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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1910)
r The Omaha Daily Bee. FOR ALL THE NEWS THE WEATHER FORECAST For Nebraska Tartly ('lou.Vv For Iowa Fair and Cooler. For weather report e pur '. OMAHA DEE .., IMC WEJI VOL. XXX IX -NO. '22. OMAHA. Fill DAY MOKNINU. MAY 1.5. UMO-TWELVE TAOKS. SIXGLK COPY TWO CENTS. tat A MISTAKE CAUSES DEATH OF TWELVE Erron in Orders Aboard Mississippi River Packet Responsible for Drownings. LIVES LOST CLOSE TO SHORE Command to Hurry Caused Gangplant . " to Tilt and Throw reopie. CHIVALRY COSTS SIX LIVES I Men Permit Women to Go First and Helpless Ones Are Lost. SURVIVORS REACH ST. LOUIS . - . .1 TkM Bnffered I Ks- - ....I trt I Dllll ' Ulve lonneetrd Account of lnt f Terror. LOL'l?. May U Federal Investiga ST. tion of the sinking of the packet city oi Saltillo in the Mississippi river at Glen T'iiik. Mo.. night, which cost twelve lives, will begin a soon as the crew of the ill-fated ves-el arrive here. The seven passengers and five of the crew were drowned by the tlltinit of the gangplank when it hit a tree. That the loss of the lives was due to the mistake of ordering the passengers to hurry from the sinking noat when It was near the shore, was the assertion of Captain Crane. "It waa a bad mistake." he falJ. Had min we caused the passengers to wait a ute befort trying to cross mi? biii". ,ione would have been drowned. "t the tlmthe order .was given, however, no human power could tell that the bout M mas not going to roll over Into the river T and drown every sould on board. It Is easy to look back and see what we might have done." Chivalry Costa Uvea. Testimony at the Inquest showed that the ..l.i. .-I.., f tha men. who Dermltted the V I 1 I . tl 1 1 J VM. . . women passengera to start across the gang filank first, cost the lives of five women and a baby. Captain Harry Crane ordered ihe men to stand aside until the women left the boat. one of tha two bodies recovered was that of Mis. Isaac T. Hhea of Nashville, fenn. m if. f the nresldent of the St. Louis & Tennehsee River Packet company, owners of the boat. Tha other waa that of a negro porter, Daniel C. Taylor. Search for the remaining ten bodies was prosecutea an day. 1 ljiie today D. J. Carrighan. second mate, said the alarm on the boat was greatly In creased by the cry of fire. Flamea were seen to ahoot up from the furnace, but the fire was extinguished by the water when tha vessel listed. . . Smoke from tlia lime kiln on the river bank .and the high water prevented the pilot from keeping tha channel. The boat " itruck a rock concealed by the. water. In wicXIng off. fteyifsaej. turned completely iround. The steamer tonight Is on Us Bide : almost against the bank.. Nineteen survivor arrived here today with little bangage. Many of them suf fered from exposure and were unable to give an uocount of the night of terror which they. oased through. The dead:'" - MISS ANN' RHfX' NAshville. Tenn mrk itiAAC T. RHEA. Nashville, l?nn.; Vxly recovered. S V BAKE R, first clerk of the steamer. MKd. JOSKI'lt HARRIS. Nashville. MRS. ARC1IIK PATTBRSON. Savannah, ARCH IB PATTERSON, JR.. 2 years old. WILLIAM. J. PICKETT, salesman, St. 'ko'VLETI POST, third "clerk. MISS LUNA WALL. Nashville. H ANI F.I, C. TATU3R. St. Louis, negro ...-., Hrulv reenvred. I.K14 COLLINS. St. Louis, negro cabin hov. ... . . OAN1EL HOOAN. St. Louis, negro roust about. The witnesses all paid tribute to the heroism of S. C. Baker, clerk of the Sal tlllo. who was swept overboard and Irowncd: The coroner adjourned the In Uuest until tomorrow. The boat carried twenty-seven passengers sioft of whom wer"e women nad children vnd a crew of thirty. It left St. Louis a- f o'clock with a heavy cargo, including a aumber of cattle and live stock, and the JLiyage was considered precarious beceus ft the great amount of driftwood floating In the river, due to the annual spring rise. Mia. Rhea waa dragged from the water alive, but died within an hour. The body t Miss Ann Rhea was not recovered. Miss txjutse Rhea, another daughter, escaped. Vhey were enroute to their home In Nash rllle after visiting frietds In St. Louis. Olen Paik, the scene of the accident, is a river landing, the chief buildings of which are a general store, a boarding house ind a cement plant. The place Is almost Inaccessible to telegraph lines and the news of, tha disaster came to St. Louis in a roundabout way from Ktmmswlck and Sul phur Springs. Vessel Driven on Hock. Shortly before reaching Olen Park the Baltillo 'encountered a shoreward draw, which waa fought frantically !y the pilots. The engines Were reversed, but the efforts 10 prevent tha collision were unavailing. As the big boat swung from the current Inshore despite the reversed engines and the ruddtr thrown hard over, it was driven with Increasing speed toward land and turned complete!) around. With the noise of rending timbers and the shrieks of women and children, pas sengers, the cries of the crew and the bellowing of the cattle, the vessel struck a hidden rock and aank almost In reach of land, at a point where tna water was twenty feet deep. Passenger! and members of the crew clung to tha timbers, while those more fortunate lent their aid Immediately ' to the rescue of the helpless. The majority of the paengera were in their cabins. The coll lou came so auddrnly they were plunged into tha water before they knew what had happened. Some of the aurvlvora of tha wreck of Clty of Saltlllo arrived here thla morn xH by train. They were without baggage and some bad fw clothes. They were aent to hotels and their homes. Miss Louise Rhea, who lost her mother and alster, could not walk unsupported. Coroner Hensley of Pevely, Mo., began an Inquest Into Mrs. Rhea's death today. Several of tna survivors remained at Glen Park to testify. Tha City of Saltillo waa built at Jeffer aonvllle. Ind., in 1SW and waa 300 fact long. thlWy-seven feet wide and draw six and a half feet. Tha tonnage waa 371 Tha vessel is entered in the government bureau Yf navlgat0R as a passenger boat. It was r bound ftgateiWo, Ala., on the Tennessea nvei Jurors Weep as Attorney Pleads for Dr. B. C. Hyde Address of Attorney Walsh Moves Two of Panel to Tears Strong De nunciation of State Witnesses. KAN May 12. Jurors wpi to iy Frank P. Walsh de wing address In behalf n trial for the alltRed Thomas H. Swope. , -m Ueebe cried. 'la lllveiei ed of Dr. 1 poisoning V. C. Cro Much of speech was d X r of Mr. Walsh's junclng the state ly vde lied on the save lier hns Ae said, prac ftnl's wife as an ..hand In crimes the for Intimating wlir-ess stand l,anj e life. Till I tlcally palnti d th accomplice 10 ner state avers he committed. The attorney spike several lime of taking tl e doctor from his wife's side to "clioke hlrn like a do on the gallows." Members of the Swope family iinil other persons who testified for the stme, clia-U'-fl the speaker, had twisted th -lr te-tlm :n to suit the needs of the prosecution. T..f whole case. In fact, he said, a Imsiii upon suspicions, rumors and conjectun s. As for Dr. Hyde, Mr. Walsh ins'sfd lie never wronged any man. "Do you want to take the fllthv stiio.--tlon that it win a pleasure to this man u see Colonel Swope dl that he might ge Hi- dirty money?" uxked Mr. Walsh. 'If Dr. Hyde Is hanged," coiitinur-1 the attorney, "It will b: on the word of Mrs. Logan O. Swope, the only witness who testified that the physician knew of tin- residuary portion of the Swope estate, the explanation the mate gives for the ph: si- j clan's reason for wanting to get rid of the millionaire.'" i Mr. Walsh took up the history of the) case In greater detail in the afternoon spt-.-slon. He followed out each event frutii the death of Colonel Swope up to the present. The attorpey estimated he would talk for two hours. John S. Atwood, it was an nounced, would speak for the state when Attorney Walsh closed. Fresh Blood to Save Child's Life Twelve Persons Respond to Appeal for Little Girl Wasting? Away in Hospital. NEW TORK, May 12. Generous response to, a child's appeal for aid of a sort requir ing grent sacrifice brought courage today to the relatives and friends of little Dora Blumenthal to save whose life Infusions of fresh, healthy blood are required. Twelve persons announced themselves ready to make the sacrifice and permit their veins to be opened In an effort to restore' vitality to the wasted body and bring health back- to a frame shrunken by tha sapping process of a dangerous malady. in advertisement", appealing for help brought the gratifying response recorded. ' Farmer Accuses Girl of Robbery H. Baug-hn of Harlan, la., Causes Ar rest of Young Woman He Met on Train. SIOUX CVTY. Ia., May 12.-tPpecial Tele gram.) H. Baifghn of Harlan, a rich re tired farmer, appeared in police court this morning against Miss Jessie Coleman of Huron, S. !., and Dennlson, la. She sat across from him In a Pullman sleeper from Council Bluffs. Wednesday night she took a neat beside him to talk with him. A little later he missed his purse containing ,jown by tne department as to diet, clean a ,i...r tum The vlrl was held'.. . 4 CLI1U uiiv - to the grand Jury for larceny. Sensation in Heinze Trial Defendant's Brother" Eiected from Court for Passing Lie to Dis trict Attorney Wise. NF.W YQRK. May 12. A sensation was created during the summing up in the trial of F. Augustus Helnxe this afternoon when Arthur P. Itelnxe, brother of the defend ant, waa ejected from the court room for having, it was alleged, disturbed the pro ceedings by passing the lie to United States District Attorney Wise during the latter s arguments. FERDINAND COHEN RELEASED Urand Jadr Iguorei Ctanriree Agnlnst Alleared Kidnaper of Roberta O. Juki, PHILADELPHIA. May 12.-The grand Juiy today Ignored a bill of Indictment charging Ferdinand Cohen, the' hotel waiter, with kidnaping and running away with Roberta De Janon, 18 years old. It Is understood the action of the grand Jury today waa agreeable to Robert Buiat, the millionaire grandfather of Miss De Janon. Chauffeur Overhauled by Flying Police Auto Squadron Officer Corneau picked himself up out of the dust at Sixteenth and Farnam streets. lie looked to the westward and saw the tail lights of an automobile fast disappearing over the hill. He awora a deep aea oath and hailed a passing motor car. "Give ber full sail. Ton villains must not live to tell the tale," he shouted, tak ing command of the craft. The trusty pilot, soon on high gear, advanced tba spark and leaned over in the seat until his manly chest hugged the steering post. Then aa tha mighty machine commenced to bore Into tha distance, he eased tha throttle open. Far Into tha vista of "gasoline row" a whirl of dust betrayed the presence of tha fleeting machine. 8Uptcr Corueaj looked at tba apoad in OMAHA PROTESTS COME TOHEAItlNG Number of Cases Involving Rail Rates Reached by Interstate Commerce Commission. ARGUMENT ON LUMBER CHARGES Cases Involving Traffic to Common Points West. CHOLERA SERUM EXPERIMENTS j i South Omaha Stock Yards Wiling to j Aid Departments. PLANS ARE BEING PERFECTED ,, senator. Dark In Wn.hlnKloi. Annin Vfte'r Klylnw Trlu !! Molina for ;celi. i From u Staff WASH1XUTOX. May I.'. -.--ial TO matn -K. J. McVaiin. uarilc oommis t'n(;. of the Omaha oivnii' -rclul club and J. L. Kellcjv g' lie'.ul manager of he'.'ngti.n. are In Waslilnsiu.. p-iriloiiuue I" the argument uf a number o' cases penllna before the In :.-uo ice oftnm:-t ion and instuted iy .he om.i'n t nunei c.ihl club against the B irllngton mid jther roads. ... Agrument l.c.'liri n I no "' -r t"e Commercial club cases today, invol.-ii. .v .1. . . ir....n.l, rates on umuer rrom -jiimiii . ...I... ...1,. on. I KnlmflS I 111111111 HUlt. T xuoi are two cases under mis capriim. other cases filed oy t, o Commivclal c!ub of Omaha against i!ic ' Uiirluit.m )mi other roads, relate to rau-s on yellow pine lumber from eoutli?rn polnt.i to Omaha. Another case Is that o? the Commercial club against railroads invo: vm .; rates o.i butter, egga and poultry fr m Omaha to eastern tieaboard points. Still another case which ths Burlington Is Interested aa well as a numbor of west ern roads. Is that of the Louisiana Central Lumber company, which involves rates on yellow pine lumber from southern points to so-called "combination territory In Ne braska." The "combination" includes near ly the whole of the prairie state and ex tending west to the point where Colorado rates obtain. The suit of the Billings chamber of com merce against the Burlington Involves rates on less than car load lots to the basin territory. .1. P. Reynolds, of Billings, Mont., Is In Washington to present this case for the chamber of commerce. Indian Bill In Conference. Senator Brown has been appointea cnair man of the senate conference committee having under consideration the bill author izing the Omaha tribe- of Indians to sub mit their clalmp to the court of claims. With Senator Brown are Senator Suther' land arid PurcelL the' house conferees being frjarapbell of Kansas, McQuIre of Oklahoma and Latta of Nebraska. The aenaw oiu was considerably amended by the house and Senator Burkett, author of the bill, has not yet made up his nilnd whether to accept the amendments or Introduce a new bill w Ith hope of getting it through at this session of congress. Host t'bolern KxprrtnienU. ' Senator Burket has received advices from General Manager E. Buckingham of the South Omaha Stock Yards company that his company will be pleased to furnish facilities for conducting experiments look ing to lnnoculatlon of hog for preven tion of hog cholera. At the request of tho senator, the Agricultural department will at once advise the Stock Yards company that thirty hogs will be needed to make experiments and that a month or more will be needed to demonstrate the effect I the serum. Rigid rules will be laid Ilness, etc. Senator Burkett today Introduced a bill to increase the limit of cost of the post office at Columbus, Neb., from $05,000 to $75 000. Senator Crawford today secured a fav orable report on his bill to Increase the salary of the surveyor general of South Dakota from $2,000 to $2,600 per annum, lonana Hark Again. Senators Cummins and Dolliver, who spoke in Des Moines Tuesday night, de fending their course in congress in attack ing the tariff law and assailing the Ald-rich-Cannon leadership, returned from Iowa this morning. Both were in their places In the senate today and were con- ratulated by their insurgent colleagues. Senator Cummins was greatly pleased with his reception and that of Senator Dolliver in Des Moines. Ucneral Charles F. Manderson and wife are In Washington, guests at the Arligton. Mrs. Mndcrson comes to Washington to attend the annual meeting of the board of regents of the Mount Vernon associa tion. J. R. Hays, pastmaster at Norfolk, Neb., and wife of Norfolk, Neb., are in Washing ton. Mr. Hays comes to Washington upon routine business in connection with his office. Postmasters appointed are as follows: Nebraska: Maskell, Dixon county, Hay F. Snyder vice 10. L. Cook, reaigned. Iowa: Plalnvlew. Bremer county. Amos A. Lynes vice O. E. Krelger, resigned. South Dakota: Novak, Lawrence county, Nellie Clndel vice L. B. Lynn, resigned. dicator. "Thirty miles, thirty-five, forty," the hand went creeping around. "Mora sail," he bellowed. "We'll ram her amldshlp and tie 'em to the mast." "Forty-five, fifty, sixty," hummed the in dicator. Then the blurr of dust came nearer and then the two speeding clouds of road mist merged into one. The grappling chains were thrown across and the pursuers leaped aboard. With his captives in tow. Skipper Cor neau pulled Into tha haven of Eleventh and Dodge streets. "Got him on tha wing," waa hla only re mark aa ha delivered a man who gave hla name aa E. H. Dau, a chaffeur from Oak land, la. Dau la charged with breaking the speed ordinance and Infracting the rules of the road, la sugk cake mad, aod Jirtjvidad. .lonos tries to slip in quietly without waking his wife, but lie forgot it was housecloaniiig week. From the Cleveland Plain Dealer. MINERS FIX BP WAGE SCALE Joint Convention Expected to Reach Settlement Today. GENERAL 8 PER CENT. ADVANCE Mrn May Real Honn from Whoever Ihe Wl.h o to Walk Ont Pending; Settlement of -Petty Mnttera. (From a Slaff Correspondent.) ' DES MOINES. May 12.-(Spccial Tele gram.) The wage scale for Iowa miners rf xt year was practically disposed of to day and it Is expected the Joint conven tion tomorrow will complete the agree ment and permit resumption of work at the mines nxt Monday. The concessions on both sides summarized are: - s Conceded mlnr-rs .' " An advance of 6.55 per cent for day labor. An advance of 6 cents a ton for mined cor.l. Imposing a fine on mine foremen for violating; agreement Furnishing a man to take charge -of and jinim uui tooib io miners. A ( flat differential on mining machine scale. . - . The right' to reBLoua . from anyone a torammion 10 eest nat conditions are untie oeiier in tne mining camps. Conceded operators An assurance that the mlni vin nf ho shut down pending a settlement of petty grievances .without a fine of S? being im posed upon each miner participating in such shut down. Woman Mixes vrlth enumerator, - Miss Mary Anderson, proprietor of tne Bachelors hotel, was indicted today by the federal grand Jury for having refused .to anbwer the questions of the census enumer ators regarding the roomers at her hotel. She claims that ahe gave all the informa tion of which she was possessed. She was the only person with whom the census men hud trouble In Dee Moines. Linemen Ask. Itnlae. Union electric light, telephone and street car linemen employed by the Iowa Tela phone company, the Des Moines Electric Light company and the Des Moines Street Hallway company have asked a raise rang ing from 10 to 15 per cent. An Increase of 30 cents a day is asked for linemen and SO cents a day for foremen. Linemen and foremen now receive $3 a day. A walkout Is probable. Problem of Man on Snlary. George M. Reynolds of Chicago, formerly president of the American Bankers' as sociation, spoke tonight at the annual ban quet of group six of the Iowa Bankers' association. Mr. Reynolds said today al though there is an unusual demand on banks and some, dlstrubed conditions due to politics, the financial situation is ex cellent. Mr. Reynolds says he aces on sign of a reaction, but predicts that some solu tion must follow the problem of the man on a salary living. In view of the high cost of Vote on Long and Short Haul Clause Senate Reaches Agreement to Begin Balloting Friday at Four O'clock. WASHINGTON. May 12.-The senate has agreed to begin voting at o'clock tomor row on amendmenta to the long and short haul provision of the railroad bill, and to conclude before the end of the legislative day. Do you want a second girl? Second girls employed through Bee want ads are Invariably good ones. They knowwhat work Is they can do lots of It. They read The Bee the good ones they answer the advertise ments of housewives. If you need one, 'phone Douglas 238 and the ad tkaer will write your ad nnd tell you what it will cost to run it two or three times. That's about all that is required. ; -T 1 Hundred Thirty Miners Entombed by an Explosion Accident Near Manchester, England, May Result in Awful Loss of Life. MAXCHKSTER. ilay 13. An explosion in the Wellington coal mine at Whitehaven during last night cut off the exit from the 13ti miners w ho were working below the surface.. Rescue parties succeeded today in saving four men. but were ; prevented by gas from reaching the point where most of the men are Imprisoned. Up to 1:30 o'clock this afternoon no further rescues had been accomplished. Every indication was that the inner workings of the mine were on fire and there was tha gravest apprehension re garding the entombed men. Distracted crowds of relatives surrounded the pit head and the scene waa distress ing. . The colliery la; $wned -by the earl of Lonsdale. ahoV-rrs orfclhg-extend 'four, or five - miles ttierieath the' sea. ' " The spot -here the eighty-five hewers and some fifty odd shiftmen, still im prisoned, Were working at the time of the explosion. Is about three miles from the ahaft exit. The rescuers directed their efforts to tunneling a road through the accumulations blocking the passageway and by mid afternoon had reached a point within a mile of their goal. The progress, however, was slow, as dangerous fumes filled the workings. Big Battleship Takes to Water Florida, Largest of American Dread noughts, at New York. NEW YORK, May 12. Flying the white starred ensign of the United Slates navy at Its stem, the Stars and Stripes at Its stern and a string of gay signal pennants along the 620 feet of Its deckltne, the battle ship Florida, the biggest of the American dreadnaughts built thus far. was success fully launched at the Brooklyn navy yard today In the presence of the vice president, the secretary of the navy, the naval at taches of all the powers and a crowd of 60,000 enthusiasts whom intermittent rains had failed to keep away. ' The 21,825-ton fighting leviathan, built to carry ten 12-Inch guns the concentrated big gun fire of five ordinary battleships gilded down the ways to tha strains of the "Star Spangled Banner," played by the navy yard and Twenty-ninth infantry bands, while the crowd cheered and hun dreds of river craft tooted their noisy welaame. 4 11.1 - ' ; DO IT If the censua enumerator hs not got your name, or tbose of friends, fill out this coupon, cut it from The Bee, fold It on the dotted line and drop It In the neareat mall hoi with the address on the outside. Postage and envelope are not necessary. CHARLES L. Supervisor Name Addr Name Address Name Addres PAYNE DEFENDS TARIFF LAW Author of Measure Insists There is Reduction of Rates. HIGH COST OF LIVING GENERAL World-Wide Hiae in Prices, He , la Due to Increased Production of Cold Nome Facts and Klsjarea. WASHINGTON. May l'.-SerenO E Payne, author of the tariff law which bears his name, entered Into a vigorous defense of that measure in the house today. He declared that the republican party's pledge to revise the tariff downward had been ful filled and that from whatever viewpoint you look at it the law. shows a reduction in rates: there were home increases for which no apologies are madelbey were neces sary for tha revnue; the commodities on which the rates were reduced represent ten times the value of the luxuries on which th rate were increased; it waa a true downward revision,' but the law has been misiepreaenterl.- he- said,- by politician .with oampalgn capital to. make and by trades men creeping for pelf, Tho-fclgu cost of living, he declared, Is due tb over-production!? of .gold-. and-. Ls not common . to trie United States, but is consistently paralleled In Euaope. This, briefly, was the defense of the tariff law made today by Mr. Payne during the debate In the house of representatives. Misrepresentation Begins Early. "Misrepresentation began," declared Mr. Payne, "when the conference report came in. Now and )then it started from the tradesman who wanted to Increase the price j of his goods and give the tariff as the rea son. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the assertion was false, as the tariff had reduced the duty on the goods he was sell ing. Before the bill was passed retailers of woolen goods started 'the atory that an Increase In the tariff Increased the price of their goods. Not a single Increase was made In a single rate of duty In the whole woolen schedule. ' The first requisite of a good tariff," he continued, "is that It must meet the expen ditures of the government. From the day this bill went into effect it has accom plished all that was predicted for It. Rise In Prices World Wide. "The prices of commodities has been In creased for ten years the world over. One reason for the advance is not only the great Increase In the production of gold, but the cheaper methods of producing It. The supply Is greater than the demand and is obtained with lesa oust. As gold is tlie measure of all values the commodities are higher because of ita decrease In value. This accounts in part for the general In crease In prices. "The increase In price are upon articles on wmcn the duty has been lowered by the ' present law or else remain w here they were under the Dlngley law. All kinds of farm products, meats, butter, eggs, poultry, all foods, hide, leathers, shoes and raw cot- (Contlnued on Third Page.) NOW OFFICIAL BUSINESS UxifliD STATES CENSUS. SAUNDERS, of the Census, Federal Building, Omaha. BEIILIK STUDENTS HEAR UOOSEVEIr i German Scholars with Emperor Wil helm in Their Midst Hear Address on "The World Movement." COLONEL IS AWARDED DEGREE Former President Conferred with Title, Doctor of Philosophy. anjaaanajaf a WILL CIVILIZATION ENDURE t This is Keynote of Question of Ameri can's Foreign Speech, ANSWER IS IN THE AFFIRMATIVE Adurraa Is Listened To lr Kmperr William and DUtlnanUheri Com irnuj of hnlnrs nnd Dtnteaaaana. BKRI.IN, May U.-Theodore Roosevelt. i former president of the I'nlted States, de livered a lecture today on the topic "Th World Movement" at the University of j Rerun, and received from tho university : the honorary doree of doctor of philoso I phy. E;rp ror William honorsd the occa sion with his presence. It was the fust lime his ma.leaty had graced a conferment and the courtesy was significant In Mew of tho fact that the German court Is In mourning for King Ed ward. The rrremony of confering the degree was stated and conducted with impressive simplicity. Tiirre were no flags or em blems of royally and the government and the walls of the Aula were bare, save for the rows of bimts of Germany's- famous scholars and scientists. Tho only touch of color was furnished by the senators of the university with their robes of scarlet and blue and the five heads of the student corps, who wore blue jackets, white breeches, Jack boots' and I'artl-colored sashes. Four hundred guests of the university, who held cards of admission, were seated when Kmprror William, accompanied Jsy Mr. Roosevelt, entered from a side door of the hall. As they appeared the university choir chanted "Hell Dir 1m Slegerkrans." (Hail To Thee in The Conqueror s Wreath.) nistlnaoUbed Company Present. The two were followed by Empress Au gi.sie Victoria, Ptincesa Victoria Louise, Prince and 1'iinccss Eitel Frederick, Trinca and Princess August Wllhelm. Prince Adel- bii, Mrs. Rousuveit, MIhh Koossvelt and Kermlt itooseviit. The party took seats which had been reserved for them on the platform, Surrounding them were seated American Ambassador HU1 and Mrs. Hill, the other ambassadors and their wives; Henry White, formerly American ambassador to France, and Mrs. White; Settt liow and Mrs. .Low. American - Consul General .YhsCkera, St. John Gaffaey, American consul, general at Dreeden; Imperial Cliancaller ' Von Beth-mann-Hollweg, J'oselfln Minister . ' Vort Suhoen and the members of the cabinet. On either side of thla Mock of chairs were the senators of the university. Mr. Roosevelt occupied a chair during the reading of his address and at his aide stood the heads of the student Corps with drawn' swords. This striking guard of honor re mained standing and almost imrnovabl for tne tnree noma oi the lecture and cere mony. The auditorium was filled to Its capacity of 1,300 person j by tha faculty of the uni versity, students and guests. Rector Frich Schmidt opened the program by giving an outline of the lire of Mr. Roosevelt from the time he was a delicate child until he became an African nlmrod. When he had finished this sketch he In troduced the former president, who was received moht sympathetically. Mr. Roosevelt appeared rugged and In the pink of physical condition. His voice, husky at first, gained strength ami clearness as he proceeded and he was able to deliver his complete written thesis of 9,000 w'ords and to which he added extemporaneously . from time to time by way of emphasis and explanation. Mr. Roosevelt said the German emperor had often been held up before him as a statrsrrTan who was doing things which he, the speaker, tfhould do. "I remember," ha added, "that my friend, Dr. Prltchett, then president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at tloston, told me of the em peror's Interest in and knowledge of tech nical education. "While in Aft lea I used to think there was something wrong with the msll if It did not bring a letter from Benjamin Id Wheeler telling me of his admiration for some feature of German life and of the emperor's extraordinary qualities and kind ness." Mr. Roosevelt referred to the fact, that his own family was of low Dutch extraction and of the indebtedness beginning with col onial das of the United States to Ger many In blood, Ideas and achievements. .Military Virtnes F:xtolled. During another digression from his set speech and following hla remarks concern ing military virtues, Mr. Roosevelt said: "1 saw some of your German troops march before the commander-in-chief yes terday. I cannot understand how any Ger man could look upon those soldiers without a reeling uf pride at the physical and intel lectual character or those soldiers from the farm and shop, serving their time and then : retiming to their work to be replaced by ' other and younger men. I can see only hope for the future with such men. I : would like to speak of the men of the American civil war If 1 had time and tha I voice." 1 Jr. r.oethe, dean of the faculty, of phi losophy, followed and concluded a discourse I in German by addressing the former prtsi ; dont In Latin. j As Dr. Roethe iianded the new doctor hla diploma the students saug the German na tional hymn and the audience gay three i chf ers. : Tne emperor congratulated Mr. Roosevelt I upon his lecture and its delivery, so cour ageously accomplished under distressing 1 physical conditions. He talked with tha ! former president for six or eight minutes. ! The asvemblage waited until the emperor and Mrs. Roosevelt had left the hall. t ; Addreaa of Mr. Roosrtelt. j "Today I am In Berlin university," began I the speaker. "Yesterday I was in tha open a'r university of the German army and sat at the foot of the great master of that i university." He continued: "The play of new forces Is as evident In the moral and spiritual world as In the N'ontinued on Third Pag-)