THE BEE: OMAHA. TUESDAY. MAY 17, 1010. PRES1DKNT ON LAWLER CASE 4 v Writes to Nelson Explaining How the Ghvis Letter Wei Written. ' ISSIDE HISTORY Or MATTER Interior Deportment Official Wnu Or. 4lrr lir KifiBll" to Make Draft, Which Was Submitted and turd !u 'art. WASiUNOTON. Msy l-i-rcsldent Tafl In person last night took a hand In altut atlon which has arisen concerning the "In side" history of hi letter of September 13. exonerating Secretary Kalllngor from the charges ot Special Agont L. H. Glavls and auMiurlsing the dismissal of Glavls. Over his own signature lie addressed a long letter to Senator Knute Nelson, chair man of the Ilalllngcr-I'lnchot Investigating committee, setting forth In minute detail the sequence of events following his re ceipt at Beverly, on August 18 last, of the charges nf Glavls. The president makes no direct mention of tho statement of Fred M. Kerby, the young sterrexrapher In Secretary Halllnger's office, In which the stenographer declared S that the president's letter of exoneration was prepared In Halllnger's office by Osear L-awler, assistant attorney general for the Interior department. Tonight's utterance of Mr. Tuft was, however, obviously pro voked by Kerby's statement. Mr. Taft declares not only that Trawler did prepare such a letter as Kerby said he did, but that he did so by the president's specific direction. When he received It. he t found, he says, that It was not what he wauled to Issue, and he wrote the letter himself In tho form In which he desired It, using from Lawler's draft only one or two statements. "llaclt Italian" of Letter. The president goes still farther and takes up the question of the "back dating" of Attorney Uenerut Wlckersham's summary of the Glavls charges, to which Attorney Iiouls I, Brandels has drawn attention. Mr. Taft says that the attorney general's let ter was in fact "back dated," and that this also was done by his specific direction. Following 'is the full text of the presi dent's letter: "THE WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, May 15, 1910. My Dear Senator Nelson: In the hearings be-fore the committee to In vestigate the Interior department and forestry service reference has been mado . U my decision upon the complaint and V Chargers of L R. Glavls, filed with me on August 18 fast against Secretary Balllnger and certain other officials of the Interior department. The majority of the commit tee have said that my action In this regard wss not jvithln the Jurisdiction of the com n.lttee to investigate. In spite of this ruling references to the matter have crept Into tho record. For thta reason I deem It proper to write you and stale with such accuracy as my memory permits what tho facts are. 1 "Glavls", statement and charges were left with me by him on August IS, 1909. 1 turned them over to the attorney general, who happened to be In the neighborhood, and he made notes upon his reading. We both had personal knowledge In respect to Secretary Balllnger'a attitude toward the Alaska coal claims, which was the chief subject of Innuendo and complaint, for Mr. Balllnger had very early In the ad ministration consulted us both regarding thera. Jealousy Oetnreen Bnreaas. "Within two or threo'Gays after the filing of the charges, at a meeting at which the secretary of the treasury,, the attorney general-and the secretary of the navy were present, a full discussion of the Glavls statement was had. It resulted In a general conclusion that Jealousy between the bureaus of the Interior department and the forestry bureau probably explained the attl t tude of tho Interior department officials, but that the Intimations of bad fnith by Glavls against Mr. Balllnger and the others required that the statement by submitted to ' them for answer. Accordingly, copies of the statement were sent to Secretary Balllnger, to Assistant Secretary Tierce, to Commissioner Dennett and to Chief of Field Service Bchwartx. "Mr. Balllnger was at Seattle, but upon receipt of tho charges he came to Wash ington to prepare his answer. On Monday, September 6, Mr. Balllnger reached Buver- ley, accompanied by Mr. Lawler, tho assist ant attorney general of tho Depnrtmont of Justice assigned to the Interior department. Mr. Balllnger sent to my houso on that day tho answers of the various persona con cerned; together with a voluminous record of exhibits. I had ti cor.Terence with htm tho evening of tho day he came, September ti, and then on tits follow Ins evening, Sep tember 7. Talks with HnlllnKer. "I talked -ev-er tlw -charges with Mr. Bal ling' tho firut evening and ashed such questions as suggested themselves, wjtliotit intimating ar.y eonclusiori. and said I would eyiilno" the enewern 'and tho records and mild see hliti tho next day. I sat up tint!! 3 'clycRtlat nleht reading the Answers and exhibits, so that nt my next I was advised of the contents ot thfi dnUre. record, and had made up my .mind tliat there, wan nothing In the charges Qloii. which Mr. Balllnger or the others accused could bo found guilty of either Incompetency. Inefficiency, disloyally to the interests of .the government or dishonesty. .".In tho il.tcusiilons of the second evening Mr. Lawler, who wus present at my sim Bst!on, discussed the evidence nt some length. 1 said to Mr. Lawler that I was very anxious, to write u full statement of the cao and set out my rea.cii tdv my UecUlon. hut that tho time for my departure on a long western trip, occupy-in two months, was Just one week from that day; that X ld six or seven speeches to deliver ut Itui beginning of, that Journey and that I could not glvo the time to the preparing I of such a detailed statement and opinion ad I would Ilka to render In the matter. I By Certification ami the Improvement our milk supply throuKlv a - of Milk Commission Omaha Is profiting by the experience of eastern cities. Our Prices Unchanged Frlesland (Vrtlfied Milk, quart, imo Alba Certified Milk, quoit lOo perfect Pasturlsed Milk, quart ...3a ALAJVIITO Cmaia' original certliied milk dlsti4fis. their fore reqiKHted Mr. I-awier to prepare an opinion ns If he were president. Consults with Wlckershnm. "Turing the Sth. Hit and loth I gave such consideration to the Olnvl) record as was consistent with previous i-ncsgements. but paid no atlertloti to the speeches. On the !nh I telegraphed the attorney general to come to Beverly In order that I might con sult hint In respect to the case. He ar rived there Saturday afternoon, September 11, and, pursuant to an appointment made by telephone, he came to my home on Sun day morning. September 12. He then deliv ered to me the draft of opinion, prepared by Mr. Lawler. and fsld that he had had an opportunity on coining from New York to rend tho answers of Mr. Balllnger and others. I then said to him that I had made up my mind as to my conclusions and had drafted part of my opinion, but that I wished him to examine the full record and bring me his conclusions before I stated mine. He took the whole record awy. "During the day I examined ths draft opinion of Mr. Lawler, but Its thirty pages did not state the case In the way in which I wished It stated. It contained references to the evidence which were useful, but Its criticism of Mr. Blnchot and Mr. Glavls I did not think It proper or wise to adopt. I only used a few paragraphs from It contain ing merely general statements. Man l'!t fctntement. "The attorney general returned In ths evening with notes of the examination which he had made, and reported to me the conclusions which he readied, which were in substantial accord with my own. We then discussed the matter at some length, particularly In points of law which v.-ere In volved, and took up the opinion vhich I had finished and made a number of altera tions; and as the result of that discussion, I determined the final form which 1 em ployed, and signed the same on Monday, September 13. "The conclusions which I readied were based upon my reading of the record, and was fortified by the oral analysis of the evidence and tho conclusions which the at torney general gave ree, using the notes which he had made' during his reading of the record. 1 was very sorry not to be able to embody this analysis In my opinion, but time did not permit. I therefore directed him to embody In a written statement such analysis and conclusions as he had given me and file It with the record and date It prior to the date of my opinion, so as to show that my decision was fortified by the summary of the evidence and his conclu sions therefrom. Sincerely yours. "WILLIAM H. TAFT. "Hon. Knute Nelson, Chairman Committee to Investigate the Interior Department and Forestry Service, United States Sen ate." v , Mountain Shakes From Earthquake Prolonged Shocks Experienced in Los Angeles and Also Upon Mount Wilson. LOS ANGELES. May 18. This city an1 surrounding territories were, visited by a series of earthquake shocks that alarmed many people, but did little damage beyond breaking dishes, destroying house orna ments and cracking walls of the lighter houses. The shocks began about 8:50 this morn ing and were felt as late as 7:63 at the beach resorts and in Pasadena, Riverside, Redlands and San Bernardino, where trem blers occurred last Thursday night. Pasadena suffered the heaviest damage o far as reported. , Several buildings were cracked and on Mt. Wilson, where the Carnegie observatory is situated, the tremors alarmed many tourists who had climbed the peak to view the comet. Tho quake came as a double shock, with a swaying motion, which gave the climbers a sensation of sea sickness. The mountain top rocked perceptibly. Long Beach wa3 washedd by a small tidal wave Just after the first shock there, snortiy Detore 7 o clock. Another tremor followed, and then the ocean, which had been boisterous all morning, fell suddenly flat and became absolutely calm for more than an hour. In this city and In Riverside no serious damage was reported. A second shock shook Riverside at noon. Both tremors were heavier than the quake that shook the orange belt on Clirlsimns day, 1S9D. Opposition Comes to Mrs. P. N. More Women Will Present Name of Mrs. Platt-Decker and Mrs. Max - well Against Her. i CI.VCIN-NATI, May M. Notwithstanding this was the flab bath and but one day meeting was held by tho General Federa tlon of Women's club, an unstinted supply of politics was being threshed' out in club circles. Prospective contests over the election of officers, which takes plaeo Tuesday and over the selection of the cty, which shall entertain the next bjetiplaj, meeting of the organisation loomed strongly into view within tho last twenty-four hours. Mrs. Philip N. More of St. Louis, the president general, so far has no announced op ponent, but it was given out tonight that tha names of Mrs. Sarah Piatt Decker of Colorado and probably that of Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell of Cincinnati will be presented. Kor the next convention city, Los Angeles Is expected to bo favored generally by the western delegates, while Indianapolis Balti more, Chicago, Rochester and New Orleans, all have strong support. ,Tho Mississippi delegation announced to day that "because of the servant problem.' none of tho towns of that state would bo presented. Several Hundred Jews Must Leave Commission to Act Upon Those Entitled to Stay in Kiev Finishes Labors. KIEV, May Ifi. i'ho commlslon ap pointed Aprl! S3 to inquire Into the nuea- tlon of the expulsion of Jews residing Ille gally In Kiev and elsewhere outsldo the pale has flnlched Its labors. Eleven hun dred and fifty cases have been invsxtlffateri land ITO families will be allowed to remain (and possibly an additional thirty whin the ! list has been revised. Many Jews wne entitled to teside here las merchants of the first guild, but after tho publication of I'remi'r Hlolypln's cir cular, which Instructed the lucal authori ties not to the Jews 'who had Ille gally settled outside the pale prior to Au gust, l'.O-i, pending the enactment of g'n eral Jewish rtformj. they stopped paying the guild fees and engaged In other occu pations not ertitllng them t.j residence. The circular lasurd with refereii'-e to ex pulsion left them without rlkiit. The Key to the Hu4iliiJ Ht Want Ad: MEN TRAIN EYES ON COMET Batteries of Telescopes Will Leveled on Heavenly Visitor. Be NO DANGER OF POISONOUS OAS Consensus of Opinion Is that Deadlr Vapor Will Not Touch the Earth Manr Theories Are Be ins Aired. WASM1.V1TON, May K Halley's comet will be greeted Wednesday on Its closest spproach to the earth by a bristling bat tery of telescopes flanked by rapid-fire lenses In the celestial cameras of the na vul observatory Elaborate calculations have been made as to the minute and sec ond the comet will be at given places . In the heavens, where It will be observed and photographed Among tho scUntlsts there Is some dif ference of oplnlm as to the effect the great star will have upon the earth, but the differences are minor. Prof. Asaph Hall of the naval obsfrvatory would not be surprised If there were showers of meteorites. He advanced this theory with the same calmness that he would prophesy a shower of rain. Others and they appear In the majority expect no disturbances. Edwin F. Naulty of New York takes Issue with Prof. Hall and contends that the tall of the cormt Is composed neither of gas nor of meteoric bodies and that such a shower as Prof. Hall deems possible could net follow. "Halley's comet, to all Intents and pur poses. Is a celestial searchlight, said sir. Naulty today. "It is nothing more than sunlight condensed from solar energy and pressed by the solar system, precisely as a lens focuses, condenses and transmits llg nt." No Gas In Tall. He asserts that the tall ot Halley's comet, to all Intents and purposes, Is not composed of gas or of minute particles of matter or of meteoric bodies. The entire solar system, Mr. Naulty says, Is filled with gases In varying states of density. All these gases, poisonous and non-poisonous, are present In the earth's atmosphere lu dense form. ' The changing spectrum of Halley's comet, according to Mr. Naulty's theory, Is due to the fact that as the comet's great tall" of light sweeps through various parts of the solar system it lights up dif fering layers of gas, conveying the Im pression that the tall ltBelf is gaseous. Mr. Naulty says the spectrum of reflected light Is always "present In the tall ot the, thus proving that certain parts of It are by sunlight alone made visible. "The sweeping of this cometary cone of solar force does cause disturbance In the solar system," Bald Mr. Naulty. "The earth and all the planets are affected that only come within the actual cone as the earth will do by etherical waves set in motion by the comet's tail. It is the constant at tempt of the earth's mass and its atmos phere to adjust themselves to this dis turbance that has caused the prevalant earth tremors, storms and other pheno mena. Climax This Week. "The climax will be reached this week, There will be no collision of the earth and the comet, nor will the earth be envelopd In poisonous gus. The effect of the pas- ca may be to cause condensation of atmospheric vapors, so that automatically tha earth will be provided with a sort of shield, which will act like a lead screen used to protect x-ray operators." When tho comet approaches nearest the earth on May 18, the moon will be full and the conflict of Its rays will make observa tions of the eomet more difficult than would be the case if there was no op position. Mo Cause for Fear. BOSTON, May 1!. Agreeing that no harmful effect Is to be experienced on next Wednesday from the passage of the earth through the tail of Halley's comet New England astronomers, appear not to concur as to the possibility of a luminous display similar to northern lights. Prof, David P. Todd of Amherst college thinks the aurora effect probable. Prof, Robert W. Wlllson of the Harvard college observa tory declared today that there may be a darkening of the atmosphere, while Prof. Edward C. Pickering, head of the Harvard observatory, said: "1 doubt It there will be any of it at all." Prof. Wlllson said further "that there may be showers of Ignited particles, very small but numerous, which may affect wireless telegraphy There is no cause fur alarm or fear. Cyanogen, exists only near the comet's head and the tall Is a good vacuum." Prof. Todd declares that there will be no more sensation than that caused by the rays ot light from a distant candle on a person's hand. A proportionate amount of cyanogen gas Is radiated from each, he says. Leon Campbell, another of the Harvard astronomers, thinks a luminous display probable. i The Increasing brilliancy ot the comet as It approached the earth was shown today, when Harvard astronomers found that the body, with tho coma or envelope, had reached proportions of nearly a sero mag nate, the highest stage of stellar brilliance. The rate of increase In brilliancy la Indi cated by two photometric measurements taken at the Harvard observatory. The first, on May 6, showed the nucleus to be of 7.6 magnate. Another on Friday, Just a week later, showed the magnitude lo be 4.41, an Increase in apparent size ol degrees. ASIATIC EXCLUSIONISTS WILL PREFER CHARGES ON NORTH It cent Admission of Number of Hindus Into Country, t'lalmlngc l.uw Violutlon. SAN FRANCISCO, May 16-Followlng a strong protest against the policy of the government in admitting alienists to this country the executive committee of the Asiatic Exclusion league was instructed to day to make formal complaint against Hart II. North, commissioner of Immigra tion at the port of ban Francisco, and to charge him with violating the laws in giv ing entry to diseased orientals. The recent influx ot large numbers of Hindus was laiid at the dour of the official as detrimental to the Interests of American labor. INDIANS WELL IN RIGHTS Fences of "ettlers Encroached on Their I. ami sad Courts Cave o Hellcf. VJ) VS1UNGTON. May Iti -The threatened Indian uprising in New Mexico Is over und ull danger is avoided, lleports from Sup erintendent Crsndali to the commissioner of Indlun affairs convey tha Information that the Taos Pueblo Indians were well within their rights In cutting ths fences of settlers, for the fences encroached on the Indians' lands. The courts of the territory rrfu-rd to prosecute the red man. The -prising was turned back before trave'ln half Uk distance from Santa Ko. rN Send our interest ing "The About Our Letter Box Contributions en Timely Slubjsets, lot BaoMdlnf Two Kundrsd Words, Aro Xnrltsd from Out Bsadars, Par for Enumerators. SOUTH OMAHA, May 12.-To the Editor of The Bee: When the examination for census enumerators was about to be held a letter was Issued from Hon. E. Dana Durand stating that we would be paid an average of about 4 cents a name for taking the census. After we had taken the exam ination and when only a small per cent of those taking the examination had been deemed competent to take the census, an order was issued by Hon. E. Dana Durand, the director of the census. In Washington, that we should not receive more than 2i cents a name at a time that we could not very well decline to act as enumerators. The 2V4 cents Is to be paid for making practically thirty-two entries to each name, which is no pay at all. It is the same pay that was granted to the census enumera tors in 1880, thirty years ago, when there were no examinations ' . held, when the entries were much mors', simple and much fewer in number and when, as we all know, the cost of living was not near as high as it is now. It looks to us that it is a funny deal for the Unites States government to be a party to and it Is hoped that the wrong will be righted.. If the United, States government was bankrupt and short of funds It would be different, but when it is called the rich est nation on earth, I see no use of Its being stingy In case of taking the census. A much higher, class of enumerators would have been secured If the pay had been half way what It ought to have been and those who did the work would have taken more pains to get the names completely. In my district I remember that 1 went to one house four times to get Just a man and his wife. So that I walked nearly a mile several 'times to make the magnificent Bum of 6 cents. And I did It a good many times In many other cases. I wish that your paper would use its Influence to see that the enumerators are better paid for the work done. It we had been paid even 4 cents a name It would not have been any too much, for It was the hardest work ever done by in telligent people for the amount of money In it. In fact we have not been paid yet and It will be at least a month, probably more, from the time we completed our work before we will get the very smal amount allowed us by the census director. I would urge the census enumerators wlu may see this letter to write to tho senator, arid congressmen from Nebraska and ash for more pay and that they write to othei members of either house that they know from other states. If there Is concerted action I think the members ot congress In both houses will see the Justice of our complaint over tht small pay. I understand that there Ik universal complaint among the enumera tors over the United Stales ut the actluii ot Hon. E. Dana Durand In cutting oui pay down when it was plenty low enough In the first place. FRANK A. AGNEW. NIMBLE THIEF STEALS METAL FROM A STEEPLE Baptist and Catholic Churches at rhlladrlnuti nt'fer Loss of Metal. PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. May 16.-Charged with stealing the metal roofing Iron, the steeples of 4he Roxburough Baptist church and St. John's Roman Catholic church, Earl Knoll, a steeplejack, was arraigned in police court here today and held in ba'l for further hearing. It was testified that during the night he had climbed 110 feet on St. John's church steeple, from which 161 pounds of copper sheathing were removed. From tho sixty' foot steeple of the Baptist church, forty eight pounds of metal were stolen. . A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Not only Is Mother's Friend a safe and simple remedy, but the comfort and healthful condition Its usa produces makes it of ines timable value to every expectant mother, Mother's Friend relieves ths pain and discomfort caused by tho strain on the different liga ments, overcomes nausea by counteraction, prevents backache and numbnoss of limbs, soothes the inflammation of the breast glands, aud in every way aids in pro serving the health and comfort of prospective mothors. Mother's Friend is a lini ment for external massage, which by lubricating and expanding the d'Sorent mus cles and membrsnei, thoroughly prepares the system for baby's coming without danger to the mother. I'other'i Friend is sold at drus stoves. Write for our free i bk t0t exPectaot WOtheri. r: It refreshes mentally and quenches the water and lots nicer to drink. for booklet, Truth Coca-Cola" : is A BIG BLAZE HITS IDA GROVE Hard Klaut Itvqulrrd to Save Business District l.o.s of Twrntj-Flve Thousand Hollars. IDA GROVE, la.. May 1(5 (Special Tel-g-ani.) Fire at midnight Saturday de stroyed tho U. C. Barnes saloon, the Smith llros." livery barn, the Bauer garage and the Martin Sauer Implement wure house. At one time tli H. S. Noblo and WlllUm Peverics lumber yards were b.ith on fire, hut they Wf re saved. Barnes had a lows of 1'i.COO on JiIh building and stock and ROOO Insurance; Smith Bros., fc'.UOO loss and $1,000 insurance. Messrs. Sailor's loss will bo up wnrdu of $10,000, only partly Insured. I-'lve head of horses were burned In the livery stahlr. The origin of the fire is a mys tery. It took a lung, hard fight to save a largo portion of the business district. r i 1 i i r ir r irjimTipiiM imm i i puf r i i i 'i m iimbi ii mt inir umi m i jm i illinium T k parens is - la 'fa V I v MV- : ) s 1 P T? ) ffct?-xz THE BFIADFIELD CO.. ATLANTA. OA. Hard Work "Spring Fever" Weather Weariness and thirst "Bracers" won't do there's a come back. Water doesn't satisfy it's not "wet" enough. Drinh 1, and physically relieves fatigue Wholesome as the purest thirst. DELICIOUS REFRESHING THIRST-QUENCHING 5c Everywhere THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga. Three million Owls fly through every week. There's alwavs V-Cll luau blllUUlC LU Each time the clocklticks' some one lighting an Nickel smokes 4-U rV..1 11 uievw wi s sens on by test with the Now made in A The Perlecto you know. The Corona is ROTHENBERQ & SCHLOSS,': Distributors Kansas Compelled to Locate in Larger Quar ters on Account ot Increased Business Larger Quarters Necessary to Accommodate the Constantly In creasing Stream of People Suffering With . ; Chronic Ailments.. NEW LOCATION HANDIER Ur. TlK-odoie Mllen of the Mllen Medl- cal company has moved fro.n 4J8 HiiraHf building to 815 South Sixteenth, lie is now Ir. Mllrn makes no charge fur con locatad In th.7 Hanson building formerly oc- sullution and examination and accepts no cupied by tho Hanson cafe. It Is Ju.-t cuse which he doe not feel confident he one-half block south of Sixteenth and cun cure. This eminent specialist has Karnam streets, on the east side of tho spent thirty years In the treatment und street. Tim new offices and reception tuie of ciironlu diseases only. The hundreds room arc much largi r and Dr. Mllen will , of people whom ho has cured, often- oe Leuer fiunnped than ever to care for those suffering with Rhoumtlsf, Call Stones, (jotter, epilepsy, 1'aralysis, t'a t.irrh, diseases of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach, iilood. IJuwels. Heart and other : chronic and n-rvoua aliments i t men and jwiuneu. Tii3 same fair, liberal terms and .cffllent treatment which has built up Dr. Sterling Blue Tubes give more service than any other. They are the strongest tubes made, are never porous and do not otydie and grow brittle when not in use. Combined with Sterling Tires they cut your tire troubles to a minimum. Dealers everywhere. Booklet and price list on request. Sterling Rubber Works, Rutherford, N. J. Tor Sale by I'uxlou ii Uallnglier Co., lotli Mreet Viaduct, Oinulio. follow. Ira N Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca - Cola America CVCIV VV11C1C, come and ero but " r . loreyer. Best rest two shapes. new. City, Me. i Mllen's enormous practice I corded nil n..ior. will be ao- t sftr.p ,.ti,r r other rhyslciUns hud failed. are sending ' their friend and neighbors so that Ir. Mllen and his efficient aids aro among the busiest people In Omaha. If you aro In need of the servlrcs of a specialist it will pay you to call on I r. Mllen. llemeinber the new addies. 3 1 i 'South Hlxtoenth street, Hanson .building. 1$ AO