Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 15, 1910, EDITORIAL, Image 12

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    New Townsitc of Oakley
O.. aUv sf "M j r7
Oakley. Thriving City of 1,500
. People on the Twin Falls
Oakley Project Financed by
Kuhn Millions of Pittsburg
Mity 1010, Immediately following the oH-n-Itift
of the Mute lantl at, Iturley, Miiho, the new
townitite of Oakley, Idaho, will le put on the mar.
ket. These lots will lie mild by hlu at tinet "Hires
fixed by the iiromoters. " "
Write Immediately to the Oiikley Commercial -Hub,
Oakley, Iduho, and K't a price list of these
lots, together with a folder denrribliiK the magnifi
rent opportunity for homemK'kers, capitalUts and
Oakley will lie the Inriteat rity on the Twin
Falls Oakley project, with thousands of acres of
land now under cultivation, and yet .thousand of
other acres, to be put under cultivation, all of
which are tributary to Oakley. Write right now.
Information, booklets, listings free.
W. J. Mitchell, Sec'y.,
Oakley Commercial Club, - - AKLEY, I0AHO
f C ASSA ra. I
4 . y. Iv
1- . '.7 JS--j.
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s. v.
States Government has Turned on tl
These Opportunities in Idaho are Now Unrolled for You. Albion,wOa
Tht Minidoka dam, which ha ben in
course of construction for the past seven
years, in at last completed. The water ha
been turnej ou to the main canals and
laterals; crops in and rowlnt, and in aJ
hort while, very short while, the treat
Uinidoka plat will be wholly' under cultiva
tion. Cassia county, Idaho, in which Is located
this freat W.000,000 project of the United
States government, , has room for many
hundreds of settlers. Time was whan these
opportunities were measured by the thou
sand. This Is no longer true.
If you want to be sure of a comfortable
home in a country of surpassing beauty.
where the soil la of almost unexampled
richness and fertility you rnunt "get busy."
The land was offered free to your fathers.
Today you must pay a little more.
. Tomorrow you may have to pay a great
feat more.
The west has been a safety valve for this
nation for many years; now it must soon
cease to qpen Us arm to the man of small
capital, t cannot much longer say to
him: "Here are broad, fertile acres; clear
them and they are youwi." Kvery where will
he see signs of private ownership and
warning to the trespasser. lie will wonder
then that he did not at least try for some
of this wonderful land of Idaho while It
was still within his reach. While It is not
possible now to offer him land for the
taking, as It was offered to our fathers.
Cassia county can offer him land far below
Its value. It can ofaer him land and water
at prices that will double or treble In the
coming years.
Farming In Cassia county, Idaho, tiwlay
Is safer and surer than ever before. Men
have learned the science f farming. The
east has always looked to the west fur
Its food and if has always been In the
went that Improved methods of cultivation
were first adopted.' "It Is so today. Farm
ing in Cassia county Idaho, is certain and
is attended wtlh loss labor than the east
ern farmer puts fosth.
Albion,. Ookley, Burley, al of them thriv
ing cities lit CasKla county, soutliern Idaho,
offer to homeseeker, business man and
Investor the very greatest, widest oppor
tunities open In the west today. Writ to
the Commercial club secretaries of any,
all of these towns. Get booklets free. Write
Almost all men realise that the settle
ment of Idaho Is taking place rapidly.
They know that a diminishing area of va
cant' land aii(i an increasing population
compels this settling process to go on.
Ijfhey must realise that It can't go on for
ever. Very few men. however, know what
it means when we tell them that every
available acre of Cassia cmntty will soon
be brought under cultivation and that It
ulll not be long before Uncle Sam's land
office will have little to do.
The Minidoka project is a sovernnient
project. The government ha built a darn
near Minidoka, Cassia county, Idaho. The
United States dam Is what Is known as a
rock filled dam. It Is eighty-five feet high,
twenty-five feet wldo at the top, 213 feet
wide at the bottom and 7'A feet long. The
source of supply is the Bnuke river, which
ranks seventh among the laitce
rivers of the United States.
This river contains during the year" .many
times the water needed, but the govern
ment also Impounded some of the storm
waters, and thus n will furnish a vast
area of fertile land wrrti a c
supply. A dp(1 therefore li
st rue ted at JacksiA lake anil
to half a half mlulon sore-f'
or enough to cover a half mill
foot deep. I
The land In Cassia county
free from alkali or other Is,
stances. It Is nearly level, bell
to prepare for fanning and
ei.ough to make it ay t mi
lands are aduplcd alt .ii it
chemical tsis made by the C
cultural college show them to
the famous Colorado lands
ments necemary tt ujr'ir
The koII i,f Cassia 'i, A. nty is tl
the west frf th PKyjTtgatlon ti
seed. W
The long, warm ds of il
their tool nights, tnaka this