu wniris arouna. They be- Buddha Gaya wher. the alnt received Wh0 concealea u ln nr clothing. Since too much. Dieting would take him down. President Northrop, said that out of con- visits to England before he had even been m the mlddla of thB eartn whera tne uf. )n,vo tney get merit for the prayer at every hi rreat enliah ten ment and then went lhen U nM ben rouht over ana cPtured but he Jut Can't diet. You see, he has to lderallon tor his venerable gray hair ho a candidate for the presidency. The one ferer gpend woooooo yearg or more j, whirl, and some of them keop their wheels w . inn r.. rtt urul rinrlnjr mvamI m.M mvA . . : . An V. ,t 1 .. ... i . : . . y . ... . 1 u . . . . .uu . . . , i , ui.lm. u'irri.Kan ft man JLt Ln H u nner WIMM UUKB ... ... . .11 .11 j... . . ... ,u , . .. BU lu liiiinci, muvA sanuoa ai.u Ma w ... w oum ucbisi iium icui" e - -- they rise again, or he may go upward to wnirwig an uy, m me ttimaiayua anu It U now mn hnlv that i 4. .wHm nnl .Hw . iw. . ... i . ... ; i.t.,i. ... . I . u ui.t n nf tliA rnval huse. Who had a reDUtatlOll ..... Mt. . .... i . . . .. . . ' " n..u keep niuuiui. oi iunc. nn.il nuiiii no ' " - . - - . glory into belter and belter states, until '"" similar nature woraea Befor. Roosevelt left the White Houn talk to students, because he knew presidtnt for lack or tact, i urmg a iu.. in '";- h8 at ,BSt reaches the heaven where th. by windmills and waUrpower; and, I doubt ... XTthtwtn H a i xor I U 1 1 L 1 1 1 n kl Br I 1 1 1 1 1 I i 1 1 HUM 11 a UiUI L-u utll . i.wv w v v . ... ,.. . V.n 1... i .. . i , uff-l. DCAftT Psih&Wir nol f from m ... - . IIIO iwrniy uuuuui WM iuuj. rm- . Mirn., VAnisa B"UI tC01 iv.ww.vw.wu cai A " ,m wviiA j T , w in. it ft pioot o. ivory hi. viAin riin.-iiiHin(r th yr and nm am noi wnn 10 norm w.i". w "1V Whr. th. Emperor Knishka had hi. pal- mbout lnch ln AiRXD and long a. U.,!i t" " Kr'?l .-.? Then Dr. Reed began hi. speech. against King George III. There wa no Tni. tow.r wa. aooui muvi nun- my littl. nir. it rno on a lntu-n-, ." ... ....... . .. ,., lu.tiflcatlon for it then, and there 1 no r.lic of Buddha war. kept. In th. records ... conMt nf ,h. mrt t. f hi. pilgrimage, h. de.cribtKl a great look, mora 1Ut, tooth ot a orooodlle dr tt in clrcumrecenc and w. hlgh of' 'T ?. 11 hl" "d JJ'J'": 7tor it now'." Th. prince, according than tha Washington monument. It had ' D . . All that Is gone now. Me eem. no to rrum. ""'i . ,lr i,nw ws nlainlv embarrassed. v.. u wia. JD . VI.. . CU1, Willi llinil ) to IT. Depew, wa. plainly embarrassed. Buddhist fairy stories tell how their great harness the lightning ln their rac. teacher lived as an elephant, a. a camel, toward salvation. a a gnat, a .wallow or an .agle. He The Buddhist, have no fixed services, went through every form of existence on no regular religious meetings and no re- th. earth, ln hell, and In heaven, and when llglous form, ot marriages or burials. Until thlrlMn atone, anil tne ton wa crowned .... . . .i ... nave m uuuuu ui uire...uuu. :.B..i. .... ,., . ,. hart tha taotrulneia til with a plnn.c.. of glided disk, attached TuXMm. r -""rked.y brlght-and nothing g.t. .aid .veryon. In th. room, in ya.n Dr - j w Mr h. MtalBa4 tn, Uct kBOWladg, h. could recently they hav. h.d no regular preach U an iron pillar. Mr. Marshall ..y. that mnoiimwi,n the' H" k,n ta ",1 hl" thMk Tt .V h . m. bettToffThev we a " a "'.fully voice. nplM: ra.l them all. HUtough they ar. now holding r tM. tower la.ted for more Ui.n thro, "pen Wrinkle, ar. .carcely to b. found- how them how much better off they were ,f , baJ al Th. Buddhist bolUve In cause and ef- c. In Japan and elsewhera. They do not hundred yr. after th. Chines. Buddhist Next to Ceylon and Burma. I find that nQ-1- many woman on th ,'r,ht fclde 1 . , ... much diplomacy a. hi. great-grandson, feet. It say. that man', misfortune, all believe that anyone but yelf can I. . . .v... ...... -ft.... ... . .. V. " " " .. . 1 r Mr- ..M K. rt-iiftrhit if her far. . "Tell us ome ot tho. .torles!" . . ,ii k. v,uh Th. nrin.-. com. from his bad actions, and all hi you toward aalvaUon. and It is only a ra- iiravi rooaen vi u liu inoir vibii. i nrir riM.m ie in. cnier suaanm rounrrv or tni - lcord. .tated that th relic, of Buddha part of th. world. It ha no r.llc of th. free rrom crow'' feet- What ,ltU6 ray lay under th. tower. Th. origin of th. discovery cam from Then through th. blushe. coughing and f Wale, after the subject wa passed, good from hi good ones. Heaven mean minder, ot the example of Buddha th-r TM l. in. great, their vempioa have been erected. aalnt. but th. .plendoe of It temples beg- ' u ln nl mulach "a'r not a'heu.lng of Dr. Reed the truth came out. gripped Blaine', hand with twlnkl. of th. extinction of deal re. TM. 1. th. great a gar. dewriptlon. I vWted on. at Bang-' vlalbl. at.w feet away. U wUl be aasy Thet. wer. uy tyrle. It a a a bluff. admiraUoa. d ot Ufa. T wlp. out all passion, all FRANK G. CARPEN y I