12 THE ItEE: OMATTA. TUESDAY. MAY 17. 1010. SHIPPERS RISE FOR BATTLE Vestfrn Concerns to Make Protest to Railroads. M'VAITO REPRESENTS OMAHA ' ommrrplal f'lab'n Traffic Officer to Attend Mlghtr M to He Jlclil In (hlraao ou Tender. The commercial went la rislnB la declare v. ar with the railroad. A proposed K'-n-rral Increase in cotntimdity rate Is to be uni-ldpied at a mlhly niectluK at w hich the Miipprrs of all the wenlern country are t' be represented. The meeting in to be held at Chicago on Tiieadny. Omaha will brt represented at thut meetinK hy K. J. MeVann, traffic rommlsnlnner of the Com mercial club of Omaha. A general call to Him ha been received by all of the big tdilpper of Omaha and other cltle of the wot which will be affected by the In iriaaed tales which the nilltoadM propose. Nem'y 0. concern liave wiled to John M. lilenn. (secretary of the Illinois Manu facturers' HKHocliUioii at l'hl ago, HlniilfyhiK thrlr Intent and aititvido toward the move- I men I. The general position of the chipper Is, luoatlly, that the rates KliuuM not be ilin ti.ibcd and that the proposed change uould be followed by vital Increases In the. cent of nearly every commodity entering Into the dally lif.' of 1he people. The rail roads, on the other hand, maintain that an im ttam In earning Is uade necessary lo cover the Increase In wage which have been madu within thu pant year. Demeiid of shipper a. The demands that the Hhipper arellkely to make are fairly well classified under feven divisions. They will Insist: 1. That the eastern railroad abandon their purpose of Increasing class rate east ut' Chicago and r.uilli of the Ohio river lo the seaboard from H per cent on sixth class to J" per cent on first class. That the ruiiroads submit their case t the inter. -uiU- Commerce com mission, first as to the necessity fur increase in any rates and then as to the amounts of the increases, provided the commission rules that Increases aie war i anted. 3. That the railroads shall let thu class rules remain as they are and shall secure greater revenue, If such a movo is Known l he warranted by changes in the Classi fications. 4. That tho preponderance of evidence ecu ns to be In tavor of the proposition that thu railroads are making more money than ever In their history, and that It Hill take u mass of convincing statistics to piovo any increase in treignta to be Jus tifiable at this time. ij. Thut the railroads more than a year ago entered into a "gentlemen's agree ment'' not to increase Height luics gener ally without fust having con.su lieu the shippers, and that in view of tills agree ment the shippers ceased their concerted net lull toward added legislation of a kind tna lallroads feured. V. That increasing freight rates hori zontally simply because the railroads think they need more money is an unscientific method of procedure and should be obso lete. Kates directly under consideration aCtoct shipment between the seaboard and the district lying north of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi. These rate, how ever, will affect the Omaha rate to sea buaid, a the Chicago rale become the basis of rate from the other points. Thus from Cleveland, O., the rate 1 quoted at U per cent of the Chicago rate, while from on Uie other aide In the xone, which In cludes Omaha, the rates vary from 122 per cent at Dubuque, la., to 117 at St. Louis. The shippers from point a remote even as Little Hock. Ark., are taking an Inter est In the meeting to be held at Chicago. The increase proposed varies from 20 per cent on lirst-clas shipment to 8 per cent on sixth class. The dry good dealer of Omaha are particularly at the mercy of the railroads in the proposed change of rate. Tuesday Is is Special Bargain Day Stores 50c Dress Linens. lOc Yd. Tuesday we place on sale one immense lot of natural color ami hiyh colored dress linens. Tliev consist of J56-inch wide heavy crash suiting linens, in the natural jn ! i it .. l l .i e i . l. n l linen eoioi , lueiuer ii.ii it large ioi ot colored rough ami smooth, pure, all linen r linens, worth up to OOc a yard, all to go on s;1 tomorrow at tf o'clock, at, vard "We bought this lot very cheap, so are able to give the people of Omaha another one of those bargains that has made the UliANDEIS STOKES famous. nsist ot .ib-in lress I j sale J LMy n a n "O . a ' 33c Embroideries, 15c Yd. Extra special bargain lot of 18-inch fine embroidered flounc , ings, skirtings and corset cover widths; also medium and wide edges, insertions, and galloons; all kinds "fl of pretty designs, and many actually worth I?5c B a yard, at, yard 00e elegant embroidered gal loons and bands; baby Irish, English eyelet and Japanese effects; also combination de signs solid embroidery work, up to 5 y C inches wide, yd. V. . C Fancy Wash Laces and In sertions Pure linen Tor chons, Piatt Vals., French Yals., cluny, etc. worth up to 10c per yard per s.r...-.:....3c. li Nash Not Ready with Proposition Head of Electric Light Company Calls Meeting; of Officials with Attorney. I'resldent Nash of the Omaha Klectrlo Light and Power company still maintain mlence as to any definite proposition that Is to be offered to the city council on the franchise question, tjomo time during the day the board of director and tho com pany' attorney, W. W. Motsman, were to meet with President Nash, but ll was cn nounced that nothing would bo formulated for publication until ome lime ha elapsed. Thirty days will elapse beforo the com pany Is compelled to take any action In court, following the decision of the court of eprirft!. sitting at Ft. Louis, and the counc'.l rxpect the company will take the full i;m!t to examine carefully into the tie c!kI:mi li.fure declaring Itself. UMBRELLAS al 39c 39c Women's and Men's UlVlUllljLiLittiJ til OUK, 75c Good quality American Taffeta Umbrellas; paragon frames natural and fancy luindles; a big special bar gain on bargain square "Worth up to 75c at, each H i . ! n i ; is I! ii B ! Pi ThTT'lXnXT HZ -it. iron WtTi i 7 201 MIKH MTVI.K IUK)K and anjr 15c lmUeV f nSmr 'on,e Journal Pattern, for Who Wants These Silks? Who Want $1.(U and $1.25 Qualities for 8e? These are well known trade marked silks that need no persuasion on our part to convince you that they are great bargains at our price. Pew women but who have wished for Just such silks for summer wear. Here's the line: Genuine $1.25 Rajah Silks.... Genuine $1.25 Mirage Silks... . Genuine . $1. 35 Salome Silks. .. , Genuine $1.00 Tokio Silks Genuine $1.00 Pongee Silks... Colored $1.00 Diagonal Silks. . . Almost the whole range of wanted shades is embraced in the as semblage. No silks are in greater favor. Our price of 68c would be considered impossible in most stores. Help yourself to fine bargains Tuesday. 68c Rugs From the (lew York Auction! One more day of this the Greatest Rug Sale Event Omaha has known in years. A splendid saving opportunity Tuesday. Big Savings in All SPRING MILLINERY Bargains in Basement Cloak Dept. Rain Coots Women's good quality, up-to-date, practical Raincoats, in all sizes, base ment, at . . . $1.98 Wash Dresses Pretty new styles for summer Dresses that launder well) and give good service, at ... . $1.98 Women's Pretty New 1910 Waists Smartly trimmed and well made "Worth up to in basement, at 69c Another Day for Half Price Dress Linens Most everybody wants at least one summer dress of linen. There is nothing quite so cool and serviceable for ihe heated season. V have half a dozen different grades, with a wfdo choice of color In each. We give you another day of half price rates. Our 35c Colored Dress Linens, for 17'"IT A T 17 Our 50c Colored Dress Linens, for 2. ll A 1 Our 69c Colored Drts3 Linens, for 3-lHjM Our 89c Colored Dress Linens, for 14H(fg 17 i Our $1.25 Colored Dress Linens, for 62Wk)' Cai You Afford to Wait Longer for that New Suit? Read! The Choice of Any Tailored , Suit for Women; until now priced up to $33.75 ! for That's the strongest argument to influence a purchase we have seen. It's doubly strong on account of the large line we have to show you and the excellence of the styles. Ordinarily, the commonest kind of a suit costs as much. Just think of it for a minute. The longer you think the more thoroughly convinced will you be that the time to buy is NOW. It's a remarkable proposition. We don't believe you ever knew a better one. See the suits They verify the facts as here stated. Any colored cloth suit up to $33.75, at 815.00 May Sale Undermuslins $15 o ii 9 1 L &ttk(m",t Pi rTr?r-aniii 7 III Cll ! " "A a w a. a e . - THC RELIABLE STORK MILLINERY Three Big Specials for Tuesday IN OUR BUSY LADIES' SUIT DEPARTMENT Wash Dresses, worth up to $10.00-'' .... . i I . ' ' 4f 4 Aobbv new styles in lingeries, King-, c hams and reps, all eolors, daintily trimmed with laees, 00 95 embroideries, etc., JJ0 100 RAIN AND AUTO COATS Values to $15.00 all new spring styles silk, moire, rubberized , best bargains ever; J QC Tuesday JlPUiJ Dress Skirts, worth to $7.50 Made of fine panamas and fancies; a very exceptional lot of bargains at Tues day's special sale price choice at $2.95 Several other special sales in this department Tuesday. I)rtrut Khooltnur TRIps In tho chest renulrp quick treatment with Dr. Klnu'ti New I'iscovery. Prevents piKUmonla. &0c and $1.00. For utile by lieaton Drug Co. $&trt&U' Suction Cleaners pecial Notice! We wisljufo notify you of the greatest special pur chase of rugs ever made. by Brandeis Stores. Alexander Smith & Sons of New York, the largest manufacturers of high grade rugs in America, placed their entire surplus stock on sale at auction. More than $3,500,000.00 worth of nigs were sold in one week. The stock was so tremendous and the time so short that these rugs sold for much less than they would have brought ordinarily. Brandeis Stores, the only Omaha dry goods house represented at the auction, was among the largest buyers. Our entire purchase will be placed on special sale at Brandeis Stores next Monday, May 23. No western store ever had such grand rug bargains as we offer in this sale. Our windoAvs are filled with' bargain lots from this purchase. Seo the great window displays on Douglas street and you will surely attend the great rug sale next MONDAY. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. y B B i I i n li o i ii hi I fl 1 n B B B B i B ew"w cfjttBSGK The daintiness and freshness of the garments in our May Sale has been widely commented on by shop pers who bought them in half dozen una uuiiBu iuis tuuaj. xiie siyjesp were never quite so beautiful and jl sureFy'ft'if'er'so inexpensive. Foulards Several thousand yards all new, spring styles north $1 a yard Immense assortment of the most popular 1910 col orings In small, medium and large figure effects; very choice values, Tuesday In two big lots, at Vash Goods Sale 50c and 59c Striped Voiles 25 50c Diagonals, Silk Filled 25 50c Rough Pongees ....25 25c French' Organdies, silk mixed . 18 50c Foulards 39 50c Ottoman 38& Imported Manchester Poplins at .50 Domestic Poplins, 39c grade t 25 s Extra Specials for Tuesday in Our Famous Domestic Room From O Ut 9:30 A. M. 7c Blue Apron Checks; fast colors; 10 yards limit; at, yd 5c From 10 to 10:80 A. M. 72x90 Pepperel Sheets; regular price 75c; 6 sheets limit, each . . 48 From 2 to 2:30 P. M. Clover 3G- - inch Bleached Muslin; regular price 10c; 10 yarns limit, at, per yard . . . , .-. ....... . .5 From 3 to 3:30 P. .Vl. Hanover Bed Spreads; fine, large spread; regular price $2.25; 6 spreads limit, each SI. 15 From 4 to 4:30 P. M. 18c Black Sateen; queen-high finish; 10 yards limit, at, yard 10 von alij day Abberfoyle Ginghams; 25c grade; at 12H 25c Foulards 12tt 25c White Ooods i..-10 18c Organdies 12i 25c Organdies lf 15c Floral Batiste 1Q? 15c Persian Lawns 6 other specials, called on thu floor. c CORSET COVERS J Conat Covers French back and fit ted Htyles, fn different kinds, all 3tfc values, at 35o Corset Covers One-piece French backs; lace; embroidery and medal lion trimmed; ten styles 60c gar ments for 39o Corset Covers Cambric and Nainsook 12 styles; French backs; 76c val ues, nov at 59o if B N B i u B i GOWNS MasUn Oowns With square, round and V shapn necks, also chemise or slipover styles, &6c garments, 59 o Muslin Gowns Twelve beautiful stylea, all war-ted kinds, elaborate effects worth, $1.60 and few $1.69, all a; S1.00 f LONG SKIRTS SO Dozen Handsome Muslin Skirts With deep lnce or embroidery floun ces, all Kood matertalH, welt made and finished. Splendid $1.00 and ?or" ?k!n8::.......;.. 69c Muslin Skirts A variety of attrac tive styles, with elaborate lace trlmmeu flounces of fine embroid ery as you prefer, $1.50 und $1.75 Karinents, unloading $1 25 f DRAWERS Muslin Drawers Six styles lace, em broidery nnd hemstitched trimmed 3ac garments, at .25o Muslin Drawers Another group of ten styles; beautiful 50c value now at 390 "I m B; B' B Save 25 to 50 on Your Living Expenses Special prices advertised Sunday for Monday will bo continued Tuesday. DON'T FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST ?AY 1 II Graduation Presents Our stock Includes a large variety of very useful. gruuuniiuii Kinn wHiciit-n aianionu rings, oroociies, bracelets, . cuff links, stick pins, sterling toilet and mniiicurti sets and umbrellas. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler 1516 Douglas Street. O.cuvUS CjurVii (uKrgJ QoawVi (JovwrViyj C"5 'f -,',M I "" i ,? 1 Omaha '3 Pure 1 1 W M food Center cLjJ O Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday Lotus Butter, 1-lb. carton . .31 A Clean Bill of Health A dusty home and doctor's bills or i dkstless home nd healthy famityt With PEERLESS Suction Cletnerin the home, no dust and dirt can fill cracks or corner, tufts of furniture arid mattresses and breed germs and vermin. ' You don'l have to beat, brash and broom for half a day, and then only raise dust from the surface, which settles again. The PEERLESS gets all the dust from everywhere without aspeck ' of it raising into the sir, gets it right through carpets and rugs as easy as from plate rails and behind radiators and registers. See the PEERLESS UutlrmUit ae W aMrru ot nftut PA&KUiSS liar unl M rtfftutl to Manufacturers Outlet Company, Mf$t. CkimWt Street. New York FerStleki Tfce Bennett Company. Oreaaxd ft WUkelm Osrpet Oe. Omaha, Men. $100 for trade mark fie page two. Aberdeen Snow White Flour, per Osack yuc anu TSl.rfO I l . A ... i xiujl ouuir, uaia oJL-ftO Sultana Ualsina. per lb 10 3 rans Best Standard Corn . .25 Mother's Oats, per pkg 7? fi loc can Imported Sardines . -H 1 gal. can Peanut Oil ... .JSls.OO Imported Macaroni, Spaghetti or Vermicelli, each, per pkg. . .JSC or me tauie f 250 I ?r doz., a30 r? n In.. Hj Best Country Butwr, for the table In sanitary jars, lb Dairy Butter, per lb. Strictly Fresh Kggs, per uoiuebuc bwisa t neese, id., i2H t Young America Cheese, lb., i6 f Large Ripe Kdams, each . . Sl.OO 9 Cottage Cheese, pkg. ...... II liook Fcir Our Art Thursday. (J QuwvU C0-1 GouivfQl QSiJi (-bV CiuVruafi CtMrVt CJi LMPD1KE51I Vflourv ?! 5 a si WKEMIUINGC? "If ever you try it, Forever you'll buy it" Help for the House Cleaner This Is house cleaning time why not make easy work of it, by sending to us your valuable rugs, draperies, curtains, portieres, pil low and stand covers and all other furnishingB.that won't stand wash ing, and have them dry cleaned? Dry cleaning destroys all moths and disease germs and makes them look as bright and fresh as when new. If yovir. portieres or draperleF are faded they can be re-dyed in the same or some other color and make, them as good as ever. Our prices are very reasonable, and our work the best that skilled help and modern equipment can produce. , Prompt delivery service to all parts of the city. THE PANTORIUM "GOOll CLEANERS AMI DYERS"! 1313 Jonea Street. Itoth 'Phone. Foot Comfort Means Peace of Mind h 4 Read Tho Bee for All the Sporting News! Hotel Rome 'European IN THE HEART OF THINGS Co?.lGtU uud Jackson Sts. 'No Mocks from leading department 6torcs und all theaters. i :' , IIOJIK MILI.I IL si H & 1 B 8 For suffering womanhood there Is no ' greater agony than aching, feet, and for these women we have a mes sage of comfort In our Grover's Comfort Shoes We are representatives In Nebraska for these famous shoes, which are known the world over. They are . the easiest fitting, best wearing shoo ever put uu a human foot. As to fit, they snug the foot like a fine kid glove would fit tho hand. They are made of the finest kid leather, In lace or button, and in oxfords or high styles. THE PRICES RANGE 31.75 to Sl.OO Remember we carry only the finest grades in this make You take no chances here. Facing Farnam Street on the ground floor The best location in Omaha for many lines of business is opposite the Court House and next to Jhe City Hall. It is very seldom that it is possible for you to get one of the ground floor rooms in THE BEE BUILDING The entrance Is just west ot the main entrance of the building; it has an entrance from the court as well. Tho building furnishes heat, light, water and janitor service. f The building Is fire-proof and there Is a large brick vault, so you can cut out your Insurance expense. The room will be remodeled and redecorated to suit the tenant. The space can be arranged to give tenant 1,850 square feet It desired. If this is the best location for you, now is the time to grasp the opportunity, and apply at once. Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office. -.J Yellowstone Park Park Open About June 15th " Vylle Camping Tour of Park six days. tranHportatlon, board, lodg- Round trip rail rate to Gardiner or Yellowstone entrances . ing, etc. from Gardiner or Yellowstone Hound trip rail rate to Cody (east and scenic entrance), Holm's personally conducted elgtheen-day camping tours through the park from Cody, July 8th and 2th, August 19th, Septem ber 9th 9 Round trip tour via Gardiner, five and one-half days in park, includ- n- .nil . ktnln 32.001 40.00 30.75 Drcxcl Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St Roliabio Dentistry AT 72.00 8 1.0 78.25 Ing rail, stage and hotels 8 Round trip tour via Yellowstone, four and one-half days In park, including rail, stage and hotels. . . S Diverse route tour, in via Gardiner, out via Yelowstone, all ac commodations for five and one fourth days 810725 Diverse route tour, In via Yellowstone, out ,vla Gardiner, all ac commodations for three and one-half daya; , '.g 03.50 Side excursion trip, on coast tours, from Livingston," Mont., all ac commodations ... . ....... .,, ,8 55.00' Free demrlpttf puhlhut Inn. " Vellnwetone Park." ."The CihI.v rtoad into Yellow utone Turk." "N'ylle t'amplrg Tourn." 'TolnrMrtn ltah Handbook," ami othera requtHt. Fov r.mi- llt InforniHilor. anoni routuB. train service, etuii- overH, rates. tU-keU and bertha, call on Tafl's Dental Rooms , wm J. II. KKYXOLN, City lHenicer Agmt. !. Farnam Street, Omlt. X