Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 9

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48. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOIiXlNO, MAY 15. 1010. SlNOLh C0l nl, ll.isig.
Political and Social News of the Old World Reported by Special Cable and Correspondence
: : i
Bacon, Beefsteak and Other Foods
Take Big Jump Toward the
. Too Notch.
llanv Housewives Are .Inclined to
Blame the Americans.
, "
She is a Winsome Little Maid, Just
1 Sweet Seventeen.
DnWe of tonnaught llecldca to Make
a Vlilt lo tnna revcnH
II I in from HcrvInK
I 1:1 p I re-l n -t'h le f .
At Forthcoming Maneuvers Each Siije
Will Have Airship at Its Disposal.
(Jernian Battleship F.stuullshes a
Hreord In Rapid loaUus Dresden
Oprra llouxe stage to lie
Rebuilt. .
Revival of Pigctt-Le Caron Case Sets
Emerald Isle at Fever
Iai.MXJN, May II. (.Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) England Is feeling the pinch
of tho 'high prices of food as well as
America, Bacon and beef, the great Eng-
Uhii food staple., have Jumped Horn 4 to
(i cents a pound; mutton, cheese and buer
ara going up, too. In fact, the British
housewife find everything on her bill of
fare kiting, skyward, and' a wall of protest
is. being ralstd from Lands End to John
u' Groats.
In the minds of many the Idea prevails
that the bad Americans are responsible
in large part. If not altogether, for this
condition, although, the . more sensible rec
ognize the fact that England is simply
feeling a world-wide movement towards
higher prices.
I asked one authority to what he ascribed
the trouble. This Is what he said:
"The introduction of cold storage, which
has enabled the great trusts to store thous
ands of tons of perishable commodities for
practically indefinite periods, and to hold
them over so as to stiffen prices, lias been
advanced as one reason. And It may have
something to do with it.
"But the main cause is that the world
Is fat filling "-up. America, for Instance,
s nda us less and - less beef, . butter and
cheese every fear. Her constantly Increas
ing population needs all It tun grow and
inuke for its own use. Twenty years ago
the pra.rlts of the ni.ddle west were merely
glguiulu grazing tarms Tor cattle. Now
they are covered with small homesteads,
with the result that While local production
has been lessened, local demand has been
increased. ' ' '
Princess Maail'i Debut
"And we, here la Oreat Britain, are feel-
- ing Jhe plnchr-and are likely to feel It."
Society is greatly interested at the mo
nient In the forthcoming debut of Princess
Maud, ' the younger daughter 'of tne
Princess Royal, and the duke of Fife.
'which, .as at present arranged, wl',1 take
place at the final court of tna Season. The
t young prlnciss (recently' celebrated "her
ncntutrmh birthday, but, owing in a great
'measure to the delicate health of her
mother, she Is almost entirely unknown
outside her own family.
Shu la . a winsome little maid, and a
gent rat favorite With all with whom she
comes into contact. Like her elder sister,
princess Alexandra, she Is devoted to an
outdoor life, and her chief happiness is
round in roaming about the delightful
highland scenery in the neighborhood of
ilar Lodge. Two Princesses were never
more s.mply brought up than have been
the two daughters of our princess royal,
and' when one meets this bright and
vivacious girl it Is difficult to reullxe that
shu stands eleventh In direct succession
to the throne at the present time.
The duke of Connaught has decided to
pay a short visit "-to Canada before the
end of the year. Uc has Intimated to the
authorities of the Canadian National ex
lilbltlyn that he will pay a visit to the
display at his earliest convenience. It is
understood that this proposed visit to the
dominion will prevent the duke from ac
A ji'iiM the position of iimpire-ln-clilcf . at
nie autumn maneuvers this year, bat no
definite announcement on this mutter has
yet been inad.
There seems to be binull doubt that the
next "'craiu" of society will be aviation
.and already .several well-known people
lmvv ordtrcd flying machined of olio tie
script lonoi' another. Among liicit. is me
duke of Westminster, who vas one of tin;
first In till country to purchase u Wright
biplane. The duke is taking Up tno siiuncc
yt uvlatlon seriously and hope to accom
plish some notable flights before very long.
Lord Howard dc Vuhicii is likewise cred
ited wltli a desire to Indulge in flying uud
It is understood tliut ho recently orders J a
Farman biplane.
(ruse- for Holler SLutluc.
The crane for roller bkallug which has
BERLIN, May 14. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) Kalstif Wllhelm is proud of hU
air fleet. It is understood that at this
year's Imperial maneuvers each of tin
opposing sides will have an airship placed
at Its disposal. The Pmseval and Uross
types will be employed, the size of vessels
of the Zeppelin class, making tlnjm dlff cult
to deal with under campaigning conditions.
After the recent leylttv ot the aerial
fleet ut Hamburg, the first of Hie kind eveJ
held, his majesty inspected closely the
gieat machines questioned the offlceis and
men and expressed himself as areaily
pleased with the high stale of efficiency
Starling from Cologne at 11:30 with a
favoring northwesteiTy wind, the squadron
of military airships which has been
maneuvering in the Rhine region for the
last fortnight the Gross 1, Zeppclm II and
larseval 111 called a v. ay In the direction
of Frankfort-on-Muln, lying as the crow
flics HJO miles southeast. The stiuadron,
keeping formation as perfectly as battle
ships, reached Hamburg a few minutes
after 4 o'clock,'- having accomplished a
Journey without cL mishap at un uverage
speed of twenty-two milts an hour.
Zebelln l.uud Kutily.
The great , white Zeppelin landed easily
and without incident, and the Parseval
descended at the very feet of the kaiser's
party. The Gross experienced some dif
ficulty In descending, and suffered mishap
so serious that the vessel was prevented
from landing where It desired and came
down more or less involuntarily at another
spot some hundreds of yards distant.
Awaiting the squadron's arrival on the
plain adjacent to the railway line between
Frankfort and Hamburg were the kaiser
the kaiserin, Princess Victoria Louise ot
Prussia, and a brilliant entourage. Before
landing the three vessels executed a serious
of picturesque maneuvers above Hamburg,
to the Intense Joy of the Imperial party,
especially of the kaiser and his daughter,
Aboard the Zeppelin were General Baron
Von Lyncker, chlef of the transport de
partirfent of the German army and General
Von Sperling, the military governor of
Cologne.' They were able to ' assure" the
supreme war lord that the cruise was sue
cessful in every respect. The kaiser
escorted his wife and daughter' over the
ajrahlp. the princess making good practice
the while with her camera. - .
It is atated that army airship M. 3, dur
ing a recent long-distance flight 'made an
important Vexperlment in the discharge of
explosives in the form of aerial torpedoes
from airships. The experiments are being
continued. - "
InoludUig-the victims of the Pommern
disaster on April 3." eight balloonista have
been killed In Germany In the last few
weeks. Minor mishaps are events of dally
occurrence and pass almost unnoticed. The
frequency of accidents In aviation has
stirred the' Imperial Aerq club, tlu leading
German aeronautic authority, t6 take action
on behalf of those Interested in the naviga
tion of the air, and the club ha decided to
Issue a code of rules and advice to bal
loon Ists. Every large town has now a bal
loon club and ascents are so numerous that
the frequency of accidents is less sur
prising than appears at the first glance.
Tax on I'nearned Increment.
As a part of the German Imperial finan
cial settlement last year, It was' enacted
that the government should within a given
period Introduce a bill establishing a tax
on unearned increment to produce at least
$5,000,000 a year. It provides that the tax
shall apply only to real estate. It will be
payable on the sale of property, and is to
be collected by "municipalities and rural
authorities,' many of whom already have
local taxes on uneurned Increment. Local
authorities will be required to hand over
6 per cent of the yield of the tax to the
Imperial treasury, which expects lo net
15,500.000 pearly fiom the Impost.
All forms of property other than real es
tate are exempted from the operation of
the tax, on tins ground that the Inclusion
of securities, etc., would impose an Intoler
able burdert- on trade, drive capital abroad
and ).ee-p foreign capital out of Germany,
with a resultant depreciation ot German
Stato and other securities, and loss of reve
nue frdm st.imp duties.
x Id venture nlth u Tlitcr,
A wild beast trainer, named Henrteknen, exhibiting a dozen lions and tigers at
Buschc'a circus, Berlin, and had introduced
a favorite chimpanxee Into the cage. He
was rehearsing with the latter animal, and
for a moment took his eyes from a particu
larly ferocious tiger. Suddenly the tiger
sprang upon the trainer's back, but before
Michael Kelly, Dan Hogan and James
' Daly Have Their Say
"An Outrageous Lie," is an Extract !
from the Oratory.
How floats Are to Be Prohibited on
Klllnrnrr Lakes In ltrrnt of
I'ablle Safety the toniiug
seized the officers of the navy is, it 1st he had time lo claw him the chimpanzee
stated, responsible for a good 'tleul of dis
content on tho battleship 'Uuard. In
deed, so serious is tlie discontent of the
"tbuTr deck that steps have been L.ktn lo
litany the attention of the ud:iiiruily to
their grievances. It Is the establi.sliu.o:it
of a "marine skutlng deck" upon the deck
of the Vanguard ' that is responsible for
Wys trouble to that and lo titu tact I hat In
ships of the lM-cuduought type a :ieu
' method of berthing' the crew ha i bent
adopted. In older ships the Clew wciu
berthed fora4 und there was & forecastle,
which was the cspcolal province ot the
.irc. in Din lM'o.tdnoughia tho crew are
berihtfl aft and there la no forecastle. The
quarter deck Is in all warships i,acred to
officers and Insteud of being aft It is placed
for. iid.
Now, In the other Dreadnoughts the quar
0 lor deck occupies about halt of the upper
deck, and thu men are free to come and go,
to I. ike the air and amue themselves on
JJto other half, them being no forecastle.
V!ut In the Vanguard, so the lower deck
- complain, the officers have not been con-
tlent with half. They wanted . a satii
' ilnU, so. t ) secure room for their pfstlme,
they have appropriated thi ec-quartera of
the upper deck, thereby greatly diminish
ing the spaco ' avullablu for tho crew.
Moreover, the line ot demarcation is rigidly
enfoioel-o rigidly that two vt the hatch
ways .usually available for the men to
- ascend or to descend from the deck are
forbidden to them. All the Dreadnoughts
cany large crew. i ne anguard has
nearly a thousand, and they complain that
collect on deck during their
urs they Lava scarcjly room to
sprang like lightning TSTi the tl.'jei's b.iclt.
This so astonished tho betst that he loosed
hlu hold and retired to a torner of the cage
sum ling, llein icksrn w as taken out un
hurt. -The
German hittlcship 8chlcswig-Holste:n
claims lo have established a record In rapid
couling. Th6 crew on a .'recent occasion
shipped 700 tons In' one hour and twenty
nine minutes, of which M tons were
.hipped in tho first hour.
A sum of $1:10.000, it is stated. Is lo be
rpent on rebuilding the stuge of the Dres
den opera house. Th king ot Saxony is
aked to contribute 31.000 and tho Diet to
vole the rest.
DUBLIN, May 14. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) The revival- of the Pigott-Le
Caron scandal by Sir Robert Anderson's
reminiscences . has stirred Ireland and
Irishmen they have not been stirred for
many a. day. Even tho great fight In the
British Parliament lias taken second place
In the public mind. In one notable instance
at least the renewal of the discussion has
led to a regular Donnybroolt fair 'free-for-all
fight. At the Castlebar Urban District
Council the other day Mr. Michael Kelly
moved a resolution expressing the -council's
"entire condemnation" of fir Robert, which
Mr. James Daly duly seconded. The row
begun when, in the middle oTMr. Daly's
reminiscences of "Commission" days, Mr.
Dan Hogan, vice chairman, interjected the
remark that "once again Judas was oq his
In answer to protests. Mr. Hogan went
on to say -that he was at the railway sta
tion when Mr.' Daly stood on the bridge
there and called for groans for Parnell as
Ho passed to Westport five days before
his death. Mr. Daly retorted that the
statement way a deliberate falsehood, and
bitterly denounced the chairman for allow
ing him 'rq be insulted. After a heated ex
change of personalities, in the course, of
which Mr. Hogan declared that Mr. Kelly
told him he saw Mr. Daly groan Parnell, a
statement which Mr. Kelly described as
"an outrageous lie," Mr. Daly formally
tendered his resignation as a member of
tbe council "owing to the wilfully vluianoua
attack allowed by the chairman to be made
upon me by. an unmentionable character,
who by accident was made a Thember of
this board." 1 1 -
."Do you deny that you denounced Par
nell?" queried tbe Irrepressible Mr.
Hogan. For answer, Mr. Dally tried
to strike him with his stick, but the blow
was Intercepted by a gas bracket. Pres
ently however, he rushed at his traducer,
who aat beside tho chairman,' and dealt
him four or flvo blows in the face with his
fists. Then be brought his heavy walking
stick into action. His first blow caught
the chairman across the fingers. The next
threo or four were received by Mr. H6gan
across the arms, while one caught him
Square on tho head. Another councillor,
who Intervened, received a bad blow on the
arm. Mr. Daly was then pushed towards
tho back entrance, and was ultimately pre
vailed upon to leavo tho room. He was
followed by most of the other councillors
and the meeting abruptly came to an end.
No More Hon Boats.
At last tho Klllarney lakes are set
free from the thraldom and peril of the
old rowing boat, which was the cause of
so many disasters and loss of life when
battling with the waves In the sudden
storms for which the place ts notorious.
Tie first steam and motor vessels will be
piacen on mc tor me coming season.
At tho recent meeting of tho council of
the Dublin Industrial Development associa
tion the attention of the council was
directed to tho proposed pilgrimage to
Ireland this year of very, large numbers of
Americans. It was .stated that the pil
grimage of Irish-Amrirlcans would likely
aid the liullstrlnl movement.- It was agreed,
to place before them through the Irish and
American press, the desirability of them In
sisting on any purchases they make being
branded with the Irish "trademark so as
to ensure their being of genuine Irish
uiigin. It was also agreed to get into
communication v.ith Mr. Kllkelly, the
secretary of the pilgrimage committee In
America, and place, before him the coun
cil's suggestion. X
l'reneher Drop Money.
An amusing scene was witnessed In Dame
street, Dublin, where an accident held up
tno trairtc in Tt very busy center for a
long time. A cab had Just turned out of
Parliament street, when the bottom fell
clran out of it and with it a sack of
money, of not less than seven or eight
stones weight. The material of vhlch the
rack was made, was burst by th fall, and
the money all pennies and half pennies
was scattered on the roadway. The money.
which represented collections in one of the
city churches, was being conveyed by a
clergymen to the bank. The clergyman
Jumped out of the can as quickly as pos
sible, , and a bht crowd soon collectiMl,
many of whom- helped him to collect the
scattered coppers. A number of boya, how
ever, seised the opportunity to disappear
with hands full of coin.
Paris to Spend Three Hundred Mil
lion Dollars in Extensive Munic
ipal Improvements.
Wonderful Circle of Inner Boulevardi
is Proposed.
Proceeds of Municipal Loan Are to Be
Devoted to the Enterprise.
Itoinnnce In vine Thealrloa
'1 Caruxyl Saw, I Conquered.
From the Spokesman-Review..
Date Will Probably Be Within the
Month of August.
op Will Probubly Appoint Two
American .Cardinals at the
Forthcoming Consistory
In Home.
Death Story is
Left on Record
in Iil-Fated Boat
Lieutenant in Command of, Japanese
Submarine Writes Description
of Fatal Accident.
ROME, May 14. (Special Dispatch to The
Bee.) King Victor Emmanuel intends to
pay a state visit to Russia during tpe sum
mer.. The date has not yet been definitely
fixed, but it probably will not be. before
August. Italy is deeply interested in the
near eastern situation and her aynrpathles
are with Russia ratlier than Austria, de
spite her membership in the triple alli
ance. It is not unlikely that the whole
Balkan and Turkish situation will be gone
over when King Victor meets the czar.
The Impression gains strength among
American churchmen here that the pope
has 'decided to appoint two American car
dinals at the approaching consistory. The
only thing which stands in the way is saidithe greatest difficulty In breathing.
TOKYO, May 14-CSpeclaI ' Dispatch to
The Bee.) The lots at the Japanese sub
marine, with three officers and a crew of
eleven, . while ongaged In maneuvers off
Port Kure, has had a dramatic sequel in
the finding ot a detailed account of the
accident written by the ileu'enant in com
mand of the ill-fated boat. '
Thismessage from. the dead describes the
cause of the accident and the steps taken
to endeavor to raise the submarine to the
surface. The lieutenant expresses regrets
at losing the boat and at the loss of the
lives of brother officers and the crew, of
whose heroism he speaks in the highest
Towards the end of this tragic document
tho writer states that he had then reached
such a state of asphyxiation that he had
hen i they
lelkUl UI
Line to lie Dalit In Cnlll Will He
.lr. Four Year, for ton.trnc
tlon. It In Kstimated.
, VALPARAISO, May 14(Spclal to The The contract for the construction ot
the northern section of the Chilean longi
tudinal railways, which has been awarded
to the representative Of a British banking
syndicate, was competed for by several
other British and American Interests. It is
expected tha the work will be finished in
four years'' time.
This railway, when completed, will run
from north , to south, front Africa to San
tiago d Chilli, a distance of 1,501 miles, and
will form a Junction with the proposed Pan
American railway, and thus bring Santiago
and New York within a 10.000-mile railway
Journey of ach other.
Pair ot "LeadlnK Ladies" Are Made
Pit On au Interesting Offi
cial SllQtT. ..
ANTWERP, May 14-(Special to The
Bee.) There was rather a peculiar theat
rical performance at police headquarters
the other day. The performance of an un
popular review was stopped by the police.
They raided the Theater Modrrne and ar
rested the entire company. The manager
of the theater and the author of the
''revue" were likewise apprehended at the
box-office and taken, with the actora and
actresses, to the police station.
At the police headquarters two of the
leading actresses were ordered to go
through their rarts before an auster and
unppreciatlve audience of policfe officers.
The program lasted for tno hour. One
of thr perforXnerSbelng a Belgian subject,
waa then released on ball. The other, a
Pajislenne, was consigned ta the prison.
to be the determined opposition of Cardi
nal Mevy del Val and his faction. The
papal secretary of state la bitterly opposed
to all things American. I am told that he
strenuously objects to any further honors
being, conferred on the American church,
on the ground that already there Is a too
evident disposition on the part of Ameri
can -churchmen to assert independence
halong certain lines, and if other Ameri
can cardinals are appointed at this time
he fears this spirit ot independence will be
It may'be that the opposition of Mery del
Val will prevail and the two red hats will
not go to America, but the present feel
ing is that he will be over-ruled. It Is
known that the Holy Father does not share
his secretary's distrust of Americans. On
the contrary he has repeatedly Indicated his
high regard for his trans-Atlantlo -Children
in the faith and ho believes the church
there is entitled to greater representation
in tho sacred college. The opinion la al
moin universal that if American cardinals
aio created the prizes will fall to Arch
bishop Irelund of J?t Paul, and Archbishop
Farley of New York.
The -largest barometer in the world was
recently Bet up in the town of Faenza,' the
birthplace of Torrlcellll, who discovered
tho barometer and the "vacuum" which
perpetuates hisname. The liquid used is
purified oil rendered free from , air, and
tilts' gives a column over eleven netres in
height. Owing to the very small amount
ot evaporation an oil barometers In much
more accurate tiian ono filW)J with any
other liquid excep' mercury, and the lniiii
cuiuinn makes it very sensitive.
Preparations already are being mado for
the reception of the pilgrimage of the
American Knights of Columbus, this sum-ine-i.
and tho visiting knights may feel as
sured that they will be given tho best time
ltomo N cupable of giving them. Church
nun will not be alono in the entertainment.
Practically the entire American colony will
Join In the reception and entertainment of
the visiters.
Italy is deeply interested in the situation
In Abyssinia which recent advices indi
cate Is lupsing . into a condition of an
archy. Powerful chieftains are struggling
for supremacy and combinations are being
formed which presage a most devastating
civil war.
This cannot fall to affect adversely
Italy's African possessions. The African
gairlsons are being quietly strengthened
and everything Is being done to be pre
pared to protect Italian interests when the
outbreak comes.
The last words of the brave lieutenant
were a touching request that the emperor
should succour the families of the officers
and men.
Belligerent Nations Are Advised to
. Make Due Calculations.
Great International Sport Exhibition
Is Opened In Style ty the
Emperor Big Flood In
Cut Like-Melon,
' is Threatened
Fate of China
Situation in Flowery Kingdom is
Unsettled Like India Before
the Big Mutiny.
HONG KONG. May 14.-(!?pecial to The
Bee.) The situation in China is. In some
respects, not unlike that In the Indian em
pire shortly before- the great mutiny. In
all sections of the empire circulars are
seen, stating in Varying ways JJiat China
is to be carved up this coming spring like
a melon and divided among the' foreign
powers. To avert this calamity all students
and other loyal Chinese are called upon to
enrol themselves us volunteer soldiers, to
learn the use of arms and prepare to fight
the foreigner and drive him, bag and bag
gage, from the coast ot China.
It Is feared srrous trouble is ahead which
may call for foreign Intervention. '
Kotorlone Crown Prineo of ttervla
Takes Into Himself w
Bride, Princess Hnltana.
BELGRADE. May 14.-(Speclal to The
Uce.) The crown prince of Bervla, whose
doings of late have earned for him noto
ilety, has chosen as hia bride Princess
Hcuadis Sultana, fourth daughter of" the
ex-Sultan Abdul Hamid of Turkey.
Lord Brassey, Despite Ills Advanced
Age, Accepts ,n Ctrennons t n
dertaklna. IX)NDON, May 14. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) Lord Brassey'a acceptance, at
the age of 74, of the mastership of the Bex
hill Harriers, has caused a great deal of
interest among sportsmen everywhere. In
spite of his years. Lord Brassey is one of
the "youngest old men" In the kingdom.
His vitality and energy are, in fact, (pike i
VIENNA, May 14. (Special Dispatch to
The Bee.) Nations must count the,, cost
when they go to war these days. In the
debate on a new war loan to cover the
cost of the preparations for trouble fol
lowing the annexation of Bosnia and
Herzegovnla, Field Marshal von Georgia
declared the amount asked for, 340,000,000,
was trifling as compared with the cost of
actual warfare. He then proceeded to give
an Interesting calculation aa to what the
cost of a future campaign would mean for
Austria-Hungary. The daily expense of
each soldier, Judging from previous ex
pcrlence and allowing, for the natural rUo
In prices, mlghf be calculated at about 10
shillings, not including pensions foiv dis
abled men and widows and orphans, the
outlay for replacing weapons, uniforms
and war material, and for compensation
for other losses sustained. Reckoning, upon
a basis of 2,000,000 armed men, (the dully
expenses would reach 35.000,000, and a cam
palgn lasting six months would mean about
The great International tfport exhibition
was opened in style last Saturday by the
omperor. It Is perhaps the greatest ex
hibition of the kind ever held. It was
hoped President Roosevelt would be able
to be present. It was impossible. The
great American iiunter, however, has sent
some of the trophies of bis African trip,
Much Interest Is shown in the American
exhibits which are not, however, as many
as American visitors" would like to see
It la denied here that there is any agree
ment with Germany under which tha
power may buy the Austrian Dreadnoughts
In case she needs them,
The question of ttte vote of money for
the Dreadnoughts will probably be re
ferred to the Austro-Hungarian delegations
next autumn if the delegations meet. In
political circles here It Is-known that thu
Austrian members of the delegations will
make no difficulties regarding the vote
while very little trouble Is anticipated
from the Hungarian members. Should the
delegation, however, refuse the money
Austria would build the fleet independently,
The desire to possess a fleet is so strong
in Austria, since the events of 1904, tha
there is no doubt theaooney will be found
All reports that the Stabllllmento Tecnic
might sell its Dreadnoughts to - othe
powers sue entirely without foundation.
It Is announced that the emperor has
decided to pay a visit to Bosnia next June,
The news has caused a sensation, since
the last visit which his majesty made to
Bosnia was so far baVk as 1Kj.
Floods have devastated the southern and
central portions of Hervla. Reports from
the Inundated' districts depict the situation
as very critical, and so extensive is the
damage done that the floods are regarded
as a national catastrophe.
On learning of the devastation Kinx
of the Governor of French West
Africa A Fortnoe Telle
Tussle. ' '
X 1
PARIS, May 14. (Special Dispatch, to
Tho Bee,) Not content with being tho
gayest city In tho world and the mewt
beautiful, in the minds or all true? t-aris-ians,
Paris Is preparing te spend some
WO.Ooe.OOO in tho improvement and embel
lishment of the city.
it is doubtful if any . city In the world
ius ever seriously unaenuncu inm-
Hons a scheme of betterment.
The present plana for these Improvements
s simply to complete the scheme or Btmn
iausxmann. This gewiU "clemolisher" con
ceived a Paris of ! which the two axis
would intersect at right angles the Rue
de Rlvoli and Rue St. Antolne and the
Boulevards de Sebaatipol, du Palala and
St. Michel. This Paris, in his plan, would
contain a circle of Inner boulevards. th
gieat boulevards, popularly so-called, and
the Boulevard St. Germain. Radiating
highways would bring the inner boule
vards Into communication with the outer.
and" with the center. Finally a triple girdle
of highways was projected, to consist of
the boulevards laid out under Louis XVI,
the military boulevards and an almost un-
ntorrupted series of wide streets con
necting these two lines and forming a
curved highway, especially notlueable on
the left bank, where It bears In succession
the names of Rues de-Tolblac, d'Alesla, de
Vocll and de'la Convention.
Onehalf at least of the moueyi wnicn is
to be raised by the new loan Is to be de
voted to the piercing of arteries of com
munication, to the Improvement of the old
streets and to the demolition ot some
scores of the ancient highways in quar
ters which, have remained untouched since
the period of Henri IV or ot Louis XIII.
AS far back as last December a bond Is
sue of 318O,0CO,O00 was authorized for this
When the floods devasted the city 1 it
was supposed that a portion of the mu
nicipal loan might be utilized, for the re
lief of the sufferers and fot the repair of
the damage caused In the capital and in
the suburbs. State and private contribu
tions will suffice, however, to meet those
needs. Moreover, to divert a single larm-
lng of the loan from its original purpose
au act of Parliament would be necessary.
No such step ts contemplated. The Mu
nicipal Council, Indeed, not content with '
the 31.),000,000, is gradually voting soma
3120,000,000 mora, for further Improvements.
it will take something like ten years to
carry out this work. When It is finished
It Is confidently believed that no city In
the world will approach the French cap
ital in symmetry and beauty.
extraordinary, and two years urfo he a-y Peter expressed a desire Immediately to
tounded his friends by mastering the diffi
cult German language In ten days. -At the
end of that time he could read Prince Ho-
henlohe's memoKs. All who have studied
German, will realize the uniqueness of this
feat, y
Vrn Zealand Steamers Move In.
der n Snbsldy of fl70M .
Thrce-Ver foutract.
WELLINGTON, N. Z., May 14 (Special
to The Bee.) The new cargo service be
tween Canada and Australasian ports was
inaugurated today by the Bailing of the
steamer Eakaia, a vessel of 3.6KO tons, net,
from Montreal. The service Is to be a
monthly one for three years, and the an
nual subsidy is 3170,000. The New Zealand
Shipping company's steamers ar to be
visit the flooded dlxtricts, but the cabinet
induced hlinto remain In Belgrade.
A national subscription In aid of the suf
ferers has been opened, the king heading
the list with a large contribution.
( lalma to De Incarnation of the Diet?
and Starts Mick Troable la
(botn apar.
CALCUTTA, May 14. (Special to The
Bee.) Trouble is tmfed among the aborig
inals in Chota Nagpur, warto, acting on the
Instigation qL a man claiming to be the
incarnation of a deity, refuse to recognise
British rule. Tha center of the disturbance
la close to Ranch!, where war drums have
been bealen on the, hilltops. So far, no
act of active hostility has been committed.
Troops and police are watching the gathering
Culmination of a Romance.
Paris is- enjoying Uie clumlnatlon of a
typical French romance In the marriage
of MUe. Juliette Thaldy, a pretty young
actresx, to M. Merland-Ponty, governor of
French West Africa.
lj Engagement, courtship and marriagn
were rapid and dramatic, it an began lam
September, when a company of Parisian
stars, homeward bound from South Amer
ica, put into Dakar to fulfill a promise
made by cable rum Rio de Janeiro that
they would give a performance at the local
The boat was delayed by terrible weather v
and Instead of 6 In the evening did not ar
rive until past midnight. As the manager
of the company had promised they should
perform, he determined to give a the
atrical representation at all hazards. 11
rallied his sleepy company and they were
rowed ashoie by the native boatmen In
the dead of night and hurried to tlie the
ater. At 1 o'clock the performance was
ready to begin. '
By 2 in the morning the audience began
to assemble In the theater. M. Merland
Ponty, rubblng.hls eyes, went forward,
with many apologies, to express his per
sonal regret lo the company. His rank car
ried him behind the scenes and there hn
came fare to face with Mile. Thaldy, quite
one of the minor actresses. It was love at
first sight, at any rate on the governor's
part, lie nefer took his eyes off Iter dur
ing the performance, and at the subsequent
supper, or breakfast It was given at hia
house towards 6 in tlie morning paid tha
pretty lady marked attention. At 8 the en
tire company went abroad and the gov
ernor saw Die object of hlrf sudden pubslon
sail at sunrise on a slorm-toHHed ocean.
As soon as he could M. Metiand-Pouly
obtained leave, traveled to Pari, married
the lady, who had accepted him by letter
already, and took his fair bride back to
Fortune-Teller Uacallon.
A curious cane which has arisen in Pari!
suggests the query, does tiie fortune teller
warrant the fulfillment of all his predic
tions or at Jetxt of those which are favor
able. An astrologer who had customers by
the score until quite lately gave general
satisfaction. Some of liU customers were,
however, disappointed. The pleasant Ihingf
foretold were not realized, with the 4'esult
that these dlHcontented people lodged a
formal complaint with a magistrate. A po
lice officeiwas appointed It inquire luta
the cjimc arid the first discovery which lit
mude that the fortune teller hud a
vast "practice. He had as many as lo,04
customer in all ranks of society.. When
applied to he would readily, and without
exacting a, fee, cast the horoscope of tha
upplh ant. if mora wun wanted the prh a
was 310 for a complete "fortune," V' for
one, leKS complete, tl' for a period of fif
teen years, 3-00 for a pcriud ot ten year,
for five years Sl.Jfc, elv.