Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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    OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 16. 1010.
Criticism of Neighboring Cities Re
mits in Loss of Business.
oaae ScrloaV Talk of Kstabllsfcla
Oasorahls) of lress ol Capital
tl(f fiovrraor'a Silver
From a Staff ' Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 15. (Spclal.)-A serious
juojstlon discussed by several memben of
he Commeiclal club during the noon hour
Mccntly, wis the advisability of selecting
a censor to pass on the news to be pun
ished In the local pap. rS regarding the
action of the citizens of neighboring towns.
t Has been the custom for many year for
certain parties in Lincoln to attempt to
manage the affairs and regulate the ac
tion of the neighboring towns ax Well as
the capital city, and it has Just dawned
tipon, certain business and professional
men -here that the practice Is not helping
the city. So these parties, who have given
Aha matter some thought, hare concluded
that .perhaps front a business standpoint
it would be better for the newspapers here
to keep their hands off of the affairs of
the citizens of the close-around towns In
sofar as relates to their attitude toward
the liquor question.
As soon' as Beatrice voted in saloons,
after; two years . of drouth, the Lincoln
paper began to declare there was a ter
rible condition In that thriving Utile city.
Then Crete waa held up as a second Have
lock and was said the place of the
ruin of many Lincoln persons. The Lincoln
drunks .w.ere not. blanked at all.
CHIma Fifth! Bark.
Beatrice fought back. And so did Crete
and other towns that are being maligned
are fighting back. It Is very evident that
business In the capital city has been
truck and struck hard, for the squeal
that went up from the Commercial club
members has been heard all over town.
Thooa discussing the matter Insisted that
the papers discontinue writing of Beatrice,
Crete and Wllber and look after Lincoln.
The reports of conditions In these town
being; written at long distance, It has been
ensy for those abused to answer back
hard, and they have done It. So It Is very
probable that hereafter the papers here
will confine themselves to attacks on
Omaha. In the meantime Lincoln came
near losing a very necessary and hard
working official last week because of the
activity of the various clubs In criticising
and offering suggestions. This official has
much to do with the work of building for
the future Lincoln, and being well equipped
In his line and of long experience, it was
his belief that he knows what he is doing
when he does anything.
The Clubs Deride.
This official's experience as-related to a
Reporter for The Bee was something like
"When 1 finally decide what should be
done, the matter is put up to the council
and Is endorsed. Work then progresses.
Then along comes the clubs. They meet
and condemn the idea. Their criticism Is
passed on to the council and the council
gigs back and I am left high and dry. It
will take several months again to get the
council to even consider the proposition."
It Is this official's idea and it la the Idea
of many business men of Lincoln that the
time la here when the city for its own
protection should elect officers who are not
afraid to go ahead and do something re
gardless of the various clubs and of critics.
Several business men Insist that they elect
officials to do the work of the city and
take this responsibility off of their hands,
but instead of that whenever a question
comes up about which there Is a possibility
of a difference of opinion, It needs must
be passed on by all the clubs, before any
thing Is done, with the result that the
city Is always In a turmoil.
The next great. qtTestlon to come Before
the people for settlement will be whether
Wyuka cennetery shall be open after S
o'clock at night so that persona In Lin
coln may go there and spend a quiet hour,
feeling perfectly at home, or whether It
shall remain closed after that hour and
thus prevent a possible desecration of the
place. This waa the leading question
last summer and It has not yet been settled
Celebrate Silver Wedding-.
Governor and Mrs. Shallenberger will
celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of
their marriage on the evening of May 24,
by a publto reception to which no cards
will be necessary. They will keep open
house at the executive mansion all even
ing, beginning at S o clock. Lieutenant
Bhallenberger and his bride will be among
th. house guests.
Llacola Industrial Exposition.
During the week of the Editorial associ
ation, Lincoln will put on an industrial
exposition to show the editors that the
city Is a real live one, viewed from a busi
ness standpoint The merchants have
responded generously to the Invitation to
make exhibits and the auditorium will' be
full 4 of, .well . filled booths, and everything
that Is manufactured In Lincoln will be on
Lather College Ceremonies.
WAHOO. Neb.. May 15. (Speclal.)-The
closing festivities of this school year have
now begun, and programs will be given
through this week. Miss Nellie Erlckson
gave her piano recital for graduation last
Thursday evening, which was exception
ally well rendered. On Saturday a piano
and vocal recital was given before a large
audience. Sunday evening, President O. J.
Johnson delivered the baccalaureate ad
dress at the Lutheran church. His text
waa chosen from Mark ix:S5 and chose as
his subject: "The Way to Greatness."
The graduating classes from the various
departments are larger than any previous
year. Thursday evening. May 19, the fes
tivities will close with a Jubilee concert.
The Messiah will then be rendered by the
College Oratorio chorus, under the direc
tion of Prof. Peterson. This will be the
sixth annual rendition of this oratorio.
Cake Derided, aa Asaanlt.
FREMONT, Neb., May 15.-(Speclal.)
In district court yesterday, Kenneth Cowan
and Hoyt Duff, were sentenced to ninety
days in the county Jail for assault and
battery on A. McBrtde, near North Bend.
The charge against .the men was assault
With Intent to kill. After a hotly contested
trial, they Were found guilty of assault
and battery, which they admitted.
The last Jury case to be tried this term,
la that of Mary Wright, administratrix,
against the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany. Gilbert Wright, her husband was
truck and killed by a train on the de
fendant's road near the east end of the
yards in December, IK, and this action
la for damages.
Chamberlain's Couga Itemed la famous
or Its cures cX couaus, colds and croup.
Orators of State
Schools to Meet
in Annual Debate
On Account of Smallpox at Lincoln
Place of Meeting is to Be
LINCOLN, Neb., May IS (Special.
The action of the state university author
ities In calling off the annual high school
field day exercises on account of the
smaHpox scare, necessitates the holding of
the state championship contest of the High
School Df batlcs leajue In some other town,
l'rof W. W. logs of the university, the
president ut the league, announced today
that unless it is linpossiblo for some con
testant to be on hand, the debate will be
held next Friday evening. The place of
holding the debate will be announced defi
nitely by Monday morning.
Ten representatives of the ten schools
that have won tho championships of the
respective districts will debate the propo
sition that "Labor I' n ions Are on the
Whole, Beneficial."
The order of speaking will be a follows:
Affirmative: Wayne, Soper, Broken Bow;
Miss K. Kloy Lewlg, Wymore; Jesse Ertel,
Geneva; Lloyd Worley; Ashland; Miss
Marie Douglas, Flattstnouth; Van Webster,
Hastings. Negative: Miss Edith Marie
Christensen, Valentine; Clarence A. Davis,
Heaver City; Joseph Fitsgerald, Kearney; Kthel James, Alliance.
Grand Army Plans
for Encampment
Annual Gathering; of Veterans' Organ
' izations to Be Held at Fairbury
in June.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 15. (Special.) Programs
for the thirty-fourth annual encampment
of the Department of Nebraska, Urand
Army of the Republic, to be held In Fair
bury, May 17, 18 and 19, are being sent, out
from the office Of the adjutant, Captain A.
M. Trimble.
The program is as follows:
6:30 a. m. Reveille, bugle and drum
corps civil war musicians.
10:00 a. m. Band concert at Court House
2:00 p. m. Martial music, National Associ
ation Civil War Musicians.
4:30 p. m. Band concert at Court House
(Reception committees will meet all trains
during the day.)
7:30 p. m. Ueneral reception at the Chris
tian church to the national and department
officers, Mrs. Abble A. Adams, chief of
staff of department, president Woman's Re
lief Corps, presiding. Program: Music in
front of church by National Association
Civil War Musicians; music by Hebron
band; Invocation by Rev. T. A. Maxwell;
"Soldiers' Chorus" from "Faust" (Oounod),
fifty voices, Mrs. Baum, leader; address of
welcome by Mayor C. M. Hurlbert; re
sponses by Department Commander L. D.
Richards, chairman executive committee
Woman's Relief Corps, and president La
dies of the Orand Army of the Republic,
Mrs. Clara Lyons; duet, "Oh, Stern Old
Land," Misses Stoddard and Houck; ad
dress by Governor Shallenberger; male
quartet, "Until the Dawn," Messrs. Crosby,
Lewis, Diller and Holliday.
6:30 a. m. Reveille, bugle and national
drum corps.
8:30 a. m, Band concert at Court House
:00 a. m. Parade will form under the
direction of Colonel 8. B. Jonea, chief of
staff, Post 110, Omaha: First division, com
manded by Colonel J. W. McDonnell (Span
ish war) with head -of column corner, of
Fifth and E . streets, extending east from
the northeast corner of the square In the
following order: Colonel Jones, mayor,
speakers and department officers; National
Association Civil War Musicians; Grand
Army of the Republic; Woman's Relief
Corps; Ladles of the Grand Army of the
Republic; German soldiers. Second division,
Hon. F. L. Rain commanding, on F street.
extending north to Fifth street; Hebron
band; city schools. Third division. County
Superintendent R. C. Harris commanding,
on G street, extending north of Fifth;
oountry schools. Fourth and Fifth divis
ions, commanded by Captain R. E. Riley
(Spanish war), on H street, north of Fifth;
automobiles, vehicles' and floats.
10:00 a. m. Parade will move promptly.
south on E street to Fourth, west on Fourth
to u street, norm on L to Firth street,
west on Fifth to Auditorium In City park,
where a splendid silk flag win be presented
to the city schools by Department Presi
dent Woman's Relief Corps. Also a silk
flag to each rural school represented In the
parade, by the executive committee.
11:80 a. m. All state organisations will
assemble at Grand Army hall, where the
presidents of their respective associations
will Immediately call the comrades together
for the transaction of business.
(All business sessions of the encampment
will be held In the opera house, commenc
ing at 1:80 p. m. Wednesday, the 18th, and
order of business will conform to depart
ment bylaws. All sessions of the conven
tion of the Woman's Relief Corps will be
held In the Methodist Episcopal church, cor
ner of Sixth and E streets. All session of
the Ladies Of the Grand Army of the Re
public will be held In the Christian church,
corner of Fifth and G streets.)
7:80 p. mt-Campflre at the City park.
Program: Band concert; martial music. Na
tional Association Civil War Musicians;
male quartet, "The Vacant Chair;" Invo
cation, Rev. J. Michel. , department chap
lain: chorus, "Columbia, the Queen of Na
tions," fifty voices; address. Mrs. Mary R.
Morgan; solo, "The Stars and Stripes," Miss
Lena Westllng; address, W. E. Andrews,
auditor Treasury department. Washington,
D. C; duet, Mrs. Simpson and Mrs. Max
well. THURSDAY. MAY 1.
:30 a. m. Reveille.
8:80 a. m. Band concert.
:0 a. m. Election department officers
Orand Army of the Republic.
8:00 p. m. Public Installation of depart
ment officers. Program: Bong, "America,"
by audience; Invocation, department chap
lain; solo, Mrs. Baum; Installation; quartet,
"Good Night;" benediction; taps.
Chairman Program Committee.
Chairman Executive Committee.
Nebraska News Notes.
HOI. DREGE Phelps county was treated
to another fine rain yestrday. In anit
of the many freeses and thaws recently, the
crops are loosing very gooo. In this section,
and farmers out this way are feeling con
slderaoly better than they did two weeks
ago over tne prospects.
HOLDEGE Prof. W. L. Johnson has
made arrangements to present the newly
organised Commercial Club band In a con
cert to be held in the opera house on the
evening of May 30. In addition, Prof. John
son expects to have several renditions by
a large chorus, over 100 already havlna
taken part In the preliminary practice for
tne event.
IIOLDREGE The brother and father of
Henry Swanson, who was killed about
three weeks ago at a charivari party.
the home of B. C. Llndstrom, north of
Brrtrand. have been conducting an Investi
gation lately to asacertaln, If possible. Just
who It was that fired the shot, which
fatally wounded the young man. The furv.
which was called by Coroner D. S. Palmer
of this city, shortly after the shooting. In
their verdict, laid the blame on no one, and
held that the affair was purely accidental.
nut tne relatives or tne victim or the ac
eldent. who reside In Kansas, were not
satisfied, apparently, and determined to go
Into the matter further and learn more
about the affair thsn had been disclosed
at the Inquest. They, however, have
met with very little success, the young
men of the party, of which young SWan
son was a member, do not seem to know
who were In possession of the guns In the
rrowd at the time of the shooting, nor
who was the owner or the weapon, with
wntcn me snooting was a on..
Peach Orchard is
Through Bearing
Trees Are Winter Killed, Cut Down
and Six Carloads Converted
Into Wood,
PERU. Neb., May ir..-(Specla!.)-The
large peach orchard on J. T. Swan's farm
was winter-killed and the trees were cut
down and cut into wood, lie Is hauling the
wood to town, where he has already loaded
six carloads, to be shipped to Auburn.
Oovernor Asked to Take a Hand.
PLATTSMOrjTH, Neb., May la (Spe
cial.) Two Weeks ago the mayor and city
council held a special session to listen
to the remonstrance asking that no permit
be issued to Gering & Co. to sell Intoxicat
ing liquors, alleging a violation of the pro
visions of the Blocumb law. The permit was
granted after the attorney for the remon
strators had given notice that the case
would be taken to the district court, which
procedure, it is claimed, Is a violation of
the law and that ouster proceedings will
be Instituted. The governor Will be asked
to remove from office the mayor and coun
cil, with the exception of two members, A.
8. Will and G. E. Dovey, who were not
present when the permit was granted.
Mrs. Ron Wilcox of Cairo, Neh., Will
Itrtnru anil Extra Man Will
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., May 13.-(Spe-clal.)
Sheriff James Dunkel returned yes
terday from Denver with Mrs. Rosa Wil
cox and Paul Jessen, both of Cairo, nine
teen miles west of here, in his custody.
They were" accompanied by Mr. Wilcox,
husband of the woman.
Wilcox Is a prominent and wealthy farmer,
Jessen is a cattle buyer and has had many
business dealings with Wilcox, often being
at his home. It appears that Jessen alien
ated the affections of Mrs. Wilcox, who has
five children, the oldest almost of age,
and that shortly after his departure from
Cairo, after a wrangle with a member of
the Wilcox household, Mrs. Wilcox came to
this city, ostensibly on a shopping trip, and
then disappeared.
The couple was traced to Denver and the
husband and the sheriff followed. Denver
detectives located them at a rooming house,
it is said, and the eouple Was prompetty ar
rested. Jessen Is 29 years of age and Mrs.
Wilcox Is several years his senior.
A reconciliation has been effected and
Jessen will not be prosecuted provided he
keeps his promise to leave the country and
pays the costs. It was finally arranged that
Mr. Wilcox should set up an establishment
In this city and Jessen should leave.
New Elks l.odgje at Colambns.
COLUMBUS, Neb., May 15. (Speclal.y
Columbus lodge No. 1195 B. P. O. E., was
organized Friday evening with over 100
members. The degree team of the Norfolk
lodge, and members from that city to the
number of sixty came down on a special
train to put on the work and witness the
ceremonies. After the lodge had been in
stituted, the following officers of the local
lodge were elected: E. H. Chambers,
exalted ruler; W. H. Schroeder, esteemed
leading knight; George J. O'Brien, esteemed
loyal knight; Louis Ltghtner, esteemed
lecturing knight; Charles L. Dickey, sec
retary; Gus G. Becher, Jr., treasurer; Dr.
C. H. Campbell, tyler; Charles E. Pollock,
C. C. Gray, Sam Gass, Jr., trustees. After
the preliminary work was completed the
assembled Elks were taken to the Maen
nerchor hall, which had been tastefully
decorated for the occasion, and seated at a
banquet. Colonel Carroll D. Evans presided
aa toastmaster, and responses were made
by Rev. W. H. Xanders, N. A. Huse of
Norfolk, editor of the Daily News, and
Edgar Howard of this city. After the
banquet they again repaired to the Orpheus
hall, where the work of Initiating the
candidates was continued and completed at
S a. m. Saturday. In the near future the
lodge expects to have a building put up
for its exclusive 'use, and now has under
consideration several propositions. Dis
trict Deputy R. R. Horth of Grand Island,
has had charge of the work.
Child Bitten by Rattlesnake.
TECUMSEH, Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bright, farmers who
live In the neighborhood of Johnson, took
their 3-year-old daughter. Vera, to the field
with them while they worked. The child
wandered away from the parents a consid
erable distance and waa bitten on the leg
by a rattlesnake. When the snake bit her
she screamed for her mother,- and upon the
parent reaching the child the little one said
"long mouse" had bitten her. The im
prints of the snake's fangs were pro
nounced. The father ran to the house with
the child, took his rasor and made incis
ions In the wound and sucked the poison
from the same. In the meantime the mother
had telephoned for the doctor, who, upon
rrlvlng, found his work reduced to the
minimum owing to the prompt action of
the thoughtful father.
Commencement ' at Tecauaseh.
TECUMSEH. Neb., May 15. (Special.)
Eighteen young people will graduate fr6m
the Tecumseh High school this year, the
graduating exercises to be held at the
Smith theater on Thursday evening, May
28. Richard L. Metcalfe, associate editor
of The Commoner, Lincoln, will address the
class, the subject of his discourse to be
"Dreams That Come True." The per
sonnel of the class follows: Leonard E.
Allen, Catherine L. Apperson, D. Morgan
Davis, George II. Dolph, Howard H.
Epler, Roxana G. Hunt, Carroll W. Mo-
Coy, Elva L. McCoy, Leta F. Manning,
Raymond L. Miller. Jennie Nicholson.
Minnie Nicholson, William A. Phillips, E.
Shandon Place, Alta M. Stewart, H. Aileen
Wright, Florence W. Wright.
Leprosy Lurks in
Rats Worn by Girls
Report Two Ohio Girls Are Stricken
with the Dread Disease and
Taken Out of School.
ZANESVILLK, O., May 13.-The report
was persistently circulated today ihat two
girls, students of the Zsnesvllle High
school, had been stricken with leprosy. Tho
girls left school several days ago ' ill
and the authorities refuse to give any
Information, it Is reported that tbe dis
ease was contracted from false hair
worn in the form of "rats."
I i i
For Mere Than Tare Decades
Foley's Honey and Tar has been a house
hold favorite for all aliments of the throat,
chest and lungs. For Infanta and children
It Is best and safest, as it contains no
opiates and no harmful drugs. None genu
ine but Foley's Honey and Tar In the
yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For
sale by all druggists.
Creig-hton University Scientist Says
Comet is Harmless.
Observers May Possibly Ue (illrapses
of the Brilliant. Trailing; Vleltnnt
at Any Time from Early Mora
to Mldalght Wednesday.
Some time Wednesday night, probably
between 10 o'clock and midnight, the earth
will pass through the nebulous tall of
the sky rover first tagged by Prof. Halley.
"But there Is absolutely no danger of
the earth being hurt," says Father W. F.
Rigge, the astronomer of Crelghton uni
versity. "And please emphasize that statement,
for It Is really surprising how many people
thcie aie Who seem to expect serious con
sequences. For their fears there is hot
the slightest basis In fact, and uny ner
vousness on the Score of possible danger
should be allayed st once."
Father Rigge says that If Wednesday
morning Is clear obesrvers may possibly
see a big or little streak of light, similar
to one of the shoots . or beams of the
jurors borealls. If Wednesday should, be
an extraordinarily bright clay, the comet
may be seen near the sun; that Is, provided
the comet Itself Is in the humor or position
to shine effulgently. On tnis proposition.
Father Rigge and other astronomers are
very cautious In committing theselves, and
the Crelghton scientist frankly says that
everybody who hits been Viewing the spark
ling visitant from the purely scientific
standpoint is wondering Just what develop
ment Wednesday will bring forth. On the
possibility of danger to the earth, though,
they are all agreed there is nothing to be
JUHt how much of the comet can be seen
Wednesday evening, or for how long it
will be In view, will depend on conditions
In the starry dome. The Illuminating
power of the visitant will have much to
do with its mi( lifestatlon to earth dwellers.
Pale Lunas light will also cut considerable
figure, but whether searchers see or do
not see the comet,' we may sit tight In a
feeling of security from danger.
(Continued from First Page.)
part scarcely less powerful under the re
gime of King George and Queen Mary.
Mrs. Astor has been living very quietly
here and will be looked upon with favor
by Queen Mary. That Is also the position
of the duches of Marlborough. In the case
of the last named, she is Interested in a
number of philanthropies in which Queen
Mary has shown considerable interest.
The queen realizes the difference of her
husband, who lacks the social brilliance
and the courteous diplomacy of his late
father. No one realizes better than Queen
Mary that the king could never shine
socially as did King Edward.
King George likes the seclusion ' of his
country residence, his library and his
harmless little hobbles. In this respect
the queen may have a dual object. The
tradesmen, will be. gratified at her de
termination to make the English court a
brilliant center of gaiety and life for it
means the unlimited purchase of fine garb.
In this manner, the queen shows fine at
tention to her husband's subjects and at
the same time becomes the real queen in
fashion, as well aa in power.
Americans living in London complain of
the dullness which has prevailed since the
king's death. To add to the general gloom
the weather haa been cold with rain storms.
In fact King Edward's death is making
itself felt in every direction and many
Americans here are preparing to go to the
continent late this month.
Program Is
for Memorial
The program for the memorial In honor
of the late King Edward VII of England,
to take place at the First Presbyterian
church Friday evening coincident with the
date of his funeral In England, has been
These addresses will be given:
"Edward, The Man." T. W. McCullough.
"Edward, King and Diplomat," Robert
Cowell. ...
"Edward, Friend of all Nations," John
XjC) Webster.
"Resolution's," John L. Kennedy, Very
Rev. Dean Beecher.
Rev. T. J. Mackay will deliver the open
ing prayer. The benediction will be pro
nounced by Rev. E. H. Jenks. Miss Nancy
Cunningham will be the organist.
(Continued from irst Page.)
be possible to speculate with some hopes
of hitting upon a day for adjournment.
Th insurgents and regulars of the repub
lican majority in the house are now work
ing in some semblance of harmony, and
President Taft appeared satisfied last night
with the prospects for his program. The
president will devote himself this week
principally to conferences with senators
and representatives regarding the situation
in congress.
Many decisions, many of them of ra-
reachlng Importance, are expected to be
handed down tomorrow by the supreme
court of the United States. The court has
been in recess for two weeks, and the time
has been spent in the preparation of opin
ions. Among other eclslons expected Is
that Involving the constitutionality of the
corporation tax law.
Miners' Widows
Allowed Money
Survivors of Cherry Victims Awarded
$1,473 Damages for Lives of
Dear Ones.
CHICAGO, May 15 Widows of victims
of the Cherry mine disaster are receiving
an average settlement from the St. Paul
Coal company of 91.473 for each life lost
in the ill-fated mine.
The first batch of twenty-nine Judgments
aggregating $42,709 were handed down by
Judge Gibbons in the circuit court here to
day. Another batch of Judgments, nearly
fifty in number are expected to be settled
next week.
At this rate, settlement of death claims
by the roal company will mean an outlay
of $441,900. However, a number of cases
for S5.000 and 110,000 damages will be
fought through the courts by relatives of
certain of the dead miners.
Most Wonderfnl Henllna.
After suffering many years with a snre,
Amos King, Port Byron, N. V., was cured
by Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Kc. Fur sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Hyde Downcast,
Jurors Are Out,
Fail to Agree
Nearly Everybody Connected with
Famous Mururr Trial Looks for
Disagreement -Now.
KANSAS CITY, May 15. No verdict hav
ing been leached by the Hyde Jury, It was
Sent to Its hotel by Judge Latshaw shortly
before 6 o'clock tonight. The Jurymen were
told to ballot at the hotel tonight. The
Judge said he could be notified at his home
in case a decision was reached. Practically
everyone connected with the case has aban
doned hope of an agreement.. If no verdict
Is returned by Tuejday morning the Jury
will be discharged.
While the Jury strove to iej,eh a verdicl
today ft Ittlent crowd wnittd Inside the
court room. Outside a drizzling lain fell
and the day was cold and gloomy.
For the first time since the trial opened
Dr. Hyde appeared somewhat downcast,
lie came into the court room wearing a
heavy overcoat, closely drawn about hla
body. Before Mrs. Hyde's arrival he spoke
la but few people. He pat In a chair and
smoked. The room was distressingly silent.
Suddenly from within the Jail, across the
corridor from the court room, there came
the sound of singing. The weekly religious
services were being held.
"Throw out the life line, throw out the
life line, someone Is drifting away," sang
a tenor voice. "My Faith Looks Up to
Thee" and "Rock of Ages" followed. Not
a sound was made in the room while the
singer sang.
The physUiun Insisted he whs not de
spohdent. " "The mills of God grind slowly,"
he said.
Mrs. Hyde came about 9:30 o'clock and
the doctor's spirits brightened. He told
anecdotes to her and his two sisters. Miss
Laura Hyde and Mrs. E. N. Hopkins.
(Continued from First Page.)
whom were sleeping and several engaged
tn preparing an elaborate breakfast. The
clothing of the men was Identified on tho
spot from the trade-marks they bore as
being property listed In tho reports of the
Parsons Decked Ills Friend."
Fern Rose, an Inmate of the house at
903 Capitol avenuo, unwittingly provided
the first duo leading to the arrests. Mr.
Friedman, upon recognizing the suit she
wore when she causally strolled into tho
store Wednesday, stepped outside and
notified Detective Steve Maloney, who hap
pened to be passing. Maloney took the
woman in charge. At the station the
prisoner broke Into a fit of tears and
trembling and readily divulged the source
from which she secured her fine clothing.
Parsons, who had been a most attentive
friend to her, had presented her with the
A few hours later Parsons called at the
woman's address and was detained by the
landlady, Mrs. Sophie Miller, while another
woman notified the police of his where
During the next two days Sergeant Demp-
sey's men conducted a surveillance of the
neighborhoods . and the habitues of the
South Thirteenth street and Capitol ave
nue houses. In this way, without their
knowledge, the clothing of the other sus
pects was identified as belnff 111 gotten
and they were traced to the Marquis ad
dress. , rt
Mrs. Morris Levy of 2037 Dodge street
was among the first victims of the burglars
to arrive at the station Sunday and identify
her property. , About $1,000 worth of fur
nishings and silverware which had been
taken from the Levy residence during the
absenoe of the family a month ago was In
the recovered haul.
Some Loot tn Bluffs.
Property to the value of J GOO was recov
ered In the raid at Council Bluffs. Most of
the latter was that which had come from
the Friedman store. Sergeant DempBey re
ceived a tip connecting Boyer and the Coun
cil Bluffs address with the burglaries
through people who had become suspicious
of Boyer' s actions. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stevenson, who conducted the house In
Which Boyer lived, have been placed under
$500 bonds each to act as state witnesses
against him.
A number of persons who have lost prop
erty In holdups and burglaries during the
last month are being summoned to the po
lice station to identify their property or
the prisoners.
Explorer Waugh
Hangs Himself
Well Known Alaska Pathfinder and
Member of Arctic Club Kills
Self in Chicago.
CHICAGO, May 15.-Harry F. Waugh ot
Seattle, Wash., prospector, member of the
Arctic club, and leader of the Waugh
Sledge expedition to the delta of the Mac
kenxle river, killed himself by hanging at
a cowntown rooming house here yesterday.
Failure to Interest capitalists in a min
ing project on the Peel river, .200 miles
northeast of Dawson, Alaska, is believed
to be the primal cause of Waugh's suicide,
and pawn tickets found in his clothing in
dicate that Waugh was in personal finan
cial straits.
A copy of "The Rubalyat of Omar Khay
yam," with the more melancholy passages
heavily underscored with pencil, was found
near Waugh's body. Waugh is said to
have been one of the first men to enter
Alaska when the gold rush was started In
1890. Considerable money had been sunk
in his Peel river project and Waugh had
written many friends ssylng he was sure
he would make a fortune If he could only
get some more money.
Mrs. Laura Waugh, wife of the dead
man, and her son, are believed to be at
Grafton,. Cal. Waugh left a form of a will
giving to his wife the unspecified con
tents of a box at the bank of the Heattle
Safe Deposit Vault company.
Joe McKay Found
Guilty of Murder
Life Imprisonment Faces Man for
Murder of Albert Brown of Bruns
wick Last December.
vir.i.irjH Nh.. Mav 15. (Special Tele
gram.) AfteT consuming Just two weeks'
time the case of the state of Nebraska
against Joe McKay went to the Jury at
4 o'clock yesterday.
After deliberating three hours a verdict
of guilty of murder tn the first degree
was brought In, fixing the penally at Ufa
imprisonment In the penitentiary.
The Jury was polled separately. This was
a case wherein Albert Brown of Bruns
wick, Neb., a bachelor harness maker, was
sssst'slnated Ix-ceuibor 7. l!09, and robbed
and li s body thrown Into the cellar along
with the axr that had kirn us. ,1 In killing
him. The defendant was arrested a t'ay or
mi afterwards and charged with the nlme.
The money was found In Ills home, n was
also the pocket knife of the d.-crased.
W. V. Alien agisted In (he defense and
Mike llaninKlon of O'Neill asxlsted the
(ounty attorney, J. V. Rice, In the prose
cution, he being employed by the relatives
of the deceased. Defendant exhibited no
emotion during the trial nor at the reading
of the verdict.
Foley Kidnay PUIS contain In concen
trated form Inured lent s of etsabll&hed ther
aptutlo value for the relief and cure of al
.kidney and bladder ailments.
Every mother should know that Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe.
Charles C. litrlrn Will lu((e
tonntv Officials.
Charles C. Carlien will manage ai.d pilot
the court h.'Use base bal Ileum through
tho coming summer. "Bugs'' at tne court
house are highly enthusiastic over Mr,
Carlsen's selection and point with satis
faction to his successful record last season
n manager of thn Drown aPrks of South
Omaha. Mr. Carlxen Is organising his
forces to challenge the city hall men and
will pick his nine for that game from the
following men: Chris Tracy, actcher; Joe
Morrow, W. C. Fraser, pitchers; John Min
Ikua, shortstop; Louis Klebba, Herb. Stub-
bendoif. second base; Clyde Sundblad, first
base; Charles ltawley, Will Westeigard.
Albeit Binning, Frank Mahoney, Guy
Fleming, fielders.
I.aiiafortl Meets 'Jim" Johnson.
rUlLAPKLritlA. Mav 15. Sam l,ang-
ford of Boston hnd things practically nil
his own way last night In the six-round bout
with "Jim Johnson of Tennessee, at the
National Atnietic club. Johiis.ui made n
good showing fur a novice and there was
not much to choose between the fighters
in the first three rounos. After that, how
ever. Langford punched Johnson until the
latter was forced to clinch. Johnson was
very tired when tho bout ended.
Corn Flakes
Best breakfast
food for grown J$
ups too.
Fido, you must not
Your doftmatic intellect
To thrive on cakes and
But with care
And l amfbrll's fare
You'll be aa wise aa I.
Your whole family
will enjoy this soup.
Some people prefer a
clear thin soup; some
would often choose a thick
hearty one ; some usually
want a meat soup ; others
take especially to a soup
purely vegetable. But
everybody likes
Tomato Soup
It has a tempting and
satisfying: character of its
own that makes your pal
ate forget everything else.
If you have a large or
specially critical family,
just serve this soup according-
to directions on the
label, and you strike the
key-note of complete satis
faction. If any Campbell's Soup fails
to satisfy you, ask the grocer
ior your money.
21 kinds 10c a can
Just add hot water,
bring to a boil,
and serve.
Joseph Campbell
Camden N J
Look for the
The Test ol Tim.
Nearly half a centurv'a use by innumerable
housekeepers everywhere provea
the celebrated Silver Poliih to be unequalled
lor (.Irnninr and fol
other fine tnrtaia and
'Cut gia4. It imparl
treat Brilliancy with
Iraki Uber ana ciseaac
and dors set acratch or
wear. Aoidiibtliutea
Bend addrma for
Th Eiartrn Slllnnn On Horn It He . Vnrk.
iaiirSrrtnnvtHI Everywhere.
Gold Dust
makes clean, healthy
Gold Dust acts like
magic on dirt)- floors,
doors and woodwork.
You do not have to bend
until your poor back is
nearly breaking in an
effort to scour and scrub
away the dirt. Add a
heaping teaspoon ful oi
Gold DiiU to n pail of
water and the Gold Dust
Twins will do the rest
Gold Dust makes floors and
doors spotlessly whit&. It
searches but dirt, perms and
impurities from every crack
and crevice.
Gold Dust
home "sweet
Save your
strength by
calling Gold
Dust to jour
Why you should!
take your printing
to The Times.
llecause you will be sure tf a t'lrit
class JJob.
Because the mre will ln
Because if we can do. so
profitably we will bill out the
job at less than estimate.
Because we are operating
under a cost system.
Master Printers
10th & Hnrnoy
riione i)t)u. 'dtwy
Take your printing to the Times.
Through Sleepers
every day via Lincoln, Belleville,
McForland, Wichita, Caldwell and
EI Reno. Limited , servlco Is also
provided via
Rock Island Lines
to Texas points direct to your des
tination without change of trains.
Full Information on request.
. Dlv. PaBS. Agt.
14th & Farnam St
Omaha, Xeb. 4
Very Low 1 'sires to
sembly Presbyterian Church,
May 18-31.
WASHINGTON, 1). V. Worlds
Nunday School Association,
May 10-20.
B. N. Austin, W. A. Preston,
Gen. Pa. Agt. T. P. A.
Chicago. Chicago.
$100 for trade mark
Se Bee May 17.
One Dollar Per Year
May 14, 15. 16, 17
Vinton Street Park
Monday, May 16th, Ladies Day.
Game Called 3:45
p.ciai nmt jt.sT.s ioib rains
at i30.