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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1910)
Omaha Daily THE OMAHA DEE 1m the most powerful buslnesa Hotter In the west, because, it go to the hornet of poor and rich. WEATHER FORECAST lor Nrlirnskn - I's.'tl.v cloudy. I-or Iowa -Partly cloudy. For weather report t pngo L' YOU XXXIX NO. 280. OMAHA, WKDXKSDAY MOHNIXU, MAY 11, 1'IW TUT. A'K 1'AdKS. SlNdLK COPY TWO CENT PUKE FOOD LAW IS HELD VALID Iowa Senators Address Crowd at Des Moines Senator Cummins Takes Stand Iowan Fighting Him on Old-Time Personal Issue. li.ULKOAl) HILL TASSKS HOUSE Measure Goes Through Lower Body with Seventy-Four Votes to Snare. !Uatfonal Statute Declared GonatitU' tional by Judge McPherson , at Des Moines. OMAHA COMPANY IN COMPLAINT REPUBLICANS STICK T0CETHER The Bee; 4 'Updiie of Gate City and Kansas Con cerns Are Interested. NEW RULES CtTRE MANY EVILS Declares Jurist in Upholding Enactment of 1906. ' RULING ON BLEACHED V1 Injunction hy I pdlk Milling; -puny of Omaha in Prevent Ft thrr Srlsarea la Art Aalda , by Court. DE." MOTNES, May 10. Judge Smith M rhrrson In federal court hero today uphet . the constitutionality of the national purt food statute of June 80, 1M6. and dismissed a suit for Injunction to prevent United Mates District Attorney M. 1 Temple from seizing bleached flour sent Into Iowa. The complaint was brought by the Shaw nee Milling company of Kansas and the Ipdlke Milling company of Omaha. The decision does not state whether or not the Alsnp process of bleaching flour Is Injuri ous, holding that that question is one for a Jury. As to the rights of congress to enact a law such as the natonal pure food act, the court says: "Several of the states within the last few years have enacted pure food statutes. Congress June 30. 1906, enacted the statute In question. All these statutes were en acted to cure evils wellnlgh intolerable that had grown up durl'ier thin age of greed and avarice and commercialism that has made money getting the prime object of life with so many. The evils were such that mj.cli of the foods no ate, whether meats of any kind, including fish and poultry, or fruits In all form? and breadstuffs, were so adulterated and "loaded" or "doctored" ts to deceive the consumer. And the same .was true of flavors and condiments. The evil as to confectionery and flavors and extrac ts was as great. Still greater was the evil as to drugs and medicines. "In fact, Jho evils were'evcrywhere pres ent as the food and medicine and other things. And to eliminate some, of these evils and to enable the purchasers to re ceive what they ordered and paid for many states passed statutes aimed at those frauds. But it was soon found that the states In some instances were disposed to condone as to some articles of local manu facture and in many other Instances the stales were powerless to work out a rem edy. Theieupon congress, acting upon the theory that the evil was of national con- j rern, enacted tha statute in Queslon. Tha j debates In eoirtrresfc show Ihati the ' most uigent measure waa earnestly fuught as being one of, and police reg ulation with which the states only could act. "The secretary of agriculture, Mr. Wll son, performed his duty both In letter and spirit when he submitted the question as to flour bleached by nitrogen peroxide to the board of food and drug inspection. And that board, the secretary concurring, after a hearing, given to all parties in in terest, found thut such flour is In con travention of that statute. Such finding Is not binding as against the parties thus bleaching flour. But it Is conclusive as tgalnst all orltloism for mak ng the seizures and bringing the question before the courts for determination. (ongrraa Ha rower. "Congress is given the power to provide for the general welfare of the United Plates, but without doubt if this legisla tion Is sustained, It is becausa of that provision of the constitution which provides that the congress shall have the power to regulate commerce among the several States. That provision is the life of the nation and to adopt which was the great concern of the convention of 1787. Im portant as It Is, It is ever before the courts. It gives great comfort to all who believe in one common country and yet s antagon laod oftener than any othei provision of J ihe constitution, by those whose shield of ' defense is articles 9 and 10 of the amend ments, a to the power of the states." After showing why congress Is given the right to provide for the general welfare of the United States, by enacting pure food f- laws, and citing several cases where the government has been upheld the court concludes his opinion by dismissing the pe titions for an injunction to prevent the en- forecment of the law. INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW IN LONDON tte la ot Postponed at Krqorit of Ulnar tleoru Theaters Are Hroprned. IXlNDON. May lO.-The International Horse show will be held on the dates Drlglnally selected, June 6 to 19. This Is In accordance with the wishes Of King George, who desires there shall bo lio Interruption In the program of public affairs except as planned events may ap pear Inconsistent with the official and pop ulsr mourning. It wns at his majesty's command that the theaters were reopened, to be doted only on the day of King Ed a aril's finical. King Ucorge having notified the earl of Lonsdale of his attitude, the board of man age! met today and later Issued" a notifi cation dm ihe horse show would be opened originally announced. The King Ed ward challenge cup, now held In France, will be (oinp ted for under the conditions thut governed the contest a year ago. BARGE BUILT OF CONCRETE Panama ( anal I ouimUxlon ronstrurla rv Ste rrl of Urt-at (anarlt y. WASHINGTON. May !. It will puzzle most people 10 know that a boat built of concrete will not only float, but has a greater carrying capacity, is more durable and even liatitu- than a btrongly con structed woodun t-oat. The Panama Canal commission him Just Inunclied on the banks of Ihe pHMotr.a canal a big barge built of reinforced concrtte, which weighs 00.000 pouijds, and two others will soon be fin ished. These Viss Is. it Is sU1, are unaf fected by ca worms, marine vegetation docs not adhere to thm and liny arc prac tically teMiuclib DES- MOINES, May 10. (Special Tele gram.) A great crowd of Iowa republicans met here tonight to listen to Senators Dnl llver and Cummins and to hear their de fense of their course In congress and their advice as to Iowa republicans In the pri mary convention. Senator Cummins spent the day receiving friends, and Dolllver came Just before the meeting. In his address Mr. Cummins took up the situation In congress, and he showed wherein the state primary campaign had relation to the national Issues involved at Washington. He declared that he desired regressive republicans to be nominated id elected, not only for governor and tier state offices, but for members of 'Kress in this state. He declared his hc t 1 that the organization affected some ; ago by his long time political enemies for Its chief purpose that of dls ing him and his colleague, and he was ..ay to have the people pass on the Issue thus raised. Bishops Assigned to Conferences Dates of Sessions and Presiding Officers for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota, I CHICAGO, III., May 10. (Special Tele gram.) The Board of Bishops of the Meth odist Episcopal church concluded Its session here yesterday with the announcement of conference assignments. Following are those In Nebraska: Nebraska conference, September 21, and Northern Nebraska. Sep tember 14, Bishop Xuelsen; Northwest Ne braska, September 14, and West Nebraska, September 21, Bishop Mclntyre. Iowa Des Moines, September 7, Bishop Hamilton; Iowa, September 7, Bishop Wil son; Northwest Iowa, September 16, Bishop Wilson; Upper Iowa, September 14, Bishop Hamilton. South Dakota Black Hills mission, Sep tember 8, Bishop Mclntyre; Dakota, Sep tember 2N, Bishop Nuelson. New Position on. Burlington Henry J. Horn Comes Here as Assist ant General Manager of West ern Lines. A new' high position ,e the. Burlington came Into being' yesterday, Henry j. Horn becoming assistant general manager of the Burlington lines west of the Missouri. Mr. Horn, who arrived In the city Mon day assumed his duties for the first time yesterday. 'The position is a new one," said Gen eral Mmager George W. Holdrege, created on account of Increased business." Mr. Horn has been for several years a resident of St. Paul, an official there of the Northern raclflc. Mrs. Horn and the three children of the family will come to Omaha a month or so from now. Sharp Drop in May Wheat Attempt of Chicago Longs to Unload Causes Decline of Four and Half Cents. CHICAGO, May 10. An attempt to un load May wheat on the board today re sulted In a sheer drop of cents In that delivery. This option has given evidence of being congested in a few hands, small purchases recently quickly advancing the price. May touched Sl.loi during the forenoon, but shortly before the close the attempt to un load caused a sharp break. The decline brought out further offerings and the bot tom was not reached until $1.11 had been posted. July went off 1 cents and Sep tember nearly as much. Forest Fires Rage Over Three States Villages in Vicinity of( Duluth and Calumet Are Threat ened. CALUMET. Mich., May 10 The village of Alston In Houghton county, is hemmed in by fierce forest fires. Forest fires are raging In all directions hereabouts. DCLl'TH, May 10. From the reserva tion river, thirty miles beyond Grand Marais, to points along the Northern Pa cific line, fifty miles west of Duluth, come reports of forest fires.. WASHBURN. Wis., May 10,-Fires which have been raging In the western part of this country since Sunday are now enter ing the largest tract of standing timber lit this state. Prayer, Prayer, Obsesses In unremitting vigil of prayer, Anton Buschiveta, the man who sought to die by Jumping from the loftiest span of the Doug las atreet bridge, la excoriating himself at the county Jull where he has been held since the attempt. "Praying Tony," the prisoners have come to call him. When bedtime cornea around the Jailer have to take Tony from his devo tional to put him to bed. Again In the morning ' 18 found on his knees at the side of bis narrow cot calling for mercy oil his weakness Through all the day of the Jail's monot onous routine Tony U saying his Patera KAISER WM1ELM GKEETSC0L0SEL Roosevelt and Emperor Hold Much Heralded Conference Without Spectacular Features. HOSPITALITY IS NOT LACKING Welcome Extended Distinguished t American at Royal Palace. OTHER DIGNITARIES PRESENT Empress Victoria, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess Are There. FRIENDLY GREETING AT BERLIN Slight Mlsunderatandlna; l"ansa Mlxnp at nallway Station Be cause Train la Imported Behind lime. POTSDAM. May 10 The much discussed meeting of Emperor William and Theodore Roosevelt look place today. The visit of the former president at the new palace was devoid of any spectacular feature inconsistent with the court mourn ing for King Edward, but the occasion lacked nothing from the viewpoint of hos pitality and the purpose to honor the dis tinguished American. Mr. Roosevelt was ascorted to Potsdam this afternoon by General Alfred von Loew enfeld. the personal representative of the emperor. . Mr. .Roosevelt was accompanied here by Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Roosevelt and Kermit. As their carriages drove Into the court yard Emperor William appeared at the principal entrance of the new palace and descended the steps to meet his guest. He extended his hand fist to Mr. Roose velt, and then to Mrs. Roosevelt and to Ethel and Kermit, greeting each cordially. His majesty wore the uniform of the Garde Du Corps, with a helmet. Greeting: by Empress. Preceded by the lord chamberlain, Count Zu Eulenberg, and master of the imperial household. Baron von Lyncker, the em peror, with Mr. Roosevelt at his right, en tered the palace and, passing through the large apartment popularly known us the shell room, showed his guests int the smaller salon beyond. Mrs. Roosevelt en tered on the arm of General von Loewen fcld, and In turn was followed by Ambas sador and Mrs. Hill, Miss Roosevelt and Kermit and others. Within the salon the party was received bv Empress Augusta Victoria, Crown Prince Frederick William, Crown Pincess Cccelle, Princess Victoria Louise, Prince Joachim and Prince Osca,r. The luncheon that followed was attended hy a large number. There were six tables. At one of these were seated his majesty, with, Mr(v Roosevelt, JU JiifcafetL A"4 t1" crown" princess oh his right; the chancel lor, General von Plesin, Kermit Roosevelt, Count Zu Eulenberg, Mr. Hill, General Loewenfeld and Lieutenant Commander Belknap. At another table the empress was seated between Mr. Roosevelt and the crown prince. The young Princess Victoria was seated at the colonel's left. Others at this table were Miss Roosevelt, Captain Shartle, Foreign Minister von Schoen, Mrs. Hill, Prince Solms-Bareuth and the Countess Keller. Mlxnp at the Station. BERLIN, May 10. Former President Roosevelt, Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Roosevelt and Kermit arrived here early today from Stockholm, Sweden. They are guests at the American embassy. As Is usual, wherever Mr. Roosevelt stops, a crowd was at the railway station to give him a friendly greeting, but, as has not been the case before during his European trip, the official receiving party was not complete. As a result of a series of misunderstandings, Ambassador Hill was late In reaching the station, while the royal carriages. Intended for the use of the party, did not arrive until the Roosevelts had been driven in other conveyances to the em bassy. The representatives of the foreign office were greatly annoyed over the unfortunate mlxup! In the first place some one had told Mr. Hill the special train, carrying the Roosevelts, would be a half hour late In reaching Berlin. This did not prove to be the case. . In the absence of Emperor William, who but for the death of his uncle, King Ed ward, would have personally met the for mer president, the official party of recep tion was headed by Herr Von Schoen, the secretary of foreign affairs, who repre sented his majesty. The main Btairway leading from the station to the street had been made beautiful with a wealth of potted plants., and, as the Roosevelts passed down to their carriages, they received frequent salutations from the gathered throng. The Roosevelts were driven at once to the American embassy. The former president's voice is still bothering him slightly, and one of his earliest appointments today was with a throat specialist. Colonel Roosevelt was met at the railroad station by Secretary of Foreign Affairs Von Schoen on behalf of the emperor; the staff of the American embassy. Consul General Alexander M. Tnackara, T. St. John Gaffney, American consul at Dresden, and many members of the American colony. A special train will convey the party soon after noon to Potsdam, where the Roose velts will be yluncheon guests af the em pci or and empress. I Prayer; Foiled Suicide and Aves. His meals are forced upon him at moments when he can be made to desist for a moment from his prayers. Efforts to tako his mind from his sor rows by employment have failed. Set to sweeping the corridor of the cellhouse where he Is kept, he was soon found in a gloomy corner, of ff ring his repentance In whispered Polish phrases. Iluxi lilvetx was led to his attempts at suicide by his discharge from employment as a railway laborer following a debauch. Hi! Is to be tried for his sanity and prob ably be committed. He is physically in good health. From the Spokesmftn-Review. PILES' NAME IS MENTIONED Brandeis Attempts to Forge New Link in Ballinger Chain. FORCES BACK OF APPOINTMENT Effort to hon that Guggenheim Are Responsible for Haltlnger'a Appointment to Land Office. WSHINGTON, May 1. As a link in the chain he itf attempting to construct to con nect Secretary Ballinger with the so-called Morgan-Guggenheim Interests, Attorney Brandeis today brought the name of Sen ator Samuel W. Piles of Washington into the Ballinger-Pinchot inveutigation as an Instrument by means of which tho.e inter ests, as he seeks to show, brought about Balllnger's appointment as commissioner of the land office. Although the eommJlJrs by a party vote, sustained ' Senator fae'rlaua'S " protest against a senator being "dragged Into" the Investigation, Mr. Branded was permitted to read a newspaper account of a celebra tion of Senator Piles' election, held In Se attle in January, 1905, at which Piles was quoted as saying in a speech th,t "Charles Sweeney brought about my election." Bnlllnsver'a Appointments. Sweeney Is president of the Federal Smelting company, subsidiary to the Gug genheim syndicate, and Is one of the Cun ningham claimants. Mr. Ballinger said he was present on that occasion as mayor of Seattle, but did not recall Mr. Piles' speech. Senator Plies urged President Roosevelt to appoint Mr. Ballinger as commissioner, but the latter today said that he did not decide to accept until he had been urged to do so by both he and Secretary Garfield. Mr. Brandeis had stated he had reason to believe Mr. Balllnger's appointment as commissioner of the land office, and later as secretary of the Interior, was a result of an effort of those Influences of the north west interested to have someone In the land office whose Ideas regarding the patenting of lands In Alaska were different from those of Secretary Garfield. Attorney Brandeis sought to obtain a "yes" or "no" answer to ttw question whether he thought "clear-listing" was, in effect, a declaration that the necessary ex amination of claims had been made and that there was no reason why they should not be patented. Helort from Ballinger. In this he was unsuccessful. Secretary Ballinger declaring that the Cunningham claims had been clear-listed by him on tha strength of records before him and with the same records as he said before, he would clear-list them again. I When Mr. Brandeis asked If he had not assumed that the necessary examination had been made. Mr. Ballinger retorted hotly: "All of your efforts throughout this hearing have been to besmirch my char acter by trying to show some devilish in spiration back of my actions. The fact that I knew some of those claimants had nothing to do with my action. Those who have known me in every office I have ever held know It would have made no differ ence to me whether they were friends or strangers." The committee deciced by ap arty vote that Mr. Ballinger had answered suf ficiently. Attorney Brandeis had requested the committee to call on President Taft and through him on Oscar Lawler, assistant attorney general for the Interior depart ment for memorandum which Lawler took to Beverly from Washington last Septem ber and on which the president's letter exonerating Ballinger and dismissing Glavls was supposedly based. Mr. Brandeis at the opening of tha hear ing today asked what disposition had been made of his request. Chairman Nelson replied that It had not been acted on ow ing to the limited members present when executive sessions were held. Mr. Brandeis strongly Intimated during his cross-examination of Mr. Ballinger Inst Friday that tha president had not carcfuly weighed the Glavls charges him. telf, but had taken action on a memo randum -prepared for him by Mr. Lawler. PEACE CONFERENCE MEETS League Holds geaaiona at Hartford Letter Hrrrlird from Presi dent Taft. HARTFORD. Conn.. May . The New England Arbitration and Peace congress began Its first session here today In the hall of representatives. Dean Henry Wade Rogers of Yale law hchool. presided and adresses were made by Mr. Rogers and bv Benjamin F. Trucblood of the American peace society. . WHERE WILL IT BREAK OUT Tariff Board May Be Given Added Power Rumors Compromise Along This Line Will Settle Differences Between Republicans and Insurgents. WASHINGTON. May lO.-Following a visit of Representative Cooper of Wiscon sin, one of the Insurgents of the house, to President Taft's office today the re port gained currency that through the proposed increase In the powers of the new tariff board some of the most serious differences between the republican .egulars and insurgents may be healed. It is said President Taft is bringing nil the pressure he can to bear In support of the appropriation of SIoO.OOO asked for to widen the scope of the tariff board. It was reported also that a strong fac tor' hi thf-TTpwMtt congressional rani palgn this fall may be declarations by the president that if the Investigations of the tariff board show that further reductions In the tariff are possible and compatible with a fair profit to the American manu facturer, he will strongly urge further re vision by congress. Heinze Trial Must Proceed Court Denies Motion to Instruct Jury to Bring In Verdict of Ac quittal. ' NEW YORK, May 10.-An effort by the defense to clear the slate In Helnzc's case came to naught early in today's session. Judge Hough denied a motion that the jury be directed to acquit Heinze on the third remaining cuunt In the indictment, the defense urging that the firm of Otto Heinle & Co. was entitled to credit by virtue of the loan Heinze had taken out and signed over to them at the time the alleged over certification took placx and also thut there was no evidence to show that Heinze di rected or authorized the certification. Judge Hough likewise denied a motion that the evidence concerning stock sales by the United Copper company be stricken from the record. The trial has now narrowed down to the charge that Heinze over certified fifteen checks of his brother's firm, aggregating 1464.00:', and misapplied the funds of the Mercantile National bank to that extent. Warships at Montevideo. MONTEVIDIO, May 9,-The North Amer ican squadron, which will take part In the celebration of the centenary of the Inde pendence of Argentina at Buenos Ayres, is now anchored in this port. DO IT If the census enumerator hns not fill out this coupon, cut It from The Bee, tn the nearest mall box with the address are not necessary. 1 CIIAKLES L. Supervisor Name . Address Name . Address Name . Address NEXT Dlt. HYDE CROSS-EXAMINED i Physician Says He Bought Cyanide to Kill Vermin. DENIES POISONING ANY PERSON Una Used Cynnlde for Yeara, hut Coold -Not llecnll Uuylna; It nt j Any Place F.xcept nt Breek- I leln'a Droa More. I KANSAS CITY, May 10. Emphatically denying that he ever poisoned any mem ber of the Swope family or any other per son, Dr. B. C. Hyde today completed his direct testimony in his trial for murder. His cross-examination was not completed at noon. Dr. Hyde's dealings with cyanido of potassium formed the subject of the larger part of his examination. The physician acknowledged his purchases of (he poison. He said he used the, drug to kill Insects.. to clean nitrate of silver stains from his hands and to disinfect towels. On cross-examination Dr. Hyde said while he had used cyanide for jeveral years he could not recall any place he ever pur chased It cxceipt at Breckicln's drug store here, where he bought 100 grains of the drug last fall. The physician testified he learned from a pamphlet that cyanide would kill bugs. Government scientists, he said, had also recommended the use of the drug for this purpose. Some of the cyanide, the witness averred, disappeared at the same time that Dr. E. I Stewart took germs from the office. In ihls connection Dr. Hyde also averred he planned as early as ugust. 190S. to experi ment with various kinds of germs. Prosecutor Conkllng Introduced on cross examination several patent bug powders and asked Dr. Hyde why he did not uso them. Dr. Hyde said he used so much bug powder that proved Ineffective that he finally gave up experimenting with it nnd began the use of cyanide. Frequently during the morning Prose cutor Conkllng and the defendant ex changed remarks, the witness expressing his opinion that the examination was Im proper. THIRT.Y-EIGHT DEPUTY SHERIFFS ARRESTED Officers Are Held In Connection with Itlot at Ynkon, Pennsylvania, Sondny. GREENSBURO, Pa.. May 10,-Thlrty-elght deputy sheriffs at the mines of the Westmoreland Coal company at Yukon. Pa., have been arrested and are being held here to await the grand Jury action relative to the rioting of Sunday which re sulted In the death of a miner. NOW got your name, or those of friends, fold it on the dotted line and drop It on the outside. Postage and envelope OFFICIAL BUSINESS UNITED STATES CENSUS. SAUNDERS, of the Census, Federal Building, Omaha. ' They Vote Solid and Are Joined by Fourteen of Minority. TRAFFIC CLAUSE GOES OUT In Other Respects Provisions Go Through with Little Cham DEFENDER HAKES -uIEiIESI Mr, Mann of ..oU, Vt lio Itnd t -air, llci tares II uu Hi .,rr Adopted tiX llwUOO. , v.-Yom .-. ::taff Corrc,-onilnnl.) .. .Slli.1i1V.. iM.i.v 10 rial Tele ,,i .mi. 1 Republicans In the iioiih. today gave an exiilbltio.i of tuim work mat inmie the dcnioeiats fit up nnd tiikc notice, fui the so-called insui-jjuils liil the democrats holding the sa. U vlulc tiny m nl ou r to the regulars utnl by a vote of 200 to 1 passed the railroad late bill. In that vote of U00, however, well' ten democrats who refused to follow tluir party leader an.', voted with the republicans' 011 the rallioml rate bill as perfected In the commute of the whole, these democrats being Burtlett of Nevada, Uilleppln of Texas, Hardy of Texas, Jainleson of Iowa, Kitchen of North Carolina, Nkiiolls of Pennsylvania, Poll of North Carolina, Kiifsell of Texas, Saundcis of Virginia ami Smith of Texas. The battle on l lie rate bill began shortly after the reading of (he Journal today, w h:i Chairman Mann vt the Interstate ami foreign commerce committee moved a ul stlluie to section U of tin: bill, previously Mriikiii out in committee of the whole, piovldlng for a merger of tallroad aim water carrier corporations under the regu lation and supervision of the Interstate Commerce commission. Tills substitute was defeated by nine votes, the ayes be!n;; PH) and the noes Pi.1. .New Enalnnd Itcula Siilistllatr. Most democrats voted pollilly aniilnsl tli" substitute nnd they had the aid of u nuiii hcr of the Insurgent, but the defeat of the substitute lies ut the door of the New England reprt scntatlvfs, who saw in the sqction dlro disaster to Interests of that section ami registered theli opposition In no uncertain way. On tho substitute republican membci! from Nebraska were a unit In lis fuvor although Congiessman Klnkaid voted "no" when his iiiimo was first called out. but changed before the vote was an nounced by Speaker Cannon. The lou members separate d, ns has been their cus tom sjnee the beginning of. lh Slxty-iflrs. congress, ' the jll'.nMhg voting , "aye": Kennedy. Dawson, Pickett, Good "'Wi Smith, the "noes" In'tho Iowa delegation belugas follows: Haugrn, Kendall, oml Hubbard and Jamlcson. Hull was absent, but paired In favor ol the bill. The motion of Adumson of tlcorgla, the ranking minority member of the interstate and foreign commerce com mittee', to recommit the bill with Instruc tional to knock out the commerce court and certain other provisions which the demo crats do not like, was defeated by the vote1 of 17t" to 1.Y7. Congressmen lllnshaw ami Klnkaid of Nebraska voted "no," while Norris voted "aye." The Iowa delegation voted precisely the same on motion to com mit as It did on the Mann substitute. The Wyoming and South Dakota mombei. voted with the majority of the pati.s (hroublioiit. The triffic agreement clause and the pro vision permitting railroad to purchase the stock of non-conipetltlng transportation companies were tho chief features of the measure as reported to the house comrnli teo on Interstate and foreign commerce th:: were stricken out by the house. Slight t haiigea. In other respectn the provisions of the measure as drafted by Attorney General Wiokersham at the instigation of President Taft, and later amended 111 commlttcv. were but slightly changed. The section to provide for the creation ol a commerce court were retained with but fow amendments, as were the paragraphs placing limitation upon Issues of stock. "It Is the best bill over parsed by the house," said Mr. Mann of Illinois, In charge of the mousure. On the motion vlo recommit the bill twclvi republicans voted with the democrats. They were Cary and Leuroot of Wlsconiln, Davi-, Llndberg and Nelson of Minnesota, Fowler of New Jersey, Oronna of North Dakota, Norris of Nebraska, Polndexter of Wash ington and Woods, Haughen and Hubbard of Iowa. Representative Havens, the newly elected democrat from New oik slate, was the only democrat who voted with the re publicans against recommits). llrown afa President. Senator Brown belongs to that cluss of republicans who believe that he should be on speaking terms with a republican presi dent and today without bell J) s nt for, but on his own initiative cnind on Mr. Taft and a a result had nearly ilirn- 1 quarters of an hour's conference with (he chief executive. Railroad lalts legislation wus the topic most largely discussed, the strong points In administration's program and Its weak points as well, were gone over dlspasslun- ately neither President Taft nor Senator Brown mincing matters nor forgetting that both represented co-onlliuiie branches of the govermciit and representative ton if the party In power and responsible to coun try for legislation enacted. Talk must have been clarifying al least I so far as Senator Brown Is concerned for I ho said later (hat tho president uin ii wholesome legislation as to railroads cinl j would do everything In his power .0 bring I such legislation about. I While Senator Brown did not say so in so many words, it Is inferred tint ilu I president feels sorely disappointed uul ps ! slbly hurt, that the friends of 'he Ronso I velt policies and the platform ore ml I more enthusiastic in support of ihe ml I mliilstrutlon In Mr. Taft's efforts . miry them out. ' It is p'arnf.d that the president Is doici -mined to enlarge the poweis of t li Jndi statu Commerce commission and to Ihu commission more effective control the matter of rates. H? Is strongly favor of putting tho burden 011 the gmern incut, rather than on the shipper to n