Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1910, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. WEATHER FORECAST For Nebraska - -Fair. For Iowa Partly cloudy. See w est her report on Fa (to 'J NEWS SECTION PACES 1 TO I. VOL. XXXIX NO. i!81. OMAHA, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1910-SIXTEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ( PARLIAMENT PAYS TKIBUTETO KING i Jiuling Houses of Great Britain Honor Memory of Dead Monarch and Welcome the New. ROYAL MESSAGE TO COM ) -'S During Beading Members Stand at Further Mark of Respect. ADDRESS SENT GEORGE FIFTH 5 4 Resolutions Assure New Sovereign of Heartfelt Sympathy. PEACEMAKER OF THE WORLD STIila Title Applleil to I.ate nnler Was Well Karnril, In "t Heaolatlone .Memorial Ad dressee Mmlf. I.OXno.V. May 11. -Empress uowager Idatie of Russia, a sister of Queen Mother Alexandra, reached here today accompanied by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovltch, younger orotner or. tmptTur .ituui, n will be the official representative of the .Russian government at the funeral of Ed ward VII. Parliament met this afternoon to pay a national tribute to the memory of King lid ward and to w elcome his successor. King George. A message from the new monarch In hlch ho announced the death of hla father and lila own succession, was read In both houses, which subsequently adopted ad dresses of condolence and congratulations tn the king. .Speeches were itiade In parliament by Sjj4 leaders ot t,e political parties. Royal Mritaie Itead. The royal message was read tn the house cf commons with members standing un covered as It was read. It follows: The king knows that the House of Com mons shares In the profound and deep aorrow which has befallen his majesty by the death of Ms majesty's father, the 11 king, and that the house entertains true sense of the loss which his ma jesty and the nation has sustained In' this mournful event. "King Kdward'a care for the welfare of the people and his skilled and prudent guidance of affairs, his unwearying devo tion to public duty and Illustrious reign, land his simple courage in danger and Win will long be held In honor by bis aubjecta at home and beyond the seas." I.' port a motion by Fremitr AsqulUi, acconded by A. J. Balfour, leader of tho oposltlon, the House of Commons adopted an address to be presented to King George Li which his majesty was assured of the heartfelt sympathy of the lower chamber - In his grievous affliction, and in which also were exprepsed the congratulations ot the house upon hla accession. Ilia ad dress proceeds; Address to King. "We will ever remember with grateful affection the teal and success with which our late sovereign labored to consolidate the pcaco and concern of the world. "lie well earned the title by which he will always be remembered, 'The Peace maker of the World.' " The premier then moved an expression of tho house's condolence to the queen mother, Alexandra, assuring her that the House of Commons and the nation would vcr preserve toward her sentiments of un alterable reverence and affection. When Mr. Asiiulth expiessed the sym thy which the house felt for the queen mother, he all but broke down. Speaking along similar lines In the House of Lords, the Karl of Crewe was well nigh overcome with emotion. mi Taft Approves - Postal Bank Bill House Committee Presents Tentative if Jraft of Measure to the President. WASHINGTON. May 11. -President Taft VAf.Ucally approved ot the postal savings u!,K bill an presented to him In tentative form last night by members ot the house toinmlttee on postofflocs and post road". H la understood that the president sanc tioned the main provisions of the bill although he made a number of minor sug gestions. It is understood the president approved of the idea ot issuing United Plates bonds in $25 denominations and mul tiples thereof, bearing per cent Inter est to be nold to postal savings depositors. A postal bank bill already has passed the aviiatc. SIX SOLDIERS ARE WOUNDED Cnasl Artillery Mien Mot bjr Men ( nertetl nlth Blind ear Fort Fremont. UKAl'FORT, S. C. May 11. Four pil vales of tho one hundred and twenly kuveiith coast artillery were shot and wounded from ambush today and two others were idiot by men believed to be .he keeper of "blind ' tlgera" and who had been helling whisky to soldiers -off the government reservation at Fort Fre mont. Privates Callahan, McCarthy, Stansbury and fdeder were shut from ambush. Later In the day. when a quarter of a mile off tho reservation, Privates tjuldley and Mc yYly were mtucked and wounded by men I4l shot tuns. All the soldiers will re- ovr, f DEMi'AL FROM SENATOR PILES taahlnton Mm Hmym Mr. Uarflrld la HrMalble tor Ualllu.rr'a ' Appointment. WASHINGTON. My 11. -Replying i , Intimation of aUorney HiandeW at the Udl '.Ingr-Pinchot liiventlgation that powerful Intel eta in Hie northwest had used him la the Instrument through which Mr. Balllnger was appointed cunimlnnioner of I tt- lar.fl office, Senator Plies In the ' " .,'. today denied the accusation, deel J In A secretar infield had been respons ar.fl office, Senator Plies In the en- lar- responslble Mr. RaluZiar select ton, First Reports on Proceeds of Tax on Corporations i Nearly Twenty-Six Million Dollars Assessed Against More Than Two Hundred Thousand Companies. i (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, D. C, May ll.-t'Spe-clal Trlegram. Commissioner R. E. Cabell of the Internal revenue department today made public the collections for the month of February and March under the Income tax law. In the Nebraska district 1 442 re turns were made upon which an assess ment of $L,04.2il Is levied. A number of cor porations in Nebraska failed to make re turns promptly and these are liable to an aggregate penalty ,of $1,057 which will make the total lax from Nebraska corporations, imiia. There are two collection districts In Iowa, the third having 2,545 corporations assessed at $78,542, and the fourth with U.M returns assessed at $107,644. The North and South Dakota district reports 3,034 renins, assessable at $54,799. The report shows the total number of returns to have been 231,243, total assessments, 24.TO9,046, and penalties for failure to furnish reports by March 1, $101,750. Western showing: districts made the following He lm n. ... 2. MS Assess ments. $ 7V.42 107,514 41.327 7S,W"I 2J6.M0 11D.6S2 31,708 District. Third Iowa Fourth Iowa 2.53H Kansas 4.7M First Missouri 6.0H7 Sixth Missouri 4.112 Nebraska 1 North and South Dakota.. S.0,,4 The figures given arc approximate and are subject to slight revisions. Senators Gamble and Crawford today united in recommending the appointment of Loomls 8. Cull of Hot Springs, to be register of the land office at rtapld City, succeeding John L. Burke, resigned. J. II. Voorhees of Sioux Falls Is in Washington to attend the National Bar association now In session here. Rural carriers are as follows: Nebraska: Itcd Cloud, route No. 2. Haude W. Pierce, carrier, no substitute; Lotila ville, route No. 1, William C. Leghorn, carrier, John B. Kilgore, substitute. Iowa. Prescott. route No. 4, Leroy Sears, carrier, John Bears, substitute. South Dakota: Avon, route No. 3, Albert C. Meyer, carrier; W. A. Meyer, substitute; Huron, route No. 2, James M. Ogan, car rier, no substitute; Veblen, route No. 3, J. R. Jackson, carrier, no substitute. Manzinette PUlen has been appointed postmaster at Mlneola, Holt county, Ne braska, vice L. I.. PUlen, resigned. , Club Women in Possession of Cincinnati Five Thousand Delegates to General Federation in City Bids for ' "" Next Contention. CINCINNATI. May ll.-(Spcclal Tele gram.) More than 6.000 women are here to day, representing every state In the union and Canada, to attend the tenth biennial convention of the general federation . of women's clubs. An executive session of the board of directors was held Tuesday. Today there was a council meeting of the state and general federation officers. Already there Is a plevailiug sentiment that Mrs. Philip N. Moore ot St. Ixiuls, will be elected president-general of the federation fijr a second term. One rumor says the entire board will be re-elected. California has a large delegation here, headed by Mrs. J. E. Cowes of Los Angeles, first vice president of 'the general federa tion, which Is actively working for the next biennial convention for San Francisco. Baltimore will also extend an invitation for the honor. Ohio club women formally welcomed visi tors at headquarters, Hotel Hlnton, from 3 to 6 today. A large and brilliant audience gathered Tuesday evening to enjoy the symphony orchestra concerf, a compliment from the Ohio federation of club women. Dis tinguished officials and guests occupied boxes. GREEK BOY IS SENT ASTRAY Bound for Woonaocket, II, 1.. Lands at Woosisrket, 1. I)., Iiy Mletake. SIOUX FALLS. 8. D., May (Special.) To be sent to a point 1.000 miles from his destination by mistake was the expe rience of a little Greek boy about 15 years of age, who the other day was found wan dering about the street of WoonsockeL The lad was taken In by kind-hearted residents of Woonsoeket who . endeavored to learn something of hlmr but owing to the fact that he was unable to talk Kngllsh but little could be learned from him. As near as could bo gathered he had only recently arrived In the United States from Europe and through some mistake had been sent on to South Dakota Instead of to Woon soeket, It. 1., where It appears certain he has relatives who he came to the United States to Join. The unfortunate boy had but .".o cents III Ills pockets when found wandering about the streets, so a collection was taken up for him and arrangements made to have him forwarded lo Rhode island. Kawtown Tries to Fool qn Its Butter Quotations Shame on Kansas City. The Omaha bit ter men say that the naughty Kawtown dealers are trying to delude the poor but opulent farmer Into celling his dairy product to them at a low price by sending out incorrect quotations. Kansas City, lor Instance, remarks in public quotations that the price to retailers Is M cents a pound. Now, this is very wrong. Indeed, so say the Omaha dealers. For on private advlcea they learn that the real price is A rents for creamery butter, Incidentally the same as the Omaha quo tation for butter In pound prints and car tons delivered lo the retailers. "Just a bear movement, we don't pay any attention to the Kansas City market." said an Omaha butter man. "If we aell them any butler ll ii at Elgin rates, that's all." PEOPLE ALARMED BY EARTHQUAKES i Ponnlace of Cost Rican Cities Flee in Terror When Renewed ShV , Are Felt, v i RESIDENTS ARE PANIC STRICKEN Although Fear Seizes Multitude, Offi cials Work Among Ruins. INJURED IN TEMPORARY HOMES Red Cross Does Good Work Among Wounded and in Rescue Work. HEAVY QUAKES ARE REPORTED Farther Disturbance Are Recorded at San Jose and nt Wan Do mingo -Carta go Will Be Rebuilt. SAN JOSE. Costa Rica, May 11. Heavy earthquakes were felt here today. Thous ands of persons are leaving the city In alarm. A'serles of severe shocks was ex perienced yesterday. Although fear has aelted a great part of the populace, the authorities continue reso lutely at work among the ruins of Cartago. Many living persons have been released from the debris and some of these will sur vive. It Is reported that the dead Include two Americans. The Red Cross organization, the police, the military and members of the foreign colonies are actively engaged In the relief work and have accomplished much. As fast as they are discovered, the In jured ones are removed to this city where they receive medical attention. The r"b llc schools have been converted Into tem porary hospitals. While the Injured are thus being succored, the sanitary authori ties are seeing that the dead are buried as promptly as the bodies are recovered and are taking other rautlons against an epi demic. Help from Ontalde. Kindly expressions and material assist ance from, other countries have been re ceived with gratitude by the public. The messages of.condolence are many. The do nation of Mexico, the activities of the American Red Cross and the promptness with which the press associations of other countries have made known the distress and need of the strlsken territory are prac tice, (proofs of foreign sympathy that are recognized and appreciated. There Is already talk of the reconstruc tion of Cartago, and It is suggested the government may determine the kinds of material to be used In the new buildings, as well as the manner of their construc tion. SAN DOMINGO, May ll.-A severe earth quake shock was felt here at 3 o'clock this morning. There was no loss of life or dam age to property In the city, but reports from the Interior have not been received. WASHINGTON, May ll.-The seismo graph in the United States weather bureau here recorded an earthquake shock at 2:34 o'clock this morning. The disturbance con tinued nearly twenty minutes, but tho rec ord was a very slight one and insufficient for the reglsterer to determine the location of the upheaval. Taft Pays Tribute to Memory of Two Polish Heroes Chief Executive Makes Address at Unveiling- of Monument to Pulaski and Kosiusko. WASHINGTON, May 11. In his address at the unveiling of the Pulaski and Kosciusko statues In this city this after noon, President Taft paid high tribute to the two PollBh warriors. He grouped thorn with La Fayette, Rochambeau. Pe Kalb and others and said It was fitting that America should give enduring evidence of Its gratitude to those who came to It In Its hour of trouble. Mr. Taft declared that if PulasKl and Kosciusko could have lived to se the 3,000,000 Polish citizens take their honorable place In tho American electorate; could have seen the prosperity they had aided and the happiness they had found under the brnner that the two generals helped to defend, they would have felt their labors were not In vain. Aged Woman Torn by Two Bulldogs Mrs. Mary Ryan of Chicago is in Hos ' pital and Will Prob ably Die, CHICAGO. May 11. With her face, throat, arms and body lacerated by the bites of two bull dogs, Mrs. Mary Ryan, 'I years of age, is reported dying In C.rare hospital today. The attack occurred In front of the home of the owner of the dogs. When neighbors reached the scene one dog was tearing at the aged woman's throat while the fangs of the other were burled in her 1 arm. "The apparent difference in the Omaha quotatlona as compared with the Elgin prices is not real," he continued. "The Kigln price Is quoted on tub butt.r, ours la the price plu the differential, which Is accounted for by the handling of the butter In packing it in cartons and delivery to the, retailer. Jne may buy butter In Omaha at the same price that he can in Klgln If he buya the eame grude of butter In the same form." "Omaha has as fair a price on butter as any city in the country." aid J. H. Rusli tQii, presUunt of the Fairmont Creamery company. "Iepp!te all that has been aald about the Elgli. board It la conservative and generally Is more llkelv to underquote the maiket than lo trr on the other aide." r " From the Sioux City Journal. SEW CAR SHOP AND MILL Union Pacific Ready to Ask for Bids for Big Improvements. . LARGE SUMS TO BE EXPENDED Total Amount to Be Spent by the Ilnrrlman Line In'Oninha Will Reach Over Two Million I Dollars. I Announcement was made Wednesday by A. L. Moliler, vice president and general manager of the Union Pacific, that the road is to soon issue a call for bids to build a new car shop and planing mill plant, which will cost approximately S400.000. This will mean that the Union Pacific will ex pend about S3.000.000 during the coming year on improvements in Omaha. Referring to the proposed extension to the f i eight houne. which has been discussed for some time, Mr. Mohler said, "We are going to let the public build that for us. They can build It without expending a cent, but It would cost us more money than we can afford to lay out at this time. We will be busy for a year or two erecting our new office building and the new car shops and planing plant, which will neces sitate an outlay of about 12,000,000. We are soon to call for bids for the new car build ing and planing mill, which will cost ap proximately S4O0.O00, with the machinery in stalled." Freight House to Walt. This means that the Union Pacific wilf not build the additions to Its freight house for a year or two. It present plans carry, but will confine Itself to the completion of the new general headquarters and the car shop. The work bf razing the buildings at Fifteenth and Dodge streets has been completed and the ground la being pre pared for the excavation work. As soon as possible the foundation for the sky scraper will be built, and It is expected that as soon as the work Is completed the contractors will ba ready to go ahead with the building itself. The present year marks a period of con struction work In Omaha' by the rail roads of the west and large sums of money will be spent by the Union Pa cific, the Burlington and the Chicago ft Northwestern The Union Pacific takes the lead and will do more work than the other roads, but the Burlington and Northwester are both planning to erect' new freight houses which will cost hun dreds of thousands of dollars, l . Itlot Spread Trrrur. CHANG SUA. May 10. Word lias been received hfie that riots have occurred at Yuen Chow, which Is 22 miles from Chaiitf Sha and that the inland mlxHlon has bee,! destroyed. No dcmlls are given as the tele graph wires are down. Are you going to move this spring? Do you know how to find somebody to move you? Look under "Moving ami Storing," iu today's Bee want columns. lieliable persons, cxjtj ieneed in handling household goods are running ails there. Call them and make your arrangements. 'William, Now You Stop!" Forest Fires Menace Number of Small 'Towns Woods in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan Are on Fire and Strong Wind Spreads Flames. ST. PAUL, May 11. Owing to the unusual drouth in Minnesota, the forests In the north and eastern part of the state, In northern Wisconsin and Michigan, have been burning for several days and great damage has been done. So far, however, no fatalities have been reported. No rain haa fallen in Minnesota this spring in any amount and since the last snowstorm of April 24 and 26 not enough moisture has fallen to thoroughly wet the ground. Everything Is dry as tinder, especially In the woods, and fires started by settlers In clearing their lands and by sparks from locomotives spread rapidly into growing fires. For the last two days a strong wind has been blowing over some of the northern counties and this helped the apread of the flames. Reports from Calumet, Mich., state that the fires about Aliston, Painesdale, South Range and Baltic are less serious today. From Cass Lake, Minn., the reports are more assuring today. Indications today are that the fire has been chocked, unless the wind comes up to cause the flic to jump across the barrier. The same section of Minnesota was swept by fire two years ago. At that time Chls holm, a town of 2,500, was wiped out, and the residents of Grand Marals were taken from tho town In boats. WAUSAi;, Wis., May ll.-Foicst fires have leveled the south halt of the town of Moslnee, Marathon county. Just before wire communication was cut off early today word came that a number ot buildings had been destroyed,' Including three residences, four general storea and the postoffice. The latest report said the fire was under control. The lose la SK.000. DO IT If the census enumerator hs not rot your ' name, or those of friends, fill out this coupon, cut Jt from The Bee, fold It on the dotted line and drop It In the nearest mail box with the address on the outside. Postage and envelope ere not necessary. CHARLES L. Supervisor Name Address Nam a Addresi Nam Addresa II NEW TARIFF PROBLEM ARISES High Protectionists Oppose Proposi tion for Tariff Commission. -i STEP TOWARD FURTHER REVISION Insurgents Are Backing: President In Demand for Appropriation Needed to Secure Accurate Infor mation. WASHINGTON. May ll.-Presldent Taft Is facing a new party complication. In his effort to obtain an approurlation of 1250.000 to enable the new tariff board to ascertain the difference In the cost of pro duction here and abroad and thus lay the foundation for another tariff revlnion based on accurate and Kclentific Information, It Is said today that the president would have the opposition of Representatives Payne, Dalzell, Fordney and other high protec tionists of the house. The Insurgents are bucking tho presi dent up In his demand for the appropri ation, and republicans generally are look ing to the appropriation and the promise of another revision which It carries as one of the brightest elements of hope In the coming campaign. The insurgents are wondering today If In the event of opposition from Messrs. Payne, dalzell and the others, their repub licanism will be called into queHtaJn by the "powers that be." The plan of the ullra-protectioulsts, It is said. Is to rest their opposition on a point of order when the provision for the KrA,m apropiiatlon is reached In the sun dry civil hill. Representative Payne will open the de bate on this bill tomorrow with a two hours' defense of tho Payne-Aldrich bill. Chairman Twany of the appropriation committee declared that ho did not be lieve a point of order would lie against the appropriation, but if It should an ef fort would be made to get the appropria tion In some other way. Messrs. Payne and Dalzell and Mr. Tawny, together with Senators Crane and Aldrlch, were at the White House today. NOW OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNITED STATES CENSUS. SAUNDERS, of the Census, Federal Building, Omaha. ItOOSEVELT WILL ATTENDFUNEKAl Former President Named by Mr. Taft as Ambassador to Represent United States. I CABLEGRAMS ARE INTERCHANGED Chief Executive Addresses His to American Embassy at Berlin. "ACCEPT," REPLIES THE COLONEL One Word Conveys Message from German Capital to Washington. SEES MIMIC BATTLE AT BERLIN Former President and Kaiser Watch Working: Ont of War rroblrm br Twelve Thousand Troops. WASHINGTON. May ll-The appoint ment of Colonel Theodore Koosevclt by President Taft as .special nmbassidor ic represent the United States at tho funerj of King lOdwnrd In London, May TO, wn officially announced today. Cablegram were exchanged last nlKht. This Is null to have been the first direct communication between Taft and Colonel Roosevelt since the former's inauguration. The text of the cablegram follows: "WASHINGTON, May 10, lMO.-Ilooscvtll. Care American F.mbassy, Iterlln: I should be very glad If you would act as special ambassador to represent at the funeral of King Kdward VII. 1 am sure that the Kngllsh people will be highly gratified nt your presence in this capacity and that our people wilt strongly approve It. Have a yet received no official nut Ice of the data of the funeral, but it is reported that It will take place on tho 30th of this month, riease answer. "WILLIAM TAFT." BERLIN, May 10, l!ll0.-"Tho president, Washington, accept. , "ROOSEVKLT." Sham Battle Near Berlin. BERLIN, May 11. Colonel Roosevelt In the company of Emperor William today witnessed a mimic battle In which K.OOO men of the Germnn military engaged In the vicinity of Uocberits. It has been feaitd that the former jdent woi'ld be obliged to forego this part oi tne entertainment piannea ior nim, tie- cause ot the condition of his throat, which is still somewhat sensitive, but this morn ing Prof. Fraenkel, the throat specialist, made another examination and decided that Mr. Roosevelt would suffer no In convenience through being for a few hours in the open air. Immediately after breakfast, Mr. Roose velt, attended by Lieutenant Colonel Von Koencr, motored to Loebciita where at 9 o'clock he was Joined by the emperor. The colonel wore a riding costume and was prodded' with a superb thoroughbred from the imperial stables. His majesty also took mount and together they rods over the maneuvering field of some twenty square miles and observed the working out of the army problem. The scene of the evolution was admirable adapted to bring evolution , was admirable adapted to bring out the resources oC officers and men. The typography was varied, open tracts being skirted with thick for ests and broken by streams, rough ele vations ajid swamps. The maneuvers were witnessed also by a party which included Kinpresis AuKuMe Victoria, Crown Prince Frederick William, Crown Princess Cecllie, Princess Victoria Louise, Prince Adelbert, Kermlt Roosevelt and Henry White, former American ambas sador to France. Ileitlna with Artillery Duel, The engagement opened with an artillery duel followed by a sharp collision along the whole front by the cavalry and Infantry. Three thousand cavalry participated but there was no grand charge. The day was bright and sunny and tin effect was most pleasing from Muehlrn berg Hill, from which Mr.. Roosevelt, the emperor, the uirtplres mid officers of tli general staff watched the finale. The oper ations completed, the officers above the rank of major who had taken part In the maneuvers assembled on Muehlenberg Hill' to hear the criticisms of the emperor and tho umpires. When thrse comments had been made the emperor In a loud voice called out: "My friend Roosevelt: I have, bun greatly pleased to show you some of our German troops. You ara the first civilian who has reviewed our soldiers." Turning to tho officers, his majesty added: "Wo are honored today in having here the distinguished colonel of the Rough Rid ers." Parting salutations were then exchanged and thn Imperial party left In automobiles for Potsdam, while Mr. Roosevelt, Kermll and Mr. White returned to this city. I'roakrnm nt l.nutlon. I.OMKJX, May II. After communicating with Mr. Roosevelt the committee of the corporation decided today to present the. former president the hono'ary lrciioii of the city of London on May :it, the d,ite oiiKlnally chosen. Instead of the formal luncheon planie. il, however, there will he an Informal recep tion for which 1.000 Invitations will he iM-iie.l. The Invited ones will Imlini the piofldint and former ministers of tli" cabinet, high officers of state, membert of the city government and representative Americans. The function will bn slioin of i all ceremonial and the plans for the devoi '- tiou of the streets have been abandoned. AFTER HEALTH OFFICIALS ftunth ttnkotn llimr.l -Will Iteniow County Offlcere Who Fall lo Make Heporti. PIERUK. S. P., May 11. -(Special. ) The superintendent of the state board of health haa found a great deal of trouhlu In making up his annual report for the reason that the superintendent of tho 1 county boards are either careless In the i muniier In which they make their report.'!, or fail altogether to send In anything In tho shape of a report. At the late meet ing of the btatc board held here a ie-o-: lutltiii was adopted' juthoi ialng the le- moval nf superintendent of tho countv I boards, who persist In making Incomplete 'monthly n port or those who f;iil al together in sending l:i the data ikiu1.h1 of thm. I nlnsN the superintendents i,f Hie county boards make the proper return ', tlie repot t of the state superintendent will he of little value, an I the eo-npei ittlun nt . the County aupetinleiidents la deinand .-d.