v'i T V HIE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 9. 1010. ( 9 t 'T OFFERED FOR RENT periling mil Room lonllmfd. GOOD roomi. firnt-caas board. $208 Har- r' . ROOMS and board. 2317 Douglas St A THR iRVlvn. fill t-a-enwortit: newly I'oorated, single and doub.e room with first class hoard at reasonable prices. Table board a specialty. Doug. 6i37. t THK IK VINO. 3102 Leavenworth i newly de. orated. !nl ami double room with fust claw board at reasonable prices. Table ,r uoara a tpm-iallly. Doug. boTi Farnltktil Haonii IS12 CHICAGO (T.-Koomr, with or with out board, single or an ault. NICE ROOM for one gentleman In pri vate faml.y, walking distance, f, per month. it o. iu. HOUTH front parlor for two, $1 per week; . " room, x 831 v uougiaa. TV TV. nmTfiT.Atl Clean, first SuT v."kj roorna, close In. ttiA LARGE fronl parlor; also single rooms. Houia modern. itl Douglaa 8t. ' FURNISHED modern rooms for one or ' .ni',"1"' w ""ft tt . f iwws hotel I,rge outside, and -I.", "Tr ""f twiBil rates or week. .', WARM rooms, $3 uar week; fraa bata. , deo Hotel, CuuBOif Blutf a. ; eTlUCTLY modern rooms In brick flat, ' eto in, reasonable; pnone, electrlo light. J gentlemen preferred. 603 8. Ud Bt 4 run..i?uau rwmi for -'-( u. t. Uth Ht... The Chatham. 2 ELEGANT front reem. OM furniture. KM I gw. gtth. No ttga oot knuaev A ale large room on lot floor; pleaaaa: surroundings and r,ltb private family; suit able tur two gentlemen. J2S t). 2btri Av fvVb furnished rooms, enaulte, very cn J (raj. Inquire lit Farnam, 2d floor. '$ TWO nice single rooms. 2211 Farnam. v ..n . . m . , n - . . TWO front rooms, strictly modern for Hutu housekeeping. 4761 N. 24th. TWO modern well furnished, southeast frvnt, rooms; private family; beautiful lawn. 702 Georgia Ave. FRONT rooms, modern; railroad men preterrcd. lbU Uurt Ut. '' VALKlNO distanoe, very modern, pleas ant rooms. 2110 Chicago UL NICKl.lf furnished roum, now, all mcl (in, desirable location. 120 B. 30th St. .' LAKUK, airy, comfortable, two baths; few quiot roomers; large porch, lawn; $10 and Doug. 2'I24 liarnry. TWO nicely furnished rooms; strictly ern. HanAcom bark a strict, H i tt. Tel. Harney 146. FOR RENT Modi-rn furnished fronl worn and alc-ove near Grand hotel. Ad dres H, Omuha Bee, Council Bluffs. BOOM X i) ib lied; ROOMS Newly papered, elegantly fur- noaera; iront ana back parlors. iiu vapiioi- FRONT room, strictly modern. 1822 Capl 'ol Ave. NICE large steam heated furnished room '.or one, two or three young men or women; board If desired. 201 Farnam. Harney &27H. 18H Chicago St-Nlcely furnished fronl v 'oom, suitable for two gentlemen. LA ROB room, - good location, walking distance. 607 S. 26th Ave, FURNISHED rooms, house new; plenty hot water, tie N. Uib. TWO rooms, strictly modern, six blocks front postofflce. 60S N. 20th St. 'NICELY furnished room, new, all mod ern, desirable location. 120 8. 30th St. ' . FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, near 1 - car line, am S. ISth. FURNISHED room with or without board. 10U2 8. 20th St , 2401 HARNEY St., front room;, desirable location; walkir.g distance. , VERY nicely furnished large room, suit able for one or two. 201 S. .26th Ave. SINGLE room for gentleman, 17. Maaon. Tel. II. 2793. 2001 UNE large splendid furnished room; strictly modern; walking distance; close to e, tn st. oar. can uowey Ave. rci. Douglas 6401. FURNISHED rooms; one block from car llhe; reasonable price. 1711 8. 23d. ' STRICTLY modern, front room; close In. Tel. Doug. 4968. 1816 Chloago ht NICELY furnished front room; $2.60 per ' week. 1911 Cass. . NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 116 S. m nth. . th. KY-European hotel. Uth Fariam. iNISHED roo.ns f jr rent 211 N. ISth 'NICELY furnished roomn for gentlemen. '4W!4 H. iSth. NICELY furnished front parlor, reason able. 1824 Webster. FOR RENT Large front room, fornla St. 3041 Call- , FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 204 8. 20th. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2116 California. Fl'Pt.viSHED or unfurnished rooms; res- QNH modern sleepmg room. 710 N. 16th St., Id floor. 000 N. 17th, front and back parlor, to gel her or separate; also single rooms, mod- em W .'E large front sittlns room. Iara clothes closet, for man and wife or two or three gentlemen. 111 N. 20th. TWO nice single rooms; modern. 201 S. t4th. 22M Farnam Large well furnished, eouth front. 'FOUR furnlsheJ rooms for house keeping; no children; references leitulred. $ N. 40th. QOOD rooms for gentlemen. 218 N. 19th. 'FURNIHHED rooms. $3 per month, for 'young men: electric light, steam heat. tele Shone, running water, laundry and press ng privileges. 1627 Harney. TWO nloely furnished rooms. MIS Dewey Ave. TWO front rooms; e week. 2202 Farnam, KLKOANTLY furnished. large room, modern, private family; cheap. 712 N. Uth M. Red im TWO ncely furnished rooms for two or three peui-ls. 61b X. 18th St. WANTED Two gentlemen to occupy front room; modern. 2471 Harney. NICELY furnished, modern room, $2.59 per week. 613 N. 19th. "We had twelve calls in per son and fiftetn over the 'phone ifor the property advertised in our one inch ad. We find The Bee pays us best. McNeill-Jewell Realty Co., Farm Lands a Specialy, 515 North 24th St., South Omaha. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralshed Hooma ELEGANTLY furnished, large rooms; all modern; private liotise. Hed 772. 1818 Chi cago. NICELY furnished soutn room for gen tliman. 1707 Dodge. BEAIT1FIL rooms, facing south; close In. 621 8. lath. TWO large rooms, one with alcove; bosrd If desired; private. 114 8. 19th St. ONE or two nicely furnished rooms; pri vate family, 616 8. 26th St. Tel. Doug. 7714. Furnished rooms. $ira and 12; mod em. 1M N. $0th 44t Apply after S o'clock. NEWLT furnished room, everything atrlotly first class and modern; wlthlu walking distanoe. 2220 Douglas. FIRKT class modern furnished rooms, everything new, close In, good neighbor hood. Reasonable. 604 N. list. Tel. Krd $083. FURNISHED room In private I"727 Capitol Ave. family. FRONT room. suitable for one or two; two preferred; board If dealred; reasonable. tit N. Kid. HANDSOMELY furnished room In pri vate family: modern; walking distance. 2221 Douglas. Phone Doug. 7001 FOR RENT Furnished, nice front room, pleasantly located, convenient and reason able. 2102 Maple St. THREE rooms In private family; all new furniture and everything modern; gentle men only. 2401 Harney St. LARGE parlor, close In, 114; two cosv outside rooms. $4 and t7; close In. Tel. B 1059. 1814 Chicago. NICELY furnished rooms, modern; $2.M per went. (4,4 Harney Bt. SOUTH front room, modern, for two; no other roomers; nice lawn. 2420 Spencer. lei. vi coster ui. ONE front room furnished, modern. N. Uth St. 4U FOUR rooms, partly flour. 829 S. tih. modem, grcund THREE Very fiesirable housekeeping rooms, parlor floor, 136 per month. bM 20111 Ave. fTha Hani-nin First-class family hotel "v-u'b1" 1042 Ueorgla Ave. H-52L MODERN rooms. Vhone. Hot and cold water all hours. 1F13 Douglas. SINGLE room, modem; $1.50 per week, &7S Harney. FRONT parlor and single room. Iflth, td floor. 614 S. SINGLE or double rooms, modern. 8. ltfth. 621U OUTSIDE rooms; bath. floor, flat 12. 624 8. 16th, td THREE unfurnished light housekeeping rooms. 2416 Capitol Ave. Tel Douglas 30. MODERN furnished rooms. 2042 Farnam. TWO single rooms. 2606 Dewey Ave. TWO small rooms and three large eouth rooms; modern. 2111 Douglas. NEWLY and nloely furnished rooms, a new flat Doug. 6462. 214 N. 25th St, lu NICELY I'urnlshed rooms; modern. S. 17th Ave. 714 FURNISHED and unfurnished 2406 Cuming bt. FRONT parlor; modern. 'Phone Douglas 6686. 2038 Farnam. NICELY furnished large modern room; new house; five blocks from postoffice. 2012 Chisago. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms; rea onable rent. 2636 Capitol. LIGHT, airy rooms; two baths; large porch; lawn; reasonable. Doug. 2091. 2&!4 Harney. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, men; $1.23 per week. 612 S. lath 8t THREE elegant modern rooms; walking distance. 216 N. 22d Bt -- SINGLE front room; modern; walking distance; board If desire. 701 Georgia Ave. Uarney 2120. FINEST rooms in town, south exposure, walking dlstanco. 2026 Dodge. NEWLY furnUhed rooms, strictly mod ern; $1.60 and $2. 2471 Dodge. NEWLY furnished room; modern cheap. 807 8. 20th St and FURNISHED room for rent. 2804 Doug las. SINGLE room for gentleman, $7. Mason. H. 2793. 3001 FRONT room, ground floor, large porch sua yara, iv u n. Aim. MLii rurnisnea room; gentlemen pre- icrrea. ?ut uuage. EIGHT rooms newiy furnished. West Far nam district, June 1 to October 1; $J0 monthly, to reaponnirjie party. I'lione bu foie 10 a. m. Harney 18. Iloasekeeplna; Rooms. A 8U1TE of three elegant new rooms. mudern. zzu . roth. TWO large front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; modern; cooking gai and private pnone; no children, dm a. zsm. FRONT room; furnished for housekeep ing. $2.60. 2218 Leavenworth. TWO rooms with gas. 13.73 woek. Dodge. 2401 FURNISHED rooms; light housekeeping privileges. 2708 Farnam. LARGE, pleasant, front room for light housekeeping; bath, gas, telephone. 601 3. 29th Bt Two unfurnished rooms. TWO clean rooms, two beds, gas rsnru. Phone Douglas 3902 or call 1613 Webstei TWO and I furnished and unfurnished apartments for light housekeeping; steam heat and modern, $12.60 per month. 47u8 N. 24th St. TWO desirable housekeeping rooms; gas and linen furnished; In modern flat, close in; rent reasonable. 2114 Chicago St 8U1TES of two and three light house keeping rooms, ground floor modern, light, telephone, cooking gas and laundry fur nished; price reasonable; piano in house. 'ii ho. 2!th Ave. TWO unfurnished housekeeping room. 1310 8. 11th lit. $8 per month. SUITE of housekeeping rooms, modern. 601 N. 18th. TWO furnished rooms, $2.16 week. 2T Leavenworth bt. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 411 is. ism. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, modern, clean! cool. 2026 California St. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms; $ newly papired front rooms for light housekeeping; modern except heat) no children; $16 per month. 1814 N. 24th bt TWO front modern housekeeping rooms 710 N. Win bt, 3d floor. OFFERED FOR RENT Housekeeping; Itooms C'ont Inard. ROOMS for llsbl uousekecnlng; modern. MIS Howard. TWO front rooms tor l'Knt housekeeping; modern. 2ul5 Leaven wortli. MAY 1. furnished rooms, strictly modern. for liKht !iout'ki-t ping; 2 people only, lubl Oeorgla Ave. Harney 2S80. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. 622 S. 20th. NICELY furnished Hunt housekeeping rooms. 20X Faii,am. Red 5211. TWO nice rooms for housekeeping. 2224 Farnam. TWO rooms for housekeeping or Bleep ing. 2217 Howard. Tel. D. inli. TWO modern rooms. 2004 California St THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. KB N. 16th 6t. TWO or I newly papered front rooms; modern ; refrigerator. 614 S. 22d. Doug las 1177. THREE or four rooms; best location. Douglas 62. Ilrrht housekeeping IIS South ISCth Ave. HOUSEKEEPING rooms; cheap rent. 1U12 Dodxe. TWO or three large front rooms fur nished, with refrigerator, gas range, phone, sewing machine; no children. 207 N 2uth. SUITB of housekeeping rooms; private entrance. 115 Capitol Ave. NEWLY papered housekeeping and sleep ing rooms. 710 8. 14th. NEWLY papered and furniwhed rooms complete, for Unlit housekeeping, ensulte or single. Douglas w.'J. UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeep ing. tl N. 17th St. MODERN housekeeping apartment. Burdette tiL 1604 FURNISHED rooms tor light housekeep ing. G0S N. Uth. TWO to four unfurnished rooms for housekeeDlne: all modern: light heat and telephone furnished. 1041 Park Ave. Phone Harney J9C2. TWO front rooms, strictly modern, light housekeeping. 47CS N. 24th. for FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms, 2412 Dodge. STEAM healed modrrn 4-ronm apart ment, unfurnished. 4TWi N. 24th St. I OR 3 completely furnished, modern rooms, to couple without children; private lamuy. 6 a. 24tn Ave. COMPLETE furnished rooms for house keeping; everything modern. 315 8. ztth at. 2 OR I rooms, light housekeeping; park district; 2 rooms with gas. S3 per week; S rooms with gas. 13.60 per wecK. uu a. 27th St. FURNISHED housekceulnrf or sleeping rooms; large. modrn flat, close in, $2.a0 and $3 per week. 647 . 4tn Ave. Uaforalshed Rnomi. TO RENT Three unfurnished rooms fof light housekeeping. 4532 N. 8th St. Phone Webster 3506. THREE modern unfurnished rooms, $10. 3001 Jackson. FIVE rooms; upstairs; all modern, except heat 16Z7 uurdette. TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. 2028 S. Mary's Ave. UNFURNISHED rooms for rent; reason able. 1703 California St THREE nice housekeeping rooms, 18th and Webster. Apply at office. 1726 weoster. THREE-ROOM flat; larre rooms; modern except heat; $10. 2205 N. 20tn. FOUR unfurnished rooms for light house- keerjlnc: aul modern: llcht. heat and tele phone furnished. 1041 Park Ave. Phone Harney 3902. FOUR large, airy rooms: gaa and bath $16 a month: no children. Call Sunday. 3J07 N. 24th. KnrnlaheU Houses and Flats. EIOHT rooms, newly furnished. West Farnam district. June 1 to October 1, fi0 monthly, to responsible party. Phone be fore 10 a. m., Harney 1668. FOR RENT A 6-tootn furnlahfd apart ment In Barnard apartment house, 2!th and Leavenworth. June 1st. Address W 661, Bee, 4-ROOM flat and alcove, with piano; modern, for rent. Call Harney 42S8. SIX-ROOM house, partly furnished, sum mer or longer, $40. 35,ri8 Jaokson. Apartments and Flats. 4-ROOM modern flat, $19 00; 2210 Nchola-. 6-ROOM flat, good condition, on par Ave., $34.00. 'Phone Harney . CENTRAL, all modern 4-roora flat N N. 23d. ELEGANT apartments, race. Webster 4-18. Blrehlow Tor. FOUR-ROOM semi-basement flat In Dun ay, 10th and Pierce Sts.. steam heated. CONRAD .OUNG. Tel. Dougias 171. 1518 Dodge St CENTRAL APARTMENTS One cool, high grade flat, full modern, high finish, hardwood. 6 rooms, each entered from prlate hall, hot water free all year, steam heat, gas renge, ahadea; walking dlstanco, yet all csrs. Hummer, $J7; winter, $7 more. Double price gets no better. Take nobody's word; see It yourself. Reference required. BEMIS-CARLBEKO CO., Geo. P. Beniis. C. G. Carlberg. 480 Uraudela Bldg. Both Phones. 4-ROOM apartment Vl 22d. BEAUTIFUL apartn.ent at 83d and Far nam, will be vacant soon, 6 rooms, loca tion very finest In the city. Call Wm. K. Potter, Harney 2215. HEATED APARTMENTS. Northwist corner of 2f.th Av.-. and Dewev Ave.; new, 6-r., lower, water, heat and Janitor servlcv furnlHhed, $10. UEOHGE & COMPANY. luOl Farnam St. TWO-ROOM apartments: bed $.16-00. The Howard. Red 41S7. In wall; 8-r. brick for roomers, between High school and Crelghtun; Btrictly modern, yard. $45. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21J2. 122 N. 30th St. VERY FINE 6-room aport ment, $37.50. WALKUP REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 876-878 Brandeis Uldg. Douglas tJi. EIGHT-ROOM flat. $.r0.OO; 4-ronm apart ment. $30.00. The Manuel. Red 4487. Iloases and Callages. FOR RENT Choice 6-room upper flat, 6144 N. 22d ht.; new plumbing, bath, pol ished floors, fine view, $t- Tel. Red 6204. JlCVUtiKHOLD (JOODS packed, forwarded; cheap flight rates; uioln and storlns.. kxpiesainen s tiellvary Co. Tel. Iiou. t4 FOR RENT 3308 Poppleton Ave., new S-rooin apartrmnt; 6 bed rooms and sleep ing porch; f irst-L-lass in every way; $tiu per month; Field club dlRtrlct". peters Trust Co., Ground Floor, N. V. L. Uldg Doug. 8'.'8. HAXSCOM PARK DISTRICT. 8-room fully modern flat; hardwood floors thi'uughout; 40 to desirable tenant. Wright A l-i&bury. ,".0i S. Kith t. 'Phone D. 1S2. FIVE-ROOM cottuKe basement. 8. l.uii. and four-room 2604 1K)DGE. 7 rooms, $:7.50. ROOMS. 1321 H. 2Sth. all modern except furnace, ix Harney tSi. CARPET CLEANING Vacuum system. On aha Van at Miui ai e Co.. w 4. Lib at. Tel. D. Ind. A-1X HOUSES ,n ,'' " ' be clt. .j yj .j t. .;re!gn e .. 14. a Bio SER OUR LIST BEFORE RF-VTIN-O gave time soil money, all sixes, all prioea. PAVNK. BOSTWICK SI.ATEH. tth Floor. N. Y. Ufe Bldg. 8-RCOU Haw modern house. U No. Slsi. on blvo.. $- Kuy 'ov. Co, Jii) .Neva: Uik. HOUSES, insurance. Rings sit. Barker B-k. OFFERED FOR RENT llonaee and t'ottagee . Ion tinned, -room brick bouse, all no'irv aorta part of City, $26. 4-room, fust floor apartment, I62t N. Uth t, UtU. I alee rooms, hit Clark Bt. n. C. 14. BACHMANN. CM Paxtoa bin. tei. H. xut. Res. D. to. ALL modern, 6-room brick house, finest reDuir. 110 N. 23d St : key next doar- reference required, $X per mo; owner pays water. Apply H. F. Curtis. Telephone Harney ltao. 6-ROOM. modern. 162 Maple 8t $17. HOUSES FOR RENT. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. fiulte 4U4 N. Y. Life Uldg. Red l9t. OMAHA Van ft storage Co., pack, mora store h. h. goods; storehouse. 1U0-24 N. Uth; office low S. 17th St Tel. Douglas HOUSES. flats, Garvin Bios,, Id floor N. Y. L. ONE all-modern T-room brlrk flat, newlv decorated; polished floors, I32.&0. Tel Har ney 3562. FOR RENT Hots. 6 rooms, modern ex cept furnace, one block from 24th St. car. ZM7 Pierce. Inqulro 1301 S. 20th Ave. FOR RENT -room modern house. Wept Farnam. fine lawn, shady porch, laundry. 811 No. 82d. Telephone Harney 320. NEW 6-room brick, house; modern. Har- ney 647. WALK1NG DISTANCE downtown and high school, 8-room modern house, $27.60 per month. 2723 Jackson St. Phone Harney losi. MODERN (-room house, 4006 Charles, $;X. FOR RENT 6 rooms and bath at til So. 31st. Cheaper than anything of its slse and otidltlons. Keys at 639. !':e owner at 3l North 2id. IF 6 rooms will do you, look at this. 6 rooms and buth, double flat, easy terms plan. Rents of one will buy both. See owner at 3831 North 22d St EIGHT-ROOM brick flat. 2212 Callfor Dla, $16. 2il3 Farnam St., d rooms, $r0. O'KKEFK REAL ESTATE CO.. 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Douglas or A-2U2. DUNDEE 8-room house, all modern, hear car. Tel. Harney 1937. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern ex ctpt heat, $18 per month. .3211 Charles St. 6-ROOM modern house; (rood location. 719 rt. S7th Ht. 'Phone Webster 2T.90. WrE have the tenants, you have the house. Why not t together? Personal attention given rental property, HASTINGS & I1EYDEN, 1R14 Harney St. $36.00, STRICTLY modern 8-room house. 1301 S. 28th. TV1. Harney 1767. RY OWNER. A nire 6-room house, strictly modern, nice Inlaid floors, mantle; lot Wxl27 feet: within walking distance; $2,7oO. 2618 Caldwell. Tel. Webster 4358. 8-ROOM modern house, hear ear. Phone Red-6100. MODERN 8-room house at 112 8. 44th St., on West Farnam (Dundie) line, after May 16, $30. Telephone Harney 8301. 6-HOOM cottage, modern except heat, fine location, pavtd street, rent $18; water paid. Phone Web. 2002. . . . .... 2212 California, 8-r. brick, first-class, yard, $46. O'KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1002-3-4 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. HOUSES FOrv RENT. 6-r., mod. except heat. 2ll S. 30th St 115. 4-r., mod. except heat, 2U7 Farnam, $). 6- r., mod., new. Just finished, northwest corner 24th and Lake Sts , $25. 10-r.. mod. except heat, 432 Hufdettc St., suitable) for two families, also barn, etc., $25. 7- r.. mod., 617 P. 16th St., In Powell block, J27.50. 8- r., new, strictly mod,,, fine location on corner 2Sth Ave. and California St.; large lawn and shade, $35, including water. 8-r-, all mod.. 2309 California St.. $t7. 7- r,r Btrictly mod.. .Knrnam, $42.50, 8- r., all mod., 25T.7 Hnrny-. W. 10-r., steam heat, 621 Park Ave., $W. 8-r., new, mod., 612 N. 20th St.. $50. 10-r.. hot water heat, 802 Worthliitfton, $). 8-r., nw brick, detached residence, fine lawn, hot water heat, 2204 Howard, $.m. 11-r., steam heat, 2124 tavenport. $iK). GEORGE & COMPANY, 1W1 Farnam St. FOR RENT Three basement rooms, modern, except heat. 827 S. 22(1. WE HAVE two new houses, 6 rooms each, In a very desirable location; they are exceptionally well finished? with every convenience; oak finish, maple floors', base ment under entire house; walking distance. Will be ready In about a week. N. P. Dodge & Co., 15th and ILarney. 2MS REES, 4 rooms, $10. .'loim Decatur street, ft rooms, $18. 2412 Parker St., 6 rooms, $17. 1422 N. lth, rooms, $30. JOHN N. FRENZKR. Both Phones. Offices. STORE or office space to rent nam bt. Western Umbrella Co. 1S22 Far- gtorea. FOR RENT Large storeroom and base ment, 22x70, all newly decorated, new plumbing. 2423 Cuming tit. Rent $30. N. P. bodge Ac Co., lith and Harney. TRACKAGE PROPERTY. We offer for rent the one-story and base ment brick storeroon at HI Farnam. Tin property has trackage facilities In rear. Apply Bee Building Co., 17th and Farnam. MODERN steam heated store, Uth and Farnam. JOHN W. ROBBIN3. 1S02 Farnam St. STORE FOR RENT. 017 S. ICth St., 20x10 feet, good basement, $75. GEORGE ci COMPANY, 1001 Farnuni ru. OFFERED FOR SALE Uagtftee. RUNAF.OUTS. buggies, surreys and stan hopes. "Racine" and other hlgh-gradi makes ".old by us at moderate prrce. Jpun. son Danforlh Co.. 101 u una Jones bts. FINE new depot wagon, also now Moyer single bugy and new sets of harnexM to match. Tel. Doug. 673 or iiK2. B. H. Mob lson. ISM Dodge St.. Omaha. HOUSE, lop-buggy and runabout; cheap. ISIS Dodge. Faraitnr-. DON'T BORROW MONEY on furniture, piano, salary, etc.. until you ' THE J. A. IIUTTON CO.. 614-616 Paxton Block. PRINTERS' FURNITURE. Four imposing tables, lion base and stone lop; also 3 galley banks suit two steam taoles for sale. Apply Bee Pub. Co., 17 to and Farnam. FULL slxe oak folding bed, with large beveled plate glass mirror; cheap. Uu,'4 Musou. OAK rideboord. Iron bed and springs; fine RianogHiiy wardrobe. 2201) Duvenpurt. v FURNITURE FOR SALE, cheap; 6-plece parlor suite, library, dining room 3 bed rooms; brass beds. rug. curtains, drops, oil paintings, beautiful HWeet toned piano; will sell uny part; call at once, 4 J.3 N. 3-ith tit. Musical Inatranirnta, SYMPHONY firsnd Columbia (Irapha phone, splerdld Instrument. Price 120U and never sold for 'ess. Will sell one. which Is brand new. and in prrfect condition, for 1170 O.iort rtason for selling Address O 140. Mte FIXE upright Kiihmrr piano; big gain; owner leaving city. 1"11 Cass. bar- gFCOND-hand typewrliars sold repaired. Central Typea; iter Exchanice. 1607 Farnair.. Tj jiewriters for Rent . 1310 Farnam St., Omaha. BUY an L. C. Smlt Hios. Typewriter. It. V. Swanson Co., dlstrlbutfrs 1112 Far i. am St OFFERED FOR SALE tCont!nuMl ) IllBCCllaaeens. THREE ouster Incn cable for tale. Apply George K. Wright. Be Uldg fD-IIAND oak counter, hand-carved mar ble caablnr plate; wire wlrkel about 4 ft. odd shape; will fit a room 20 feet wide. Can be seen at storage house. For further particulate phone Douglas W, tt Buiie ing Co. Mll'fiS at cut nrlcea: frelsht paid on all 110 orders: catalogue f-e. Sherman ft a4o Connell Drug 'o . Omaha. Neb. BOY'S bridle and ruddle, almost n;-w. excellent condition. 4M9 Cass St. Phone Uarney 1061. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-band. U1S Farnam. A COMPLETE set of drug itore fixtures cheap. Call nt 12l:i s 24th St. Tel. Uoiig- las 4173 or ind. A-?33t. SECOND-HAND scales at 1601 Harney. WB HAVE on hanrl number of Ink bar rels which we will still at Wo each. The are fine for rain wate? or ashes. Call al press room. Pes Publishing Co. TO BUT, sell or trade, at a profit ee. write or telephone MacDONALD & BOYER, 482H Brandela. FOR SALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world in cheap bar fixtures, easy payments uruiir Wlck-Balke Collender. 407 S. 10th St SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col lege for sals at discount Addrese P 60 Bee. LAUNCH, complete. 20S8 Lake St. FOR SALE One eight-inch joiner, with pole, rounder attachment; used one year. One 7-ineh band saw, com plete, good as new. Both $100 cash. PERSON, Columbus, Neb. M A t.LEA HLI steel ranKe, perfect con dition; also gas range. 3313 Cuming. nil, . rnMtt Window Screen will liie Jconomy ave you one-hair T. H. Welrlch Fixture Co., all kinds of mill work. SAFES Overstocked with second-hand safes, nil sixes and makes; bargains. Amer ican Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. FINE cash register, total adder; bargain. 308 N. 16th Bt. FOR SALE Full mount steel frame papier-mache moth proof fantall freak head deer; exceedingly cheap if sold in 7 days. David Cole Creamery. TENT COTTAGE located at Rod and Uun Club Call at 1103 Harney St. Mr. Klrschberg. FOR SALE At a bargain; one Na tional Cash register. 1121 Farnam St. REFRIGERATOR, in good repair. Har ney 647. 1021 Park Ave. SIXTY pair of roller skates. Nearly new, 21.25 a pair. Webster l'.'Kil. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST,, 418 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1IH Dr. Kathryn Nichols. 60S N. Y. Life Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARNELU Paxtcn Blk. Tel. Red T117. HUFFMAN. 3.8 Neville Bldg. Book free Wlllard Eddy, registered practitioner la U. b. Pat. Office, 613 Paxton Blk. Red 2991. HIRAM A. BTURGESS, registered patent atton.ey. U. S. and foreign patents se cured. 619 N. Y. Life Bldg. fi. D. 3469. PERSONAL DRS. EGGERS' private confinement home, 1516 Martha St., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone Douglas 6230. MEcHAMO-THERAPY Is a druglesa curt for lemt physical v(gor. Consult DR. Margarita Halloran. 226 Neville Bldg. Tel. Douglas 7761. kinder supervision of il. D. MAGNETIC TREATMENT BATHS. MASSAGE Miss LaUiana, li7 Dodge St., bra. 10 a. in. p. m. Basement flat HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. ABLKNE DE VOY, manicuring and mas sage, 624 a. lbth 8t Flat . Phone D. 7644. BRAIDS and switches made from oomb Ings, $1 up; a fine line of switches on hand; mail orders filled. Mrs. P. stover, 2iil2 at. Mary's Ave. Tel. R 3151. A HOME tor women during confinement. We find homes for babisa whose mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha L. Lee, 4U1 Bancroft, lii.. Omaha, Neb, 'Phone Douglaa uui. WE rent and repair all kinds of sewing maculDeK. Ind. A-10b3. Doug, ltiet NEBRASKA CVCLlii CO, liih and uaruty Sta. "When I came to Dr. Milen, .28 Kaingo Bldg., I bad been troubled with rheumatism and oy daughter with kidney trouble, lie cured my daughter in one month. She was weak. Now, she is strong. I am well and only hope others will feel as well as I do, alter taking bis treat ment. "CIIAS. LIND, Minden, Neb." JOSIK WASHBURN'S book, "Tha Under a oild hewer." at all hook stores: prlcft, (l.tl. OMAHA Stammeiera' Ins., Ramgn Bldg. EXPERT china packer; wedding "resent a specialty. 1814 Davenport Ind. il-27o MISS LORETTA MOHAN FORMERLY WITH MONHEIT. Managing, manicuring, chiropody, scalp treatment and electrolysis; ail kinds of ha r goods, 'loupes a specialty. m Neville Block. Tel. Doug. 4231 Opeii bundays from 10 a. ui. to 4 p. ru. W ANTED Family washing, rough dry and finished. Call Ind. A-2&4. Harnty&w2. PRIVATE HOME during Confinement: babies lor adopt'oo. Uood Samaritan Baal lorlura, 74$ 1st Ave, Council Bluffs, la. BTRICTLY private Christian home for confinements, doctor in attendance, trained nuree babies for adoption. 2MB Davenport THE KALVATION ARMY solicits cait-off clothing. In fact, aiiyining you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. lltn Kt. for tost of collect on, to the worthy poor. Call 'pboos Aiouglaa 4JJ& aud wagoot will call. gwaits & McKelvy News Dept Id-hsnd books; Oer. & trig perioaicais. 1U B. 16th. niVORCKS chtalnrd without nolne or delay. Wills end estates a specialty Practiced law 2 yes is. W. A. CONNOLLY. 474 Brandcls Bldg. Phcne Ix-uclas 30H8 K don't ilka to gel personal, but It's rliilit to the point. Vaudeville; latest and liveliest; Parlor theater. 1408 Douglas. f A flVlVTTn treatment. Mine. Smith, ul: s. itn tt.. third floor, nP.J and tcupes for men. GRIFFITH, U1UO u ,nu j, KHKNF.ll BLOCK. MMK. ALLEN of Chicago, baths, aatl glow and massage. lOOu Ooilge St.. oppo site pobtof (if.-, id floor. Phone Doug. iuoi. MASSAGE AND BATHS. Room 3u8 old Hoi-ton Mure lildg., 4th floor. 1.0 liiin M. ni.irway on uauuian hi. KOl'dH dry and fnmily warhlng; neatly flnlsheil. Tel. Web. M..7. PRIVATE Ciinf.nemerit home. Mrs. I ir. Kins, 1":'4 N. 21th St. 'Phone Webster 3-'H POULTRY OERMOZONB la the best poultry medi cine, roup, colds, bowel complaint; 60c. Ueo. H Lee Co.. 1U6 Harney bt BARRED HUFF and White Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. M. K. Foster, Early, la. $2 for 16. SCREENING. N. 16th. $1.26 per I'M. Wagner. 801 PRINTING LEW V. ItABEU. Printer, 1Vh?n11 Entrance on Court BEE BUILDING PHONB IND. A-2a0 for good prlnUng. Lyngsiad Piloting Co.. Uth ft Capitol Ave, DOUGLAS COUNTY eavee thousands ol dollars yearly by having my figures on printing. John 1- Themnson. Tel. W 3684. Miller ft Jamteson, 12U Doug. Both 'phones. H1.K6-UALL Prt Co 108 S. 14th; loo. A IM4. REAL ESTATE RKAL KtTATK DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Rst 18W: promp: service; get our prices. 1710 Farnraa Mb RBMINQTON-LUNDBERO REALTY Ctt YaL D. 12TL 643 Ramge Bldg. New house. R. K. or Ex. T. C. Torrlson, 471 Brandela FRED 8. HADRA. 417-41$ First National sank Bidg. Douglaa 231$. BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 477 Brandala Biag. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CU. LWl Farnam. Ground Floor. ABSTHACT8 OF TITLE. PETER JESSEN, JR. Tel. Doug. IRi. 8. M. SADLER ft BON, 80S S. 18th St JOHN CAMPBELL, .416 N. Y. U D. 1071. GUARANTEE Abstract Co.. 1623 Farnam, Neale & Norton l.r CITY PHOPBRTY FOR lAI.E. TO CIX3PE AN ESTATE. $18,000 120-foot front by lW-foot deep on 24th street, South Omaha, Neb. This property Is renting for $1K6 per month now and be fore thp decease of the owner the rents were $il8 per month. Address W. R. Ful ton, County Judge, Fillmore Co., Nebraska. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & SLiATER, 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. 2324 S. 36th St., new cottage, 6 rooms, good attic, oak floors, electric light, bath room complete, all ready to move Into. Price, $2,760; $".00 cash, balance monthly. 2340 S. 35th St., new bungalow, five rooms, oak floors, electric light, complete bath room. Price, $2.6jO; $600 down, balance monthly. 3418 Patrick Ave., 7-room house, city water, eleotrlo light, three lots, one lu fruit, one for garden and one for Improve ments; 3V4 blocks' to Harney car. lmine daite possession. Price. $2,200. Easy terms. In Field Club. District Large 8-room house, all modern, east front, paved street, lot 71x166, $6,800. D4xlG5 Northwest corner of 17th and Mason St. Don't fall to see this fine corner; room to build three houses; offered for $2,600. Downtown Corner One block from postofflce. Price, $30,000. PAYNE, BOSTWICK i & SLATER, Sole Agts.VGOl N. Y. Life Bldg. Bemis Park Bargain Six rooms and reception hall, fully mod ern, fronting south on Lafayette Ave.; house newly decorated, beautiful lawn, ten fruit trees. Owner leaving city. Price, only $3,360; $1,150 cash. Two blocks from car. This is a bargain. Call Doug. 1064 and make an appointment W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., " No. 1220 Farnam St. " Tel. Doug. 1064. Ind. A-1064. BUY FRGM OWNER-2101 Plnkney. ele gant 8-room new home; every convenience; corner, both streets paved: new district: near park, churches, schools and street cars. Price. $5,000. NEW 8-room modern house, on car lino and paved street; built for a home, but owing to business changes obliged to sell. See owner at 3030 California street. TWO BLOCKS FROM POST OFFICE Wre offer one 8-room and one 8-room house, modern except heat; good condition; lot RtiitlJO; paving paid; yearly rental $720. Price $7,600. If you are looking for a ood Investment with a fine future, don't fail to Investigate this. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. ' 6-ROOM house. S128 Half Cass, $12.60. 6-room flat, 210 S. 28th Ave., $13. 8-room house, 627 S. 17th Ave., $:. 8-room house, mod.. 244.7 Lake, $20 10-room house, 210 S. 28th Ave., $2.1 J. H. PARROTTE, 33-i Board of Trade. Investment 8 new brick flats. 7 rooms and recent Ion hall each flnt. tiled baths, oak floors first floor, birch and white enamel finish second floor, built in wardrobes, combination lights, full basement with ocmented floors, lot 1)0x132 feet; 7-room modern frame house In rear; rental J175. Pries, $130,000. Cun make terms. Easy walking distance. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., No, 1320 Farnum St Tel. Doug. 11W4, Ind. A-1064. $3 150 2343 SOUTH 34TII STREET HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT This house has large living room extend ing full width of the house, with large colonade opening between this and dining room; lurge dining room and kitchen on first (lour; has opn stairway to second floor; two bedrooms and bath and large closets upstairs; has burment bricked up and cemented; furnace heat and Btrictly all modern in every way. This house is about 1 year old, has just been newly decorated and floors refinished. See this at once if you are looking for a home In this locality. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, INVESTMENT 3-Story Brick Business, $8,500 Store room and flats, above. At a very low rental It brings $U36 per annum. Can make good firms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite C24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 119. PARTY wanting suburban property can not afford to miss this rare opportunity. Heven-room house, electric lights, city water, permanent walks inside and out aide: barn and other Improvements; in Wist Ames avenue district; high and dry, overlooking the valley; must sell at once and will cut It louse for $1,700.00. 'Phone the owner, Doug. 3746 or call at 3ut) . Uth Ht. W. O. JENSEN, builds homes right) plan furnlahsd. 273 Fpaldmg. Tel Web. 8Mb 7-Room Modem, $500 cath balance very easy teims; on ear line; full lot; gord house; ono of them at $2.8o0. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suits 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red I'.iM. FOR SALE or exenange, valuable 1.000-acre r-uch, in famous Keystone district, with well-built modern house and a, trial smaller houses for help; all fenced and cross-fenced and generally well Im proved. Owner desires to ret lie, and for a iiulrk sale will take $36.00 per acre. Tele phrne owner at Wb. 6728 or address Farmer. 3t23 Decatur St. REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOI'tCHI'l KOH liLR. (Continued.) Down Town Investments 2r.xT5 Near ISth and Howard 8ts . with B-rorn cottsge; Just rlht for a smalt store build Ing. Price $3,750. MV0 .e.-rnth 18th. 7-room house, renting for $Jfi; fine location for a small apartment house, one Mock from Dally News Uldg. and Y. W. C. uixire Near Kith and IVuglae.' House Will rent for $f00 per year, paying a fnlr Interest on the Investment until the business district reaches It. This Is your opporl unity t make a fortune. 7xir2 On Farnam St.; fine bvlok buildings rent ing for $1,600 per yeer. Cheapest Improved piece on the street. 44x132 1 block from new W. o. W. P-UIg., one and one-half blocks from lrtth and Harney. Will double to value soon. A location Ilk this will SOON HE BEYOND your reach. See Us for Invest ments Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. Bargains - W have a large 8-room house In Kmtns Place, that we can sell t a bargain on, easy terms. First floor finished In oak, second floor maples With birch doore. Price, $'S.0U0. We also have five new houses north of Field Club that we ran sell cheap and at reasonable terms. Prices range from $4,000 to $6,000. If you are looking for a bargain call M our office and see our list of bargains. International Land & Invest ment Co. 810-12-14 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 3133. Independent A-2S71 Trackage Lots. lfith and Manderson Sts.. several large lots fronting on liith St.; have tracks In rear; 130 ft. deep. Ask for prices. 22x120 fronting on 10th St., near whole sale district, $4,000. 22x132 near 16th and Itard, 8-room house, $2,600. SHIMER& CHASE CO., 309 S. 17th St. Both 'Phones. INVESTMENT. Business property, well located, sure to Increase In value; now rented for $2,280 per annum. Price, $18,000. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red ISM. BY OWNER 8 rooms, modern, corner. Bemls Park. No agents. Telephone Har-, nuy 1392. ' 8-ROOM houte; strictly modern. $327 De catur St Web. 1947. LOTS Have city water, sewer, gas und per manent sidewalks. Located on 2&ia. Ave. between Maple and Corby, close to school and car line. These are cheap lots, and no doubt will be sold quick. Only have two left at thene prices. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. aOPD INVESTMENT SNAP Meat market. Including all fixtures. gaso lino engine, computing azalea, kettle an4 smoke house, tlx living rocnis upstair. Will bring a rental or $4 ft month. Owner has cleared $6,000 annually a41 oft account of leavln golty will sell for $4.soh Call Douglas 22 $14 Board of Trade Bid Lot 22x88. located r.ir 16th and Cumin. FOR SALE or trade for residence prop erty, 160 acres five miles southwest of Chappell, Neb. Address owner. Look Rox 11. liordvllle. Neb. 7-ROOM house, modem. Including cistern; will sell reasonable; leaving olty. 1807 8. 10th. . SIX-ROOM, IH-story cottage, new, In Benson, with 2 lota, 8 blocks from car. Price, $1,800. Terms, $300 cash, balance $20 per mouth. Owner, Tel. Benson 681. Investment Corner lot, 3-story brick building, all rented, In downtown retail district. Price. $26,000; H cash, balance one, two and three years. Particulars furnlHhed at office. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., No. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064, Ind. A-1064. NEW MODERN HOUSES Near High School, $5,000 8-room bouse, strictly modern, new, all hardwood finish, full basement, large attic, 40-ft. lot; seven blocks from High school. $,750 to $3,G00 Strictly modern, new houses, from 6 to 8 rooms each, on beautiful east front lots. In a high clans residence district Boule vard 1'ark. Kidewalks and all Improve ments In and paid for. Buy where a good neighborhood In assured. Take Hheiinan Ave. car, get off at hprague Kt. and you are there, prices are low and terms are easy. Boulevard Park Lots $T,76 and up buys a choice lot while they last. Only a few are left Sidewalks and all Improvements In and paid for. Here you can get an Inside lot at suburban prices If you act quickly. Terms very easy. Take Sherman Ave. car, stop at Sprague St., and see the lots. Shinier & Chase Co., , Fire, tornado, plate glass Insurance. Surety bonds, factory sites and business opportunities at Ralston. 80S B. 17th HI. Both 'Phones. AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN New modern home Just completed, with parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception hall on first floor; three nice sleeping rooms and bathroom on second floor. First floor finished In hard wood. Very nice gss and electric light flxturts throughout. Cement basement under whole house. Workman ship and material are exceptionally good. 1 'a vert street and cement walks. An ex ceptional bargain for anyone desiring a well built home In first-flasa neighborhood. Near southeast corner nf 29th and Hamil ton streets. Price, $3,7.7). W. J. Dennody Investment Co., Tel. (A-20T.3 or D. 6108.) 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. "That's My Business" Real Estate and Insurance Also Florida Fanns FREDC. ROCERS, Tel. Dontf. 443. 03 Browu BX $450