Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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    TirR. OMAHA1 SUNDAY itEEf MAT. 15. 1010.
8 x
New Summer Merchandise Very Attractively Priced
50c Embroideries at 19c 25c
' Finest embroidered I'louuciujrs, sskirtiugs and corset cover em
broideries. ho galloons and bands,
in Swiss, nainsook and cambric, also
lacey Irish, effects; many are f)le
quality; on large bargain square. .
Pure Thread Silk Hose
Genuine Silk Hosiery Both Women's
(and Men's For the price of Cotton.
Immense lot from one of the largest American mills. Maker took
for less than usual In order to secure our order.
The savins la fully one-third. Many buyers will select a dozen pairs.
The quality will be found highly satisfactory.
Fine and sheer; extra splic
ing of silk Hl al the heelB,
toes and gaiter tops. Kvery
size and color, biacu
and white, tan, bronze,
nink. sky. smoke, pearl,
navy, lavender, pongee, cham
pagne, reseda, olive, Copenhagen,
old rose, wistaria, gold.
This merely the price of
good, ' lisle hose, but these
are absolutely pure thread
silk, made with silk
lisle heels, toes and
toDs: full size; In
black, tan, navy, smoke, pearl
reseda, cadet, lavender, wistaria
75c Wide Embroideries at 39c
18, 2t and 27-Inch fine embroidered flounclngs, elegant Angleterre, floral
and Kngllah
eyelet effects,
at, yard i
$1.00 All-Over Embroideries at 59c Yard
22-inch fine Swiss and batiste all-overs eyelet, leaf, sprays and shadow
effects many
worth $1.00,
Smart, new styles-
Si Bands and Galloons at 39c and 49c Yard
Highest class crochet and embrolderd batiste bands and galloons elegant
combination designs in baby Irish. ysk TV
dainty embroidery and braid effects. JjJJ
at, yard, 39gJ and
Fine Embroidery Edgings and Insertions
Also headings medium widths endless variety all newest designs
many worth M jfV
20c a yard. 1 JL C
at, yard . i '
All Pure l.inen
Table Damask;
fine satin finish
full 2 yards
wide; $1.10 val
ue, at, yd. 85c
Slightly Soiled'
Pattern uiotn f
values up to $4.
each, at $1.0S
Specials in Our Linen Department Basement
All Pure Linen Napkins; full
bleached; extra heavy, S3.50
values, dozen . .-$1.98
Imported Mercerized. $2.25 Dam
ask Cloths; neatly hemstitched;
each, at $1.59
mmaau OMAHA
Pure Satin Dam
ask Table Linen
- full bleached.
75c quality, per
yd., at . . .59
Fringed Marseil
les pattern Bed
Spreads, regular
felze worth $1.50
each, at 98
'ft vfciA
mmgr lu .
lite Mm I .
I . i-.a v., J III i F- I fiUlti
MSiii i lil
These Dainly and Praclical
Silk Dresses
Are Popular This Season
As a special event for Monday we will sell fifty-
five fine silk dresses, made of shantungs, foul
ards, mescalines, chiffon taffetas, Qj pfTA
txaii de everue. etc. man v are V II vj
samples all colors and worth up II fl
lJ iftU.W 1UVUUO Jl HI
A lot of fine high-grade wash dresses in lingerie,
linen chambrays, ginghams, dimities, barred
nainsooks, etc. Included in lot are several sam
ple dresses many are worth up &4 S TA
to $25, choice, at.". $JL.3U
The New Linen Suits are Fashionable
We are nowshowlng one of the most complete assort
ments of pretty summer linen suits ever shown In Omaha.
Realising the popularity of these frocks, we have taken
greater pains than ever this season to secure every new
style and color. Beautiful hand trimmed effects, at
$12.50, 15, $19, $25 and $35
An entirely tiew line Just received of these dainty sum-
the pretty ideas, at. . . .... . .$25-$35-$39-$49
In the natural and colored linens pretty trimmed and
stylish effects,
at '
Your Choice of Any Hat
In Our Entjro Stock
That libs Been Selling at $10 or More
One-Hall Price
This offer includes all
the most exquisite hats in
our stock all our beatui-
ful imported Paris hats
all our finest New York
patterns elegant ostrich
trimmed and aigrette dress
hats the styles that have
been so much admired, all
go at half price.
All the $100 Hats for $50
. All the $50 Hata foi-S25
All the $25 Hats, $12.50
All the $15 Hats, $7.50
All the $75Hats, $37.50
All the $35 Hats, $17.50
All the $20 Hats for $10
All the $10 Hats for $5
Very High Class Hats at Just i Former Price
Shantung and Rajah Suit3
Dressy, coo summer suits, in
natural and colored effects,
plain and fancy braid and
embroidery '(9 IT
trimmed; at . . .VudmVOO
Choice of 75 high grade serge and cloth coats,
worth up to $30,
In linen and repp, all the new
features for summer wear
$2.98, $3.98, $5.00
'and up to ..$12.50
One lot high grade skirts
in all' the popular cloths
and styles, worth up to
each, at .......
Smart, newest styles C X d
beautifully made, at &di$ JJ
All the cleverest new style for summer- X special
lots at tfl.SS, 93.9S and 95.00
Very prettily made special groups
at $1.98, S3. 60. $2.98 and S3.M
New arrivals from our own Paris office.' Kxqulslte
hand-made and hand-embroidered effects.'
Special Sale of Imported Foulard Silks
We offer the finest lofc.of splendid quality foulards ever put or) special sale. Scrolls,
cameo patterns, geometrical and Arabesque patterns, all sizes of dots, yf,C
cones, rings, etc. best colorings shown this season bargain square, yd.. . e7C
Special Sale Semi Rough Pongees, Shantung, Indro, Real Jap. and Chinese Pongees
24-Inch and 27-inch Rough and I 27-inch Natural Pongee Silks, I 36-Inch Very Heavy Shantung
semi-rough Pongee Silks 39k I now at 59 I Chamois, at .' $1.00
Grca.t Sale of Muslins
75c and 85c Bleached
Seamless Sheets
ready for use; sizes
81x90 and 81x99
:r. . . . 59c-65c
42 and 4 5-Inch wide Pillow Casing; ;
better than Pepperell; 14c and 15c
values, per yd., fl 1 A a
81x90 Bleached Sheets
for full size .bed
with seam - good
wearing sheeting, 60c
. values, at
Large, medium and
small size Pillow
Cases: worth 15c and
18c, at
40-lnch wide, very fine, heavy grade
Unbleached Sheeting,
, per yd., at
Monday Will Be Gingham Day
Regular full standard 124e..Red
. Cross Nurse Ginghams; different
stripes froih the bolt,
per yd., at
Anderson Scotch Ginghams; 32 in
ches wjde; styles found only In
' Imported Ginghams,'
per yd., at . . . . , .
Seersucker Ginghams, for wash
suits and Children's dresses, cham-
bray-. ginghams for
rompers, yd. . . . . .
Apron Check ' Gingham ; Amoskeag
and other standard Ging
' hams for aprons, yd 9v
New Wash Goods Monday at Lower Prices
Beautiful Dimities and Fine . Batis
tes; daintiest' or all . sumoier
printed wash fabrics, fl-Xt
per yd., at Zv
White Goods, for waiBts, dresses etc.
fine dimities, while
Swisses, etc., yd
Persian Cotton
Challles from
the bolt, per yd.
at ....3K0
Mill. lengths large floral pattern
12 He Swisses for -draperies and
making kimonos, , 9J.
per yd., at 2jC
Dress Poplin;1 mercerized cloth, In
popular colors; silk finished fou
lards; values up to 25c, IA.
......... 4 . . ,1UV
25c and 30c India
l.Inons. from th
bolt, yd.. JO
per yd., at
Aerial Experiments at Fort Omaha
Temporarily Suspended.
ley's comet. These balloon, of which there
will b Meveral sent up at different Inter
al., will have special meteorological in
struments attached to the bHfkeis so any
peculiar atmospheric conditions may be
noted and automatically registered.
aitnln handler I.raili n Sky lHTy
from the Ami j .runt to n ' Safe
l.nndlitK Ulihln I'rerlnrta
of Dundee.
Kallonnitiir at Kurt Omaha wllj take a
mi at ret no far ia military operations are
TIk Pluilcnt clasK of twenty officers from
the army school at Fort Leavenworth
which lias been at Fort Omaha for the
week returned to Fort Leavenworth Sat
urdfiy mornliiR.
An ascension was made Friday evening
with the spherical balloon, .Captain ('. lie F.
'handler. Captain It. J. Hurt and Firt
Lieutenant W. N. Ilaskr'.l of the sljjnal
. corps bi'injr in the bxxket. Tlie ascension
was a success, the ImIIooii coiiilnj; down
near Dundee, without mishap. The h.lKht
; f aliout 3.000 feel was readied. After Its
descent the lis ll.xm whs deflated mid
bioiut'ut back to Fort Omaha.
The intention to send the spherical hal-
loon up Saturday mm ulnar for a long flight
with Captain Chandler and Lieutenant Has
kell as aeioiiuuts was abandoned ou(iik to
il.e inclement wentl:er. '
Th tierinan kite balloon was s;iTt up
several times Friday evening to a height of
nnoui iu leei, uie balloon being made cap
live. These ascensions wtre for the pur
liose, of glvins the siudcnt officers prac
tical Itissons In Mvrurautios.
There will he no more ascensions mull
next week' and thtse will be dependent
upon the weather. Should all things prove
'uvnrable the spherical balloon will be sent
u U long fight about the middle of next
week with Captain Chandler and Lieuten
ant Haskell as passengers.
Considerable Interest Is being taken In
('Untitle and astronomical circle regard
lug the sending up of the father depart
ment balloons next week, during the pas
sage of the earth through the tail of Hal-
Meet in Council
Woman's Auxiliary of Nebraska
Episcopal Churches is
Also Here.
County Commissioners Face Wonder
ful Tangle of Figures.
Propositions of Plumbers and Strain
Fitter llelon Figures at Which'.
They Offered . to Io the
Work Before.
The Woman's auxiliary of the Kpiscopal
diocese uf .Nebraska will hold its annual
meeting at Trinity cathedral Tuesday, May
17. Tho opening service will be tho cele
bration of holy communion at !) a. m., lit.
Rev. A. L. Williams, celebrant; Very Rev.
Ueorge Heecher, assisting. The business
session follows at 10. - Luncheon will b
served at the Gardner Memorial house
at 1 O'clock. The missionary meet-
hiK begins at 2. .in, and will include the I
following addresses: "The L'nlted Offer-
tut," Itev. W. 11. Moor; "Work Among the
Indians." Rel-. Francis Kandull of (South
1 ia kola; "Work Among Mountaineers,"
Archdeacon Wordsworth of Kentucky.
Mrs. Klla .Sloane of .South Omaha, is the
president, and Mrs. A. K. Gaull. secretary
of the state organization. Mrs. Albert
.Noo and Mrs. W. H. Millard are the. hospi
tality committee.
The luncheon of Tuesday and also Wed
nrsday and Thursday, when the annual
diocesan council Is held, will be served by
the members of the auxiliaries of iho dif
ferent Omaha church's.
This council is the forty-third annual
meeting and will be presided over by Bishop
Williams. At the rervice Wednesday morn
ing John Hice will be ordained. In the
afternoon Hishop Williams delivers his an
nual address to the cb'rtcal and lay dele
gates. In the evening the Nebraska Church
club entertains the visiting delegates and
the new officers of the Woman's auxiliary
at dinner at the Paxton hotel.
An important feature uf the business H!
be the election of the four clerical and four
lay delegates io the triennial convention,
which Is held ill October., The council fin
ishes Its session Thursday afternoon.
Try This When
Your Haur is Dusty
I From the New York Herald.)
i . "When the is dusty and dull, and
you want to clean It qulcklj, just sprinkle
through it a little dry shampoo powder
made by mixing four ounce, of orris root
, with four ounces of tberog
,' "Then brush the hair thoroughly and
not only will It be clean, but it will have
a rich and glossy lustre that can be given
In no other way. So little time Is required
for this dry shampoo that It van l done
profitably whenever the hair Is diesed.
Therox Is excellent for the scalp and
sirs the hair new life and vigor. The
regular use of Ibis mixture heightens the
natural color, while washing the halt with
water too oflen causes H to lose color
and becom dul and brittle." t Adv.)
j barge f Keeping (inrahllug House
lsiutarl Drnatsoa Com
plaint Withdrawn.
1 Judge Crawford discharged both cases
against William Neatlehous alleging he
i was rirourletor of a gambling resort. In
speedy bearing Saturday morning. The
court found upon the evidence that Nestle
houa has not actually been proprietor of
the establishment over the Btidweiser sa
loon which was alleged to be a gambling
place and the secondary charge relating lo
the chaiacter of the place, therefore, could
not be sustained against him. The c (In
cident charge sgalnst Thomas Penniaon
was withdrawn by ins complaining witnesses.
Bids for plumbing and heating In the
new Douglas county . court house were
opened1 by the Board of County Commis
sioners at noon Saturday. 5 This la the, sec
ond! t of bids advertised for. The. new
figures show that tho commissioners will
achieve the desired end of getting work
done more cheaply than under the rejected
bids. . ;
But there is plenty of chance for much
further debate, because It is not easy of f
hand to say which contractor has bid the
lowest, ami between the bids of J. J. Ilanl
ghm and George. I'arks & Co., there Is
room for argument. ,
Tho one and two p',p vacuum healing
systems have been bid. upon separately as
called for by the specifications, and three'
types of bollersthave also been bid upon
separately by t nearly all the contractors.
Tabulating these shows that there ar sev
eral possible combinations by one of which
one contractor will be lowest, and by an
other combination another bidder.
J. J. Hanlghen's bid is this: .
Ono pipe vacuum system $si,lftj
t wo pipe tauoiiiii Bjsinii u.!rri
Horizontal hollers g..l
Fitzgibbon boilers 7.jfiti
Talks & Co. bid: , ,
One pipe system Stvt.TM
Two pipe system
Horizontal boilers.- - h.iff,
Fitzgibbon boilers S.475
The Johnson-Kowe-Iaige . company's fig
ures on the same items, given In the same
order, are 64.&94. t.;t.i!Jt, 17. SI 7 and J 10, 200.
Fitspatrick & Koeffner of Columbus, O.,
bid K!).StT. 7?.,87 17.617, x.H27.
The Dixon company of Chicago offers to
put in a one-pipe J stem at S79.8M) and a
two-pipe at J7S.9W). . Boiler figures for this
ccmieny are I7.7SD and 18.790.
T. F. Ualfe of Omaha made- a bid at these
figures; 173.33, i,m .'..7M and $10.15:'.
Bernard Urunn aid, lowest bidder on the
former specifications. of fered l7.S!IU for a
two-pipe system' and left the one-pipe
blank. His boiler figures wire SS.SOO and
will preside and reservations for plates can
be made with E. F. Denlson at the Young
Men's Christian association.
One Option and Incomplete Plans the
Only Real Progrress Made In
the Project.
A project for the erection of a large hotel
at Seventeenth and Douglas streets, which
the McCague Investment company is hand
ling, has reached the point where an option
of the lot directly east of the Morris
theater has been gained. This lot is com
monly known among realty dealers as the
Kennard property. A proposition for an
option has been made to Mrs. M. Maul,
owner of the property occupied by the
Cole-McKay undertaking company. It Is
said that the remaining portion of the tract
Included - in the tentative plans for the
hotel, owned by B. A. Cudahy, can be taken
under option as soon as the Maul property
is under control.
"The whole project Is In a chaotic and
unsettled, state," said John L. McCague.
"There is nothing whatever In the report
that Immediate steps were to be taken for
the' Incorporation of a hotel company or
anything or. the kind."
J. 'H. Millard and associates in the
Omaha National bank, soon to move Into
new .banking rooms at Seventeenth and
Farnam streets, of which E. A. Cudahy is
also a director, are considering the financ
ing of the proposition.
Hnlldlnar Permits.
A. .Witaell, 707 North Thirty-third, frame,
Ji.'iOO; E. R. l.ovett. 2104 Iithrop, frame,
$-.'5iO; John Kovarik, H2i South Twelfth,
frame, (2,000; Mats Moskowltz. 402 North
Twenty-fourth, brick store. 17,000.
Social Service I lab lo Kslerlals Vis
itor at romaicrclal Clan Rooms
Monday oon.
The .Social Service club of Omaha will
entertain Dr. . Barton O. Aylesworth, for
merly president of Drake university, snd
now president ol the Colorado Agricultural
college, at' a noonday luncheon Monday,
at the Commeiclal club rooms. The lunch
eon will be served at L.' lo. Judge Sutton
A STew Rome Our That Anyone Can Vsa
Without Olsoomfort or Loss of Time.
We have a New Method that cures
Asthma, and we wsnt you to try It at our
expense. No matter whether your case is
of long-standing or recent development,
Whether It Is present as hay fever or chro
nic.' Asthma, our method Is sn absolute
cure. No matter In whgt climate you live,
no matter what your age or occupation,
our method will certainly cure you right
In your ow n home.
We especially want to send it to those
apparently hopeless esses, where all forms
of Inhalers, douches, opium prepsrstlons,
fumes, "pstent smokes." etc.. have failed.
We want to show everyone at our own
expense that Ibis new method will end
all difficult breathing, all wheeslng. and
alt those terrible paroxysms at once and
for all time.
This free offer is too important lo neg
lect a single day. Write now and begin
the cure at once, tyend no money. Simply
mail coupon below. Do It Today.
Old Guard Will Not Stand Sponsor for
Political Meeting. .
Talks World's Peace In Forenoon lo
Children and War '.In KTCnlaig
to Democrats I,) ale I. Ab
bott Sponsor.
Lysle I. Abbott, receiver of the independ
ent Telephone company, head of the State
County Option league and booster of the
Initiative and referendum. Is organizing the
Bryan political meeting to be held next
Tuesday evening at Washington hall.
It Is understood that Mr. Abbott secured
the hall for tho meeting and probably will
preside and Introduce the grfat traveler.
Thus Mr. Bryan has definitely broken
away from his old-time henchmen in Doug
las county. No more will Mayor Dahlman,
Tom Flynn and the hearty men of their
bunch be the advance agr-nts for democ
racy s tremendous shadow In his work in
this county. In Ills address Mr. Bryan Is I
not expected to single Mayor Dahlman out
for particular denunciation, for they are
still good personal friends, but he Is ex
pected to state with decided clearness that
right here Is where open political friend
ship ceases. He Is expected to declare that
those who are not openly with him on the
Initiative snd referendum snd on county
local option arc againsi Mm. To para
phrase his now famous dictum those who
do not stand on the Bryan platform as
most recently repaired and reconstructed
are as guilty for what thry do not declate
as for what they advocate boldly.
In the morning at 10:30 Mr. Bryan will
go deeply Into the subject of world peace
at the Auditorium before an audience to
be composed laigely of public school chll-l
drrn, with enough adults to fill up the
seats not taken by the boys and girls. In
the evening, after conferences with his
newest backers and converts, he will be
seen with the political claymore swinging
wide and dangerously In the direction of
those who do not accept his latest gospel.
Mayor Dahlman says that, so far as he
knows now, he Kill be at the Washington
hall meeting. It is a certainty his follow
trs are to be on hand, for they expect tne
meeling will be very Interesting.
ton, subject to the lease of the Boston
Ground Rent Trust company. This trans
fers the building and all property lights.
The title to the adjoining twenty-two feet
on the north was gained by purchase from
the Aaron Root estate for consideration
of I42.0O0. . The remainder of the property,
a twenty-two-foot strip on the alley,, was
bought from George T. Mills for 145,000.
The consideration of the purchase of. tho
Boston leases on the eighty-eight-foot sec-'
tion has not been made, public. -
Bnlldlng Known as Iron Sink to Be
Torn Ho Wo. tn Make Room for
Modern Strnctnre.
. Plans are being prepared for a new build
ing to be occupied by the Nebraska Na
tional . bank ai . the northwest corner , of
Twelfth and Farnam streets. Thepresent
home of the bank on the same corner has
stood for a food many years, being known
as the "Iron bank," and is at present but
twenty-two feet wide. The new building
will cover forty-four feet or. Farnam street
and 132 feet on Twelfth street. It will be
five stories high.
Order of Colombo Cracrfally Ae
cedes to G. A. R. Request Not lo
Dance on Memorial Day.
TSie annual May party to be given by the
members of Omaha council. Knights of Col
umbus, has been postponed from May 30 to
May 31. The postponement Is the result of
a request from the local encampment of the
Grand Army that there be no dancing In
Omaha on Decoration day. A committee
from the Grand Army of the Republic
waited upon the entertainment committee
of the council and asked that some other
date be chnaeli. After a conference, the
knights decided to grant the request and
the party will be held on May 31.
i. . . , ,.; .
OTer' Office to Take Overload from
"v Douglas Board.
Omaha's . Commercial Interest Make
Kcceasar Bl- Increase In Doni
. Town 'tVlre. Service To
Doable Capacity.
Douglas exo.hai ge of. the Nebraska Tele
phone company plant is to be doubled in
apaclty. In the spring a new switchboard ultimate capacity of 10,000 ((e
Uiones is to be added to the equipment jf
the exchange which serves Omaha's prov
ing businesa district. The ntw boa r"ill
for the sake of convenience be kno'n' is
Tyler exchange. It will give the
street station a total of 20.0) telephone.-.
"The new .exchange Is mario necessary by
the continuous growth of business in ine
downtown section," said A. 8. Kn'Mif
the traffic department. will beTin-
na"d during the winter and made reedy
for o . Hon probably early In the spring.
"Tfe name of the new exchange, 'T.vln.'
j cs chosen simply because It is an eu-
isbonlouv prefix for use on telephone num
bers." ' The grneral offices of the telephone eonv
pany are soon to be moved into the John
I.. Kennedy building at KIslMeenth snH
Douglas streets and the ik switchboard
Is to be Installed In the tainted quarters
left by ;the moving of the office.
Hare Headpieces.
. .Dr. T. len Johnson, coroner of Rradforrk
county, I'ennsylvanla. . has ths most ex-
penslVe hat ever moiignt Into t'ennsii-
vania." It Is made of mscersud hsnk
botes, which were redeemed at the l'nlted
States treasury, at Washington. .!
woith of good hank notes being exchanged
for them. The hat is not to wear, but Is
a unique souvenir, the gift of a friend.
and Is pi Used ery highly by Dr, Johnson.
Niagara and Hudson Hts., Buffalo,
N. V.
Send free trial of your new method
ti :.
Pablfshluar (omnanr tieta Title to
Mite for ew Ualldlag at Fif
teenth and Farnam.
Deed for all of the property Included In
tht site for the new building which the
World-Herald company announced will be
built at the northwest corner of Fifteenth
and Farnam streets, have been filed.
The property, described as lot I. block
1 loV city proper, was acquired, through
the McCague nrestment company, from
thiee Interests.. The south eighty-eight
feet of the lot were obtained by purchase
of the leasing holding of the Common
wealth Real Kstate Trust company of Bos-
The Tenderfoot Farmer
It was on ol these experimental Jsrmers, wbo put green
spectacles on his cow and fed her shavings. Ilii theory
was that it didn't matter what lb eow ate to loof as shr
was fed. The questions ol difestioa and ourishnent had
not entered into his calculations. 4 f k
It't only a "tenderlootVjfsrioer that would try sura
an experiment with a to! BmI many fsftner feeds him-
iolf regardless ol digestion and nutrition, fie mifht almost as well est shav
ings for all the food he gets out of his food. The result is that the stores!
grows "weak" the action of the orgses'el digestion end nutrition are impairs
and the man suffer lb miseries of ', dysprpsia and the agonies ol nervousness.
Tm traithH tk tfmmeli. resfero rAo meUrltr of
xta r afeefa jarf mtrltln mm )mn mm tmm crrea,
Dr, Pttrcm'm Guldtn Mttlcal litmtmrmrr, it Im mm
. tit re mrmlirn of Momnnf 'f mr Itm . , f
In the strictest sense "Golden Medical Discevery" ia teasperence medi
cine. It eeatains neither intoxicants nor narcotics, end in ao ire from alcohol
as irons opium, eoesine and other dsageroas drags. : Au tagredieats printed
its outside wranoer.
Don't lot a dealer delude yon lor bis own orolt. There ie no medicinr ior
stomach, liver and blood "just at good" a "Golden Medical Discovery.