'A T7TE BEE : OMATIA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1010. TOSS TO) A rKTTrtvTTT U s 21 STORES Great Sale of Drummers' Samples Novelty Jewelry Belt Pins, Stick Pins, Collar Pins, Hat Pins, Belt Buckles, Lockets, Braid Pins, Brooches, Bracelets, Cuff Buttons, La Vallieres, Chatelaines, Etc. We bought the entire sample lines from .one of the leading importers and manufac turing agents on Broadway, New York. All ' are the latest and most approved novelties for (his Reason. The brilliant display in the window has attracted great attention. All the Men's Cliff Units, Tie Pins, Tie Holders, Tie Clutches, etc worth up to J1.00; your choice All the Sample Fancy Jewelry that is worth up to v ll.GO your choice All the Sample Fancy Jewelry that Is worth up to "7C 25c 50c $1.75 your choice All the Sample Fancy Jewelry that is worth up to $3.00 your choice $1 Pretty Linen Dresses $15 These smart frocks are made In the very new est styles for summer wear natural shades and colors all sizes a good vari ety, at. . , New Lingerie Dresses. Dainty Lingerie Dresses many of them quite elaborately trimmed with embroideries, In edging and panels beautiful garments for dress wear in summer at 1 . $25 ..$5 Misses' Colored Dresses. Made of pretty wash fabrics in delicate shades charming girlish effects spec ially priced at , . . , The New Linjen Suits. Plain tailored and fancy trimmed linen suits, they launder beautifully and make the most practical suits for summer at...... $10.00 S 12.50 and $15.00 New King Tailored Waists. Superior to any other tailored waist that is made all the very newest styles for 1910, at $1.98 $2.50 $2.98 $3.98 Fine Embroideries at 25c and 39c Yd. 18, 22 and 27-lneh fine embroidered flouncings, skirtings, corset cov- era newest designs two big bargain squares many worth up to 75c a yard, at, yd : .. ... 25c-39c 18-inch Nainsook and Cambric Embroidered Flouncing Cor set covers, also insertions and galloons worth up to P 35c, at, yard IDC Fine Vol. Iaee and Insertions, also crochet, Cluny and Armen ian effects many to match worth up to 12'4c yd., at, yard 5c BRANDHS STORES Cincinnati, Ohio and Return May 8, 9 and 10, account Biennial Meeting General Federation of Woman's Clubs M y Baltimore, Md. and Return U II May, 7, 8 and 9, account Southern Baptist Convention and Central Convention of Baptists of Karth America A Washington, D. G. and Return II B May 15-18, account Triennial Convention World's Sunday School Association tA Atlantic City, N.J. and Return M vjr May IS, 16, and 17, account General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church Eight trains daily leave Omaha for Chicago, 7 too a. m., 12:05 p. m., 5:20 p. m., 6:00 p. m., 6:05 p. r&, 9:10 p. m., 11:45 p. m., and 12:40 a. m. (night) over the only double track automatic safety signal line between Missouri River and Chicago. . , ."). For tickets and full information apply at : Ticket Offices : 1401-3 Farnam Street, Omaha Neb. NWM26 WOMEN'S VESTS 150 dozen for Thursday, bleach ed sle e r e 1 e s s vests, taped neck, exceptionally fine bargain 7 !: m I I v AMKHK AN IlKAt'TY KOSK HISMF.S Will bloom this year 18c values 10 -TO iH WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Low neck and 1 e e v c less and full taped, laco trimmed knee. For Thursday, 21c Come and Witness the Stamp o! Approial All Omaha Has Bestowed on Our Greatest Acbieremeat. Our Manufacturers1 and Jobbers1 Great ajML&B0KI SAL Big as the sale wns from the first it takes on greater momentum ns it sweeps along from day to day. Our $100,000 purchases are not disposed of in a day or two, consequently new lots are brought forward from reserve stocks for each days' business. We want to impress you with the fact that New Spring Goods are nowhere else so wonderfully priced. It's hard to fully appreciate the fact unless one sees for themselves. Thousands of shoppers have shown their keen sense of thrift and carried away the bargains of their lives. We have planned this sale with the determination to cut your living costs to the minimum. We know we have succeeded. The comments of our customers indicate it. Their buying proves it. The word "bargains" was never' more fittingly applied. Come, reap the benefits that are justly yours. An Unmistakable Bargain in Pongee S.Iks Supplementing our other great silk attractions with a special that leaves no doubt in your mind as to Its great Importance as a bargain offering 123 pieces all silk pongees In all the best shades.. The Identical goods you see in the stores everywhere at $1.23 and $1.33, Mirages, Rajahs, and other equally well known lines, a Wednesday unloading that will stir you to action If at all Interested, flUf w w These Wonderful Sales in the Garment Section (V?) SHIRT WAISTS 500 of them pretty lawn, lingerie and tailored waists, worth to $2.00, for 59f HOl'SK DKESSKS Made In the cleverest of styles of fine lawns and madras, $G.50 and $7.50 Dresses, at, each gjj Ml K PETTICOATS All new and fresh, 20 shades, perfect In every detail, great $5.00 values, at $2 0 LIXGFItlK DKESSKS, at Sj!5 (worth $15 and $18.00). Lots of them, white and and colors, exquisite models in best styles. TAILORED SUITS SACRIFICED Our special purchases bring you high grade models ridiculously cheap.. $25.00 Suits selling for sin $35.00 Suits . selling for.. "Sio'n $50.00 Suits selling for ; 'i"nn GIRLS' JUNIOR SUITS $10 to $12.50 tailored My le" unloading at : ftn MISSES' AND MMALIi AVO.MKV8 SKIRTS All "late fctyles, $7.1)0 garments, at gj ry ArTRACTrvE SAVINGS In the Notions 1 Cotton Tape, 6c bunches, assoorted, 2 for 5c Women's and Children's 15u Hone Supporter, for 9o learning Cotton, Black, White, Brown, per spool le Safety Plus, nickel plated, 3 cards 60 Finishing Braids, all colors So Machine Cotton, 200 yard spools X for 5o Hooks and Kyes, black, or white, 3 doien for Bo Good Hilr Pins. papers for So 850 and 40 KIBBOJTg TOB. ISO Plain and fancy Ribbons. high grade, all slllt goods, ai shades, enough for everybody up to 6 Inches wide. ii.ic to 40c values, for 15o DRESS MAKERS, ATT EMTIO Fine Laces, Cluny, Irish Crochet, Princess Laces AT 14 We continue the selling all week. The values are Immense, the goods ex tremely beautiful: $25.00 X.SOSS 813.80 I $5.00 I.acss 82.50 10.00 X.aos 5.00 I 1.00 Lacss i .60 GERMAN and FREW CH VAI. X.ACES Insertions to match, choice of our entire stock. 3Ec, 25c and 20c laces, unloading prices 17Ho, 13 Ho, 100 OTTIMPES AT HAT.P With or with out sletves; t'i upward to J4 each, all at KAX.T TB.ICR per yard ARNOLD'S 8 E R PE XT I X E CREPES 30 pieces and every one a new 1910 pattern. The regular 18c crepe. Beautiful kimono styles, at, yard ..12J THOSE DRESS GOODS LENGTHS AG A IX So good a bargain bears repeating, besides the quantity was so large that choosing is still fine. Beautiful spring all wool suitings In 4 to 8 yard pieces, worth $1.25 and up; unloading price, yard 49 Toilet Goods Sale 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap, 3 cakes In box, per box 95o Pear's Unsce.ited Soap, per cake ..So Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 60c bottle for 85o Pond's Extract Liquid Dentifrice, 25c bottle for 12o Oriental Cream, $1.50 regularly, 900 Seldltts Powders, box of 10 pairs lOo Large Box Charcoal Tablets 16o Sodium Phosphate. 1 lb. carton ,.13o Witch Hasel, per pint lao Your Order for FICTtJRE TRAMIHO, 3S PER CENT OFT Wednesday, UNT.OAJDIjrO WOODS WW ARE Notable Economies Seldom Equalled. CURTAlir STRETCHERS with ad justable pins, very strong and dur able, worth much more, at ..(1.98 BRASS WASH BOARDS guaranteed five years, best 60c quality, un loading at 89o CI.OTHES FXlf S Wednesday special. 1 nO for ; lOo ROBE BUSHES American Beauty, hardy, healthy bunhea to bloom this yeer, 18c value, for lOo HOPE BLEACHED MTJSLIIf , well known standard brand, less than manufacturer's cost, (10 yards only to a customer) yard . ,8Ho PILLOW OASES 45x36 In., splendid 18c grade, well made and finished, at. each 14o CURTAIW SWISS White only, dotted, figured, striped, 36 Inch, 15c quality, vard 100 BLEACHED SHEETS Very good grade, wide hems, usually 65c, spe cial, at, each 43o BEST AMERICAN CALICOES Indigo Blues, Black and White. Silver Grey, etc., unloading sale price, at. yard Bo I WHITE GOODS way down, all new, frewh summer goods, in checks, stripes, floral and block patterns, light and heavy. 19c and 25c fabrics, unloading, at ISO HUGH TOWELS At very low prices; two cases of them, two kinds, Ulix 46-lnch, heavy serviceable towels. The 16c kind unloading at lOo ALL LIKEN NAPKINS In a large lange of patterns, full 22-Inch Nap kins, dinner size, you pay $2 a dozen anywhere for such as these, unload ing price $1.35 BENNETT'S GROCER V SAViNGS Bennett's Capitol Cof fee, 3.000 packages each 38o and 40 stamps. Bennett's Reliable Coffee, lb 30o and 40 stamps. -Bennett's Teas, as sorted, lb 680 and 100 stamps. Tea Siftings, lb., ISo and 20 Ktampe. E. C. Corn Flakes. S packages for ..950 and 10 stamps. Bennett's . Capitol Country Gentleman Corn for llo and 20 stamps. ALL ITEMS SPECIAL Imperial Preserved Figs, can 30o and 5 stamps. Pure Fruit Jelly, at.' Glass lOo and 5 stamps. Farrell's Beet Sugar Syrup, bottle . .180 and 10 stamps. Pride of Bennett's Flour, sack ... 11.30 1 Dutch Hand Soap. 3 cakes for 9So and 20 stamps. Full cream Cheese, per pound . ...23o and 10 stamps BENXETT'S CAPITOL CREAMERY BUTTE TOR WEDNESDAY Virginia Swiss Cheese ' per lb 35o kfend -JO stamps. Sntdej's .Chili Sauce, Cocktail, Salad Dres- ' eing, at a Bo and 20 stamps. Hartley's Pure Fruit Jams, Jar 90o Seeds, Vegetable and Flower Seeds, at. a package 9Ho Capitol Baking Pow- ' "der, lb. can for 94o ' and 30 stamps. Capitol Extract, bot tle for 180 and 20 stamps. :R, Pound Brick . . AND THTJRSDAT ONLY. California Evaporat ed Peaches. 12Mic quality. 2 lbs. 15o York Violet Toilet Soap. 3 cakes ' 35c and 10 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Maple Syrup, quart can for 40o and 40 stamps. Diamond Crystal Table Salt, package for : lOo and 10 stamps. Diamond C Soap, A bars for 9So Queen Olives, bottle for 950 and 10 stamps. Bennett's Capitol Oats, 2 lb. pkg. 100 and 10 stamps. Star and Crescent Macaroni, 3 pack ages for .. 950 and 10 stamps Safety Matches, doz en boxes for . ...8o Spotlight Matches, ncnseless, 6 boxes for 86o Shelled Popcorn, i 3 lbs. for 10o and SO stamps. Tolk's Soups, 10 cent cans. 4 for . , . . 85o Double Stamps in Butterlne. Double Stamps on Granulated Sugar. 30 "Now'stheday Jj II Now's the hour" THE BEER YOU LIKE HAVE A CASE SENT HOME Engraved Stationery HW4Vit invitations A nnouncmmtntf Vimiting CmrJ$t . ' All correct form in current s)ocm1 uauag ncrmvMl in th beat manner nod punctually dclivnrna wh promised. ElmboMed Monogram Stationery nd otKer work emecuted ml ricce lower than neually prevail elsewhere. A. I. ROOT, Incorporated 1210-1213 HewaraSL ' PbMe D. 1004 0 I JOHN NITTLER I 3224 SO. 24TH STREET J 3L IND. -14l0 A j00Ui 194flyWtD '3VpJ THE BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Very Low Fares to ATLANTIC CTTV General As senibly Presbyterian Church, May 18-31. WASHINGTON'. I). C. World's Kunday Kcliool Association, May 19-26. CONSULT NEAREST TICKET AGENT REGARDING STOI. OVER PRIVILEGES ANI OTHER DETAILS, OR ADDRESS R. N. Austin, Gen. Paas. Agt. Chicago. W. A. Preston, T. P. A. Chicago. 4 Gas Service Another Way to Get Hot Water 99 There are two styles of water heaters. One the kind that connects with the kitchen boiler, the burner of which you must light; the other, that which acts automatically. The mere fact of tinning on any hot water faucet in your house operates this heater so that the water runs HOT instantly. This appliance is connected to your water supply, has its own gas burner, is independent of anything else and stands in a corner of your cellar, requiring no attention out of sight and out of mind. Ask to have it demonstrated at our office. Omaha. Gas Company YEDIIESDAV'S SPECIAL BARGAIN BULLET I. We Save You on All .Millinery. rin In AYDEE& THE RELIABLE STOHE Hid Snip f Ni'W Spring Millinery N..w On. Very Special Shoe Values Wednesday $3.50 Oxfords and Pump3 $2.50 A splendid show inn of women's fine oxfords and pumps, in all styles and best leathers; great values at on ial sale priee, per pair $2, Rubber Heel Juliet House Slippers So everywhere at $1.50; on sale Wednesday at, per pair $1.00 Misses' and Children's Pumps In al leathers, values to $2.'J5; in two lots at....'. $lv50 and $1.00 Wear Grover Shoes and learn what real shoe comfort means. i Yash Goods Sale .-Wool Dress Goods, now wravrs mul color " eprins IS 10. N.itlstps newest i spec- Sf ,50 A Id ' Iot values shown in ( )maha. Bee Want Ads Boost lour Business G. A. LIKDQUEST CO. 235-236 Pixtoi Block Makers of good clothes. A nice line of spring patterns on hand and our prices ara right. X liberal discount on two or mors suits. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER irfea.1 Fare Jonrmal. Facing Farnam Street on the ground floor The best location in Omaha for many lines of business is opiosite the Court House and next to the City Hall. It is very seldom that it is possible for you to get one of the ground floor rooms in THE BEE BUILDING The entrance 1b Just west of the main entrance of the building; It has an entrance from the court as well. The building furnisher heat, light, water and janitor service. The building Is fire-proof and there is a large brick vault, so you can cut out jour Insurance expense. The room will be remodeled and redecorated to suit the tenant. The space can be arranged to give tenant 1,850 square feet if desired. ' -If this is the best location for you, now is the time to grasp the opportunity, and apply at one. Apply to R. W. BAKER, Supt., Bee Business Office. 5!c Silk Creprs, Hough Pon gees and Novelty Silks; on sale Wednesday, yard. . .38 SI! inch Abberfogle Scotch (iliiK hams, 25c yard value. .. Choicest ings for at. . . .50 75 nl SI. 00 Imported French Cream St'rg's, yard, si .on 8i.2r st.ns Muslin and Knit Underwear Greatly Underpriced You can't afford to miss one of these v'ery special onerings. j Muslin Corset Covers and Drawers lice or embroidery trimmed ; regular 50e values, at 125(" Crowns, Chemise, Skirts and Combina tion Suits that sell regularlv to $1.L", at '....50( Fine White Skirts, 'J.50 to $:.')() val ues, handsomely tpmined, cut long and full, at, choice $1.50 Ladies' Lisle Vests, in all styles, ;Vie, values, at 25(' Ladies' Gauze Vests, worth to LMe on sale at 7V 9tf mul 121-jC Ladies' $1.00 Lisle Union Suits -A styles, splendid bargains Wednesday at 50 Ladies' Knit Union Suits 50c quality, in regular and extra fv ftiroc n OPT. ML ' ' v. i .j - ay Extra Specials for Wednesday in Our Great Domestic Room fj From 9 to 0:30 A. M 7c Apron Ginghams, all blue apron checks (10-yard limit), at. per ard 4H From 10 to 10:30 A. M. Merry Muslin, yard wide, full bleached, regular price 11c yard (10-yard limit) at, yard 5. From 2 to 2:30 I. M. 4 226 Old Glory Long Cloth, fine heavy and soft finish, for under wear, regular price 15c (oni- piece, 12 yards, limit I, at, per Jard j) From 2 to 2:30 l M. Manchester Quilts, very fine goods, regular price $3.50 (three quilt limit), at. each $2. 121 From 3 to 3:30 I. M.' Large Union Towels, guaranteed half linen, No. 4780, regular price 12Vic (six towel limit). it, each HAYDEN'S, THE GREATEST GROCERY DEPARTMENT IN OMAHA It pays you to trad at Xaydan's, par mouth on your housskssplng- sspan 4N-lh. suck best High Patant Flour, inHfle from the finest No. 1 wheat, every sack guaranteed 91.35 We caution our customers aKauift poor- Imltiit Ions old as our brand. tiee that our name Is on every snck. 18 lbs. best Granulated Sugar.. 11.00 5 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Km All Soap for , 25c 6 Ilia, best hand picked Navy Beans for 25c 10 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oat meal for- 2ac 6 lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, SatS", Barley or Farnia ...25c Broinangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per pkg 7ttc The best Domestic Macaroni, pkR.6c 3 cans l.avaltne, the great magic cleanser 10c Tall cans Alaska Salmon 10c 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can.. 4c K C Corn Flakes, pkg 7Hc Diamond C or Diamond It Mince meat, per pkg TVto Choice California Prunes, per lb... 4c Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb..8'c Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb S'o Fancy Muscatel Halslns, per lb..7V4c Egrs. Butter and Chsssa Btclal. Fancy No. 1 dreamery Butter, lb. .28c Fancy No. 1 Country Creamery But- when you oan savs from 95.00 to 910.00 ter, per lb. , : F'ancy No. 1 Dairy Butter, lb Fir Fancy Full Creoin Cheese, per ll. . I Sc The best Strictly Fresh Kiigs, nolh. Ing better, pei do7.en 2r Omaba's Greatest Markst for rresa Vegstablss. 3 bunches fr.'sh Asp ir.-igus in r resn npinacu, per peck New Potatoes, per lb.. 2 heads fresh l.af Lettuce. ... 4 bunches home grown Itadlshiis. riemi ussis, carrots or Turnips bunch .... Fancy ripe Tomatoes, per lb'.'. J-ancy Peas, per quart -ic rancy rresn wax Ueans, per lb4 Fresh fanc.v fSreon Ftnnn. (Rememher 1 lb. Is equal to' 2 nts rresn f-arsiey, per bunch,. z ouncnes pie Plant for fic Large Cucumbers, each. 7 Ho and 5c Large stalks of Celery for 7 He You are always sure of getting the rresnest and l!est at Harden s Large Juicy Lemons, per don. Highland Navel, per dot., Inc. 25c and , . . ; lIant Tnmitn Slants--Was. Fancy, large, healthy Tomato Plants. per dozen , , 7ic Al you want; inr 4c ..Tnc . .7H: 70 in,' . inc. s. t .4c .Ino inc. .30o it Tnv UAvncn( ciflPTDowT 1 1 it i miiuku q riugi i FORGET X BAILEY (Si MACH DENTISTS Best equipped dental offlcj in the middle west. Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices. Porcelain fillings, Just like the tooth. All Instruments carefully sterilized afi'-r each patient. W' T1II1U FLOOR. PAJCTON f.W-Ot K Corner Ittth and Farnam Streets. Dull Kid, Black Suede and Patent Kid In the newest of the new shapes. Short fore-parts Extra high arrhea with heels to corres pond, making a combination of very swell, up-to-date footwear for women that la extremely hard to equal in any city of the country. The novelties in SOROSIS art in both turn and welt nolea and make ideal summer shoes. Proper fitting Is our specialty. We measure the foot the fit tells. Smart Shoes a Sorosis Shoe Store 203 Ho, 15th St., rKAJTK WILCOX, Bfanag-sr. THE DELFT TEA ROOM, y1 South Nineteenth strtei. orN-n d.lly from 11 a. in., to 7 p. m ; Sundays, from 6 p. m , to p. m. Lnaiuiif-uisu suppers ou Sundayi. We've some very Swell Stunts in Spring Footwear for Young Fellow who Know. Hlph and Ixw Cut Shoes with all Hie New Style Features worked to the limit Talent Colt. Kid and Oun Metal Calf, new shades In Colored Leath ers; Button, Lace and Blucher. The Smart High Toes, H'.sli Arch, High Heels. (A Natty (ntfords. Ties and Pumps. Black and colored leathers $3.50 The Young Man, enough Sho 8-wellneis here to plcasu him, will certainly be tery hard to satisfy. . FRY SHOE CO. . THE SHOERS ' ,16th. and Douglas Sis $ i to $5. j an. who cant.ot finl $100 for trade mask, is pug tvy