Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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    TIIK BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 1fi. 1010.
'Vwii umaiia Daily Hee.
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Kiaie of Neuraska, Douglas County, as.:
Ueorg B. Xxsohuck. treasurer of The
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
aaya that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Daily, Morning,
Evening and Nunday Be printed during the
month of April. 1U10. waa aa follows:
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fcubicrlbed In my presence and sworn to
(for me this 2d day of May, la 10.
Notary Public,
Bahaertber leafing; the city tem
porarily should have Tue lira
mailed to them. Addresses will be
changed aa often aa requested.
' Oh p3haw, lloaton wants that Pan
ama exposition!
The suggestion of airships for police
men must be a move to elevate tho law.
" Heavenly Houston" la alliterative,
but not so impressive so long as It is
in Texas.
Why may we not look for an early
literary production on "Sumo Kings 1
Have Met?"
The mere signature which the new
Tting will use, "By Oeorge," ought to
show emphasis.
. If congress adjourns jutie 4, its
members will have ample time for their
Chautauqua engagements.
Mr. Taft admits he wrote the Bal
llnger exonerations. Now, what are
you going to do about it?
Events of the last few days might
have suggested that the comet's tall
may be made of ice instead of fire.
No one should expect children to be
sane on the. Fourth unti: grown-up city
councils set a common Ben3e example.
"Sinking the Saltlllo" sounds so
much like sinking the stiletto that one
all but forgets the horror of a watery
Mr. Bryan's water wagon does not
seem to be as popular with his fellow
democrats as an ordinary street
An epidemic of mumps la reported
from one thriving Nebraska town.
Can it be that the water supply there
is contaminated?
If Colonel Watterson's fear Is well
founded, then Colonel rtoosevelt 18
doing Just right to get all the tips he
can on how to be a king.
When Senator Depew objects to be
ing classed ns a humorist, his wish
should be respected, particularly since
there 1b no re a un for not complying.
The press dispatches say those were
black doors that clanged behind the
four Pittsburg grafters. The color la
of little consequence, though, after a
man is In Jail.
An eastern contemporary says the
kaiser has one distinct advantage over
the colonel, being a grandfather. Is
that an advantage? Mr. Bryan U sev
eral times a grandfather.
Labor Commissioner Maupin Is com
plaining because Police Judge Craw
ford does not run his court to suit
him. It is barely possible that Mr.
Maupin does not run his office the way
other folks think It anould be run.
If the Jeff Johnson affair should tall
through because of a failure to agree
on a referee or for any other reason,
sports of that species ought not to ask
the public to put any further confi
dence in the good faith of price fight
ers. But perhaps Its only part of the
free advertising game.
' Texas la about to spring a candidate
(or presidency whose name la Cone
Johnson, and all he lacks of being
eligible la the election to the governor-
Jip of the Lone Star state, for which
fa Is now running. What the people
p here will want to know la, has
Brother Johnson made his peace with
Getting; Cloier.
Whllo It Is never safe to count
chickens before they are hatched, the
prospects seem to be brightening for
more harmonious action by all the ele
ments of republicanism In congress in
support of the legislative measures that
make up the administration program.
President Taft tag never despaired of
uniting the republicans In both houses
for tho practical performance of plat
form pledges, and has displayed in
finite patience and tolerance in his
efforts to Impress upon all factions
what they owe to their party and to
the country. If the results of his White
House conference prove to be as Indi
cated In the reported agreement for
concert of action, the remainder of the
session will be devoted to doing things.
The assurance that the republican
majority will pull together with the
president will 'of course be disquieting
to the democrats whose entire efforts
have been directed toward splitting the
republican ranks and putting obstacles
In the way of the president's recom
mendations as their only hope of demo
cratic success at the coming elections.
The insincerity of the democratic pro
fessions has been more than once
demonstrated, most notably when the
postal savings bill went through the
senate with the vote of every democrat
but one recorded against it, In spite of
previous protestations of friendliness
to It. If the republicans line up for the
Taft program of legislation, the demo
crats will be again in a similarly
awkward position.
What of the Maine?
Whether it was SpaniHh perfidy or
American carelessness that causad the
destruction of the American battleship
twelve year's ago and led to the war
with Spain or not :an now have little
effect upon relations between the two
countries, but it is nonetheless desir
able that the wreck be raised and the
fault fixed If possible. This shojld be
done, If for no other reason, to hush
the cry that the United States has not
dared do it for fear of consequences
and, further, it should be done to bring
the remains of tho brave soldiers who
sank with the ship to the surface for an
honored burial at Arlington.
It is sheer folly, though, for any na
tion to indulge the sentiment that the;
sinking of the Maine alone provoked
the war between the United States and
Spain. War was seemingly Inevitable
and the havoc in Havana harbor did no
more than hasten it. Spanish cruelties
In Cuba caused this war and the Ameri
can government's altruistic conduct in
first freeing Cuba from a tyranny that
had become intolerable and then estab
lishing social order and political lib
erty is all the Justification that it will
ever need. The United States set out
to do certain things for Cuba's salva
tion and it has done precisely what it
said it would do. Should Investigation
now prove that It waa not Spanish
perfidy, but" American negligence that
destroyed the Maine, the result could
not possibly have any terlous effect,
because the powers of the world have
long ago affirmed America's action In
this crisis.
Some engineers believe the action of
the water in these twelve years will not
have seriously affected the wreck, so
that as much evidence bearing on the
cause of it will be available as at the
outset. If such Is the case It will do no
harm to let Spaln'be represented by an
expert engineer when the raising takes
Trade Schools for Girli.
A school where poor girls may learn
trades that will Increase their wage
earning power has been established in
New York and seems to be working
with promising reBults. It is yet in
the experimental stage, but if it proves
ultimately a success it may become the
first step toward the extension of the
scope of public school education in a
very practical direction.
There is a tragic side to the shop
girl's life which the founders of this
school recognize and which, if this
kind of training succeeds, may be ma
terially lessened In its power of evil.
Lack of material comforts has a great
deal to do with many social wrongs,
and so this project is more social or
moral than industrial. It undertakes
to teach the girl a trade, or at least
give her a working knowledge In the
rudiments of a trado that will make
her services worth more than she
otherwise would have to take. There
Is no thought of instilling false no
tions of manual labor, but Just the
contrary. The Idea is not to teach the
girl that she is too good for any kind
of service, though it may sometimes
seem menial, but to irupres3 her with
I he fact that if she must earn hor own
living, she must fit herself to earn a
decent one, one that will pay her
wages that will keep her above the
"danger line" socially..
The argument is often made that
most glrl3 who work for wages Insuf
ficient to meet all their expenses live
at home and do not have to meet
them all. That may be true to some
extent, but that very fact is an argu
ment in favor of increasing the girl's
earning power, for her willingness to
work for an Inadequate wage lowers
the general level and places the girl
who has no home or who cannot live
at home at a fatal disadvantage.
Thus far the chief difficulty en
countered by the New York school is
to get girls who need the instruction
and who at the same time can go with
out work and wages long enough to
learn. Most of them come and stay
such a srrt time that they got little
benefit frtm the training, but plans are
being made to deal with this problem.
The feeling Is that in the larger cities
at any rate this system of education
must be made popular and then It will
probably extend to the smaller cities.
Of Its practicability there tan be no
Airihips Need More Than Air.
The announcement that Colonel John
Jacob Aator has determined to promote
aerial navigation Is good news, for the
kind of promotion he will give Is pre
cisely what the new enterprise needs.
Air Is the first essential, but not the
final one In the ultimate success of fly
ing through space. This method of
locomotion, like all others that wd have
tried In this country, calls for the sup
port of something a little more sub
stantial than air.
It Is said that Mr. Astor proposes to
put up a cup for a race in America and
to supplement this award with "sub
stantial'' cash prizes. Such stimulus
and assistance by men of immense
fortunes la what must be enlisted be
fore this wonderful science may be
wrought out to any practical benefit.
The fact that Colonel Astor is an en
thusiast in airships gives even greater
encouragement, for he is not likely to
require any prodding, but, on the other
hand, will attract the attention of other
men of large wealth and possibly
arouse a sort of friendly rivalry that
will be extremely helpful to the pio
neers in the business.
We are still far from any satisfac
tory standard of efficiency In flying
through air, but the mere demonstra
tion that such a thing is possible In
sures eventual success. It waa difficult
to awaken national Interest In the
scheme at first, for the reason that
most people believed flying could never
become more than experimental, but
now that public confidence has been
quickened all are coming to the point
where they are at least willing to be
Crossing; Bridges.
Recent court decsions have made it
certain that Omaha will have to re
define its relations with several of Its
public service corporations very
shortly. These corporations are now
using our streets for the transaction
of their business merely by tolerance
and so long as this state of affairs con
tinues it will naturally be unsatisfac
tory. The credit of the corporations
as money borrowers is Impaired, and
the rights of patrons and public un
defined. Only two solutions are so far pro
posed either the voting of some kind
of a franchise or municipal ownership
and operation by the city itself. Yet,
even so, there is no use trying to cross
bridges before we get to them. What
these corporations want will doubtless
be formulated in a written petition to
the mayor and council, and only when
we know what prlvllegeB are demanded
by them can we tell whether they are
asking too much and how far, these
demands must be modified.
If the city and the franebised cor
poration managers cannot get together
on terms that look reasonable and fair
and that would be acceptable to the
people as a whole, tho alternative of
refusing to grant any franchise and
resort to municipal self-service will be
worth considering. In this case the
city must be on the watch to drive the
best bargain it can get, and occupying
the strategic position It does, it
ought to be able to protect itself fully
and make sure that our people suffer
from no one-sided proposition.
It turns out that an overpayment
from $12,000 to $15,000 made by Ne
braska corporations who were re
quired to pay their corporation taxes
based on authorized Instead of actu
ally issued capital stock, will have to
be reimbursed by special act of the
coming legislature. This point was
raised before the corporation tax law
went Into effect and corporations
which tendered the proper fee had
their checks returned with the demand
for the Illegal excess. Whoever Is re
sponsible for this enforced contribu
tion should be legally liable for Us re
turn, but the chances are that some
enterprising lobbyist will pick off a
percentage for persuading the legisla
ture to pay back the" money which
should never have been collected.
Senator Bailey Is not our kind of a dem
ocrat. World-Herald.
Come now, did not Senator Bailey
head the Texas delegation to the Den
ver convention that laid down the
democratic creed? And if by accident
the editor of our local democratic con
temporary should get into the United
States senate, will he not line up from
the start behind Senator Bailey, who
1b the real democratic leader of the
senate, and go through whatever paces
the Texas senator may command?
Mr. Bryan 1b going to hire a hall to
unbosom himself of his political prog
nostications to the "faithful" In
lOruaha. If be had only pursued the
same plan In Nebraska City the dem
ocratic county board of Otoe county
would have had no opportunity to re
fuse him the free use of the county
court house for a back Are on their
legislative members.
The complaint of census enumera
tors that they are underpaid is unques
tionably well grounded, although a few
enumerators seem to have gotten on
the list who would be overpaid no
matter how much they received. But
big pay or little pay, enumerators took
the Jobs of their own accord and
should deliver the goods as beat they
know how.
A small part of hat $30,000,000
which the Burlington la to put out
would be profitably invested in paying
half the cost of a subway to connect
the two passenger stations at Omaha.
To go from one to the other is bo an
noying and inconveuient to travelers
coming Into Omaha on one road and
going out on another.
Omaha will welcome a big, new
modern hotel when It really arrives,
but would prefer to have it built of
Btone, brick and steel rather than
merely on paper. The hotel Is com
ing, but there is nothing to be gained
In getting too far ahead of the game.
It was plainly a mistake to put Sir
Ernest Shackelton's lecture on In
Omaha's big Auditorium. The only
sure way to All that great temple of
art and learning Is to pull off a fake
wrestling match or to distribute free
tickets to an automobile show.
It has Just been discovered that Mr.
Aldrlch's retirement Is due to the re
cent vlBlt. to Washington of those
belligerent suffragettes. That being
the case, hie friends cannot blame him. Ptatlroffa the Thing.
8t. Paul Pioneer Press.
Representative Pmlth of Iowa has a bill
In congress to prohibit papers from pub
lishing accounts of prise flghta or pictures
of prise fighters. He probably thinks the
space should be devoted to the congres
sional scttos.
Athletic Ideals Overdone.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Athletics in a mild measure are good for
any one, but It is not the whole of life to
be the best halfback or pitcher, the best
tennis player or bowler. These things we
ought yet to have done and not to have
left the other undone. The real complaint
against our colleges Is that they are not
able to give young men those ideals and
those ambitions which are going to be of
best service, not only to them, but to so
ciety, when they get Into the fierce con
flict where the fittest alone survive.
Foolish People Tempt Danaer.
Sioux City Tribune.
It Is to be regretted that there were
so many casualties among: the people who
insisted on getting close enough to have
a good view of what would happen when a
powder magazine blew up. There is excuse
for conservatism In the tear shedding, how
ever. With so many opportunities for over
loading tho gasoline launch and rocking the
row boat and fooling with unloaded fire
arms, It Is a reasonable assumption that
few of these foolish ones would have come
through tho summer In any event.
Boosting; Freight Kates.
Philadelphia Record.
It is evident that the railroads of the
country are determined to Increase their
charges. The excuse Is that they have
had to raise wages and that materials
cost them more. But their net earnings
have been Increasing at a rate that
breaks the force of this plea. The real
reason Is the belief of the managers ttaat
they can get more' money out of ship
pers. If they will eliminate all discrimi
nations and treat all parts of the coun
try with equal fairness there will be less
disposition to complain because freight
charges are IB to 26 per cent higher than
they have been.
Good Krinllt Photon In House Hall
road Bill.
Now that the administration railroad bill
as amended In the house has parsed that
body by a large majority the outlook for
other Important bills on the administration
program naturally Is thought to be ex
tremely good. The' postal savings bank
bill, the conservation bill authorising with
drawals of public lands from entry and
the bill limiting the power of federal courts
in the granting of injunctions have such
a force of public opinion behind them
that congress would be rash Indeed not to
enact them In accepable form. Passage
or the railroad bill In the senate Is n fore
gone conclusion and adjustment of differ
ences in conference presumably will not be
difficult. .
An effort is being made to show that In
surgent republicans In the house who voted
for the railroad bill changed their atti
tude toward the administration by so doing.
On the contrary, they merely proved the
truth of the frequent assertions that they
are seeking good legislation and are
anxious to co-operate with the president.
By their efforts the railroad bill has bsen
materially Improved. . If objectionable fea
tures which they had stricken out are not
restored In conference and If uweful addi
tions whloh they caused to be made to the
bill are not sacrificed when Mr. Aldrlch
takes command and the last touches are
given to the measure the country will
profit materially by their work.
The progressives have secured Important
results in various ways thus far In the
session and are likely to produce other im
portant results before it adjourns. Though
the regulars are feverishly eager to save
their faces by misrepresenting the attitude
anad the achievements of the Insurgents,
the country Is not likely to be deceived as
to the value of the services rendered by
the latter.
Extravagance anil Waste Meuaee to
the Nation.
James J. Hill In World's Work.
The laws of conservation are everywhere
few and plain. As the way to resume spe
cie payments was to resume, so the way
to conserve capital is to quit wasting it.
Material resources are conserved by taking
steps to stop their destruction. Just so the
wealth of the country, Its capital, Its credit,
must be saved from the predatory poor as
well as the predatory rich, but above all
from the predatory politician. Nothing lens
Is worthy of honest met) or of a people liv
ing under a government of their own fash
ioning and control.
The Ideal of intelligent economy must be
restored; let the rule be that every dollur
unprofltably spent marks a crime against
prosperity Just as much as does the dissi
pation of material resources.
Expenditure must be cut down all along
the line, since a comparison with twenty
year ago shows that It might be cut In two
without Injury to any real Interest.
Credit everywhere should be conserved
by a sharp scrutiny of new bund Issues. The
nation should reserve them for the crisis
of war. No state need ever borrow again
If It Is wisely and honestly governed. The
city that has fifty years of corporate life
behind It, or has found It necessary to re
fund any portion of Its bonded debt, In
stead of paying at maturity, should be slow
to draw upon Its credit or mortgage the
Uvea of Its children yet unborn.
Stop grafting, the offspring of public ex
travagance and the parent of civic decay;
not only the gross form that robs treas
uries, but the more subtle and more dan
gerous species that Infects the masses of
the people themselves.
Individual and public economy; a Just dis
tinction between a nigh standard of com
fort on one aide and vulgar ostentation or
criminal waste on the other; a check on
Income wafting, debt creation and credit
Inflation these are the essentials of the
new and better conservation.
Around New York
klpplea the Current of lift
aa Been la the Oreat Amsrlcea
Metropolis from Bay to Say.
Filled with n singing ambition to shine
among "the finest," one Joseph Hocker
ralltd upon Major Oaynor and laid his
hopes before him. Hocker Is a big man
physically, a modern giant In height and
flesh and of moderate mental equipment.
He said he wanted to be a policeman and
was afraid he might not pass the mental
examination. The major "slied him up"
and sent him to the chairman of the Civil
Service board with this suggestive note:
"This will introduce to you Mr. Joseph
Hocker, who wants to be a policeman. He
says he has undergone the physical exam
ination and passed, but fears your mental
test. He Is certainly a physical giant, six
feet five inches tall, and I trust he Is a
mental giant also, because we are In need
of the latter kind on the police force.
"He Is too big for the detective force;
he could not go anywhere without bring
seen. Is there no way to get a few little
men, even hunchbacks and 'singed oats,'
on the police force so that we can make
detectives of them?
"We do no need giants for detectives.
We are more In ned of little fellows who
can go through keyholes and knotholes,
and If they have eyes In the back of their
heads also, all the better."
The arrest of "Oomv the Omnipotent,"
chief fakir of a cult recruited from among
feeble-minded women, calls attention to the
grent Increase in charlatanism In the
metropolis. "Even the casual observer of
our da,lly life," comments the Tribune,
"must be struck by the Increasing evi
dence of a rapidly spreading revival of
the old belief In fortune telling In all of
Its forms, old and new, chiefly among
women. The ancient practice Is disguised
under new names for the benefit of the
cultured. Of these aura reading' appears
to be the latest, but crystal gazing, tarot
cards, palmistry (which may be classed
with forgotten phrenology), astrology,
clairvoyance and trance mediumshlp more
than hold their own, while at the bottom
the European peasant witch's divination by
tea leaves and coffee grounds still flour
ishes, the latter, by the way, a method
of comparatively recent origin, since cof
fee was not Introduced In Europe until the
end of the eighteenth century- The latest
revival of superstition Is also the worst
jet. that of belief In the woman with the
'death thought,' the caster of spells, the
Arab, Jr.. the 10-week-old baby camel of
the Bronx xoo. kicked his bedclothes around
too much Saturday night and crushed one
of his little toes against the footboard.
Camels have only two toes to each foot,
but they' are' sensitive, especially on the
young animals. So Dr. W. Reld Blair, the
veterinary, was summoned early to the en
closure where Arab, Jr., and his mamma
were confined.
The keepers didn't know exactly what
the trouble was, but they were sure some
thing was wrong, for beautiful large tears
streamed in floods down mamma's hairy
cheeks as she gently cuddled the poor little
"Junior." who couldn't stand up.
Dr. Blair soon discovered the trouble.
He amputated the broken toe and put on
a soft bandage. The little camel stopped
whimpering almost Immediately, and his
mother dried her tears.
"Get your . binnacles, mates, and see Hal
lev's comet. Onlv II each." announced a
peddler who sells wares to sailors, and he
stood In" Washington street. Hoboken.
Piet Heln and Eduard Marken, firemen
on the steamer New Amsterdam of the
Holland-American line, happened along and
turned a weather ear to him.
"Every landlubber knows about the
comet," the peddler said. "You fellows
who sail the seas aren't going to let them
get ahead of you, are you? Halley says
his discovery will set sail at 5 a. m. Here
are the glasses and they would be cheap
at half the price."
The sailors said they would probably be
up and doing at 5 o'clock- anyway, so they
parted with 1 each and pocketed the
At the stated hour they took up a posi
tion in front of the New Amesterdam's pier
and aimed their purchases heavenward.
Then they discovered their "glasses" were
brass tubes with Isinglass at the ends.
They adjourned to a place where they
partook of liquid refreshment and talked
It over.
Heln and Marken were In the sailors'
Sunday parade In Washington street. As
luck would have It they spied the peddler
and swooped down on him like a man-o'-war
on a fisherman. They quickly In
formed him In German that they would
show him a comet. He afterward said they
kepttheir word.
A crowd gathered and a policeman asked
the peddler if he wished to make a com
plaint. He declined to and said he only
wanted to live and forget. He declared
his Intention of confining his sales to neck
ties, key rings and the like In the future.
"We caught him with the goods on."
said Detective Muggey to Magistrate Bar
low, In the Tombs court, when he ar
raigned Thomas Qulgley, a former convict,
on the charge of working the "pocketbook
dropping" game. The pocketbook contained
a confederate 11.000 bill- and was dropped in
front of an Immigrant.
"Produce tire evidence," said the court.
"We can't," explained Muggey. "When
I pinched him he swallowed the bill."
"Swallowed the corpus delicti, eh?" said
Mr. Barlow. "Three months on the Island."
"The richest meal I ever had," said
Is New York City growing? Has It still
a transportation problem? Take notice.
In the last year the subways alone car
ried KiO.TM.'JCl paid passengers, an Increase
of 35,7T7,"H8 over the business of the year
before; a percentage of Increase of 18.10.
And In the next year, It will carry more
passengers still.
tthirtlnar the l.nnil.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Along with the announcement that the
New York Central railroad has raised the
pay of 6.000 employes 30 per cent, comes
the word that the Boston & Main road
has determined upon a 30 per cent Increase
In passenger fares, and Judging from the
talk other railroads are planning similar
Increases In both passenger and freight
rates. From this It would seem that a
large share of the Increased burden Im
posed upon the railroads by higher wages
will have to be borne, after all, by the
riding public and the shipper.
British Henahlle Rainbow.
Boston Transcript.
Those Americans who at every change of
sovereigns in Great Britain speculate as to
the coming of a British republic should
make a note of the declaration of Philip
Kuowden, a leading IaboHte member of
Parliament: "No member of the labor
party attacks the monarchy." His further
declaration: "We are a democratic paW
nut republicans," Is luminous of a distinc
tion many Americans overlook when they
confound radical success In Great Britain
with hostility to the monarchical principle.
An Arirfradam tn History Xnw la the
St. Louis Republic.
Thackeray died too soon. Ills "Four
Georges" will presently need an addendum
and a title change to make it known as
"Five Georges." If the cable advices from
London depicting In severe outlines the
character and aspirations of the new king
have any approximation to truth, what
hand but Thackeray's could do Justice to
the addendum?
It Is unfair to assume that the career of
the fifth George will demand the same sort
of treatment already given to the four
Georges, but, none the less, the name he
takes on his ascension has sinister associa
tions In America and no very enlivening
associations In England and other parts
of the world.
The first George brought to England not
only male and female favorites of scandal
ous lives, but a horde of lesser Hanoverians
who exploited the country for their own
benefit and sold offices. War at home and
abroad marked the reign of the second
George. Culloden In Scotland was fought
during this reign and England waa drawn
Into the seven years' war.
The events leading to the loss of the
American states were not the only dis
graceful things about the reign of the third
George. Corruption throughout England
reached a pitch never equaled In any
American state capital or city hall. He
was Insane for years. The fourth George,
known to some as the "first gentleman of
Europe," a title that caused Thackeray to
seoff, the George of Beau Brummel and
Mrs. Fltsherbert, was a pretty tough cltt
sen If all accounts are true.
One thing vouchsafed to these Georges
has been long life. Some of them were
late In coming to the throne, but In spite
of the Irregularities and excesses of their
lives they seem tq hang on. If George V,
now 46, should survive only as long as
the youngest of the other four at the time
of death, he has twenty-two years of reign
before him. George ill waa 82 at the time
he died.
Moves for More Economical Distribu
tion of Keeeaanrlea.
Boston Herald.
One beneficial result of the agitation
over the increased cost of living has been
a determined Inquiry Into the cost of dis
tribution of commodities. Between the
money received by the producer and the
price charged the consumer there Is a
wide gap. If that can be closed, the cost
to the consumer can be reduced, and there
Is a reasonable belief that with Improved
methods of business organization, of hand
ling and transportation, such a reduction
Is feasible. In New York legislation has
been proposed providing means for Investi
gation directed at this phase of the cost
of living problem, and for a permanent
Btate authority for the correction of un
just practices if such exist. Here In Massa
chusetts the proposed commerce commis
sion would have similar powers of In
vestigation. This la not a mere theory, but
a problem of sound business economy. Pri
vate enterprise seeks to eliminate every
unnecessary expense In Its processes of in
dustry and trade. There is no reason why
society, through Its established agencies,
should not adopt a similar policy and
make the process front producer to con
sumer as direct and economical as pos
sible. Our Birthday Book
Kay 18, 1910.
Levi P. Morton, vies president of the
United States under President Harrison,
was born May ifi, 1S24. at Shoreham. Vt,
and Is therefore ciebratlng his eighty
sixth birthday today, Mr. Morton Is head
of the banking house of his name In New
York, and has been In the public service
In several capacities. Including governor of
New York and minister to Fiance.
Joseph Medill McCormdck, now publisher
and controller of the Chicago Tribune, Is
33 years old. He was born In Chicago, and
Is the grandson of Joseph Medill, who first
made the Tribune famous.
Charles F. Weller, president of the Rich
ardson Drug company, was born May 16,
1S44, In Jefferson county, Ohio, He Is a
graduate of Duff's college, and served with
distinction In the union army during the
war. He cam to Omaha from St. Louis
in 1&87 as manager of the Richardson Drug
company, and has been president of the
corporation for the last twelve years.
Dr. Charles F. Crowley, professor of
ehemistry In the Crelghton Medical college,
Is 41. He was born In Detroit, Mich., and
educated at the University of Michigan.
Dr. Crowley waa professor of chemistry In
Detroit college before he came to Omaha
In 1904, and Is also city chemist now.
John R. Dumont of the firm of J. H.
Dumont &. Co., teal estate and Insurance,
was born In Omaha May 16. 184. He Is a
graduate of the Omnha High school and
studied also at the University of Nebraska.
Cediic Potter, agent of the Union College
Gymnasium association, Is celebrating his
twenty-second birthday. He is the son
of Philip Potter, and Is a graduate In elec
trical engineering from Union college, which
he is representing.
Talks for people
Here Is the story of a retail furni
ture firm In Cleveland that woke up to
the possibilities of advertising quality.
This firm has been the leading fur
niture house In their community for
51 years. They have never sold any
thing but the highest grade furniture,
yet they were not commanding the
trade they should, and knew It.
They engaged the services of an ad'
vertislng man who advised a campaign
of straight talks on furniture qualities
and values as against cheap and in
ferior furniture.
This campaign consisted of 14
"talks" 8 Inch double-column, a new
talk each day, and culminated In a full
page announcement of the firm's meth
ods, Ideas, Ideals and quoted the
names of their manufacturers.
In a letter to the advertising man
one of the firm wrote: "We ar very
well pleased with the r (faults from this
advertising, aa we' have had quit a
number of sales, direct results from
same. In fact, the day of our opening
we had over 1,600 people In our store
in a couple of hours' time."
And this, mind you, without a hint
of a salt, without quoting a price.
Don't you know, Mr. Merchant, that
the people of Omaha are Just as Inter
ested in honesty and quality and value,
will respond Just as liberally as the
people in other cities, If you tell them
about your values and qualities?
We offer you our advertising, col
The Russian government has decide,
hire a press agent to assist forelan m ,a.
paper representatives In St. Pctcrebiim r
getting the news straight.
tleorge V balks at taking the onth. and
the Prince of Monaco refuses to be swufn
at all. lAKks like the crowning art of
Fashion utilise everything that comes
along. The "comet hat" Is the latent,
adorned with a star of pink roses and a
pink osprey tall.
Former Police Captain William Wind,
who led the police In breaking up the
historic liaymarket riot, In which many
policemen were killed and wounded twenty
four years ago by an anarchist bomb, died
of heart disease In Chicago.
Mrs. Jane Foster Shaw- of Steuhenvllle. .
O.. known as the smallest mother In th
world, died at Fort Myers, Fla., 74 years
of age. She was twenty-seven inches In
height and tho mother of three children.
Being a lover of piano music, a diminutive
piano was built for her use.
In honor of the late Samuel Spencer,
first president of the Southern Railway
company, and one of Georgia's most dis
tinguished sons, a portrait statu., f heroic
trait ft"
upon a
tlse in bronse, set
pedestal of
Knoxvllle marble, placed on the plasa, at
the Atlanta Terminal station, will be A
acnted to Alanta and to Georgia. '
King Albert of the Belgians has the dis
tinction of being the only royalty, who has
served an apprrntlcshlp as newspaper r
porter. Four years ho was the regulaily
accredited marine reporter of a Belgian
weekly, and In (he rursult of his dutlm
traveled through most of the countries i f
Europe, visiting the shipyards. c
"It's not Just," said the defeated candidate
for councilman to his friends, "heating a
man Just on the mere suspicion that he was
Ho smiled bitterly. "I'm not through
yet," he continued. "I'm going tii find out
who started that rumor about me."
Philadelphia Ledger.
"There was certainly a contrary fate
which resulted In my wife's giving up
"What was It?"
"First she broke down, and then she
broke up." Baltimore American.
"Do you mean to tell me you enjov
being fat?"
"Yes," answered the philosophic citi
zen, "I get more transportation for my
money when I buy a railway ticket."
Washington Star. k
"Some scientific sharp claims that oir
door sports produce optimism."
"Base ball does, X know. Just now all the
fans are saying that It Is better to do your
losing early In the season." 1'lttniiurg
"By the way," queried the near-sport.
"Who Is the lightweight champion of
"It In still a matter of doubt," an
swered the wise guy. "Some claim the
title for the coal dealer, while others say
the Iceman Is entitled to It." Chicago
"She says she could have married milions
In her youth."
"Then her forbearance Is more remark
able than I thought. She only married
five or six." Kansas City Journal.
"Do you think King Edward's death will
result In much trouble for the English
"1 am afraid ao. There Is Alfred Austin's
ode to begin with, and more to come."
Baltimore American.
"Bill," said Ben Jonson, one day when
the two were dining at a London coffee
house, "how did you come to write that
beastlv tilav. 'Titus Andronlcns.' inr.
that thing, Ben," answered William Shak
speare, "and I didn't care a hang what 1
uiu. j.,ii. v u.i.i.. i 1 1 v i ' 1 1 r i nan u ut-hii
ringer for Hall Calne!" Chicago Tribune.
Detroit Free Press.
A little more of loving, a little of pain.
A little more of sunshine, a little less of
A little more of friendship, a little less of
These are what we're wanting to make the
perfect life.
A little more of laughter, and fewer, fewer
A little more of twinkling, than sorrow in
our eyes;
A little more forbearance, a little less of
A little more of patience, lesa quarreling! a
with Fate. '
A little more of kindness, a little lesa
A little more of sweetness, a little Icsh
A little more of honor and less of business
See, brother, see how little it Is we really
need I
A little more of silence, and less of hasty
A little more of practice and Icbh desire to
A little more of smiling, with fewer droop
ing chins,
A little more of virtues and fewer petty
sins. ,
A little more of praising, a little lesn f
More thought for all our loved ones anJ
leas for future fame;
A Utile more of doing than talking of the
Bee, brother, see how little It Is we reall
who sell things
umns, our 42,000 homo circulation,
our advertising copy and Illustrations,
our help, to make your advertlnlng
Window vs. espuoer.
The retail dealer who depends on
the Bldewalk and the weather for hit
trade might as well hire a boy and a
dig In his garden.
It Isn't necessary to bo sensational
to advertise; simply make readable
news of your advertising. It is the
business of the newspapers to dls
tribute news and If 1 want a moderate
priced stylish hat your advertising Is
ten times more Interesting to me than
the Associated Press dispatch thHt
some galoot In Oklahoma or Texas
hanged himself.
Good advertising Is news. Print tlsV
on the celling over your bed so that"
you will read It first thing every morn
ing when you wake up. Hemembenf
when you write your ad. Tell peopl
something they want to know, even if
tt is that muslin has gone up, and ttx'y
would better buy, because In your
opinion It Is going up some more IT
you are changing your store arrant'
ment tell about It; some of your ru
tomers will step in to see how It looks
Don't be laiy when you get up your
ad; stir yourself to be as Interesting
as if you were talking to your ix'sfi
customer, and all your customers annT
others, too, will gladly read ur ad.