ri!K BEE: OMATTA. MONDAY. MAY 1010. Want - Ads Want ail reeelsra a aa tlaae. nt Insure proper eiaealf Icattna l.n aresratrd before 19 a'elocW lor Ike trln vdltloa ' Ti3 o'eloek of (! esealaal morulas ) taadar idll. Waal Kill tcrled after each Isnar !" Ibelr flrat Insertion UUlti( "Tu l.alv Claeslfr-" lny nm aecoiauaar all orders for Mrj( .d. HmA nr MHioaul will accepted for less taaa ilrst laeenlva. Hates apply to eltaer Ik Dally taadar !. Alwase e-uaat ala word, to a ' Ctlll IIATI2S roil WAtlT ADS. REGULAR CLAsSirfCATHI Insertion, 1 1-3 cents per or aaa tvm per Murd for eaea eabsraneat insertion, kaek laeertlva saade oa -dd dae, 1 1- cents ur week.. ! oer tin per suoula. Hani ada for 'Ika Me mar ' t any of Ibe lollonlnw dra stores la oar corner droil" ui all litMii'k offlcre lor Ike alee ud oor ad will be Inserted laal aa l.tuui1il and ho tba mbi ruin aa at me bam oifioo I Tbe lice llalldtag. 'irulriuili ad Faraaua etreete. Aitmili, W. C, 4ith and Farnaiu. l-.ei.nt a, b. A.. lxi H. Wu Bt. i ! Pnei u.ecy. iV ri JClIi St. i.-i.ui. Pi, aruiacy, J.aiiaoh, Neb. brim Perk l'narma. v, Vii and Cuming. tueac-BiatHcri, All nuerman Ave. Cauiiiil.ii, C. H, sib and l':e!t:j Sis. c.iiiun Kill luaimac, ati Military Ave. iniiii Ixim co, Ilii A. ami ariiutll. i ikkj l'hsimay, :ih anil Lake. coney Pnarniacy. &2I h. 101 ( Cinr.ak, Einll, liM-i b. IMi St. i-iooi, F. ii., it Leavenworth i."-r tt ArroMI. Hi N. 15th SU rit)ii, John j.a li4 N. Mtn Su rir.fct: Drug Co., lino N. 16th 81. r'ljr.c-e Drug Co., Florence, Neb. txecn'e Pnarniacy, Park Are. ar-d PaeiNo. 'ilitl i.ull, li. A., It b. 10tn bL ireenuugh, O. A., Tenth and hickory. ioeii, Whiiara C, em Kernum est. ai.vtuin I'urk j'harmacr. )Wl . fib Aa ilolau John, M N. lbttl St. iiuff. A. L,. inM I.eanorlh St. .uiianion i'rn Co., Mth and Epaldlnc Sta r.ing. H. W , rc'A Karnam tt. hflunttf l'lare 'harnauf, 1M(M N. 14tn. alarra, Fred U, tuiti Central Blvd. i airlck I)ru Co., Ktl N. 24th Hi. lAtnrop. Charlee K.. Vli N 34th St. juldir.an I'narmavy, ai and l-eai HEATH AMI FUNERAL NOTICE! DAl'C.HTON Edward, aeed 42 years. Finn I'al HieMiay morning. May 17. at S 30 ii Liu'. k i nm me family residence, IMi Jvmili Snvrnteemh ftieel, to Holy Famliy iliuich. Interment Holy Sepulchre ceme in. Mr. ouushton hau mi attack of pn umonia for au iul six days. The funeral of the late John S Collins vti.i iif rrom Trinity calncdral. Fugtuce.'un a, id Capilol avenue, 'liiesuuy afternoon at o'clock. lnieiment Prospect Hill. The pri ceuce of f i l l ds will oe upu eclated, i i.b reniHins nmy be viewel at the reai i.mcc, 1,11 Hun aireet, troni 10 a. m. up to hi. i. our nl service. I.UUOL NOTICE Ouluha lodstu ' No. a, Ancient Order of 1 ,j.ui oik.iieii, ulli glvo u nuislcal and l.i.iaiy ciiici'iainnienl i'lieenlay evening, .xuy ii, ai' "i p. in., at Workmen temple, l.u litn St.. ior lis memners, tnelr lauu i.m aiiu uici.us. Don't fail to attend. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE, in sums to Mut, 310 xiee Uldg. plume Doug, iitrt. COMPANY. i... i your WLDD1XG K1NG at FRED BiUt'cUAAKl' 6. It inurea good Iuck. j.j o. luin '.. ai me. sign o( ma Crown. DIAMONDS rs WE ARE SELL ING DIAMONDS AT l I' E R v '.... I. .-!." vv-ji. ului.ey to loan. !,,..) jn.iliy Co., ir.'l Douglas St. WKDDING riin,s and present!; complete rtu.. a. c...j.u.sini at IteuilriCKbuii, 201 N. 16in. lion ami Wire inn. .on Fciicm C fT1CG Chaiii..on Fciicm Co Uth at at jacKSon Sts. Tel. i. VX. EI'DING rings made by. hand, sold by v. la, til. i. I.. C.uibH oi Co., luil Dougia. BEAVER IUJARD Takes place of lam and piss- u.r. Amtilcan buppiy Co., U12 Farnam. ""' EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING. At Kind, aw S. loth, upstairs. ELEVATORS REPAIRED. Freight, Pas sioaoi. j. u. iveinuuy, iu a. 13th. Doug, a;, EXPERT drainage engineer. Write N. J. jicr-aniron, 4o !ew kuiii Life Bldg. S. H. Cole Sign Co., D. 3763. 1315 Farnam. FINE clock repairing; prices tight; call, detive. Belknap. M auiiueriand iidg.' Mtrsouii Filters made, sold. 1310 Haward. WIIiTrF. DOES THE CROWD GO? TO THE t-AKlAJH '1 H EATER, OF COIj KSE. MAGGARD Va:i Ai Storage qr Omaha in. ui. van & biorage Co. Pack, move. biOiu ana snip H. 11. fcoods. D. li, B-iiA. TI10S.T)URKIN vlltlNG OLl HL'lIiLINUS A SPK CUM i . 2tu cumiiig a., in, llauuy A. K. ROBERTS, relluble emp. age.it. Kuin-Mor to Mur.iu A; v u.. liill Cupltol Ave, Vtli'lK l I VrPv! lc nrd 2"ic LUNCH AllMtL UAaN lO MloLAiND u't, PnlvATL Hl.lNO Ruuil oil N. 1'jlh St. Ji)HX F.. IDMliK, shirts, 630 Paxton Blk. SHtFS rolled for and delivered fres. S.aiiiiaru Shue Repair Co., ls4 Farnam. V II nl h'V Practical Builder. J1j. 11. VMiiTrj, Kstuuatea Fu. nisned. Tel. ilenson iu. 1'EUIONH.U t.ofe. 6i7 N. thth; t'nlnese and .aMxican d:nt. ail hours, best meal, joc up. HEALTH COM M ISSIONERS COMMANDS Order. I'onr Iiojs and porch screened from 'l siE OMAHA WIMultv SCK!I-.N CO., A MM'I AHV NLl'ESollV FOR Kv'i-.HV. HOME. t'-14 N. iH.h St. tail Doug. 4i92. P 1 VTVJ CK'-iSNAMiSL, JAPAlAC. J. .A 1 i AO 8l-N Kuo.-' I'AINI', SARATOGA DUI'G CO., iin ft Ames Ave. DAVID CoLB Creameri Co. Tilt' p FRENCH DRV CLEAN- Doiirf.su .Ml. b-!224. B. f". U'R.N', Optician. C4 Brandeis H1J DIAMONDS $4 00 PER CARAT. Our famous Mex,c.in white sspp.ni'e gem. wn on Is practically thn same aa a iLamoni; Irlliianey and sparkle guaranued ionvr. Call or write for cutaiogue. De Long Jew elry Co., .V. Mn iiiiu Bldg., Ijui and )sdge. Omaha, Neb. Multipjraph Work Typewritten letters duplicated. i. C. North up. SOt Paxton. Douglas US TO PUT. SELL OR TRADE See Midland Inv. Co., 100 McCague Bldg. CEMENT iuKSlii;, In stock. ICatlmatea given contract work. Call after ( p. ni., am Ave anj Sshler Sta. B'jopf Omaha Concrete Stone Co. Boe Hive Cleaning and Dye Works. 16J8 8. 19th Pt. Tel. Douglas 4T7. NOTHING more eoellrg or iefvnh:ni than a glaas of Ice cream soda at the Bell Diug Co. a fountain, 1216 Farnam Pi. THE City Garbage Co., Tel. D.iunlas 1.W7. -.leans vaults. xaxpools and removes nia-oi-u, ashes and J1 kinds of ifue. DOLCLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Ml. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Lontmueil i tR. H. P. J ENREN halt reatimed his cf fi prartire at room 4M. Bee Building. Hours: 10-13 a. m. and i-i p. m. AtJF.NTS P. tt V. C'ORHIN nL,l";R.- IIAKDWAKK. CONTRACTORS1 HIT i'lAKA. 11 Farnam. 'i'hone Douglas 5AM. WESTERN DITPMCATINQ CO.. m B- illdK. Mulilgraplif d Irtters. Douglas SML I. W. AKMSTRONO of Halifax will run ar.ycno level tinm 50 ti 44ti yards In the ttntes of Iowa. Nebrakn. Kansaa or Coli rnrio for a side bt of 10 or II OX), huff f un Hayi1!" barrel, uiiles tlwy should give a tpn.unabl atait. Any winning to accept lld an earlv reply to J Oil. care Omaha B?e. FRIEDMAN'S LOAN OFFICE Now locatpil at I'lth and Douglas Sis., formerly nt 2JI f. 12th St. We wibh to announce to our old friends aid the public that our new store Is now t'Pi-n for busiiie'ss, with spi-clal pi Ices on tin mood, jewelry and clothing. fame courteous treatment. 1V1 S. Ill li m. 'Phone Douiflas .Mtei. IfOTIIEliV, I'topi -letur Sclilll . .i. t. Full line of Miiiei, luiuoii ami cigare; ineicliaiits' lunuli ! vil 1 1 mil lu a. in, to 2 i. m.. regular iiiral.t at all houra; biiangrrs in Omaha and viaiiwis lo the city aiuava welcome and sliovwi every at'eiitiun; inroi mallon bureau In 1'oiiriei linn, wlirrtt all lihtili 'lea ate clleci full) annwerrd. A rail appierlated. ill SOUTH KOUKltbiViii SlRBKT. ( Vmpiit' I!lnfks MK8T qi-AUtV. V Cllieill 11U-KS Ural Cement Stone Co. " 1LEH (J H AN I) 110TEL F'tifat in the wet. Turkish Baths Hth huU Howard Sts. x "IK1SU XJttlUS ANCHOR FENCE CO. li on and Wire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 2o; N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814 THE SICK MADE WELL without medi cine; the Oxygenator cures diseases with oxygen: free book. C. C. Johnson, Be atrice, Neb. VR AMT7' We wlsn t0 gnnounc that - 1.J1 liVj we Brft now located In our new home. ' Omaha Art and Frame Co., 707 S 16th St. Remember we are the only peo ple In the city that handle metal frames with convex glass for embossed portraits. Formerly of 2424 Cuming St. VIRGINIA DARE wine. 76e lrge bot tle. KLEIN LIQUOR HOUSES, 522 N. 16th r)t. Douglas 6670. JOHN NITTLER Homr1 SeT"'' LUX US THE BEER YOU LIKE, 3224 South 24th Ht. Douglas 159, Red 8932; Independent, A-1420. GOOD MERCHANTS1 LUNCH K CTI3 A. JETES. 1302 Douglas St. U VXO. THE HOME FURNITURE CO., 20 per rent less than Omaha prices; 20th and L 6ts. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, 1609V4 Farnam St., Sher-w'n-Williams' paints, ous, varnishes, glass, white lead, wall paper, brusnes, glasing and picture framing. Tela: Bell, Douglas 4750; Irrd.. A-SS21. LYNCH BROS. PLLht?ng.nd REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY, 7co S. 16th. Phone Douglas 1477.; AUTOMOBILES DRUMMOND Sells Buggies, Makes AUTO TOPS, Builds Wagons.. Repairs Auios and ail kliul.i of Mscnlnes. ltnh and Harney 3ts. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All worx guaranteed. - , BERTSV-'HY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. WRITE for :st of automobile bargains. H. B. FREDR1CKSON AUTO CO., Omaha. Wanted Automobile 1 nave so aoes in Pushir.atana county, Oklahoma, clear good title. Price, $20 per acre, will give someone a good deal. Ad dress K, Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. WANTED TO BUY. Second-hand runabouts or touring cars; will pay highest cash price. THE PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. Douglas 72M. 231S Harney St. FOR SALE One 1905 model 7-passsnger White Steamer auio, complete equipments. Has only been run 12.0m) miles, cost $b,ln. Will sdl for $1,900. No trades will be con sidered, object of sale uomg to Europe. William H. Biereton, Monmouth, 111. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agent for Oakland, Stavcr & Weicli. M'INTYRK AUTO CO, 2203 Farnam. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DER1GHT AVTTOMOBI LB CO., 1S14 Farnam St. (nlu '0 1DWEST AUTO CO.. 21 READING. Stnndard three-horse-poner for saie cheap. 'Phone Harney Zj,3. WE CAN take a few more cars for storage In our new tirepioof garage. Prices very reasonable. Let us hear from you. SWEET-EDWARDS AUTO CO., 2002-54 Farnam St. Douglas 3085 lltn Pnintinff "Murphy Did it." Get .UlO rHIllllUjr our pi.Ces ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 1412 Jackson. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES, 2Sc to J3.50. COLUMBIA OPnCAL CO., 200-211 S. 10th. MAXWELL rt i about. 2iil2. Tel. Webster MAXWELL runabout. 'Phone Web. Jd2. $f00 LOT for auto. N CSD, Bse. BUSINESS CHANCES' TO (1ET In or out of business call oa GANGESTAI), 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. WANTED A practical confectioner and bnker to take lull cnarge of business on profit snaring bals. C. Y. Smith, U1I Farnam. S. Fogel To BUY OR oELL. 32; Neville Rlock. Doug. 3123. TWO GOOD ONES -Well established ex clusive photo business, gallery, with full vi;iiip..iei.., i.i uui.ty neat town and nice residence; all tor only $i.u; a good pay ing jewelry business to be had witn pur chase of toc at Invoice piue; il!l In voice about 1,S00. You will be too late If yuu wait. t. j.. M.ner, Anna, Neb. THK CUBTKft Coinle Abstract Co of fera its books and uuslneas for sale; a competent and rel'able abstracter can pur chase a good bustnefcr ,cn nls own terina 1 lie abatiacters of this county nave moo LufctrttM IliAfi lhv .-an atl.nif Hi nrciniufly. 'ilia nr...ni hu Inn ! niuLh other cum est to make aostracts ti.le cad sell Mroken Bow, Neb. FOR SALE Drug stock; Involeed Janu ary l over $j.200; will give liberal discount and terms If taken at onte, good rearms for selling. Address Y Ml, caro Bee. t.VW BUYS ' tnt-rtst In well establlaned real estate business, making good money; lare opportunity; act quick. Address K ITU. PARTNER In a well established real estate buslneea. Address B 6si, Bee. 1CK CUE k M PARLOR and stationer store; nmy uua luuiitain In ion of X, ge-d location. If K- Be. WANT man to take Intertat In legitimate bt:alneas; big prolita; no competition; nun havs W.500 to $3 600. Address F 172, Bee. FOR "ALE Entire or half interest In grain, elevator and electric light alant l.ghtlng two towns, guod reasons. Address, Y KM. cans Bee. WE have customers wanting to locate In Nobraska. wanting to buy general storks, hardware, furniture and hotels. WrltA 1 ft I Arte tftrltaf VfttI hi w HlVS-P. I MAN A I'OslPH.Ell LIST RKPOKT. Ltaak J o. Wichita. Kam BUSINESS CHANCES kconunuen.r A TOL'NO mar. r.mt. nad tn years1 experlenre as a rarpenter foreman and altant eiipprlntndrnt. who Is thoroughly vrsd In all building tradea. wants a posi tion with a good reputable firm. G . Bee. FOR SALE Plumbing business; splendid location; horse, wagons, buggy, tools SJid stork, far $1,100. S10 Neville block. Tel. D. 19S. ''WAXTEIV-Toting or middle-aged men to manage branch office In Omaha. Lincoln, Council Bluffs, Des Moines and fMoux City for the largest and most successful concern In Its line In America. Office experience unnecessary, but honesty, energy and busi ness ability essential. Must give good ref erences and from $Sfl0 to II. MO cash security. Remuneration I7.M0 to 14,000 per annum, ac cordlng to location and ability. Particu lar at Interview only. Address Y care Bee. HOTEL FOR SALE An up-to-date, well established hotel In a rapidly growing town of 600 people. Net profits now from $500 to $w per month. Price tlli.tXW. half cash, balance easy terms. Owner's health necessitates quick sale. No trades considered. Address D. J. ADAMS, M); McCngne Building IF you nan! a first-class ennf ect ioiiery and cigar sloie In Omaha mil iiilckl. Pilci, $1,4011. UAMiaTAD. 04 Bee Bldn. '1 o buv, sell or trade, anvthlng. any plu:e, See II. Itoldiege. 6W N. J4tli. So. Oinitha. STOCK of general merchandise, flew last August; leading store In town, doing loo.VOO a J ear; large territory; town of 700, stock Invoice, llu.000. Will lake laud or resilience property In part payment. Fur ther particulars, write Box 13. Merna, Neb. FOR SALE We buy, sell and trade land-, merchandise and Income property; send description of your property; no deal too large "Opportunities" mailed free. City Realty Co., Land Brokers, Muskogee, Okl. H.M.MUNNECKE, collections. 6S4 Brandels A FIRST class hotel to lease, good loca tion. Address Mead Advocate, Mead, Neb. FOR SALE In city of 12,000. New stock of Ladles Ready to Wear. Invoice $20,000. making net profit of $12,000 per year. Big discount. Good reason for selling. Address, Box m David City, Neb. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1605 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. Call Harney 6130. MISS STURDY, 2702 Farnam. Tel. H. 4674. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D.1086. TA FT' S Dental Rooms, 1517 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. CAPT. T. COR MACK, 517 Karbach. D. 2S32 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN E. P. BRUCE, Mollne Pianos. 413 McCague. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers make clear, white skin. By mall EOc and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drus Co., Omaha. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C Hungatc, cDl Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 51SG. CHIODO, the leading tailor and dress maker of Omaha; latest styles, workman ship best. Parlors, 216-218 S. ISth St. SANITARY Halrdresslng Parlors. Switches made from combings, $1.50. 601 Paxton Block. 'Phone Douglas 4671. Dress Pleatincr, Buttons Covered All sixes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas diock. oin pnones. THE FRENCH WAY FXm. Ladles' clothes beautifully dry cleaned. HE PARLOR THEATER Is In a "class " by Itself, a big show for the smallest ad n lfjlon. lVinnn SEAMLESS hosiery. Best on YVinOIia ,Brth. 519 Bee Bldg. D. 4337. ISinch Willow plumes. $2.25 snd up. Feathers cleaned. Penncll, loll Douglas. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN Nurseries. TUt'i.'O and plants that grow. F. W. iivdijO Mtneray. Crescent Nursey Co., Omaha yard, 21st and Farnam Sts. 'Phone Harney 4550. FI?IIITTREKS AND SHRUBS, a general llL,lJ- line of nursery stock. Henson Omuha Nursery, Benson, Ntb. Tel. Benson 634. FLORISTS HESS A SWOBODA, 1413 Farnam St. Bennett's Flower Dept. E. store entrance. J. If. BATH. 162. Harney. Douglas 3000. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse in west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere in L. S. L. Hen lerson, 1519 Farnam. Doug. 126$. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS OAS WATER HEATERS, VASES forparks, yards and cemeteries; tank heat ers 2 ana 4-nole, water tronts and turnaces. OMAlTA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-b Douglas. Both 'Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical sal Office. WANTED Cashiers and transfer glrla. Apply superintendent Brandeis Stores. Factory aad Trades. WANTED Hand lroners; steady work, good pay. Klmuail laundry, r itieenth and Jackson. WANTED First class dressmaker. $11 per week. o3 Gram Ex. Bid. Sioux City, la. WANTED A first class operator on ladles Jackets and skirts. Inquire of 1 Nasf-au. vt N. Main ot., pueoio, Colo. I.AMIES to leac.i de art of corset fit ting ana seln.ig; instructions free of charge; guud ptikiiiun assured, r' 6ns, nee. Housekeepers aad Domestics. GOOD girl for general housework, $6 per wtek. Mis. cuwueroy, jJaj do. Sutn bt. COMPETENT GIRL, at once; two In faml.y. I'tii J16 Dewey Ave., or 'phone Harney rii. GOOD, competent girl for general house work; three in la mn; aeges S. 'Prion larney . IMi b. i24 ci. Mrs. R. J, Clancy. WANTED Girl fo. general housework; email lun.iiy. ju .V 4iai Hi. lei. iiarney GIRL rer general housework at 1524 N 40th sl Del. liarnrv KJJ. COMPETENT irl tor general liuuae woik. Mrs. a. Walters. 3ZU naruey bL A GOOD girl; no covking; no washing; $4 per wet. ,ti case 6U WANTED Girl lor genetal house in V Mrs. w lluam it. Ciark, ki.t.ard hotel. GOOD girl for general housework; fa mil -of I fell at. 10th Hi. Tel. Douglas SKI. GOOD girl for general housswork. $..tn A. le . Harney 2104. UC9 a. YOUNG girl to help In housework. No washing. LU o. $0iii Ave, HELP WANTED FEMALE Hsaaekeeaera aad Uonet Ice Coat'd. COMPETENT, permanent girl for gen eral housework. 'iel, Harney 4.'i8. GIRL fur general bouaework; good wages. $ii 8. nth tt. U1RL tor housework; bo washing; best a-s paid competent girl. Mrs. MlDier, $i; d. lath st. Duugiaa wa. G1P.L for general housework. Apply SU1 Jackson bt Telephone Harney 246S. COMPETENT girl for general house Work; good wages. 14 bheruian Ave. Tel. Webster tlii. , An experienced cook. Mrs. E. W. Dixon, 117 bo. 3 til. WANTED Competent girl for kitchen work; top prices to right party. 2&04 Har ney est. WANTED Good colored girl; must be good cook. Tel. Harney lbtJO. WANTED First class woman cook to take charge of our kitchen as noon as our new hotel Is completed, which will be in about thirty days. Everything fiist class and expect the cook to be. Best nt waves paid. References required and furnllird Lungwoilh A Co., Caller, S. l. GOOD second cli l wanted. 2iC5 I lodge SL WANTED Housekeeper; references; mid die agtd lady preferred. Call X404 .V Kid St. YOUNG girl to assist with general house work. Uowd Wages. Tsl. ilaioey 376. mi K. H2d St. WANTED A girl for general housework, 615 S. Sid St. GIRL tor general housework; $6 per week. $34 S. 26th. Tel. Doug. 3612. COMPETENT girl for general house work; threo in famliy. Tel. U-iUH and Web ster 414b. 2112 Emmet St. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children; no waihlng; references. Hi 8. 16th Kt. WANTED An experienced girl who Is willing to go to the country for three months. Modern 6-room bungalow; three In family. 1502 S. 32d Ave. Tel. Harney 71i. WOMAN to assist with care of two chil dren; reasonable wages to the right patty, 4tiU3 N. 29th St. A GOOD girl for general housework. Tel Harney 404U. Address 3617 Farnam. WANTED A housekeeper In a family of three; references required. 2&S California tit. Tel. Harney 4562. GIRL to assist with kitchen work. 221 Douglas. A GOOD girl to assist In general house work. Apply at once. 610 S. 22d St., be tween Howard and est. Mary's Ave. Doug. 4430. GOOD girl for general housework that can cook; two In famliy. 444i Farnam. H. 2549. WANTED A girl for light housework. One who cau do good plain cooking. 407 N. 25th SU WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Apply lv2 S. 3otn St. Tel. Har ney 436. WILL pay $6 per week for competent girl; no washing. 4ul S. 38th St. NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, mod iin, clobe In, fine flat. 547 S. 24th Ave. WANTED A white lady for washing and Ironing. 401 N. 22d. MIDDLE-AGED woman; general house work; three in family; no washing; $6. IsOJ Ohio. WANTED Girl for general housework. 20U6 spencer bt. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 2516 Dodge. Telephone Harney 47S2. WANTED A Jap or Korean. 4312 Dodge St. Harney 34. WANTED Girl for general housework; cooking not requited. 210 N. "3d St. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; good home tor middle-aged woman. 1M3 Leav enworth. COMPETENT second girl; references re quired 90 tt. 33 Ul bt. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; $4 per week. 1917 Grace. NURSE girls. 2012 California u A GOOD girl for general housework; Ger man or Bonemian preferred. D09 Capitol Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 'TO1.' Park Ave. OOOD glil for general housework. 3320 Harney. Mrs. F. E. Clark COMPETENT girl .'or general house work; three in family; no washing. Mrs. R. E. Welch, 414 d. ijSlh St. FIRST-CLASS girl tor general house work for family of two; must be guod cook. Telephone Harney 3753. GIRL for general housework; Small house. $004 Mason at. Tel. Harney U441. WANTED Good girl for general housework;- no washing. Mrs. C. E. Snulh, 717 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED A woman tor day work, m 8. 0ln at. Mrs. F. Drews, Souih Omaha. WANTED Good waitress; short hours, nice place. 316 So. 15th St., upstairs. WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no washing. 2443 Mandersoii. LADIES wanted to taUe work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to 4 dozen; original: reiiaoie firm; work guaranteed. Trleoer's, 12nl Faram St., basement. WANTED Cook, good wages. 191$ Far nam. GIRL for general housework; no washing. Mia. John 1? orbes, 3122 Wooiworth Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework In family of two; laundress em ployed. Mi-b. O. W. Ciabaugh. Tel. Harney Ik. 1J22 S. 53d St. t .ylo! lmm.4Ul.tv llnilkT. 14 1 Blu So. 224 St., between fct. Mary s and How-aid. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, dial Davenport. A GIRL to assist with housework at Fort Crook. Apply 10 No. 20; ref t rence-i required; uerman or Bohemian preferred. WANTED Experienced second girl out of town In Nebraska; wages, $3u anu trans portation; no launury. Mrs. atuobs, 111 Farnam St. LADY wanting permanent home aa houte keeper. write R. ri. Duke, Druggist, Mason City, Nb. Wife helps In store. Boy 6 yesrs. At least one-fourth your time could he your own. WANTED A good girl for the kitchen. Deltt lea Rooms, 2o t-. Htu or teiepno.ie Harney 480. GOOD girl wanted for ge-ieral housework, no washing. 140 N. 31st Ave. Tel. H. iM4. Iiaevllaaaaaa. TOL'NO WOMEN coming to Omaha ai tit angers are Invited lo visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at fc't. Mary's Ave. and r-eventeenth St., where ibey will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted; look lor our liavclers' am at Union station. LA Dl E8 wanted lo take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 dosen; original; re nacle tiio.; uora guaranteed. irieber's. 12ol Ka, nam bt., basement. WANTED Ladles to do stamping; work taken home; experience uunecessat y ; steady work. Willis Wood Co.. 102 N. inn. PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas Cuuiiiy Hospital, loth and Poppieton. Ad urrts Mabel Christie. LEARN HAIRDRESSING It pays. You can earn $U to $JS weekly, fun course taugnt. J. L. Brandeis, riairdresslng Dept. WANTED An expeilmced sales person In domest.o department, li. lLrpolshelmer Co., Lincoln, Neb. YOU CAN'T be happy unless you visit the PARLOR 'i H r.ATcK. Di. Vjtutlvt llle. Matiiue naif price. HELP WANTED FEMALE Miscellaneous .( onllnaed. FAMILY washing neatly done. Bundles, rough and dry. l'lion Web. M3T. ONE vacancv In Training School for Nurses at Chlid Saving Institute. It Is a six months' course nnd graduates a'e In constant demand at $10 to $M per week. Apply to head nurse. Thone Webster Wl. WANTED Few more Indies to do stamp ing, work taken home; steady employment. Willis Ward Co., 102 N. 18th. Hours to 5. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, (talesmen and Sollcltore. EXPERIENCED collector for house fur nishing Co.; state experience and refeteuce. Address H 479, Bee. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road tor The 'Iwen tietn Century Farmer. Call or write man ager of circulation, Tne Bee Publishing Co. LEES, TEXAS New town In l.lasseock county; building hotel, stores, paving streets, electric lights, newspaper; center 26.0HO acres finest agricultural land, now being colonized; crop failure, unknown; lots, $3.'i to :wo; lanilK. 118 to $4u; liberal terms; opening, mercantile minx, lonusiie and land salesmen wanted. l.ee-Norrls Co., Lees. Texas. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCV THAT WILL PAY YOU $15 TO 140 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OPPOR TUNITY OFFERED. GOOD PAY A 1' START AND RAPID INCREASE I'D WORKER. ADDRESS FOR PARTICU LARS, HOME CASUALTY CO. WE'VE the hottest 20c seller yet. Rarely less than three sales to a home. H ool farine Co., Pittsburg, Pu. WANTED One hundred salesmen to sell 42-piece dinner sets to the premium nude; we can pay larger commission and let you sell at less price than any Jobber In Amer ica. Applicants must state who they are traveling for and what counties in slate they cover, full composition of set they are selling and style of decoration; what quan tities sets are sold In, ns well as price and commission received. A good proposition t-J follow up. Positively no inexpet .diced ap plicants will be considered. Address Tne Direct Sales Co., Box No. 204, East Liver pool, Ohio. TWO or three coffee solicitors. Premiums advanced. Malone Coffee Co., 2111 Cuming St. 'Phone D. 1427. WANTED Fit t-class salesman for retail drug atore; good wages for good man; also neat soda dispenser. Sherman at McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circula tion manager. The Bee Publishing Co. GET A WATCH FREE. Send us $1 for six pairs of Mnnhelm Mendless Socks, guaranteed to wear six months without holes: show them to your friends and take orders for five boxes, enclosing money order for same and we will send you the five boxes Manhelni guaranteed hose and also this beautiful watch, stem wind and stem set, worth $1 snd guaranteed for one year. Manheim Agercy, 1756 Champa St., Denver, Colo. Boys. WANTED Boys for factory work; clean, light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co., East Omaha. BOY wanted. 1212 Douglas. Clerical aad nffioa. WANTED To correspond with compatent. reliable abstracter of titles, typewriter and good penman, desiring position. Address Adams County Abstract Co., Hastings, Neb. WANTED Young man for good office po sition, must be stenogiapher. Address Claim Department, Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company. Kaetorr aad Trad. WANTED Coatmaker at once; wire us collect. Buttrlck A Struts, Dallas. S. D. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knleat, Bee Bldg. TAILOR wanted. H. Livingston, 106 S. 14th St. WANTED Experienced wall paper sales man; retail business; state experience and reference. Address M 60, Bee. BUTTERMAKER WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPE TENT, UP-TO-DATE MAN FULLY ACQUAINTED WITH ALL DETAILS" IN MAKING CENTRALIZED" CREAMERY AND CAPABLE OF HAND LING MEN. IN REPLY, STATE EXPERIENCE, SAL ARY EXPECTED, AND REF ERENCES. ALL REPLIES HELD STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL. ADDRESS, Y 401, CARE BEE. GORDON PRESS feeder. 1213 Douglas. WANTED Experienced architectural draftsman. A. H. Dyer, Architect, Fre mont, Neb. WANTED Carpenters to work on coal chute; 35c and 40c per hour; six weeks' steady work. Apply or write Roberts & Schaefer Co., Hanardrn, la. Miscellaneous. I MADE $50,000 In five years with a small mail order business; began with $5. Send for free booklet!. Tells how. Heacock, 6067 Lot-kport, N. Y. "government em ploy e YVATJSD Write for Omaha examination schedule. Preparat.on free. Franklin Institute, gepu 187. O, Rochester, N. V. MAN for collecting and dtl'verlng Omaha, Council Bluffs. South o:naha. pieter one well acquainted with streets. References and bond required. Salary $15 per week. P. F. Collier Son, Paxton Block. WANTED- Men to learn barber trade; fn' ufeka rromiedr snlendlil Irdil fur tuinr Imin: he vour own boss: can stsi-i slim uii small capital or work $12 to $.1) iveekly; good demand for barbers; fui-ihr Informa nt n free. Muler Barber College, 110 S. 14th Su COMB and te our laige stock of plain sr.d fancy laughs. THE PARLOR THEA TRE. Matinee half price. IRMEN THE OLD RELI ABLE, i' N. it,tn. Suits to order. $15 YOUNG man to furnish team and drivel waknn tnrougn norqe country inn sen goods to farmers. State salary wanted. K-696, Bee. $100 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samples for big manufac turer, steady work. 8. Soneffer, treasurer, f 7 Chl-ago. HELP WANTED MAI.R AMY FKMA1.K. WANTED S good agents to work around city. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Hlock. On, aha. MAN OR WOMAN in each locality to follow our Instructions. Good pay, cash I , -. ,1 ' . .Kill . U, ,', U I kfeltl ttf' Paudota Mtg. Co., Loudon, Oat. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. BUGGIES, snrrles, stanhopes, runabouts, hlah class work, for sale cheap. 1117 Far nam. DELIVERY We have two ades high and medium. Rsclne Y Yf'f lVVl high grade. Three typts of IVaUUiViJ m I'd I urn priced wsgons. Get catalog. Johnson Denforth Co., IMh & Jones. BUGGY and South Omaha. harness cheap; 2116 J St., DELIVERY WAGONS l'esvy teaming, gear and farm wagons. 1117 Farnam St. FOR SALE Good, strong, covered laun dry wagon. $25. White, 212 N. 16lh. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 S. 14th. FINE wagon repairing. Frost, 714 S. 14th. HORSES for sale. 1413 Cap. Ave. D. 1S10 Cons, Birds, IIohs and Pets. FINE family cow; Just fresh. 43d and Center Sts. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear KM(I K""" MIX HARNEY. BOTH PIIONFS. A DRIVER'S route book; probably In Soulh Omaha. Reward if returned to Alamitii Santiary Dulry Co. t NEVER laughed so milch in my life as I did at the PARLOR THEATER. Alullne hall price. FOUND-Friday morning, nix miles north or r loretice, halt mile east or Kelly s uiKe. buckskin Horse. black mane and tall, weliths 900 pounds. Owner please call tor It A. Anderson, Florence, Neb. 'I'hone Florence 3ol5. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment at Cieiaiitoii Medical college, 14th anil uaven port Sis.; Hpt-cial attention paid to con tmemetit cases; all treatment supervised by college prolessors. Phone Douglas llOi. Calls answered, day or night. DRS. STIVERS ft STIVERS. Formerly the Raoium Medical and Surgi cal Institute, now suite , Patterson BIock All chronic diseases for men and women Consultation and examination free. We give the radium treatment. BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid, sncrman V McConnell Drug Co., Omanu. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 50c, pustpalu; sample free. .Sherman E McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY ANU CHATTELS isMsmwwsrisjjsiji MKwwssssjimwjmwj " Could You Use $5U.0U J To a Good Advantage 1 mi down and sum up ait your pins, putting those of the butcher, the $ t grocer, tne rent man, tne furniture it $v stoie, etc., ail in one amount; then s come and see us and give us an op- M portuniiy to explain our plan tor help- to ing you to pay your bills. $4 tt We will loan you the money to pay it W your bills. it is far better to have all your debts ii In one piace. J$ It will be easier to make payments $ ii on one debt than many. $$ ii We will loan you money on your fur- u ii niture, piano, team, fixtures, ware- tl ii house receipts or other personal prop- $$ $$ erty of value without removal. $ $$ All business strictly confidential. ii lour payments win be so small you s$ $$ will not feel them, and you can have $$ $$ fifty weeks to pay off your loan, if ii it you wish. $1 $$ $1.20 Is the weekly payment on a $50 ii ii loan ror fifty weeks. $S Other amounts in same proportion. $$ $$ Loans made in all parts of the city. If $$ $3 you need money, call on or write us !$ $t and our agent will call on you. $$ $$ $$ W STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO., $$ ! $$ $$ Room 12, Arlington Blk., 1.M1H Dodge. $$ $$ 'Phone Douglas 24R6. $$ itttmtttttit$m$tt$tm$ itt$ittmmtmttmmt "HjiwMJsMimimm $$$$$$i$$$t$$u$$$$$s$s Notice to the Public No More High Rates $10 to $1,000 LOANED ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANOS AND SALARIES. THIS IS A NEW FIRM Organised by the REPUTABLE BUSI NESS MEN of this city to protect honest working people in need of temporary help from the extortionate charges of the so-called loan com panies. We will loan you all the money you want and charge you only 10 per cent a year. THIS MEANS YOU PAY $ 1.00 interest on $ 10 for 1 year. 2.00 Interest on 25 for 1 year. 10.00 Interest on 100 for 1 year, and all other sums In proportion. Easy Weekly or Monthly payments. Rea sonable Appraisement Charges. A glance at the above rates will con vince you how much you save by dealing with us. NO RED TAPE-NO DELAY. Money in your pocket within an hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WITH NELL BLDG., 'Phone Doug, 5045. lath and Harney. $mmttt.tmmttsttt$ smmmmtmsmm.. $$$$n$$$$$$m$$$w$$$M$$$$$?$$$i$$$t$$$$s$$$$ CHEAP LOANS $$ on Furniture, Piano or Salary. $ H YOU BORROW , $10.00 you pay back $11.(0 ( ii )2ti.ou you pay back l-'.'W j it sou. 00 you pay back .,4.oo t, $ NO OTHER CHARGE. t OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., It Room 501. Brown Block. it ii 207 S. Win St., Cor. Douglas St . f ii 'Phones: Douglas 2tu;; A 20 ! 1 t?$mmH4$UttM:!mfmM LOOK!!! LOOK!!! THE OPEN DOOR TO RELIEF. If you owe a loan company now, come In and get our terms on tne same amount for tne time time. Weil lend it to you lor less. NO APPRAISEMENT FEE or other charges. LOOK!!! LOOK!!! The Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., for eighteen years at 113 Bonrd of Trade Building. Telephone Douglas 221. MONEY MONEY MONEY We will loan you any amount on your FURNITURE, PIANOS ami LIVE STOCK or any other rhattel SECURITY. We positively have the lowest rates In Omaha CALL and CONVINCE YOURSELF. BUSI NESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 7 Crounse Block, Corner ISth and Capitol Opposite Postofflce. B-jtli Phones, Douglas 1356; A-1356. Salary and Furniture Loans at positively the LOWEST RATES, quicker rier Ire and MUST ('OfFI I ENTI A L DEAL of any In llio city. Patronize the B1GGKHT ANU BEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Third Floor, 307- Paxton Block. Douglas 1411 anil A-llll. VJVV LOANED ON CHATTEL." .HJ.lil AND SALARIES. Easiest lerms and lowest rates obtainable, OMAHA TRUST CO., 4T7 Hoard of Trade Bldg DIAMOND I Ai TaNSA iVi" W. C. FLAT A U, Tel. Red 6619. 1..I4 Dodge. MONEY LOANED SAIA RI ED PEOPLE WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without secirUy; easy payments. Offices In ; prlnclpsl cities. Tolmsn. room 6l3NewJork JifeHldg. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO. cleans your carpets and floors. Electric vacuum system. 3u fo. 17th. Tel. D. WJ. MOVING AND HOUSECLEANING tcntinu"d 1 IM T1'P 1 VVJ Cleaned, day work dmi LtlVlillAO phone Douglas 4S2J. WHITEWASHING, plaster patching, storm windows, screens put on and tskni down, cleaning. Tel. flarney 3K1. McRm i EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enport Sts., warehouse, 220'-W lxard SL STOVES stored. Ranee. 1611 N. 24th Pt. " 1)f I IT V1V 1 1 A V K YOUR FURNl 1U 11 lYUlV TI RE REPAIRED ANU UPHOLSTERED. 2906! FARNAM. H. 3110. WHAT la the use of taking tip your car pets when yuu can have them cleaned on the flour In a few hours? Free estimates given. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., A DougUs block, 107 S. ltilh St. 'liiones: Doug. 74j; Ind. A-1HJ6. Across from Hayden s. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. Omaha Van t Storage Co., S. Lth St. Tel. D. 156, lnd. A-1559. STORAGE; reasonable rates, prompt serv ice. Colo's Exp., 1616 Cupltol. D. 6T0, A-.tH37. OFFERED FUfi HENT Board and Rooina. IIAVERLY HOTEL. 2310 M St., Am. plam bath; 1.& day; weekly, $5 up; meals, Ao! LARGE south front rooin, Vvoil board. In private home, for couple of young men. Tel. Harney 34N2. 2H5S Dewey Ave. . LARGE east front room, large bay win. dow and alcove; aultable for two or thiee, gei. tit-men; also smaller rooms; boaul reasonable, 3ot S.'2oih SI. THE best place in town for young men. double and single looms; walking dis tance; all hoine cooking and plenty to it; terms reasonable; references. Address 2M Cass St. ROOMS, good board. 1S12 Chicago St. 710 S. 18TH Nice, clean board; home cooking; rates. room; with ROOMS and board. 10C6 Georgia Ave. TWO large front, also side room, with private entrance; laige porch ami lawn; excellent board. 2110 Uouglas. TWO newly furnished rooms, with tablu boaid. IMS Capuoi Ave. Douglas 776S. ROOM and board for iRdy In private family; modern. L14 Nicholas St.. 2d floor. ROOM and beard In private famliy; close In. 41o N. 23d. ROOM and board, 3070 Mason St. Harney S686. DESIRABLE furnished board. 124 S. 25th Ave. rooms, with CLEAN rooms and tabls board. Doug. 6324. 2215 Howard Si. TWO small connecting rooms for tw i ladles or gentlemen; also huge front room.' Reference. J918 Cass. Phone D. 1476. URGE alcove room wtlh board; modern. 2103 Douglas. NICE rooms, excellent board, German (Christian) family, $5.00. 1SU Capitol Ave. ROOMS and board. 3070 Mason. Tel. Har ney 36J. ELEGANT suite of rooms, best of tablo board; all modern conveniences; private home; married couple or three or four men. liiont- Harney 45. NICELY" furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; close in. 618 S. 19lh. ROOM AND BOARD 8070 Mason St. Harney 3G86. Foralsbed Rooms. LARGE, airy, comfortable, two baths, few quiet roomers, laige porch, lawn, $i0 and $15. Douglas 3091. 2J24 Harney. NICELY furnished front rooms on fltst floor; modern; sui'able tor man and wife or two gentlemer. 2964 Harney St. PRIVATE family, room with alcove and other rooms. 2567 SU Mary's Ave. ONE large furnished room for one or two gentlemen at 60S S. 25th Ave. Tele phone Douglas 6381. ONE or two good furnished rooms, mod ern, walking distance. 2jl6 Dewey Ave. Douglas 7506. MODERN furnished front rpom, private famliy. 2776 Burt St. Tel. H. 645J. CLEAN parlor room for rent to lady, $3 week. 209 N. 20th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2406 Cuming St. FURNISHED rooms, $7 to $10. 2215 Cali fornia bt. Tel. Douglas 4479. , MODERN room. 538 S. 24th St. NEWLY ' furnished front room suitable for two, with private family. 2614 Dodge. DODO HOTEL Large outside, ana team heat In every room: rates or week. WARM rooms, $S per week; Crea bata. Ogdea Hotel, Cuuucll Bluffs. FURNISHED rooms tor geuUemeak lit t. UIU stu- 'the Chatham. A nice large room on 1st floor; pleasan: surroundings and with private family; suit able fur two gentlemen. 723 8. 25th Ave. KLKUANT froLc room, fiae furniture, sja ti. tuia. Mo alga 00 aouaa, TWO furnished rooms, enaulte, very cen tral. Inquire 1506 Farnam, Id floor. LARGE, airy, comfortable, two baths: few quiet roomers; large porch, lawn; V and $15. Doug. 3091. 2JZ4 Harney. j TWO rooms, strictly modern, six blocks from postoftlce. 506 N. 2utli kit. DEWItr European Hotel. Uth at Fax am, ELEGANTLY furnished, lares rooms: all modern; private house. Red VS. 18U Chi- i cago. TWO large rooms, one with alcove; board If deslreo ; private. 114 S. luth St. FURNISHED rooms; house new; plenty hot water. 316 N. 19th. TWO furnished front rooms, with priv ilege of bath. 2210 Seward. Webster 4601. Thf Gponriil Flrar-cfias family hotel. AIRS VJCUlgia i(m Cieuigla , Av. H-&4L NICE furnished room; gentlemen pre ferred. 2h54 Dodge. NICELY furnished front rooms; modern. 202 N. Uth St. SUITE of 2 rooms and one other large room; nlceiy furnished; modem. 1617 Capi tol Ave. SINGLE rooms, $2 week; modern. 2111 Douglas St. ONE single and one front room; modern. 201 S. 24th St. LARGE, nicely furnished front room and alcove, Mini piano; Bii ctiy modern, nice bain, plenty 01 not water; both lelepnones; no objection 10 practice or music of any kino, Ju, waikiiia nisiamt, car one block ijLi el. .jsi s Ave. TWO elegantly furnished apartments in the Column upaii nie.ina. . cot ner 10iu and xv imam si re. Is. v. FA ti a A M SAiiill Co., 13-jo Fat nam. FURNIf-HKIi icioiii In new, inodeTi) ana. in, t in house to one or two Indies r ni p,oo inning tne day. References. Teie pliono R'd i7nc. 1 REAUTIFI L suite of nicely furnlslwr! rooms in rasnionnhie residence uikIi,ci. aIsj iin,ie loom 11 dcslicd. aiking uii.taii ai,o 011 car line. Modem conveniences, SB ciiiillng u-e or phone, tiuoit hoard nearlj Amur. .;.! I'aiK Ave. -. . . ... .. ROOMS, both lari! ami small. 110v.it pup. 1. 11 ami reiiuvctteil, In-.ck building .modern, walking dihianee. :'iii iiarney STRICTLY modern furnished rooms fn geiitu nit n. 116 i. ;'i,ili FURNISHED or unf ui uu-heJ rooms, nar car line, :.(Ci S. 19th. MODERN rooms for 2, i or 4, separate beda If Utstreu. .017 iiarney. MODERN furnlalied rooina. 211 S. 23ih St. NICELY furnished room; all modern; I n'y lawn anu aouut.. 2.1u N. 22d ntAJ'nuii , v tii.irr 43.6. ti TWO looms, sullaole lor foul. N- iJ 1