Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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i This Magnificent and Suporb
l en Client i aie
of Earthquake
$35 Bed Davenport, only
President of Water Board Sends Re
ply to Water Company.
TERMS: $1.50 Cash
TMi wonderful HtCI)
Tre afford you This magnificent lied Davenport ia made of solid
oak, and the broad, wide arms are of genuine quarter Mfd oak. and
are rapped by massive, hand carved liom' beads. The upholstering is
!one In imported material. Onen- easily Int e a full sixe kfd and has nard
reb Imix for bedding, worth 3 Special prl ce
30 Days Free
Trial on Any Home
. Outfit
City Electrician Tells Street Railway
to Disconnect.
rilr Camp
e-lI Laid Pauartti
Be Tora I p ooa
After Lai ins.
Of the Doner mire situation in Omaha,
with reference to th franchise rirhla. or
lack or franchise. City FleceHelan Michael
fn nay:
I have served lhe re4Uir.-d police on the
Ftrret Railway company to disconnect its
.wi-hnj pomer wire, from ihe candy fac
I lory of the r. J. O'Brien company, 'his
as been done for the reason that the wire
1 in the underground district W own
. lda concerning lhe nuesitons thai now
ctnfroat. the city and the electric light and
tre-t railway companies Is that we should
hire a" finding by tie ccurta as to the
xac; rlah: of all parties in the preimises.
I am actlna uhder tne advica of the city
atlorney's depaitment In lakira the action
1 have to the case of -the O'Brien factory."
Vflder the w the sire-t railway com
Jhy liax thirty days In" wViich to comply
with ihi' order of the city electrician.
Another anjele of the Impending mlx-up
la trnntef by the city engineer's depart
Wr.l; tmichina the tearing up of pave-
''mcnts. All of the down-town districts not
renewed last season Is now being repavefl,
andt he city engineer Is wondering If these
new pavements will have to be shattered by
reason of ordering overhead power and
liht wires underground".
"It will be very regrettable if this oc
curs." said Assistant City Engineer Cam-(x-n.
Omaha has had entirely too much of
that sort of thing, and we were hoping
i-tlvflt we had about seen the end of It."
Police Given
. ' Auto Orders
Chief Donahue Gives Captains In
structions for Enforcement of
4, . ' Speed Ordinance.
Chief t'onahu of the police department;d a list of automobile number to
his crtx'-p ' tne polics atatlon hi a re
vival of the peed regulation of last yrar.
Thr chief explainfd that under the pro-
frisions tf the Automobile club any driver
, shorn numbtr Is Included In the list is
t.owr.d tn fay a fina of 125 to the club in
' the event of being arraigned under a
erart of pred violation. The order to
tBe. polite premises a new (ampalgn against
retk.iea au'omoblla driving in tbe city.
Easily and happily settles
the breakfast question. H
i n crisp, dainty food,
ready to srve from the
pkg. vrith cream always
welcomed by old and
Post Toasties can also be
used to make many good
things better.
The little book "Tid
Bits made with Toasties"
found in pkg. tells
4 ' The Memory Lingers '
1' lOc and 13c
ToaturB Terral Co.. Lid.,
attle Crek, Mich.
V 4
and $1.50 Monthly
-4 vj .1 ,
DAVENPORT value exemplifies fully the
Ui it.
1S!3 -TT-1 WFARHAtlST.
-.- ' -" - ir
Brakeman Dies !
of His Injuries
Harry Richileu, Unable to Extricate
Foot from Frog-, is" Crushed
' by Train.
Harry Richileu. I'nion Fi cif ic
ld early Saturday morning at St. Joseph j
hospital from Injuries, received on Friday j
night ben Jie.waa crushed b traln,Bt,
Valley. An Inquest is to be held by Willis I
Crumby, coroner. j
Richileu was switching a section of a i
freight train when his foot was caught in I
a frog. The train passed over his body, i
mangling his leg and chest.
The dead man was employed on the i
Union Pacific for fourteen years. He leav-a i
two brothers and two sisters. I
1 . .
Annnal aberlan ot Aasoetation Me- I
glasnitk Jaaareaa hi Dr. flu K
Tmith of Council Blnffs. '
Xhe annual state convention of the New
Thought and Suggestive Therapeutic asso
ciation met Saturday. . - morning . at the
Vitapathic sanatorium. 2319 Houth Thir
teenth street, with about fifty members
and delegates in attendance.
The morning program consisted of vita
pathic demonstrations and an address' by
Dr. O. O. Smith of Council Bluffs on the
subject of "Suggestive Vibration," and a
demonstration of the ultra violet ray
A New Thought luncheon was served at
noon. In whkh fruits.' vegetables and
oereals were served, the meal being dis
tinguished by the absence of meats or
The sfternoon session, beginning at 2
o'clock, nas held at the Millard hotel. The
address of welcome was delivered by 11.
B Fleharty. on behalf of Major James C.
L'shlman. The response was delivered by
Jjdge W. R. Akers of LJncoln.
At S c'clock an address was delivered on
! "Fome Chanrea in the l'niveral Substance
I and Their Relation to Disease and Health"
.by Prof. W. H. Lyrchard of Council Bluffs.
This mas followed at 3:S0 with an ad
! flres by Rev. T. J. Mai kay on the subject
I of "Reiatlon of the Church to New
' The afternoon meeting concluded w 1th
an address on "That We Know." by Plate
Railway Commissioner W. H. Cowglll.
This ventng at 99 a banquet will be
served in visitor at the M'illard hotel.
Overland Bandit ftiar Be la aaaUa
rroralaa to Officials Wsrklag
! an the Cane.
' No trare ha. jet been discovered
j Flank Gvigmare. the Overland IJmlted
! mail robber, who mail so sersational an
! escape from the United States penitentiary
j at leaveiimoith a fern- mecks ago. lie U
;the only one of the six who made the
j escape that is still nt large,
j There ia an Impression that Orlgware has
; fled to Canada. In fact, a tip has been re
ceived 0y the Ueaenmortb prison authori
I tie to that effect.
! It ha recently developed that a friend of
lungnarea irora rpoKane mas ecn in me
i . . . . ' .
v.c.nuy of the Lea,enwor.n prison about
a week before the escape. I hia friend mas
... . . , j
at Omaba during tha trial of the Ov erland
. , ... . , . . , ,
I I.lmllMr1 tn.i hnrrtli atmrl la thntipht 1 r
has known something of the attempted'
Jail break of the bandits from the lougla
county jail, mhich ma frustrated by the
vigilance of Cnited States Marshal Warner
and the Pinkertons.
The information that Gngmare may have
been aided in his escape from the vicinity
of Lieavoti worth by some of Ms Spokane
j and Ooeur d'Aleq. friends come, from Pin-
. .
j C. J. hsnrtk ain4 Ja4ge ftaMI-aa lo
j Take Oepoaltiona la Araaaaat
n't la t.otham.
C. J. Sanyth and J. 3. Sullivan of the
i Omaha bar leave Friday night for New
Totk City to take depoauloes there in a
lr.o lam-sult soon to coma up at Red
j Oak. la. The ault, mhich 1 brought by
i Bell Curtis against her sunt. Mrs. Mary
Armagast, ia ever title to 1.600 acres of land
in Montgomery county.
Tttle to the land was given to (he father
of Mr. Artnagaat by her grandmother and
I It ia the deed It him mhich
th plaintiff
seeks to upset on the ground that ths nun
; acted arte rely aa an agent and that no con
i siderattoa passed. Judge tfulltvan and Mr.
I Smyth are oa opposite sjde of the cim
I in which John T. fume of Ulenwond. la ,
formtr attorney genual of loma, ia alas
great savings that this
ings trial wis
30 Days Free
Trial on Any Sin
gle Article
Inefficient Deputies Will
Costly, Says Shriver.
Receipt, front Taxation Estimated nt
Use-Testa Below Those of Last
Year Task for tbe
When the Board of Equaliration meets
June 1 it confronted by a double
problem. The board must listen to the
numerous men who think they have been
assessed too highly and the board must,
on the other hand, do something in the
matter of a probable falling off In revenue.
It is asserted in the office of County As
sessor Shriver that tha total taxes for this
year will not be more than 90 per cent of
tha assessment of last .year. In spite of the
fact that the assessor has raised and will
continue, to raise many returns. . .
The reason given for the deficiency is
that , a good niani' people are likely to es
cape, being assessed, at all owing 10 the In
etficient service given by a number of the
elective deputy assessors.
. Hence the Board of Equalization will
have a pretty problem to tackle, with either
horn of the dilemma exceedingly unpleas
ant to grasp.
"Here is a typicsl instance of the way
seme of the deputies are not doing the r
work,", said one of the clerical Starr In the
office of the county assrpsor. "This is a re
turn on a material yard owned by Hugh
Murphy, the contractor. M... Murphy has
already made a full return including this
ard. but this deputy stumbling onto this
yatd and not making the proper inquiries
has filled out the return and signed it him
aflf. We know he signed it. becausa e
faw him do it."
Tbe. deputy referred to is l;w Hermann,
whose district is .No. HI Mr. Hermann Is
, declared by the county assessor to be far
i behind in his work and the assessor has
! talked of making formal complaint in the
I matter.
Faints la an Omaha fcaloon ana
tarried to Hia Room, Where
i Ha Dlea.
I George I'ingman, a member of the poiice
j force of Oklahoma City, visiting in Omaha,
! ma found dead on th floor of hi room,
i tl" North Fifteenth street, Saturday morn
' ing. Heart disease 1 believed to have been
1 the cause of death. Coroner Crosby will
! hold an Inquest.
! I' fainted in a saloon Friday after
j noon and m as carried to his room nearby.
He mas put (n bed by friends and mas be
I hevel to be recoverirg from bis sudden
t I .miction
Rack Island I rop T.eoorf thews the
eoll ia In Fine Condition
for torn.
Winter wheat has been greatly benefited
by the recnt ralri'. say the Rock Island
i crop report for tbe meek just ended. The
! official siatement from the railroad men-
I that fii-in.r thai IIim. ,. fa.!!
; . ,
the average nreo Dilation throurhou.1 the
...... ...I
" ner in mhR-h tie ra.n came is considered !
i . . . ,. . .
i to rave been the brst posalb e mthod of
v '
ir...uii. bwf,i in in.i iikbi ri'iiuniiin I
The report stttes that the ra'n was
not !
heavy, but light and continuous, allomlng
uit mwriurr iu ir an autuiritea uy tne ary
eamh without having the roo: of tr
growing crops torn by flooded stream
The prospect" fir a g-od min'er mheat
I crew aie nom 10a per cent better than they
i t"t'"'' ,h ",n .
expects that there mill be a
l: K k Island
bumper crop
of corn this yea'. at present corn is in
i excellent condition end circumstance are
I all favorable for a strong, steady gromth.
! But little I expected of the fruit crop.
Ilegaa Charged with Rnnnlng Dnmin
Boy on Bieyrle f.olaa, In the
-one Direetlan.
j M K. Hogsn was defendant under a
I cna-ge of rookies automobi'e driving be- :
i f ore Judge -Cram-ford jeeierday and hia I
j rase wa continued to Monday for th bear- 1
' lr.g of nem- witnesses Hogati I alleged to I
j have been at the mheel of a machine that I
Iran down and disabled ear-old Oeine :
I Varune at Thlm -fifth and
sirot-ts Wednt-aday morning According t.v j
m lineiies Astuxdiy morning, the autarr jb 1 !
overnx.k and rollided mlth young Mahoney ;
mhite Muhntrey m-a riding a m hi-el In tl
sarre dltect'nn as the mnchire. Mahon
m-a. saui io nave ueen Knocked uncon.c.ou
and lacerated in tne accident.
ajs 4 em pa ay Can Ak4
Pnt la Mala aad Katenalona
last It Haa Ikr fhlorlna
tea Plant.
President Psrlow of the Omaiia Water
board ha replied lo the leiirr sent by
President Wedhur,v of the Omaha Water
company. Mr. Harlow ri;es.
"OMAHA, May 7. lS10-Mr. Theodore C.
Woodbury. President, of Omaha Water
Company, Omaha. Neb: Iar Sir Tour
letter of May 4, wh'lch was ee,?erea to the
newspaper of the city for publication be
fore it a received or could be con
sidered by the Water board, variants the
Impression that It nas intended as a strate
gic movement and not in good faith. The
intelligent citixens of Omaha' (quoting
your words) quite well understand that the
additional mater main from Florence which
you ugg-t be constructed is more neces
sary to the water company to enable It
to carry out its contract with South
Omaha than for aupplyint th.s city with
water. Why don't you make a proposition
to extend the main to localities wheia
nater 1 needed? A new main from Flor
ence will out meet tha situation.
"The supreme court of the United State
now has under advisement the question
whether the city has poer to take over
the property in Sou'.h Omaha or to supply
that city with mater. 'The intelligent
citlaens of Omaha' quo;ed from your
letter) certainly understand as a business
proposition that the Water board should
not make a contract binding upon the city
to pay you so large a sum of money for
a new main, needed for the benefit of
South Omaha, until It Is adjudicated that
we have the corporate power
especially when that question
rifled mlthin thirty days.
"Again, your proposition to construct tne
additional water main from Florence is
coupled with a condition that the city of
Om?ha snail first pay you by July 1 hy
drant rentals in the sum of S2UiW. The
water company' franchise expired Septem
ber 1. 1H08. For the Water board to accede
to the term of your proposition would com
mit the city to an extension of your ex
pired contract rights. May this not be the
'secret' an your extraordinary proposition?
If the new main 1 needed so badly to pro
tect Omaha, why is it not your duty to
put It In. just a you put in the chlorina
tion plant to save our citlxen from further
typhoid fever? We are sure that 'the in
telligent citizens of Omaha' do not want
the Water board by thts form of proposed
contract or otherwise to revive the terms
of your expired franthlse.
"What 'the Intelligent citlxen of Omaha'
dc want is that the water company shall
extend its mater mains into the outlying
districts, mhere for the last five ycaj-s clti
xns and property owners have been mith
out m eter. If the water company will make
a proposition to extend mater mains into
these outlying district so a to supply the
citixens of Omaha mlth water mhere needed
for domestic use and fire protection, I m'iil
'recommend' (using your mord again) to
the Water board to enter into a contract
with the mater company to reimburse 1t
for any reasonable expenditure made neces
sary by reason of said extension to .be
paid in addition to the amount of money
the city may othermrise be required to pay
for the water m-orks. - Twurs truly,
"M. T. BARIW, Chairman."
Four Oil Mules
Dump Their Driver
Charles Seabold is Jerked from His
Seat and Thrown to the
Charles Seibold. driver for the Standard
Oil company, mas jerked from his wagon,
striking the pavement head first, m-ith the
result of serere but not dangefous in
juries, mhen his four mules, frightened
at a motor car. ran away.
The accident occurred at Thirty-sixth
and Farnam streets. The injured man was
te ken to the emergency hospital for treat
ment. . r. Standeven dressed feibold'
mound and said that there mas no danger
of eerious consequences, despite the fact
that the driver wa thromn with full force
on hia head.
Ankle Is Sprained aad Other Slight
Injarle. Resnlt from the
E. E. Balch, resident of Omaha for many
years, was struck by a passing automobile
at Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets, this
morning, receiving a sprained ankle and
other injuries, the extent uf mhich could
rot be Immediately determined by Pr. O
S. Hoffman, to whose office the injured
man mas takea. The automobile mhich
struck Mr. F.alch re omned by Pavid Kaum.
rommeneement nt Esthers llle.
, ESTH ERVtLT-E. Is.. Mar 7. ( Special. )-
The commencement exercises or tne KFiner
vl'.le High school mill be J.'ld In the First
Methodist church, Thursday evening. May
20. The graduating addrea to th class,
numbering twenty-four students, will be
given by Rev. Frank H. Camel, pastor of
the Presbyterian charch at Lake City. ta.
The baccalaureate sermon e lll be delivered
i e.j.,. .i-.rini v.v "5 v.v
Sunda evening alay -z n
Rev. E. J
Err)mon, ot th. Christian church.
- -
Special Clearance Sale
Ladies' Hand Bags
' We have lust received thiprueuU of
HAND BAGS Thy all go on sale next
week, incinding our entire stock, at
bout half price. The lot consists of
7 & Ladies' Hard Ba. worth from
llS.te to IIS. sale price . .$10.00
110 Ladles' Hand Bags, worth from
(. 50 to 110. sale pr., choice $5.00
9 8 Indies' Hand P.ags. worth from
- $4.B0 to $6.60, sale price choice,
t. 82.75
These bags go on sale Monday morn
ing. If you want to buy a band bag.
come early if you waul to get g good
election. No such assortment of
Hand Bags has ever before been of
fered in Omaha for twice the money.
in... rtii..n
j hiyUlS-lJIIIOll UrUE UOa
ieu, ud Karma na bta
Costa Ricn City Laid t Waste, with
Over 500 Persons Killed Car
negie'i Palace Destroyed.
SAN JOSE. I'nsta Rica. May T-The esrth
Quake mhich laid maste the ton of t'artagi
occurred at f.fc o'clock Wednesday night. It
continued about eighteen seconds. In the
brief space of time the buildings ot the
place. coUapsed. burying hundred of per
sons. The dead were first ewtlroatcd at &00.
but it is believed tonight that the fatalities
were much grewter. Many hundred more
mere injured. Four hundred bodies mere
recovered today.
Folloming the shock twilight mas turned
to the darkness ot midnight by clouds of
dual that rose from the ruin. Panic en
ued and the erle of the injured and Tee
ing aurvivora filled tha air. Cooler heada
hurried to the telegraph office to summon
help from this city and Alajuela. only to
find tie operators dead, the wire domn and j
railroad traffic badly Impeded.
As soon as the nems reached San Jose
President Gonaales Vlquea. accompanied by
President-elect Rlcard Jlmlnec. and many-
doctor and nurses and a supply ot medi
cines, started on a special train for the
scene of the disaster to lend first aid to tha
survivors. Upon the president's arrival at
Carta go martial lam- ma proclaimed. Pro
visions and clothing were also dispatched
from here.
Hundreds of survivors ate camped out
alde the ruined city awaiting transporta
tion to other points. They are being fed
at the public expense. Seven carloads of
provisions have been dispatched from hera
and Alajuela.
The beautiful Peace Palace erected at a
cost of SlflO.OOO through the reneroeity of
Andrew Carnegie, maa converted Into a pile
of debris. Other public buildings met the
same fate. Many ludents at the college
of tbe Slleeian Fathers mere killed. Only
three of them escaped uninjured.
The tremor continue tonight and the
terror of the people increases as time
passes. The popular fear of further shucks
of a severe character has extended to the
neighboring tomna.
Denaoatfcenlaa Debater of High
School Will Hare Affair at
Roane Mar IS.
Something new in tbe programs by the
Omaha High school literary societies is to
be given by the Demosthenian Debating so
ciety. Tin mill be a dinner given by the !
society to all its members at the Rome j
hotel. May 12. Richard Barnes, the pres- j
ent head of the club has charge of the af- 1
At the regular meeting of the society yes- j
terday Chester Arnold mas elected presl- ;
dent for the next school term. The other
officers chosen mere vice president, Voyle
Rector; secretary, Pievers Sussman; treas
urer, Ueyo Crane; sergeant-at-arma. Paul
Mackin; librarian, Byron Rohrbough. A
short program mas given by the society.
The Ham thorne society met at the home
of Nellie Pritchard at 141 North Thirty
first avenue, and enjoyed a aocial afternoon
instead of Its regular meeting. A play "The
Young Doctor." mas given. Helga Ras
mussen took the part of "Rebecca." Nellie
Pritchard, "Eliaabeth"; Elolse West,
"Marie"; Alma Jensen, "Grace"; Theresa
Hokansen, "'Maude;' Marion Maremita,
"Lura": Ruth Edmards, "The Madam";
Margaret Howard, "Ph. Devlne".
The Bromnlng society had the readings
of a series of essais for this meeting's
program. "The History of May Pay," mas
read by Elsie Wade and 'May Day in
College'' m as given by Ethel Magney. Fan- :
nle Rosenstock read a paper on "Birds We 1
Ought to Know." and a criticism of "The
PaFlon Play," mas delivered by Lavlna
Brown. Elixabeth Malney gave a parody
on ' May Queen" as an Interlude.
- The program of the Prisellla Alden so
ciety included a number of sketches given
by the foiloming girls: Lucile Fellers, Irene
Somers. Madeline Eleon, Ruth Dillon. Hare j
Dillon. Haxel Lyon, Gladys Hodgin, Bea
trice Near, and Marie Coleman.
Th Webster Debating society held -
meeting representing a session of cpn- I
gress. the members bringing up bills and !
attempting to persuade congress to pass
them. 7 - j
The Pleiades society held a program in '
which an old-fashioned school mas repre- I
eenled mlth Florence Smnh as the teacher. ;
Helen Anderson. Ruth Corn-gill, Mabel Wal
worth. Irene. Pramitx, Gertrude Pheiffef.
Grace Burington and Louise Acted
Bee Wan
Aas will boost your business.
"The Neal
Cured Me"
Drink i
A Purely Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless Med icine, Originated, Compounded and Administrated
by a Thoroughly Competent Physician, Take n Internally During the Daytime Only, and
Twenty-Five Doses Completes the Simple Treatment, at Our Institute or in Your
Home No Hypodermic Injections and a Guaranteed Bond and Con
tract is Given Each Patient, Agreeing That if a Perfect Cure is Not
Effected in Three Days the Treatment Will Be Free.
Strong Endorsement of the Neal Cure
I "He is a man that I have always ad
i mired and thought a great deal of. on
account or nis acuity mnen soner ana
his honest and squsre dealing at all
times. I hsve? on many different oc
casions furnished the funds and per
mitted hire to invest in real estate and
handle for our mutual account, and I
would not hesitate to do the same
thing at this time, whenever an oppor
tunity was presented. He has always
been a fine man and an upright citi
zen in every respect, except that he
has been cursed with the liquor habit
all the years that I have known him.
"On one accaslon when he had lost
all pomer or ability to handle himself.
jl taused htm to be 6ent at my 011 ei
, pense to well kno n drink hai!t
I Call or write fcr free copy
jaress, ia.iu czau uurtr. umaui, rtecrasia. institute io'JZ outn lutn cireeu
Sold for Atlorney's Fees
House oi Schmoeller & Mueller
when we purchased for spot cash from a well known law
firm of this city a mammoth stock of High CJrade Pianos.
We have no room for these pianos and, compiled to felauh
ter prices, we will sell them regardless of the regular prices.
Here axe a few of the bargains in this sale, which makes all
other Piano sales fade into insignificance.
Marchall & Wendall . . $128
Ebersole $132
Frederick '...$120
Krell $96
Knabe & Co $115
Gaylord $125
Kimball $138
Decker Bros $140
Keller $152
Hackley $169
Chase $173
Every piano sold in this sale guaranteed by a firm that
has been making good all primises since 18.")!!.
Bell, Douglas 1625
iinia.-m.iwmmmjwm.BW ws- mMLm L.11 ia.ii n
"iBee- Want Ads . Boost Your Business
labit Cured
In Three Days
Iowa's Richest Man
F. M. Hubbell, Des Moines, Iowa
ture. in this city, mhere he remained
and mas trestei.for seieral merks.
Apparently no treatment ever ldPtod
with him fcr very many hours or days
until he mould return to drink.
"I did cot see him for about three'
montha and I mas greatly aurprlned
really amazed, to see him and have a
personal interview mlth fclru recently,
mhen he came to my office and told
me that he had taken tbe Neal Cure
In the early part of this year. It Is an
absolute fart that tbe man looks bet
ter; Is mi'ch heavier in weight, and
surely has a clearer brain and a better
and more active mind than I have etf r
knomn him to have for over ten .tears
past. The results of the Neal fiiro tn
fc1 case la certainly most wonterfjl
of book and contract. All correspondence etrictly confidential
Knabe & Co $200
Vose&Sons ...$215
Ivers& Pond $228
Kurtzman $232
Steinway Grand $295
Hardman Grand $265
1 Baby Grand, Piano $400
1 Baby Grand Piano, $435
Chickering & Son,
mahogany $280
Knabe & Co., mahog
any $310
' Independent, A-1625
At Our
In Your
and if it will rti the Fame for ail drink
ing inon as it has done for him, there
io certainly no exrnte for tbf- drinking
man longer continuing as such and
society and the business norld should
recommend ani urge all tlrinkln men
to taVt this trratment, and if tha
drinking man refusod to oo ao. he can
noi blame anyone If he 3hould he
ottrarlied from the- butlneBS and 1.0
clal morld of the times.
"lu olofing, I take great pleasure in
n-comm ending his In bis new life to
the favorable consldfration of all
those who may hate occasion to bava
any social relations with him.
"R'spcctfully submitted,
I'. M IM'BBnLL."