Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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18, 22 and 27-inch finr cinbroitJeretl flouncinps,
skirtings, corset rover widths, also wide insertions and
galloons elegant designs in Knglish eyelet, floral,
blind and shadow effects. Thousands have admired
the window display
many 7.")c,
at, yard ,
and 7-incli wik elegant designs, exact simulations
of real Baby Jrish lace ami hand embroidery, on fine
French batiste ami soft finished costume linen fabrics,
correct stylo for the new lingerie gowns, worth up to
ti:Zrl. Sl.59 and $1.98
Knglish eyelet, Japanese, floral
signs worth up to
$2.50, at, yard
18-inch fine nainsook and cambric flouncings, corset
cover widths, wide insertions 4 r
and galloons, at, yard IOC
Embroidery, Edgings, Inserting and Beadings
Hundreds of dainty designs narrow and medium
widths worth up to V2n' a yard, p
at, yard t)C
Great Sale of Linens
$2.25 Hemmed German Linen Pattern Cloths; extra ot n
heavy weight; special, each $Is0tJ
Slightly Soiled Pattern Cloths; all lengths, worth up to Sn a
$4.00, at. each $2.69
Imported Mercerized Dinner Size Napkins; worth up to no
$1.75; per dozen, at . .JfoC
$4.00 Pure Irish Linen Napkins; beautiful patterns; am no
size 22x22; per dozen, at 51. "5
Beautiful Imported Marseilles Bed Spreads; $G.0O (a a
values, at, each 5d.0
45x45 Bleached Damask Lunch Cloths; hemstitched; n
$1.60 values, at, each , UJC
Odd lots of Renaissance Lace Center Pieces; hand made filet and
Irish embroidered pieces; worth up to $4.00 AO
t. each J5C
Hand Drawn Lunch Cloths and Scarfs; all new designs, f no
worth up to $5.00, at, each Jil."5
, Wierd Examples of the Grim Reaper's
Strange Franks.
Hares Won Despite (he Clammy
Iland-I.lfe's Realities and (he
Counterparts In Klc-
"' '
' A recent dispatch from Chicago tells of
an express train, carrying score of pas
sengers, running for miles w ith the 'cold
ihanrt of the. dead engineer grasping -the
Like matiy other true Incidents, the
tory is wirder than any fiction. The en
gineer was at his post on his side of the
cab, his head out of the window, his hand
on the throttle. The fireman was attending
I to his duties, tossing coal into the furnace
'and now and then giving a blast of the
whistle. Once or twice he spoke to the
. engineer and got no answer, but he sup-
posed his cabtnate was not In a talkative
1 As the train approached a station where
it was wont to slop the fireman gave a
long blast on the whistle, the signal that
a stop was to be made. But the train
sped on with unalackenlng speed. Not
until It had gone past the station like a
flash did the fireman's suspicious become
, atroused.
1 "What the matter. Bill?" he asked, "We
j oughter stopped there."
I There was no response, and the now
frightened fireman placed his hand on the
( engineer's shoulder. He withdrew it with
a yell when he found the man's body stiff
in death. With a presence of mind born
1 of a life of danger, the fireman quickly
reversed the lever and brought the train
to a stop.
i How long the engineer had been dead is
i not known, but It was probably a half
I hour or more. A w eak heart, a slight con
ivulsion unnotlctd by the busy fireman,
, and the engineer was dead at his post,
! while death's hand held' the throttle.
Wedding In a I'eiuetery.
Several years ago, according to a dis
patch publlshi d throughout this country,
a Russian cemetery was the scene of a
weird wedding. A young woman who had
. been betrothed died suddenly on the eve
j ot her marriage. Oreat preparations had
ben made for the wedding, and the bride
groom and his friends determined that
Baby's coming will be a time of rejoicing, and not of apprehen
sion and fear, If Mother's Triend is used by the expectant mother
la preparation of the eyent. This is not a medicine to bo taken
Internally, but a liniment to bo applied to body, to assist nature
In the necessary physical changes of the system. Mother's Friend is composed of
Oils and medicines which prepare the muscles and tendons for the unusual strain,
render the ligaments supple and elastic, aids in the expanding of the skin and flesh
fibres, and strengthens all the membranes and tissues. It lessens the pain and
danger at the crisis, and assures future health to the mother. Mother's Friend is
sold at drug stores. Write for our free book, containing valuable Information for
expectant mothers.
and combination de-
98c and 1.25
the intervening hand of death should not
Interfere with the ceremony.
The funeral cortege then became a bridal
party. The bridegroom walked beside the
coffin containing the body ot his fiancee as
it borne to the cemetery. At the grave
the marrluge ceremony was prrformed.
after which the body of the bride, clad
In her wedding garments was lowered Into
the grave.
The story of the rhantom ship, or the
Flying Dutchman, who for his blasphemy
was condemned to try in vain to beat
around Cape Horn until the day of Judg
ment, has ils modern example in the fate
of the ship General Slglln, about ten years
aso. The General Siglln sailed from San
Francisco for Alaska, but never reached
its destination. Months later the sealing
schooner Arletls was cruising about 200
mlUs off the coast of British Columbia
wlv.-n she sighted a shif). The Ariftis sig-
na'ed the stranger, but got no answer.
Ittinnlng closer to the vessel, the crew of
the Arletis made, out the figure of a man
at the helm, grasping the whtel, his gaze
apparently fixed ahead. The man at the
wheel was hailed, but returned no answer.
' The story of the ship's fate can only be
conjectured, as none of her crew was
ever seen alive. It is supposed that the
vessrl was caught In a storm and began
to leak badly, and the crew deserted her,
the captain refusing to leave his vessel.
Won and Lost.
Not many years ago a valuable cup was
won in a bicycle race in Australia by a man
who was dead when he passed the winning
post. The race took place before a crowd
estimated at 10,000 persons. The betting
was lively and the contest close, and the
spectators wore worked up to a high pitch
of excitement. In the last lap Jame4
Homervllle. one of the riders, forged ahead
and got such a load that victory whs as
sured. When within twenty-five yard of
the finish those nearest to him saw him
relax his hold on the handlebars and lose
his footing on-the pedals. Amid the frantic
cheers of the spectators he sped past the
goal, winning the race by a few yards or
more, when he pitched forward from Ills
machine. When he was picked up ho was
dead, and doctors declared the spark ot
life left his body when he was seen to
lose his grip on the handlebars. It was a
lifeless body that had crossed the line a
Many older English Fportsmen will recall
the part which the proprietor of a London
gambling house was made to play after
death. The man's name was Crockford,
and lie ownd many rartr horses. The day
before the derby one of Crockford's horses
was poisoned, and the misfortune brought
on an attack of apoplexy, which caused his
death lato that night. Many of his friends
For Women's
Fine Waists
Worth up to $2
'All very pretty,
new styles . for
1910-all sizes.
Hundreds ot ele
gant, new lingerie
and tailored
waists, worth up
Your choice of 55 very pretty new linen
dresses white,' colors and natural shades,
as well as combinations extremely stylish
made to sell up to $30.00 ." JJfj
A beautiful and complete line of the dainty
summery frocks, in embroidery and lace
combinations, some made with the new tunic
overskirts, at
$13.85, $17.50, $22.50, $25
The celebrated Eppo Pitted Petticoats at
special price never bpfore offered.
All the Heatherbloom Eppo Petti- 1 AO
coats, worth up to $7.50, at vdwO
All the Heatherbloom Eppo Petti- frfl HP
coats, worth up to $3.50, at I d
All the black Feathersilk and sateen QQ
Petticoats, worth up to $2.00, at wOC
had staked larpe sums on Crockford's
horses, which were disqualified by the
death of the owner. Only a few knew of
his sudden death, however, and these were
sworn to secrecy.
On the day of the race Crockford's body
was made to look as lifelike as possible
and placed in a chair at an upper window
of his home, partly concealed ty the lac?
curtains. Teople going to the tracks and
passing the house saw the figure at the
window and cheered him. ..It was said
that Crockford was not well and was un
able - to attend the race. -Crockford's
horses won, and the next day It was an
nounced that Crockford was dead. It
was several years, however, before the
true storyv leaked out.
K Battle After Death.
Of all the stories of the days of chivalry
none is more interesting than that how
the Cid Campeador, "God's scourge up;
the Moors." won a battle after death. T
('Id died at Valencia and before death di
rected that his body be taken to Castile.
Just about this time a mighty army lay
slLge to Valencia, but the story is best
told in the quaint language of the chron
icler. "Three days after the Cid had departed
this life King Bucar came Into the port
of Valencia and landed with all his power,
which was so great that there Is not a
man In the world who could give account
of the Moors he had brought. And there
came with him thirty and six kings and
one Moorish queen, who was a negress;
and she brought with her 200 horse
women, all negresses like herself, all hav
ing their hair shorn save for one tuft on
the top, and this was in token that they
came as if upon a pilgrimage and to ob
tain the remission of their sins; and they
were all armed In coats of mail and with
Turkish bows. King Bucar ordered his
tents pitched around about Valencia and
Abenalfarax, who wrote thla history in
Arabic, salth that there were full 15,000
tents. And he bade the Moorish negress,
with her archers, to take their station near
the city. And on the morrow they began
to attack the city, and they fought against
It three days strenuously; and the Moors
received great loss, for they came blindly
up to the walls and were slain there. And
the Christians defended themselves right
well, and every time that they went upon
the walls they sounded trumpets and tam
bours, and made great rejoicing, as the Cid
had 'commanded. This continued for eight
days or nine, till the companions of the Cid
had made ready everything for their de
parture, as he had commanded. And King
Bucar and his people thought that the Cid
dared not come out against them, and they
were the more encouraged, and began to
think of making bastlles and engines there
with to combat the city, for rertes they
weened that the Cid Ruydles dared not
come out against them, seeing that he
tarried so long.
rianntnat the Charge.
"All the while the company if the Cid
mere preparing all things to ge Into Cas
tile, aa h had commanded before his
death, and his trusty Oil Dial did nothing
else but labor at this. And the body of
the Cid was prepared after thla manner:
First, It was embalmed and anointed, aa
the history has already recounted, and
the virtue of the balsam and myrrh was
such that the flesh remained firm and
fair, having its natural color, and his
eountenanre aa it was wont to be, and his
eyes open, and his long beard In order, so
there was not a man . who would have
thought him dead If he had seen him and
not known it. And Oil Diss placed the
body upon a right noble saddle, and this
saddle, with the body upon it, he put upon
Great May Sale
Most Extraordinary Bargains in High Class Waists
Every day we bring forward hundreds of new waists that
are shown for the first time. Monday's varieties and Monday's bar
gains will be greater than ever.
For Women's
Elegant Waists
Worth up to $3
Daintiest of lin
gerie and tail
Dred waists for
1910. "
in our
a frame; and he dressed the body In a
gambax of fine sendal next the skin. And
he took two boards and fitted them to
the body, one to the breast and the other
to the shoulders. These were so hollowed
out and fitted that they met at the sides
and under the arms, and the hind one
came up to the poil and the other up to
he beard, and these boards were fastened
to the saddle so that the body could not
move. All this was done by the morning
of the twelfth day, and all that day the
people of the Cid were busy in making
ready their arms, and, with loading beasts
with all that they had, so that they left
nothing of any price In the whole city of
Valencia, save only the empty houses.
"When it was midnight they took the
body of the "id, fastened it to the saddle
as it was, and placed it upon his horse,
Bavleca, and'fastened the saddle welland
the tmdy sat so upright that it seemed as
If he were alive. And It had on painted
hose of black and white, so cunningly
painted that no man who saw them would
have thought but that they were greaves
and cuishes, unless she had laid his hand
upon them; and they put on It a surcoat
of green sendal, having his arms blazoned
thereon, and a helmet of parchment, which
was so cunningly painted that everyone
might have believed It to be Iron, and his
shield was hung around his neck, and
they placed his sword Tlbona in his hand,
and they raised his arm and fastened it
up so subtilley that It was a marvel to see
how upright he held the sword. And the
Bishop Ion Hieronymo went on one side
of him and .the trusty Gil Dlar on the
other, and he led the horse, Bavleca, aa
the Cid had commanded him.
Knemy Overwhelmed.
"And when all this had been made ready
they went out from Valencia at midnight,
through the gate of.- Roscros, which Is
toward Castile. Pero. Bermudea went first
with the banner of the Cid, and with BOO
knights, all chosen men, and beiiind them'
Ponna Ximena with all her company, and
COO knights in the rear. All these went so
silently and with such a measured pace that
It seemed as if there were only a score.
And by the time that they had all gone out
it was broad day.
"Now Alvar Fanez Minaya had set the
host in order, and while the Bishop Ion
Hleronymo and Gil Diaz led the way with
the body of the Cid and Dona Ximena and
the baggage, he fell upon the Moors. First
he attacked the tents of the Moorish queen,
the negress, who layest nearest the city;
and this onset was so sudden that they
killed full 150 Moors before they had time to
take arms or go to horse. But that Moor
ish negrees was so skillful in drawing the
Turkish bow that It was held for a marvel,
and it Is said that they called her in Arabic
Nuguewmat Turya, which Is to say the
Star of the Archers. And she wss the first
to get on horseback, and with some fifty
that were with her did some hurt to the
company of the Cid; but they slew her, and
her people fled to tha'camp. And so great
was the uproar and confusion that few
there were who took arms, but instead
thereof they turned their backs and fled
toward the sea. . ,
"And .when King Bucar and his kings
vaw this they were astonished. And It
seemed te them that there came against
them on the part of the Christians full 70.
000 knights, all white as snow; and before
them a knight of great stature upon a
white horse with a bloody cross, who bore
in one hand a white banner and In the
other a sword which seemed to be qf fire,
and he made a great mortality among the
Moors. And King . Bucar and his king
were so greatly dismayed that they never
checked rein until they had ridden into the
ft 1.7 J
For Women's
Beautiful Waists
Worth up to $4
Many very elab
orate trimmed
all the newest
For dress and pvt-n-inft
wear worth up to
$7.50, at
WflMPWC ATTTA Axrrk CTrTr rtr
Very stylish new rubberized silk and
cravenettes, auto, dust proof
TtL Cl Li 11
storm proof coats, samples from
Holstcin & Young, 11 East 17th
St., worth up to $25.00, at
These linen suits are very fashionable this
season all the new style features, very
smartlv made launder well
at. .$10.00, $15.00, $19.00, $25.00
Three hundred beautiful new skirts, in voiles,
serges, Panamas, worsteds, etc. all latest
worth up to $10.00,
Misses' Cambric and Percale Dresses
These are pretty girlish dresses, made of fine
colored cambric and percales smartly trim
med and very well tailored a special group
misses section
sea; and the company of the Cid rode
after them, smiting and slaying and giving
no respite; and they smote down so many
that It was marvelous, for the Moors did
not turn their heads to defend themselves.
And when they came to the sea so great
was the press among them to get to the
hips that more than 10.000 died in the
water. And of the six and thirty kings
twenty and two were slain. And King
Bucar and those who escaped witft him
hoisted sails and went their way and never
more turned their heads." Baltimore Sun.
Melancholy Plight of Denver Man
Too Anxious to
A quiet, bashful sort of a young fellow
was making a call on a Capitol Hill girl
one evening not to very long ago, when
her father came Into the parlor with his
watch in his hand. It was about 9:30
o'clock. At the moment the young man
was standing on a chair, straightening a
picture over the piano. The girl had asked
him to fix It. As he turned the old gen
tleman, a gruff, stout fellow, said:
"Young man, do you know what time
it Is?"
The bashful youth got off his chair nerv
"Yes sir," he replied. "I was Just go
ing." He went Into the hall without any de
lay and took his hat and coat. The girl's
father followed him. Aa the caller reached
for the doorknob the old gentleman again
asked him If he knew what time ii was.
"Yes. sir," was the youth's reply. "Good
And he left without waiting to put his
coat on.
After the door had closed the old gentle
man turned to the girl.
"What's the matter with that fellowV"
he asked. "My watch ran down this after
noon and 1 wanted him to tell me the
time, so that I could set It." Denver Post.
What Happened to n Fisherman
Who Introduced Novelty
lu Bait.
Mark Twain's famous Jumping frog story
concerns chiefly a practical Joke played on
the frog. But the present story, told by a
contributor to Recreation for April, narrat es
how a frog got the laugh on a fisherman,
who was using it as bait to catch bass.
"This happened last fall." says the story
teller, "when I was fishing with Fteve
Crump on a Ijtile bass stream near Ocean
pond, in Georgia. It was a little late In the
season, but Steve insisted that a good,
lively frog would prove a dainty morsel
that no bass even if he were frozen stiff
could resist, and he set out to find on.
He found a good one, put him on the hook,
and sat down on the mossy bank to await
results. The frog was active enough, but
the bass did not seem to appreciate frog's
legs that day. for not a strike did Steve
get. The sun was' warm, the air balmy and
Kteve became drowsy. I don't know what
dreams passed through his brain, but one
of them must have been that he had a
strike, for I saw him start suddenly and
give his rod a yank. Not feeling the ex
pected resistance on his line, he awoke.
He looked in the water, but could ace no
j " 'Must have been a whopper to be able
lo oreaa inn new wne, ne pioomjr
"Then, as he became more thoroughly
awake, his glance followed hi rod. The
New Pongee and Shantung Silk
Yard wide and 27-inch wide, fine nuality, medium and
heavy weights, Tokio, Motora, genuine hand looms
Japanese and Chinese goods worth $1 to $1.7.")
ST.".': 59c, 79c, $1
All shades of blue predominate dots, scrolls, cameo
patterns, jacquard QCa C
effects, etc., at, yard OeJLe. V
Lyons, France, high class printed foulards pretty
pastel shades, etc., at, (jf rtr
vnrd $ld
A limit of 15 vards
at, yard
Women's AH Leather Bags
All the finest leathers
all sizes, all new styles, made
with elegant fittings
Positively Worth up to $15
$2.98 and
a mo
Extra fine India linon
worth up to 20c yard, sold
from the bolt, at, yard,
at 12l2C and 10c
Fine printed Bastiste, val
ues up to 19c, sold from
the bolt, at, yard. . .10c
Full bolt Nurse stripe gin
hams, sold everywhere at
12'2c and 15c, yd. .8!iC
Printed lawns and batistes
pretty patterns for
waists, dresses, etc.
would be cheap at 10c yd.,
special, at, yard. . .SVst
line ran from the reel, and out through the
guirtes-and then up in the air! Just then he
heard a triumphant croak above his head,
and looking up into the tree under which
he had been lying, he saw his frog sitting
comfortably on a limb!
"Pteve was pretty much surprised, and
thought at first that he had been 'hung up'
by that vicious yank of his rod. But I
had seen the whole performance and knew
Just what had happened. Soon after Kteve
fell asleep, I saw his frog stealthily swim
ashore and climb the nearest tree. Steve
had plenty of slack line out and Mr. Frog
managed to wind it several times around
the limb, and eat there resting himself
when Steve awoke. But Steve wouldn't
believe It and accused me of treachery. He
even wanted me to climb that tree and
'unwind' his frog'."
Profitless Tnrn of the Wheels
Shadows the Life of n
He was working with trowel and mortar
when I first met him and, in spite of his
age, seemed to be about as active as any
of his four younger associates. Indeed, as
I watched him at his labors, It appeared to
me that he worked better than they, be
longing, perhaps, to a generation ot labor
that, instead of doing as little as It could
for as much as It could get, believed in the
principle of giving every man his due, even
a contractor. After he had set several
dozen bricks in the wall, he turned from
his work and gazed off at the sun for a
moment and then fanned himself with his
"Kind of hot work out here In the sun,"
I ventured.
"Yes." he answered, cheerfully; "but
Ol ain't complalnln.' If ye'd Iver trold
shovellin' shnow In a blizzard yea wouldn't
folnd much to kick about in a nolce war
rum Job lolk this."
'Been at It a good many years, I sup
pose?" said I.
'Forty-stvln years," he answersd.
'Good long time that," said I. "Almost
Nn nn hut si wAman
despair, and the despondency endured by women who carry
a daily burden of ill-health and pain becauie oi disorders and
derangements of the delicate end important organs lhat are
distinctly feminine. The tortures so bravely endured com.
pletely upset the nerves il long continued.
Dr. Pierco's Favorite Prescription is a positive cure lot
weakness end disease of the ieminine organism.
It it non-tecret, non-alcoholic and has a record ol lorty yean ol cures.
Aik Yous Nsiohbom. Tbey probably know of some of its many cures.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to cure
tham at home, teod 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
nly. nd he will send you a frt copy of hi great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser-revised, up-to date edition, in paper cover.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 tamp. Addre Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo. N.Y.
ML Your
needs retailing. Let us do It for you. Almost every
one In Omaha knows the rlss of work we do.
look to rum simi
S. W.LINDSAY, Jeweler
1516 Douglas StreeL
silKS ox k.k;i syr.m;
5.000 yard of .popular
prlofd plain and fancy Milts,
at, half the regular price--'1
Tar, 39c-69c
Orders Filled
in Basement
36-inch wide, dark and
light percales 10c and
12,i;c values remnants,
at, yard 7!-C
Blue and white check
aprori gingham, from the
bolt, 20 vnrd limit, at,
yard S'iC
Extra fine light colored
madras and waistings,
worth up to 25c, at vnrd,
at 12' A'
Fine white India linon and
lawns, up to 40 inches
wide, and worth 1211'C and
15c yard, at, yard.
time to retire, 1 should say considering
rour age."
"Ol don't mind wnrkln'," lie answered.
"It kapesh me from t'lnkin' about tnc hard
"Hard luck?" said I. "Have you really
had hard luck?"
"Yls." said he. "Ol doin't Know of miiiy
wsn who's had much worse."
"That's too bad," said I.
"Ah. well," he smiled, "we've got to lake
It as it comes."
"Iose jour money on Wall street?" 1
"Not me," he answered, "Oi nivrr lind
anny to lose. My hard luck begun tli
day Ol was born."
"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," 1 said.
"Yls," hn went on, "ye eee, r oi r, Ol'in ii
twin brother of Mlsther Andrew Carnegie,
sor. We was born the same day and the
same hour, and hut for wan little t'ing
Ol moight have been as rich as him."
"You Carnegie's twin brother?" I ri'--msnded.
"Ylss, sorr, only there was win
little t ing that shtood between me anil
"What wss that?" I asked.
"We didn't have the same parints," hi
volunteered. Whereupon ho resumed his
bricklaying and I went on speculating
sadly upon the strange chances in this lot
tery called life. Norman K. Mack's .Na
tional Monthly.
Executive Body In Session at I. in
coin Wants Measure in the
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN, May 7.-Speclal Tel. a. am )
The executive committee of tlie Antt
Baloon league held a i.ession here through
out the day, finally calling upon Gotcrnor
Bhallenbergpr to call tne extra session of
the legislature for the purpose of passim!
a county option measure.
and Despondency
ran II the storv of the suffering, the
m n -unin rt i maml frilif
It allay inflammation, beals ulceration and ioothei pain.
It tones and builds up the nervet. It fits lor wifehood
and motherhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
have nothing to urge upon you at "just as good."
Watch M