. . . - - - -- - a.,,. ,,M I i -1 111 I,, I I 1 I - - - - ' '- ' ,- ' ' " l-"m I I ... k , . ZZZl Want -Ads iVaal ade reeeleea at an) time, i. Insure imprr classification iaa bf presented before lit o'clock, " lor the evealntf edltloa an be!"' illO o'clock of iirevlona 0, uxiralDf and Dandar edltlona. Waat nit iccelved after each hoar will linvn their flrat laaertloa aader the ueadlnaT "Too Late ! Claaally." i aab auoat accoaupanr ail ordera (or aat ala aad ar adeertlaemeat will be ai-rrpted lor leaa tha a 20 oaata for Irat laaertloa. Hate apply to either Tha Dallr Sunday Hee. A I ware eoaal atx worda to a Ua. CASH HATES aOll WANT ADS. HKUILAH CLASSIFICATION laaertloa, 1 1-g cent per word aad 1 cent pes' word lor each aabeeajaeat laaertloa. Lack laaertloa aaada oa udd day, 1 l-H tenia ir woelt, 1. tier Una per aaoalh. Want ada for The Be mar ho let at oar of tho tollowlas ro( atorea la roar "coraei droMlst" ' aro all braach office for Tho Boa aad roar ad will bo laaerted at tiruoiBtlx aad oa tao aanae ratea aa at the snala otflco la Tho Be Baildlad, kevealeeath aad Faraaju atreeta. A I bach, V.' C, 40th and Farnam. Beianck. . A.. 140 U. ltlh at Payton Pharmacy, 70 S. 16th St Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemta Park Pharmacy, 3ikl and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh. 1W16 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, C. K.. eth and Pierce Bta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2U Military A. Hinlerlong Drug Co., Hal na Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, t-T8 ij. 16th St Cermak. Emil, 1264-t 8. 18th St Khler, F. H., 2803 Leavenworth. Foster Arnold!. XU N. 251 h 8t Pre) tad. John J., 11)14 N. ,24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 130H N. Wth Bt. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Green Pharmacy, Park Av. and raclfift Ureer.ough, G. A., 106 8. H'th Bt. Oreenough, O. A.,' Tenth and Hickory. Hayden. William C 2920 Farnam St. " Hai. acorn Park Pharmacy, 1&01 S. n A Hoist, John, 624 N. Wth Bt Hutf. A. L. 2U24 Leavenworth St. Johansun Urn Co., 24th and Spaldln St. King. H. H , Farnam St. KounUe Place Pharmacy, ii4 N. Hth. Uarea, Fred L., 2019 Central Blvd. 1 (itrlck Unig Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Lathrop. Charlea E.. 124 N. 24th St. Uoldman Pharmacy, frith and Leaveo hoitn bta. Saratoga Drug Co., 14th and Amea Ave. bchaerer a Cut Price Drug Stor. Wth and Chicago Bta. iicliaefer, August. J031-N. Wth Bt. .hchit.ldt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES UODDMAN Surah C. in her 81st year. Punoral from lesldenre, .1223 b'Ri-nam atreet, Wednesday, at 2:) p. m. Hartford and New Haven (.Conn.) papers please copy. II 1 1111114 A.D DEATHS. Births Frank IlWmos, Howard hotel, buy; 10 nan Klelne, L'lfiS Houth Twentlotli, girl; Homer Searle, 6108 Capitol avenue, girl; Jtalph Miller, 1618 (Spring, girl; Hinion Alajoheed, Uilb Pierce, boy; Albert Kugel, ClHrkmin hoNpitul. buy; Frank J. Taggarl, Preahyterlan hospital, girl. Keuths Baby KleeHpics, Methodist hos pital; Charles K. Klmore, county hospital, ); Anton Iamuntla, U2H South Twelfth, s; Baby Davis, 191U Cuming; llahy Elkk, 2415 Capitol avenue. ANNOUNCEMENTS MONEY 1 TO LOAN LOW KATE. In auma to Jit. 110 Bee B.du. Pnon Doug. M ') U.N ION LOAN goMPAJMV. I- Iron and Wire RI1CP Champion Fence Co., wawrf1B(n & Jackson 8ts. Tel. V. 1590. BEAVEtt BOAKD Slnr,.t vlace of lath and plaster. American Bup iiy t'o.i UU Farnam. KAT KOSHER HOMB COOKING. Ai kins. 316 gouth 16th, upstairs. ELEVATOHB 1UCPAIRKU Freight, Paa tger J. K, K.anady. U4 a. Ills. Ueug.itvL EXPERT drainage engineer. Writ N. 1. McUathfon, 4S New York Life Uldg. b. H. Col blgn Co., D. SitX hilt Farnam. FINE clock repairing; prices right; call, deliver, belknap. 306 Sunderland tlldg. V MUaourl FUtora mad, sold, ilia Howard. ED KOTIIEEY, Proprietor Schllta No. t. Full line of wines, liquors and cigars; merchants' lunch aerved from 1 a. in. to 2 p. m., regular meals at all houra; strangers In Omaha and vlKltora to the city always .welcome and shown every attention, Information bureau In connection, where all Inquiries are cheer luily answered: a call appreciated. Ill SOUTH 1 4TH ST. HAGGARD Van Storage or Omaha Trunk Van btorag Co. Pack, move, store and sblp 11. H. goods. 1. 14M. U. Srl?Jt S11 "cVncto WTRINQ OLD BUILD1NU3 A 6PEC 1ALT Y. I6 Cuming BU Tel. Harney 244. ,.TWO cnnse of vaudeville every week. Farlor Theater, west of 14lb on Uouglaa. HEALTH COMMISSIONEK'S COMMAND! Order your house and porch screened from THE OMAHA WINDOW BCREEN CO A BAN IT A RY NECESSITY FOK KVKRY HOME. 624 N. Wth St Call Doug. 4(52. J. A. KERVAN WILL MAKfl TOUR f UMMEH eUlT. 08-10 Urandaui Bldg. DAVID COLB Creamery Co. IELMONICO Cafe. 61T N. Wth. Chinese and Mexican dishes, all lira. Best meal, lio up. Til K I li1SS t rench Drv Cleaning li B-I-J-M. DIAMONDS t4 00 PER CARAT. Our tauioua Mexicau whit sapphire gem. w lilch la practically tb aam as a dia mond; brilliancy and sparkle guaranteed forever. Call or write for catalogue. De Long Jewelry Co.. MS McCagu Bidg., lith and Dodge. Omaha, Nab. THE PARLOR THEATER First or last, why not flrat; beat vaudeville. ' Multigraph Work Typewritten letters a u pi Ice ted. J. C. Nurthiup. M Paxton. Douglas K6S3. T. II. T. JENSEN baa resumed his of '. prrtirr at room 44, Bee Balldlr.g. ' 10 12 a. in. and 2-4 p. tn. Telephone: lMLXm U r tttTa All lenelha and K.toUIUSX XJL,U10 Wall thickness tn rtork. Eatlmate given contract work, rail after 6 p. m., 5th Ave. and rSahler 8ta S-iiu Omaha Concrete Stone Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Contti.uert fc'HOKS called for and delivered free, j standard Shoe Impair Co., w i'urnam. 1 II fll :i'V Practical Hullder, 1j. 11. ULOIi, K.tiniatea Furnished. Tel. tieiion &). Virginia lare winp. Ttc a larKe hi t In, KLlIN l.lyUOH HOUsB, i22 K. 10th 8t. L'(Uk'ia9 WtU ' r.. F. WL'HN, Optician. 4J4 lirandels HlUg. OOOU MKKCHANTS LUNCH. R fvPS A. JKTh-B. lii Uouglaa Bt. " vxo. THK HOMK FtiKNITL'RH CO.. M per rent less than Omaha prices. 20th aifU L Etta. JOHN . H1MOE. shirts. 630 Paxton Biock. 13A1JKEK BROS. PAINT CO. Wholesale-retail, lB0!V!i Farnam St Sher win-Williams paints, oils, varnishes, g ass, white Rail, wall paper, brurhes, gracing and picture framing. Tela. Beil Uouglas. 4i60 and lnd., A-ilt.1. LYNC11 BROS. PLUMBING AND H&AT1NG. RliPAJR WORK A SPECIALTY. VOi S. Wth. Phone Douglas 1477. NOTHING mo. cooling or. refreshing tiiau c aluB ic ureain luuu a L ilia wii Drug Co. 's fountain, liti Farnam fit. THK City Garbage Co., Tel. Doug. Us?, elrans vaults, cesspools and removes ma nure, ashes and all kinds of rofUN. Douglas Printing Co. Tot. Douglas 644, I'ATTON-BOWMAN UDW. CO. AGENTS P. 4c F. COllCIN BU1LDEH3' HA HOW ARK, CONTiUCl'UKS' bUf PL1KB. 1Mb Famam. Phone Doug. btsl. f"Vn,n' BEST UUAL1TT. wtuicu "w-vo ld,aJ ,;uiiot btono Co. ILER GRAND HOTEL ESlBd'SiowTrdVii 'l'urkish Baths ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and W ire Fences Cheaper Than Wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. . Phone Red 814. WESTERN DUPLICATING CO., 401 Be Bldg. Multigraphed latrera. Doug. 864L WEDDING lings madi by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co., l.'iJO Douglas. AUTOMOBILES (So'llsl HugglfS, DRUMMONDH kes 'A I .TO TOPS, iliiilds VV'auoiis. Reiiulis Autos and ull kinds of Machines. ISth and Harney Sta. FOR SALE For best bargain In auto mobiles, write or call on the NniBKASKA-BUiCK AUTO CO. UU-ll Farnam Bt. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR COMPANY. Council BluCa, la. RARflATNS ta uod automoWl, 1S02 Farnam Bt OMAHA'S foremost repair house; all kinds of repairing; when in trouble call Douglas 72U or A 4)11. The Paxton Mitchell Co., 2318 Harney Bt ' FOR SALE One 1U09 model 7-paasenger W hlta Steamer auto, complete equipments. Has only been run 12,000 miles. Cost fe.luo. Will sell for Jl.HW. No trades will be con sidered. Object of sale going to Europe. William H. Brereton, Monmouth, III, WRITE for list automobile bargalna. H. K. FKEDRlCKfcON AUTO CO.. Omaha. - .i ..I . FOR SALE High-wheel covered auto de livery, suitable for 'laundry frnv coffee busl ness. 'Phone Webster 4110. BARGAINS In used cars; expert repair ing. Agent Oakland, Staver & Welch Mc Intyr Auto Co., 2Mi Farnam. SEND for our list of second-hand care. DE1UGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam ait Pnlr. '() MIDWEST AUTO CO.. 2J6 coie oo south mil st. AUTOMOBILE GOGGLES. 25o to Hid o.umbiau Optical Co.. 2U0-211 B. Wth. Co MOlEL F Jackson runabout, 20-h. p., 11KW model, 2-cyllnder, top, atorm front, gas lamps and Presto tank, extra tire, tools and all pans accompanying new car. Want a 40-h. p. 4-cyllnder car. R. B. titration, M. D.. Bruiting, Neb. ELECTRIC CAR cheap, in good condi tion. Brushing, 24t.li and 1. Sts , So. Omaha. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET in or out of business call oa GANGESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. &M7. S. Fogcl TO BUY Oil JELL. 329 Neville Block. Doug. S123. COMPLETE office furniture and lease on a nice business or f ice in one of the best office buildings In the city, solid oak and new two monUts ago; will sell at a bargain if Bold quick. Call Webster U4" Sunday, or 1. 4114 Monday. ' real estate business, making good money. Rare opportunity. Act quick. Address K 678. Bee. H.M MUNNECKE. collections. (94 Brandeh FOR SALE New. clean stock gents' fur nishings, clothing and shoes; stock about $7,jo0; established business; Kales mostly cash; modern town, 1.2U0 population; irri gated country; eastern Colorado on main line rnlon racmc: no iraae. .-vauiess i S6S. t ar Bee. FORTUNES made operating 'The Cir cling Wave." the latest Invention and catchiest amusement riding device in use. Write for catalogue. Ariiutaga & Ouinn, 14 Mill St., Springfield, N. Y. FOR BALE W buy, sell and trad land, meruhandls and Incom property; rend description of Jour property; no deal to large. ' Opportunities" mailed free. City Realty Co.. Land Brokers. Muskoge. Okl. RESTAURANT Fixtures and stock com plete. Price, ItiOO. Living rooms with building. Address Box 22, CUtou, Kan. TUB CUSTKR County Absiraot Co. of fers lis books and business for sale; a competent and reliable abstracter cau pur chase a good buslnesr on his own terms. The abstiacte.s of this county bava mors business than they . can attend to promptly, 'la present owner has too much other business to mak abstracla. Willis Cadwcll. Broken Bow. Nab. DOCTORS Will sell-office fixtures and practice at a bargain it taken at once; souihaaatern Nebraska town of 1.000 liv ha.bitanu; will Introduce. Address Y 141, car of Bee. t FOR SALE, trad or lease, good demo cratic weekly. Only official paper In county. 11. u. Campbell, Franklin. Neb. McNeill-Jewel Realty Company. Writ Us for Bargains. Ili N. S4lh. Tel. Mo. ;. koulh Omaha. ICE CREAM PARLOR and stationery store; only soda fountain la town of MO, KO'd location. Y It. Br. WANT man lo take Interest la legitimate Bluss; mg prufiia; bo vojnpcittiun; must kav tKUM to Li,v4 Addiat F li fee- BUSINESS CHANCES CinttnunJ ) YOU CAN T BE HAPPY unless you visit the Parlor Theater; best vaudeville. TO BUT, SELL OR THADH Eee Midland lnv. Co. Wi McCagu Bldg. CORNER STORE ROOM--Where man of riRlit caliber can make money. T. J. Hook, 1101 N. 18lh St. From 9 to 6. FOR SALE New stock general merchan dise In eastern Neb. at l." per cnt dis count. Address Y .Vi9. care Bee. SiiOO BUYS 4 infrest In well established real estate business, making good money; rare opportunity; act quick. Address K iiTx. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1306 Farni.ni St. Douglas 6497. DRESSMAKERS ALL kinds of plain sewing. Prices rea sonable. Call Harney 6130. Dressmaking and plain sewing. D. 4131. Ultiti STURDY, tiltf Farnam. TL H. 4f7L DENTISTS BAILET & MACK, 1c floor, Paxton. D.lOsi. TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1517 Douglas tot DETECTIVES OMAHA Dt. Agency. 48 Paxton. D. 1319. CAPT. T. .COKMACK. 617 Karbach. V. 283J EDUCATIONAL THE SPRING TERM AT Boyles College, Is now open day and night Student are admitted any day. Prepare for profitable poaltlons in BOOKKEEPING. SHORT HAND, TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPH t, CIVIL SERVICE, suie to be open In the fail. The catalogue Is ready. Apply for It. BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Botb 'Phones. SPRING TERM MOSUER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEG1S. Unexcelled course in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None bu: experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished lu Omaha. Send tor one today. MOSHER at LAMPK.AN. Seventeenth and Farnam Sta, ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41st AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, 3S4S Charles. Harney 23S3. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN E. P. BP.WCE Molina Pianos. 413 McCagu. "GOOD, clean, anappy vaudeville. Com and hav a laugh. Parlor Theater, west of 14th on Douglaa. WINONA Seamless, hosiery fit better and wear looser than ui other libs. 519 Be Bldg. Douglas 4337. ARSFNIC and iRON complexion Wafers rcakea clear, whit skin. By mall 60o and 11 00. bharuian 4k McConuell Drug Co., uinaha. CHIODO, tho leading tailor and dress maker of Omaha; latest styles, workman ship bst. Parlors 216-18 So. 18th St CHINA decorating; order work a special, ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classea Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Uungata, o Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 6486. LADIES. It will pay you to get our prices on hats, willow plumes, fancy ream ers, flowers, frames, braids, etc. PEW NELL, 1611 Douglas St, second floor. SANITARY Halrdresslng Parlors. Switches made from combings, J1.60. t01 Paxton Blk, Phone Doug. 4671. Dress Plcatings, Buttons Covered All sizes and styles. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Blk. Both phones. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN J. F. PEYTON, KEAIRNES & CO., sod ding and grading. Sodding a specialty. 'Phone Douglas 6u91. Residence 1014 N. 16th. N orarrles. TrR'P,ir5 and plants that grow. F. W. 1 lil3 Menera. Crescent Nursery Co., Omaha yard, list and Farnam Sts. Phoos Harney 4660. FTRTTTTTREES AN& SHRUBS, a general L J.V j i J. ima 0( nursey atock. Benson Omaha Kursey, Benson, Neb. Tel. Benson M. FLORISTS BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. H. stor ontfe. HESS & 8WOBODA. 1416 Famam Bt 1. H. BATH. 1622 Harney. Douglas 2000. J. F. WILCOX. Council Bluffs, la.; larg est greenhouse In west; beautiful flower for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. 8. L Henderson, 1619 Farnam St Doug. 1261 BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. FURNACES AND REPAIRS GAS WATER HEATERS, VASES forparks, yards and cemeteries: tank heat ers 2 and 4-hnlB, water fronts and furnaces. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglas. Both 'Phones. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Oiilc. GENERAL OFFICE CLERIC, experience unnecessary tlX). Filing clerk, young lady Stenographer and bookkeeper 25. WESTERN REF. BOND ASS N, (Ino.), TU-04 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) WANTED Bright, energetic young lady as bookkeeper on city accounts. Must have had several years experience in bookkeep ing. Olva references and slat salary ex pected. Addreas 11 69. Factors' and tracts, WANTED Good. reliable hairdresser, thoroughly experienced In manicuring, bench work and chiropody; good wages and permanent position to right party; references required. Write or wire London Hall' Dressing Parlors, St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED First class dressmaker. 13 rxr week. 433 Grain Ex. Bid. Sioux City, la. WANTED Hand-lranera. steady work, good pay. Kimball Laundry, Fifteenth and Jackson. lloaaekeeper aad Doaieatfca. GOOD girl for general houeework, 96 par woek. Mia. Cowderoy. 1326 So. loth St WANTED Ladtea to do stamping; work taken home; experience unnecessary; steady work. Willis Wood Co.. 101 N. 18th. COMPETENT GIRL at once; two In family. Call 2316 Dewey Ave., or 'phone Harney 3763. GOOD, competent girl for general houst work; three lu family; wages 16. 'Phone Harney 1.6. Uui o. tt bu Mia. K, J. Clancy. HELP WANTED FEMALh Houaekeepera and Domestic Cont'd WANTED Girl lor gneral housework; small family. iJO N. 41st St. Tel. Harney WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. 2ilO Cnarles di. Web. ibb. GIRL for general housework at 16:4 N. 40. h St. Tel. Harney 3:. WANTED Competent housemaid with references. ?lilt Cass St. Tel- Douglas 3104. COMPETENT girl for general house work. Mrs. S. Walters, 3319 Harney St. A GOOD girl; no cooking; no washing; per week. 1:423 Cass St. GOOD girl for general housework; family of 2. 2614 S. 10th St. Tel. Douglas 69.M. GOOD gill for general housework. 1020 S. 36th Ave. Ti. Harney 2104. YOUNG girl to help in housework. No washing. 1101 S. 30th Ave. WANTED A girl for light housework. One who cau do good plain cooking. 41)7 N. 2uth St GIRL for general housework; good wages. 616 S. 2th St. GIRL for housework; no washing; best wages paid competent girl. Mrs. Minter, 617 S. 19th St. Douglas 6921. GIRL for general housework. Apply 35u3 Jackson St. Telephone Harney 2463. WANTED-Girl for general housework; nn lannHrv Knrk' Irf a w.pk tell K Skih Ave. Tel. Harney 624. COMPETENT girl for general house work: good wages. 3204 Sherman Ave. Tel. Webster 4163. GOOD second girl wanted. 2025 Dodge St. WANTED Housekeeper; references; mid dle aged lady preferred. Call 2404 N. 22d St. YOUNG girl to assist with general houso work. Good wages. Tel. Harney 376. 1301 S. 32d St WANTED A girl for general housework. 615 S. 22d St. fllT?T. ti-at s-unnri I Vinim wrr If Cfi rtr n a I 634 S. 26th. Tel. Doug. 3612. COMPETENT gir! for general house work; three In family. Tel. B-2148 and Web ster 4148. 2112 Emmet St. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children; no washing; references. 112 S. 36th St. WOMAN to assist with care of two chil dren; reasonable wages to the right paity. 4603 N. 2!Hh .St. A GOOD girl for general housework. Tel. Harney 4046. Address 3617 Farnam. WANTED A housekeeper In a family of three; references required. 2S39 California St. Tel Harney 4662. GIRL to assist with kitchen work. 2215 Douglas.. A GOOD girl to assist In general house work. Apply at once. 610 8. 22d St.. be tween Howard and- St. Mary's Ave. Doug. 4430. GOOD e-lrl for-.-ceneral housework that can cook; two In tauiily. , 4-H.S Famam. H. 2649. WANTED A competent girl for general housework. Apply 103 S. 35th St. Tel. Har ney 4Sti. un I T. nair If! n.r tuanl fr.- (wnn.m) t nl-l. no washing. 401 S. 38th St. WANTED A white lady for washlna and Ironing. 401 N. 22d. MIDDLE-AGED woman; general house work; three In family; no washing; to. 1602 Ohio. WANTED Girl for areneral housework 2006 Spencer St. COMPETENT girl for goseral housework. 3616 Dodge. Telephone Harney 4782. WANTED A Jap or Korean. 4812 Dodge St. Harney 349. A GOOD girl for general housework; Ger man or Bohemian preferred. Don Capitol Ave. HOUSEKEEPER, small family; good horns for middle-aged woman. 1309 Leav enworth. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; ft per week. 1917 Grace. Wl MTB-n llfl-t fnp p.n.ra t hniit.wn.1. cooking not requiied. 210 V. 23d fct. WANTED A nurse for two children; good wages. 2007 Dodgo St. Tel. Douglas 2665. References required. NURSE girls.. 2013 California St. COMPETENT aecond girl; references re quired 607 S. 38th St. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages. Apply 1709 Park Ave. OOOU girl for general housework. S320 Harney. Mrs. F. E. Clark. COMPETENT girl .'or general house work; three In family; no washing. Mrs. R. E. Welch. 414. S. 38th St. WANTED A young girl to assist In gen eral housework; no laundry work. TeL Harney 4335. 126 S. 3Sth St. FIRST-CLASS girl for general house. -work for family of two; must be good cook. Telephone Harney Si,ki. GIRL for general housework; small house. 3003 Mason St. Tel. Harney 3441. WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. Mrs. C. E. Snuth, 717 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED Good girl for general house work; three In family;- wages $5. Mrs. H. C. Miller, 1134 8. 33d St. WANTED A woman tor day work: 364 S. 30th St. Mr. F. Drews, South Omaha. WANTED Girl for general housework; only two In family. 3326 Harney bt. WANTED Good waitress; short hours; nice place. 316 bo. H.th St., upstairs. WANTED An experienced girl who Is willing to go to the country for three months. Modem K-rootn bungalow; three In family. 1602 H. 32d Ave. Tel. Harney 717. WANTED An expercencee? and capable lady cook. Good wages to first class cook. No others need apply. Weyers Restaurant Shenandoah, la. WANTED Three competent girls; cook, waitress and upstairs maid; by or before Jun 1. Mrs. Earnest Eldred Hart. Tel. 274, 625 Id St., Council Bluffs, la. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework; no washing; good wages. Apply Ssl Harney, or Tel. Harney 470). A GOOD girl In small family; no child ren; big wages. Telephone Harney 2616, or call at 2970 Paclflo bt. TEN waitresses; waitresses, west. $20-$26; pantry girls; house girls; pastry cook. $12 wk.; 10 chambermaids. MARTIN EM P. CO.. 1511 Capitol Av. KADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; $1 to $4 doxen; original; reliable firm; work guaranteed. Trieber'a, 1201 Farnam St. WANTED Second girl. Mrs. R. S. Hall, 3224 Farnam. WANTK1V Girl for easy housework: good home, 'phono 11. 40M. Address 4 103 S. HELP WANTEDFEMALE HELP WANTEDMALE MONEY TO LOAN f Ilonaekerpera and Unmet Ice Cont'd. GIRL for housework; laundry. 711 N. 22d. good wages; im WANTED A good waitress. Immediately Apply to the Delft Tea Rooms, 203 S. Utli. xllawrilaaeoo. TOU CANT BE HAI TY unless you visit the Parlor Theater; best vaudeville. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Woman's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and seventeenth St., where ibey will be directed lo suitable boarding pieces or otherwise assisted; look for our liavclera' aid at Union station. LADIES wanted to take work home, ap plying transfers; (1 to It dozen; original; I eliable firm; work guaiODlred. Tiieber's, 1201 Farnam bt PUPIL NURSES wanted at Douglas County Hospital, 40th and Poppleton. Ad dress Mabel Chilstie. WE CAN TAKE YOU out of your short age of laughs in this world. Everyone laughs at the Parlor Theater, west of 1 it h. on Douglas. LEARN HAIRDRESSING It pays. You can earn (15 to 2o weekly. Full course taught J. L. Brandels, Halrdressmg Dept. WANTED Ladies to do stamping; work taken home; experience unnecessary; steady work Willis W ood Co., 102 N. Mh. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Salesmen and Solicitors. MANAGER of salesmen In field. Brains, plus energy, needed in this position. Good money to the man who can qualify. Ap ply 612 Ware Blk. TWO men to work from rig and solicit; good pay. U. F. ADAMS. 623 S. 16th St EXPERIENCED collector for house Tur nishlng Co.; state experience and rjfert.ice. Address H 479. Bee. WANTED A good hustling subscription solicitor to go on the road lor Tha Twen tieth Century Farmer. Call or writ man ager of circulation, '1 he Re Publishing Co. LEES, TEXAS New town In Glasscock county; building hotel, stores, paving streets, electric lighis, newspaper; center 25,000 acres finest agricultural land, now being colonized; crop failure unknown; lots. 335 to $300; lands, $18 to $10; liberal terms; opening, mercantile firms; townsile and land salesmen wanted. Lee-Noriis Co., Lees, Texas. START LOCAL ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE AGENCY THAT WILL PAY kOU 16 TO $10 WEEKLY. UNUSUAL OFPOR. TUN IT Y OFFERED. GOOD PAY AT eTART AND RAPID iNCREASai TO WORKER. ADDRESS! FOR PARTICU LAR a. HOMB CASUALTY CO.. WANTED First-class salesman for retail drug store; good wages for good man; alBo neat soda dispenser. Sherman oc McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drlv through tha country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Be Publishing Co. WANTED Flvo energetic men w ith tales men's ability for permanent positions. Ap ply at once. 512 Ware Blk. WE WANT a good, live agent to repre sent us and help sell Scott's Bluff irrigated lands in every town and county where we have no agent. If you are a live wire man and want to Join hands with a firm that is doing business, write Payne Investment company. S .E. Cor, 16th and Farnam, Omaha, Neb. Hufs. , WANTED Boys for factory work; clean, light work; good pay. Omaha Box Co East Omaha. BOY wanted. 1212 Douglas. GOOD boy; must be good penman and over 17 years old. Address P. O. Box 12S4. WANTED Good, strong errand boy. Irvln A. Medlar Co., 414 S. 14th St. WANTED Several neat appearing boys for messenger service. W e pay good wages and promote deserving boys. Postal Telegraph Co, Clerical ana office. ASSISTANT CREDIT MAN-$76. Assistant bookkeeper $0. General office clerk, young man, experi ence unnecessary $10, Gen. merchandise clerk, out of town $75. Stenographer $76. Typist, young man experience unneces sary $10. SEE US at once If you can fill any of tha above or write for complete list of va cancies. WESTERN REF. &. BOND ASS'N, (Inc.), 752-54 N. Y. Life Bldg. (Est. 8 years.) WANTED Bright energetic young mi.n as bookkeeper on city accounts. Must have had several years experience In bookkeep ing. Give references and state salary ex pected. Address G 668. INEXPERIENCED male stenographer, $30 month. Address P 5i, Bee. YOUNG MAN, with some experience in office or retail store, for position as as sistant manager for small, good paying office business; salary, $75-$10o per montli, depending upon amount of experience. Want young man who can take Interest In business. About $1,500 to $2,000 required. Address N 581, Bee. Factory and Trade. Drug store (snaps), job. Knlest, Be Bldg. WANTED, Automobile workers, top maker and trimmers; highest wages paid In th city. 18th ana Harney bis. DRUMMOND. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; few weeks completes; time saved by steady practice; careful instructors, tools given, diplomas granted. Wages Saturdays, posi tions waiting. Splendid demand for gradu ates. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St WANTED Coatmaker, at once; none but a gentlemanly, up-to-date workman need apply; steady work; no slack season for right man; a good town for a man with family; $8 up for Back coats. Henry Olson, Aurora, Neb. GORDON PRESS feeder. 1213 Douglas. WANTED Archltectual draughtsman, good first-class man; good wages, steady work. Address P. O. Box 535, Deadwood, S. D. S GOOD carpenters; between 28th and 29th on Dodge St. WANTED DentlBt assistant; one with experience preferred. Call 212 Brown Blocks between 8 and 9. WANTED Experienced wall paper sales man; retail business; state experience and reference. Address M 6M), Bee. Sflacellaaaoaa. COME and see our large stock of faacy laugh. Parlor Theater, 1408 Douglas. 1 MADE $60,000 In five years with a small mall older business; began with $n. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hcacock. 6067 Lockport. N. Y. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES WANTED Write for Omaha examination schedule. Preparation fr. Franklin tuaUlut, dept U7 O, Roeiieur. N. Y. SI 1st rllnnroaa- WA XTKli- Experienced inllrond new; agents, g.md runs for Rood tneii. News Co., 2u Jackson St., Seattle, Wash. fHE WILL SAY YES when you say: I'ailor Theater; best audevllle. WANTED Assistant yard managers fur country lumber vards. Applv fto Omaha National Bank Bldg. WANTED Expeilem-ed ' Architectural draftsman. A. 11. Dyer, Architect, Fre mont, Neb. YANTED Young man lo work nn farm. Call nt Kf N. 2lth St., South Omaha. HELP WANTED MAI.K IMl r'K.MAl.E THF.ATI'.K'AI Two men and one lady for high rlass road atmrllon. Must ho cnpatilc and have good street appearance. iivi full descriptions, first litter. Address L E79, Bee. AGENTS WANTED MALE FEMALE WE WANT men and women every where to handle our goods. Easy sales. Write today. Rartlett Supply Co., Omaha, LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Veklclea. BUGGIES, sullies, stanhopes, runabout, high clans work, lor sale cheap. 1117 Far nam. DELIVERY -s XXt-tK f JiXN -a. Illtdmm. Racine VA(il)N J.in giade. Tin oe t y pes of ' ' WA n.tuluui priced wagons. Get catalog. Johnson Daufoi in Co , 10m & Jones. FOR SALE Matched bay driving learn, Ki hands high, 6 and li years old. W. II. Porter, onawa, la. BUGGY and harness cheap; 2116 J. St., Sfmth Omaha. DELIVERY WAGONS Heavy teaming, gear and larin wagons. 1U7 Farnam St FOR SALE Good, strong covered laun dry wagon, $25. White. 212 N. 16th. LET Frost fix that wagon. 714 8. 14th. FINE wagon repairing. Frost 714 S. 14th. HOUSES for sale. 1115 Cap. Ave. D. MO. Com, llirda, Doua and Peta. GOOD cow for sale P. Handchuh, 3202 Fort Omaha Ave. LOST AND FOUND The Teddy Bear Expert Cleaners and Dyers. 1918 HARNEY. BOTH 'PHONES. NOTHING but decency on our stags, west of 14th on Douglas. Parlor Theater. THE PARLOR T H E A T ER First or last, why not first; best vaudeville. LOST Saturday night, light topax stick pin. Valued as keepsake. Liberal reward If returned. Tel. Douglas 6128. MEDICAL FREE medical and surgical treatment al Crelguluti Medical college, 14th and Davsn port Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college prutessors. Phon Douglas lis. Calls answered day or night DRS. STIVERS & STIVERS. Formerly th Radium Medical and Surgi cal Institute, now suit 8, Patterson Block. All chronlo diseases for men and women. Consultation and examination frea. W give tb radium treatment BEST nerve bracer for man. Gray Nrr Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid, busrmau 4s McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES; best rem edy for itching, bleeding or protruding PILES; 60c, postpaid; sample free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS t$$$$$$$$$t$$m$$$$$$$$w$M$$$$w$$$$$$$$$$$$$$mi s I Notice to the Publio ! No More High Rates I $10 to $1,000 I LOANED ON $ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. $ PI AN OS I AN O SALARIES. I THIS IH A NEW FIRM $ Organised by the REPUTABLE BUS!- $ NESS MEN of this city to protect I honest working people In need of $ temporary help from :h extortionate t charges of lb so-called loan com- t panles. W will loan you all th $ money you want and cnarg you ouiy I 10 per cent a year. I THIS MEANS YOU PAY I 1.00 Interest on $ 10 for 1 year. $ 1 10 Interest on 26 for 1 year. $ lu 00 interest on 100 for 1 year. I and all other sums in proportion. Easy I Weekly or Monthly Payments. Reason- $ able Appraisement Charges. $ A glance at the above rates will con- $ vines you how uiucu ou sav by $ dealing with us. $ NO RED TAPE NO DELAY. Money ui your pocket wunio an hour. Independent Loan Co., ROOM 204 WIT11NELL BLDO.. Fbou Doug. 6046. lath and llarncy. t t$$$$$$t$$$$$wiw$$$;$w$;$: $$;$$$?:$$$$$$$$$$$$ $u$$$$$$$$siui$;i$u;;$m ffrumttmmtsttmt It P R 1 V A T E L O A N a tl 10 UPWARDS J On K urux 11 u im aim .ristiMisj in us; also lu iiiuaa Hunting b'lEADY PUbl'llONa. A Modern rirui. With a Modern Purpose. LOOK AT OUR RATES; CAN YOU BEA'I ikih.UI P 1 iiuolpai aud Inierrac. No Other Charges. 25- PAY MEN ia OF $4 CO 'J " t6.t $J&- ' " tOfeS $0- " i;.6 Payable weekly or monthly. Other sums III tiloDuriloi This company Is backed by ma with unlimited capital, tor to pur pose ot helping I Quae In nd of law votary aaaiatanc. utlt PLRPOSE IS To make loans to those wno cannot at fold lo pay high rales. We will pay off higti rata companies aud ad vane you mora money at lata coat man you are now paying. OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 601 Browu Blk, Opp. Braudals. Phones: wougiaa SJiii; lnd. A-2036. timmttnttttt$$immttstntriimttttmm fOTKY LOANED ON CHATTELS iUUiLl AND SALARIES. Easiest terms and lowest rates obtainable. OMAHA TRUST Co.. 4J7 Board of Trade Bldg, I,OOK!' .OOK!l! THE OPEN DOOR To RELIEF. If you owe a loan conipi..iy now, come In and get our terms or. '.he -'ie amount for the same time. We'll rt.j It to you for leaa. NO APPRAISEMENT FEE or other charges LOOK!!! LOOK!!! The Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., fur eighteen ears .it 11S Hoard of Tiade Building. Telephone Duuglas 2.6. DIAMOND LOANS AT b vV. C. FLATAII, v&l'MP Salary and Chattels ontlun. il. money money money FURNn'uiurPiANoS T.V. or any other ehatttl Siii't UITV vJ poIUely h:ive the lone-: ilti-s In Oman i CALL and CONVINCE YV USEI.F. mi l.MS MIIH1I.1 t O.N I- I 1 V.NT1AL NEBRASKA LuAX (J , I Crouns lilt ck. Corner Ikii und caj pltol. Oouosite i'islolt.' Both 'Phones, Douuia l..,ii. A-135. MONEY LOANED SALAK1LD l'KOI'LK, A Women kkepinu nuut; a.nd oih- EKS, without a?curjl ; eah' payuieiiii. Oltlce .u tj principal cities, 'ioliuao, ivvui 111 New Yoik LI la Uldg. Salary and Furnimre Loans t positively lb LO EST KATES, .inckil seivlc a no MOST Lu.Nl'iut'.V UAii DEAL of any In the city. . l'airvuixa Iba BIGGEST AND BEST. HELIABLE CREDIT CO., Tblrd Floor, 30i-3O Paxton BiuCk. Dougia ' 1411 and A -J 411. MOVING AND HOUSE CLEANING. OMAHA VAN AND STOKAUE CO., cleans uur carpets and flout a. Electrla vacuum system. 300 4o. l.'Ui. vel. DlaJ. CURT V1XN Cleaned, day work don, JJ IX J.VL0 lone IJOllg.as 42J. WHITEWASHING. plaster patching, storm windows, tcreens put on nod take down, cleaning, lei. Harney 4406. llcn EXP. Delivery Co.. office lMh and Day enport Sts.; warehouse. 22117-00 Izard St. STOVES stored. Ranee. H',11 N. Z4ttl t, YOUR FURNll -f DO IT NOW ,IAVK YOUR FURNI. UKJ J.J. J V 1UKK REPAIRED AMI Ul'liULhlliKCU. 230 Vs FARNAM. II. 3110. WHAT js the use of taking up your cat pels when you can hae lliem cleaned oi Hie. floor in a ft-w houra? Fiee estimates mien. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., 200 Dougiat block, 107 S. ltitli m. '1'iioiu-s: Doug. i4., lnd. A-1!P;M. Across liom llayden'b. OFFERtU FUri ncNT llonrd and Rooms. HAVERLY HOTEL, 2J10 M St, Am. plan; bath; $1.2i day; weekly, $0 up; meals, 2ic THE JRVINU. 2102 Leavenworth; newly decorated, single nod (i.iulili- room, wlij first-class butud. nt icasonntil" prices. Table board a specialty. Douglas THE best place In loun lor young men; doublo ami single rooms, walking dis tance; all home co ikiiii; nmt pl'-ntv to it; terms reasonable; i efei ,-ntes. Address 2I'4 Cass St. ROOMS, good board. 1S12 Chicago St. 710 S. ISTH Nice, clean rooms, with board; home cooking; i"fttes. ROOMS and board. 10cS (leijigia Ave. TWO largo front, also side room, with private entrance; largf porch and lawn; excellent board. 2110 Dotigliis. TWO newly furnished rooms, with tablt board.-' !(! fCaplfol lAver;. Dun;las775J. ROOM and board for lady In private family; modern. 1714 Nicholas St., 2d floor. LA ROM south front room, gnod board. In private home, for couple of voung men. Tel. Harney I14S2. LUnS Dewey Ave. ROOM and board In private family; close In. 410 N. 22d. ROOM and board, 307O Mason St Harney 36S. CLEAN rooms and table board. Doug. 6324. 221i Howard St. LARGE alcove room wtih board; modern. 21o:l Douglas. NICE rooms, excellent board, German (Christian) family, $3.00. 1SU Capitpl Ave. Furuiabrd llooui. 1813 CHICAGO ST. Rooms, with or with out board, single or en suite. TIIE DOUG LAS Clean, first ells." Douglas. NICELY furnished front rooms on first floor; modern; suitable for man and wlf or two gentlemen. 2904 Harney St. PRIVATE family, room with alcove and other rooms. 2667 St. Mary's Ave. ONE large furnished room for one or two gentlemen at 608 S. 2Mh Ave. Tele phone Douglaa 6331. ONE or two good furnished rooms, rial em, walking distance. 201U Dewey Douglas 7506. I MODERN furnished front room, prlvata family. 277U Burt St. Tel. H. Mfiit. CLEAN parlor room for rent to lady, $3 week. 2H9 N. 20th. . FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. UT Cuming St. FURNISHED rooms, $7 to $10. 2210 Cali fornia St. Tel. Douglas 447'J. MODERN room. 6;IS S. 24tli St. NEWLY furnished front room suitable) for two, with private family. 2611 Dodge. FURNISHED modern rooms for one or two gentlemen. 1717 Burt St. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every room; rais oy week. WARM rooms. $3 per week; fre bath. Ogden Hotal, Council Bluffs FURN1"HICD rooms for ganUamaa. U f. lath r.'t. Th Chatham. . A ntre large room on 1st floor; pleasant surrounding anil vtti private family; suit able for two geiitluiuen. 724 S. Kilo Ave. KLEUANT froki room, flue (uri.Uur. CM fc. MUl. No sUu u b-.uaa. TWO furnished roon.s. ensulte, very eeiv. tral. lnijuii liJj Farnam, 3d floor. LARGE, airy, comfortable, two baths; few uuu-l roomers; large porch, lawn; $11 und Ili. Doug. :l. 224 Harney. TWO nicely furnhed rooms; strictly modrrn. Haiisi'oiu lark district 0o2 at j 2th M. Tel. liainey 0146. j FOR RENT Moib-ru ftirnished front I room nml alcuto mar Giand hotel. Ad- irs II. umana nee, council Pluffs. TWO rooms, ftrlctly modern, six block fioni postolfice. isj N. 20th r'.t. FURNISHED riH.ins; one block from c.if line; reasonable piic-e. 2711 S. 23il. Jm DEWEY European tioiet, Uth 4k Fan am, ELEGANTLY furnished, I.uk rooms; all modern; private house. lled'7?20. 1M8 Chi cago. TWO large rooms, one with alcove; boaid ir desired; private. 114 8. lotii St. FUKNlSilEU rooms; houso new. plenty hot water. 316 N. l'jtn. ! TWO furnished front Tooius. with pilv 1 liege of bath. 2210 Seward. Webs'er 4-.-L Tim I!iinrir!iil''lrrn4a family hotel. 4Uv,Uvu.biUm Georgia Ave. H-ttl. SINGLE room for gentlema- JO Mason. II. F.VX. J, NICE furnUnad louui: gsnlUuen pr (erred, mi Dixlg. f 1.K r