I" 777 : it u inj i rm . Co! to iu r b i tbv. n .t i A'.' i A i i H v, .: . 'V; J nmTYfliimowffV'-ACRt. 1 5" t 'i.'" -If 13,000 Acres of Public Land at Auction The State of Idaho Will Sell to the Highest Didder Orchard and , Farm Lands Under United States Government Minidoka Project Mnjr 27, 101O, the state of Idaho will offer for sale 1 .1,000 mi-re of Iniul, all of which vast trart la located on the Inttcd State (fmrmmont Mini, doka project, anil I supplied with water from tiro great government dam across the Snake river at Minidoka, Idaho. Thin liuul will be sold one.flfth cash, the bal ance payable In sixteen annual Installments. Vmy one-fifth down and take sixteen years in which to pay the balance. Farmers are wanted In Idaho; men who will cultivate the noil; develop the land, and contribute to the agricultural production of the state. Write today for booklets, plats and definite information concerning this great opportunity to secure ALMOST FllEK LAND. F. E. Griswold, Sec'y.. Burlty Commercial Club, HURLEY. IDAHO. 71 .1 IS -7. t -J. )G0. ' WATER FKOM IT JUST TUMED INIO LKTEEALS iff 6UEIY;IMnO IN 3 i 1 0, J m a. -4, - -nit -i.S k-s .i, I it 7 .':Jei - (i Bmmmilmmmamm ZAtRLOA0S Cw SOUTHERN IDAHO 3 I fiS 3"'PSO TO V fl TTAT j 4 Tin" H wntftr at. . VHiniflOK i! y jn Cassia County M AM AM'lTa- ' TYT. P-I-JL.J , Idaho, want You to Come. Double Your Money in Idaho. for th raising of all crcal crops. VIfat la of fine quality and yield abundantly. ty aiRty-flve-acra tract has a record of aidbly-une bushels per acre. Oats wtiK'i as hlgti as fifty-two pounds per buxhcl and frequently run 120 biXiliels to the acta. - Alf root crops do well, particularly pota oe. Thesa irrow to great xlse, and lire of excellent quality. The potato raiser has a lost profitable tnduitry. He Is not troubled by "potato biiKs." and he has a walling cash market for his product. Just vow I'aakla county much atten tion la belim paid to fruit cultip-e. The frutt of southern Idaho Is famoua In all Tiiarkeis. 'The prices obtained for them, the cvltur. i t.ref erence given them by the consumer oest fa al'. 1)d th(A excellent shipping quality gives .UU M Ji K"1"1 promise. ' Tl All varieties of fruits reach a high state mar, w!thfof icrfctlon. but tha apple, on account .utry Ideal cf Uia world-wida deuuind for it, la vary ant wajer been cortv estimated of water, acres one . N markably loua sub vary easy lrlngiMtch la. These and ropef ado lA ado Agri- pass even those ela nmoh In favor and Is being planted exun cively. Orchards produce net profits far above the gross returns from most farm product. There is lust the proper altitude. 4.000 feet, on the I'nlted Staus government MllilUoka project in Cassia county. Sain Uich, one of the foremost farinera in North America, an authority of world wide, fame is planting one orchard of 1.600 acrra. Aaaocialcd with him Is his son, f. Urover ttlch, cashier of the Hurley 8tate bank 8tid Leonard Fowler, a Chicago news paper man. These men will produce from this orchard in five years 213.100 boxes nf apples or 408 carloads; or more than ten solid freight tralnloads of forty cars to each train. In ten years this production will be doubled by this one orcharding company alone. Tbe niarket is never a falling one as tits crop for last year was S.000,000 boxes short; for tills year the shortage will be much greater. The Vplted States government Is Install ing an 4n menu power plant at the Jack" son's lalee. Thls'fiower will only be needtd for pumping during a short period of the year and for the balance of the time will be sold to the settlers at nominal cost. Thus lighting, healing and power will be matters of small cost. - ' The government lias built a complete set of distributing canals which will carry water to eacurnan's land. Theae works are all built aa aubstantlal aa men and money can. bulM them. ' Concrete and steel are used for the headgates, concrete and stone piers to all bridges. In fact, the strength and durability of the workea con trast strongly with the worka usually con structed for such purposes. All this Is Im portant, as upon tb permanent character of the original structure depends very largely the maintenance cost In the future. There will bo. generated at the dam some 12 000-hori pow' This power will belong to the s.ttlers when the government has been repaid Its original expenditure and 'will certainly pay all maintenance of the entire system. v When the . government began developing the tract all of the land wns either gov ernment land or state land.. All of the land lias been platted Into whnt Is called farm inltn.' Each farm unl'. contains eighty 'acres, excepting land wiihln a radius of one and one-halt miles of gov ernment towns, which is reduced to forty acre units. The title to government lands la secured by homenteadlng In the ukusI way, without" mjee, except that no commu tation can be obtained, and the settlor Is iu,uird to. reside ou tu laud tUv full five years. The price of a water right Is about 25 .an acre, w hich must be raid the gov ernment for constructing the works. The , payments are divided Into ten eiual an-, nual installments, without Interest. Cassia county wants you to come. The roads are as smooth as an automobile race track; electric light, heat and power are cheaper hern than anywhere else In the world. The hi ml is the mnut fertile, the tres the mont productive and Cassia county ' has more transportation facilities than any other county In any other state In the west. For riZE hook lets, letters of general Information, pholograuha and lists of op portunities, ad.lress T. 11. Griswold, Secretary; Hurley Com mercial chili. Hurley, Idaho. O. aV. Axliae, Secretary; Albion Com mercial club, Albion, Idaho. W. J. Mitchell, Secretary; Oakley Com inerclul viub, Vakley, lUftUv, 1 !w WMM( mmmmmvivmia mmmmmm mi Mill