V B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 22, 1910. ' to 5! 1 Chicago Street Car Strikes Automobile George A. McDonald, Well Known Base Ball Writer, is Crushed to Death. CHICAGO. May n.-deorge A. McDonald, a local base ball writer, died today as the result of Injuries sustained. In an automo bile accident last night. Mr. McDonald was riding In the car owned by "Johnny" Evers, the second baseman of the Chicago Nationals, when it was struck by a street car. Mr. McDonald was the only one Injured. Ills skull was f-actured and he sustained a. concussion of the brain and Internal in Juries. An operation was performed on him last night, but from the first the physicians entertained little hope of his recovery. In the car besidea McDonald and Evers were Joseph Evers, a brother of the base ball player, and a negro mechanic. Mc Donald attempted to Jump a he saw the collision coming. Ha fell under the car and was wedged In so tightly under the fonder that It required the efforts of three . men to extricate him. VTh Party was returning from the West bide base ball park after the game between Chicago and Brooklyn has been postponed because of wet grounds. McDonald was 11 years old, married and had a son 6 years old. lie was graduated from Northwestern university In 1?03 and a a eprlntar while in college. entirely new kind of brick and Is often described aa resemblplng a Turkish or Oriental rug of dark rich hues and with a rough texture not unlike the "moof" or "nap" of the fabric. The congregation of R'tvii Israel has broken ground at Eighteenth and Chicago streets for the new Jewish synagogue, con tract for which was awarded a few days ago. The edifice will present a beautiful exterior of brown brick trimmed with white stone. The face brick selected for this building Is bring furnished by Sun derland Brother. NEW FACE BRICK CHURCHES Two Structures to lie Erected Will Ise the Foe Brlrk lleoomlna: So Popular. i j i The Klrst Presbyterian church at Clar Inda, la., sent a committee of seven men to Omaha to select face brick tor their new building. After a careful examination of many Omaha atruclures the committee de cided to buy the same brick as was used 1n Ualph Sunderland's new residence, In tie north Field club d!nrtot. This is an Monument to Samuel Spencer Statue of Late President of the South ern Railway is Unveiled at Atlanta. ATLANTA, May 21-Presented to the city and state by 30,000 employes of the Southern railway, a magnificent bronse statue of the late Samuel Spencer, first president of the Southern railway, was unveiled here today. The cords holding the veil of the monument were loosed by Violet Spencer, the 4-year-old granddaughter of the railroad president who met tragic death In a railroad wreck in Virginia on November . Wf. Hundreds of men representing all branchea of the service, came from all parts of the south to attend the cere mony. ' J. W. Connelly of Washington, D. C, chairman of the committee which raised funds for erecting the monument, following prayer by Iilxhop Cleland Klnloch Nelson, told how the funds had been secured, each employe voluntarily contributing according to his means. Governor Brown and Mayor Maddox re ceived the monument In behalf of the state and city. The statue stands on the plaza of the At lanta Terminal station and bears the fol lowing inscription: "Samuel Spencer, 1847-1908, a Georgian, a confederate soldlei, first president of the Southern Hallway company. Erected by the employes of that company," I if I II Mali Falls la a sniter ni. the 11 II I 1 II II II coax falls of tba knaks River mit-1 1 11 11 1 II II t Plr Uilil and sowar tor Inilustrisa 8 II II I 1 I i 1 I t I n cn"e htht " Powar make II II II I 1 11 I manufacturing titles f i j f l THIS IS OUR G UARANTE E 4 LIj that a la a fair oooortunltr to con- IV. to" ha opportunities that art hars lor jou aarantaia at Idaho Falls, In Idaho. Wi can nit you 7 on your money. Wa will fuarantae lo live you t'4 tlmaa aa mu-h aa anjr midwest savins bank will par you (or you rash. Wt will absolutely itiarantts that anr tiara of land that wa aell you, will Incraava at (ha raia of W par cent for evary yr you hold It. It you truat u to niaka an Investment for you, wa awu lutaly mtrt thla aa a detinue fart. Tha possibility of fsilura la unknown. '1 housamla of satisiiad con somars attest that a know our business and IX) It wall. A handaome baoklat on Idaho Falla. Idaho, and a trae lattar ut Information, dlrtatad for, and wrlttan ipsrially tu you, ara youra (or a poslsI card. Address 0 ! WjXB &jD CDCDQQ UMi T Elis Bros. & Jackman Idaho Falls, Idaho Is In tha hoart of tha snaka Hlvsr Vallay, tha Tth richest In Mis world. oan Doubli Your Mcney In Idaho HIE history of every investment made in well located Idaho towns is thnt of profit; a constantly increasing profit, a profit that has grown with each transaction, each change of ownership and thnt now is going to n degree which promises even greater profits in tune to oouie. Mr. H J. Falling, formerly of Randolph, Iowa, now vice-president of the Twin Falli Bank and Trust Co., of Twin FalU. Idaho, paid 17.500.00 for a corner lot In the town of Twin Fall, which, tlx years before, was sold to the original purchaser for 1 1,750. The first purchaser had ten years In which to par for this lot, at the rate of $175 per year. He has not paid for the lot yet. In the meanwhile It haa been sold flrat to one man and then to another, until thla final sale shows a profit of more than 1,000. You can double your money in Idaho T It lliiwi aiwswiwiwpts.tg mm i aasai sann. , . i-mmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmm " I 1 ."!. ' 'I ' mi I. X . . ,..... ,., , , II 4? . J "i a . ; , I w. v ,.11' u' 1v v. ,,1 E . ..4.3 I. . w ju I 'it : r ?- I I .V. - :.i , 1 : MskMr. & Slli A1- wa jsiisaV spAit- t-TTT 1-. i,fi,i ii. 'Art -" ii. wa4V' ' Thla orchard is three years old.. It is located four miles from Twin Falls, Idaho, and is ex actly what you will get at the end of three years; if you close your option at that time. Vou huy an orchard like this for only $100 first cash payment. And take six years in which to pay the balance. The beauty of the Idaho landscape; the comfort of living in Idaho is worth forty cents a day. And that's all this costs you. Read the advertisement. YOU WANT MORE MONEY MAKE $1,000 PER YEAR IN SOUTHERN IDAHO V IDAHO has this advantage: It la bnt thirtyone hours dis tant from Omaha; not any more than that from the rapidly KTOwing and high price, CASH markets of the Pacific ' coast. THH ENTIRE STATE is filled with mining camps; rHODVCT IVE, and theso provido a sure and never failing market of quick, cash (lemaml. The Wyom ing coal fields; the Montana copper and GOLD MINES lie almost at our door. Centrally located in th? midst of all thla Insistent demand; the Idaho farmer has KXTIt A ORDINARY YIKI.n. NO KUKKiHT OVKlt 1N TKHM!NHI.F KONa DISTAN-CK.-: allowinr tba reUroade to cat ell tli3 p-otit. TIIK MAHKKl'S l.IK IM.OS'-- JT 1I VNO ni'inv i'f tliem wtOiln driving rttxtmoe OH" VOL'R FARM. Yuu Ml'HT know about Idaho, you MUST ask u. main line of the Oregon Short Line (Union Pacific Railway) at Twin Kails, Idaho. Thus our lands lie within easy aoceas of the arreat market of San Francisco, Halt Lake City, and with the North Pacific Coast: 8eatrl and Portland. Wn have 09XT JPOaTY BTtTtT TfCTg. You muat ask nbont 'his AT ONCE If JOU are to profit. YOU CAN MAKE OVER $IOOO PER YEAH from one of these ten acre tracts. i.V OTHER FRUIT DISTRICTS MORE THAN $3000 per year has been made by men who were EXTRA GOOD FARM ERS. That is FROM FIVE TO TWELVE TIMES AS MUCH as the average farmer in the mld- r. . .-.iii.a.i...iii.i..i i in 1. 1 1 Not any man can tell about Idaho in an advertisement. We have a 64 page booklet that tells all about Idaho. It Is the most beautiful booklet ever printed by anybody, anywhere. SIXTY-FOUR PAGES OF UEAlTIKI'Ii PICTURES LARGE PRINT, in a cover that would sell for half a dollar at any art stor?. WE SEND IT KHEE. ASK. easily reached. Transportation is cheap and close at hand. The Snake river provides water suf ficient for a hun-ired thousand acres; for A . HUNDRED THOUSAND PROJECTS LIKE OURS. Te price is named low that we may dispose of it quickly. THEIJE IS ROOM OR ONLY THIKTY-TWO BUYERS ON THIS PROJECT. And vou can buy It FOR ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS CASH and taKe ail .rears to pay the balaneo. It take ONLY Jli)0 to s"jure one of tliee tracts: you can take six jreara to pay the !?alano. In the mean while we take oare of it; look after the trees; prune them; and turn over tn you a HEARING ORCHARD WHICH WILL NET YOU 1'RtiM 11.000.00 TO 13.000.00 'ASH EVERY YEAR OF YOUR LIKE AS l.ONO AS YOU LIVE. ..' HI INI HUM ". ;, ' 1 C:. -'..nr.' -'1 1L 'V 'A. U .( ' 'Hi. ruf liii i.. n- . '- , .. i,..,., ... ... 1 ... . 1 i Ik I Sa'aaa Twin KalW la the Wonder City of this Continent. Six years ago It was a auge brush plain. Chicago capitalists who knew THAT ANY SOIL THAT WILL GROW SAGE BRUSH WILL GROW ANYTHING came here and developed not only the city, but ALL OK THE SI KKOUXD IN'tJ COUNTRY. Today Twin Falls is a citv of SIX THOU SAND POPULATION. As this advertisement Is being written the sound of an electric drill at wor- on the construction of a , frame anrt rranlta bank bulloUar. cornea throuah the win dow. Twin Kntls provides A KCRW CASH MABKFT FOR EVERY THING YOU RAISE. Our land lies seventeen miles from Twin Falla; three miles from the new town of Hollister, and within three miles of the Nevada Southern Railway, con necting with the main line of the Union Pacific Railway at Wells. Nevada: fcnd with the )AAcA-lXi. Ai'tfLti Llxc id; BOQlil) AND WRAPPED. SELL FOR AS HIGi AS $3 FcR BOX George Basset, a farmer livtng near here, last year CLEARED. NET from only TWELVE ACRES over ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, ills orchard was only four years old, and Mr. HasHct is inexperienced at irrigated farm ins. , But he made the THOUSAND DOLLARS AND HAS IT IX THE HANK ate states makes net. per year. You can have the roost beauti ful home In any state; the sur roundings permit it. You can produce REAL MONEY with the least degree of labor. There is no hard, incessant toll; no brutalizing labor that keeps your nose to the grind stone day In and day out. The wit: haa time to herself, the children can go to the excellent near by schoola, and YOU HAVE TIME TO MAKE A GOOD CITIZEN OF YOURSELF. The quick CASH markets are close and We have used every dollar we na every aoiiar our friends poeeess and every dollar the banks will let ni have buying; LAWO FOB OURBELTEa We know what this Idaho land will .lo. That's why we have Invested; that's why we ask you to invest. WE GUARANTEE YOf sfc"E ON THIS INVESTMENT. Our beautifully Illuatruteti booklet n free. Our Guaranteed Agreement We agree to cultivate and care for these Orchards for a period of five years in a first class manner, and should any trees die from anv caitae we Twin Falls Land Orchard Co. r. G. LTSSIM. President Twin Falls, Idah The Snake River Valley. C. 0. rtJOH, Eastern Afsnt, Orooker BuUdla", see Moines, Zowa. agree to replace them. These tracts are In five-acre lota and will be set with the most fam ous varieties of commercial ap ples; varieties which are known to be the beet keepers, the sur est yielders and best revenue getters In the world.' We offer these orchard racts for the low price of $1210 on easy terms as follows: Cash $100 on re ceipt of contract and bnlnnoe In monthly payments of $15. (to for one. two. three, four and five years, and 130.00 pavments the sixth year, without Interest. We care for and receive all Income off of said Orchsrd for a period of five years, or until turned over to purchaser, and sjlve the pur. chaxer the option to take over bis tract on the Sixth year. We fur ther agree that upon receipt of contract and first payment of I50O to nlaoe a (rood and anffl elent warranty deed with ab trat tn escrow in n Bank of Eolllster, Hollister. Idaho, to be tinne.1 over to purchaser when payments have been completed. This much we guarantee: If you put up $100 and pur chase one of these five-acre tracts; or two hundred and pur chase one of these ten-acre tracts, and there Is a single mis representation. YOIT GET VOl 'It MONEV HACK FROM THE HANK OK HOLLISTKK. at Hollister. Idaho, and WE HAY' YOUR EXPANSES FROM YOUR HOME TO TWIN WALLS AND RACK. Thl rnenn In tlnlu EnflUh, JUST WHT IT SAYS. Send for our booklet; that tells ALL. Send right now. TOOAY. F. G. Lessur, President, Is well known all over Iowa, Min nesota and Missouri. He Is an orchard man of vast experience: his name and fortune Is behind this enterprise. J. W. Craven is the owner of the largest stock farm In Southern Idaho. He raises the finest grade of thoroughbred stock. He Is vice president of this company. His name Is known'o thousanda of Mlasourlana. W. H. Thomnson, secretary, hs chsree of the de tail. HE Is TED BEST BCAsT AT THAT JOB WB COULD thoroughly competent. lIIK townsite of Kenyon lies on the main line of the Oakley brunch of the Minidoka and southwest ern division of the Oregon Short Line Railway, branch of the Union l'acife system. Exactly half way between Oakley and Burley, the largest and most important city on the Minidoka tract, United States Reclamation ser vice; and within 13 miles of Oakley, the largest city on the Twin Falls Oakley project, financed by the Kuhn millions of Pittsburg; Kenyon lying midway between these two great Rec lamation projects and surrounded by over a half million acres of the finest irrigated land on earth, is bound to grow and become an important, bust ling little city in Southeastern Idaho. There are for sale two hundred shares of the Treasury stock of the Kenyon Townsite Company and the proceeds from this stock are to be used in the construction of railways and the construction of buildings, the putting down of cement sidewalks, the plant- ing of trees, and in general preparation for a definite certain demand for a market town at this particular point. It is not essential that you take our word for this. Ask your local banker concerning the growth and de velopment of Idaho; ask any intel legent man of your acquaintance whether a small sum of money placed in Idaho will come back to you two fold. I want you to write me a letter today telling me whether you can in vest $100, $200, $:?00, $400 or $500; whether you can put it in a bank and watch it grow. Mid-west banks pay but 3 on savings accounts, Pacific Slope banks pay 4, 5c and G; but 1 can guarantee you Please write. Write today. Hand illustrated booklet, setting forth the Minidoka Project of the United States Government, and full and complete in formation concerning our own enter prise is at your disposal and is ABSO LUTELY FREE. Pres. Kenyon Townsite Company, Burley, Idaho Formerly General Cashier Pacific Express Co. and Resident of Omaha a SI lMSM 'JSWSJiytjeWM Jl. Jt MWUWHUWJ'' IW. ilTOT!sWM7gagWlsJ- v Hnt rr-. DUUBLE YQUR urtttCV TU IDAHO s The UNITED TATES MEsWEMT HE Minidoka Flat of the United States Government Minidoka Project contains 30, 000 acres of the richest land in the Stale of Idaho. This land ,ou can buy on credit. You can sell that mid-west farm of vours FOR CASH and buy 10 THK Union Pacific Rail way, In ro-operatlon with the Burley Com mercial Club, together with the business men of the city, have lssueil a hand some, richly illustrated booklet. This booklet Is not a dry relation of ordi nary statistics. It does not tell vou how sumo other acres m Jualio. it is enough: For the man who seeks a new home; for the woman who seeks en dowment against the v i c i s s i tudes of old age; for the man who seeks, security as against the loss of em ployment, a few acres purchased of the United States Government Minidoka Project is all of these and more. Some of this land may be planted to apple trees. It is especially suited for small fruits such as strawberries. Celery and all vege tables are ready for a very early market when a big price may be had. I WILL END THIS BOOK FREE It Is Absolutely Tree If Yea Will Write to Me Today. A two-cent Htutnp, a postal card, anything will do, but write rlfht now. The altitude; dryness of climate; friable soil and the perfect air drainage from the rushing current of the Snake River, make of this the ideal spot in the world for the culture of a hardy apple that undergoes the difficul ties of being shipped over long distances.' 1 am not in the real estate business. 1 am a lawyer. I came to P u r le y with $1,000 four years ago. Today I own $20,000 worth of the richest, finest land on the face of the earth. I can help you to locate on the United States Government Minidoka Project; be cause of my training man got rich. But it does show a good relief map of the CJreut Minidoka Project, the Twin Falls Oakley Pro ject, the Gocse Creek Pro ject, and the (ireat Raft River extension of the Kuhns, and tells all about each and the great coun try we have in Idaho. This book 1 will send to you free. and education it will all be done in a legal way; I want you to write to me today. Write ut once. Opportunities iivthe west are fast slipping away. You are needed here. The west needs you and you need the west. Do not procras tinate. Don't put off. Don't delay. Write to me at once. This illustrated book is free. taftMV ..tkeat OETJ ;:1 C. A. Attorney at Law, Real Estate Burley (U. S, Government Minidoka Project), Idaho Send for our TtEl literature. It Is worth a ttood deal more mnnev to vou than the time It will take o send for It. YOU CAW DOTTBLB TOO MOSEY 1st IDAHO if yop know how. We can tell you how. We WIZ.X. TSI.X. TCU VOW. Send for it tcday. . FOr the IVlun WItti n Little IVIoney or IVIucti lVIortey Xo Investigate! iewerseeiisfssa)sueeitipyirs), trSonaami