Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 17, Image 17

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jpaa-a wWaMawaaaaaBwasaBBSBW.. B-VasBM
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Board noons.
ROOMS and board. 8OT& Mason. Tel. IIar
ney 166. y
KICELT furnished rooms; excpllent
board; reasonable; cloa In. 618 S. lth.
HOOM and board; walking distance.
j THE IRVINO oa Leavenworth; newly
' decorated, Mingle and double room, with
1 first claas b'jard at reasonable prices.
Table board specialty. Douglas 6637.
ROOMS AND BOA RD Home cooking,
oar line. 3009 8. 24lh. Doug. eHai. .
HAVERLT HOTEL. K10 M St., Am. plan;
bath; $125 day; weekly, K up; meals, 26c.
L.ARGK ROOM, on first floor, suitable
for two; ladles preferred; detached house;
HOARD If desired. 2161 St. Mary s.
FarmLlke ltome.
NICELY furnished fronl rooms on first
floor; modern; suitable for man and wife
. or two gentlemnr. tuti Harney tit.
PRIVATE! family, room with alcove and
other rooms. 2667 tit. Mary's Ave.
ONE large furnished room for one or
two gentlemen at 6U1 8. 26th Ave. Tele
t phone Douglas MSI.
ONES or two good furnished rooms, mod
' era, walking distance. 261U Dewey Ave.,
Douglas !606.
MODERN furnished front room, private
family. 2771 Burt SU Tel. H. M63.
- CLEAN parlor room for rent to lady, $.1
week. M N. 20th.
- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms.
' Cuming Bt.
FURNISHED rooms, tl to $10. I21S Cali
fornia St. TeL Douglas 4479.
MODERN room. 638 8. 24th St
k NEWLY furnished front room aultabln
1 lor two, with private family. 2til4 Dodge.
DODGE HOTEL Large outside, aad
ateaiu beat In every room; rates oy wees.
WARM rooms, l per week; free beta.
Ogden Hotel, Caundf WufXa.
FURNISHED rooms lor aeatlemea. I
a Utb atw The Uhataaso.
A Die large room oo 1st floor; plsaaaat
surroundings and with private famflyi suit
able for two gentlemen. 728 S. 26th Ave.
ELEGANT front room. Cm furclturo. KM
m. ssth. Mo siga est aouaa. .
TWO furnished rooms, easultey very
tral. Inquire 1606 Farnam. 2d floor.
m.j. niTii. m. , WQI1WI Will, vv U&14"
few quiet roomers large porch, lawn; il4
. is-1Yn ..Ih. t.1. A W.Wa
ana iia. Doug. sum. ii4 uarney.-
TWO rooms, strictly modern, six blocks
from postofflce. bug w. goth BU
PBWKt European hotel, Utb Fftraaxn.
KLEOANTLY furnished, large rooms; all
modern; pnva.e nouae. jnea ire. . i&is Chi
FURNISHED rooms, flOOl Mason.
T.AT?nFl aJrv. oomfortabla. twa batha
few quiet rooiuers, large poreh, lawn; tit)
'and ?15. Douglaa 01, 3224 .Harney.
TWO large rooma, on with alcove; board
If desired; private. 114 B. 18th BC
FURNISHED rooms; nous new; plenty
hot water. 818 N. lath.
TWO furnished front rooms, with priv
ilege ot bath. 2210 Seward. Webster 4601.
The fLsnronn Fli -otasa family hotel. ueorgia 10 oorgi Avs u-biL
NIC furnished room; gentlemen pre
ferred. 2864 Dodge.
NICELY furnished front rooms; modern.
202 N. lvth BU '
SUITS of I rooms aad on other large
room; uicaly rurnlshodi modem. 17 Capi
tol Ave.
SINGLE rooms, $1 week; modem.
Douglaa St
LARGE, nicely furnished front room and
alcove, with piano; strictly modern; nice
bath, plenty of hot water; both telephones;
no objection to practice or musio of any
kind: $20; walking distance; car on block
2668 Bt Mary's Ave. .
ONE single and on front room; modern.
201 S. 4th St
TWO elegantly furnished apartments In
the Cornish apartments, 8. W. corner 10th
and William streets.
W. FARNAM SMITH & CO.. 1220 Farnam.
FURNISHED room In new. modern
apartment house to on or two ladles em
ployed during the day. References. Tele
phone Red 7700.
TfUKNISHED rooms. $8 per month, for
young men; eieotrio ugnt, steam neat, teie-
fibone, running water, laundry and preos
ng privilege. $627 Harnejr.
BEAUTIFUL suite of nicely furnished
rooms In fashionable residence district Also
vttagla room If desired, walking distance
aud on car una. Modern conveniences, In
cluding use of phone. Good board nearby.
Address 833 rark Ave,
ROOMS,' both large and small, newly
paper ana renovatea. Dries tmnaing,
modern, walking distance. 8208 Harney.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; near
car Una. 8338 8. 18th.
MODERN rooma for 1 3 or 4; separate
beds if desired. 2087 Harney.
FOR RENT Room close to depot and
new oar barns. 1404 S. 8th.
MODERN furnished room. 311 8. 10th Bt
NICELY furnished room; all modern;
nice lawn and shade. 1716 N. 22d St Phone
Webster 4318.
TWO rooms, suitable for four. 808 N. KJ.
FRONT room, modern, in private family.
U4 So. 29th.
ROOMS, both large and small, newly pa
ltered and renovated; brick building, mod
ern, walking distance. 2208 Harney.
CLOSE IN, large, clean, beautifully fur
nished front rooms; unfurnished If desired;
modern and reasonable. 1918 Cass St
N-WLT furnished modern rooms, with or
without board; also table board; reasonable
rates. 4408 N. 24th St
FURNISHED modern rooms for ona or
two gentlemen. 1717 Burt
big land firm has this to say:
"We Lave received more profitable business through
our ad in The Bee than we have from any other ten
papers in which we advertise.
"anager of Fundingsland
Knrnlahed Hoonia
-( oatlnaed.
A ALCOVE SUITE, suitable for two gen
tlemen; alHo one lare room. 317 8. 2fith Bt.
i.arok Hiinnv south room with alcove; I
four big windows; appropriate for one or
two sentlemen or married couple; walking
dlstanco; private house. Phone Doug. 2!Jt.
mil Mason tit.
NIPKI.Y furnished. strictly mouern
sleeping rooms; large flat; Close In. $2.50
week; 647 b, 24th Ave.
LA ROE front room: also single rooms
with board. 2tU0 Harney. Harney 294..
FOR young- ladies employed, two beauti
ful, large rooms, strictly modern; private
family, liarney w.-u.
ONE large furnished room, strictly mod
ern; walking distance, close to 24th St. car.
&va uewey Ave. ajuuk. ot'-n.
YOUNQ man to share comfortable fur
nished room, reasonable terms, 2702 Far
nam; Harney 2673.
ONE room, $1.60; 1 room, $2; both newly
decorated; walking dixlanre; mouern con
venlences; can be used together,
2616 Davenport SU
LA ROB front room,
southern exposure.
117 H. 27th Ave.
Phone Douglaa 7010.
NICELY furnished south room for gen
tleman. 1707 Dodge St.
rnnionui njuiu. jur iciih
LARGE front room, suitable for four
boys. 8W7 Harney bt.
VERY desirable furnished room with prl
vate family. 2116 Poppleton Ave.
TWO front parlor rooms; modern; house
keeping privileges, hzm Chicago.
NICELY furnished rooma 2208 Harney
Cr CtiHrttlv mnA r-n n ar 1 v n rMrri nvrAl. I
lent location: call quickly.
' 6INGLE furnished room, 3d floor, flat It
622 S. 18th.
Mary's Ave.
furnished rooms. 2019 SL
FRONT room for X or i. 2215 Farnam St.
Ntrni.T fumlahed Inrirn modern front
room, suitable for two sentlemen or man
and wife.. 324 19th Bt. DOUg. vzas. I
TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern,
2114 Harney.
NICE furnished rooms. 614 S. 16th. Flat 4.
GOOD, clean, desirable rooms, suitable
for one or two young men or man and
wife. 213 N. 19th St.
LARGE modern rooms, furnished nlaely,
8 ana ts.eo per week, bis in. win bv
NICELY furnished rooms, 1811 California,
rrisra in. l-rirn. riAAn. beautifully fur.
nished front rooms, unfurnished It de-
sired; modern and reasonable. 1913 Cass
NICELY furnished room In new
1101 California. Tel. D. 6318.
1818 CHICAGO ST.. nice front parlor.
suitable for two gentlemen; strictly mod-
LARGE front- room
South 10th atreet.1
with alcove. 2638
LARGE front rooms with big
walking distance. 2026 Dedga,
closets; I
TWO single rooms and one front parlor; I
raoaern. sua uougias.
NICELY furnished rooms; $3 week to
gentlemen; modern. 2473 Harney.
r nun i room wun aicove. lor iour. &uu
. r - I
uis laraa rumisnea room in moaern
home, with private family. Tel. Doula
VStn, Kratt HI. Mary VS. .
. ., . . . . 1
parlor; suitable for two or four gentle
men. 7Y Harney Bt , Kererence.
NEWLY papered, newly furnished rooms;
eight blooks from P. 6. Red 6100. 2204
TWO modern rooms for
Harney 4148. 215 Mason.
LARGE single room. 2709 Farnam.
FRONT room with aloove.
worth St
2016 Leaven-
WAn rwim i.lH4 1 VI XT 9A,h at
, '. '
THREE furniHhed rooms; walking d!s-
tance. Inquire evenings. 2606 Davenport St
LARGE front south room; also smaller
room; modern. 11707 Farnam.
NEATLY furnished large front room. 80$
B. 18th Bt
FRONT parlor; nicely furnished; modern.
KUVl o. lDth.
WELL furnished southeast front room
with alcove, also small room; private fam
ily; large lawn. 7 B. 89th Bt
FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping.
Call Sunday before 6. Share these cheap.
2201 N. zotn, upstairs. eignty.
NICE front room, close In, 8 blocks from
postofflce; also small room. 206 S. lath.
NICELY furnished single room for gentle
men. IN. U bt
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room, suitalle
tor 2 or 3; strictly modern; 2071 Dodge.
LARGE front room for two people; $7
eaon. ft o. win.
MODERN and nicely furnished rooms,
private ramiiy. wo a. lan ci.
IN private heme, large sunny room, ele-
gantly furnished, electric lla-ht. heat. baih.
hone, walking distance. Nice porch and
wn. Farnam and 24th Ave. Harney 4008.
LARGE front room for two or three; also
one small room, strictly modern. 813 N.
sum et
LARGE front room for sleeping, for rent
at wt d cvin su
FURNISHED rooms. 2643 Capitol Ave.
TWO large front sitting and bedrooms.
nicely furnished; bath; gas; porches and
yarn; sis per montn. Webster 6834. 3u07 N.
Mia et
FRONT room, newly parered. light house
keeping or sleeping, ion isard.
FURNISHED six-room, modern cottage.
n. 0in CM..
' LARGE modern frunlshed room, $2.60 per
weea. nn
& Severson, Sidney, Neb."
Paratahed Rooms- Coatlaaed,
TWO modern rooms, single and double:
south exposure; quiet place. 171J Daven-
FURNISHED room for gentlemen; $2.60
n. Pu cat h s.vth.
. ,
A NICELY furnished room. 2623 N. 20th.
i nr fc.rniih.H mom eith.i.
jn iuit)98 or ,,ig. In modern house. 1821
Cass 8L
NICELY furnished rooms In private fam
ily of two. 230S Capitol Ave., or 'phone
Dtuglas 769.
NICELY furnished south room for gen
tleman. 1707 Dodge St.
NICELY furnished south room for gen-
tleman. 1707 Dodge St.
622 & lGth. third
floor, flat 1L
FURNISHED rooms, in town. 11.50. 170S
California Kt.
VO T Ii rnnniB fn 1 1 - Lr f rnm nan Una
reasonable price. 2711 South 23d. '
TWO nicely fmnlshed rooms, privilege of
light breakfast In one. 324 N. 19th. Doug
las G292.
LAUOE, well-furnlshed room for one or
two. 201 S. 25th Ave.
THE HOWARD. 51.t nnd Howard, nre
Le ZL "J?..?.- "S0. P. JK."'.
furniHhed eomnlete. Ic and hot water fur.
Janitor service, $35.00.
Housekeeping; Rooma.
TWO very desirable light housekeeping
rooms; everything fumluhed. 5a0 b. Kbth
FURNISHED light housekeeping room
2412 Dodge.
A 8U1TK of three alerant new rooms.
modern. 220 N. 20th.
THREE hou9ekeenlna rooms, newly pa
pered; water and bath; $S per month. 2215
Military Ave. Tel. Webster 1760.
TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished
complete; gas for cooking and lignt, 2223
eavuiiwu in. rnuum inuepeimein (a-tou.
TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete
lor light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport tit.
THREE rooms, partly furnished for light
housekeeping; references required. 270
TWO rear rooma and pantry,
2709 Doug'
la Bt.
PART of new. all modern, house; fur
nished or unfurnished. Inquire 2015 Lake;
for husband and wife; no children.
BY May 9. one large room with alcove.
for light housekeeping. $U a month. 12
S. 6th St.
THREE rooms for light housekeeping;
partly furnished; cheap. 630 S. 26th Ave.
FRONT suite of llKht housekeeping
rooms; first floor, modern. 2028 Farnam fat.
Phone Red 6211.
SOUTH front, for light housekeeping;
modern. 2018 Howard St
LARGE front room for housekeeping. 21U
Douglas St
BOUTH front, basement housekeeping
room; $13; modern. 2310 Douglas St
HOUSEKEEPING rooma 2543 Capitol
VOTIVO lariv in ihurn atilta of rooms for
hnii.akwn tn nn rtrat rinnr. All mouern.
HArney Bt
ixrr . kn..i..T,ii
'."7',""''?"' jrTZ.'tZ
h,niiUi,l, In mnm flat: rnt reason
. ..lot. . . VI. , imiivi, fcw...w..
BEAUTIFUL furnished housekeeping
rooms; strlotly modern. 632 S. 28th et
Phone Harney 6146. v
NEATLY furnished housekeeDlnc rooma
m.o uaiirornia.
THREE connecting rooms, furnished for
light housekeeping; modern and In West
Farnam district; private family. 'Phone
Harney 2DM)
TWO modern housekeeping rooms. $14 per
montn. z:w uuuung.
NICE large neatly furnished rooms, light
nouseaeepwg; ail iiont rooms and modern;
""""""a rsai. i x. urn.
THREE rooms unfurnished, strictly mod
ern, $10 a month; also furnished apart
ments, til IMO. Z4tb.
TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms.
Mason. Harney 4146.
TWO furnished apartments. 8 room each.
Z16 N. 22d Bt
MODERN furnished rooms for lleht
housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. U21
Chicago bt
SOUTHEAST Shsdy lawn; walking dls
tance; 2-roin suite, $16. Piano. 604 b. 28th Bt,
TWO furnished rooms, modern, $2.60 per
week. Apply at 2103 Miami bt
THREE newly papered
rooma 608 N. 16th.
MODERN newly papered, 1 rooms, coal
range or gas. aunary, yara, month.
8673 su Mary Ave.
HOUSEKEEPING roomsi furnished.
Jackson Bt.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished
complete. Call $14 S. 20th, between Farnam
and Harney,
FUUNlSHtu housekeeping rooms.
NICELY furnished front parlor in brick
flat; housekeeping privileges; everything
furnished complete. 'Phone Red 6700. 2116
Chicago Bt.
LARGE front room, housekeeping. 2011
FURNISHED rooms, can do light house
Keeping. 110 unarles.
FOR RENT Two modern housekeepln,
rooms. u a. join et.
THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms.
Dundee. 'Phone Harney 21 SI
LIGHT housekeeping room, with alcove.
t xs, ism ou
SOUTH front room, all modern, reason.
suit, ziue i-aJiB.
FURNISHED, two front rooms, sultabl
for three or four men; may have use o
piano or will furnish for light housekeep
111. 1U 0. OU
TWO nice rooms with alcove, furnluhed
or umuriusneu. itu in. smn t
two nice, moaern rooms, gas ran re
eieciric ugnia, un oar nu. is j. ititn a
MODERN housekeeping rooms. $002 Web
ter Bt. ptione Duugias fci.
NICELY furnished 1 Ik lit
Sleeping rooms. N. Uilh.
TWO large rooms. $ closets, modern
walking distance, M; also I-room suite,
parlor flour, hauasomely furnished. tM
b. th.
NICE room for
light housekeeping;
118 Douglas St
fuiaiatied; modern.
TWO llKht housekeeping rooms en suite
ground floor; modern convenience and uu
uf launuiy. 2tus liarney bl
TWO south rooms for huuaekeeplr.K. fur
niahed or unfurnished. Modern, 2oJ Far
nam, u iioor.
llaiiaekee-plos; Raam
MODERN housekeeping and sleeping
rooms; walking distance. 23C3 Dodge Bt.
TWO or $ rooms for housekeeping: mod-
rn. 2700 Farnam St
WANTED Ladles to do stamping: work
taken home; experience unnecessary; steady
worn, wniis vvooa jo., iu xs. istn.
K80 Harney, two south front rooms for
housekeeping. . .
TWO elegant rooms completely furnished:
reasonable; modern. 614 8. 22 d.
EIGHT-ROOM modern house, near car.
Phone Red 6100.
LARGE front room, modern. 210 No. 19th.
kt rnnm fop srentlemsn. 17. qn
Mason. Harney 27M3.
TWO rooma for light housekeeping 2018
LA ROE modern rooms, nicely furnished.
$3 and $3.60 pur week. 618 N. 19th St-
Vuf nrnlshed Rooms.
STEAM heated modern 4-room apart
ment, unfurnished. 4768 N. 24th St '
THREE unfurnished rooms, modern, for
light housekeeping; reasonable rent. 1426
N. 20th.
TWO flno rooms, facing Hanscom Parki
$10 per month. 2968 Woolworth Ave.
TWO unfurnished rooma for light house
keeping. 1916 Webster Su
THREE, all modern, parlor floor, $16. 613
N. 23d St.
WTkTTD imfiiiHl.t, st aannm- rMAfaMM -.waam
r J , L uiliuiiiinuru I uuiin t iiiuudi CAtc
isat. Call after 6:30 p. m., 2608 N. U-th Ave.
THREE rooms for light housekeeping, 2264
N. 20th St
ENTIRE 8d floor for housekeeping, un
furnished. 2621 Harney. Harney 6328.
FOUR front rooms, strictly modern. 2804
Sherman Ave. Webster 6810.
One nice large unfurnished room for light
housekeeping if desired. 2013 Webster St.
THREE room for rent. Inquire 2004 Vin
ton St
TWO unfurnished rooms in new brick
flat, $12.60 per month. 311 N. 21st St
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooma
2026 St. Mary's Ave.
THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper
floor. 2566 Douglas.
FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooma
2672 Harney St
FOR RENT 4 room, modern, unfur-
nlihed, $15. 1766 S. 9th.
FOUR rooma. for 218 car month. 112 N
27th Ave.
Apartameata aad Plata.
8-r. brick for roomer between High
school and Crelghtou; atrlctly modern,
yard. $45.
1002-3-4 N. Y. Ufa. Doug, or A-2162.
as shown In lost Sunay's News (20th and
Howard), can be bought to net purchaser
6 per cent on investment, wth good rea
sons for quickly doubling your money on
lot value. Come in and see detail of
plans. $6,000 cash, balance to suit Doug.
vol. ruimua jo., out new umana nut,
Bank Bldg.
8-ROOM flat good condition, on Park
Ave.. $34.0. 'Phono Harney 1664.
CENTRAL, all modern 4-room flat $2$
N. 83d.
FOR RENT An 8-room modern apart
ment, Field club district; five bedrooms and
sleeping poroh; beautifully decorated
throughout; strictly first class. iJS fop-
pieton Ave. peters Trust uo. Doug. im.
ELEGANT apartment.
Strehlow Tar.
race. Webster 4328.
FOR RENT 6-room apartment In The
Barnard. Apply 417 N. Y. Life Bldg., or
pnone Douglas lino.
A BEAUTIFUL anartment at 33d and
Farnam, nothing finer in the city. Call
wm. i rotter, liarney zzis.
FIVE-ROOM new brick apartment mod
ern; steel rang and water rent paid, $2$
mommy, tteierenoes required. &uo b.
24th St
SERVANT PROBLEM solved: 8 rooms
condensed Into 6; steam heat, electric lights
ana laundry, not ana cold water, wan nea,
safe, gas stove, refrigerator, Janitor service.
'1'he Hunter. T41. Doug. 4132.
4-ROOM apartment In new brick bldg..
east ox ri an scorn 1'arK. Harney Sbitti.
821-623-82B S. 24th St.
All modern, Janitor, steam heat, special
summer rates.
Third Floor N. Y. Llf Bldg.
4 ROOMS, good light fine location, 2620
For rent in new five room flat, lower
floor, 4n h ana Davenport. .so.
KobDin ueaity uu.
406 Bee Bldg.
Vaw air room house, modern. Phone
1 .... .. tiAT
AN up-to-date apartment In north part
Webster 6,K.
605 SOUTH 22d, 8-room flat, hardwood
finish. $46.00."
the M iKT'V.L. lat and Howard. 4-
rooin aparimeni, not water uanuy anu
janitor tree, .w.-
Furmlahed Ilonses aad Flat.
EIX-KUUM nouse, partly iurouu, aum-
... i Ilfl 9rt Tarliinn H SKXA
iiiur ui wui .....
Mooaaa a4 Owltaces.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS parked, forwarded
che no freight rates: moving and storing.
Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel.. Doug. 894.
8-room fully modern flat: hardwood floor
throughout; $40 to desirable tenant Wright
& Laabury, urn u. luttt u rnone D. no.
FOR RENT Hoi 4 rooms, modern ex
cept furnace, one block from 24th Bt car,
8607 Pierce, inquire uui b. ux Ave.
Save time and money; all sizes, all prices.
6th Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg.
fine home on Florence Blvd.. nine rooms
fully modern; big barn; low rent If taken
at once. Appiy to
835 N. Y. Life Bldg. Douglas 6228.
FOR RENT Excellent 8-room all modern
house; four bedrooms; laundry; cistern; 613
N. 22d bt. ; vo. Aiso -room eultage in
complete repair, zeot uionao bt, $10. Tele
phone. Red bA in evenings.
linTTWSTi'S ,n u Prt f th city
I1UUOLO Crelifh Sons Co.. Ilea nirt
-ROOM, modern, sultubl for
families. 1008 a 22d St Red 6727.
Suite 624. N. Y. Life Bldg. Red l.'J).
HOUSES, tnsuranoa. Ring wait Barker Bis.
Hoaaes and Coltagea Contlaued.
OMA1LV Van At Storage Co.. pack. move.
tore household goods; slorehoiinc, lU'0-24 N.
19lh; office, is S. 17th St Tel. Douglas liwik.
HOUSES, flat. Garvin Broa. $4 floor
. Y. Ia
6-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum
mer or longer; f40. 3606 Jackaon.
FOR RENT Attractive modern house on
best car line. Tel. Webster $901.
FOR RENT o-room modern cottaxe in
Beinls Park, $26. Inquire at premises. 1011
N. $od Bt, or 4066 Uiand Ave.
8-ROOM modern house. Walking dls.
tance of downtown and hlah school. Desir.
able location. Also 8-rooin modern except
lurnace. utose to car. uu pnoue liarney
10U. -
FOR RENT Nejr 80th and Chicago.
within walking distance, we have a new,
11 modern cottaue, finished excentionallv
line; nothing nicer In Omaha; wator In
cluded $32.60. N. P. Dodge Co., latn and
FOR RENT 7' room modern house. West
Farnam. fine lawn, shady porch, laundry.
311 N. 33d. Telephone Douglaa 200.
THREE t-room. new. brick housos. lust
completed, all modern combination fix
ture. 813-16-17 N. 2lHt Bt 865.
U. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block.
Office 'phone: It 2C39; Realdenoe. D. 6033.
HANSCOM PARK HOME, all modern,
room houBe In fine repair: hot water
heat; beautifully decorated; large porches,
naae ana lawn, km a. xatn bt lei liar.
THREE rooms, separate house: walklnc
distance. $10 per month.
7-room strictly modern; on California
treet; one blok to Farnam car. $30 per
month. NOWATA LAND et LOT CO., 621
N. Y. Life Uldg. Red 1999.
THREE rooms, all modern, hot water
heat, on car. $15 per month.
Suite 624 N Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999.
EIGHT-ROOM brick flat 221$ Califor
nia, $45.
Bemls park 8-rooms. 8SS4 Chicago.
1002-3-4 N. Y. Life, Douglaa or A-2162,
$18 8-room house, newly papered, water
rent paid. 2728 Burdette St.
TTTVc-nnOM rnttara
and four-room
basennt. 2335 S. 19th.
7-ROOM hous, modern. Including cistern;
will sell reasonable; leaving city. 1907 S,
of rooms, close to car and In walking dis
tance; furnace, just linisnea, ana cas-
teliar eta.
417-418 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 2318.
FOR RENT OR SALE 8-room modern
house, Hanscom Park district. Apply Room
6C0, Be Bldg.
Elirht rooms, ail modern, flno location:
hade, etc.: 8321 Davenport; :'(.
Four rooms, city water, 43a tfuraette.
six roam, city water. jti Aiartna, si.
Four rooms, partly modern, 837 S. 24th. $1L
Four rooms and store. 2122 Military Avo.:
Five-acre garden tract Henson, $J.
433 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney St
.We . offer for rent the one
story and basement brick store
room at 914 Farnam. This prop
erty has trackage facilities in
rear. Apply
17th and Farnam.
FOR RENT Large storeroom and base-
plumbing. 8123 Cuming St. Rent $30. N. P.
uoag tc co., uin ana riarney.
STORE Room, new building, good loca
tion for any business. 336 month. 10th and
Douglas. , Harries, Heal Estate, ei6 Bran
aeis uiag.
STORE ROOM 1S07 Farnam St
Semi-basement, well lighted. 1807 and 1309
farnam et.
Store room, 618 N. 24th St., So. Omaha.
THOS. F. HALL, 4.13 Ramge Bldg.
Both 'Phonari.
STORE ROOM TO RENT-$30; 1822 Far
nam. Western Umbrella Co.
WELL liehted large corner room, 83x100,
siiuaiea on secona iioor. raiace cio. co.
14th and Douglas.
...... . .n ........ ..'
RUNABOUTS, buggies, aurrey and tan
hopes. "Racine" and other high-grade
makes sold by us at moderate prices.
Johnson Danforth Co., 10th and Jones Sta
cheap, 1117 Farnam.
FOR SALE CHEAP Surrey, cut-under
body, built by French, Boston; fine coudl
tloii. Bee stable, 122 S. 39th St
FOR SALE CHEAP Surrey, cut-under
body, punt ey jvrencn, Boston; rine condl
tion. bee stable, l.i a. 39th bt
en furniture, piano, salary, etc until yoa
114-61$ Paxton Block.
Four Imposing tables. Iron base and
tone top; also $ galley bank and ' twu
team table lor sals. Apply Bee pub. Co.,
inn sua axnaiu.
ONE fine mahogany wardrobe, worth $40,
will sen lor i; one iron baa, spring an
hair mattress, and one oak sideboard, for
sale cheap. 2209 Davenport
FOR SALE Folding bed, almost new,
Douglaa 4044.
Slnalcal lasti omenta.
A $0 piano check for sale cheap. Till
expires May 31. Audreys bMl Leavetiwuith
SYMPHONY Grand Columbia Grapha
phone, splendid instrument Price $2M and
never sold for less. Will sell one, which Is
brand naw and In perfect condition for 3170.
Good rea.son for selling. Address, O 140, Bee
FINE upright piano; big bar
gain; owner leaving city. lu cans.
C. G. CONN B flat solo comet, prac
tlcally new; also musio stand. F693, lice
WHEN answering advertisements In Th
Pee Want Ad Columns, kindly mention th
fact that you saw the ad. lu 7 he Bue.
(Continued )
Type rltera.
SKCOND-hano typewriters sold, repaired.
Central Typewiiter Exchange. 1607 Faniam.
Typowriters f or Kent f.
m Farnam St., Omaha.
BUY an L. C. Smith rnos. Typewriter.
B. F. Swanson Co., distributer . U13 Far-
am bt
$20 cash, Apply 1617 Farnam, barber shop.
WE HAVE oa ht.-.d a number ot Ink
ban els which we will sell for 60 cents each.
They are fine (or rain water or ashes. Call
at press room. Bee Publishing Co.
ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box. In
good condition. Length 4 ft Address, C
1 j, care use.
SECOND-HAND oak counter: hainl-
carved, marble cashier plate; wire wicket,
about 40 ft., odd snape; win lit a room
wentv feet wide. Can be seen at stortiue
house. For further particulars Phone Doug
las 238. Bee Building Co.
DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all
$10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman
McOoiinell JJiug to., umana, rvco.
HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Furnain.
FOR SALE New and second-hand billiard
and pool tables. We lead the world In ohoap
bar nxiures; easy payments, uruiiswica
Balke, Cullender, 407 S. 10th St.
SAFES Overstocked with second-hand
safes, all sixes and makes; bargulna Amer
ican supply co., jiio r arnam bi.
The Economy
Window Screen will
H. Weirlcu Fixture Co., all kinds of
milt work.
REFRIGERATOR, in good repair.
ney 647. 1021 Park Ave.
traveling goods at a real leather store.
Cowhide leather suit cases, $5. AUre-1 Cor
nish at Son. 1210 Farnam St
nrrVof Try - C. Dlmmoek A Sons. 24th
lumuer and H stg So 0maha only
dependent lumber dealers In the city.
one at carter lane, l'rice 11:00.
1102 Harney St.
FOR SALE One large glass front desk:
aiso grocer s iceDox. w. . iiarnimi. zm .t m
13th St. Tel. Doug. 6073.
Wo have 10 ladles shirtwaist forms that
we will sell very cheap ' in bulk or sop
arately; just the thing fbr ladles making
their own waists, or dressmakers. Peuules
btore, ladies cioan Dept
JOHNSON INST., 418 N. Y. . Tel. D. 1664.
Dr. Kathryn Nichols, 56$ N. Y. Life Bldg,
D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117.
HIRAM A. STURGESS, registered patent
attorney. U. S. and foreign patents se
cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. $1U9,
WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner
in u. B. Patent office. 618 Paxton Block,
Tel. Red 2991.
China painting lessons, 60c. Harney 3768.
noma lhlfi Martha Kr . nmiLliil Neb. Phona
T..,,..l. Tl-v,
BRAIDS and switches made from comb
ings, $1 up; a fine line of switches on
hand; mall orders filled. Mrs. P. Stover,
u St. Mary Ave. Tel. It 8161.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace.
strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO.
ABLENE DE VOY, manicuring and mas
sage. i4 b. iom bt, Flat v. pnone u. vm
GAIN health & wealth. Adv. under Colo,
lands tells how. Western Land Ac lnv. Co.
Swart & McKelvv News Dept. 2d-hand
oooks; uer. et ng. periodicals. 109 a. utn,
MASSAUEMls LaGrane. 1617 DodKe St
hour 10 a m., 9 'p. in.; basement flat
SVPTVfiVS Rubber good by mall; cut
i3XXVJNUiO brlcea. Send for free
catalogue. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha,
A HOME for women during confinement.
We find home for babies whose mothers
cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For
terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee. 401
Bancroft St., Omaha. Neb. Phone Douglas
WE rent and repair all kinds ot sewing
macuines. uia. A-looJ. Doug. ibw.
16th and Harney Sts.
JOS1E WASHBURN'S book, "The Under
world Sewer," at all book stores; prioe i.tiO.
OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg
THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-off
clothing, in fact anything you do not need,
We ooilect, repair and sell at 134 M. llth
St.. for cost of collection, to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone Douglaa 4136 and wagon
win call.
WE don't like to get personal, but It'
right to the point. Vaudeville, latest and
liveliest. PARLOR Hall price
EXPERT china packer; wedding presents
a specialty. lbi4 Davengort inu. u-eim.
IS a drusless treatment for rheumatism.
Consult Dr. Margarita Hanoran, 226 Neville
Blk. 'Phona Douglas TiDl.
DIVORCES obtained without noise or
delay. Wills and estates a specialty
Practiced law 28 years.
474 Brandeis Bldg.
Phone Douglas 3f68.
Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, seal
treatment, hair goods; Sundays, 10 a. in. to
4 p. m.
$06 Neville Block. Tel. Doug. 4238.
PRIVATE HOME during confinement
babies for adoption. Good Samaritan ban!
tortum. 740 1st Ave., Council uiuns, i
STRICTLY private- Christian home for
conunernenia, uucior in ai,iuui.-v. n uw
nurse oauies ior aaopnitu. au f.riuwfk
TrriQ and toupe for men. GRIFFITH
MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt
glow a"d massage, lout, Doage bt. oppo
sit jiusuiffice. 3d floor. Pbou Doug. M
Room 3M old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor,
12v s. 16th Bt kiairway on Douglas Bt
PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr.
King. 1324 N. 84th Bt 'Phone Webster iU
tj UJma from combings, $1.60. Mra S
DV 11CUCB uathew. 3u4 Neville Bk. D. Ot-
MASSAGE Mia LaUrane. 1617 Dodge St.
I hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. iu. Basement flat.
the best In the market for young chick
ens. Mads from pure grain.
A. W. WAUiNElt,
Phones Douglas 1142; Independent A-Ma.
Screenings. $l.2u per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 14
SETTING hens, $1 each. 1914 Bancroft
SETTING hens, $1 each. 1914 Bancroft
WON the silver cup. White Leg hours.
Ircular tree. A. J. Simpson, Carroll, la.
LEW W. RABEK, Printer,
Entrance ou
lOL'GLAS COUNTY saves thousands ol
is yearly by having my figures ou
ing. John T. Thompson. Tel W-36S6.
R1ES-11ALL l'tg. Co.. 109 S. 14th; Ind. A-S624
'PHONE IND. A-8620 for good printing.
Lyogstad Pi In Hag Co., 16lh tt Capliol A a.
Miller & Jamlcsun, 1212 Doug. Both phones.
service; get our prioea 1710 Farnma at
11 D. 12 VI. 648 Ramge Bldg. New bouse
FRKD H. HADRA. 417-418 First Nauonai
tank Bldg. Douglas 8318.
BENJAMIN R. hi. CO., 477 brandeis BiOg.
U01 Farnam. Uiuuud Floor.
PET R JESSEN, JR.. Tel. Doug. 129$.
B. M. SADLER tc SON. $0$ 8. 18th St
JOHN CAMPBELL. 418 N. Y. L. D. 107L
GUARANTEE Abstraot Co., 1623 Farnarr.
Neale & Norton tSi. Zsm.V
2102, 2106, 2110 and 2112 Grace St. These
four attractive homes, containing six: and
seven rooms each, have oak finish In parlor,
dining room and reception hall; maple floor
In kitchen; upstair finished In yellow pine.
Both up and downstairs papereed with a
splendid selection of the latest design of
paper. Colonnade opening between parlor
and front hall; both electric light and
gas, with combination fixtures; cement
sidewalks and paved street; within easy
walking distance, convenient to school and
store. If you want a swell home, we
know these will please you.
Prices, $3,300 to $3,600 each.
HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 liarney fit
217x165, 542,000
24th, head of Douglas St.
Harrison & Morton
5 to 20 Acres
Near Florence
At Farm Land Trices
These fine tracts are two miles west
ot Florence; lust off level concrete road.
Good for .garden truck, fruit, berries, poul
try or aitaiia.
Price, $160 to $165 an acre. Terms, one-
fourth casii. iiaiance, mommy.
Doug. 862.
Third Floor, N. Y. Lifa.
Florence $67. Florence."
Price $3,500
We have a special bargain this week in a
nice home of 7 rooms, besides 2 large rooma
finished In the attio. This home Is modern
in every way, lias extra large porch and
fine, large closets; all nicely papered. It I
an eaat front in the Hanscom Park dis
trict on 20th St., Just below Poppleton Ave.
Take our word for it that this is a big bar
gain and us the owner does not need the
money he will accept $700 cash, balance on
easy terms.
Price $2,500
Big snap, la a fully modern 6-room m
story home, only 4 years old; newly pa
pered. Where can you buy a house like
this, on a paved street, at anything Ilk
this price? It is on California street, near
33 St.; $000 cash, balance easy.
806 South 17th bt 'Phone Doug. 123S.
3411 BURT ST.
muNt be sold at once, owner going to Cali
fornia. Hero is a chance to obtain a fine,
well built, modern home, only two yatra
old. Has 8 large rooins, belde good attio.
iAiwer floor finished in oak, second floor
birch and quarter suwed pine. Ha a full
basement with servants' toilet; screens and
storm windows; fine yard; 4,'xlM), paving
all paid in full. Handy to two car lines.
Don't fall to see this at once. Price $8,700.
1614 Harney St
$1,700 will buy good six room cottage,
modern except furnace, paving paid; If
right party will take small payment down,
balance easy,
U. 11. Hair, $023 Caldwell. Phone W 3726.
FOR SALE An up-to-date 6-room cot
tage, flnlxhed ill hard wood Inquire ot
owner, 814 High School Ave., Council Bluff.