r. 1 OFFERED FOR RENT . FaraUhed Rn Coatlaoed. 4 ., LAIUiK front room. suitable for four bcs. tHiS Harney tit. VERY durable f urnlslied room with pri vate family. 2U6 Foppietoa Ave. 0 TWO front parlor roonw; modern; house-A-rplng privileges. 2220 Chicago. NICELY furnished room. 2208 Harney Ft. Strictly modern, newly papered, excel lent location; call quickly. SINGLE furnished room. Id floor, flat 11. Hi s. leth. MOtERN Mary's Avt. furnished room. WIS St FRONT room for 1 or 1 2216 Farnam st NICELY furnished large modern front room, suitable for two gentlemen or man ma win. Z4 im. una ist uoug. koi. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modern. 111, liarney. NICE furnished roomi. SIS 8. 16th. Flat 4. GOOD, - clean, deal rmbU rooms, sultab'.e for one or two young men or man and wife. 218 N. Uth St. , i i. . ,i i i i LARGE modern rooms, furnished nicely. 13 and $3.50 per week. 613 Is. 19th St I. NICELY furnished rooms. 1811 California. CT.OSE In. Urif. clean, beautifully fur ntshed front 'rooms, unfurnished If de sired: modern and reasonable. 1319 Cass NICELY furnished room In new flat. 2102 California. Tel.- IX KU. 181G CHICAGO ST.. nice front parlor. suitable, for two gentlemen! strictly moo rn. LABGE front room South 10th street. with alcove. 2538 LARGE front looms with big closets talking distance. 2025 Dodge. ' TWO single rooms and one front parlor modern. 2213 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms; 13 week to gentlemen; modern. 2472 Harney. FRONT room with alqove, for four, Harney. 2210 ONE large furnished room In modern home, with private family. Tel. Douglas 8S9fl. 2T6 fit. Mary's Ave. - TWO fumlshd rooms, front and back parlor; suitable for two or four gentle men. 77 liarney t nererence. SINGLE rooms, atrtctly modern; $1.60 and $2.W. 2571 Dodge. Nr.wi.T niiwriA newlv furnished rooms K elsht blocks from P. 6. Red 6100. 23 ' L'Hllfurnla. LARGE single room. 2709 Farnam. TWO modem rooms for housekeeping. j'ey 4144. ' 2915 Mason FKONT room with aloove. 2016 Leaven worth Ht . Front room, furnished. 120 N. 25th St. THREE furnished rooms: walking die tance. inquire evenings. 2606 Davenport St, LARGE front south room; also smaller room; modern. JtUi arnam. NEATLY furnished large front room, 608 S. 18th alt. FRONT parlor; nicely furnished; modern. 121 B. 19th. . WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove, also small room; private ram lly; large . lawn. va a. Bti bi. FOUR roams,, furnished tor housekeeping. Call Sunday before- a. Share these cheap. 2201 N. 80th, upstairs, jeigniy. LARGE or small furnished rooms, either in suites or single, In modern house. 1421 Casa st ' NICE front room, cloaa In, I blocks from postofflce; also small room. 206 N. ISih NICELY furnished single room for gentle men. 21s N. 23d Bt NICELY famished rooms lit prtvate- fam ily of two. 2308 Capitol Ave.,pr 'phoo Douglas 76S8. . -' ' - LARGE front ' room for two people; $7 each. 813H S. 20th. . . IN private home, large sunny room, ele- gantly furnished, electric, light heat, bath, to phone, walking distance. Nice porch and ft lawn. ' Farnam and 24th. Ave. Harney 4006. LARGE front room for two or three; also one small room, strictly modern. 213 N. 20th St. MODERN and nicely furnished rooms, private family.. 608 S. 17t,h St FURNISHED rooms. 2M3 Capitol Ave, LARGE front room for sleeping, for rent at 807 8. fifth St. ' TWO large front sitting and bedrooms; wtcely furnished: bath; gas; porches and Ittord; 812 per month. Webster 6S34. 3007 N. Mh St FRONT room, newly papered, light house keeping or sleeping. 1813 liard. NICE furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred. 2854 Dodge. TWO modern rooms, single and double; south exposure; quiet place. 1710 Daven port. FURNISHED stx-roem,. modern cottage. 1802 N. 28th St EARGE modern frunlshed room, 88.60 per week. 2003 liurt . A NICELY furnished room. 2623 N. 20th. Fiy' WISHED room for gentlemen; 1150 per wees, ui o. ain. NICBLY furnished front rooms; 82.50 per wee. iu vass ot NICELY furnished south room for gen- iii'man.. iivi uouge di. nicely furnished large room, suit able for one or two. 201 S. 2uih Ave. BEAUTIFUL rooms, facing south; close in. tel. a. vtia NICELY furnished south room for gen tlemun. 1707 Dodge SU FURNISHED rooms, 622 S. floor, flat 11. 16th, third FURNISHED rooms. In town, 8160. California St. 1708 FOUR rooms, one block from car line; Hoasekeeptns; Rmm A TWO' very desirable light housekeeping oom; everything rurnisnea K0 s. at a FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. in: L'oage. A EU1TE of thre elegant sew rooau, rooaern. va n. Kith. FOL'K housekeeping rooms, modern, fur- nirnea. i-noae Webster 63S. l unit, housekeeping rooms, newly pa pered, water and bah; pi per month. 2216 military Ave. Tel. Webster 1760. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished mplte; gas for cooking ana Dght 2-2J i.csvthwuiiii. i none indupendent A-44U6. Ttt'J nicely furnished rooms, complete or usiiv uouscHeeping. jqw Davenport St. TWftiEB rooms, partly furnished for light nofrrpiin, rererences required. Woolwortb Ave. 2701 TWO rear rooms and pantry. 2708 Doug las .-4 PART of new. all modern house; fur nlshed or unfurnished. Inquire 20U Lake for husband and wife; no children. RY May 8. one large room with iv for light housekeeping. 10 a month. 1M2 8. bta tt THRKK rooms for light housekeeping . partly furnished; cheap. 63 a 26lh Ave. FRONT tulte of light housekeeping looms; first nuua, ihuvvib. tvs r arnam et Phone Ki mu- SOUTH front for light housekeeping tmiswi-n. Wis nowim bl f , LA.H1 iB ft scra for housekeeping. 21U OFFERED FOR RENT llnaaekeeplna; Rootna vattnaed SOUTH front, basement housekeeping room; U; modern. 2J10 Douglas St HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2i43 Capitol Ave. YOL'NG ladv to share suite of rooms for housekeeping on first floor. All mouern. a7 Harney Ht. TWO or more desirable housekeeping rooms, also front parlor, complete for housekeeping, In modern flat; rent reason able. 2114 Chicago St BEAUTIFUL furnished housekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 632 S. 2-5ih et. 1'hone Harney 6146. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2028 California. THREE connecting rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern and in West Farnam district; private family. 'Phone Harney 2960 TWO modern housekeeping rooms, $14 per month. 2702 Cuming: NICE larre neatly furnished rooms, llirht housekeeping; ail front rooms and modern; reasonable rent 14.7 N. 17th. THREE rooms unfurnished, strictly mod ern, 110 a month; also furnished apart ments. 47M No. 24lh. THE MANUEU 6rt S. 21t Ave.; fur nished for housekeeping; hot water free; steam-heated; two-room apartments, IJU; four rooms, S3u. The Howard, two-room apartments, tG. Red 447. TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms. 2915 Mason. Harney 414(1. TWO furnished apartments, t rooms each. 21 N. 22d St MODERN furnished rooms for light housekeeping; also sleoDlng rooms. 1j21 Chicago St. TWO' south rooms for housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. Modern, 20J3 Far nam, 3d floor. MODERN -newly papered, 3 rooms, coal range or eaa. Laundry, yard. 120 month. 2i.73 St. Mary'a Ava. TWO furnished rooms, modern, li.50 per week. Apply at 2103 Miami 1st THREE newly papered"" housekeeping rooms, ous n. ltttn. LARGE front room, modern. 210 No. 13th. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished. 1712 Jackson St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, furnished complete. Call 214 S. 20th, between Farnam and liarney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Leavenworth. 1S07 NICELY furnished front parlor In brlclc flat: housekeeping privileges; everything furnished complete. 'Phone Red 6760. 2116 Chicago St. LARGE front room. housekeeDlns. 2013 Leavenworth. FURNISHED rooms, can do light house- Keeping. 1X16 Charles. FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms. u.i& a. mm st. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, junaee. i none Marney jus. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, with alcove. in ix. um tst. WANTED Ladles to do stamping: work taken home; experience unnecessary; steady won, wiuis vvooa lo., iik n. mm. FURNISHED, two front rooms, suitable for three or four men; may have use of f ilano or will furnish for light housekeep ng. 1468 S. 16th St ... SOUTH front room,- all modern, reason- aDie. zun t-ass. TWO nice rooms with alcove, furnished or unfurnished. 1411 N. 20th St. TWO nice, modern rooms, gas range, eleotrlo lights, on car line. 1818 N. 16th St MODERN housekeeping room. 2003 Web ster St Phone Douglas 2518, , NiCELY. furnished' light housekeeping sleeping rooms. 218 N. lath TWO large rooms. 8 closets, modern walking distance, tit; also 8-room suite. parlor floor, handsomely furnished. 604 av. Ztttn. NICE room for light housekeeping: aas rurnisnea; moaern. ius jjougias St. MODERN housekeeping and sleeDlng rooms; wanting uisiance. nxn Loage at. TWO or 3 rooms for housekeeping: mod ern. 270 Farnam St 2580 Harney, two south front-rooms for nouseaeeping. TWO elegant rooms completely furnished reasonable; moaern. ah s. iu. TWO light housekeeping rooms en suite ground floor; modern conveniences and use 01 laundry, xwa narney ot EIGHT-ROOM modern house, near car. Phone Red 6100. SINGLE room, for gentleman. 87. 3001 Mason. Harney 2793. 1812 CHICAGO ST. Rooms, with or with. out board, single or en suite. rrrrrrp rrTTriT . A Q Clean, first elaai lUDiUWUUuau rooms, dose In. xaa Douglas. TWO room for light housekeeping 2013 Davenport Untarnished Rooms. STEAM heated modern 4-room arart- ment unfurnished. 4768 N. 24Ui St TWO fine rooms, facing Hanscom Park: 810 per month. 2SMM Wool worth Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping, laid Webster St. THREE very desirable, ..sicleUy . modern unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; private iamuy. can weoeter 1S6. THREE, all modern, parlor floor. 215. 613 N. 23d St. .FOUR unfurnished rooms: modern excent heal. Call after 6:30 p. m.. 2608 N. Hull Ave. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; 2254 N. 20th St. ENTIRE 2d floor for housekeeping, un furnished. 2621 Harney. Harney 6228. FOUR front rooms, strictly modern, 2804 Sherman Ave. Webster 6310. One nice large unfurnished room for light housekeeping if desired. 2013 Webster St. THREE rooms for rent Inquire 2004 Vin ton St TWO unfurnished rooms In new brick flat, 112.60 per month. 811 N. 21st St. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2028 Ht. Mary's Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper floor. 2568 Douglas. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. 2572 Harney St FOR RENT 4 rooms. nUhed. 116. 1764 S. 9th. modern, unfur- Apartments and Flat. 4-ROOM modern flat 819 08; 2210 N rhola . ONE five-room apartment, strictly mod ern. In the Hunter. 'Phone Douglss 4132. 8-r. brick for roomer, oeiween High school and Crelghtun; strictly modern, yard. 846. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 10U2-J-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. 8-ROOM flat - good condition, on Park Ava. I34.ua, 'Phono Harney 154. CENTRAL, all modem 4Vroom flat. N. tad. FOR RENT An s-roum modern apart ment. Field ciub district; five bedrooms and sloeplng porch; . beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first class. 330b Pop ploton Ave. Peiers Trust Co. Doug. 898. ELEGANT apartments, race. Webster 43X8. Streblow Ter. FOUR-ROOM semi-basement Tat In Dua ay. 10th and Pierce 81s.. steam aeata. - CONRAD YOUNG. Tel Douglas lil . 1UJ PoJge t OFFERED FOR RENT apartments uiid l imn ( on tinned. TOR RENT 6-room apaitm. nt In Th Barnard. -p;.ly 417 N. V. Life Bid., of 'phono I miiitlas l'i. FIVE-ROOM aiiartmeiit In the Shcrnu Call Webster 67'. N. W. CORXER of 2Mh Ave. aril Dewey Ave, new i rooms, lower, Maui', hiai a:nl janitor furnished, ev d- thins 1st e'li J'"- THE MANUEL, 606 S 21st Ave: 4!o.m aiarimini; hardwood fluisned; laundry; hot W itir, $26. un. Red 417. 8-ROOM ii w flat; hardwood finished, 84.1. 501 S. 22d St. Furnished Houses and Flats. r.KillT rooms. mlv furnished. West Fair.am district. June 1 to October 1; u0 monthly, to reasonable party. 'Phone be fore 10 a. m. iiainey itx5. SIX-ROOM house, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, $40. Sot6 Jackson. 7-room dotnehed house; nearly new; lo cated west part of city; strictly modem; hot water heat and electric hkmis; uaK floors and finish. Finely furnished; will rent furnished for threo or fix months. W. FAKNAM SMITH & CO, 1320 i ai nam. NICE elKht-roum modern house for rent, June, July and August; West Karnum dis trict . U. ead, Jbtn ana r arnam. lloasea and Cltnje. FIVE-ROOM cottage and V four-room basoinent. 2Wi S. li'th. FOR RENT Choice 6-room upper flat SMVt N. 22d St.; new plumbing, bath, pol ls lied flours, line view, VJJi. lei. lieu bin. ALL modern 8-room house, 1:140 South '-'7th Si. Best furnace, porcelain bain, uood con dition. 22.io. Telephone Webster 17j8. HOUSEHOLD tit OLiS packed, furrilri. Ciieap IrelKhl rates; inuUg and aturlna. a.xpi easiuau s usuvr .o. 1 cu uou. w FOR RENT Six-room house; modern; 2010 Elm. '1'hone Harney 1510. FIVE-ROOM new brlrk apartment, mod ern; steel range and water rent -paid, t, monthly, lleicrences required. Zilv a. 24th St. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 8-room fully modern flat: hardwood floors throughout; $4U 10 desirable tenant. Wright & Lasbury, 106 S. ltith St. 'Phone D. Hi. 9-ROOM, modem, suitable for two families. lUOH S. 22d St. Red 6737. 6KB OUR LIST BEFORE RENTING. Save time axid money; all sixes, all prices, PAYNE, BOiiTWICK & SLAT&K. (U FUkm. N. Y. Life Uldg. LIU UOJjU crelgu Sous Co- boe Bid 8-room brick house, all modern, aorta art of city, 838. 4-room, Crst floor apartmeat, 1&32 N. 18th U 813.e0. 8 aloa rooms, 117 Clark Bt, 88. C. U. BACHliANN, tit paxton 141. leia, K. 3 Kea D. 601. ALL modern, t-room brick bouse, finest repair, 1107 N. 23d St; key next doer; reference required, & per 1110; owner pays water. Apply 11. D Cur lis. 'ieitpuom Harney lbM. FOR RENT Hot s. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, one block from 24th St car. 8607 Pierce. Inquire 1301 S. 26th Ave. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 824 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1998. OMAHA Vn & Storage Co., pack, move, tore h. h. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 18th; office 80s S. 17th St Tel. Douglas U9 HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros.. 3d floor N. Y. I j. FOR RENT 7 room modern house. West Farnam, fine lawn, shady po.-ch, laundry. 311 N. 33d. Telephone Douglas 200. FOR RENT Elegant 10-room house; all modern; 621 Park Ave.; only 86. C. E. Herring, 417 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Douglas 16. FOR RENT 6 rooms and bath at 637 So. Slst. Cheaper than anything of lta slaa and conditions. ' Keys at fnit. See owner at &31 North 22d. IF S rooms will do you, look at this, ft rooms and bath, double flat, easy terms plan. Rents of one will buy both. See owner at 8S31 North 22d St EIGHT-ROOM brick flat, 2212 Califor nia, $46. itemls Park 8-rooms. 38S4 Chicago. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-8-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-2152. 311R CHICAGO ST., 6 rooms, modern 830. 19 Mason St., IV rooms, modern, xsi.du. RING WALT BROS., Barker Block. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern, new. In quire at 600 S. 28th St., or A. A. Gibson, at Drexel Hotel. ft-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer; (40. 3006 Jackson, EIGHT-ROOM house, strictly modern newly renovated, with barn suitable for garage. Apply bis s. itn. 831.50, STRICTLY modern oak finish, 8 room house. 1305 S. 2Sth St. Tel Harney 17t7. THREE rooms, all modern, hot water heat, on car. fla per month. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1309. 8-ROOM modern House; good location. 718 8. 37th St. 'Phone Webster 2590. THREE 9-room, new, brick houses. Just completed, all modern combination fix tures, 313-15-17 N. 21st St m. C. M. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Block Office "phone: R. 2839; Residence, D. 6056. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Barker Blk. 6 ROOMS. 1321 S. 28th. all modern except furnace. iS. narney FOUR-ROOM cottage, garden and chick en prlvelege. 1914 Bancroft. NEW, six-room brick house, Harney 647. modern. 2604 Decatur, 7 rooms, all modern, only 320. 1J9 N. 24th, 6 rooms, city water, gas, electric light, nice shape, $17. 1546 S. 27th, 7 rooms, all modern, only 822.50. 210 S. 2th, 5 rooms, city water and gas, close In, 810. , 4306 Burdette, .9 rpoms, modern except heat, good nam. 4217 Harney, 8 rooms, all modern, only 822.50. . . .. . 4107 Izard. 1 rooms, all modern, only 827. 50. 111.1 N. ISth, 6 rooms, modern except heat, 122. n0. IP19 S. 2Sth, 6 rooms, modern except heat 823. 1326 S. 31st, 8 rooms, all modern, fine yard 820. 325 X. 26th, 7 rooms, all modern, close In. rjn. 31S S. !7th, 5 rooms, all modern, newly decorated, swell. 817.50. 2502 St. Mary's Ave., swell 6-room all modern apartment, fine location, vacant June 1 or July 1. only 8W. 5o8 N. 21st. 9 rooms, strictly all modern, tile bathroom, oak floors, owner furnishes shades, gas stove and laundry heater, 2 0. 12S S. SSth St.. 8 rooms, all modern, only 845- :15 Farnam, 8 rooms, all modern, swell, 800. PAYNE, ROSTW1CK & SLATER, Sole Agents, 601 N. Y. Life Building. 112 N. 2TH 9 rooms. 26m Dodge. 7 rgoms ...8').IVI ...$27.50 EIGHT ROOMS, strictly modern, from Juno 1 to August 1; references r"iulred. Apply 3 Burt St. Tele. Harney 3413. 830 (DUNDEE) New 7-room modern; will lease: 822 N. 60lh Ave. 132 50 Be 111 is Park, nice 8-room, modern; vacant about June 1. F. C. BEST. i..7 N. Y. Life. Phones, Doug. 3320, Harney 3714. 2516 REUS. 4 rooms. 810. ) Itoeatur St., 6 rooms. 16. 2412 Parker St.. 8 rooms. $17. 1422 N. 19th. 9 rooms. $3.1. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. 410 N. 2Id; all modern; ver desirable; fine location. 10S H. 3Mh Ave., 8 ror.ms. mrxlern, $20. 1 18 S. 25th Ave., 8 rooms. rnidern; fine location, between Dodge and Farnam Sts.; walking distance, very reasonable, l'!5. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. lX-M Farnam. WHEN answering advertisements In The Bee Want Ad columns, kindly mention the fact that you saw the ad. In Tne Bee. CFFEHbU FOh RENT' ii .i.n'niuil ) Stares. TKACKA(iK PKOPKKTX Wg offer for rout the one story and luisemont briek store room iit 'J14 Paruain. This iirop erty has trackage facilities iu rear. Apj'ly 1SEK BUILDING CO., 17th aud Farnam. FOR RENT Large storeroom end base innt, 2xi0. all newly decorated, new Wumbing. :0 Cuming St. Rent 1J0. N. P. uodKe 6: Co., lilh ana Harney. CUMING, new store, 8Ji- J. W. Rasp Co., bti biaiuiels llldg. LARGE two-story brieK barn, suitable for auius or storage. 123 t5. 2ith Ave. STORE ROOM -1 S07 Frtri.am St.. Senn-bssetnenis, weil lighted, lsi'7 :u.d Farnam St. Store room. SIS N. 2.1th St., o. on, aha. THOS. F. HALL, i-i, llamtu Hid;,'. Loth I'lunes. Modern steam-heated stole iuoin , aud basement, ImIi and Faruuin Sts., John s. koullns, i faRjnam sr. TO LET Store-room 21x55, bt lvli building, plate giass. T. J. Hook, llol N. lilh St. STORE ROOM TO KENT-ISO; 1&22 Far nam. western Umbrella Co. OFFERED FOR SALE Ungates. RUNABOurs, buggies, surreys and stan. hopes. "Haclne" and other hloh-gradi makes old by us at moderate pnci-s. jouu. son Danforiu Co.. 10th and Jones Sla. HIGH GRADE BUGGIES, SiniREYS. STANHOPES and .RUNABOUTS for sale cheap, 1117 Farnam. . Furniture. FURNITURE for sele cluap; most beau tiful furnished residence ln city; grent chance for those Blurting housekeeping who wish nice goods cheap; o-piece parlor suite, library in leather, oak dining suite, buffet china closet, 3 beautiful brass beds, box snrlngs, hair matiresses, larije inaiiogauy dressers, one set In Circassian walnut with secret drawers, oriental ana Domestic rugs, curtains, drapery, many oil paintings by hading artists, beautiful sweet-toned piano. Many other things too numerous to men tion. Will sell any article separate. 423 North 3Uth, 40ih and Cuming car to Cass St. DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano, salary, etc., until yon THE J. A. HUTTON CO, 814-616 Paxton Block. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four Imposing tables, iron base and tone top; also 3 galley banks and two steam taoles tor sale. Apply Bee Puo. Co., Uib and Farnam. FOR SALE Folding bed, almost new, Douglas 4644. ONE fine mahogany wardrobe, worth $40, will sell for 115; one iron bed, spring and hair mattress, and one oak sldebuaid, for sale cheap. 2209 Davenports ( FOR SALE. ORIENTAL RUGS and hangings, MAHOUANY- and - other purlor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. ALL NEARLY 'NEW, in first class condition. We are moving to Cali fornia. - Sale private mo , .dealers), lues day and Wednesday, II4.V U'.tli and l.Mli; hours, 9 to 5. My residence. 516 Puik Ave. W. E. HITCHCOCK. Telephone, llrny ,1203. -. . TWO fine roller top oak aeislis. 'IHxj feet each; two revolving ohkif sji. 4'flc table 1201 Farnam. ,. t. B 1 - v- Jkluslcal ntMiniata. :- ' .. 4 VU FINE upright Sohmer piano; big bar gain; owner leaving city. 1911 Cass. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia 'Graphs phone, splendid instrument Price $200 and never aold for less. Will sell one. which Is brand new, and ln perfect condition, - for $170. Good reason for sailing. Addrees U 140, Ben. Typewriter. SECOND-hand typewritenr sold, repaired.' Central Typewriter Exchange,-1607 Farnam. Tj-pewriters for Kent akes. 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. BUY an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter. B. F. Swanson Co., distributer j. 1312 Far nam St. It Isoclinal eiu. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Be Publishing Co. THREE quater lncn cable for sal. Apply George R. Wright Bee Bldg. ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box, ln good condition. Length 4 feet. Address C 673, Bee. ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble cashier plate; wire wicket about 40 ft, odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be aeen at storage house. For further particulars 'phone Douglas iWs. Bae Build ing Co. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all llo orders; catalogue free. Sherman 4k ale Connell Drug 'o . Omaha. Nb. . HALL'S sates, new, td-hand. 1813 Farnam. A LOT ot well seasoned white pine lum ber, seconds, for sale cheap. 1620 N. 35th. FOR SALE New and Sd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world to cheap bar fixtures, easy payments Brun-wlck-Balke-Collandec 407 8. 10th St SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sal at discount Address P 600, Bee. " FIRST-CLASS ' wood beds, with box springs. Paxton hotel. SAFES Overstocked With second-hand safes, all sizes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St- .... TllP EcOnomV Wlndc" Sareen . will Aiie UCOUOUljr ,av. vou one-half. T. H. Welrich Fixture Co all kiuds of mill work. TENT COTTAGE located at Rod and Gun CluU Call at .1102 Harney St. Mr. Klrschberg. 6-HOLE Banquet steel ranjse; cost $50; used one year. Fine condition,.' $15 takes It. S15 N. 43d St. Tel, Harney 31s9. SECOND-HAND scales at 1507 Harney. A WORD TO TRAVELERS Biy your traveling goods at a real leather btore. Cowhide leather suit cases, $5. Alfred Cor nish & Son, 1210 Farnam St.. T nmluir Try - c- Dimmock & Suns, 24th i-.uiiiut.i and H Sts., So. Omaha, only In dependent lumber dealers ln the city. ALL or half Interest in a good real estate business; cannot handle the business alone. Will be priced at worth of office furniture. Also have a good typewrites for sale or trade. E 675. Bee. PAIR of almost new prismatic binocular field glasses. Goert'a lens. xti. K I'M, Bee. FURNITURE of 23 rooms, including beds, bedding and complete furnishings for sale Sunday and Monday; these good must be sold at once and will go at half price. 20 H. 14th. Douglas J'.' 10. FOR SALE Some fine shelving. 817 8. ath St. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1144 Dr. Katbrrn Nichols. 8GI N. Y. Ir, Hld. PATENTS D. O. BARNCLL. Paxtcn Blk. Tel. Red 711? HIRAM A. STURGKSS. registered patent attorney. U. S. and foreign patents se cured, lii N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. Li. JiuJ. PATENTS lfiiiu,.i,.-tt. 1 W1I.1.AHI) EI'l'Y. rrg.stne.l prielltloner In U. S. Patent office, 61S Paxton Hlk. 11..1 HUFFMAN. US Nevlile Kidg Hook fra POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD U the best in tlie market for young chick ens. .Made Irom pure grain. A. V. WAG NEK, wi-11 NfUTH sixteenth mkeet. Plumes -I'ouciui 1142; lndei emieiil A-l5s. UEHMoaiXK Is tne best poultry medi cine, ruuii, coids, boMel coinpaiiii; ioo. ijto. 11 L,ee Co., Hist Harney Screenings, $1.1.1 per luO. Wagner, Mil N. 16. SETTING Inns, $1 each. 1914 Bancroft St. EG US Wo are now prepared to furnish engs for liaicliing Horn S.'en Oaks stra.n ot (bred to lay S. C. W lute Legiion.s at 5 per M; 15 lor $1. fh EN OAKS l OLLTHV FARM. Phone FloieiHe l'.'l. Floi enee. Neb. PERSONAL I'KS. EGGEUS' private conf inement home, 1516 ilaiiua St., Ouiana, Nuo. 'I'.ioae Douglas 6250. LlwMLS aud snitches made fiom comb ings, 41 up; a fine line et switches on liaud; mail oldeis tilled. Mrs. P. cwver, .u t. .uar s Ave. lei. Iv S151. HINDOO TABLETS V.M build, brace, sirengtlieu. Uc. BELL LKU'J CO. ABLENE DE VOV, manicuring and mas sage, 624 S. lblh fcu Flat 9 Pliuue D. lit. Swartx & McKelvy News lept. 2J-hand books; Oer. As Enfe'. periodicals. 1U9 S. lotn. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MA?oA(jK Miss LaGiaue, lull Dodge St., nrs. 10 a. 111. p. 111. Basement flat "nY i 1 VI I !': Rubber goods by mail; cut l.ij p.-(.(...H. bend for free caia logue. aljerr-Dlliou Lrus Co., ouidlia. A HOME for women during coiitineineui. We find nonies for babies whose mou.crj eannot caie for tliein. Babies boarded. For terms address Mis. Marina L. lte, 4ui Banciufi lt, Omaha, Noo. Tuuut Uuuniii inl. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing macnlc. lud. A-1661. Doug. I608, t.EBKASKA CYCLIC CO, lia and Haruey bta, JOS1E WASH BURN'S book, "The Under aorld bewcr," at all book stores: price, U- OMAHA biammerers' Ins.. Rani go Bldg. THE bALVATlON ARMY sollclu cast-oil Cloihing. in fact, auyuuiig you do not need. We collect, icpair and sell al 134 N. Ilia St., lor cost ui collect. on, to tue wormy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4U aud wagu will cad. WE don't like to get personal, but It's right to the point. V audeville, latest and liveliest. PARLOR THEATER. Halt price matinee. EXPERT cnina packer; wedding presents a kpeuiaity. 1K14 Davenport lud. B-2i9. MECANO THERAPY IS a drutjless treatment for rheumatism. Consult Dr. Margarile llaituran, 226 Neville Blk. '1'hone Douglas 776L DIVORCES obtained without noise or delay. Wills and estates a specially. Practiced law 2S years. 'W. A. CONNOLLY, 474 Brandcia Bldg. Pucne Douglas 3ML PRIVATE HOME during confinement: babies lor adopt-on. Oood Samaritan Saul wilum, 0 lat Av . Council Bluffs, la. STRICTLY . private Christian home for confinements, doctor In attendance, trained nurse babies for adopiiou. 2518 Davenport r .4 PATVTin treatment Mme. Smith. tmra floor. WrTf1CJ- end t6upes for men. GRIFFITH, 1UO u aIld M FH1-.1N&EK BLOCK. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage, loou Dodge St., oppo site posiofuce. 1M floor. Phone Doug, iiioi. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Robm 3uK old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, 12u S. 16 lb St aian way on Dougias SU PRIVATE confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 ti. 24th St. 'Phone Webster 3559. Tvirnlioa f'01" combings, $1.50. Mrs. S. ON Utiles Mathews, 304 Neville Bk. D. 6263. DIVORCES obtuined withput noise or de lay. Wills and estates a speclulty. Prac ticed law 2 years. W. A. CONNOU.Y, 474 Bi andeia Bldg. Pnone Douglas 3668. - MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAUE Miss LaUrane, 1617 Dodge St.; hours lu a. in. to 9 p. ru. Basement flat. PRINTING LEW W. KAiiEii, Printer, ntco"uCret " BUILDIN Q PHONE 1ND. A-2628 for good printing. Lyngsiad Pilntlns Co.. loih & Capitol Ava DOUGLAS COUNTY saves thousands of dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John 1. Thonuison. Tel. W 3588. Miller & Jamleson, 1212 Doug. Both phones. R1ESJ I A LL PtBCoO) S. 14th ; IndA-3524. REAL ESTATE UKAL aCsTATia PUALEHI. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est 1858: prorap: service; get our prices. 1710 Farnma St KEMINGTON-LUNDBERG REALTY COL Tel. D. 1271. 64i Kamge Bldg. New boueea FRED S. HADRA. 417-418 First National tank Bldg. Douglas 2318. BENJAMIN U. E. CO.. 477 brandela Blot REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST Uu 1201 Farnam. Ground Floor. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PETER JESSEN, JR.. Tel. Doug. 229J. 8. M. SADLER & SON, 3U6 S. ISth St JOHN CAMPBELL. 416 N. Y. L. D. 1071. GUARANTEE Abstract Co., 1623 Farnam. Tealf & Norton Ab,lrac, of Tltle' CITY I'UOPEIITY FOR IAI.8C. NEW 7-ROOM, FULL LOT. $150 cash and balance $20 per month. Better look at 11. NOWATA LAND 4 LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1909 DO YOU WANT TO SELL. PART OF YOUR LAN D? Write a description of It buildings, water, near what town. JIake 70 words of 11 all and rend it to The Omaha Bee with 72 c-nts for each Insertion, people In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Bee for real estate of ferings. And they g. them in The Bee. 8 ROOMS, WEST FARNAM, 13.200 All modern; easy walking distance; surely cheap at trie price; ttrms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 8-ROOMS, MODERN, 2 LOTS. $2,900. Everything except heat. Near car, fine home; $."J cash, balar.ee very easy. NnWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite t24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART Or YOUR LAND? Write a description of It, buildings, water, near what town. Make 70 words of It all and send It to The Omaha Bee with 72 cents for each Insertion. People ln Ne-brat-ka have money and want land. They lock to 'II." Omaha Bee for real estate of ferings And they get them In The B. WEST LEAVENWORTH DISTRICT Chnlce lots $10 cash, tl per week. Mitilaff. i'i20 Leavenwortli. '1 hone Harney ii'.'jb. PAYING $37 PER MONTH, $3,000. Well located, practically walking dis tance. Terms. Might lake good clear lot as part payment. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY, bulla ffi4 N. Y. Life CMg! lud Dj. REAL ESTATE cut i-nurKHi i run slals. tCoittmuexl ) LOT. (Wxll2, smill house. 2Mb Ave. and Ames. ALL or hslf Interest in a good real estute business: cannot handle the business alone; ill be priced at worth of office furniture; also have a go.id opewrlter for saie or trade. F. 675. Hoe. FOR SALE A beautiful corner bulUling lot in Ben son, fmntlng l'O feet on MMn St. by 117 ft. ili ep. Street is paved. Two Mocks from car line. Owner resides In Portland and wishes to dispose of the property at oner. If tiken now, price will be reduced on this valuable lot. Inquire at large red house across the street for Mrs. Cooley. INVESTMENT. Business property, well located, sure to Increase In value: now rentid for $2,250 per annum. Prlre, HS.ftV NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suite R24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1939. $4, W0. Double dwelling. 1M5 and l'.'l 7 Elm St. Eiiit rooms, modern, 2617 Parker. Eight rooms, modern. 4217 California. $S50. Flno lot. S012r,. next east of J2?7 Cali fornia. Do not dlstut b occupants. See m. c. m. hyiTandek, ltoal Estnto anl Fire Insurance, S32 X. Y. Life. Two Full liots, Corner, $050 Two blocks of Hanscom Park, one block to car. If taken soon, $650. Cheap. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red FOR SALE An up-to-date 6-room cot tage, finished In hard wood, lnoulre of owner. 314 High School Ave., Council Bluffs. Two Lots, Corner California St. One block to Farnam car. Price $1,500. Terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. 624 N. Y. Life. Rod 1999. 173 FEET. FRONTS ON THREE STREETS Right In town. Best location In Omaha for apartments at the price. Owner want; to sell so badly that he will give you free fine, large, modern h-room house now on the place. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. 10-ROOM, REAL HOME, $5,500. Not merely a house and lot. but 10 rooms of real home, modern in every way; itnely located: large let, fruit trees, lovely lawn. garage, paved street; car at door. Owner wants to sell, and that's the time to buy. Terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y Life Bldg. Red 1999. Contractors and Builders Take Notice LOMERyBDIVISIOX We are offering special-Inducements to parties w ho. will build- houses In this addi tion, which extends from 31st to 33d St. and Franklin lo Parker St. This addition has all- ben hroffi$ to grade and has ce ment walks, city water and two fine trees to each lot. ' ' Oood street car service on Sid St. Look this addition over and you will agree with us that this Is an Ideal section for house costing from- $2,000 to $3,000. M'CAGUE 1NV. CO., 1508 Dodge St Investment About 100 Acres Xear Town Land adjoining sold readily at $r00 per acre In 5-acre tracts. For quick sale. Price, $225 per acre. Terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Red 1999. Investment $18,000 Pays $2,280 Business Ground. 120x150 feet choice location. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life. Red 1999.. NEW home in Benson, on terms. W. Yarion, Phone Benson 5L TWO HOUSES, modern except furnace; one 6 rooms,' the other 4 rooms; nice lawns, large shade trees, large cistern; $2. MX). 1727 South 10th St, PRAIEIE PABK S5"'8. MOST a rtistlcs and unl. form collection of homes; terma easy; streets paved and parked. Paxton Real Estate Co. DESIRABLE rent houses and choice lots In Nebraska City. For particulars address Y 3t, Bee. 6-ROOM. NEW, MODERN. I2.E0O. Good size lot, south part of town; owner hard up; chance to ge: bargain. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red lm REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALE California. A BARGAIN Farm of 118 80-100 acres of good sandy loam land. 40 acres of orchard In V of mile of railroad station. Situated in Solano County. California; good well of water, with farming Implements. Price $,00." Addrees Box 841. Dixon. Cai. ' Canada.' RIVERSIDE. Alberta's finest stock farm of 1.000 acres. Is for sale at a snap. For particulars of this and other farm lands write to the owner, W. J. Mc.Namara. Wesasklwin, Alberta, Canada. (olorado. PEST orchard and farm land In Arkan sas valley close to railroad and market for $15 per acre cash. Water rights for same at $76 per acre ln twenty equal annual pay ments. This land is going fast and will double Its value ln a very short time. Write W. R. Stover, care of Elks club. Pueblo, Colo. Florida. FUmiDA LANDS CHEAP Wouid you invest In a 6, 10, i or 40-acre fruit, vegetable, poultry, pecan or truck farm In Florida's best agricultural district, if ou could get it for $7.Bo per acre under market price? We are Just opening new tract in Columbia county, and while con structing the campaign will sell a few tracts on cash or easy payments of $i per month. We have just issued a beautiful 20-page book, showing pictures of fields and dwellings in our loailty, all lu artistic col ors. We will mall you tills book freo and send you such otner advertising matter as will give you a good Idea of our proposi tion. Our land Is convenient to three rail roads and we have I-ake City, a modern county seat of 8.u0 people. In our midst. People who know Florida consider our tract one of the very best. It la Indorsed by bankers, congressmen, farmers and the Board of Trade, prices very low; easy buying plan. Write for maps and book giv ing truthful description. Columbla-F.orlda Land Cm., 448 Times Bldg , Ht Louis. Mo. REAL ESTATE FARM AMI HAM II I.AM FOR S AI.l ' (Continued M lasonrl. FOfl; SAt.K-ln seres. 8120: terms. IS'down. 15 monthly; good till bered land. In bta f : uit belt of s'Uthein Missouri; olrar, pf r feet title. W. n. llH.ir.is, Mt. Vernon, 111. Meatana. FOR SALE-.Montana land. 5.2S2 acres, sis mile from Uv:im and six miles front Broadview, and one mile from the state ex perimental station; No per cent tillable; will ell for $14 40 per acre. W. O. Rock. MS Aibln. la. low a. . t 15 ACRES $10.0. About one mile from street car line. Council Hiut'fs, about one-half good garden ami rrult land, bilanrn pastuie. excellent road to city, nice building site on east end of place, prnterli d on north and west by hills, no buildings.' This Is a cheap place, $2j0 cash will h.indle It. II. G M UKE REAL ESTATE CO. 14 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs. IOWA LANDS. HOWARD COUNTY. .120 acres within a mile of station, 5"4 miles from county seat, a very well Im proved half ami good land, price. $;& per acre, easy terms, 320 acres, four miles from a good town, all goiul land, fine giove. flue buildings, splendid water, gotnl black loam wita clay sub-soil. Pi Ice. $.0 per acre. tv acres; very line iHi ni,.goori improve tents, uooil kro( uond orcblrd. nrlee $ per acre. 2-ci) acres, one nine from station, pom small improvcini nts, good land, a snap st $;0 per acre. l-or turlher information, write, 1.-1 I M III'VT Fourth and Pierce -Sts. S.oux City, la. Nebraska. 4j BUSH KI.S WHEAT LAND, i PER ACRE. .. . . ..- .... n v. y V II uiiu voiitiui m.wv aviri i,i v.. 1 1 enne county, Nebraska's choicest farm lann, now on mv iiiuiwev. j iivs nr irm crop-yielding county in Nebraska for ten vears; alfalta also a lending crop; ask for folders and full particulHrs;-gents wanted everywhere; write for our proposition at once. Railroad fares refunded If things not as represented. FuuUinssland & Sover soii. Sidney, Neb, NEBRASKA. 2,520 ACRES, complete ranch; dipping vat. dehorning chute, all buildings ln good shape, owner makuig good money: iamuy wants to move to ciiy. rrice, ju,vo. oiigut lake some clear clt, pioperty as part Va NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. y. Life Bldg. Red 19. $4,000 will buy 4 section of land i miles south of Beukelinan, county seat of Dundy; good soil, level road and close to water. Box 2b2. Albion. Neb. Owner. Good Laud $7.00 Per Aero 640 acres In central Nebraska, about one half good cultivation land, balance pas ture land, 6Vs miles from railroad. . I'. O. BOX 173, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. BARGAINS. Hlllcrest, 160 acres, 85.I0U; cash rent. Midway. 80 acres, beautiful home. $4,800. Ash Grove, 320 acres, $11,300; easy terma J. T. CAMPBELL, ' Litchfield, Neb. CHANCE to get a good home, 64 Oacres, relinquishment, 4' acres, partly level. Im provements cost Sl.iMti. This is a bargain, js,5l. 640 acres relinquishment, 8u good level land; bal, hills, but makes good pas ture, w. 3 Jo acres hay land, this Is good and only $lu per acre.- Address O. Gallagly, Johnston, Neb. South Dakota. FOR SALE One of the best corn farms In Minnehaha county, South Dakota; well Im proved; easy terms; cheap at $U0. Owner, R. A. Silvius. Sioux Falls, .S. D. Good Land $15.00 Per Acre 160 acres, Meade county, South Dakota; every acre can be cultivated, J. G. BONE, ' 'PHONE 814, 312 SH CHART BLK., COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. lliecellanruas. CHEAP FARM LANDS. In western Nebraska and Colorado. Writ for prices. NEBRASKA LAND COMPANY, Sidney, Neb. DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OP YOUR LAND? , Write a description of It, buildings, water, neax what town. Make 70 words of It all and send It to The Omaha Ben with 78 cents for each Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Bee for real estate of ftrlngs. And they get them In The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $j00 to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay. $',00 to $.'),000 on ho ores in Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1003 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-2152. WANTED City loans. Teters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1220 Farnam St. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wtad Bldg., 1Mb- and Farnanb MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. LOWEST RATES Be mis, Brandeis Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha business property. . THOMAS BRENNAN, ' Room 1, New York Life Bldg. LOANS to home owners and horn build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. j W. H. THOMAS, 03 First National Bank Bldg. 7 PER CENT MORTGAGE. $3,000 secured on land which recently solo for $7,000. DUMONT, 10 Board of Trade Bldg. FIVE PER CENT BONDS for sale. In amounts from $20 to $5.0U0; we cash them, any time. American afe Deposit Vaults, 216 S. 17th. Bee Blilg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 5, 6 and "-room houses. If prices ale right we can sell your property tor you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., SOUTH OMAHA J. KLEIN The old Lobule family LiyUOR dealer. N. E. Cor. 2oili and N Sts. SWAPS $2,0u0 CA.iH and clear lot worth about $maj. Waul goou rental property. NOWA1A LAND AND Lui' COMPANY. Suite 024 N. V. Life Bldg. Red ISM. WANTED TO TRADE- $.1,000 to $5,000 worth ui good doming, furnishing goods and shoes lor good laud, buirley. Bues stetta & Co., Humboldt. Neb. CLEAR ILLINOIS FARM Trade for irtoiue ouiana and assume reasonable amount. NOWA1A LAND & LOT CO., Suite W4 N. 1. Lite Bldg. Red 199. EA EXCHANGE FOR HARDWARE. OH MEHCHANDlnU, a farm 200 acits ul.out three and ime-lialf miles rnutheast ol . Ivrclval, Fremont county, Jowa. About eu br .0 acres In cul tivation, balance grass, timothy and other glass, lauiy will improved, fence cross, cross f.-nce, almost every acre can be farmed, an lilt al corn, wbeat or alfalfa farm. Price. $-0 per acre; incuinherence $,.20u, long time at low rate. Address L, Bee office, Coumil Bluffs. la. HARNESS or phaeton, sale or trade for piano, phone or gun. o Bee.