THE BKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAY .11. 1010. Nebraska Nebraska BETTER ETHICS FOR DOCTORS President of State Medical Society Sy Experts Are Usels. DISCREDIT THE PROFESSION tplrlt nf t ommc rclnllsni Whlrh Kt IrarlK I nnrrfaurr Vera for Trrat- -In MI1I taar Honodlr Condemned. . LINCOLN, Neb., May 10. iSpi rial.) Taking tli stand that the medical u pert should b eliminated from the wllms flam) In criminal und civil law suits, Lr. r. II. Salter of Norfolk, Nb., president of th Nebraska State Medical association, tonight recommended legislation In this '".state, such as has been enacted In one or two other stales provided for the ep- ilrl met pjbal neuVal menvby the county to assmine inc medical data In a jflven case and then to report their flndlnns to the Jury. He rte- dared that the wide differences of opinion aiven to Juries by so-called medical ex perts, based on the same data, holds up the medical uiufesslou to public criticism and works for h nilHcarriuKc of Justice. "How can we expect a Jury to twelve men who know nothltiK of medicine to form an Idea as to the truth of the case at hand when one doctor will solemnly testify i,n his uatli that the victim could have died only from strychnine poisoning and when another, called by the opposing side in the, case nnd of con cspoiiding high re pute, will testify that the victim positively did hot die from strychnine polsonlnK'.'" asks the doctor In his address. "The Jury is left to guess at the facts," lie continued, "nnd the situation Justifies Hiiy Kuess that, they may huzurd because lha scientists. Who ate supposed to be au thorities In these questions that the laymen bus not studied, have given the Jurymen the widest possible ranne for a verdict and has become responsible for any finding .hat may be madu varying all the way from guilty of inuiilei In the tlrst degree to the ther extreme of not. Kuilly Ht all." "I contend that n cummis.-lon of scientists .laincd along medical lines would be able . ,o form a very much more intelligent con ) luslun as to the merits of a given medical iiiobleni than a Jury of twelve men who know nothing tf the technical points in volved save what they are told by the con tradictory experts." Department of IIchIIIi. The prOMidcnt appealed for united sup port of the pending federal legislation cre .iilng a department -of health. He em I' the need of vigorous action by the medlciil fraternity as well as the pub lic for a still greater crusade against tuber culosis which he declared is the cause of one-third the deaths In this country and halfe of those who die .between the ages of 15 and IT. year. Ir. Salter took occasion to deplore the spirit of commercialism which Is creeping In'o the practice of medicine. He declared there is frequently a tendency to exploit patients solely for the extraction of a Nebraska It Ion Spa It In Our A1 It'H No, Your Attention- for a few minutes. ; We want you to sre our. now line of Rich Jewelry, Watches, Silver, Cut Glass It will Interest you and the prices we ask will save you money.' iiititive tie uoil saul it. 41 iiioior aninrliia are frequently magnified by otherwise esti mable members of the profession for the sake of dishonest dollars. "A doctor, for example," he said, "is called in a case of simplo measles and Instead of telling the worried mother the truth that the child's Illness Is not serious and that the ease will speedily clear up this unscrupulous physician by play-acting and deliberate falsehood will tell a frightened parent that the child Is dangerously sick, that It may develop eye trouble or ear trouble or penu monia or cerebro-splnal meningitis or what not, and on the strength of his deliberate untruths will take advantage of the fam ily's undue alarm as a basis for making two or three visits a day, leaving quantities of medicine which Is absolutely unneces sary, and in some cases perhaps even harmful. In th'.s way your unprincipled and crafty holder of a medical college diploma will run up a bill for twelve or flftrcn visits, frequently against families who can lily afford the expense; whereas a conscientious physician would have made but one or two visits and would have left It for the family to call him again under certain adverse conditions, and such In stances of wantonly debasing the medical profession, consecrated In Itself to aavlng human life and benefitting human beings Instead of viciously magnifying the sickness of the race as a means of sapping Ill gotten and . dishonest dollars from Che pockets of those In distress, are all too commonplace In this country today. Moral Ohllaatlon on I'rofenalon. "Instance upon instance of Just such type of corruption might be called to mind. In every community this unfair and mall clous, means of .robbery, clothed In the gar ments of eminent respectability, may be seen stalking about town 305 days In the year. And It seems to me that a certain moral obligation rests upon the profession as a whole, for the sake of Itself and Its good name, to expurge this cancer of cor rupt greed from its body. The public can riot combat this form of thieving for thiev ing it Is, pure and simple because the pub lic In ' time of sickness has faith in Its doctor and Is absolutely at his mercy be cause of that confidence. In time this type of unfair practice more unfair than the game of the highwayman who puts a gun In his victim's face and goes Into the pock ets of the man whose hands are up, be cause that robber's victim knows he's be ing robbed must react upon the good name of the medical fraternity and for that rea son, If for none other, the medical men who do stand upon the principle of fair play ought to make concerted effort to eradicate this typ-s of unscrupulous selfseeker within their ranks." Another evil which the medical profes sion must combat, the speaker declared, is the all too common tendency to recommend or perform unnecessary surgical operations. "In determining the necessity for an opera tion the fee Is frequently the most Import-, ant factor, and too often the patient's par amount sympton compelling use of the knife Is an enlarged bank account that can be euslly drained," he said. Commission Are Denounced. The degrading practice of accepting com missions was likewise attacked. Said the speaker: "The blessings that hospitals are capable of conferring upon humanity should not be reduced to the sordid basis of com mercialism, and yet this contemptible prao, lice is becoming very much in vogue and physicians act as cappers for them. This Is a deplorable condition and needs rem edying." The speaker declared that there are men in the profession who lend their services, gnd even falsify medical .facts, to woivk ujj damage cases against corporations, and he found a growing tendency toward the care less nnd indiscriminate prescribing of med icine for every trivial complaint. He ap pealed for a broader fellowship among rival physicians and the elimination of petty Jealousies. RAIL COMMISSION SAT ilPON Mairte Man Write Stinging Letter, to Nebraska Board. SHELDON MAY ENTER RACE 836364 BOXES OF S1MOLA Former Governor Considering Candi dacy for thief State Eaernllve Job, bat Also Hankers for Seaatoraklp. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May. 10-(Speclal.)-The state railway commission has received another letter from the chairman of the Maine state railway commission, but It will not for tlfe present at least give out this letter for publication. In fact, the commission has issued orders to the office help that certain death arid destruction awaits any one who even mentions that letter, let alone dare to furnish It to the press. The first letter received from the Maine chairman wa in answer to the letter from the Nebraska commission asking what It thought of giving President Taft a tip about who ihould be appointed to the United States Supreme court. The Maine letter writer said the suggestion was silly, an Insult to the president and several other things which he said he hoped the com mission could understand. The Nebraska commission wrote back and asked "why?" to all these statements and also why the chairman of the board had used the word "I" throughout the letter when It had been meant for the entire commission. Weil, this second letter, which has been under discussion by the "advisers" of the commission for several day not only re iterates what the Maine commission thinks of the suggestion of the Nebraska commis sion, but It explains that "I" was used, be cause the letter was addressed to the chair man of tho Maine commission. The other letters which have been re ceived from commission! over the country are also suppressed for the present, aa C W. Bran and Will Owen Jones have not got together on whether It would be "eti quette" to publish them. k Sheldon Mar Ron. It Is not among the Impossibilities that Georg L. Sheldon will be a candidate for the republican nomination for governor. When he was here some time ago, Gov ernor Sheldon said If he were a candidate he had his preference In regard to the office, which was taken to mean he would prefer the senate. But K. G. Maggi, who held the position of chief clerk in the ex ecutive office, when Sheldon was governor, Is authority for the statement that the Nehawka man Is going to be a candidate. Another Omaha Candidate. L. J. Quinby of Omaha today filed his name with the secretary of state as a can didate for the democratic nomination for congress In the Second district. And 41,490 Shinola Polishers Sold in Omaha and Council Bluffs in the and Daubers Last 5 Years AN ENDORSEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Buy a Shinola Outfit Today Return it in 30 Days and Get Your Money Back x If You do not Think It Worth All You Paid for It and More. , jj Whether You Shine Your Own Shoes or Get Your Shoes Shined The Shinola Outfit Will Reduce Your Shoe Polishing Troubles by Half. POLISHER AEID DAUBER 25c SIIIROIA 10c to 1.. They Wednesday. YGoLESlLVCRSMITHSlVr lTa DOUGLAS ST 3 fJA Buy from ua once and you will be our customer always. mJ LHj LsI Vi Toothache Gum A Smell All; not only cures toothache instant ly, hut cleans the cavity, remove, ail odnr.atid prevents tlrcsy. keeps sup ply and Kave mauy n uenusi mil. There an tmltMlnns. Pee tbst you get Veal' TMlhMka .. At all druggist. IK rents, or t,j niaU. C. S. DENT & CO., 67 Larnetl St.. Detroit, Mich. GOOD GOVERNMENT . ASSOCIATION FORMED Roth farmers and lluslnrs Men of Superior Oruanlse to Suppress Thieving;. SLPERIOR. Neb., May 10.-(Speclal.)-The call Issued for a meeting Saturday for the purpose of organizing an anti-horse thief association was responded to by hun dreds of farmers and business men, and a rousing old meeting waa the result. After much discussion It was discovered that the thieving going on over the country wag not confinedalone to the taking of horses, but j that It covered almost every possible thing .of value, Including cattle, chickens, harness, j bicycles, corn, hay, etc. Taking Into con- lderatlon these conditions, It waa thought best to perfect an organisation which would be a sort of vigilance committee or good government committee. W. A. Hyff was chosen chairman of the temporary organisation and Mayor E Bossemeyer, Jr., secretary. Committees were appointed and work of securing new members began with the result that nearly 100 names have been enrolled aa charter members. It Is the intention of those In terested to make It a county and an Inter state association, as Jewell county la ad Joining on the south and the farmers all work together. E. D. JJonahoo was elected chairman of the association; Hugh Allison, secretary, and W. K. Klrkpatrlck, treasurer. The meeting adjourned to May 21. il H i.jjiuafHif rnnn VfXt nerou me IVIV who find their power t NFUtJFI work and youthful vlgoi JiElVEtJ gone at a result of over ork or mental exertion should take GRAY'S NifRVB FOOD i' LL.S. The wlU make you at and aiuep and L iuaa "'$1 bob; 3 boe $3.50 by mall. IHEMtAS at MOOOItMELI. DKUO CO, Cor. 16tn and Dodge Btr.eta. OWL DRUG COMPANY, Cot. lath and ttaruer Sts. Omaha, Ha ; " s " $100 for trade mark Si-e page two. M B'way, U NEW f Hotel Martinique 32d and 33d Sts. YORK CITY IN THE HEART OF THINGS HIGH CLASS FIREPROOF HOTEL Handsomely tumlnlied, all outside rooms, with every modern appointment, o.-.e block from New lenn Depot, near all leading department stcres and theatre. ROOMS WITH PRIVILECS OP BATH, $1.50 per Day and Up. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH, $2.50 per Day and Up. The highest clus.s of accom. DoUaLun at tuodoi at rates. The new addition will be completed ' on September 1st, giving lintel ca-pc-ily oi tju) rooir.s aua 4 bstlis. WeAj Chandler, Jr., Manaitr Hitchcock Ready to File for Race W. B. Price Comes to Omaha to Tell Congressman Price Alone Has '' 1 a''Show. -' iFrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 10. (Special.) It Is evi dent Mr. Hitchcock is willing to risk S60 on the chance anyhow. VV. R, Watson, managing editor of the World-Herald, Mr. Hitchcock's paper, has telephoned to Secre tary of State Junkln for filing blanks, in dicating that while In Nebraska Mr. Hitchcock will file his name for the senate. W. B. Price has not yet let loose ot his S60, but he went to Omaha this morning with the avowed purpose of asking Mr. Hitchcock to get out of the race and permit him to go il alone as the democratic candi date, and thus save the Omaha candidate the humiliation of getting defeated. "1 am satisfied 1 will win the nomina tion," Mr. I'rlce said to friends, "uo what Is the use of Mr. Hitchcock getting into the race and getting his feelings harrowed up for nothing." I'pon his return Mr. Price may have something to say. In the meantime a might close friend of Mr. Bryan asked the peerless leader to get behind Richard L. Metcalfe and have the thing over with. It was urged on Mr. Bryan that If he said the word Metcalfe would be nominated hands down, but the peerless leader was not at that time making any nominations. He answered, so it was reported, in the same old way: "They are all friends of mine and, of course, I can take no hand." Which la taken to mean that rather than choose between god friends Mr. Bryan may have to get into the running yet, and have them all support him. Ielondent, llanaa Hlmarlf. VORK. Neb.. May 10.-(Speolal.)-F. B Daggy, one of the oldest residents and business men of York, has committed sul ciae. jmh returning nome last evening, a search was made and at about 1:30 this morning his son, Roland, found him In his office diad from strangulation, caused by hanging. The deceased was one of the pioneer business men of York and for years was engaged In various kinds of business. In the panic of INK) Is is sud- posed that Mr. Daggy lo.t nearly all his property and since that time he had been enxuKed lit wilting insurance. In a letter found on him he stated that ha had no n.onty to pay rent nor enough to live and that he thotight It best to die. ork Business Man Dira. YORK, Neb., May 10. (Special.) Tele grams received announce the death of Jo s' ph Boyer at Los Angeles, Cal. He was engaged In business In York for twenty five yeara and only recently moved to Cal ifornia, but each year spent from two to four months living in York. Mr. Boyer was a large property owner here, owning BLVtral business blocks. Coming here In the early '70s, he homesteaded northwest of York and after living on the farm a few vears moved to York and engaged In busi ness. He was known by all and highly re spocti d. ROAD MEETING AT SUPERIOR Commercial Club and Farmer Work tnm for Good Illsh. ways. SUPERIOR, Neb., May 10. -(Special.) The Superior Commercial club has raised ll.OoO to be spent In road Improvements leading into superior, il recently held a big meeting and entertained its farmer friends at a big banquet at which several speakers were present and everybody talked for good roads. The Commercial club has hung up several cash prizes to the farmers who will make the best miles ot road In a given time. The county commla sloners have agreed to provide waterways and bridges when necessary If the farmers will build the roads. With the help ot the Commercial club and commissioners the farmers have pledged to make orer twenty mllea of good roads leading Into Superior, Harinan In Hare. ' HOLDRKGE. Neb., May 10. (Special. ) C. K. Harman will enter th- congressional ace in the Fifth district this fall. His announcement has been made. Moat r'ooU IVhs to the dyspeptic. Electric Bitters cur dycpepsla, liver and kidney complaints and debility. I'rlce We. For sale by Beaton Drug company. l 1 I Chamberlain Cough nemedy banlaaa all tendency tow are; poeumonia. Nebraska tits- Kleets Teuchrrs. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 10 (Spe cial.) The Board of Education has elected the following teachers for the ensuing year High School Principal, Ray Gates Misses ttertna Henderson. Marian Llvinaston. Vir glnla Byeny. Clara Mackln and Ida Heine and Mr. r . T. Cole. Sixth Street School Principal, Miss Ve- leda McLellan; Misses Maude Mets, Louise r.lsenmann, Minnie Wilhelmy, Hannah Johnson, Edith Bachler, Mary Alrd and a Dole i.yon. fourteenth Street School Principal Khtherlne Tynon; Mls-s Verne Proper uucy r.astmaii, r.uen ware. Agnes Brad ford. Edna Wright and Amanda Rodeu- DrocK. second Avence School Principal, Miss Anna rasicnau; Misses Caroline Sheer Ueulah Snyder, Mary Caok, Louise Ho meyer. Carrie Sudick, Katherlne (Jil more and Mrs. Kannle Reynolds. Kearney School Misses Emma Fastenau Anna wills and Henrietta Keea. Edgewood School Mlsa Urate Jilooming aaie. Ureggsport School Misses Amelia Will and Clara Kehse. Substitute Teacher Miss Fay Forbes and census enumerator, Z. T. Wright. Indiana Defeat Mink. SHENANDOAH, la. May 10 (Special I- Green's Nabraska Indians won the flirt c a uerle of three game with the Shenan doah Mink ber Monday, th scor being COMPLETE OUTFIT, 35c ONCE TRIED ALWAYS USED Has been the History of the Shinola Polisher and Dauber in the homes of Omaha and Council Bluffs, YOU WILL NOT BE THE EXCEPTION. IF YOU ARE Return the Shinola Polisher and Dauber to Your Dealer and Get Your MONEY BACK You Take no Chances. The following Dealers in Omaha and Council Bluffs and vicinity arc displaying SHINOLA. and SHINOLA POLISHERS AND DAUBERS in their windows and stores during this special offer: Rcgont Shoe Co. Stryker Shoe Co. A. W. Bowman. Shoo CVIarket. C N. Peterson Council Bluff, la. Fry Shoo Co. Starr-Kingman. Remember, however, that any dealer in Omaha and Council Bluffs and vicinity handling Shoe Polish can give yu the money back, in 30 days, if you do not think the Shinola Polisher and Dauber is worth all you paid for it and more. play here tomorrow ajid WATER IS ON AT MINIDOKA ebrrwkjl New ote. BEATRICE Spencer Horn and M ss Mary Schlegel were married yesterday morning at Mt. Joseph's Cathollo church. NEBRASKA CITY The body of Mrs. Mary Osborn, who died at Lincoln, was brought to Syracuse yesterday afternoon for Interment. IMPERIAIv The commissioners of Chase county have voted to issue bonds to the amount of $25,OnO to replace the court house which was burned February if. NEBRASKA CITY William Geese and Mr. Wilhelmlna Schroder were united In marriage Tuesday at th home of the bride, near Taltnage,..ln 4he presence of a arge number of friend ana relatives. BEATRICE A party of Union Pacific officials, comprising A. D. Schermerhorn, division engineer; H. K. ftevens, division superintendent, and F. Kloke. roadmaster, arrived in tne city yeteraay irom omana on a tour of Inspection. BEATRICE Beatrice lodge No. 26, An cient Free and Accepted Masons, met Mon day evening and elected R. It. Kyd, Francis A. M Her and s. r . Nichols as a board or directors to succeed Samuel Rltiaker, C. E. Baker and E. S. Miller, whose terms have expired. BEATRICE The directors of the Com mercial club are making preliminary plans for the coming state Sunday school con vention to be held here June 7, 8 and 9. Another meeting will he held next Monday evening to make final arrangements for entertaining the visitors. Delegates to the number of 1,000 will be here. NEBRASKA CITY iarah K. Miller of Syracuse, Neb., has filed her petition in the dlRtrlct court praying for a divorce from her husband, Emll R. Miller of Cass county.' They were married at Alvo. Neb., on December 7, iw, ana sue charges lie has refused to support her. She wants to be restored to her maiden name, Sarah K. Sutton. KEARNEY N. C. Dunlap, manager of Watson'a ranch, has Just secured a number of Japanese pheasants and turned them loose on the ranch. Hunters have been notified not to hunt on the ranch and not to shoot one of the birds any place. In order that they may know what one looks like they have placed a mounted one In a prominent place In town where they may see the bird. NEBRASKA CITY Word has been re ceived In this city of the marriage of Carl K. Hedfll of this city to Miss Ullve Vir ginia Reed, at Wheeling, W. Va. Mr. Be dell was for a number of years assistant manager of the water and light plant In this city and a son of Dr. I. Bedell and left here and went to Wheeling, where he Is now located. He was a graduate ot the L'nlverslty of Nebraska. HOLDREGE W. U Black of Trenton, who Is well known In this part of the state aa a printer of considerable education, nas been adjudged Insane and taken to the Hastings asylum. The Insanity follows a number of paralytic strokes, from which Mr. Black has suffered a great deal lately. I'ncle Billy, as he was universally known In southwestern Nebraska, was nearly SO years of age, and until a few weeks ago had Deen aoing excellent worn In the newspaper line. HOLDREGE Mrs. Charles Phillips died suddenly yfsterday morning at Kearney. Her parents, Mr and Mrs. C. P. Linder crants of this city, only recently had en Joyed a visit from her and the news of her death came as a blow to them. She leaves surviving her, a little daughter, ner parents and two sisters. Before going to Kearney, wnere Mr. r-nmips is empmyen as printing instructor si me iteiorm school, she and her husband lived at Bloomfleld. Walthlll and other nortnern Nebraska places. Funeral services will he held at Kearney, with Interment in Prairie Home cemetery, near this city. I Government Gets Flood Into Laterals on New Project. MORE IDAHO LAND RECLAIMED People Rejoice Over the Completion of the lireat Irrigation Works and Baslntss Shows Bene ' fit Already. High School Cadets Going to Harlan Arrangements Completed for Visit bf Young Men from Omaha to Iowa Town. Although the Board of Education has not yet made the official announcement it Is practically decided that Harlan, la., has been selected for the annual encampment of the DUO cadets of the Omaha High school. The boys are expected to go June S, and be In camp for a week or ten days. During that time they will have the advantage of regular military training under the direc tion of Lieutenant Haskell. Thursday, June t, will be visitors' day and a special train has been arranged ( to convey the friends of the cadet from the city. That will be review day as well, and In the re viewing line with Colonel Glassford, com mandant at Kurt Omaha, will be Mayor Edmund Lockwood and ex-Mayor W. U Baughn of Harlan. Leonard Kowler, vice-president of the Minidoka Trust company; general sales manager of the Kenyon Townslte company and general "all around booster" for Idaho, arrived from Burley, Ida., last nib'lit and is quartered at the Henshaw. "The United States Government Re clamation service, at last, has turned-the water Into our laterals at Burley," said Mr. Fowler, last night, "and the whole country Is rejoicing. The people of the L'nlted States have spent more than a million dollurs building a dam at Minidoka, across the Snake river, and we will have hundreds of thousands of acre feet of water for the land, which until now has proved entirely worthless. The state of Idaho, will hold an auction of UOoO acres on May 27 and Burley will soon take on the nietroplltanlsm of Twin Falls. "Not many Omaha people know that Bur ley Is named after D. E. Burley, who used to be here with the Union Pacific railway. There are hundreds of oldtlmers, who know all about "Dan" Burley, as he Is known throughout all of the' western country. "W. D. Kenyon, . formerly the general cashier of the Pacific Express company. before he removed to St. Louis, and a resident of Omaha for more than eight een years, Is out there. Kenyon Is the president of the Kenyon Townslte company. director In the Burley State bank, one of the David Ecck-3 Institutions, and presi dent of the Glenn-Dale syndicate, which owns 3,wu acres oi the finest land In the world along the "oanks of the Snake river, about four miles from the great Mllner dam, built by Archie Milner, formerly of Atlantic City, la. That Mllner dam cost Archie Milner and his associates more than l,0O0,O0O, and ha watered and brought Into bearing l.OuO square miles of land, every foot of which Is under cultivation today. "The Idaho Southern railway, which the Kuhns of Pittsburg built to get to their Oakley project, because the Union Pacific didn't move fast enough for them, waa opened the day I left Oakley and I had ticket nine, on the first train out of Mllner, They will extend the road, eventually to r?ach througn to Spokane. The Union Pacific has Just finished lay ing the ties between Burley and Oakley, and Van Cleave and a bunch of Chicago millionaires were there last week thinking of building a road from Burley to Albion and thence on over the Goose Creek Hills to the Raft river country. "Sam Rich, one of the wr-allhest men In the state of Idaho, and a farmer of na tional reputation, ha Just begun the de velopment uf one farm of lO.OJO acres on the Minidoka project. His son, S. Grover Rich, tho cashier of the Burley State bank, of which David Eccles Is the president. Is looking after the details of what will be one of the largebt producing orchards In thu wot id. "Burley is growing, so Is Pocattllo, American Falls, Buhl, and Twin Falls. In fact, the i nt Ire state Is seething and burst ing with an industrial awakening and the Nebraskiins and luwans with u wander lust In their hearts are doing the must to develop the country. "There are so many of them out there that it is like another part of Nebraska." when he ran to the assistance of his neighbor. About 10 o'clock Zeiss was sud denly accosted by two men, one of whom hnd a gun. He was ordered into an alley and while one searched his clothing the other covered him with the revolver, dis guising himself with his handkerchief. In his terror Zeiss cried out and attracted the attention of Howe. The desperadoes did not wait until he got up, but bolted, shoot ing at the Intending rescuer as he ap peared around the corner. . Zeiss said that he had less than a dollar In his possession, and that tjicy had rifled him .of that when they decamped. " West Pointers May Be Feature ot Ak-Sar-Ben Board of Governors Hears Favorable Report of Effort to Bring'Meft West June Initiations. West Point- cadets may be one of tho leading feature of the Ak-Sar-Ben parade this year. Strong effort are being made to secure the visit of the coins and not only are the senators and congressmen of the state, according to the reports sub mitted to the governors at a meeting In the Loyal hotel last night, lending their aid, but the interest of Senator Warren and Congressman Hull, chairman of the eenatn and house committees on military affairs, has been aroused as well. The Idea' Is that the cadets who will muster about 500 will have a circuit ar ranged for them nnponrlrg first at lVi Molncs, then at Omuliu, proceeding thcncn to Cheyenne and Kansas City. It wum hoped that the colored cavalry stationed at Fort I). A. RurpoII, AVyo., might al.-o be permitted to figure In the fete, but from the latest communication received It is feared the military authorities will not give their consent. It was mentioned nt the governors' meeting that Motor General Frederick Smith, tho new commander of the Pfpartmrnt of vlie Missouri, Is show ing every dcRlre to help the governors in making this year's nffalr one of the mot successful since the initiation of the move ment, which has given nmahA such a distinctive civic festival. The membfpfffiiii committee reported that without any solici tation 4.r8 numbers had fa'd their as sessment for this year. The first Initiations for i:ri nre expected to take placo the first Monday in June and It in stated thut the ceremonies will be entirely different from last year. The new button will bo rcadv In a few days, tho design having been approved by the governors. It Is a very pretty piece of work and should have many wearers as much for Its beauty as an ornament as Hi civic association. The button Is in thn form of a star surmounted by Nebraska's floral emblem, the golden rod. In tho center Is the name Ak-Sar-Ben and the year 1910 and underneath leaves of corn Indicating the leading Industry of the state. For Croup there la nothing better than Chamberlain' Cough Remedy. Coat and Pants to Order $20 This $20 Coat and Pants Bale Is a hummer. The values offered surpass anything to be had in Omaha. We have a large line from which you may select anything you fancy blues, grays or browns. Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style. MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 804-306 Houth 16th (Street. Near 16th and Farnam MMsailMWHWllllllll H 'I I' VWWit&mtblNnmk''-""k "4 ""Hi IH in ill IWIHHnf be.s t f possible f Joundation f foryourtaA to mobile: G0QDF.1GH :TinES.,, jsasi aii'i'i .mimi iiPiiiim CT.yW,M,MnTM plan The system of tlie Mutual Saving Bank n enables the Omaha Loan and Building Asso ciation to pay to its members six per cent per annum dividends January and .July 1st. Investment of $1.00 per month to $3,000 in lump sums can be made. For information call or address 101 South IGtU St., S. K. corner 16th and Dodge Sts. n. Chamberlain' Couga I.emedy la famous tor 1U cur c! coughs, cold and croup. EDWARD D. ZEISS HELD UP l.ira Dollar When Bold Hiichwsr. men Hlfle rockets .Sear lit Home. IJduurct I. Zeiss was held up and rubbed Monday night a few douis from his horn at Thirty-third and t'arnam streets, and K. C. Howe, manager of the t'udahy Pack ing bout at S'.utn Omaha, waa filed at IsI IISI1IIHI1I i m i mm . m LI Potatoss, Lawn Grass, Ftowerinr Bulbs, Etc I WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FREE Why wasts tima and money planting doubtful seeda when you can buy seeds that grow from THE NEBRASKA SEED COMPANY 1613 Howard Street Telephone Doufjl a ISSdl