THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. MAY 12. .1010. 1G MANHMEIS M l V 1 ft UN II IS 11 hi V H STORES liOOK FOR TI1E 1TOOK SAUC MONDAY. Kvery Dock LoTer Will 1 Interested. 1 OMAHA Hundreds of People who live outside of Omaha are sending for our new BARGAIN BULLETIN Just Published It is full of extraordinary special bargains for our customers who shop by mail. You can order from this Bulletin and get the advantage of bar gain prices on the goods you need right now. You w;ll find it just as satisfactory as coming to Omaha and shopping in person. You will save money on White Goods, Summer Dress Materials, Table Linens, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains, etc., etc. Send for the Bulletin Today Brandeis Stores, Omaha Wonderful Saving Possibilities are Yours this Week in the Manufacturers' and Jobbers1 UNLOADING SALE "We are selling goods this week with little regard for their real value. "We can afford to do it because we bought them less the manufacturers' and jobbers' profits. "We made the savings and now they are yours if you want them. All kinds of spring and summer goods cost less. All the remaining lines as advertised Sunday going at advertised prices. New lots appear daily. Look up these great offerings Thursday. DISPOSAL OF A GOOD PURCHASE OF Misses1 Long Blue Serge Coats Requests for such garments from the young high, school miss have been numerous. This is the first time we have been able to sell them so cheaply. They are $26.00 Coats; all beauties. Persian trimmed collars, satin trimmed collars or plain tailored. A good quantity for Thursday, at Wonderful Unloading Bargains in Suits IlAPrn FIRE SELLING ON SECOND FLOOR See the Suits at $12.50 and you'll understand why. There's an agree able surprise awaiting you. Several hundred of the prettiest and best tailored szs.oo suits it has ever been our good fortune to show are being unloaded at half. All the best colors and materials, too, at 1 $151 i $12.50 Wash Suits and Dresses Bargains such an thrss provs the. power of our unloading sale to Rave you money. Over 200 of the year's new modes. In two piece Linen Coat Suit In colors and one piece Linen and Lingerie Ureses In lilsrh and low neck effects tn white and colors Fine $10.00, $12.60 it.uu ana Jis.uo values, unloading at MVnr T7KSXBWEAB Beautiful Skirt and Gowns, great $1.26 val ues, apecial, at 690 $3.95 House Dresses ts to 97.M aiBKirrs ti.ts We have added a fresh, supply to the line for Thursday shnnnpr Phnrm- ln lawn, madras, percales and Anderson Ginghams, pretty neat patterns, nicely made, either high or low neck, for , IIII PBTTICOATB They are going . fast, all silk taffeta In about fif teen colors, tailored flounces, all $5.00 valuea, for $2.95 $1.95 BORDERED SUITINGS All white linen finished with Grecian or plain colored side bands, reg ular price 19c, for goods, lie AROSKEAG CINGHARS the well known apron checks recognised as the best P grades for Thursday J)f under wholesale cost AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Pioneers Planning Big Celebration for Bellevue Day. DEMAND FOR HALF HOLIDAY Jlrnrr Zlffler Thinks More of Job Thaa of Court and Will Be 1 llalrd Before Trlbuual Today. Th last meeting of the South Omaha I'ioncer Historical society was held last evening and aside from the regular pro gram the organisation advanced some of the arrangements for the proposed picnic and celebration of the center. r.lal of the establishment of the Bellevue trading post, which is to be held June 23. This day promises to be a remarkable fete, and will mark a artat gathering of pioneers from all parts of the state. The South Omaha organization appointed a committee to wait on the mayor a:ul the city council and ask for the proclam ation of a lilt holiday In South Omaha In honor of the occasion. The same com mlttee will also present the matter of se curing a Holiday for the South Omaha mall i ai ders to the postmaster so that arrange-1 menta may be made if practicable to allow the carriers ( attend. The program last night consisted of well rendered selections by the South Omaha High school orchestra and selections by the Floneer quartet. The speaker ex pected, Eugene Mayfield, was unable to be present so the several addresses were voluntary. Miss Georglna Davis, with Miss liladys Van Bant as accompanist, rendered the pleasant lyrical song, "When Mabel Hlngs." Miss Davis rapidly Improves as a mimical entertainer. After the song tlit audience pleaded for more. The orchestra a worthy of notice for this organization Is t-ald to be the most successful high school organisation of Its kind in the state. Mrs. A. 1). Majors pleased the audience greatly' by reciting "The Wood' Ticks," and "Speaking l"p Johnson." Hoth the selections i pre humorous and familiar line, of con emporaneous porta. J. T. Farnsworth, Qoorge Anderson. J. J. dreeu, E. U. Ftozgelle and David Anderson made short addresses.. Most of these men spoke on some point in the matter of the v celebration of June 23 and the members of the association paused after each address to pass the motion suggested by the peaker.. Mr. Farnsworth departed from the usual paths of discussion at these meet ings and suggested that the people of the city have something more to do than to ieserve memoirs and that among other Deeded reforms that of the election of ederal Judges by the people was needed. lis argument was not extended on the point, being Intended only as a suggestion. When the meeting adjourned it was de rided to meet again the last Tuesday ven Ing of October. Cae of t'oatteaavt of .t'oart. A rae of contempt of court was devel- i i.j.eil In police court yesterday when Henry j .lgler was arrested for refusing to appear I In . court w hen served with a subpoena. He ts an Austrian and conMdercd obligation to hia employer of greater Im portance thau the demands of the court tie stayed at his job and was served with a'baoua warrant and charged with con tempt He said: "I hare to keep my jio. don t IT" Tn. court has not j.t given bins trial 1 his m will praoaalx be beard La-a mor ninr. The judge will probably pass sentence on him forthwith upon his ap pearance. Alleged Tool Thieve Caught. T. J. Hullls and H. K. Dllly were ar rested yesterday and the latter is charged with petit larceny. The former is sus pected as an accomplice. The case was the alleged theft of property from Fred Parks. An 'outfit used by painters was stolen and Parks suspected these men of the act. They were not readily located at first, but, later returned to South Omaha. Increase la Cattle. , The South Omaha market shows a smart Increase In the receipts of cattle this year. The Increase has been about 26,000 head since the beginning. The prices have re mained fair. In hogs a great decrease, amounting already to $227,000 head, is no ticed. Prices have been lower during the last week, but yesterday they were consid erably advanced. The tops reached $!)3i'. This Is the highest paid for three weeks. The receipts of sheep have fallen off slightly. A few days of good receipts will still remedy this loss. Powers Will Appeal. Captain Peter Powers does not intend to abide by the decision of the Fire and Police board and claims that his discharge from service was illegal. Captain Powers says that he was given no trial and that the action of the board was purely arbitrary a. id will not stand. He will contest Us decision. Magic City ttosalp. Jacob Levy has returned from a trip to Unloading Choice Silks at Sensational Prices The very silks you want, messalines, hairline summer weights, Louis ines, fancy taffetas, etc., practically all are 75c values; unloading price, per yard 29t? $1.00 AND $1.23 SILKS B9c Whoever needs silks should see these. There never was a more attractive bargain. Note the varieties, cash rnir de Sole, diagonal pongees, shantungs, chiffons, foulards, and wash taffetas. Wonderfully large color range. Either $1.00 or $1.25 silks. Unloading price, per yard 59 Home Sewers Here's a Treat in Fine Embroideries We consider them one of the big features of the week's unloading event. Fine Swiss and Nainsook goods, 6 to 12 Inches wide, edges and in sertions, for all purposes, 25c to 30c embroideries. Take your pick. at Jrd 15 DFLOADDtO BlSBOJTa All silk plain .and fancy ribbons up to 6 Inches wide, all shades, 25c to 40c goods, at, yard ISO TOaVOsTOlT X.ACXB Pure linen edges and Insertions, big lot ridiculously cheap, at. vsrd 2o T AH Or YOKES For linearis waists, XTSCaTIsTas Odds and ends, 25 cent . or dresses, lace and tucked effects, goody, at yard , 100 J worth $1.00 to $3.60, for BOo to $1.75 Thursday is Shoe Day for Misses, Children and Infants QUITE THE BEST BARGAINS YOU HAVE SEEN: THOSE LACES AT HALF All week you buy our fine Cluny, Princess and Irish Crochet Laces that sold from 60c to $26 a yard; at xaxt risoa Misses' high shoes with grey suede tops, button styles, plain toe, pat M ent colt stock, welted soles; a ll durable, dressy $2.50 shoe, un bj loading Thursday, at ..$1.35 ;:KBWS;:K:aWaWflV Children's and Infants' Ankle Strap Pumps, chocolate kid, brown suede and white canvas, wide foot form styles, the best for growing children, $1.00 and $1.50 values, at 69 IMBWMIIKBniBailliU I i i i i ii Id I i! a I y GMf C5 Gwj4 K3t?Q K5W C3r5n3$ 5S$ (J'Bufcr 9 r tenter m Moderate Pricei Restaurant Second Floor, J Specials for Thursday and Friday I northern Texas. The city council sat yesterday as a board of equalisation. WHITE We are showing a good variety of white oxfords. Cressey. The Royal Highlanders will give a dance tonight at Odd Fellows' hall. The Library board met last evening and allowed the regular monthly claims. The Magic City King's Daughters will meet Thursday with Mrs. Bruce McCulloch, at 2:30 p. m. HIGH PRICKS-lf j ou pay hiKh 'prices this season for footwear you are doing wroiiK. We have never shown such values at these prices. Cicssey. The financial committee of the Presby terian church met last evening at the office of J. L. Duff. Lodge No. 173. Mystle Workers ot the World, will give a ball Thursday evening at Odd Fallows' hall. Jl'8T IN A nobby patent strap pump for ladles at $2.60 pair. A fine black suede pump for ladies. Cressey. Mrs. C. M. Schlndel left yesterday for Cincinnati to serve as a delegate to the National Federation of Women's clubs. PHONE SOl'TII S6 for a case of JKT TICR GOLD .TOP. Prompt delivery to anv part of the city. William Jitter. The condition of llenrv Blaskovec m considerably improved yesterday and great hope is now entertained for his recovery, DARK TAN Our Glover's dark tan vlci oxfords for ladies are solid comforts. Cres sey. Superior lodge Ko. 133. Degree of Honor, will hold a class Initiation Wednesday evening. The degree team will meet at T p. ni. Perry McD. Wheeler delivered an ad dress last evening before the convention of the local Sunday school associations held In Omaha. THIS WEKK we shall receive SoO pieces fin. Imported china premiums. Cressey. Mrs. J. W. Galloway wilt entertain the ladles' Aid society of the fengltsh Lutueran church Thursday attcrnoon at her home. 211, 8 street STRAP PrMPS Our large variety of strap pumps are winning the people; many uobby combinations. Cressey. 8U Agtiea' court of Foresters has changed Its meeting night from the second and fourth Monday night to the aecoud and fourth Sunday uights, at th Workmen temple. O 13c Sultana Raisins, bulk, per lb 100 i Marvelll Macaroni. Spaghetti, Verml- cetia, eacn, per pkg loo Citron. Orange and Lemon Peel, per pound BOo Onr.u 1 1 ivc, I'd Ik...... ......... Hoy Roan Ml) rmV S1.1B 4 2 '4 -lb. tin Soft Grain Maple Sugar Vp for 400 2 100 doien Michigan Sifted Juue Pea. Ig per doxen ...91.00 jT 10-lb. sack Graham Flour SSo a. I Lotus Butter (cartons), per lb...33o V Fancy Country B.itter (sanitary Jan). per lb. 31o Dairy Butter, per lb 88c Cottage Cheese (carton) 10c Blue Label Cheee... loo Waukesha Cheese ; flSo Larara RlDe Krtim Cheese. Imported Swiss Cheese, per lb. . ,38a O Domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb... ago t Spinach, per peck ...,16o h Two large bunches Radishes Bo i New Potatoes, per lb .60 (f LOOK FOR OUR AD SATURDAY, C C-1 CrWj GKU WV uArg) QSSXk (uWft A persistant ceugu M.ouia not be nag-' lected. CaaaberlaU's Cougfc Heaed wilt cure U. Facing Farnam Street on the ground floor The best location in Omaha for many lines of business is opposite the Court House and next to the City Hall. It is very seldom that it is possible for you to get one of the ground floor rooms in the: bee building The entrance Is just west of the main entrance of the building; it has an entrance from the court as well. The building furnishes heat, light, 'water and Janitor ser?lce. The building is fire-proof and there is a large brick vault, so you can cut out your insurance expense. The room will be remodeled and redecorated to suit the tenant. The space can be arranged to give tenant 1,850 square feet if desired. If this is the best location for you, now Ls the time to grasp the opportunity, and apply at once. Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office. .11 ! I ' I IIII HI II ! Hill .Ml. ' t I.W sZ-1 11 " ' -.."' - III III i M r- I tr fl 11 r a i 1 s u mm 1 mi mis w is jj m THAT delightful beverage with that pleasing, delicious flavor found in no other beer. It's because we grow our own yeast and take the proper time and care to malt our barley in the old reliable way. It's always uniform in quality and pleasing to the taste. Brewed by MILLER BREWING COMPANY, at Milwaukee, Wis. ! ORDER A CASE TODAY. ii mm mi j'u iiiuwij Distributors: JESSEX LIQUOR CO., . . n.,1. mnre ""Vv 1020 Broadway, Council Bluffs, Iowa, i JfiT )7X 550 $30 Regent Shoe Co., 205 S. 15th Street AIko Birpnrv for VtanlMer's hleh crade Cu.slilon Sole shoes for men and women. shoes for tnen ami Dr. Reed's . UANIOES . I Attractive Excursion Fares East the best chance Reduced fares to many other east- Ones you experience the luxury of wearing comfortable shoe that hold their shape, with a style made permanent by fine, material nd skilled workmanHhlp: no other blioes will satisfy you thereafter. We are speaking of Hunan shoes.. Selling them ts the. easiest thiiiR vaj lo because there is nothing to explain. The shoew tell their own story and every wearer tells It to his friends. w - - Try Banaa Blioas ones. Man's $5.60 to $7.00 Woman's 98.00 to $6.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. Effective June 1st. ThP thiriv dav low sDccial round trip rates afford in years for an extended tour of the east. prn rpHnrlR. New York City, standard routes $43.20 New York City, other desirable routes S40.5' Atlantic City ;$40.7 through St. Lawrence river region, or tnrougn S43.35 SMO.tiO S30.50 Diverse route tour of the east, one way through the lr6inias, Old Point Comfort. Norfolk. Ocean trip to New York, other way direct routes () $49.40 Same trip through Virginia, Old Point Comfort and Ocean trip to Boston, other way direct routes () $52.20 () Final limit, sixty days. Itates effective June 10. Portland, Me., BoBton , Boston, direct route Montreal, including St. Lawrence river trip. LOW CONVENTION RATES. Read The Bee for Air the Sporting News $15.40 $32.40 $23.50 $30.00 $10.50 $43.05 St. iouis, June 4 to 8, inclusive Chattanooga, Tenn., June 10 to 12, inclusive Detroit, Mich., June 8 to 10, Inclusive, July C to 10, inclusive. . . Saratoga Springs, N. Y.. July 4 to 6. inclusive North Manchester, Ind., May 13-14 New Orleans, La., May 14 to 16, inclusive ALL SUMMER EASTERN EXCURSIONS. ( Ket urn Limit October 31.) Mackinac Island ...$3t.R0 Boston .... $58.00 Portland. Me $58.00 Atlantic City $55.00 Buffalo, including tour of the lakes via Steamer "Northland" $44.50 St. Louis $17.00 TKAIX HKUVH'K: From Omaha to Chicago, Daylight Express. 7: l& a. m.; afternoon express, 4:20 p. m., arriving Chicago 7 a. in.; Nebraska Chicago Limited, 6:30 p. in., electric lighted, with observation car, arrives Chicago 8.07 a. m. let me help you with your arrangements. Hotel Rome 2uropenn IN THE HEART OF THINGS Cor. 16th ;uiJ .liu-kson Sts. Two blocks from lending department -sturi'S and all theaters.' HOME MILLER. Reliable Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms . PILES FISTULA f MT WKEK CUBED Alt Bsctal Dtssasas cured without (urRlcai operation and Qi-.srsntaad to laM llfatlma. No rliloroforni, etti.r or nth.r (tnaral ansHthetl useU. Kismlaitals rrsa. WrlU Tor rrsa Book. SR. E. R. TARRY 34 IEI OMAHA. !. mm ; J. 0. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, 1502 Farnam Street. Omaha No womnn need blush when rvadiiic The Bee; It Is barred from no homo. This makes It th momX. powerful influents in selling goods through advejfaing.