I THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 1fi. 1010. d I X OFFERED FOR RENT Furnished IKMiina natinaeil. VOU HKNT Booms close to depots and new iar burns. 104 S. fctti. NU'ELY furnished. Ktrlrlly nio).i n sleeping r toiiin ; largn flat; clou In. U.w wtek; mil H, 24lh Am. i.irck mmnv south room with alcove: four bin e.linlows; appropriate for on or two gentlemen or married couple, walking distance: private house. Phone Loug. 29to. -ill . Mmui) St. FUKNISHF.D rooms, IS pir month, for young men; electric light, steam heal, tele phone, running water, laundry and piess ' m e.'Ai'eges. Harney. LAROK front room; also single, rooms with boHid. 2610 Harney. Harney 2947. NKWLY furnished tnodirn room, with or without hoard; also table Doard; reaioiiablt rales. 4M N. 24th St. FRONT room; modern; In private family; puce reasonable, 114 S. 2th St. ONK room, $1.00; 1 room. $2; both newly decorated; walking distance; modem con veniences; can be used together. Inquire 2616 Davenport St, LAKUE front room, southern exposure. 117 H. Am Ave. 'Phone Douglas '.010. ROOMS AND HOARD; home cooking; car line. 3009 S. 2th. Douglas 64X2. NICELY J urnlshed south loom for gen tleman. 1707 Dodge tit. il.AKOK front room, r ',jb. 2H27 Harney St. unliable for four VERY desirable, furnished room with prl vate family. 2115 1'oppleton Ave. TWO f-ont parlor rooms; modem; house, keeping pilvllrts. 2220 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms. 2208 lUrT.ty ' ft. Strictly modern, newly papered, excel lent location; call quickly. , SINULE furnished room, 3d floor, flat 11 622 s. isth. MODERN Mary's Ave. furnished rooms. 2019 St FURNISHED rooms for tent. 415 8. 19th. FRONT room for 1 or 2. 2215 Farnam St. - NICELY furnished large modern front room, eultahle for two gentlemen or man and wife. 124 N. 19th St. Doug. 6292. TWO nicely furnished roon:s, modern, 2114 Harney. ' NICE furnished rooms. 815 S. 16th. Flat 4. GOOD, clean, desirable rooms, suitable for one or two young men or man and wife. 218 N. 19th St. LA ROE modern rooms, furnished nicely, $1 and $3.50 per week. 518 N. 19th SL NICELY furnished rooms, 1811 California. K v CLOSE In. large, ciean. beautifully fur- V iished front rooms, unfurnished If de. aired; modern and reasonable. 1919 Cass St. NICELY fut-nlshed room In new flat. 2102 California. Tel. D. 6319. ' llt; CHICAGO ST., nice front parlor, suitable fur two guntlemen; strictly mod ern. LAHOE front room with alcove. 2vSS Soi.th 10th Btreet. LARGE front looms with big closets; walking distance. 2025 Dodg. TWO single, rooms and one front parlor; modern. 2211 Douglas. NICELY furnished rooms; $3 week to gentlemen; modern. .2472 Harney. FRONT room with alcove, for tour. 2210 Harney. , ONE large furnished room In modern home, with private family. Tel... Douglas 2S06. 2506 at. Mary's Ave. TWO furnished rooms, front and back parlor; suitable for two or four gentle men. 2577 Harney St. iteference. SINGLE rooms, strlotly modern; $1.60 and $2.30.' 2571 Dodgr. ' NKWLY papered, .newly furnished rpqrns; eight blocks from. l, O.. Red TI100. '-"-'Ol California. LARGE single .ropm. 2709 Farnam., TWO inudurn rooms for Harney 4116. 291 Mason. housekeeping. FRONT room wltti alcove, worth St 2015 Leaven- Front room, fun lshed. 120 N. 20th St. THREE furnlsned rooms: walking dis tance. Inquire evenl.igs. 2006 Davenport St. LAKUE front south room; also smaller room; modtrn. a.07 arnam. NEATLY furnished large front room, fcj. 18th St. 609 FRONT pa-lor; nicely furnished; modern. 21 Vi 19th. WELL furnished southeast front room with alcove, also small room; private fam ily; large lawn. 702 S. 29th St. FOUR rooms, furnished for housekeeping. Call Sunday before 6. Share these cheap 2201 N. 20th, upstairs. Lelghty. ItAItGE or small furnished rooms, either In suites or single, in modern house. 1821 Cusa St. - NICE front room, closo In, 3 blocks from postomce; also smalt room. 206 N. I9ih, NICELY furnished single room for gentle. men. 218 jv tit. , NICELY furnished rooms in private fam ily of two. 2308 Capitol Ave., or 'phone j"nigias itkj. si LA ROE front room for two people: $7 each. 8l3i s. 20th, IN private home, large sunny room, ele gantly' furnished, electric light, hiat, bath, phone, walking distance. Nice porch and V un. t amain and 24th Ave. Harney 4008. 1 LARGE fiont room for two or three; a". one small room, strictly modern. $11 20th St. MODERN and nicely furnished roon private family. 50! S. 17th St. . . FURNISHED rooms. 27.43 Capitol AveT LARGE front room for sleeping, for ren at Mir n. -Jin tu. . TWO large front sitting and bedrooms nicely furnished : bath; ga; porches and vvard; 113 per month. Webster 6S34. 3007 N 24tH St KRONT room. nwly patered. light house keeping or sleeping. 1M3 Hard. NICE furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred. 2'.4 Dodge. TWO modern rooms, south exposure; quiet jrt. single and double; place. 1710 Daven- I'riixisnr.u six-room, modern cottage. N'1 N. 2Mll si. LAItiiH modern frtinlshed room, $2.50 per. vek. 2e3 Hurt. A NICELY furnished room. 2623 N. 20th. FURNISHED room for gentlemen; $2.50 Per eek. tat S. 2!,th. NICELY furnished front rooms; $2.50 per week, lull Cas St. . NICELY furnished south room for gen- Irman. 1,117 Dodge St. f ,YlsIlY nW'y furnished large room. ult .bl for one or two. 2ut 8. 2ilh Ave. 1 UEAaTli!T.V'"' ru,m,. facing south; close iNlC.w:J'T, furnl'''l rooms, etrlctly mod em. 22ul Harney St. NICELY furnished south room for en tlotuan. 1.07 1 odge St. FURNISHED floor, flat 11. rooms. 63 s. 16th. third FURNISHED rooms. In town, $1 60. 1708 California tt. FOUR rooms, one block from car line reasonable price. ."711 South 2Jd. ' Iluasekeeplac Rooms. TWO try desirable light housekeeping 1 1 ryluiug furnished. 660 e. iiitli OFFERED FOR RENT ItonsrkeepltioT Ronnie Continued FUHNIMIIED light housekeeping rooms. 2412 Dodge. A SUITE of thre elegant new rooms. modern. HO N. loth. Fot'H housekeeping rooms, modern, fur nished. 'I'hone Webster 628. THREE housekeeping rooms, newly pa pered; water and hath; tx per monUi. 2216 Military Ave. Tel. Webster 1750. TWO rooms for housekeeping, furnished complete; gas for cooking and ght. 22Zt Leavenworth. I'hone Independent A-4406. TWJ nicely furnished roorus, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. THREE rooms, partly furnished for light housekeeping, references required. 27U1 Woolwot th Ave. TWO rear rooms and pantry. 2709 Doug las 81. PART of new, all modern, house; fur nished or unfurnished. Inquire 2015 Lake; for husband and wife; no children. BY May 9. one Urge room with alcove, for light housekeeping. $10 a month. 1512 S. 5th til. THREE rooms for light housekeeping; partly furnished; cheap. 630 S. Itith Ave. FRONT suite of light housekeeping rooms; first floor, modern. 202S Farnam St. I'hone Red 5211. SOUTH front, for light housekeeping; modern. 201.S Howard St. LABOR front room for housekeeping. Douglas St. 1U1 SOUTH front, basement housekeeping room; til; modern. 2310 Douglas St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ave. 2643 Capitol YOL'NO lady to share suite of rooms for housekeeping on II ret rioor. All moaern. 2627 iUrney St. TWO or more Ceslrable housekeeping rooms, also front parlor, complete for housekeeping, in modern flat; rent reason able. 2114 Chicago St. BEAUTIFUL furnished housekeeping rooms; strictly modern. 632 S. 2Hlh St. 'Phone Harney 6146. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 2028 California. THREE connecting rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern and In West Furnam district; private family. 'Phor.e Harney 2900 TWO modern housekeeping rooms, $14 per month. 2702 Cuming. NICE iarae neatly furnished rooms, light housekeeping; all front rooms and modem; reasonable rent. 1427 N. 17th. THREE rooms unfurnished, strictly mod ern, 110 a month; also furnished apart ments. Viti No. 24th. THE MANUEL. 606 8. 21st Ave.: fur nished for housekeeping; hot water, free; steam-heated; two-room apartments, $20; our rooms, $.'to. The Howard, two-room apartments, $35. Red 44' 7. TWO suites modern housekeeping rooms. 2915 Mason. Harney 4146. TWO furnished apartments. 1 rooms each. 216 N. 22d St. MODERN furnished rooms- for flight housekeeuint:: also. sleeDlna rooms. 11)21 Chicago St. TWO south rooms for housekeeping, fur nished or unfurnished. .. Modern, 2023 Far nam, 3d floor. MODERN newly papered, 2 rooms, coal range or gas. 1-aundrv. yard. month. 8573 St. Mary's A vs. TWO furnished rooms, modern, $2.50 per week. Apply at 2103 Miami St. THREE newly papered housekeeping rooms. 608 N. 16th. LARGE front room; modern. 210 No. Ulht. HOUSEKEEPING, rooms, furnished. 1711 Jackson St. -i . . 1 . s .1GUT housekeeping rooms, furnished complete. Call 314 S. 20th,. between Farnarti and Harney. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1807 Leavenworth. NICELY furnished front parlor- In brick flat; housekeeping privileges; everything furnished complete. Thone Red 6700. 2116 Chicago 8t. LARGE front room, housekeeping. 2013 Leavenworth. FURNISHED rooms, can do light house keeping. 1816 Charles. . FOR RENT Two modern housekeeping rooms. 1215 S. J6til St. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Dundee. 'Phone Harney 2133. . LIGHT housekeeping rooms, with alcove. 412 N. 11th St. WANTED Ladies to do stamping; work taken home; experience unnecessary: steady work. Willis Wood Co., 102 N. 18th. FURNISHtfD, two front rooms, suitable for three or four men; may have use of piano or will furnish for light housekeep ing. 1468 S. 161 h St. TWO SUITES modern housekeeping rooms. 2915 Mason. Harney 4146, SOUTH front room, all modern, reason able. 2106 Cans. TWO nice rooms with alcove, furnished or unfurnished. 1411 N. 20th St. TWO nice, modern rooms, gas range, electrlo lights, on car line. 1811 N. loth St. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster St. Phone Douglas 2519. NICELY furnished light sleeping rooms. 216 N. 19th. housekeeping TWO large rooms, I olohets, modern; walking distance, $16; also 3-room suite, parlor floor, handsomely furnished. 604 S. 28th. NICE room for light housekeeping; furnished; modern. 2118 Douglas St. gas MODERN housekeeping and sleeping rooms; walking distance. 2603 Dodge St. TWO or 3 rooms for housekeeping; mod ern. 2709 Farnam St. 25M) Harney, housekeeping. two south front rooms for TWO elegant rooms completely furnished; reasonable; modern. 514 S. 22d. TWO light housekeeping rooms en suite; ground floor; modern conveniences and use of laundry. ! Harney St EIGHT-ROOM modern house, Phoi e Red 6100. near car. SINGLE room, for gentleman, $7, Mason. Harney 2793. 3001 1813 CHICAGO ST. Rooms, with or with out board, single or cn suite. TIIK DOUGLAS Clen- rir,t AJOXJ UVSUUU.l0 r00,ns. close In. 2itt Dougiss TWO rooms for light housekeeping 201S Davenport. UaforaUhea Rooms. STEAM heatec. modern 4-room apart ment, unfurnished. 4758 N. 24lu St TWO fine rooms, facing Hanscom Park' $10 per month. 266 Woolworth Ave. TWO unfurnished rooms for light house keeping. 1916 Webster St. THREE very desirable, strictly modern unfurnished rooms for light hvusikeeplng; private family. Call Wbstr 1785. THREE. N. 2'd St. ill modern, parlor floor, 115. 113 FOUR unfurnished rooms: modern except heat. Call after 6:30 p. m., 2608 N. lftth Ave. THREE rooms for light housekeeping. 2264 N. 20th St ENTIRE Id floor for housekeeping, un furnished. M-'l Harney. Harney 632S. FOUR front rooms, strictly modern. 2tM Sherman Ave. Webster 6310. On nli large unfurnished room for light housekeeping if desired. 2013 Wrbs'.er bt. OFFERED FOR RENT l nforolshed It 00111 Continued. THREE rooms for rent Inquire )04 Vin ton fct. TWO unfurnished rooms In new brick flat, $12.50 per month. 311 N. 21st bt. UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 21C6 tt. Mary's Ave. THREE unfurnished rooms, entire upper floor. 2606 Douglas. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms. 25i2 Harney St. FOR RENT 4 rooni3, $15. 1766 S. 9th. modern, unfur- nifhed. Asartmenta and Flata, 4 ROOM modern flat. 11100; 1210 N thola-. ONE five-room apartment, strictly mod. ern, In the Hunter. iJhone uougias 1-r. brick for roomers, oeiween High school and Crelghton; strictly modern, yard. 146. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO., 1U02-3-4 N. Y. Life. .Doug, or A-21a2. I-ROOM flat, good condition, on Ave.. 134.00. 'Phone Harney 131. Park CENTRAL, N. fcld. all modern 4-room flab N FOR RENT An 8-rooni modern apart ment, Field ciub district; five bedrooms and sloeplng porch; beautifully decorated throughout; strictly first class. 1308 1'op pleton Ave. Peters Trust Co. Doug. fcS. ELEGANT npartmenta. race. Webster 4328. Strehlow Tsr- FOUR-ROOM teml-basement flat In Dua ay, 10th and Pierce Sts., steam heated. CONRAD IOUNO, Tel. Douglas liTL 1518 Dodge SL FOR RENT 3-room apartment In The Barnard. Apply 417 N. V. Life Bldg., or 'phone Douglas 1S6. FIVE-ROOM apartment In tho Sherman. Call Webster 5785. N. W. CORNER of 25th Ave. and Dewey Ave., new t rooms, lower, water, heat and Janitor furnlnhed, everything lt class, $4). CENTRAL apartments, six large, cool, all outside rooms, fully modern, hardwood, private halls, gas range, free hot water all year, steam heat. Janitor, walking distance. Summer rate $-'S. Winter, $T more. See and compare It with anything at 1J0 more. Reference required. Bemis Carlberg Co., 4M) Brandels. THE MANUEL. 508 S. Jlst Ave.; 4-rooni apartment; hardwood finished; laundry; hot water. $25.00. Red 4487. 8-ROOM new flat; hardwood finished, $45. 601 S. 22d St. Famished Homes ana Plata. , 6 ROOMS, strictly modern cottage, good location. 'Phone Harney 3SS8. EIGHT rooms, newly furnished, West Farnam district, June 1 to October 1; $60 monthly, to reasonable party. 'Phone be fore 10 a. in. Harney 1668. SIX-ROOM house, partly furnished, sum mer or lunger, $40. 8666 Jackson ".-room detached house; nearly new; lo cated west part of city; strictly modern; hot water heat and electric lights; oak floors and finish. .Finely furnished; will rent furnished for three or six months. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, 1320 Farnam. NICE eight-room modern house for rent. June, July and August; West Farnum dis : r arnum Farnam. trict. F. D. Wead. ,18th and. Houses ana Cttgs. FIVE-ROOM cottaga basement. .2136 S. 19th, and - four-room FOR RENT Choice -room upper flat. 514 V N. 22d St,; ne" plumbing, bath, pol ished floors, fine view, $20. Tel. Red 6204. ALL modern 8-room house,. 1340 South 27th f?t. Best furnace, porcelain bath, good con dition. 22.5o. Telephone Webster 178. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed.. forwardedl cheap freight rates; moving and storing, ttipreasineu'e Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. s4i : FOR ' RUNT Wx-room house;' modern; $26. 2010 Elm. 'Phone Harney 1510. FIVESROOM new brick apartment, mod ern; steel rknge and water rent paid, 126 monthly. References required. 2310 S. 24th St. HANSOOM PARK DISTRICT. 8-room fully modern flat; hardwood floors throughout; 140 to desirable tenant. Wright & Lasbury, 606 S. loth St. 'Phone D. 152. 2604 DODGE, 7 rooms, $27.50. 9-ROOM, modern, suitable for families. 1008 S. 22d St. Red 0737. two BBS OUR LIST BEFORE RENTINO. Save time and money; all sises, all prices. PAYNE, BOSTWICK A SLA 'flirt, Ctb Floor, N. Y. Ufa Bldg. UVJVJOCAif UrtSD 6oua l'u Be Bldg. -room brick bouse, all mon. aorta art of city, $36. 4-roevh, tu-st lieor aoartmaat, U2) N, lit AC $H.i& ' UlM rooms, 117 Clark St, It. C. M. BACHMANN. 4M Pastes Blk. lala, H. WK Res. D. 104a. ALL modern, 6-room brick bouse, finest repair, 1107 N. Eld St; key neat doer; reference required, $25 per mo; owner pays water. Apply H. Curtis. Telephone Harney low). FOR RENT Hoi s 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, one block from 24th St. car. 1607 Pierce. Inquire 1301 8. 26th Ave. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. tulle 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1991. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store h. b. goods; storehouse. 1U0-24 N. Utn; office 109 8. 17th bt Tel. Douglas loot. HOUSES. K. Y. I flats, Garvin Bros., Id floor FOR RENT 1 room modern house. West Farnam. tine lawn, shady porch, laundry. 311 N. 33d. Telephone Douglas 200. FOR RENT Elegant 10-room house; all modern; 621 Park Ave.; only $i6. c. E. Herring, 417 N. Y. Ure Btdg. Tel. Doug. as 18!6. WALKING DISTANCE downtown and high school, 8-ruom modern houue, $27.50 par month. 2723 Jackson St. Phone Harney IML FOR RENT 6 rooms and bath at 637 So. Slst. Cheaper than anything ot Its six and conditions. Keys at 69. bee owner at 3831 North 22d. IF 6-rooms will do you, look at this. S rooms and bath, double flat easy term plan. Rente ot one will buy both. See owner at $-131 North 22d Bt. EIGHT-ROOM brick flat, till Califor nia, $16. Beinis Park 1-rooms. 8X54 Chicago. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-1-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-2151. 3116 CHICAGO. ST.. 0 rooms, modi-rn $31). 2919 Ms son St., 10 rooms, modern. $3150. R1NGWALT BROS., Barker Block. SEVEN-ROOM house, modern, new. In quire at 500 S. 28th St., or A. A. Gibson, at Drexel Hotel. C-ROOM, modern, partly furnished, sum mer or longer; 140. 3506 Jackson. EIGHT-ROOM house, strictly modern; newly r novated, with barn suitable for garage. Apply 618 S. 19th. $32.50. STRICTLY modern oak finish. 8 room houiw. 1305 8. 28th St.- Tel Harney 1767. THREE rooms, all modern, hut water heat, on car. $U per month. NOWATA LAND LOT CO.. Suit 624 N. Y- Life Bldg. Red 1999. 4-ROOM modern house; good location. 719 S. 37 U St. I'hone Webster !.'0. , THREE 9-room, new, brick; houses, Just completed, all modern combination fix tures. 313-15-17 N. list St-$5rk C. M. BACHMANN. 4.KI Paxton Plock. Office 'phone: R. 1039; Residence. D. 60j6. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Rarker Blk. ROOMS. 1321 S. 2Mh all modern except furnace. 123. Harney 1359. FOUR-ROOM cottage, garden and chick en prlvelege. 1914 Bancroft. NEW, six-room Harney 4147. brick house, modern. OFFERED FOK RENT HoaM-n anal rottaaea 4ontlnaed. 2l" Iturdette Ft., -r., mod., burn $J0 14.W No. 2nth St.. -r.. mod. but heat.... 18 J. W. RASP CO.. ! ltrandels Hldg. 112 N. KTH- rooms.. 2o4 Dodge. T rooms . , t on .-.27.W EIOMT ROOM, strictly modern, from Jurve 1 to August 1; references r-qulred. Apply 3403 Hurt St. Tele. Harney 14 W. 130 (DCNDKE) New 7-room modern; will lease; K22 N. loth Ave. $.i2.ri0 He mis Park, nice 6-room, modern; vacant about June 1 F. l BEST, 0T7 N. Y. Life. Phones. Doug. 3S20, Harney 1714. 27.15 REES. 4 rooms. 110. y Decatur St., i rooms, l. 2412 Parker Bt., t rooms, 917. 1422 N. lPth, rooms, . JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH 'PHONES. 410 N. 2i'd; all moern; very desirable; fine location. 108 S. 36th Ave., 8 rooms, modern, t-10. 110 B. 26th Ave.. 8 rooms, modern; fine location, between Dodge and Farnam Sts. ; walking distance, very reasonable, $35. W. FARNAM SMITH CO, 1320 Farnam. TRACKAGE PROPERTY AVe offer for rent the one story and basement brick store room at 914 Farnam. This prop erty has trackage facilities in rear. Apply BEE BUILDING CO., 17th and Farnam. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment, 22x70, all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming St. Kent $) N. i. Llodge c Co., loth and Harney. MODERN steam heated store. 18th and Farnam. JOHN W. BOBBINS. 1802 Farnam St. 1020 CUMING, new store, $35. Co.. 639 Brandeis Bldg. J. W. Hasp LARGE two-story brick barn, suitable for autos r storage. 123 S. 25ih Ave. STORE ROOM-1W7 Farnam St. Semi-basements, well lighted, 1607 and 1509 Farnam St. Store room, 618 N. 2lth St., So. Omaha. THOS. F. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. Both '.Phones. Modern steam-heated store room and basement, 18th and Farnam Sts., $85. JOHN WV BOBBINS, 18v! FARNAM ST. TO LET store-room 20x55, brick building, plate glass. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18th St. STORE ROOM TO RENT-$30; 1822 Far nam. Western Umbrella Co. OFFERED FOR SALE Bagiflea. RUNABOUTS, toggles, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other htgh-gradi makes told by us at moderate prices, joon. sun Daniorih Co., 10th and J one bta. HIGH GRADE BUGGIES, SURREYS. STANHOPES and RUNABOUTS for salo cheap, 1117 Farnam. Farnltore. FURNITURE for sale cheap; most beau tlful furnished residence In city; great chance for those starting housekeeping who wish nice goods cheap; 6-piece parlor suite, library in leather, oak dining suite, buffet china closet, 1 beautiful brass beds, box springs, hair mattresses, large mahogany dressers, one set In Circassian walnut with secret drawers, oriental and domestic rugs, curtains, drapery; many oil paintings by lradlng artists, beautiful sweet-toned piano. Many otner- tnings too numerous 10- men tion. Will sell any article separate. 421 North 39th. 40th and Cuming car to Cass St. DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano, salary, ate until you THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 514-515 Pfcxton Block. PRINTERS'. FURNITURE. Four imposing tables. Iron base and tone top; also 1 galley banks and two team taolea tor sale. Apply Be Puo. Co., li 111 and Farnam. FOR SALE Folding bed. DuUglaS 4044. almost new. ONE fine mahogany wardrobe, worth $40, will sell for $15; one Iron bed, spring and hair mattress, and one oak sideboard, for sale cheap. , 2209 Davenport. FOR SALE, ORIENTAL RUGS and hangings, MAHOGANY and other parlor, dining room, bedroom and kitchen furniture. ALL NEARLY NEW, In first class condition. We are moving to Cali fornia. Sale private (no dealers), Tues day and Wednesday, May 17th and 18th; hours, 9 to 5. My residence. 516 Park Ave. W. E. HITCHCOCK, Telephone. Harney 1201. TWO fine roller top oak desks, 4Hx6 fet each; two revolving one Irs; offlc. tahlo. 1207 Farnam. Maslcal lastrameat. FINE upright Sohmer piano; big bar gain; owner leaving city. 1911 Cass. SYMPHONY Grand Columbia Urapha phone, splendid Instrument Prlc $209 and never sold for less. Will sell one, which Is brand nw, and Id perfect condition, tor 1170. Good reaaoa lor - sailing. Addra 0 140. Bee. Typewriter. PECOND-hsnd typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewiiter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. Typewriters for Kent ALL MAKES. anson, 1316 Farnam St., Omaha. BUY an L. C. 8mlth & Bros. Typewriter. H. F. Swanson Co., distributer J. 1312 Far nam St. lllacellaaeoas. WE HAVE on han a number of Ink bar rels which we will sull at 60o eaob. They are fin for Jain water or ash. Call at press room, Bae Publishing Co. THREK quater Inch cable for sale. Apply George R. Wright Be Bldg ONE bamboo shirtwaist and skirt box, In good condition. Length 4 feet. Address. C 673, Bee. ID-HAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble oashler plate; wtr wicket about 40-ft. odd shapo; will tit a room to feet wide, Can be seeo at storage hous. For further partlculai 'pbon Douglas 238. lie ttuilj log Co. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all 110 orders; catalogue f-e. Shermaa 4t sio Connelt Drug 'o. Omaha, Neb. HALL'S sates, new. Id-hand. Ull Farnam. A LOT of well seasoned white pine lum ber, seconds, for sale cheap. 1620 N. 36th. FOR BALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. W lead th world la cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Brun- lck-Balke-Collrnder. 407 S. 10th St SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col. Itge tor sals at discount Addrcsa P M Bee. FIRST-CLASS wood, springs. - I'm x ton hotel. beds, with box SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, all sixes and makes; bargaina. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St Thtk Frnnrmv window Screen win J. IIP LLOUOU1V ou ori,-na!f T. II. Weirlcb Fixture Co., all kinds of mill work. TENT COTTAGE located at P.od and Gun Club Call at J 102 Harney St. Mr. Klrschberg. 6-HOLE Banquet steel range; cost $60; used ono year. Fine condition. $15 takes It. 815 N. 43d St. Tel, Harney 3159. GOOD KINDLING LUMBER. Must be sold at once. Apply on elevator grounds, 28th and Oak Sts. 'I'hone Doug las 20". OFFERED FOR SALE M larellaaenas Contloaed. SECOND-HAND acalea at 1WT Harney. A Wi)Rl TO TRA VELEItS--lViy your trav ling goods at n real leather store Cowhide leather suit eases, 1T. AlTrel Cor nish A Son, 1210 Farnam St. T ntnlinf Trv I'ltnmock Sons, 24th JiUIUUt.l all(1 w su ya omaha. only In dependent lumber dealers In the city. ALL or half Interest In a good real estate business; cannot handle the business alone. Will be priced at worth of office furniture. Also have a good typewriter for sale or trade. E 875, Bee. PAIR of almost new prismatic binocular field glasses, Uoert's lens, x8. K 6SW, Bee. FURNITURE of 15 rooms. Including beds, bedding and complete furnishings for sale Sunday and Monday; these goods must he sold at once and will go at half price. 209 S. 14th. Douglas 6910. FOR SALE Some fine shelving. Mth St. 317 S. OSTEOPATHY JOHN BON INST.. 411 N. T. I Tel. D. 1844. Dr. Kathrvn Nichols. SK N Y I.'fe Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red Till. HIRAM A. STURGES8, registered patent attorney. U. 8. and foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. D. 1469. WILLARD EDDY, registered practitioner in U. S. Fatcnt office, 01 Faxton Blk. Red 2991. HUFFMAN, 118 Nevllla Pldg. Book frt POULTRY SILKO CHICK FOOD Is the best In the market for young chick ens. Made from pure grain. A. W. WAGNER, 801-11 NORTH SIXTEENTH SiREET. Phones Douglas 11M; Independent A-1466. GEHMOZONH la the best poultry medi cine, roup, colds, bowel complaint; Wo. Geo. H. Lee Co.. 1111 Harney bL Screenings, $1.25 per 100. Wagner, 801 N. 16. SETTING hens, St. $1 each. 1914 Buncroft EGGS We are how prepared to furnish eggs for hatching from Sex en Oaks strain ot tbred to lay) S. C. White Leghorns at $5 per WO; 16 for $1. SEVEN OAKS POULTRY FARM, Phone Florence 101. Florence, Neb. PERSONAL DRS. EGGEHS' private confinement home, 1516 Martha St., Oiiiana, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 6230. BRAIDS and switches mad from comb ings, $1 up; a fin line ot switches on hand; mail order filled. Mrs. P. Stover, 1612 St. Mary a Ave. Tel. H 11151. HINDOO TABLETS will build. Strengthen, sua BELL DRUG CO. brao. ABLENK DE VOY. manicuring and inaa aags, 624 S. loth 6b Flat s-.Pboa D- 764a. Swarts & MoKelvy News Dept. 2d-hand books; Ger. & Eng. periodicals. 109 8. 16th. ' MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaUian. 1617 Dodge Bt, bra. lo a. m. p. in.. Basement flat 1V I?TTn lVi! Rubber goods by mall; cut OiXVAiXUi-iO price. gend for free cata logue. Myers-Dllion Drug Co., Omaha. A HOME for women during confinement W find homes tor babies whoa mothers Cannot cat for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 401 Bancroft at, Omaha, Nea. 'thoam Dougla uu. ... WE rent and repair all kinds ot sewing BBaeuiD. lnd. A-1661. Doug. 166L NEBRASKA CYCLIC CO, loth, and Harney dim. J OKIE WASHBURN'S book. ''The Under world bewer." at all book stores: price, 11.1 OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg. ' TUB SALVATION ARMY 'solicits east-ol( clothing, in tact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. llto St, tor cost ot collection, to in worthy poor. Call 'Phone Douglas iUe and wagW will can. WE don't like to get personal, but It's rlKht to the point. Vaudeville, latest and liveliest. PARLOR THEATER. Half price matinee. EXPERT china packer; wedding presents a specialty. 1814 Davenport inu. li-zma. MISS LOliETTA MOEAN FORMERLY WITH MONHEIT. Massaging, manicuring, chiropody, scalp treatment and electrolysis; all kinds ut hair gooda. loupes a specialty. Ot Nevlll Block. Tsi. Doug. 4231 Open Sundays irom 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. MECANU THERAPY IS a drugless treatment for rheumatism Consult Dr.. Margarita llaitoran, 226 Nevllla Blk. - Phone Douglas ..ti. DIVORCES obtained without noli or delay. Wills and estates a specialty, Practiced law 18 years. W. A. CONNOLLY. 474 Brandels Bldg. Phone Douslaa 30t8. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies lor adopt'oa. Good Samaritan Sanu- 7 . n.A 1 . . . , t UL.fr. f 6TRICTLT private Christian horn for confinements, doctor in aitenaance, trained nurse babies tor aoopnon. sois uavenport, MAGNETIC treatment Mm. Smith, MB b. iftn bt., tnira noor, WIGS and toupes for men. GRIFFITH, 11 and 14 FRENZER BLOCK. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, salt glow and massage. ltou Dodge bt. oppo site pustoffice. Id floor. Phone Doug, itxii MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room SON old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, 120 6. 16lh St. btsirway on uousias at PRIVATE confinement home. Mr. Dr. King, 1324 N. 24th St. 'Phone Webster 3559. MASSAGE, electric treatment. Mrs. Jordan, 1709 ' Dodge St. First Floor. (J:tl,oa from combings. $1.50. Mrs: C5W llLlltS Mathews, 304 Neville Hk. D. 6 8. ti2i3. DIVORCES obtained without nolso or da-lay.- Wills- and estates a specialty. Prac ticed law 2H years. W. A. CONNOLLY, 474 Brandela Bldg. Phone Douglas 3t68. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaUrane, 1617 Dodge St.: hours 10 a. m. to 9 p.-m.' Basement flat. PRINTING LEW W. BAUER, Printer, "" Entrancaon J3EE BUILDING PHONE 1ND. A-1620 for good printing Lyngatad Punting Co.. 16in A Capitol Ave. DOUGLAS COUNTY save thousands ol dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John '! Thonuison. Tel. W 358. Miller & Jamleson, 1212 Doug. Both phones. RH-IS-IIALL Ptg.J.,o.l09 S. 14th; lndA-3524. REAL ESTATE HEAL w T A TIC DIC A I.KRg. KBED ABSTRACT CO. r.nt. 1S.I: prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnma Su REMING TON-LL'NDBERO REALTY CO. Tel. D- 1371. 543 Ramus Bldg New nouses. FRED S. HADRA. 417-411 J .1 National sank Bldg. Douglas 1311. BENJAMIN R, E. CO., 471 Biandels Biag. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST Ci LAJl Fainani. Ureund Floor. AU TRACTS OF TITLE, " PET KR J ESSEN. Jit. Tel. Dojg 1291 U. M. HAULER it SON, 10$ 8. ISth St REAL ESTATE Abstracts af Title 4 ontlnaed JOHN CAMTBELL." 41$ N. Y. U D. 1071. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 13 Farnam. Neale & Norton 1"bZ. Title. a. C1TT FMOfCRTT FOR IAI.R, $550LOT On Meredith. Just west of I7th. nlco laylrg lot; permanent walks, paveil street. F. C. BEST, 967 N. Y. Li KG. THONE: DOUa. 8.120. FINEST APARTMENT BUILDING IN OMAHA Planned and built by day's labor, super intended by owner and architect and built tor a life long Investment: must o soia, as owner Is leaving the city. The location Is the best In Omaha, con venient to business center, yet In the cholc est residence district. You can buy this building at cost, thereby saving all the trouble of building; also tho Income for the time it would take to build. It would be Impossible to try to tell you of the many conveniences Installed for the comfort of the tenants, but If you want a permanent Investment which will pay you 9 per cet Interest net. call at our office or write for full particulars. H STINGS 4 HEY DEN, 1614 Harney St. NEW 7-ROOM. FULL LOT, $160 cash and balance $20 per month. Better look at It. NOWATA LAND ft LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OF VOUK L.ANDT Writ a description ot It bulldlnrs. water, near what town. Make TO words of It all and rend It to Th Omaha Be with 71 cents tor each Insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Be for real estate of fering. And they gat them In Th Be. 8 ROOMS, WEST FARNAM. $3,300 All modern; easy walking distance; surely cheap at th price; terms. NOWA1A LAAU AND Ull CO.. SIX-ROOM house. Including cistern: will sell reasonable; leaving city; large barn; lSVi w. lotn. ACREAGE FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 acres, H mil north ot th Country club, on the Orphanage road, 10 minutes' walk from the street ear. MX) fruit trees and 600 grapes, three years old. HNAi Also lot 13. Fairmont Place, on th and Lake sts. can at 1101 Harney St Mr. Klrschberg. . Bemis Park Bargain Six rooms and receDtlon hall, fullv mod ern, fronting south on Lafavett Ave. nouse newly decorated, beautiful lawn, ten fruit trees; owner leaving city. Price onlv $3,260; $1,150 cash. Two blooks from car. in is is a bargain. Call Doug. 1004 and make an appointment W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064; lnd. A-1064. 8-ROOMS, MODERN, 2 LOTS. J,900. Everything except heat. Near 'car, fine home; $600 cash, balance very easy. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Red 1999. Dean Place It you are considering buying a home site, either in th Hans 00m Park or Field club districts, you should at one secure a plat of this fine addition. Our prices are . low. All street Improvements are In and paid. Call Doug. 1064 and make an appointment to see these desirable lots. V. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Dvug. 1064; lnd. A-1064. do you want to sell part of your land 7 Write a description of It building, water, near what town. Make 70 words of It all And send It to Th Omaha Be with 72 cents for each Insertion. People in Ne braska hav money and want land. They look to The Omaha Be for real estate of ferings. And they get them In Tb Use. WEST LEAVENWORTH DISTR1CT Cholce lots $10 cash, $1 per week. Mltxlaff, 5620 Leavenworth, 'i'hone Harney 2695. FOR SALE 8-room noose and lot, all mod but furnace, only $2,260. 3835 Charles street. GIVE owner bid for six-room house. 4315 Seward. H 36S5. PAYING $37 PER MONTH, $3,000. Well located, practically walking dls tanae. Terms. Might take good clear lot as part payment. NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 199. FOR SALE A beautiful corner building lot -in Ben son, fronting 100 feet on Main St. by 117 tt. deeD. Street is paved. Two blocks from car line. Owner resides In Portland and wishes to dispose of the property at once If taken now, prlc will be reduced on this valuable lot. Inquire at large red house across the street for Mrs. Cooley. INVESTMENT. Business property, well located, sure to increase In value: now rented for $2,280 per annum, rrice. Iis.uuu. - NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1999. $4,(MX). Double dwelling. 1915 and 1917 Elm St. $3,250. modern, 2617 Eight ruoms, Parker. $3,250. Kbjhl rooms, modern, 4227 California.- $850. Flno lot, 50x125, next east of 4227 Cali fornia.. Do not disturb occupants. See m. C. M. RYLANDER, Real Estate and Fire Insurance, 832 N. V. Life. Two Full Ix)ts, Corner, $G50 Two blocks of Hanscom Park, on block to car, If taken soon, 9100. Cheap. NOWATA LAND h LOT CO, Suite 624 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. Red 1999. FOR SALE An up-to-date I-room cot tage, finished In hard wood. Inquire of owner, 114 High School Ave., Council Bluffs. Two Lots, Corner California St. On block to Farnam car. Prlc $1,500. Terms. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life. Red 1999. 173 FEET, FRONTS ON THREE STREETS Right In town. Best location In Omaha for apartments at the price. Owner wante to sell so badly that he will give you tree fine, large, modern g-room hous now on NOWATA LAND AND LOT COMPANY. Bull 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 14). . REAL ESTATE . m CITY rHOIKRlt FOR t ALB vCVntlnued.) Boyer's Bargains IMPROVED A-room house; toilet and cltv water, lot 2SxltS5. Ohio St., near 17th. Bargain, $1,900. Make me an offer. 1-room house; modern, f R. corner 24th and Blnney Sts $4,000. (-room house; modern except hent. 4-room house In rear, lot 17x133. on William St., between 4th and Sth-2..00. Three houses, lot 51xR, In alley, between fith and 7th and between Pacific and I'lere $2,800. 7-room house, modern except heat, good barn, cistern, shad and fruit tree; lot 50x127: De catur St., between Slst and 324 -13,000. On 1 and on 5-room house, sewer and water connection, toilet In houses, lot 6oil?0. 17th Ave,, near Burden $2,200. 5-room house, modern except heat, lot 50x120. Maple St., be tween $3d and Mth-43,500. 7-room house, modern except heat, good barn, full lot, Ersklne St., between 43d and 44th. one block from ear llnfc $2,500. Make me an offer. Northwest corner 10th and Nicholas, with three houses and a 1-story double prick flat $15,000. 4-room house, sewer and water connection, Ixard St., b betwen 20th and list $3,000. -room house, all modern, lot 12x135, 2006 Bristol St.; beauti ful place $2,700. -rwim house, all modern, full lot. Lafayette Ave., between Hth and 36th, Demls Park $3, WO. 6-room house, ham. eitf water, lot r7HxtT4S, Califor nia, between lid and lid 12,000. VACANT LOTS Two lots, N. R. Cor. 27th and Saratoga $1,000 for both. Two lots. S. w. Cor. 4th and Grant Sts. $sOO for both. Two lots, replat of Radford Heights Add.. 8. W. Cor. 40th and Ames Ave $450 for both. Three lots In Fairfax Add., 40th and Pratt 1650 for three. One lot. 62x125. th Av N. of Cuming $750. On lot, 45th and Military Ave. -$600. Two lots, Kenwood Add., 3fith and Lalk Sta. 1500 for both. Two lots on Spring St.. be tween 2d and Id $900 for the two. Chris Boycr 22D AND CUMING STS. Two Fine Cottages 4313 and 4.".14 N. 36th St. Two lara-. nrao. tlcally new 5-room cottages, modern except heat, finished In flemish oak, with wide stairs to large attk-. permanent walks and ouiit on a most neauiirui site, with east front full lots, one block to car. Thee houses are cheap at $2,350 each, but for quick sale you can take your choice Mon day for $2,100. There Is nothing better in the city for a home or Investment. I will make terms if desired. F. H. Drake Sole Agent, 516 Brandels Block. Phone Red 6326, Independent A -1761.. Hanscom Park Finest home alt In Omaha, fronting east on park. 61.6x246 feet, surrounded by fin homes. Price only $3,500. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. .Tel. Doug. 1064; lnd. A-1064- Investment 3 new brick flats, 7 rooms and reception hall each flat; tiled baths, oak floors, first floor; birch and white enamel finish second floor; built-in wardrobe, combination lights, full basement, with cemented floors; lot 60x112 feet; 7-room modern frame house In rear; rental, $175. Price, $20,000. Can make terms. Easy walking distance. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064; lnd. A-1064. TWO HOUSES, modern, except furnace; one 6 rooms, the other 4 rooms; nice lawn; large shade trees; large cistern; $3,800. 1727 South Tenth St. 10-ROOM, REAL HOME, $5,600. Not merely a hous and lot, but 10 room of real home, modern In every way; finely located; large lot, fruit trees, lovely lawn, garage, paved street; car at door. Owner wants to sell, and that' th tim to buy. Terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suit 624 N. Y Life Bldg. Red 1999. Contractors and Builders Take Notice LOMER SUBDIVISION We are offering special Inducements to parties who will build houses In this addi tion, which extends from Slst to 33d St. and Franklin to Parker St. This addition has all bent hi ought to grade and ha ce ment walks, city water and two fin tree to each lot. flood street car service on 33d Bt. Look this addition over ami you will agree with us that this is an Ideal section for hous costing from $2,000 to $3,000. M'CAGUE INV. CO., 1508 Dodg St Investment About 100 Acres Near Town Land adjoining sold readily at $500 per acre In 5-nire tracts. For quick sai. Price, $226 per acre. Terms. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red M Investment $18,000-Pays $2,280 Business Oround, 130x150 feet, choice location. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., t2i N. Y. Life. Red 199. BY OWNER NICE t-rooro house, strictly modern; fir plaoe, polished floors. LOT 60x127. Walking distance. PRICE $2,550. 3618 Caldwell. Webater 435r. NEW home In Benson, on terms. W. Yarion. 'Phone Benson 5HL