Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1910, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
Tor Nrhrankfi -- Probably rain.
For linn - Probably rain.
Tor weather rcporl see page 2.
go" to th homos It read bf tb
nonitn sells goodi for adrertlserm.
All England Appears Satisfied with
King George and His Way
on Throne.
Interests :f Public Are Kept Con-!
tinually in Hind.
4 ,
Thoughtful nets Maker. Growing Im
pression Ulv.i AH.
l.iiatltll P-ni.l- llealn in llrnllse er
Win M Br Able l Fill
II Muc-h lletter Than
t.i i.1 ( i', Mi.v 15. ( Special Telegram.)
King firmer f rnpi'lly growing tepututiim
li perhaps the inii!t remarkable develop
meul of th hour In England Scarcely
more lliati a week ato liU majesty, so far
hi ih popular mind was concerned, was
a shadowy personality. To be sure, his life
) , t I not been wanting In activity for he
1 nil made a number of public appearance
ii nil even had tnalo a few effective speeehe
to the nation, but Kin Edward and yneen
Mcxamlia occupied tlie royal stage. Hnth
ere mpular and tireless In the ervlrc
the people add the heir to the throne
K't-e l much of hla time In comparative se
i union, where be read and studied and be
umt known among his Intimate friends as
t!e most serious and most Intellectual
member of the royal family.
W hen King Edward died his Aon stepped
Into the fierce light and since then the
ees of the people have been on him. They
have assembled by hundreds or thousands
to watch him go to and fro In the streets
an I through the windows of his carriage
they have observed his bowed head and
sa.l, sympathetic face.
From the flint the king has attended to
the arrangements for Edward's lylng-ln-state
and funeral, the lines of march and
the allotment of places In the processions.
At the 1-a.r.e time he has kept the Interests
of the public In mind Issuing statements af
fecllitg the theaters, the question of mourn
liiMf and the Whitsuntide holidays, and
sending all the letters and telegrams 'de
manded from the crown, Including one of
sympathy for the bereaved families of the
mine s sealed up In a , fiery tomb under
the Irish sea.
Thus the king Is Impressing himself
quickly and deeply on the popular Imaglna
t.nn. "How ltl.e his father," Is a frequent
ex tarnation. The resemblance to the dead
kloM " In the look and manner of
Geo-go V Is still more striking- In the
luaivier and happy quality of Ills spoken
and written woids. The rapidity with which
he. Is w inning tho people, is a source of the
iter pest gratification to those In positions
of politliM responsibility.
He'o'e the hiss of King Edward with his
powolful arid pacific character, statesmen
and politicians suddenly stood aghast and
over the brawling forum of pnlltlcs fell a
(jiamailc hush, politicians feared that with
out thel" head, the ions and bitter demo
cratic strife might result in a danger to
Knglund. far transcending any foreign
inena-e. While this hush continues amid
the mournful and splendid events attend
ing the gathering of rulers, princes and
statesmen to honor the memory of Edward,
King George's character assumed consis
tently and his prestige' grows, and British
public men hope that by the time the con
flirt between the lords and commons again
become critical, the new king will have
gone far toward .making himself an ade
quate substitute for bis father as a factor
In the state.
'Ike Social Hide.
Tiie social domain of London learns, and
nut with astonishment, that' Queen Mary,
the royal consort of King George, Intends
to make the Knglli-h court the most bril
liant In Europe. The English court is in
mourning now, andjuis been for some time,
but the determination of the new queen
j la too clearly show n to doubt the coiii-bc
f -Allien has already been prescribed by her
self. The dictatorship of soclfty In 'he ln
nermoFt circles of the court society has
bntn delegated to outsiders so long that
It will he quite a novelty once more when
Ttlu quern of the realm assumes the lead
ership which Is really hers.
vjuceu Victoria li. the bitter year of her
lire oared nothing for society. Queen Alex
andra was deaf and so sorrow-stricken
aftif the death of her son that she ap
peared only when necessary und then In
the most perfunctory way. During uie
reign of King Edward the royal favorite
held sway and chief amung I lust was Mrs.
Gcoige Kipptl.
the power or airs, lveppei, however, nisi
wvttpt away by the death of King Edwaid. J
She feels the social dtfeut so keenly that
it Is persistently r. ported that she will
make tier home upon the continent, leaving
England shortly after King Edward's
Jlis. Keppel does not try to veil the d
fat of her social ambitions. The hostility
of King George and Queen Mary toward
bei ''liufh&ml is too pronounced to allow
hei to hop tor the slightest recognition.
Mrs. Keppel's Net Is lilt.
Mrs. Keppel held sway so long in her
rule of m eial arbiter at the English conn
that fIiu mutually acquired a long train
of followers, who are also In disfavor
under the new n Kline. As yet no chanca'
lias prevented IWolf to allow the king .and
queen to muiw public hostility to the st
of Mis. Keppel und doubtless the social
friends of Hie deposed leader will not allow
a that opportunity to occur, for she realises
what weiUd lian-ptre should she presu:n;
to aspire to a filendshlp which does not
e In a wo:d, a number of American women,
one of whom has not married Into "nobility,
will play an Important part In the social
life of th.i new court. They are the
duchess of Marlborough, the countess of
Uianard and Mrs. John Jacob Astor, who
is living In England, and espec'ady among
these the counir of Uranaid Is pointed out
as likely to become a .'avortte with the new
queen. She l yvut-ej and handsome and
fits In Willi tho soviet life f court quite
as caall. She was ninth liked by the late
King Edwaid and had he lived, she would
have rn a factor In court life suine day.
As it ,VS'" "" Jblliu.1 lo Pl.iv a
VCU'.U.KII-'I Oil j(c -i
.lid Paje
Orators from
Ten States to
Try for Honors
Speakers Chosen by Competition in
These Tea States in Final Con
test Friday Night.
l'oi- the first time since belonging lo the
Intel s.ate Oratorical association Crelghton
univirr-ity w ill entertain the speakers Ft I
day nigut at the lltandcla theater, when
the annual contest will be held. Francis T
Matthews of t'relghton unlvcrvti), who won
filM iiljcii in the Nebrufka Intercollegiate
ijutitest. will sprak on "The Hands of Time.
Ten stales belong to the association and
sell slat: Iihs an Independent suelation
embi aefiig the colleges within Its territory.
1 J lie winners in each of the s:ate Inter -
culkglnle coiilests writes hU mtdress and
lian it printed. 1 hese are Mibnilttrd to
a board of directors and seven of the ten
ar diosen lo make public speeches in the
as.'-iiclatioit contest. Word has been re
ef ived ibat Mr. Matthews' speech was one
of ihc seven chosen lor the finals and li"
w II appear tiiou the stage o the Htanduij'
Friday night.
The speeches of the evening and the order
In which they will be given is as foilus:
"The Moulding Power," Karl W. U"eke;'
of Wittenberg college, Ohio.
''the Philosophy of the Pare Problem,"
Henry F. t'oleman of Cornell college, Iowa.
"The Sands of Time," Francis T.
Matthews of Crelghton university.
"Poland's Offering to the American," Lew
K. Saletsky of Ueloit college, Wisconsin.
"The New Ideal," Stanley H. Howe of
Albion college, Michigan.
"Lincoln, the Master Politician," John A.
Shields of Ottawa university, Kansas.
"The F.volution of World Peace," Levi T.
Pennington of Earlham college, Indiana.
As this la the first, time the finals have
bem under the auspices of t'rclghtoti the
local boys are planning to give the associa
tion a royal welcome and there has already
been a large sale of seats. Tickets are now
on aale at Hcaton's drug store and can be
obtained two days before the cfAtest at
the theater box office.
Oak Wreath for
Edward's Grave
Foliage Taken from Tree Planted at
Mount Vernon by Late King
in 1860.
NEW YORK, May 15. A wreath made of
oak foliage from a tree planted by King
Edward VII at Mount Vernon, Va., in IS),
when he visited this country as prince of
Wales, was ' shipped today and will be
placed on the late king's tomb.
Interspersed with the oak were magnolia
leaves taken from the grave Of Ueorge
Washington at Mount Vernon, the whole
being- lied with broad purple ribbon and
w ith a knot of red, white arvblue. It was
accompanied by an- engraved card'wllh this
Inscription: . , .
"This wreath of English oak, the leaves
from the tree planted at the tomb of Wash
ington by King Edward VII, when prlnco
of Wales, and magnolia leaves from the
tree plantcdy by Washington, Is .pietntrxl
in evidence of the hono rand affection In
which the late King Edward VII was held
by the Mount Vernon ladles' association."
Boise A Western Hallroad Will Form
East and West Branches la
train t'oantry.
PORTLAND, Ore., May 15. With the ar
rival In Portland of John E. Burchard of
St. Paul definite Information became pub
lic regarding the building of the Boise &
Western railroad, as the east and west
branch of the Hill system which is tapping
tho virgin territory of central Oregon.
Entering Oregon at Ontario, the BoBlse&
Western w ill build in a north westerly direc
tion. Bend, Ore., Is expected to be the
Junction point for the new railroad line
with the Oregon Trunk, the railroad owned
by the Hill Interests, and which Is build
ing Into the heart of Oregon by way of
the Des Chutes river. I
Announcement Is also of the final
closing of the largest real estate transac
tion, from the acreage Involved, ever con
summated In the United States, and the or
ganization of the Oregon and Western Col
onization company, with a capitalization of
JU.OOe.UOO. Trasfers of the 800,000-acrc
giant from the owners of the Willamette
Valley and Cascade Mountain Wagon Road
company to the Oreton and Wes ern Col nl
zatlon company were completed yesterday
in New York.
Spec In 1 tltrnli and fuller Recom
mend I iilveraal t ar Seal as
Protection. .
LOS ANGELES. May ir..-The national
convention of the International Association
of Railroad Special Agents and Police
closed yesterday. Among the resolutions
adopted was one recommending the selection
of a universal car seal, which would make
it more difficult to rob freight cars in
Mrs. J. P. Kindelon of San Francisco was
elected pr sitb tit of the w oman's auxiliary
and Mrs. J. C. Bailey of Pittsburg, secretary-treasurer.
Colonel John. Jacob Astor
is to Boom Flying Machines
NKW YORK, May 15 (Special Tele
gram. IColonel John Jacob Astor. who
came, back from Europe on the Lusl
tanla. will offer a cup as an Interna
tional t'ophy fur flying machine
wlilc". - WvA be to navigators of the air
what tli-o American cup ts to the yachts
men oi Ine. world.
Colonel Astor Is not yet ready to
make formal announcement of his plsns,
but It Is understood the eup Itself will
not only be one of the handsomest pro
ducts of the goldsmith's art, but It will
be supplemented by substantial cash
prises. it Is hW present plan to have
the first coutfcht flown in America tn
subsequent races to lie held In the coun
try winning the cup.
Ciiloiiel Astur I culUusluatic Okt-r
State's Attorneys Way' id Burke
at Swords' Pointy ,s -ribery
Sanrjamop ""f' .y Official Says Other
ath Contempt.
Representative Link's Lawyer
Appeal to Wayman.
nr that Testimony Will Leak at
tprlnnfielri and to Defense
la .Mainspring; ' br
CHICAGO, May 15. The spectacle of
State's Attorney John K. W. Wayman be
Inm cited at Springfield for contempt of
court may bo the result of the fight over
authority between Wayman and Slates
Attorney Edmund Burke of Sangamon
county in the Investigation which each Is
making into the charges of bribery In the
general assembly.
In an ultimatum Mr. Burke announced
that unless Mr. Wayman ceases his "Inter
ference" in the Sangamon county inquiry
at once he will apply to the courts for an
order holding the Cook county prosecutor
In contempt.
Smarting with Indignation because Repre
sentative Michael S. Link, confessed brlbo
taker, has refused to testify there, sup
posedly on Mr. Wayman's advice and be
cause Detective J. J. O'Keefe of Wayman'B
office Ignored a subpoena served on him
at Springfield, Burke Issued a statement
declaring Wayman's "tactics are beneath
contempt." Burke Is convinced that
O'Keefe acted on orders from Mr. Way
man, his superior.
The fight between . Wayman and Burke
has precipitated the most sensational
situation of Its kind In the history of tho
I. Ink Appeals for Help.' '
Attorney Frank Reld, counsel for Repre
sentative Michael 8. Link, one of the three
legislators who confessed In the Lorliner
bribe scandal, came to Chicago and
held a conference with State's Attorney
Wayman, at which it was said he appealed
to the Chicago prosecutor for aid.
Link was frightened by the Springfield
developments, acordlng to report, and "save
me" was the burden of the plea made
through his attorney to Wayman. Link Is
under- cltatlou for contempt of court and
will face the jail Monday if he persists
In his refusal to repeat bis .bribery con
fession to the Sangamon county grand
Jury. . .' ( i . ..
. At ths same time It was reported that
State's. Attorney Burke of Sangamon was
planning to follow the same tactics with
the other legislators who confess, Charles
A. White and H. J. C. Beckmyer, arresting
them on a charge of bribery and taking
them before the inqulaitors at Springfield.
Fear of a Leak.
Fear that the testimony will leak at
Springfield and become the property of
the defense Is said to be the real reason
State Attorney Wayman Is fighting to
prevent bis witnesses from testifying at
Springfield. ;
Representative White will be kept front
the state capital at all hazards. He has
been subpoenaed by State Attorney Burke
of Sangamon county. If an attempt. Is
made to get Mm out of Cook county a
habeas corpus writ will be asked to hold
him. "We will then see whether Conk or
Sangamon county has more deputy
sheriffs," 'tald one of Mr. Wayman's sides.
In spite of all denials, specific and de
tailed repot ts were In circulation around
the criminal court building that Link was
In Chicago and that he would stay here,
not returning to Springfield on Monday,
whether cited for contempt or not.
White Is under guard of detectives from
State Attorney Wayman's offioe in Chi
cago and has already been served with a
subpoena from Sangamon county. Beck
meyer Is at his home at Carlysle. The ar
rest of these men, it was expected, would
bring to a crisis the first jurisdictional
fight over t)ie Lorlmer bribery scandal.
Prosecutor Burke planned to summon, if
necessary, every legislator, democrat or re
publcan, who voted for Lorlmer, and
began by calling Representatives Charles
Ourfee and Thomas Campbell before the
Ills of Albany Agreed I'pon as Chair
man of the Democratic State
Committee In New York.
NKW TORK, May IK. Rumors of a
Murphy-Conners peace pact have arisen In
New York for the last dinners has beta In
New York for the last few days and had
several long conferences with Charles F.
Murphy, the leader of Tammany ball.
It la said that the state chairman and
the Tammany leader have been trying to
agree upon a man to succeed Mr. Conners
as slate chairman, when the meeting of
the democratic state committee Is held,
which Is expected to be soma time early In
June. John A. IHx of Albany is said to
hafre been agreed upon for the place.
I aeroplanes and proposes to build an
aeroplane from bis own plans which ha
: Is confident will b an advance both as
to stability and speed on any machines
, which have yet been mada. He will not
I have It ready for the St. Louis meet
I next month, but proposes If It ts at all
possible, to arrange his affairs so that
he may go to St. Louis.'
I "Wonderful has been the progress In
aeronautic wiin:n ine lasi year or two.
aald Colonel Astor today, "it U nothing.
I am conrident, to what we will seal
within the near future. Hie principle
of aerial navigation, both In the matter
if dirigibles and aeroplanes has been
dlscoered. It retnulns nor only t.j ap
ply the principles and correct the me
chanical defects t' make the airship t
.it as laud or w ater con j auces."
r r um the Chicago Post.
Midnight Conference at -White House
to Bear Results.- '
Only Pew ' . lrreconclltables , Have
Ket Agreed to Act In Common -Against
Democratic Force
In Congress.
WASHINGTON.' May 15. Whether It Is
feasable' at Ihis late day to try to wipe
republican factional lines and meet on
some common ground that would unite the
insurgents and regulars In congress' Is the
question before republican leaders. It was
raised last night at a conference at the
While house, which was begun at 10.30
o'clock and continued until 1:15 o'clock this
morning. A great many things were talked
over at the midnight gathering, and a
revised legislative program was made up
tentatively, which It was believed, would
command the votes of practically all of
the regular republicans. A discussion fol
lowed as to the possibility of making cer
tain concessions that might attract all of
tho republicans of the senate.
Practically all of the republican sena
tors from the west were present last night,
except the most radical progressives,
namly: Senators LaKollette, . Ueveridge,
Cummins , Uolllver, Brlstow and Clapp.
Among the progressives, who attended were
Senators N'im, Borah, Brown, Burkett,
Dixon, Gamble and Crawford. These men
took a leading part In the discussion and
expressed the opinion tjiat the differences
bitween the Insurgents and regulars were
not irreconcilable.
Ilegnlara More Tolerant.
The sudden amalgamation of insurgents
and regulars of the senate last Friday,
which resulted In the adoption of an
amendment to the administration railroad
bill, on the subject of long and short
hauls, appeared to have made the regulars
more tolerant of progressive views on the
The pending measure. The "getting to
gether" was necessitated by the discov
ery that the democrats of the senate had
formed a solid front to secure the adoption
of a democratic provision relating to long
and short hauls, which was to have been
put In motion after they had voted with
the regular republicans to defeat the Dixon
amendment, favored by the InsurEiite.
It would be difficult to decide whether
the regulars or the Insurgents were the
more surprised when they learned the plans
of the democrats. A vote had been ordered
tinder tbe unanimous consent agreement
and there was little time for thought.
Senator Aldrlch advised his colleagues that
It was time for the republicans to get to
gether. The insurgents, after learning the
r'patlon, acijulesced and both factions
adtd accordingly.
& Neither republican faction got exactly
what It wanted, hut It de nostralcd the fact
that the republicans could 'unite agjl;it a
common enemy." At the White Hotire last
night there was some comment on thW
fact, and it was argued that if this could
be done In rrUtion to the long and short
hsul amendment to the railroad b.ll, the
case was not hopelcs ns spplied to other
measures on the administrative legislation
May r'la Date for oo.
When ths tenate meets tomorrow to re
sume considers tk-n of the railroad bill, it
is rxpfcted there will be a number of In
formal conferences. Senators liorah. Nel
son, Dixon and others, who have vo:ed wUh
arid Hgainst the older republican lender
of the senate, are expected to act a the
Iniei rredlarles where "go-het w eem" appear
to be nocessary. It would not be surprising
If some agreement wuuld be reachtd dur
ing the coming week for the f.xing of a da 12
to vote on the lulltoad bill.
With Ibis suLJeet uut of tut- way it will
(Continued 0.1 Second Page J
First One in the House
Heney Moves from
California and is
Going to Gotham
Rumor Has it that the San Francisco
Attorney Will Investigate Graft
in the Empire State.
. NEW YORK, May 16. The coming of
Francis J. Heney, the famous graft prose
utor .of the Pacific coast to this city, hHd
led to a number of rumors concerning his
motive In coming. Mr. Henry, says that
he will build up a law practice In this
city and live here In the future. He has
nothing to say about the report that Gov
ernor Hughes will appoint him special In
vestigator of the legislative corruption In
the Empire state.
Heney's reputation Is so well known here
that his arrival was Immediately heralded
in a rain of reports, chief of which was
that Governor Hughes would relinquish
Into Heney's hands the fight against cor
reptlpn In New York state when he the
governor takes' up his position on the
supreme court bench.
It has been known for some time that
Governor Hughes was anxious to have
certain corrupt trials, which cropped out
in the Allds-Conger investigation followed
up, but had no one to wnom ne eouia neie
gate the trust. If Mr. Heney cornea to
take up that burden he will continue his
career as a fighter of graft.
It was Honey who waged a long and
strenuous battle against municipal cor
ruption In San Francisco and bis friends
say that he would like to undertake the
work of exposing evil doings In Albany.
Heney regards his defeat at the fall elec
tions In California aa a repudiation of the
good work he has done there.
Women Over Twenty-Five Granted
Hlgbt to Vote at Municipal
Klee.' Ions.
CHRISTIAN IA, Norway, May IB.-I!y a
great majority the Odelstlng has voted to
grant universal municipal suffrage to
women 6ver 25 years of age. The new leg
islation will become effective at the next
elections and will Increase the present
women electors from J7O.C00 to 500,000.
Forcible Action Will .Vol Be
ployed Before Jane, It Is
k ill
icit; v, Russia. May 15. The expul
sion of Jews residing Illegally in Kiev
did not begin today as scheduled. It is
reported tht forcible measure.! will not
he emp'oyed before June 14.
Spain May Be Requested to
View Wreck of the Maine
WASHINGTON. May 10. -(Special Tele
gram.! When the wieik of the Uattleshlp
Maine Is raised from the mud at the bot
tom of Havana harbor. It Is the present
purpose of the Cnlted States government to
Invite Spain to send expert engineers to be
present at tho examlratlon of the h ill. pro
vided It is found that the Spanish govern-
ineni ueMin win arc-epi sucn an invi-
tatlon. ,It Is probable al-o that It will be
Intimate I to other naval powers that this
government would Le glad to have them
send repievental'.ve i li (
It is (louoted by many If II, e condition I
of tbe hull uf;r thia lapaa uf years v.o.i!J
kliuw whetiier in- nut the bul'.le.ililp wax
destroyed b mi nUilw or interior ex-
may: mary:
Detective Sergeant and Squad Turn a
Clever Trick on Thieves.
The ftang Had lleen Seen ntherlng
In I'lnndrc from Home nntl Stores
In Omaha In til They Had a
' Hleh Plnnt.
Kxccutlng a coup d'etat of fine ingenuity,
detectives, under orders from Sergeant
Dempsey, Sunday morning made arrests
of eight men and one woman, recovered
12,000 worth of stolen property and ended
one of the most puzzling series of thefts
the city has known.
Costly silks, tapestries, silverware and
men and women's clothing comprised the
haul made by the police and was quickly
laentmed , an having been taken in ths
burglaries of the Morris Levy residence,
the George Pray furnishing store and the
Omaha skirt store of I. Friedman during
the last month.
Clues successfully followed by the police
grey out of the chance visit of a woman
to the Friedman 8hlrt store, at 322 North
Sixteenth street, and the Identification of
the suit she wore as his property, by I. K.
i- iciiinnii. nui ior xne proaicanty of a
single-member of the ho'use-rlf ling outfit,
in giving the handsome stolen suit to the
wi-man, and Mr. Friedman's ready
recognition of the apparel, the burglar
Buspects might still be at large.
To get one of their members on the
Omaha police force had been one of the
plans of the gang, as disclosed by the
arrests. Ray Morton is the suspect whom
the police recognized as a man whose name
Is In the hands of the department as an
applicant to Join the force.
Those 7 ho composed the band caught
in tbe general round-up covering three
dae nre: Ray Morton, Harry Johnson,
Henry Perrlne, R. R. itoyer, Harry Payne,
William Payne, William liter, James
Johnson, Jess Pursons and Mrs. liuls
Pardons, who Is an cx-convlct with a
record of having looted the Ryan Jewelry
store and serving eighteen months fur the
crime two ycatf ago figures as the ring
leader of the trapped gang. All the
prisoners accept R. R. Koyer and most of
the loot, Tell Into the hands of the detec
tives at the home of Mrs. Marquis, at 921'$
South Thirteenth street. Boyer was caught
by Deeclvs Ring and Murphy at 312',a West
Broadway In Council Bluffs, Saturday
I'electives Davis, Malonry, Neils'-n. I) ...
vereese, Heitfeld, Wooldrldge, Ring and
Murphy cumposed the squad that sur
rounded and raided the M.irquls homo
about 10 o'clock Sunday morning and cup
tirert tho rest of tho prisoners, some of
(Continued on Second Page.)
ploslon, but other experts say that the e.
tlon of the water will not have seriously
ui i or leu me wreck.
While the Epanlkh government has made
no official reply as yet, It Is understood
that It has been officio ly Intimated that
Spain would bo gratified If such an invl
tat;on weie extended. Spain has alwav.
i contended that the Maine was destroyed
I by an Internal exulualun.
If a Spanish engineer Is Invited to In
speci the wreck, the other naval powers
wil ui.iu be Irnlted. If the attempt to
iaic ino Maine la a success, a part of the
luelul v.ill be gheii for the erection of a
iiat.onal nii.minieut w the uiAUor of the
hlMor;,- tre at Ntt Vuik.
Iron Gates Locked on Four Pittsburg
Men Found Guilty of Munic
ipal Bribery.
Former Councilmen Released Tern
' porarily Under Heavy Bonds.
Further Convictions Are Expected
Within Few Days.
lr of Saliafartlon Seems to Per
vade Populace, M ho Feel that
Justice tins lleen Dealt
PlTTSHl RU. May 15.-Vhen ths black
Iron doors of the county Jail clanged shut
on four of the b'g municipal grafters. Pitts
burg felt that the scales of Justice were
swinging evenly. Two other convicted men
have similar fates awaiting them, but at
out temporarily under heavy bonds. .
Sentence was imposed In criminal court
on six of the men who pleaded no defense
to charges of graft In connection w lth Pitts
burg municipal affairs. One hanker and
fle former councilmen faced a court of
four Judges and learned their fate. The
sentences ranged In length from four to
eight months In Jail. In addition to the
jail sentences heavy fines were imposed.
The men sentenced today were ordered
committed to the Allegheny county Jail,' but
later Hugh Ferguson and diaries Stewart,
former councilmen, were granted a respite
on a writ of supersedeas, were released ort
$10,000 bonds and took appeals to the su
perior court, based on an alleged promise
of Immunity.
A. H. Jennings, president of the Columbia
National bank, and F. A. Grlffen, the
former vice president, did not app?ar today,
ihelr cases being postponed until next week
because of Illness In their families.
Appeal for evr Trial.
Counsel for former Councilman A. V.
Simon, who was recently convicted of brlb-
try, filed an appeal rcr a new trial. Simon
has been tried twice, In the first case the
Jury bolng unable to agtee, while the sec
ond one convicted.
' Four Informations charging perjury
against John F. Klein, chief wltnexs for
the commonwealth In the graft tases, were
flit rt by counsel for councilmen charged
with bribery.
Two years'ln the workhouse and 1100 fins
were Imposed upon Harry K. Muchlbrenner
and Parties Veverka by Judge Swearlngen
tot'sy. Both were former employes of the
Worklirgmens Savings and Trust company
and were charged with embezzlement.
Although not officially connected with the
graft, these men were called before
(he prund "Jury to testify and were called
for sentence at tlr same time today as the
bankers and councilmen.
The' Primmer sttatemenl.-
Here are a few things the grafters said
while being starched In Jail:
"I am glad It Is over." August A. VII
sack, . former bank t-ashler. member of a
wealthy and prominent family.
"I do not feel very well; I hope I wilt
settle down soon and get better." Morris
Einstein, wealthy drugglut and north side
politician, member of council for a number
of years.
"Absolute sllence."-F. Andy Kearns.
well-known politician, former member of
the Central . Hoard of Education and of
select council. . .
"I did not expert It today; my family
did not know; I feel very badly.". Dr. W.
H.' Weber. leading south side physician and
former leader of select council, who wept
piteously when he entered the Jail doors.
With August A. Vilsack. former banker;
Morris Einstein, wealthy politician of the
north side; Dr. W. 11. Weber, leading phy
sician," and Andy Kearns, a divider of
spoils In select council, securely locked up,
public wrath has been In a measure ap
A great crowd of the curious gathered
about the doors of the county Jail to see
tho millionaire Vllsack and his compan
ions escorted Into the huge prison.
It was with difficulty that Warden Kd
ward Lewis and his attaches restrained
the mob from interfering.' Of the number,
Dr. Weber showed the least nerve. When
be heard the locks spring Into place the
ruddy-faced physician burst into tears. Th
fiarno of this strong man was shaken like
a fragile leaf. The hands that held lha
handkerchief to the convulsively-working
face trembled vi dently. All the men have
to live up to the name rules as the other
Italia Spread anil t ars l.eme Track
fclini In mo! er end
hlr Car.
WICHITA, Kan., Mav 15. Nina persons
were Injured when Kansas City, Mexico ti
Orient passenger train, No. 2. was wrecked
last nb;ht war Milton, Kan., thirty miles
mutli" ft of here
The injured:
A. II. Hurbariks, Wichita, express mes-fenge.-,
Internal Injuries, Ferioiia.
S. Fri.Iechstein, St. Louis, arm broken
T. W. Vandeveer, Wichita, collar bona
and several ribs broken.
M. ibiiisbei xcr, mull clerk, Wichita, In
tel nal injuries.
Ritjby, Wichita, leg broken.
J. D. Workman, Wichita, collar bnna
O. ti, Lambert, Okl., shoulder
In iikcn.
r. II. Madiron. Wichita, mall clerk. In
ternal. KrlOUH.
I 'i . Avery, Kldora. Kan., scalp wound.
Tho wreck was caused by spieadln.t rails.
The train was running fifteen minutes lot
wlwn tho accident happened. The engine
did not leuve the Hack, but the tender was
thrown bottom wide up, tho baggage caff
wa" burnl'"1
the bottom torn out of lbs)
smol'er and Ino chulr car Wft the traoh.
The sleeper remained on the rsils. The In
jured were lal.en to a hotel In Mdton where
physicians attended them.
three Men I onfru Hohbery.
SIOI X FALLS, S. D., May 15. (Special.)
George and John Myutt, brothers, and
Tony Nicol. tie, w ho were arrested by the
local (lulled on ihr cherg of having been
responsible for several recent robberies of
Sol x c'lilis bus. lie s li'iu.ieH, have c nfe.ned,
unci totiuurow (Moiidnj I will be arri'lKind
in a luiul coi it mi tbe eiittiKr uf buixluiy,
with the critainty uf irriiii lu tho Sloug
Falls penitentiary staring Ihn.u in the face.