Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
Kor Nebraska Simwt rs nml coU!or
Kor Iowh- Show cis and roMrr.
For wonther report se pnpo 2.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Conference Adopts Platform to Aid in
Work Involving Nations of
Purpose to Give Federal Courts Power
to Enforce Treaties.
, uler Remembered
Delegate . Take Stand that Nations
f World Are t.radaally lie In
Imbued with Spirit Mr.
Hrxin'a lews.
MOIIONK LAKE, N. Y., May 20.-A short
service In mi'tnury of King E1 war J VII
preceded the regular ocsslon of the Ike
Muhonk conference. The business commit
tee presented a favorable report on a reso
lution by Dr. Lyman Abbott, providing- for
the appointment of a committee to recom
mend at next year's conference the best
method of giving the I'nlted States govern
ment the power to enforce Ha treaty obli
gations In the federal courts and generally
to furnish adequate protection to nun
naturalized resident.
Text of the Platform.
The conference adopted the resolutions
and also the platform, as follows:
"The sixteenth annual Lake Mohonk con
ference on arbitration congratulates the
people of the United States on the marked
progress which the last year has witnessed
) a the nge-long struggle for the substitu
tion of the reign of law for the, reign of
force In International affairs. It notes with
deep satisfaction the significant announce
ment of the secretary of state and the pro
poned legislation of the international court
of arbitral Justice, recommended to the
powers in his circular note of October 18,
3!K)9, has been received with so much favor
as to ensure the establishment of such a
court In tho near future.
. "The conferanco has further noted with
profound satisfaction President Taft's re
cent declaration In favor of the submission
to arbitration of matters of difference be
tween nations, without reservation of ques
tions deemed to affect the national honor,
and the conference expresses the earnest
hope that the president and snate will give
effect to this wise and far-seeing declara
tion toy entering upon the negotiation of
general treaties of arbitration of this char.
acter at the earliest practicable moment.
To Reduce Armament.
"The conference reaffirms Its declaration
of last year reepeotilng the portentous
growth of military and naval establish
ments and calls renewed attention to the
fact that the rapid development of the In
strumentalities of law and Justice for the
settlement of international differences fur
nishes to the statesmanship of the civilized
world the long-deoired opportunity of limit
ing by agreement the further increase of
"The coming celebration of the 100th an
niversary of the agreement between Qreat
Britain and the United States, definitely
limiting their naval force to 400 tons and
four elghteen-pounders on the Qreat Lakes
and the St. Lawrence river, calls renewed
attention to tho continued menace to the
peace of the world, caused by prevailing
conditions elsewhere, and emphasizes the
fact so well expressed by former President
Roosevelt In his Chrlstlanla address that
with sincerity of purpose the great powers
of the world should find no insurmountable
difficulty in reaching an agreement which
would put an end to the present costly and
.growing extravagance of the expenditure in
naval armaments."
Itrjsn Gives Views.
William J. Bryan arrived here today and
presented his Ideas on peace methods to the
Lake Mohonk conference on International
arblt ration.
"Some favor large navies," said Mr.
Bryan, "in the belief that they will com
pel peace, others believe, and I share tha
belief, that peace can be promoted by dis
couraging the spirit that Inspires the build
IK"if big navies.
Our nation Is In a better position than
any other to test the power of example In
leading the nations into the paths of peace.
It docs not need to compete with the world
in battleships. It will become, an increasing
nfluenee for peace In proportion as It relies
Kin peaceful methods rather than on a show
of force.
"It ought to announce its willingness to
enter Into treaties with all nations stipu
lating that there should be no declaration
of war or commencement of humilities until
tha matter In dispute has been submitted
to an impartial tribunal for investigation
and report."
Public Lands Committee Recommends
Measure for Passage with End
In View.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. 1). C, May 20 (Special
Telegram.) Lincoln's postofflce Is to be
enlarged to dcuble Its present size. At
leust the plan was given a big boost to
day when Senator Uurkett'a bill was rec
on. mended for passage by a committee on
publlo buildings and grounds of the senate.
The amount of appropriation recommended
by the committee Is S425.000.
The senator was reinforced by state
ments from every officer of the govern
mmt who have had quarters In tha build
ing at Lincoln, that their room Is Inade
quate. He hud ulao taken the precaution
hava an Inspector go to Lincoln and
Wfort upon the case, and In addtlon to
this has a report from the supervising
architect to the effect that the present
'Mng was entirely Inadequate properly
U accomodate the various branches of the
publlo service, and recommending a four
atory and basement extension, with 11,000
square feet of ground area. Such un ex
tension, including - necessary changes In
tha present building he figured, would
cost I425.0O0.
Another ( lab lirona I, tills.
KANSAS CITY. May M.-Jere 8 mils,
presl Vnit of the American Exchange bunk
of this city, who was the victim of an as
sault by John C Cudahy, tha pucker In the
(Iter's home here s-veral WM-ka nun was
,a.lli-d from the Kvanstrm ;olf club lo-
No charge, was preferred against
I (V s. Vt banker name had s1im.Iv k..
U "I ped "n the membership rolls of the
United States
Wild Over Ships,
Assert Senators
"We Have Lost Our Heads," Says
Mr. Hale, "and if We Do Not Stop
We'll Bankrupt the Nation."
WASHINGTON. May 20.-That the United
States lias gone wild about the matter ot
armament and especially in the construe
tlon of battleships was asserted by Sena
tors Hale, Clay and Gallinger in th senate
today. These statements were made U)
connection with the consideration of the
naval appropriation bill. The bill carries
J133.OUO.ouo and Senator Hale predicted that
within five years the annual naval appro
priation would not be less than 175,OUO,-
0UU. Consideration of the bill was not con
The opinion was expressed that the
promised reduction of expenditures would
not take place during the present session
of congress and Senators Hale and Gal
llnger, both members of the committee on
appropriations, united In the statement that
for the next fiscal year the expenditures
would exceed the revenues. Another feature
of the debate was the citation of ex-Presl
dent Hoosevelt as an advocate of reduced
It was all brought about by an amend
nient Introduced by Senator Burton pro
vlding for one battleship of the dread
nought type Instead of the two authorized
by the bill as passed by the house. Senator
Clay was the first to assert that the coun
try had gone wild In the matter of sea
ve have lost our heads," he said, "and
If we do not stop we will bankrupt the
"That board has never been able to make
a recommendation of typo in these ships
that i;a been good for two years In suc
cession," replied Mr. Hale. "All this talk,
of the possession of a surplus revenue
places us In a fool's paradise."
He declared the United States had caught
Its infection from England, where the con
dillona are different.
Cinnamon Bear
Taken with Lasso
Man from Australia Captures Year
Old Animal Near Sheridan,
SHERIDAN, Wyo.. May 20. (Special.
That the cinnlamon bear haa not disap
peared from the Big Horn mountains be
came evident about a week ago when
Rudolph Rovlgno, chauffeur for George
Cavalry Rudeson, a large ranch owner at
the foot hills of the Big Horns, gave chase
to a wandering bruin, who foolishly cam
from tha forest to the open, and was
chased and lassoed by Rovigno.
The bear, about a year old, showed fight.
but was soon' brought .to wvtbjectiptr, and
the Rudeson ranch., where It was'- chained.
and promises to become partially civilized.
In his efforts to capture tho brute, Rovigno
was bitten through the hand, and for some
days was threatened with blood poison.
Another, stayer, at- the -ranch- was. ap
proached from the rear by the bear, and
his coat torn from his shoulders before he
could get away.' The bear will be kept
by Mr. Rudeson, who is a sportsman of
the real . old Engtah . stamps as evidence
of the nerve of his chauffeur, who is
lately from Austria, and only a novice with
the lasso and not intimately acquainted
with the character of the cinnamon bear
when in bis native place.
Two Men Killed
in Trolley Wreck
Collision Near St. Louis Breaks Wire
and Bodies of the Victims
Are Cremated.
ST. LOUIS. May 20. Two met were killed
and their bodies cremated by 33,000 volts of
electricity when a northbound Peoria
sleeper on the Illinois traction system col
lidsd with a southbound electric fright train
near Lovelace, 111., at 3:30 o'clock this morn.
lng. The dead:
J. E. BOBBETT. Staunton, III., motorman
on the freight train.
111., conducter of the freight train.
The passengers In the sleepers escaped
with slight bruises. The overhead electric
wires fell on the cars of the freight train
and set fire to the wreckage. The men
who were killed were caught In tha wreck
Vice President
at Iowa City
Mr. Sherman Will Deliver Commence
ment Address on "Solution of
National Problems.
IOWA CITY, la.. May 20.-(Spe clal.)-In
a letter received by President George E.
Mac Lean here yesterday Vice President
Jams S. Sherman announced the subject
of his address for commencement week as
"The Solution of the National Problem
Mr. Sherman will arrive at midnight from
the east on Tuesday, June 14. At o'clock
Wednesday morning he will deliver his ad
dress at convocation in the armory and at
noon he will give a short talk before the
alumni dinner. He takes the 3:30 train
for Chicago.
Sheriff Pursuing Errant
Little Boy Six Feet Tall
The telephone rang In the sheriffs office
and Sheriff Brailey answered.
"Please find my little boy for me,"
pleaded a bass voice.
"Certainly," said the sheriff. "Is he lost
or baa he run away?"
The voloe said that the mlsjlng person
had run away and had taken a freight
train toward North Platte. The sheriff
asked for a description. The voice said It
bolvnged to J. A, Benjamin, a butcher for
Trade Excursionists Caught in Storm
Thirty Miles South of Rapid
City, South Dakota.
Engines Cut Loose, Leaving Pullmans
Without Heat and Light.
Band Plays "Good Old Summer Tin.
Which Adds to Gloom.
I in passable Itoails from Sgun and
Itnln Unites Tourists Abandon
Proponed Trip to Belle .
LEAD, S. D., May 20. -Six Inches of snow
fell here between last midnight and noon
today. This is the third snow storm since
the first of May.
RAPID CITY, May 20 (Special Tele
gram.) Thirty miles south of Rapid City
In a snowstorm, engines gone to a Junction
miles beluw; no steam, no lights, telegrams
telling of ove'r three Inches of snow lii
Dead wood and tho possibility of abandon
ing tho best trips of today as well as the
cavalry parade at Sturgls, was the fate of
the Boosters when they awoke Friday
morning. To add to the gloomy picture,
the bund played, "Good Old Summer Time"
and "Jingle Bells." -
Wrapped In overcoatd the business men
blew smoke alternately with watching
their breath make rings In the frigid at
mosphere. Their bodies were warmed by
surging feelings and horrid dispositions.
Rain has made the roads Impassable and
the hope of making the trip from Belle
Fourche to Spearfish and back to Dead
wood by automobile has been abandoned.
Every member of the party wanted to
make this trip and had ordered automobiles
and only impossible weather can prevent
visiting the people of Spearfish. Regardless
of snow and slop more than half the party
was marching at the towns behind a band
playing hard enough to dispel the clouds.
General Superintendent S. M. Braden, L. M.
Costley, Division Superintendent E. E.
Benjamin of the Northwestern Joined the
party at Rapid City. S. F. Miller, general
freight, and pasienger agent, and George
West are coming to Hot Springs and Gen
eral Manager Frank Walters to Cha'dron.
After another day In the Black Hills the
Omaha trade excursionists will reach Hot
Springs Saturday evening, where many of
the party will try sleeping in a bed, reser
vations having been made at hotels. This
la the route Saturday;
8:40 a. in.
U:m p. m.
1:00 p. m.
1:66 p. in.
3:S p. m.
4:40 p. m.
0:07 p. in.
Dead wood, 8. D...
Lead, 8. D. .........
Ueauwood, 8. D...,
Englewood, S. D...
Redfern, s. D......
Hill City, H. D
Custer, ri. D
Minnekahta, 8. D
s.-OO a. m.
12:60 p. m.
1:40 p. m.
1:36 p. m.
4:26 p. m.
, 6:37 p. m.
. 7:22 p. m.
Hot Springs, 8. D.
. 8:30 u. m.
Train cannot be run to Lead. Trin will
be made with C. & N. W. narrow-gauge
Enter Rapid City In a Rain, bnt Still
RAPID CITY, S. D., May 19. (Special
Telegram.) Rain is falling on the boosters
tonight, yet the entrance Into Rapid City
was made In the usual way, every man
marching, returning to march to the hall
secured by the Commercial club for a
smoker at 9:30,' carrying red fire and mak
ing the streets of Rapid City bright after
the showers.
The enthusiasm with which the party
was received, Indicated that water doesn't
drown friendships as more than 1,000 people
met the party, which was a little late. The
moving picture show was Interfered with
slightly because of the rain, but was com
pleted. Some remarkable evidences of how friends
of Omaha are settling the new lands In
South Dakota, were recorded on the last
half of the days' trip. Kadoka was an in
stance. L. J. Proebstlng, manager of the
furnishing goods department of Byrne &
Hammer, was roped by an Indian at this
station, and drawing his victim to his
saddle horn, George Brown, a Carlisle
graduate, extended his hand and said; "De
lighted to see you. Proebstlng used to sell
me goods In the Rosebud country."
Brown is now a merchant in Kadoka. Ho
rode with a party of cowboys and Indians
to meet the Omahans and when he saw his
man dropped his lariat about him with
ease. It has been a number of years since
tho Indian saw the Omaha dry goods mer
chant. American flags, 100 feet in the air.
floated over the train a It pulled into
Kadoka. The flags were held by kites and
were well arranged.
Many of the homesteaders were women
and came from Omaha. At Conata, Eva
Roberts, of Omaha, rode twenty-eight miles
to meet the Omaha party. Many similar
stunts made the day a successful one The
tour of the Black Hills begins at daylight
Friday. From telegraphic advices received
Thursday, the week will end with a bril
liant dance on the porch of th9 famous
Hotel Evans at Hot Springs.
Calhoun Conntr Fair.
LAKE CITY, la,, May .-( Special. )
The Calhoun county fair will take place
August U to 26 at Manson. The purses are
unusually large, ranging from $50 to JiO)
for the free-for-all pace and trot. It is
planned to make the stock and grain ex
hibits especially comprehensive. Construc
tion work on the grandstands and build
ings will be commenced soon.
Hayden Broa, who lives at 019 California.
The boy's name was declared to be George!
"Well, give me a description of your lit
tle boy." said the sheriff. Mr. Benjamin
am no was is years oil and stood
feet one inch In his stocking feet.
'Fairly big for a little boy." said
sheriff to himself. t
North Platte waa telephoned to and the
train met, but it was found the youth bad
dropped Qtf enrouta,
MMIXIXCi, MAY 21, 101O
News Note: Everybody
From the Washington Star.
Testimony in Ballinger-Pinchot In
quiry is All In.
Next Friday and Sutorday WIllBe
Devatea to Rpeechmaklna;- Briefs
to Da Filed Within Fif
teen Days.
' WASHINGTON, May 20.-The taking of
testimony In the Balllnger-Plnchot Investi
gation ended today and the committee ad
journed to meet again next Friday to hear
oral arguments by counsel.
Two days will be devoted to speech mak
ing. The so-called "prosecution" will open
and for five hours next Friday the com
mittee will listen to the addresses of Louis
D. Brandels counsel for L. R. Glavis and
Georga W. Pepper, counsel for Gifford Pln
ohot. The "defense" will sum up its case on
Saturday, May 23. John J. Vertrees, coun
sel for Secretary Ballinger will have five
hours In which to answer the attorneys for
the other side. Such time as the attorneys
for the prosecution shall have roaerved out
of the two and a half hours assigned to
each may be used in closing.
Both sides will be given until Monday,
June 13, In which to file briefs with the
committee to assist It in passing on the
great mass of evidence which has been pre
sented. Without having given previous notice, the
defense announced unexpectedly at the
opening of today's session that it had rested
Its case and the prosecution put on but one
witness In rebuttal.
Letter from Ballinger.
Secretary Ballinger sent a letter to the
committee today to the effect that a careful
search of hU files had failed to reveal any
correspondence with George W. Perkins of
the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., other than
that already made public.
Attorney Smythe, representing Mr. Pin
chot made a statement to the commlttoe
that he and Mr. Pepper desired to put In
the record certain affidavits to contradict
charges against the forest service made In
a report presented by Secretary Billlnger
regarding the Menominee Indian reserva
tion. Waste of the Indians' money In lumbering
operations was charged against tho forest
service. Attorney Vertrees said he had no
objection to the filing of these affidavits,
providing he could have the same privilege.
Objection to Argument.
Attorney Vertrees said he was opposed to
making any argument before the com
mittee. He said he could not see the neces
sity for it. If the had been pre
sented to an ordinary Jury he would want
to argue his case, he said, but the com
mittee was composed of legislators, oir
of them Judges and all of them lawyers,
who knew as much about the case as he
did. "And In the second place," he added
w;lth a smile, "I don't think there Is any
thing to argue."
The plan finally adopted was the sugges
tion of Mr. Brandels. He drslred to present
oral argument and to follow it with a brief
in duo course. Members of the committee
discussed the matter at length and Senator
Sutherland made a motion that each sldo
should bo given five hours for oral argu
ment and that the attorneys should be al
lowed fifteen dsys tlma thereafter within
which to file briefs. The motion carried
There is-the want
ad for The Sunday
Call Douglas 238 today from 7:30
a. m. to 7:30 p. m., If you can't
come down to the office, and tell
the ad taker what you want. He
will write the ad for you, tell you
what it will cost aud gee that It ia
placed rlghU
Everybody Wins
claims to have won the "long
Choose Officers
For the Session
2ev. Dr. Charlei Little is Elected
Moderator and Elder . Thompson
r. Vice Moderator,
' ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. May 20.
Elder Charles H. Thompson of Minne
apolis, treasurer of tiic National Presby
terian brotherhood, was named vice mod
erator at the general assembly today.
With all the opening formalities
cleared away the commissioners settled
themselves down to business today when
Rev. Charles Little of Wabash, Ind., who
was elected moderator late yesterday af
ternoon aftera short, sharp contest,
called the general assembly of the Pres
byterian church to order In Music hall
on the ocean end of the steel pier.
Following tho opening devotional serv
ices the annual reports of boards and
papers from presbyteries were received,
after which evangelistic services were
A matter of interest today was the
committee selections the moderator Is
to make. One of the most important of
these is the Judicial committee, which has
the handling of many important matters
that come before the assembly.
There Is considerable speculation as to
what will becomo of the New York her
esy case. This case involves turee stu
dents of Union Theological seminary who
refused to accept, among other things,
the belief of immaculate conception.
Sixteen-Mile March Friday to Be, Pol.
loTved by Athletic Meet aud
Danre Saturday.
IOWA CITY, la., May 20.-(Speclal.)-To-morrow
afternoon at West Liberty tha
university of Iowa student regiment will
hold a regular military field meet under the
direction of Lieutenant Morton C. Mumma.
The student soldiers left this morning for
the sixteen mlla march; the regiment being
divided Into two battalions for skirmishing
The field meet will be one of the prin
cipal features of the march and a large
number of the 600 students encamped will
take part In the competition. There Is a
decided rivalry between several of the
Sunday will be one of the big days of the
camp. Visitors will be allowed to come
from Iowa C(ty to see the soldier boys. The
officers of the regiment are planning on a
dance for tomorrow evening. A special
car of co-eds will be Imported from the
university for the occasion. Brigadier Gen
eral James Rush Lincoln Is exi.ecterl tr.
visit the camp Sunday and Monday.
Hook Worm is
From the
Dr. Woods Hutchinson of New York, who
delivered the annual commencement ad
dress Thursday night before the graduates
of the college of medicine of the University
of Nebraska, has Just returned from a
trip to the south, where he has been doing
personal research work In Connection with
the hookworm. He says that the negro
seems to be more or less Immune from the
effects of the disease and that he can
not be said to be laiy because he Is suf
fering from the disease.
"There seems to be no doubt but what
the hookworm, which Is at present so
prevalent In the south," said Dr. Hutchin
son, "is of the African type. The negro
undoubtedly brought the germ to the soutii,
but, peculiar us it may seem, he seems to
be able to have the disease without suffer
ing from the symptoms. He Is more or
less Immune and the greatest effects are
shown among tho patients of other races.
"The disease is iievaknt only among th
and short haul" fight.
Twelfth Annual Session of Grand
Council of Nehraska Now Open.
That la the Way W. 8. Wright Desig
nated the Men Who Seek Trade
for Omaha, the Market
Upward of 100 delegates and their ladies
were present in Myrtle hall, Continental
block, Friday morning at the public open
lng of the twelfth annual session of th
grand council of Nebraska. TTmti
merclal Travelers. Colonel Ed Oetten had
passed around cigars previous to the for
mal call to order, and a half hour of good
fellowship "milling" was Induced in. Hand
shaking, renewing of old and forming of
new acquaintance was tho order, with good
nalured Joshing and Jesting keeping tho
various groups In high good humor.
Cigars were sidetracked when the ladles
entered, and T. A. Walton, post grand
counselor, call.-d the gathering to order.
Rev. T. J. Mackey mudo tho Invocation,
and Mayor Dahlmun wus introduced to t x-
lenu me welcome ot the city,
said Omaha. like the travelers'
Baimauon, is made up . of
or energy and purh
He paid tribute
to the founders and pioneers of the city,
who fifty-five years ago laid th basis for
the city of today, with its great civic In
stitutions among the proudest In the land.
The mayor Instanced the hospitals, schools,
colleges, newspapers, business Institutions
and other strong features of Omaha, and
then asserted that west of the Missouri
there Is room to accommodate, in the
years ahead, us much population as in now
oounted in the whole country. "In Omaha
we claim to have the nucleus of the future
great city of this tremendous stretch of
territory," Buid the mayor, swelling with
such pride that the traveling men were
noticed to sit up stralghter In their chairs,
and many of the women gave their hats an
extra pat.
Wright is Facetious.
W. S. Wright, speaking for the Commer
cial club and the business interests of
Omaha, caught the drummers on the funny
bone when, in his opening sentence, he
greeted them as "the Intellectual and ora
torical mustard pots" of the business
world. Everybody laughed Joyously, and
then cheered until Mr. Wrlghfe benign
and solemn countenance responded with a
kindred twinkle.
"I have a very high regard for the men
of this organization," continued the hard
ware man; ."but not too high," he quickly
added, as a new cheer was raised. Then
he to!d a story about a lovely woman
who was being married and at the point
where "fpr better or worse" occurred as
sured the preacher, "If he was any better
(Continued on Second Page.)
African Jungle
poorer classes, which are underfed and
poorly housed. The worm gets Into the sys
tern by burrowing In between thj toes and
works Its way to the Intestines. It sucks
the blood of the patient afflicted and
causes a general debility. Many do not
know that they are victims of the hook
worm and and think that they are merely
run down or overworked.
"Only a third or a fourth of the people
who have the disease seem to be Berlously
damaged by the hookworm. The worm has
ucver been known to enter the system ex
cept by getting In between the tois, and,
strange to say. It cannot enter the system
If the feet are dry. The wearing of shoes
will effectually stop the spread of the
disease. The average life of a hookworm
In tha human body is about five years, so
the disease cn be stamped out in a com
paratively short tlm. by an educational
Body of King Edward Lies in Crypt
of St. George's Chapel, Windsor
Every Country in World Represented
in Procession.
It Becomes Unruly at Times and
Hundreds Are Injured.
Mnliliitth-l.lke liilftiirna Prevails u
All IliMlsli l.niida Kmlilfiu of
Mnuriilim on K.v ! Iluitil
liiU In London,
LONDON, May 20. -Today tho emplr,
mourned and siinvmloird its royal dead.
After funerul iiu-s due the to whom
the luws of tho land gave first place In
"honor, dignity and power," the body of
Lid ward Vll, thirty-sixth In the line of th
sovereign ot Kngliiiit, since tho Norman
conquest, lies Io-iIkIu In tiie cr pt of St,
George's chupil royal at Windsor nearby
tho royal tomb housu where It will have a
final testing place. '
The state funeral was conducted In ac
cordance with precendent, tho pomp and
ceremonial borrowed from the past being
rendered more effectively by a lavish dis
play of modern mourning.
After having lain In state for three days
the body was taken In statiHy procession
this morning to Poddington station, where
It was placed In a funeral cor and re
moved io Windsor for burial.
Kings, princes and representatives of
foreign governments followed the casket
through tho streets, which were lined with
30.000 troops that held In check the muss
of humanity that from every point of van
tage silently watched the pageunt.
lupcn Mother ut lller.
After tho profession formed Just before
tho hour scheduled for the start, a court
carriage halted bifore the door of West
minster hall. Emperor William, who waa
mounted and In line recognized the oc
cupant as the Queen Mother Alexandra.
Quickly dismounting, ho waived aside tho
lackeys crowded about and giving his hand
to tho widow of his uncle assisted' her to
alight and placed a kiss on her check.
The queen mother entered the hall and
for a few moments was alone with her
dead. When she again appeared the first
of the minute guns was fired, the bell
in the tower sounded and at, !:30 o'clock,
tho procession was under way.
Again at Windsor, tho casket was borne
on a gun carriage, followed by those who
bad formed the p-ocesslon in London, with
the addition of regular ambassadors ac
credited to the court of St. The
funeral service was held In St. George's
chapel, the church of England service
being used.
During the procession In London the
crowd of onlookers became unruly at somo
points and the police and troops had great
difficulty In maintaining order. Many
people were Injured and hundreds foil from
exhaustion. The weather was well nlgli
perfect, but the sun was liot to those
in crowded spots, optics:..,..
Services '1 hron:-,ii.ti. . :milre.
Throughout the Liilmi o i.piru the day
was observed as one of mourning. Busi
ness was suspended generally and In
formal services who ..e:d. Funeral serv
ices were held in un European capitals.
The emperor ar.d impretj of Russia at
tended the chuich at St. Peters
burg, as did Premier Stolypin and the
members of the dunia and other monurchs
who were not present at the funeral
paid similar tributes at their homes.
Throughout England Sunday quiet pre
vailed. All trains and street cars came
to a standstill for fifteen minutes at the
hour the cortege Btarted from Westminster
hall. At the naval station minute guns
were fired during the progress of the pro
cession and the ships' bells tolled.
In every church in the kingdom
simultaneous memorial services were con
ducted. In this city the public buildings
were fairly hidden with black and purple,
while every private residence showed soma
emblem oi mourning.
The special . .i.erican ambassador to the
funeral, Tiieuuoio Roosevelt, occupied tha
eighth carrlago In the procession. Ameri
can diplomatic delegate Henry W hite was
with other simlliary appointed representa
tives. L'urlng the services in St. George's
chapel, the widowed queen moved to the
foot of tho . k. t and knelt. At the con
clusion of . service, the casket waa
lowered to i.... crypt. Before this was
dono King George placed a small royal
stundard on the coffin.
Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt was present at
tha service, having a place among tho
members of the diplomatic corps and thuli
wives. Tho American aides to Mr. Roose
velt, T. Behtey Mott, American military
attache ui Paris, and Lieutenant Com
mander Reginald R. Belknap, were with
the embussy attaches la the navy.
Nmrt of Procession.
The proccssiun started from tho hall at
9X0 o'clock Just as the first minute gun
boomed. The precedent afforded by the
funeral of Queen Victoria nine years ago.
Which closely followed. The oaken casket!
Willi the crown and cushion, regalia and
insignia of the Order of the Garter thereon,
waa borne on a gun carriage the same ai
was used at the funeral of the late queen.
The procession proceeded through Par
liament street and Whitehall. The publlo
buildings were heavily draped with black
and puiple throughout the route.
Leaving the district of officialdom, the
cortege passed through the Horse Guard
parade and thence along the Mall. The
embassies and private residences, includ
ing those of several Americans and Carl
ton house terrace overlooking tha Mall,
were heavily draped with mourning. The
terrace aa crowded with onlookers.
From the Mall the procession passed
Marlborough house, emerging In St. James
street, proceeding to Piccadilly and along
that thoroughfare to Hyde park corner,
where 11 entered the park and pasncd alon
the popular drive to Marbls arch.
Emerging from the park, the pror..sslo-i
followed Edgeware road to Oxford and
Cambridge terraces and turned up the
wide iliorouglifans, on either side of wiiicli
tCoutinued on Fifth Puge.)