, , L ! ! : ' : : , lucM laiiiiactarers mi Iters Si a (Eraaiic TrcNTTmmTTpqf C O TI P T J C We Rive them f reel v with 9 tf. II. UrCeil iiaUlOE OiampS all your purchases durine tUSst the unloading sale. Ull your book now, and get the additional benefits of the extreme low price. FREE Jlove Finish 1.ong Cloth 30-ln., worth $ 2 . 2 Tn 2 2- I m bolt of 12 yards, for $1 i.v.v ..... ... mmmm ... J .-.vy-v.-.. . . -N. v T J Uhloadmg Extraordinary in Fine Millinery The well known Alland lros. liats, hundred s of tliem direct front New York. Theso J hats have for years maintained n reputation as the most fetching styles in the ) trade. The ones in tomorrow's sale are no disappointment. They are shown in a World of variety large, medium and small shapes in the newest straws. More Rrtistically designed with flowers, ribbons, ornaments, etc. especially suitable for summer wear. AVe have opened large shipments for the unloading sale. All hats that you know to be fine $7.50 and $10.00 values; choice of the entire lot at one price Children's Milan Hats Charming, new, child-like styles genuine Milans; flower laden and ribbon f , : i. ! ' trimmed, at, each Misses' .Milan HaU -Very fine grade, with colored band trimming; smart, jaunty effects; specially at- i CA tractive, at $2.00 and .letJU Another Ixt Misses' Milan Hats Are distinctly different than those one usually sees All exclusive Bennett a rn models Featured at, 3.50 nd omen's Summer Sailors Big display now. They are popular again. The only real sensible hat for business and outing wear Sale price Lot of 150 Hats No two alike; worth upward to a p 15.00 Unloading price, each .&v) .1.00 Neckwear, Veilings .Unloading a big lot of wide and narrow Ruchlngs V wo bought up at a trifling price. They are all fine 25c goods and come In a wide color range; priced especially for . I IIP , thi sale vv Chiffon Veiling A bargain . as surprising as it Is unusual, 20 pieces only, new 18-lnch clilffon vell- ' Ing, fine for motoring good line of in shades. These tire the usual 50c and IMC fc 75o chiffons, unloading at, yard vV ftoe Goimpes with and without sleeves, a lot for merly selling at $2.00 to $4.50; cut to just half or s $1.00 to $2.83 Art Embr's, Notions Need a laundry Bag? We have a large quantity to dispose of this week and the price is almost half. Full size embroidered bags ffl made of durable materials for 35c IjC selling our price Xalnen Center Pleoes 22 dozen In all. round thread linen; mostly In floral designs; sizes IS to 24 lnch; well worth 60c to 7oc; they are 4nA slightly soiled, but are easily laundered. . llfC Buy them now for... .' . Safety Pins, nickeled; special, 4 dozen for 5o Hair Nets, full slao, usual 10c sort, for 6o Sanitary Hair Rolls, always selling at 25c. for..l3o Human Hair Switches 20 and 24-Inch; $3.50 values for $200 $g75 Unloading 500 New $15.00 and $18.00 Suits for men and young men A llochesler manufacturer takes a loss on an overstock of spring Suits. So earnest was he in bis efforts to cut down his line, he readily accepted our offer of 50c on the dollar. We had to take 500 suits to get the low price, hut we expect to sell thorn all in a week. All wool worsted suits; medium and light weights; stripes, checks and plain patterns; dark, medium and light shades; regular and stout sizes, 34 to 46 Highest grade 915 and $18 Suits you ever hought, brought to you now, for $8.75. IJoys' Kong Pants Suits Greys, tans, browns, etc., 14 to 20-year sizes; made to sell at $5 to $8.50 (CJ QCJ Men's and Young Men's 1'ants Worsted and casslmeres; rood, well made, $4.00 and $5.00 styles Sizes to fit all fla of $1-89 now at Hoys' Suiti Worsted and casslmeres; Russian Norfolk and double breasted; 3 to 16 years; $3.00 and $3.50 suits 1.50 Shirts, $1.00 Negligee and pleated shyrts; wide range of patterns; all styles men want; save a taird on fff aa them, at 91.UU I'ure Silk Half Hose Black, grey, navy, tan, smoke, laven der "5c goods now at 39c Men's Neckwear Fancy four-in-hands; full, regular 60c 4 si grades, sale price X?Z Men's Hats Soft and Stiff Hats; blacks and colors; reg-f n ular $2.50 and $3 hats )1. 15 Lot Boys' 60c and $1 Hats and Caps, for Unloading Wholesaler's Samples Room Rugs Selling should be at flood tide tomorrow in the taking orders, but perfect in every respect. GKOirKO INTO THHKK BKJ LOTS $12.50 Kashmir Rugs. 9x12 ft. size $15.00 Wool and Fiber Rugs, 9xl2-ft. size'. $16.75 Brussels Rugs, 9xl2-ft. size $15.75 Iirussels Rugs, S-3xl0-6-ft. size $19.75 Axmlnster Rugs, 8-3xl0-C size $22.50 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 8-3xl0-6-ft. size. $22.50 Seamless Wiltons, 7-6x9-ft. size... $20.00 Axmlnster Rugs, 9x12 ft. size $27.60 Wilton Velvet Rugs, 9xl2-ft. size. .. $29.76 Body Brussels Rugs, 9xl2-ft. Blze... ;$io $15 I $20 Domestic Oriental Bugs 75 tyily, Kermanshaw. Belouehestan. Bokahra desians An uop mraon opportunity to save Rugs size 2 6x4-C-ft., for Rugs size 3x5 ft., for Rugs size 4x6-ft.. for S2.G5 95.05 ( - f rw,pv P"'IW r,N TA rt oirfiririWn Unloading Great Lots Linens, Household Cottons Housekeeping linens and eottons at cured case after caie of the every that will prove a revelation to all, Mercerised Table Hamask Look like fine linen ud has great wearing qualities; easily laun dered, too; the usual 50c grade; unloading, at, yd 32 All Linen Satin Damask Beauti ful, $1.25 gooC-s; extra heavy; very newest designs; some with double borders; full two yards wide; never less than $1.25 unloading sale price 79 All Linen Napkins In a large range of patterns; full 22-lnch Napkins; dinner size; you pay $2.00 a dozen anywhere for suca as these; unloading sale price t 81.25 Linen Suiting Wnite only; full 90 inches wide; in great demand for summer suits and skirts every yard $1.60 value; unload ing, at 79 prices that will strike a responsive chord in the hearts of women everywhere hereabouts. day home needs, enabling us to sell them on a basis of bargain-giving especially In these days of high costs. We have se. Huck Towels At very low prices; two cases of them; two kinds 22x46 Inches and 10x34 Inches; heavy, serviceable towels; tho 16c kind; unloading at . . . 10t The 8 Vic kind, while they last at 5 Crash Toweling Linen flnlshjed goods; 17 inches wide, with blue borders; looks like all linen "V4c quality, yd 5 Hed Spreads A full third less either hemmed or fringed spreads square or cut corners; large, $1.49 kind; excellent patterns; unloading price 08 Fine Comforters -Sateen covered; filled with pure white, light, fluffy cotton; either knotted or stitched; 72x84-lnch; the best $4.00 value, at 82.50 White (Joods Way down; all new, fresh, summer goods. In checks, strlpi's, floral and block patterns light and heavy, 19c and 26c fabrics; unloading at 15? Bleached Muslin Usual 10c grade nice, smooth finish; a splendid cloth; unloading price ...G Bleached Cambric Finished spe cially for fine underwear; 36 Inches wide; 16c value; unload ing at .. .10c Bleached Sheeting Two yards wide; unusually heavy and strong; best 30c goods, at 22 Bleached Sheet Made of heavy muslin; 2 Viinrh hems at top, and 1-lnch at bottom 81x90-lnch, 75c Sheets 50c 72x90-lnch, C5c Sheets ....39c $8 m Unloading the silk and dress goods purchases, prices that break every precedent Save money by spending it here tomorrow Half Price for Linen Suitings Summer's most wanted ma terials, in every popular shade; strictly all pure linen, and 86 Inches Vide. Plan to fill your require ments tills week while the anpply laHts. up. The 50c kinds, at, Zj)C per yd mWM-M Never did a spring season open up with brighter prospects in the dry goods trade. Manufacturers, jobbers and retailers were very optimistic, and made heavy purchases in anticipation of a great trade expansion. But it was all for naught. The fickleness of the weather all season has changed conditions. Goods failed to move at a profit, throwing great silk and dress goods houses Into a frenzy. The outcome is reflected in our advertisement today. Merchandise, the very goods people want right now, at prices such as have never been heard of before. There's an upheaval in the silks and dress goods here that will arouse your bargaiu instinct to the highest pitch. Tomorrow will be the day of all days for rich economies. New Silks at one-third Value 15,000 yards new bengallnes, fancy dress taffetas, plain messallnes, fancy loulsiennes, checked silks, pretty plaids, hair line stripe silks, cream peau de sole, white aa wash silks, etc.! all new, 1910 silks, for HI spring, and 75c' quality, now at In Wash Goods Section Linen finished Suiting; tan shades only, with white stripe; for suits, for dresses and for boys' waists; 28-lnch, fast colors; 1 25 pieces of fine, 15c goods Sale price now at- SSc Linen Suitings, 7c 100 pieces, in plain white goods, with side band border in colors; makes cool and dressy summer suits; 36 In. wide; worth 25c; our price, yd French Ginghams, at Half The best grades of ging hams; such as regularly sell at 25c. Everybody knows the goods. We have two cases a ft on sale. Buy all you need, at half JLaC 7!c The Wonder Bargain In Silks This purchase includes all the wanted silks 80-inch Cash mere de Sole In copen, grey, tan, lavender, etc.; exquisite $1.50 goods rongee Silks; new diagonal pongees and the ever popular Shantungs, worth $1.00 and $1.25 Imported Chiffons; bordered ef fects; Marquisettes; exclusive $2.50 fabrics $1.00 Foulards and Showerproof Silks, In handsomest col orings and patterns Colored Wash Taffetas, for long coats and dresses 27-lnch All, per yard, at 75c and 85c Pongees and Foulards, 30c. Could you think of any silk that 1b bo much in demand, yet, in spite of this fact, the price is almost unbelievable. Natural Pongee in light and dark shades; extra heavy, 75c quality Newest Foulards: late colors and neat patterns for dresses, waists, etc.; rich In finish, and regularly retailing at 85c a yard, per yard, at 39c 1,675 Flue Wool Dress Lengths The entire house stock of a big New York jobber All the 4 6, 7 and8-yard dress goods lengths of the season's new fabrics. Not a single new weave or shade is omitted Fabrics that have been purchased by the best tailoring establishments in America for their better suits Not a yard in the entire line worth less than $1.25. Buy them at the amazing price tomor row, at, yard 49c $1.50 and $2.00 Dress Goods, 60c All wool and silk and wool fabrics, including some high class foreign novelties; suitings In subdued checks and stripe ef fects; chiffon broadcloths, in pastel shades; worth to $3.00 a yard; silk voiles, eollennes and other pronounced favorites; street and evening shades- rose, delft, tans, greys, pinks, light blue, brown, navy, apricot, and black and cream $1.50 and $2 goods, now at 69c Unloading 1,000 Pieces Fancy China Worth to $4,50 each, at 49c Bowls and Barrel Jugs Made by James Broadhurst & Son, England; fancy blue stripe; worth to 75c; no de- liveries, no 'phone orders; V must come In person Water Tumblers Full size, highly polished; heavy, clear glass, worth 60 a doz. 1 dozen llmrt to a customer, at, A each A China sale that will stir things, and to set the town talking. 1,000 pieces fancy China, comprising almost everything made in China beautiful shapes, magnificently decorated; 4Q values positively to $4.50; Monday, each Chocolate and Tea Pots Cracker Jars, Cake Plates, Sugars and Creamers, Chop Plates, Bowls, Cups and Saucers, I worth to $1.50, at UOs Irrldescent Glass Lot fancy dishes Bowls, Vases, Bon Bons, Jelly Bowls, fancy colored all 2 5c pieces 5c Fancy China 1,500 pieces; China creamers, shaving mugs, child ren's mugs, salad bowls, plates, vases, cuspidors; all 25c a V to 50c pieces Choice, 1UC at Water Tumblers Fancy blown, with etching or en graving; all perfect goods, such as always Bell at $1.00 nlff a dozen, at. Unloading Great Purchase World Famous Footwear Ni tiling in this great sale proclaims Its value more strongly than this Uorothy Dodd Shoe offer. Wherever Uorothy Dodd Shoe are Bold the price Is S3. 50 to $4.00 to all alike. They are known as high grade shoe, distinctly Kiiperior In style and always making a strong appeal to the well dressed woman. The shoes we are now unloading are all perfect goods, made in newest lasts and all up to the high Dorothy Dodd standard of excellence. 1,000 PAIBS OXFORDS AND PUMPS Patent Colt Oxfords, with turned soles; two-eyelet Ties; plain toe Gibson Ties; dull leather Oxfords, for street wear; Patent colt, low heel Oxfords, with welted soles, a durable walking shoe; Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, many styles; Ankle Strap, Patent Colt Pumps. We have a stvle for evervbodv and sizes to fit everybody. One of the most unusual trade happenings makes this bargain possible. Every pair bears the Dorothy Dodd trademark. That's your guarantee. Snappiest $3.50 and $4.00 Bhoes that the factory makes Unloading price, at, per pair $?65 Jilw Unloading Books and Stationery The book man, too, made preparations to help the un loading movement along. His offerings speak for themselves. White House Cook lKioks, Woman's Kxchanga Cook Book, 9(p Uood Housekeeping and Woman's Home Cook Hook.... H Wabster's Offioa Dictionary Flexible leather binding best $3.00 values, at . ...8o Tamil? Blblaa, worth up to $. unloading at 93.83 Wliard of Os Books Always $1.26, aale price 750 Canvas Bound X.dgr 1 oo pages; special 1TO L'OO pages; special ISO X,ot Blank Books--Joumals, ledgers, day books, worth up to fl.00. at 3o Bos Lettar run for too Booalni Books, :6o klnd...lOo Envelopes tine ' rag paper, 6c pkgs., at fonr for lOo ball Papor Fancy; special at, four pkg-s lOo "Boats All" Xaa Pencils A fine bargain, Uosen ISo Bonnlson's Oroya Paper Dec orated, per bolt (o Post Card Album Big lot, worth to $1.00, at S5o Box Stationery "00 boxes, 24 . aheela and S4 envelopes - worth 60o each, unloading ' price ' 15o Great Grocery Economics nXZ Bennett's Breakfast Coffee, 2- 1b. can 4o And DO stamps Basket Fired Japan Tea Oolong, Gunpowder, English Breakfast and Ceylou Teas, lb 480 And 75 stamps Farrell's Beet Sugar Syrup bottle ISo And 10 stamps K. C. Corn Flakes, t pkgs. 850 And 10 stamps Shredded Wheat Biscuit, per ikg lao And 14 stamps Uueen Cider Vinegar, per bot tle 850 And 30 stumus Corn Meal. 8-ib. vava . . . . 18VtO Hartleys Pur Fruit Jams, ft. Jar 80o Bennett's Capitol Baking Pow der, lb. ran 84o H And 10 (Stamps Cheese, full cream, lb 82o And -'0 utunipH Gatt'm'd's olive Oil, medium bottle 450 And 50 Stamps Uoublo Clamps on Granulated Sugar. lHamond " t-oup, 8 bars for 86o KTanco-Aniarlcan Bciups, 2Uc pint tans ISo Chocolatlna, while It lasts, lc cans for So Old Mission California JKlpe Ollvos 3c cans for .... 84o 6lc cans fur . . . 36o Bennett's O.ipftol Country Gentleman Corn. 75 down on sale lie goods at .... 80 or 2 cans for J Sc , "Best We Have" Hubbard biiuaah, lie quality, per van, at So 8. W. C. Tablo Hyrup. DO dos. Pupt-rlo,' quality, usually st U',r. can. for lOo Drug Store Cuts Powdered Borax, 15c lb. pkg 9o Hydrogen Peroxide, iOc lb. pkg. ISo Chloride Mine, 20c. lb. pkg loo KBiiitol Tooth Powder, SSc kind, 14o Parker's Tar Soup. 5c cakes . . . . 14o M. & L. Toilet Water, 75c bottles S9o Whisk Brooms, fancy bundle, lioo kind, for ISo V:ar Keeper's Friend, metal polish, ISo Toilet Soap, best 25c per box quality, now at ISo Cold Cream Soap, 12 In box . ...35o Woodenware Section Clothes Baskets Imported French hand made willow Baskets; the $135 values, at 79o Ironing Stands Folding, wide liasx w ood top; full ulie; firm construc tion; $1.75 usually, Ht 91.00 Curtain Btretcbers Clear basiwood; wide frame; nickel pins, one Inch nmirt; $l.Ku sti etchers, at ....91-19 Bamboo Clothes Hampers Family size; square shape; $3.00 goods now at 91.SO 7-five cent Cigars 25c And atlll Less By The Bog Tou know the brands: Tom Keene, Hawk K.ye, Henry George, M. & Wr., St. jHtiies, Otlco Portuondo, Parker Hale, Larry Bells per box C fift of 50, at Horseshoe and Star Plug Tobacco pur lb 43o Tuxedo, Lucky Strike and Kngllxh Curve Cut Tobacco, lOo cans ...80 Merry Widow Folio 1&V ' H The complete score of all the songs ands tha wait from the faninu opera as It appeared In this city lust week The most tuneful muslo ' f the day. The regular 1C $1.00 folio, for That Mesmerising Mendelssohn Tuna the sung that captivated Orpheuni patrons, unloading 1.000 fn. conies, each, at IVW i-a LLs I : . , , , i i ! i 4 1 f