Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1910, Page 3, Image 4

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    TUFi r.EK: OMAHA, TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1010.
j Nebraska J
a champion of free j
Promised Address to Open
Tromised Fi2ht.
Drwilri l.nrnr I'nrt of Talk to Otoe
( omit? Democrats to Thin Topic
Vor InlflntUc anil Hrf.
ilkow ise
NKIiRAPKA CITY. Neb., May 16. (Spe
cial.) W. J. Bryan spoke tonight litre on
tlii Initiative and refei endum and other
subjects. IIo said In part:
1 am hnre for thtce rcasonn. First, be
cause liiio to come to Nebraska City. It
was In my district wocn I was a member
of eoliRI OHM, and the people of till county
have been loyal fr:e:id.4 in all my -aiu-pHlgno.
1 migtit Justify my coming, tlieie
iore. on the gro.ind that 1 find a real
pleasure In coming. The second reason tor
coming is thai I cio.tlre to refute the cliaiKe.
tlai ban rjone ojt over tne country lo the
elicit I'Jl you are oppose ,J to f:co upeern
nnd would pi event the discussion of a pub
Ik' question. -l he action ot your county
, commissioners In relusing to ado me to
t hpeak lu the eouit house has been consulted
by the itvwiipupem as lnoiuatlug that you
aic so opiobd to my position on the Initia
tive and referendum tnat you are not will
ing that I should use tor tile pi osculation
of niv vie toe court house, wlncii
Uhiiailv eiKjii for public nieetlims. Hy com
ing here ami s,eukin In a larger hull than
tli court house I prove that loose who ue
slre to discuss a pcndlnk Uestio!i will bo
accordrvt a hearing In jour city and county.
Trie third reason tor tny coming is that too
. , fa..t fl.ot mn OttftlOlt WHS HindO tO
rn event, mv sneaking here discuses thu
character of tne opposition to the Initiative J
and referendum, and I can use tins uiiempv
to prevent discussion as a feM.
I could ask nothing belter than the oppon
ents of the initiative and referendum aiiould
do everywhere what they have done here,
ror nothing Would add such Impetus to our
cause as the attempt on the psrt of our
opponents to prevent the discussion of the
suoject. Free speech lies at tne foundation
of f ri gavernniciit, and lie who opposes
free speech betrays the spirit of the despot,
even If he Is powerless to enforce tliu de
spotism he favors.
Freedom of speech can be defended from
every standpoint. The mind must he free
10 tnlnk and the tongue must be free to
speak If there Is to be Intellectual progress,
'the evils that may follow from erroneous
argument are Infinitely less than the evils
IhHt follow from the supperssio.i of
And then, any evils that may follow from
free sicch are sure to be corrected, while
the evils that follow from the suppres
sion of thought are much more difficult to
V correct.
" Freedom of f-peeth Is necessary to politi
cal nrocress. Jolferson. the greatest of
democrats, was. a most devoted champion
of free speech, and Lincoln, who quoted
Jefferson as much a si any democrat ever
lis., was
Moral nriiirss depends also upon
ib.m of Mcwh. The ronnlenre must he
allowed to cry out against what It be
lieves to be wrong, and those who ate '
i prosed to free sp-reh confess that they are
not prepaied to def-nd the thins for whloli i
they stand. The Initiative and referendum
are advocated because they give the ieople
a chance to express thernrelve on every
question, and those who stand back of the
liquor traffic are very short-sighted when
they oppose the Initiative and referendum.
Thrv sav thev are afraid that if the In
itiative and referendum are Incorporated in
our organic law by a constitutional amend
ment the question of county option will be
Proceeds tu Annlrsla
l.ct us analyse their position. When they
arc opposed to the sumblsslon of the in
itiative and referendum tney admit that
thy are afraid that if submitted It wouid
be adopted, and that means that they are
not willing that we shall have a local
machinery In this state by which the peo
ple mav express themselves on a public
question. The attitude of the saloon Inter
ests is, thererore, tnat tney are so opposed
to county option that they are not willing
that the people shall have the right to
vote upon this question or any other ques
tion; In other words, they would defeat
popular government as It Is expressed In
the Initiative nnd referendum rather than
have the county option question submitted
to a vote, and some of them in this county
go so far as to oppose the public discussion
of the initiative and referendum for fear
that reforms may b adopted, and that
from its adoption the question of county
option may be submitted to the people.
They thus make the liquor question a
paramount Issue, for when they make It a
determining Issue with themselves thev
I1 ! mini exrieet that others will hlso reenffnl,.
It ns a question that must be settled.
y As to Spec-till Session.
It Is not certain yet whether a special
session of the legislature will bo called, but
I. It is not called it is because the liquor
interests are opposed- to the Initiative, and
referendum. If the liquor Interests can
control enough senators to prevent the
submission of the question, not wlthstand
ItiK the fact that the democratic governor
favors the Initiative and referendum not
withstanding the fact that a majority of
the democratic senators and representatives
ravor the initiative and referendum, and
noiwunsianaing the raet that an over
whelming majority of the democrats of the
state favor It. and a largo majority of
republicans alsr if this Is the condition
then it would seem that wo must settle
the liquor question at once whether we
want to or not. Ir. order that we may take
up other questions the consideration of
w 1 Ich Is now obstructed by the lienor
Interests. The liquor Interests arc responsl
hie for the forcing of the county option
question into ine arena ot politics, and
they have only themselves to blame for
the results that shall follow the growing
noignaiion against tne impudence, the In
solence and the sordtdncss of the liquor
he will he a cardldate.
and hns been elected
I on a dry ticket.
He Is a republican
nnnr three tlm"s
Athlon livery Barn Horned.
ALBION'. Neb. May R-Ppeclal.)-At S
o'clock 8unday morning fire broke out In
the large livery barn of F. Cook and before
it could be gotten under control the fire
spread to the livery barn of M. Whalen,
both barns being completely destroyed.
With the exception of two horses all ani
mals were saved, as well na a large num
her of carriages and buggies. This makes
three livery barns that have burned In Al
bion within the last three weeks, and In
each Instance a hard wind was blowing
and but for the excellent work of Albion's
efficient fire department much property
would have been destroyed.
Heavy Haln tiae.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May 16 (Special Tele
gram.) A heavy rain visited this section
early this morning and has continued at
intervals all day. The rainfall is esti
mated at an inch.
Speedily Yield to
Soap and Oinimenf
Cuticura Soap, assisted
when necessary by Cuticura
Ointment, not only pre
serves, purifies and beauti
fies the skin, scalp, hair and
hands, from infancy to age,
but tends to prevent clog
King of the pores, the com
mon cause of pimples,
blackheads, inflammation,
irritation, redness and rough
. tnpss, and other unsightly
and annoying conditions.
Bold throughout the world. Ppot: London. IT,
Cfesvurtiouao ftq.: Para. 10, Itu de la chaun
d'Asun: Australia, R. Towns Co. Sydney: India,
II. K. Paul. C'alcutu; China. Hon( Kong Drue Co
Japaa. Itanira. l td.. Toklo; Po Africa. Lennon,
Ltd . Caps Town, ate : V. B. A .. rotter Dnic ma,
Corn.. Sols Props.. 133 Columbtu An, Boaton.
d" Port-tree, 3:.pazo cuticura nook1 rt. stvtnf I
trucikm lor U licit Carsol bklo. e ? and V l
Mr. Bryan then proceeded to discuss the
Initiative and referendum as a method of
legislation and Its connection with the
lliltor question.
Governor Khallenberarer Delayed, bat
Other Speakers at Beaver City
In Plenty.
EEAVPR CITY, Neb., May 16.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The democratic love feast here
today was dampened somewhat by the rain
of last night. The afternoon exercises were
changed from the park to the district
court room, which was crowded. The
speakers were J. V. Kelley, Beaver City;
11. U. Sutherland, Nelson: Barnard M,
Ncny, Ued Cloud, and J. H. Mooney,
Arapahoe. But one speaker mentloed
county option and he seemed to favor it.
The banquet, which was to have been held
at 6 o'clock, wsa postponed until a later
hour as by some mistake Governor Shallen
berger lsad not arrived, but he was ex
pected to come via automobile from Oxford
at a lato hour.
The list of toasts contained a dozen or
(note names and Hie banquet lasted- ln,to
the early morning hours. -, , !
Kndeavorera Meet.
AUBURN, Neb.. May M.-(Speelal.) The
Fourth district Christian Endeavor con
vention whlcfi has been in session here in
the . Presbyterian church, adjourned last
night. This district Is composed of all that
territory south of Lincoln and east from
Falrbury. The principal speakers of the
occasion were Prof. Heyhoe of Doane col
lege at Crete, state president of the
Christian Endeavor, Orln L. Wright of
Bethany, Rev. M. S. Poulson, state super
intendent of the Anti-Saloon league; J. H.
Palsbury, pastor of the Presbyterian
church at Auburn, and Mr. Ouy M. Weth
ers of . Kansas City. The following offi
cers were elected for the coming year:
president. Clark Port of Auburn; secre
tary-treasurer, Miss Edna Shaw of Adams;
superintendent of good cttlsenshlp. Dr. I.
W. Irwin of Auburn; superintendent of
Ji;nlor work. Miss Clara Smith of Fair-
bury. It was one of the most largely
attended conventions of the sort held in
this section of the state in several years.
Bes. Place to Have Your
Teeth Cared For.
I'lila is a erplexliiK guest Ion. con front.
t!i itioplv nveiy ant. ItupuiaiiuiL it ih
Lntist has It, will enter a hundred
lliuugula which you may havo forgotten
ak aooui. ur. urauuui , nil ins many
Commencement at Dunbar,
DCNBAR. Neb., May l.-(Speclal.)-Hon.
William Hayward of Nebraska City, san
dldate for congress from the First district,
will deliver the commencement address for
the High school graduates here Thursday
evening, May 18.
Hev. E. W. 1a9 of the Presbyterian
church here, delivered the baccalaureate
sermon to a big congregation at this place
yesterday In honor of the Dunbar High
school graduates of 1910. The graduating
class is as follows: Misses Pollie Hmith.
Elsie Scott, Vera Krua-sa-ffie Haney
and Messrs. Arthur Tell, Reuben Johnson,
Calvin Wllheln and Vern Barackman.
The Plus I'ltra class of the Presbyterian
church tendered a reception to the class
last Saturday afternoon at the home of
their teacher, Mrs. W. W. Anness. The
class colots, nils green and lilac, were
used In the decorations and the rooms were
artistic in honor1 of the class. A program
of music and song, followed by refresh
ments closed the delightful afaflr.
Xrliraika News Notes.
BEATRICE The Beatrlc Coursing cluh
was organized here Saturday night and en
effort was made to secure the national
meet to be held next October.
BEATRICE James Catlln pleaded guilty
In police court to wife beating and was
fined $25 and costs by Judge Ellis. The
defendant was paroled nt the request of
bis wife, '
NEBRASKA CITY-Alonzo Walker and
Miss Ethel Baker were married In this city
(Saturday evening. Both are well known
residents of this city and will make It their
future home.
BEATRICE Mrs. J. W. Orlges Saturday
received a message announcing the death
of her father. Eli Holt, a former Beatrice
resident, which occurred In Alberta, Can
ada, Mr. Holt was Hi years or age.
BEATRICE The citizens of Beatrice will
hold a mass meeting next Friday evening
to discuss the bond proposition. A special
election is called for May 30 to vote $70,000
bonds for a new water works plant.
BEATRICE Fire Saturday at Wymore
destroyed the residence of M. r. Mover
causing a loss of about $1,500. The fire !s
supposed to have been caused by an over
neated stove. Most of the contents wero
Stamford, Neb., has purchased the Gosnell
elevator in this city. Mr. Clark Is a prom
Inent business man of Stamlord. where he
is engaged in the grain, stock and lumber
MASON CJTY-C. A. Olson, who for forty-one
years had resided on his fine farm
near 1-orest City, Is dead from a stroke of
paralysis. He was i7 years old, and a
pioneer of this section of the country, and
was a man honored by the people.
BEATRICE J. A. Ferguson and I
Agnew, two salesmen for the Jewel Tea
company, were fined $1 and costs each at
v ymore haturdav for neddlmic without
license. They appealed to the district court
ana win make a test case out of It.
IOWA FALLS The trial of Charles Mil
let. charged with fllspensing ardent liquors
without the formality of law, took place
raiurnay in Judge uriffith s court. The
court held that the evidence was Insuffi
cient and the defendant was discharged.
AUBURN A representative Dartv of Au
burn's prominent citizens went to Nebraska
City Monday night to attend the meeting
i ine uvenana ineaier, w nere William J.
myan will enter the eneir.v s rAnin with
his address on "The Initiative and Refer
AUBURN After two years of the rtrv
regime. Auburn has restored the saloon
Two places have opened In South Auburn.
ii is expected tnat six places will be open
ultimately, though remonstrance has been
filed against J. Harmon, formerly of Stella,
who has filed a petition.
DAVin CITY The ChautnnniiM
lion perfected Its oiirunlzatlon Sat
adopting articles of incorporation and elect-
ma a uoarn or seven directors to take
complete charge. The directors are O. W.
Gates, R. C. Roper. L. H. Fill lee Ann
Patcek. M. J. Bouse. S. J. II van nra r
CRAWFORO Dr. I. F Roach nm, ,.f
St. PauPs chareh. Lincoln, will deliver the
graduation address this year. His subiect
"Education as an Investment ' v
locking for something fine. The high school
graduation exercises will be held 'I'nursday
evening, June 2. The eighth grade exer
cises will be held Friday night. June 3.
of Nebraska has reduced the residence of
rive years In the penitentiary, which was
Imposed upon Regnar Abel in the district
court of Harlan county last fall, to two
years. Abel was convicted of stealing mer
chandise from the store of T. M. I-ntran
in this city, where he was rmninvui .
PAVID CITY The iiihlnr class of the
high school gave a reception for the seniors
In Odd Fellows' temple Saturdav evenlnqr.
The hall was beautifully decorated with
the high school colors and class polors.
Refreshments were served and during the
evening members of the junior class cave
a snort comedy. Cram s orchestra ffur-
nlshed the music.
CRESTON-O. II. Swlek. living north of
Dumont. drank lye mixed with coffee and
barely escaped death. His wife had pre
pared the lye In a cup for the purpose of
cleaning carpets, and left the cup on the
table, while she was called from the room.
Mr. Swlek came In and not noticing the
cup had anything In it. filled It tip with
coffee and drank from It.
REPUBLICAN CITY-Commencement ex- !
erclses of Republican City High school will
be held at the opera house May 20. There
are four graduates. Miss Mildred A. Has
kins, Miss Jennie McQulstnn, Howard John
son and Earl F. Camp. Rev. J. L. Beebe
of Alma will deliver an address. The
baccalaureate sermon was delivered by
Rev. Haskins at the Methodist church
May 15.
CRAWFORD Friday night, Mav 6. the
high school gave the play, "An American
Citizen," at the Syndicate opera house. A
full house greeted the players and $SS was
realized, most of which went to pay off the
deficit of the lecture course the hleh school
I gave during the winter. Friday, May 13,
Do You Want the
be able to Force Its
pinions on
Irast to
"T0 YOU want government by political doctors? When doctors disagree so
j) constantly, should your choice be abridged by law, or by the ruling, of a
Department or Bureau? Do you want your health and hygiene to be regu
lated by an army of United States inspectors under the, direction of a medical bureau?
Do you know that there are five bills before the present Congress which, if passed, could
be so used, and the concealed purpose of which is to give such powers to a national department
or bureau or "officer" of health, and that the political doctors are making the final supreme
effort to get one of them passed before the close of the present session?
Do you know that the terms of all of the bills are so subtle that such bureau or department
cculd at any time take action according to its interests or prejudices without specific legislation
while the moral effect would be to commit the United States Government to the establishment
of system of medicine, denying to the people the right to determine for themselves the kind
of medical treatment they shall employ?
Do you know that William H. Welsh, President of 'he American Medical Association
to'd the Senate Committee on Public Health and National Quarantine that the Doctors wanted
uch a National Department of Health for the purpose of "influencing" the State and Muni
cipal Boards of Health, end that he felt the Constitution could be so interpreted as to give ths
National Board the POWER to regulate health affairs nationally. i
Do vou know that Prof. Irving ?isher, President of the so-called "Committee of One
Hundred" which is ostensiblv zie moving impuls- behind this attempt to secure this legislation,
was' unexpectedly confronted at the recent Senate nearing with a letter he had written to a.
physician asking for funds to push -he bill saving that it was a project which, once started,
would surely expand within i decade so that rmiilions upon millions of government money"
would be disbursed in carrying out the provisions of this legislation?
To defeat hi or sny other such patrrna', unnecessary, extravagant, un-Amrrican medical legislation is the purpose
cf "The National League for M-dics! FrRednrr." Mind you, this League is not opposed to sanitation or quarantine
properjy administered and it mikes no war ott, and has no quarrel with the
faithfu medical practitioner of whaf.v-r school. Nor .s it opposed to th- r
recdeci worK oi tr.e state, county .. rnunicxzi ani.g tnese mic-r;
but it is oppcsio1 to any clique of poii."ol ooctora -vr.fcn s-eks to dominate
the legislaticii c jtate ar.i rsiio.ul 5ove.-.nei.J for f 5 e f.fcse of increasing
their power n,-C furthering unit "wn fcsVhi&rs, ail yi,.ler the pretense of
the public 'cs.l.
li you want ;!e 5ed?ra government to continue to titd ta its own t- iGi
pess, the states to continue tn attera t iheirs and chc i-olit'csl doctors to
their, !oin this Leaj":e. f
Aro fee required, just sigK unci nail this coupon. Also
vite immediately your reyrcset tat'-ve a Washington pro
testing against the passage any bills of this character.
Metiopoliton Bldtf. Nw Yoik City i
I CtutlerLen: j
Pleaie enroll ire ci in rnpnth t-il. I
the purpotet o! your Leue and jt4
.er.ture. :
Street Addreii.
Metropolitan Bldg., New York City
B. O. FLOWER, Editor "20th Century Masine," Piecect
Attrmnta to Wreck Trains.
Children Glad to Have Thalr Drink 1,1k
Their Parent!.
More than any of the old folks realize,
the little folks at .the table like to have
food and drink the tame as father and
Perhaps you can remember the time
when a fork-full of the meat oi potato
or a sip from the cup that youf father
or mother was using seemed to possess
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. May l?.-(SDe- "omo raoi. merit aim flavor.
tvara or practice. .,u sire you tue very
ul result. Crown and W-idi; worn
liuin tj.uu up Killings tl Co up. DON'T
VuhGirf VK bUFl'uY TEElil WITH
Di;T HjATKjJ. Nervna removed without
hurting you. Teeth extracted without
pain, oruinary 1'iate iruni 10 jusu.
Hundreds of people
1 1, -re Why not you
have been satisfied
UOG rarzaro SU "Phone. D.
tears earn? location.
17 i
Ml Ktctal Slseasas cured without
furlcil operiluii and Guaranteed to lail
t Xiliettme. No chloroform, eiher or other
Vitril ns-ihelc used. Eaamlnatol
rree. Write Tor Free Book.
ri m Mixta. omasa, aria.
t"s' i" aeii ji JsnasatsatMaMay
JSJQH for trade mark
fee ; s two.
rial ) For some time past some one has
been giving the Missouri Pacific employes
here considerable trouble by smashing the
switch lights alon gthe track In the south
ern part of the city. Watch was placed,
but the guilty party could not be discov
ered. Ist Friday morning the section fore
man found four large railroad spikes driven
In the frog of a switch on the main line,
so that a passing train would have been
wrecked. He removed them and reported
the matter and on Saturday morning two
large bridge bolts were found driven into
the switch rail at the same place. A watch
man has been placed at this point with a
hope of loading the party or parties who
seem bent upon wrecking some of the
trains at thia particular point. This is
very close to where the passenger train
was derailed In the daytime some two
weeks ago.
Italian Workman) Inland.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May 16. (Special Tele
gram.) S. Flrello, rn Italian In the em
ploy of the Burlington, who was probably
mortally wounded by the accidental dis
charge of a shotgun while hunting near
Edgar Sunday, was brought here this after
noon and placed In a hospital. A portion
of his head was blown away, and although
he U still alive he cannot live.
Mrroaemiifcy Mar Item.
IlOI.UrtEGE. Neb., May Id (Special )
Mvor W. Mct'onoughy of this city I
In a receptive mooi for the nomination of
governor. The mayor dues not deny that
x it cniiiireu can be given a strong, nour
ishing food drink such as Postum It satis
fies their desire to have things like the
older folks, and at the same time gives
them a drink they love and fatten on.
A lady up In Uakes, N. D., says that
since their family have been drinking
Postum the children are stronger and better
was patronR day. A program by the vn-
lous grades was renatrta. .iicr mis u
fiild meet was held.
CRAWFORD Owinc to the activity of
ho Civic league, the number. of saloons per
mitted to operate has, been limited to four
n tne license raised rrom 10
rhe town was dry for a week. This was
du to the fact thai remonstrance was
filed against the applicants on the grounds
that many of the elgntrs wore not legally
permitted to sign the petitions. The mat
ter was adjusted and three saloons have
now opened.
VIIjLISCA Howard Peckman was the
victim of a hoTfl-up, while escorting a
woman friend home. The hold-up man
suddenly confronted the couple and ordered
young Peckmn"to throw up his hands.
Peckman. at first thought It a Joke from
some of hls-frlends. but when he looked
into the barrel of a revolver, levelled at his
head and saw the mask of a stranger, the
Joke faded away, and he obediently put
up his hands, while the burglar went
through his clothes, securing 2 In change.
CRAWFORD One hundred homes have
been erected In Crawford the last year.
The prospects for this year are even bet
ter than last season. The common com
plaint Is a lack of carpenters to do the
work. The strategic location of Craw
ford as a shipping point Is responsible for
this growth. Many families are moving
In and the schools are so crowded that the
teaching force has been enlarged and steps
are being taken to build another building
In the course of a yeax or so to meet the
NEBRASKA CITY The Junior class of
the high school gave the seniors a recep
tion In the parlors of the CJrand hotel Sat
urday evening. President William 1'tterbark
of the Juniors made the opening address,
followed by President Ray Bosworth of
the seniors. Addresses were made by Dr.
Claude Watsi n. president of the Board of
Education, Superintendent G. E. Martine
and Prof. Ray ( dates. There was a spe
clal program carried out and the re
mainder of the evening was spent at cards
and dancing.
IOWA FALLS The funeral of Mrs. Frank
Olffor 1, who died at Ellsworth hospita
Friday evrnlng after an illness of a week
or ten days, occured Sunday. Her death
was due to typhoid fever and complications
which presaged her tieath shortly after she
was taken ill. Mrs. Clifford was 4S year old
and came to thtJ city from Monroe, Wis
about twenty-five years ao. She was the
wife of City Marshal Gifford and was
woman highly esteamed by all who knew
hr. She is survived by her husband and
one daughter.
MASON CITY Accidents, serious and
less serious held sway at Mclntyre th
other day. While John Richards was using
a large hammer driving a spike. It glanced.
striking him square In his forehead, lie
was stunned from the blow and a physician
had to be called. Robert Elwood was
caught In a slide of a pile of ties und his
hip smashed. Miss Effie. Betts hud a fin
ger taken off by the slamming of a door,
while Mr. Horgan had a cow strike him
with her horn In the mouth, knocking out
several teeth and la'-matuif; his lip so
badly that part of it had to be cut away.
HOI.PREOE a. Crlttondon, the head
of the Central Granaries cumpany of Lin
coln, was In the city this week on business
pertaining to the erection of new storage
houses to replace the immense elevator
which was destroyed by fire here about
six weeks ago. Following a meeting of the
directors of the company ar.d the visit of
Mr. Crltienden, however, it Is Intimated
that the erection of the new buildings will
be deferrtd until fall, when it Is expt'Cted
that the cur.dltlon and size of this siason'K
unless the Wyoming Central company gets
busy at once the state will forfeit Its Con
tract and arrange with others for the con
tinuation of work and the reclamation of
lands In the vicinity of Rlverton.
Cfrrnlt C'onrt of Anneals Kinds
Serious Defect In the
SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. May R-(Special.)
The United States circuit court of ap
peals, sitting In the Eighth circuit, has de
clared unconstitutional the employers' lia
bility law enacted by the South Dakota
legislature at its 1907 session and which was
approved February 20, 19fr7. The federal cir
cuit court of appeals finds a serious de
fect In the law, which may also exist In
the employers' liability laws of other states
which have not yet been compelled to run
the gauntlet of the courts.
The deeison of the federal circuit court
of appeals states that "the fourteenth
amendment to the constitution of the
United States forbids any state to 'deny to
any person within its Jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.' " The error of the
South Dakota legislature was In making
the employers' liability law apply to com
mon carriers in general Instead of limiting
it to railway .companies. The decision says;
"Under, thin .statute if a bookkeeper or
any other servant of a common carrier who
is engaged In the performance of clerical
duties In Its general offices and such a
servant of a merchant or manufacturer
engaged in the same occupatn under the
same circumstances, are each Injured by
the negligence of a fellow servant the com
mon carrier is liable fer the damages his
servant sustained, whila the merchant or
manufacturer Is exempt from any liability
for the damage which his employe suffered."
.San mill an Boat.
. PIERRE. S. D.. May 16.-1 Speclal.)-F.
Sprlngsteel of LeBeau has launched a boat
on the river at that place, on which he
carries a portable saw mill. He will drift
down the river, picking up logs where he
can find any fit for lumber and cut them
on the boat, marketing his product at the
different towns along the river, and expects
to drift down stream as far as Sioux City
before fall, and also expects to make the
voyage profitable to himself through the
lumber he will be able to cut from logs
which will cost him only the trouble of
catching them as they drift down the
river, or are caught, on sand bara -ready for
his use when he comes along with hla saw
mill. , . . .
Plana Being: Laid to Carry on
General Campaign Daring;
CHICAGO, May 15. One hundred and
fifty delegates to the National Socialist
congress, representing the entire socialist
movement In the United States, met here
tcday to prepare for the coming state and
congressional campaigns. Encouraged by
the election of a socialist mayor In Mil
waukee, the party workers are laying their
plans for the election of at least one or
two oor.gressmen in Wisconsin and south
eastern Kansas. Every state In the union
has a delegation .at the meeting; and twelve
delegates are womeii.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Big
than ever before, and are so glad that
they can have coffee to drink "Just like t f ropsi can be made, the bawis on which the
company win ueiermine ine niRgnuuoe or
Its local building operations. jr present
- - If Not, Why Not?
As truly as good seeds bring forth good fruit, right fod
brings forth good health?
The husband and father was taken sick
with a very severe attack of stomach trou
ble and had to give up work, being con
fined to the house for some weeks, suf
fering greatly. For some time he had been
In the habit of drinking coffee for break
fast, and tea for dinner and supper. The
wife writes: "After reading some of your
advertisements we wondered If coffee and
tea had not been the cause of his sickness.
"We finally decided to have him quit
tea and coffee and try Postum. He dates
his recovery from the day he commenced
to drink Postum, and has not had to atop
work from sickness since then.
"Some years ago I tried a package of
Postum and did not like It, but I know
now that it was because I did not make
It right. It la easy to make good Postum
If the simple directions on the package
are followed. The only failure Is when peo
ple do not boll It long enough."
Read "The Road to Wellvllle," found
In pkgs. "There's a Reason."
Brer read the aaore letter A new one
appears from time to time. They are gea
Une, true, a&4 (all of human interest.
plans mature at that time the new struc
ture will In all probability have only half
the letorage capacity of the destroyed
elevator, but will be thoroughly modern
and fireproof througl-cut and fitted with
the most up-to-date equipment.
M'yomlnar Tired of Delay,
CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 16-(Speclal.)-State
Engineer C. T. Johnston and Attor
ney General W. E. Mullen have returned
from Chicago, where they were In con
ference with Joy Morton and other officers
of the Wyoming Central Irrigation com
pany relative to the latter's contract with
the state to reclaim a large area of the
ceded portion of the Wind River Indian
reservation. Nothing definite was done, as
the proposition aubmltted by the company
was not acceptable to the Wyoming of
ficials and the latter were without author
ity to mak a proposition In return. Another
meeting la to be held In Cheyenne this
week, at which It Is hoped that a compro
mise will be effected whereby work will
e commenced on the Irrigation project
at once. The utate Is getting weary of the
dilatory tactics of the Morton people and
is a pure, partially pre-digested food and is made for the purpose of
building up and keeping good health.
It has received the voluntary testimony of thousands who have
used it and regained health. You, too, can do this.
Sick or well it
which brings results.
is excellent food
Attached to every third package of
Grape-Nuts is a little booklet, "The Road
to Wellvillc" It is worth its weight in
gold to people who realize the value of
good health and how one must guard it.
Get acquainted with Grape-Nuts It
is an acquaintance youovill never regret.
There's a Reason"
Postum Cereal Company, Ltd.
Battle Creek, Mich.
nocTon ox food
Experimented, on Xlmself.
A physician over In Ohio says:
"For the last few years I have been a
sufferer from Indigestion, and. although I
havo used various remedies and prepared
foods with some benefit, It was not until
I tried Grape-Nuts that I was completely
"As a food It is pleasant and agreeable,
very nutritious and Is digested and assim
ilated with very little effort on the part
of the digestive organs.
"As a nerve food and restorer, Grape
Nuts has no equal and as such Is especially
adapted to students and other brain-workers.
It contains the elements necessary for
the building of nerve tissue and by so
doing maintains an equilibrium of wast
and repair.
"Orape-Kuts also enriches the blepfl by
giving an Increased number of red blood
corpuscles and In this way strengthens all
the organs, providing a vital fluid made
more nearly perfect.
''I take great pleasure in recommending
Its use to my patients for I value It as a
food and know It will benefit all who use