12 THK OMAHA SUNDAY l.KE: MAY 3. 1H10, CKAO AND PRODUCE MARKET Bulls Refuse to Consider Influence of Raini. PRICES ADVANCE STEADILY While fbrk and Kansas Halo, i:nrra He aorta Are t fat arable. Cri Fallon a W heat I anard. ' OMAHA. May 7. MlO. flie heavy rains received In Nebraska and Kansas were not considered bearish oy leading bull. ... , i i Crop report from east of tha Mississippi river are not encouraging. HuylnK n1'"" general on unfavorable crop news n0 prices are steadily advancing. The coin market lacked news, but P'"': were steady and higher In sympathy wltn wheat and good cash conditions. Wheat opened strong and covering Dy shorts and the strength of c"hMn.p! easily sent prices up again today. ' J" favoring the bull slda and a bull market is expected next week, when government ng i.res are Issued. . Corn firmed tip with the advance In wheat. The market was VrKn. hv the exception of the renewed buin Dy ash handlers and outside tra offerings wera sold readily at yesterday a 'V-ri'm.ry wheat rec.lpt. war. els and shipments were f bJ against receipts last year of li.000 busheia and shipments of 201.000 ushel. Primary corn receipts were 1.9.000 bushels and shipments were 630.000 bushels, against tecelpts last year of 277.000 bushels and shipments of 364,000 bushels. Clearances were 85,000 bushels of corn, none of oats and wheat and flour equal to 117.000 bushels. There wss no market at Liverpool on ac count of the death of King Kdward VII. ixx-al renga of options: Artlelis.lOpen.l High. I Low. I Close. I Ye y. Wheat- I I I May... 1 07 1 1 0!) 1 07 July... 1 OOHf 1 01 1 ou'41 Corn l I i Mav... 684 BS' 6SV July... W ! Oats I 1 I May... 4l-'j,j 41H! l'il July... 3Vr i I 1 09 1 01 I 5a i 41 '4 1 89Vi( LOT 1 00 14 VI; chnfce prstrle. $10.;.V8 11 n; choke al falfa, $1 WUVM. KO'Jf Market tc higher; current receipt, new cases, $ft AO; miscellaneous esses. $0.46, southerns, ts.ui; storage packed. In 70. Receipts Shipments. Wheat, bu I7.fi 7.'i Corn, bu 27,) 41no Oata, bu 11.000 4.000 WR4THER II THK GRAM BELT Eireaalre Ralaa la Mlsaoarl and Kan sas, tieaeral Ralaa Over Valleys. OMAHA, May T, 1910. The barometric depression, noted In the southwest Trlday morning, moved slowly northeastward during the last twenty-four hours, and la central over the lower Mis souri and middle Mississippi valleys this morning. This disturbance Is causing con tinued unsettled weather in the central valleys, and rains sre falling this morn ing along the lower Missouri river and east over the middle Mississippi and lower Ohio valleys. The rains of the Isst twenty-four hours wera general over the valleys, and excessive rains occurred In Missouri and eastern Kansas. While no heavy falla oc curred In Nebraska, the rains were gen eral over the state, and were well dis tributed. The weather remains generally cloudy west of the Missouri river to the mountains, but It has cleared In the moun tains and west to the coast. Temperature changes have been slight and unimportant over the plains states, but they are higher In the eastern and southern slates; In the extreme northwest and on the Pacific slope. The weather will be wermer In this vicinity Sunday, with fair tonight and Sun day. The following shows the temperature and precipitation fur the last three years: 1910. 1901). 190s. 107 Minimum temperature.... 45 4 as 43 Preolpltatlon ii .00 .00 .00 Normal temperature for today, GO de grees. lieficlency In precipitation since March 1, Inches. corresponding period In lttos, l)ef iriency 1.18 Inches. Deficiency 1.69 Inches. U A corresponding period In 1908, WELSH. Local Forecaster. Cora sail Wheat Rrgloa Dalletla. For Omaha. Neb., for the twenly-four hours ending at ii a. m., 75th meridian time, Saturday, May 7, 1910: OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain Oat" 124 15 Omaha Cash Prlees. WHKAT-No. I hard. $1.05H108'i: No. 3 hard. S1.02ttMN"V. No. 4 hard, 3ctl1.01; No. 2 prlng. $l.O5'ul.06; No. 3 spring, ll.0Mil.044; No. 2 durum, 80tS7c; No. durum, fttf88a CORNNo. 2 while. Kl&fiS'ic; No. 3 white, fil'fi4c; No. 4 white, 0.itmiV4c: So. color, Hf'4c; No. 2 yellow. BSMrtitiOc; No. 3 yellow, hr(i594c; No. 4 yellow, 67(ii67c; No. 2, 594 fiOc; No. 3, 59(fcrp9Uc; No. 4, WHftiiVHc; no grade. r,0E3c. OATS Standard. 414ti41c: No. 3 white, 4KU41'ic: 5to. 4 while. 40V4le; No. 3 yel low, 0-uAc; No. 4 yellow, 3g40c; mixed, 394W40C. BARLEY No. 4. Wfcolc; No. 1 feed, 479 490 ; rejected. 44'54l!c. RYE No. 2. 7a47c; No. 3, 72WWic. Carlot Herelpls. VVneat. Corn Chicago 8 61 Minneapolis 126 Omaha 4 5S Duluth 20 C1IICAUO tiHAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, May 7. Short sellers were on the run In the wheat pit today. Leading longs had the whip hand, forcing covering on stop-loss orders and doing considerable In the way of taking profits. The deferred futures doted Mi He to c up, and May lc. Corn finished unchanged to 'c off, and oats unchanged to a shade higher. Pro visions showed 10c loss to 24c gain. Except for a trace of easlnesn, which came at the outside snd was due to flue rains In the winter wheat country, a con dition of nervous strength prevailed from elart to finish. In the last half of the ses sion the bears were In a seml-panlc. Liv erpool was unofficially higher, the Mlchl gun crop report noted a condition 2 points lower than a month ago and the prospects were for a. decided decrease. Anxiety as to the government report Monday regard ing diminished acreage was without any In dication of letup and kept the bears In misery. The atock of contract wheat held here In public and private houses was re ported to be not more than 2,500,000 bu. Sep tember sold between 11.024 and $1.03,. clos ing at tl.WVs 1.01V a net advance of 4 Corn scored a fairly good early advance. The May-July difference Is now under 2c, s against a trifle more than 4c a week ago, when there was liquidation because of ex pected large deliveries. Cash corn has stead ily gained in strength since. The week's re ceipts here were a jout 1. 500.000 bu. less than the shipments. The cash market today was Hbout steady. No. a yellow, Iji64c. Septem ber raiiRed from 63V(63;c to 644c and closed easy at tVl'sC Oats were a trifle firmer, helped by the advance In wheat. Trade was at a min imum. September fluctuations kent within 4c and the option closed at 38,'li ie. Dre- Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb 4S 43 .r,2 Cloudy A ..Y.. Vh 1H 41 F.1 floilri' i IH'k'n Bow, Neb! W) 40 .10 Cloudy Columbus. Neb... 4S 12 .47 Cloudy i',,iWpi.ii vh rjl lit 17 Cloud V Falrbnry, Neb... 52 43 .21 Cloudy 394 Fairmont. Neb... 4S 41 .46 Cloudy (Jr. Island. Neb.. 4 41 .08 Cloudy . Hartlngton, Neb Cloudy Hastings. Neb.... 49 41 .25 Cloudy Holdrege. Neb... 52 4.1 .00 Cloudy Oakdale, Neb 48 41 .03 Cloudy dr., -ho Kh- u 41 .M Cloudy MTekamah. Neb... 49 42 .8 Cloudy Alta, la. 4 42 .3.) ciouay Carroll. Ia 47 41 .. tiouav Clarlnda. Ia 4 42 . 80 Raining Sihlev, la 45 41 .43 cinuoy Sioux City, la... 4t 44 . 29 Cloudy Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at I a. m. Not Included In averages. DISTRICT STATIONS. No. of Temp Districts. Stations. Max. Mln NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Death of Xing Edward Has Little Effect on Pricei. PLAN TO CLEAR FINANCIAL SKIES Rankers Take Large Blocks of Railroad Seearltlea to Be Placed at - Home and In K arose, I NEW YORK, May 7. (Special Telegram.) The news of the serious Illness ot King Edward In the middle of tha present week had a more serious effect upon the stook market than his death. It was believed that tha turn for tha better which the niarket took In tha middle of the week was a substantial one. The railroad financing abroad and the rise which accompanied the news here took a large part of the bear section by sur prise and It was obliged to retreat, al though it attempted to take refuge In the news of King Edward's Illness and aeath. The bear party la supposed to have suffered heavy losses. . The placing of great bond Issues abroad means the clearing of financial skiea In the I'nlted States. Financial men believed there could be no genuine confldanoo In the future until a condition had been reached where there was a market upon which railroads could sell their 34 per cent bonds to an advantage. In the last two years the bond market In this country has been so narrow that the placing of 4 per centa here meant nothing. If not a loss to the com panies Issuing. It was announced after the close of the Stock exchange today that Kulin, Loeb & Co.. and Speyer & Co., Jointly had pur chased from the Baltimore St Ohio 140,000. OiiO three-year 44 per cent notes and that they will be placed by bankers here and In Europe. These note are part of a $60,Ww,0i0 Issue of which 310,000.000 Is bolng reserved. On the weeks' currency movement New York banks gained 17.043,000. On transfer operations with the International banks there was a net gain of t7.&M,00Q, but a loos of fii,225.O00 on sub-treasury operations. No. gold exports. Out of respect to King Edward the stock market was In session only an hour today. The opening was generally higher. Southern Pacific advanced 4 on Initial sales. This helped L'nlon Pacific, which immediately ascended 4. A wide opening occurred In steel prices ranging from 814 to 824. but closed higher. Trading turned dull after thirty minutes trading, with a slight de cline. Southern Railway Issues were stronger on rumor that dividends would be resumed on the preferred stock. The sales were' 261,034 shares. Money on call was nominally 4 per cent. Sterling exchange was strong. 4 per cent higher today. All bonds were firm. Number of ssles and principal quotations on stocks' Were as follow: Salsa. High. Low. Clou. genrrsl fund. 8isiC.271; current liabilities. l0f.,TW7.4U: working hslsnce In treasury of fices, 820.124.iM.''.; In bsnks to credit of trcss urrr of the Cnlted Pistes, 8.15,206. 4W; sub sidiary silver coin. I21..M3.7!); minor coin, II.1OS.720; total balance In general fund, 8S1,-Os!.477. v York Moner Market. NEW YORK. May T.-MONEY-On cell, nominal. Time loans, stcsdv; sixty days and ninety dsvs, 4'it4 p-r cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER M 54 I'r cent. STERLINU EXCHANC.E Rarely steady, with actual business In bankers' bills st 34.8454.842j for slxty-dnv bills and at ft.Ki for demand; commercial bills, 84.834 4. l. SILVER Har, 6;rc; Mexican dollars, 44c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotstlons on bonds were as tonne a: ..lOMitnt. M. M. 4'tl . .10" JlDin 4 Mo 4Vfr ..1UHK. ('. So. lit .... ..U4HU S. dab. J!.:'.... . .1141,. a N. unl. 4" .. 77VM.. K. 4 T. IK 4.. 10H, do -n. 4S 1004 Mo. Px-lfic 4.. 74N. R. R. ot M 4S. InHWN. Y. C. S. Js V. 0. ref. 2d rex - do ref. Za roupun. so Sa, realmervd do la coupon do 4s . registered , do 4a coupon Allls--tiil. 1st sa... Am. At 6 Am. T. T. ct. ta Am. Tobacco 4a rln Da Armour A Co, 44a.. tij do dab 4a. e.14 mil. 4' i4 : H' '4 S3 Atrhlaon frn. 4a... do ct. 4a do ot. ta At. C. U lit 4.... B. A O. 4 o S4a do . W. 44i Brk. Tr. ct. 4a Oan. of Oa. do Can. Leather &a.... C. ot N. J. (. oa., Chea. A Ohio 4S.. do raf. (a Chlcaio A. 'i. C , B. ft U. I. 4l . do gen. la H. lit N. Y.. N . uH ct. e .111 .N. ft W . 4S do ct. 4a . No. Pa.lflc 4... . oi4 aa0 3, . iio. S. L. ndg. 4: ft H. 41. ni',4 103H .. 711, V..1 b 4a 77 ... MVk Columbus, 0 17 t- 42 Louisville, Ky 19 66 48 Indianapolis, lnd.. 12 64 44 Chicago. Ill 26 4 42 St. Louis. Mo 13 5s 44 Des Moines, Ia.... 14 M 44 Minneapolis. Minn. SO 58 38 Kansas City, Mo.. 24 M 44 Omaha. Neb 19 48 42 Rain fall. .00 .40' .40 .40 l.0 .80 .40 1.0) .40 Excessive rains were general In Missouri and eastern Kansas during the last twenty four hours, and moderate rains were gen eral In all other portions of the corn, and wheat region, except the Columbus district. Freezing temperatures are reported In the extreme upper Mississippi and Missouri val leys. I,. A. WtfLHH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.; clsely last night's price. rrnvlslons: Pork whs TVftlOc down Kill bo up and ribs 2ltfjf5c lower. LesdliiK futures ranged as follows: lard Articles.) Open. High. Low. Cloee. Yes y, NEW YORK GENERAL. MARKET on Varloas K 16, UK) :no 1"0 l.lUi) 6.2i!0 Oi.O 47', 74 41 lot in Wheat Mav July Sept. Corn May July Kept. Dec. oats May July fern. Pork July Sept. Lard July Pept. Rlhs July Sept. I1I3V14I 10l'8-06 .lOJ's-tBI 1 16i,l 1 0ft' 1 0Jl I i iny i is ) i isi,i i "4'ini os'iim-oa 1 02',1 02VtHl 1 m lilrl',1,l 615,i 60', "'iW'i'tf'il o"sl 64 5Tii I 424 1 4041i' X i 36 12 N 12 46 12 35 12 X2 4'-"l 40'l 22 37S! Ti SIM 12 So 12 55 12 40 12 32 I 61 til t.2'41 G3 63;63!aVu4 681 6H o81 I 4'-,,4! 42HI 42H 4lS140,fal 404 3S'i38'i(3!381!''a- I 22 10 23 25 I 22 45 2 171 22 37V.' 22 46 12 45 12 35 12 25 12 20 12 65 12 66 12 40 12 32W 12 60 12 62V, 12 42V, 12 35 No. 2. lilota,lons wr a follows: h LOL'R yuiet; winter patents. 84 WKj5 10 VZL'I 'W1"' 4.25'?4 s: "P'lnK straights 84oO'n4.i5; bakers. I4.00ijj4.9o. nm-no. i, liKgsoc. i BARLEY Keed or mixing, 4i&S2c; fair to choice malting, 6f$i63c. SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 82.30; No. I northwestern, 12.40. Timothv. U 2i Clover, 111.26. (? 6;i L"r,d.IerJw) lba ti2 - Sn" t ribs, aides (loose), I12.40ta 12.62V. Short clear sides l boxed), 813.50ii13.6m4. Total clearances of wheat and flour were I?.u.a! l? lll'm bu- Primary receipts were LD.tuO bu., compared with 178,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Moniiay: Wheat 9ii''i?: 0,'n 69 rttr; oau- 111 cars; hugs. 82,000 head. Chicago Cash Prices-Wheat: No. 2 red ll.15til.17V,; No. 2 red. ll.lKUd.liV,; No. 2 hard, 1.14VU116,; No. 8 hard. $1.084,1.15 i,ir"o: c"!,h- 6"-TI2'ic; No. 3 cash, eifio2c; No. 2 white, 6tiit46Vc: No. 3 white. M'liUWHc: No. 2 yellow. TWe; No. S yellow. 26Sc. Oats: No 2 white. 44'44i45c; white, 42t&444c; standard. 44Vtt'4Ac BtTTKR Easy; creameries, 23U27c: dairies. 22V20e. u-., EUUS Steady; receipts. 18,178 cases: at murk, cases Included. 16tflSc: firsts. 18Vc prime firsts, inc. CHEESE Steady; daisies, 1415c; twins iai4c: young Americas. !4i14Vrc; long horns. 14V4.tfl4c. rTjiA TOKS steady: choice to fancy. 2s POL'LTRY-yuiet; turkeys. 15c; chickens, li;c VEAL (Julet; 80 to 60-lb. weights, Mt'.ic; 0 to 8i-lh. weights, 4ti0c; 58 to 110-lb. weights. 101 Hi'. Chicago Receipts Wheat, t cars; corn, M cars; oats, 124 cars. Estimated Tomor-'-Wheat, 10 cars; corn, ts cars; oats, 111 tars. Qaotatloaa of the Oar ' Commodities. NEW YORK, May 7. FLOUR Dull' and without change; spring patents. $6.265.66; winter patents, $5.Glij&.u0; winter extras. No. 1, t4.0OU4.:i0; Kansas strelghts, $4. 804 6.00; winter straights. $4.8166.00; spring clears, $4.2O-4.50; winter extras. No. 2, $3.75 &4.00; receipts. 31,329; shipments, 882. RYE FLOUR Steady; fair to good, $4.25 t&4.4b; choice to fancy. $4.404r4.6O. CORN M KAL Steady ; fine white and yel low. $1.4031.45; coarse, $1.2601.30; klld dried, $a.2T. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. 2 red. $1.17, nominal, c. I. f.; No. 1, northern, $1.21, nominal, opening, navigation; option mar ket: Wheat was quiet, but prices were firm on small offerings, predictions ot frost In the southwest and expectations of bullish government reports, closing at lkc decline to 'c advance; May, $1.17?1.1, closed $1.18; July. $1.12V1.13'V closed $1.13H; Sep tember. 91.lOfil.10 3-16, closed, 91.10; re crlps. 97,200 bushels. CORN Spot. firm. No. 2. .60Vc nominal, elevator, domestic. basis; export. No. 2, tW'-io nominal, f. o. b.; option market was with out transactions, closing unchanged to Vic higher; May closed, 6Vc; July, 72'c; Sep- teioher. 71.c. ReCelotS. 4.500 bushels. OATS Snot, firm; mixed. 26 and 32 pounds nominal; natural white. 26 and 32 pounds, 4648c; clipped white, 84(642 pounds, 47ifif21)4c. Option market was without trans actions, closing nominal. Receipts, 33,500 bushels. . HAY Firm; prime, 91.20; No. 1, $1.12V4 L17; No. 9. $L003L06; No. 8. 96o$1.00. HOPS Dull; state common to choice, 1909, 2ig25c; 1D08. nominal; Pacific Coast, 1S09, 14H7'18c; 1908. nominal. HIDES Firm; Central America, 23.323ViC; Bogota, 22V4(S23Vtc. LEATHER Quiet; Hemlock firsts. 38 29c: seconds, 23tfr27c; thirds, 222oc; rejects, 205i21c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mess, $24.00 fi24.50; family. $26.0ft(J:7.00; short clears, $2.'iOOW27.50. Beef, firm; mess, $15.OSl.0O; family. $19.001120.00; beef hams. $24.00(426.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 pounds. $15.50tgi7.00; pickled hams, $1600 16 50. Iard. easy; middle west, prime steam, $13.00g'13.10; refined, easy; continent, $13 00; South American, $14.50; compound, $10.00tl0.50. " tai.IjOW-Oulet: prime, city hhds., T 3 16c; ! country, GV&?c. RICE (Juiet; aomesiic, iwiik:, nun, BUTTER Essv; creamery. specials, 29Hc- extras. IS'.jc; thirds to firsts, 2528c; state dalrv finest. 28(928V4c; common to prime, 23fj27c; procesa specials, 26c; seconds to extras, "K325c; imitation creamery, 23Vt9 24Vxc CHEESE Steady; state. full cream, new average best, 13c: state full cream, new common, loViUllc. EGGS Steady and unchanged: fresh gath ered, regular packed, extra firsts, 21Vrfl f firsts 20f(21c. POULTRY Alive, nnseiiien.; orouere, fi$1.0 per pair; fowls. 1i'4c; turkeys, 10 15c. Dressed, stesay; rowis, nojuc; tur keys. 17(9 23c. lllla.n,,lmwl nfrf I Amalgamated Couper H.2M0 67 Aniartian Agricultural Am. BM Sugar .. American Can Am. C. A T 1.100 i Am. Cotton Oil 400 65 Am. H. A L. prd Am. Ice Bacurlttea Amatican Llnaced .... American Ijocomotlva Am. 8. ft R Am. 8. ft R. pM Am. Steel Koundrlra. .. Am. Dugor Ketlnlng... Alfl. T. ft T. Am. Tobacco pfd Amorlraa Woolan Anaconda Mining Co.. Atchison Atchlaon plil Atlantic ooaat Una Baltimore ft Ohio 7U0 104 V's Hethlehem Btoal Brooklyn Rapid Tr .0 7 Cenadlan. Paclflo , l.l' Central UaaUiar 4,400 41H Oantral Leather pfd . iwitril nf New Jereav Chen peak ft Ohio S.700 K7x t;hlcago ft Alton, offered Chicago Ot. W., dot.- C. O. W. pM Ohtcago A N. W C, St. ft M. P C, C, C. A 8t. L Colorado T. I Colorado A Southern Conaolldated Oaa Corn Producta Ualawara ft iludeon Denver ft Rio uranda.... D. ft R. G. pfd D:atlllera' Sacuiitlaa Krla ; Kris :w pfd Krla id pfd Uanaral Electric Uroat Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctta. . Illinois Central interboroush Mai Int. Mat: pfd International Harvester Int. Marine pfd.: International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City So K. O. So. pfd Lacleue Uaa Loulavllle ft N Minn. A St. i.. M.. 81. P. A 8. 8. M M., K A Ti. M. K. A T. pfd Mlraourl Pad I in National Biscuit National bead N. K. R. of M. 2d pfd .. New York Central N. Y.. O. A W..... Norfolk A Western North American Northern Pacific 600 12S Pacific Mall 20O !' Pennsylvania 4.700 litis People's Oaa 50 1U7' P., C. C. ft 8t. L 1U0 lOmi. Pittsburg Coal Prewd . Steel Car Pullman Palace, Car Railway steal Spring.... Heeding Republic Steal Republic Steel pfd. Hock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. U 8. F. id pfd.. St. Louis 8. W at. U S. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield S. A I... Southern Pacific Southern Railway So. Hallway ptu.. , Tenneaseo Copper Tessa at Pacific... T., St. L. ft W... T., St. L. A W. pfd...., Union Pacific Union Pacific ptd..t. U. 8. Really.. U. 8. ' Rubber U. 8. Steel U. 8. -Steel pfd L'tah Copper Va. -Carolina .Uhamlcal WabasQ Wabash pfd Wefiern Msxyland ctfa. Wefttlnghoifse Klectrla . Weateni t'slon Wheeltna ft L. E Total isuea . lor tna aay, iis.uuu ausrea. lO) 44 1(K) 2ti4 ' oo iiwi l.DOO lSVaj 1.900 tM 134',, "ion m i 100 23 3M SOU 4I " SVOO 134 100 43 1.200 1'0S, 2. 100 o.'i 1.000 U'iSt iiH) 4ol, MO 20 "itin ia )) 1M SU0 14iVs " ioo iiiii S.SOO 41 .V) 69 "'700 7iii 8.0O4 lit'j 1,400 1WS 900 42 700 101 o4 64 4. "S'S 134H 'sin 1015 -.1 144 )v 844, 44 2(i 14944 13,4s 6 13344 i ' 84i '294 24 44 1S3V u 6344 464) 20 145 iiii, lm '75 " M 42S 101 Vi 128)" " Hit, 106?, 100 C. M. ft S.I C, R. 1. A P 1o rfg. 4a.... Colo. lnd. 6s Colo. Mid. 4a I A R. r. ft a. 44e I), ft H. ct. 4i D. ft R. O. 4a do raf. oa Olstllleri 6s Krle p. 1. 4a do gen. 4s do cv. 4a, aer. A. do aertea B Gen. Elec. CT. 6 III. Can. lat ref. 4a. S lnt Met. 4t SI Did. Offered. SlSPrnn. ct. Sl,s 1916... ..llTe do con. 4s .. a"" Reading gen. 4 ..'8, 481. L. ft 8. r. ft. 4a. ..h do gen. .'is .. t1?.St U S W. c. 4S... .. 70 do 1st gold 4k .. K.i,erord A. 1.. 4s... .. lHHSo. Pacific c. 4s do ct. 4s du l' ref. 4s d Railway 6a do gen. 4f 74 Union Pai lllc 4s.. 7 do ct. 4s yt do 1st ei ref. 4s 9 1 t. 8. Rubber da. . . H t . 8. Steel M on. . "Va.-csro. CJiem. tl Vis tin h let 6a 75 do 1st ft ex. 4a. 14V,W'etern Md. .. tn West. Klec. ct. 6a ..13s Wis. Centicl 4a 5'i 102"l 7 8 10) 7t RHs MM ... w ...01 ... 941, . . .104 ... 77 ...loll, ...I'll1 ... (WH ...l'tla ...104 os. 9!V, ,...ltV ....iH ... Sf, to OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steer9 Steady, Feeder Lower for the Week. UUmUU, T"'1r7 s-issbsbtwwi The Cornisii Apar.ments . afai Xcntli and Wllllnm -streets HOGS SHADE HIGHER FOR WEEK .tbeeii and l.t. axis I'm enl -"1 vf Klft Cents l.nnrr Then tiu Week Ano, trlth Belter Kellnu Ml t losv. SOUTH UMAII.l, Otiiciui ,uiiU.t t-flUL-isi i atiuuj w'lllClut l VU.,tBOlj .'l.iClal '1mu.ioi.uj Olncirti 1'i'Kiay chiiiiiuie Oaiuluay Six day this week... rf.nuo ti.ts last Vii-fh.. .-ante uas it v.eeks utiu .-!. lO Uta.. S O ntfj H,U Bailie aaya 4 Wvoks U-o satnu uus lul yeul.... The fullowlng table shows of tattle, in.gs anu sheep al tur the ytai tu ot.it-, yvar: i;.n. Cttiile Hogs .sm t p '1 he following .OiJ,42 .7lh..l.l .624.01J table. Xi.fitIO l,t,uJ i..,l.l Ut,i.tM J0,u44 uo,oo4 tl.e tectlpts Suiuti uina.ia uim atttl w t.i imt l.v. lli.. I'vC a,AI,u!.') .1,W .1..,fKi. 22s),ull oiu,.b.i 4u,74o shows the average prices of liu, ut south uniana lor ma last euvtinl day Vi uli coniput isuns: X-'ate. 11)10. il!SJI).jli.l;l0i.lLIOti.i:'0...ll)O4. Mo. Pac. ct. 6a ctfe. . 84 4D M 42 86 10 (, 6a J 24 ) 4i 77H 13V, 123 134i 44 i4l, 40V, 1011 101 124 1'I8 2i "8 18o 41 10 2ti0 , " 4.7 !'6 t 149 82 37 1 134 13 173 39 79 29 441i 3 1W 133 l,:l 1JJ', i;0, 6) J 17 Uli 44 m 23 4 19"4 14.1 m 183 414 IS bij 109 75Uj 29 119 C 101 704 12 M l.il o; loo Local feparltlra. Quotations ftirnlshetl bv Samuel Burns, Jr., 033 New York hlfe building, Omaha: Mi i As Deatrlcs Creamery, com City ot Omaha 4s, 1934 Cudihr Packing Co. ia Iowa Portland Cement bonda lows Portland Cement con. bonda. Kanau City Stock tarda stock Long Dell Lumber Co Nebraska Tel. stock, I per cant North Platte Valley lrrl. Co. a, 1920.. Omaha Water Co. 6s. lilt Omaha Water Co. 6a, 1946 Omaha v'aur Co. d pid Omana Gas 6s, 1917 Omaha Gas Da, 1914 Omaha E. L. ft P. 6a, 191.1 Omaha K. L. pfd 6 per cant Omaha St. Ry. ta, 11114 Omaha as C. B St. Ry. 6s, 1931... Omaha OS C. U. St. Ry. pfd Onmha tc C. B. St. Ry. com Omaha ft C. B. Ry. B. pfd Pacltlo T. ft T. la, ,937 South Omaha 6a, City of Sloua City stock yarda pfd Topeka hy. ia, llo United Kannaa P C. Co. s, 1920 To net 6 per c'nt. 1 91 99 99 t'J't 9 100 ... M ... 12 ... 98 ... 104 ... 94 ... ... 99 ... 9 ... Ill ... 73 ... 46 ... 9S ... !( 0 119) 99 li 100 100 I'll 101 9i 13 94 101 99 83 100 9 44 74 il 9t I'Wjs 0 9 98 April it.. D 04 6 Diii 6 2 SS, 8 S4, B 1 4 ii rtpnl ie..j w, V Oct; o .'n t Ut a 10 4 'ti I 01, 0 o4 k - I 0 ll w 6 3 D 40( V ti '), I 4 W It itoi 0 411 ti ;4 b i6 5 11, o j4, 0 il t 2M D 1- 4 57 7 01 ill a ti 97 1 5 ll 4 t.5 7 W, 6 Id! b iol 6 6 2B 4 l I 00, tt o I AMI U ..vi 1 ''- b Di b ti 1!4, I s 2o 4 I I Lit II A IM ll May 1 May a May H May 4 May b Jlay May h. U I 8 H I I Olfbl I 4 i I' Oo'l I 1D)1 I 27-:.. ... I K IK'.ei 6 tw a ol' b 8 lij I 4 W Sunday. lteceipta and dinposltloii of live stock ut I'liiuti tsiocK yuri!, oouili Oitiahu, lor tno lv,enty-iuur hours onk-u ut i p. in. r rlday: HKCKll'i ss CAUJs. L'atiU'.llugs.M'r's. C. M. & St. P Wabash AiioBouil r"uciric Ltiion I'd ci lie U. c N. . least) C. cc iv. V. ineKt) C , rtt. P., M. Ac u C, 14. Of. Q. (otiBt) C, Ji. ot v. (Meat) C, li. I. o; i'. least)... C, it. 1. oc 1. (weui).... 1 1 1 V i U l t 1 1 ID M. vi . . . ; .... "'.-I 71 E . vli( I X-iK . k- - Iocated In one of the most pleasant districts In the city, llavo every modern convenience, including steam heat, janitor service, hot and cold water, gas ranges, kitchen' cabinets, window shades, and auto garage. Call and Inspect, and be convinced that these apartments are most desirable as to location, arrangement and finish, and in every respect. Two apartments left at $45.00 each, three at ?50 each, and two elegantly furnished apartments at $75 each. W. Farnam Smith Co. 1320 Farnam Street ia - llostun Stocks u lid Bonds. BOSTON, May 7. Closing- Quotations on wei e. .... 40 Mohawk . ... Nevada Con !IJ Nlpieaing Mines 6 North- Butte 4 North Lake 15 old Dominion ... II Oi-ceola l(Parroit S. Ac 681, tiuincy 675 Shannon )5 Superior 80 Superior ft B. M 7 Superior it P. C 11 Tamarack ;ru. s. c. & o 41 U. 8. S. K. ft M.. 8 do pfd 14 l'tah Con. 8t'tah t'opper Co.... , f.2Winona , 11 Wolvarlna . 214 mitiinij stocks Alloties Ainal. Copper .... A. Z. L. ft 3 Arizona Com A'Uuitlc B C. IX ft C. rcia. H. ft C. C. ft 8. M. Butte Coulltlon t'al ft Arlsona I J I. ft Hecla Centennial Copper Ranue o, C. Kast Uutte c. M Franklin Clroux Con tiraniby .Con Ureena CAnanes .... Isle Royale Copper.. Kerr Luke Lake Copper La Salic Copper Miajul Copper .. 47 ... .9 ... 9 .. tl .. 10 .. 3;i ..JM .. 1J ... 74 .. 10 .. M) .. 9 .. 11 .. 47 .. 33 40-1t 48 20 43 ' 110 Total receipts 2 41 1 J-UtiPo.smoN HEAD. e Cuttle. H08S. Omaha Packing Co n) awut anil ijompuny v uuuhy i-acKint; Co n Armour & i.'c h:l dcnwartx-i3oien Co lu JJuipny, Hlnipin' Jia otiivi uuyeis Pi Totals 1 I'.Oci e,v York Curb Market. The following quotations are furnished by Logan &. Bryan, 310 South Hlxtee.th street: Bay State Gs Boston Cons Butle Coalition Cactus Chlno Chief Cons Iavia-Ialy Kl Cor.e Ktuiiklln Glioux Goldfleld Cons Ortene Canaanca.. , 24 Inspiration IS ..rose 18.ero'la Cons aNf-house 10Oii.. copper l4rtav ventral lSwlft Pkf. Co 60 Sears, Roebuck t o. ilSuprtor Pitts..., 7 Totiopah Mining 4 Trinity Ooppar.. . . 4 . 79 41 . .'.0Ji .1.4 . Near York Mlulnff Stocks. NEW YORK. May 7. Closing; quotations mining stocks wer 1H 37 lit!) 12 162 ltil 100 38 M 31 34,COO 167 1664. IX 100 34 ii 33 7 6,200 44 43 14 el :00 4ii 4 46 2J 7I 73 39.400 11.. 181 126 600 28 24 2 ') 61 to ' ) . I0 27 n 27 700 32 31 I S14i IjO 3844 3 3. '1 43 K,0 141 17!l UiHi 200 14 4 84 72 6.1) i" 40 40 68. K) 82 81 81 7.10 117 117 117 :,4 - 43 41 43 700 67 67 67 4tio :o 19 ie :,1' 43 42 43 100 44 44 43 , ti 400 48 68 48 Kaasaa 4 lly Grala anal Provlsloaa. KANSAS CITY. May 7,-WHEAT-May. Jl OiiS,. sellsrs; July. Jl.00. bid; September. IS1.jai,e. sellers. Cash, unchanged to lc iiiicher; No. x hard. $1. Will 11; No. S. ll.OTia 1 12; X.. 1 rej. tl .IMA Ml; No. 1. $1.03L11. tOKN-Mt), lc; July. oJWo. sellers; SfWsmber. WSfwlOc, sailors. Cash, un changed to lo hlh-her: No. 1 mixed. b4t; No. S, oiV,,.; No, white, too; No. I, tU)fc. OATti-Unchangrd. dull; No. t white, 4iUi 46c: No. i muted. 4042c. HYt-7Jo. Hl'TTKR I'nchanned; rieatnery, extras, tsc-; XL: sis, ac; seconds, !4c; packing; stork, WAY Unchanged j cboic Umotbyv 1110041 St. I.onls General Market. ST DOVTIS. Mav 7-WHEAT Futures hlsrher; Mny. $1.13; July. $1.04. Cash higher; track, No. 1 red. $1.; No. 2 hard, 1.17fji 1.1RV. " CORN Futures. Mav. ttWiOtfec: July. Me. Cash hither; track. No. I. 6.1c; No. 2 white, 6WI70C. OATS Futures firm; May. 42c: July. 40c. Cash firm; track. No. 3, 42V,e; No. 2 white. 4F7i4V.c. ItYK Nominal, SOc. FI.Ol'R Firm: red winter patents, I V4nR.T0; extra fnncv, and strslarht. $4.70(1-1.60; hard wlnttr clears, $3.7543' $4.10. PF.FX) Timothv. $3.0051.60. CORNMEAl, $3.25. TtHAN Steady; sacked east track, $l.oafri,04. l; HAY Stesdv; timothy, $14.60 1 8.50; prslrle. tO.O0tf11.50. BAiiaiNd 7 He. UBIMP TWINE Tc. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; lob hint;. $?!.00. Lard unchanged; prime steam, $l2.724f 1 2.12. , Drv salt meats, lower: boxed extra lihorts. 14 c: clear ribs. 14 c: short clears. 14Sc. Baron, lower: hnxed ex'ra shorts. 15 4ac; clenr rih 1 6 r : short clears. 15S. rtn Li t 1 nteaoy; rnirsens. nc; springs, 23c; turkeys. 17c; ducks, 12o; geese, U-r. Rl'TTF.R Higher: creamery, EGOS Steady. 194e. Reeeints. A. 4 00 12.000 12.000 44.000 on Alice Brun&wlck Con .... Com. Tunnel atock. do bonds Con. cat 4 Va Horn Sliver Iron Sliver offered. .UK) . . 16 . 18 .106 . 03 .106 Leadvllle Con Little Chief ... Mexlcsn , Ontario Ophlr Standard Ytllo Jacket .. . S . . U too .145 . 50 . 1W Wool Market. BOSTON, May 7. WOOLr-The Commer cial Bulletin will hay of the wool market tomorrow: Little general Improvement In ttallng la reported, although it Is under stood that another line of Oregon staple, amounting to 600,000 pounds, was sold at 63c, scoured, while 75,000 pounds of short Arizona - clip changed hands at OOCc olean. Clothing wools are still in best ! niHiid and prices are being held firmly, for dealers understand that stocks cannot be replaced In the country at current quo tations. Michigan and York state quarter blood are selling moderately at 29c and un washed Ohio delaines Is moving very mod erately at 2HUZic. It Is believed that busi ness will not Improve materially until tne new lightweight goods season opens In June, when serges will be offered. $4.00&C.2ri; Texas and Indian Rtoers, $4 7"i'j 8.00; cons and heifers, $:i.0t rfi6.50; calves (in carload lots), $4.00(38.75. HOGS Receipts, 0,000 head; msjrket 10iil."c lower; pHjs Hinl lights. $x.00'i-(!).,Vi; packers, $i.M0(!9.tju; butchers and best lu-avy, $!Uo SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, head; market steady; native muttons. ttti.ist; lambs, JT.oo'u'J.W). llllt'AtiO I.1VK STOCK MAHKKT 500 $7.00 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK. May 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Fit mly held with a little better demand. On the spot, fancy Is quoted at 10c; choice, Ut&BVic; prime, Tgrflac; common to fair. 8&4V4c. DRIED Fit CITS Prunes are quiet and unchanged. Quotations range from 27ti ho for Californias up to So-40s and Vtj'jc for Oregon. Apricots are firm, with a fair export demand; choice, 10g;10!4c: extra choice, lOVl&'imc; fancy, l:;ijjl2toc. Peaches arc quiet, but firmly held; choice, 6SjGVic; extra choice, 6'i&7c; fancy, 7th7',c. Raisins are quiet and steady; loose musoatels are quoted at 2V4!fi5Vic; choice to fancy seeded, HitWa;e: seedless, 3Vift4J4e; London layers, $1.15(91.20. t.u.tit, tiiiy ihu lichii cai 01 tu.. vvtlw 1'cl.ulli.u i.l luio inoi illlla,, Wlucil via not elli.uall lo eUl uliy liejuie On llik; llibi kcI. i' ui' me nciit teuclpis navo uuen ine nbu'ebi lur several v. ceua, uitnouan .-no i lug a lallmg oif ot icm tnan 1i1.au us citui ui iu wun last week. On tne 01 tier Itanu, a., coinpaieu viltli a year Ui. inoie lias oet 11 a loa ol ttiiiiust b.lmu heau. un jiiu.iuay, tne juarket MUiiipi-u hatliy, the trade oil that day oemg snaipiy lotivi'. a.iu'e tneii the niai Kel ims l tu in lair lonuitlon ana values nave lecovcrtd to sucn an extent mat at tne muse of me week tue iiiaiket Is about wnere it was one week t,o. As has been lite case for some time 6ack uatiuy weight or liyht steers have been hi better reuuest antl have been tret r sillers Uian the heavy cattle. CoftS ami heifers uf the heiter ci-ades. that Is, strictly good killers, have sold very noli all the week, una at tne close they are bringing about the same money us one week ago. The same can be said of can ning stock. On the other hand the medium grades have been more or less neglected, and In consequence of this, the market is around lfi(t25c lower than one week ago. in atocker and feeder market has been very unsatisfactory all the week. While receipts nave not been very larre. the country demand lias been disappointingly sinaii, anu, in consequence, the niarket has slumped lor the want of a good buying support. At the close of the week prices, especially on the light and thin kinds of cattle, are 1523o lower. - quotations on cstlle: rjond to choice cnrnira steers, ji.zru, .50; rnlr to ?,ood corn fed steers. $fi. 75(4X7 .2".; common to fair corn fed steers. $5.7iVrti.7r,: good to choloe cows and hellers, $t:.Ouva7.00; fair to good cows and l.eiffrs, ,",.X)Wi.0O; common to fair cows and heifers. $2.75'ao.OO: gotnl to choice Block ers and feeders, $.".2roni.75; fuir to good stockers and feeders, li.TM " . 2." : common to fair stockers and feeders, s:i.o0fuv4.75: stock heifers, $3.7&i4.S5; veal calves, $4.254?S.2j; bulls, stags, etc.. S3.754j4j.2j. HOGS A light run of hogs toilav lost its bullish Influence In a bunch of sharply lower reports from provision centers and prices suffered large d dines In both divi sions. Order buyers picked out a few loads at the opening ot figures about a nickel lower than yesterday, but packers Insisted on more liberal diclines and were finally able to put up their droves at reductions of 10x15c. Movement was at no time very ictlve, but very good clearance was made before midday. Heavy hogs met with a poorer demand than good lights and in most cases suffered the full decline. A large share of the supply changed hands at $9. 159.20 as compared with yes terday's bulk of $0.251! 9. 30. Tops dropped to $!i.0, a shilling less than the best price paid yesterday. The week's receipts show a heavy in crease as compared with last week's sup ply, but an even greater decrease as com pared with the official count of the same days last year. In point of prices the mar ket has been very uneven owing to the uncertainty of the provision trade. Values were hammered hard at the opining, but much Improvement look place during later days, with the result that yesterday's sales were fully a dime higher than those a wtek ago. Today's break leei s the market a shade higher than at last week's close. Representative salts: Cattle and Sheep Markets iead Hogs Reported Lower, CHICAGO. May 7. CATTLK Itecrlots, 300 head; market t.tendy; beeves, $o.rjtiiS..1i; Texas steers, J4. 70f;iti.4o; western steers, $4.851 0.S5; stockers and feeders, $2.!s94i.U5; cows and heifers, 2.70((j,7.25; calves. 4ti.00ii 8.25. HOGS Receipts, estimated at 10.000 head; market. 15c lower; light. $'J.LtKu'.i.5."i: mixed, S9.2it:).u0; heavy, i'.;''.y.57li; good to choice heavy, 4.i.S6fa!co; pigs,' $!s.!)iri4S.5ii; bulk of saleu, $D.45f0:).SO. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 2.000; niarket steady; native, $4.2."ifa 7.C0; western, $4.50ft7. SO; yearlings. $7.tKKS.15; lambs, native, $V.26'ta.OO; western, $i2.7.li 9.10. Kansas ( lly Lire Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, May 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,000 head. Including b)0 southerns; market steady; native steers, ii.25'nS. lo; southern tiUcii, i:i"i(!j7.li6; southern cows. $:;.4tnii.ti0; native cows and heifers, J.'f.uO'fi 1.50; blockers and feeders, $4.0olftj.0o; bulla, $4.25i7j0.riO; calves, $3.758.25; western steers, $o.76'f 7.75; western cows, $4.000.50. HOGS Receipts. 2,600 head; market 10 15c lower; bulk of sales, iii.2ltU'J.'.lir. heavy, $l'.303.40; packers and butchers, $9.25iS)9.40; light, $D.lfraSI.2o; pigs, $S.60fa8.75. SHEEP ANli LAMBS Receipts, 1.000 head; market steady; muttons, 5.50tg'i.75; Iambi,-, $d.5u4ts.73; fed western wethers and yearlings, $i.00i3.00; fed western ewes, 6.5o (j.7.50. . Hen York Bank Statement. NEW YORK, May 7. The statement of clearing house banks for the week shows that the banks hold $10,772,625 more than the requirements of the 25 per cent reserve required. This Is an Increase of $4.001,3,5 in the proportionate reserve as compared with last week. The statement : .$l.Ii4.1M.3O0 . 1,173,278.700 47.S5.i,000 As, 441.000 . 237,6ol.200 . 3O4.02.200 . 293,319.675 10.772.525 11,172,550 Loans Deposits Circulation Legal tenders..... Specie 1 Reserve Reserve required Surplus Ex-17. S. deposits Increase. The percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house banks today was 26.11. The statement of banks and trust com panies of greater New York not reporting to the clearing nouse snows: Decrease. $23.4..i:O0 21.477.SHtO 225.200 2.700.300 1.332.200 1.3oS.100 5.3b9,473 4.001.375 3.998,100 Decrease. $ 7.850,300 17,000 156.400 10.8S4.7OO 2S09a Klour bh's. Wheat, bu. Corn, hu. Oats, I. vi. . 8hrpment. $.800 t.oon - 61.100 J7.000 Peoria Grala Market. PEORIA. Mar T.-CORN-Hlgher; No. $ yellow, siHe: No, t, Wc; No. 4, 60e; no grade. 50HfMlo OAT8 Unchanged; No, I white. 42m 42e. r'orelaa Financial. PARIS. aMs' 7 Prices on the Bourse recovertd and rloeed atrnng itnon I he theory that with King Edward's death the w-rat was ovr and also on ej rumor that the Hherala had decided to post pone tha House of Lords Issue to next Loana $1,182,077,000 Specie 128.369.2O0 Legal tenders....!.... 11.008.100 Total deposits 1,244.315.300 Increase. . Hank Clearlusja. OMAHA, Msy 7. Bank clearings for to day evere $2.608.mo and for the corre sponding date last year were $2,310,362.54. . , " 1910. l!. Monday I I.7S0.044.S4) $ 2,674,616.77 Tuesday 1I10.694.S0 2,363.503,73 Wednesday 1.762. 76. 40 I.740.fi67. Thursday J.044.880.M 2.873.634.2J Friday 2.790,774.27 2.676.850.114 Saturday t6Ot.22S.0t 2.110.363.64 Totals $1,T7,270.S6 $15.SS9,524.54 Increase over the corresponding week last year. $l,13,74i.l. Treaaarr talanent. WASHINGTON, May 7. The condition of the treasury at the beginning of business today was aa follows: Trust Funds Onld coin. $85I,S23,8ti9; sil ver dollar. $ISS. 092.000; silver dollars of IK,'. $1741000: silver certificates outstand int. $4s.a.0u0. General fund Standard silver dollars In Sogar and Molnaaea. NEW YORIC. April 7-SUGAR-Raw. steady; Museavado. 89 test, S.SOc; centri fugal. test, 4.30c; molasses sugar. 89 test. 3.55c. Refined, qulft; cut loaf, il.05c; crushed, 5.95c; mould A, 5.60c; cubes, 5.50c; XX.XX powdered, 5.40c; powdered. 5.35c; granulated, R.25c; diamond A. 5.2:c; con fectioners' A, 5.05c; No. 1, 5.00c; No. 2, 4.95c; No. S, 4.90c; No. 4. 4.86c; No. 5. IMc; No. 6. 4.75c: No. 7. 4 70c; No. 8. 4.65c; No. 9, 4.tWe; No. 10, 4.55c; No. 11. 4.50c", No. 13. 4.45c; No. 13. 4.40c; No. 14, 4.40c. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans, open kettle, suuA-c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. May 7. DRY GOODS Market was nulet for the day. Buying continues on a light scale and for Imme diate delivery. Jobbers are securing good advance orders, but the house first hands; trade is smaall. Linens are. aulet at first hands; burlaps weak. Fine and fancy cottons are quiet. BERLIN, May 7. Prices on the Bourse wtre firm, with Americans above the New York parity of yester day. Oils and Rosla. SAVANNAH, Qt , May 7.-OILS-Kplrlts turpentine, firm: 59Vtr60e; sales, 173 bbls.; receipts, S96 bbls.; shipments, 308 bbls.; stocks, 6,275 bbls. ROSIN Firm: sales. 1.178 bbls.; receipts. 1.176 bbls; ships.; shipments. 1.482 bbls.; stork, 60.544 bbls. Quote: B. $3.85; D. 14 16; E, $4 65; F. $4.70; G, $4.75; H. $490; I, $5.00; K. $5.10; M. $5.00; N, $5.70; W. G., $5.80; W. W.. $5.95. Coffea Market. NEW YORK. May 7. COFFEE Market clostd steady, net 1 point lower to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of 14,700 bags. The closing bids follow: May, ( 40c; June, 4ftc; July, 8.4.V, August, 6 50c; September, fAo: October and November, 6.60c; Decem ber, (65c; January, (.8c; February, 6.70c; March, (.73c; April, (.75c. Spot coffer, quiet; Rio No. 7. 8c; Santos No. 4. 9c; n lid, quiet; Cordova, l,tJ'U'c. No. ay. Sh. Tr. No. sr. gh. Pr. . 17 2.17 120 10 67 154 ... tl7's 72 til) 40 10 67 241 160 9 17Vi 65 233 SO.) 1) UVi 4a 210 ltO t 17-s M -.11 120 t Vi'l 71 till ... t 171, 62 334 li 74 t.V, UK) 7t, 69 2-0 SO IS U lit; 10U 20 74 i30 HO 15 tl 4i 120 2n 45 236 ... 15 (7 277 SO 20 CI 245 (0 4 IT, ;o 2.10 80 2D 44 233 SO 16 liO 2CU ... 8 20 73 221 1JU 15 1.3 til 0 9 30 2:16 ... I 15 7 tit 110 li 34 21 ... 15 tt 2JI ... 9 25 fiS 213 140 15 41 2M ... 25 79 224 ... 4 15 t9 2.k1 uo t ti 7C i'23 140 4 16 65 214 40 V 25 71 212 ... t IS tl 307 ... b 27ti lit all !40 15 74 2., I ... I So 74 1 0 40 15 67 27 ta 30 s; 25 ... is o so ;.. t so SHEEP The sheep barn was bare of of. St. Joseph Live St nek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 7. -CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; market unchanged; ttecrs, $t.Otxa7.u5; cows and heifers, $4.004f 7.S5; calves, 4.00rg1i.00. HOGS Receipts, 3,500 head; market 15 20c lower; top, JSI.40; built of sales, $i).w Hta.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS No sheep on sale; niaiket nominal; laniDs, $8.25li)9.10. Stork in .Hlght. Receipts of live stot k at the f i s principal Western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 32 2,472 9 St. Joseph 100 a.iOO Kansas City Loot) 2,o(M 1,01)0 St. Louis ;KX) ti.iXH) 6(X) Chicago 300 10,000 2,000 Totals 1.732 24,172 3,509 OAIA1IA CKMCIIAV. MARKETS. Toledo Heed Market. TLK1MJ. fh. May T.SKEDS Clover, e: h, $4.80; October. $(.684; March. $6 62. Timothy, prUne, 2.I. Alsike, prime, $6.15. ferings today as is u.-ually the cusu at the extreme close of the ween and th& market remained nominally steady. Bearish conditions in the east ruled prices during early days this week and liberal dicllnta were ecoied at all leading trade centers. Local values on lambs, both wooled and shorn, dropped 4titi7c during the first two days and sheep trade was al most as slumpy. A better demand and slight recovery in prices featured the mar ket on later days, tn.t muca of the early decline is still in force and present values are all of 25(ot0c lower than a week ago. Supply figures for the week do not look very bearisn, but eastern trade was badly demoralized and the demand for product the poorest ot the season. A large share of local receipts consisted of shorn stock and, barring hlgn-dresslng Mexican lambs In the fleece, wooled shipments met with a very dull lnquliy on most days. Quite a few shorn ewes and wethers have been coming, the latter class of stock sell ing almost on a pur with shorn yearlings. A spread of $7. 15i 1.: 35 has been taking tne bulk, some of the best wethers here going at $7.55. Actual sales on shorn lambs ranged from $.257i8.50, with a top at $6.70. Wooled Mexican lambs reached $9.45, the high price of the week. Quality, however, has not been anything extra, as a good mbny of the larger Nebraska arid Colorado feeders aro bringing in the tall-end of their winter's production. Current prions on Wooled lambs are Jus' about 76c higher and prices on wooled sheep around 60c higher than values un similar quality suorn anipmenis. The fol lowing quotations apply tu the latter class of stock: Good to choice lambs, $ &og 8.75: fair to good lambs, $7.508.40; good light yearlings, $.O0&8.25; good heavy year lings, i;.2M7.76; good to choice wethers. $7XgS.15; fair lo goud wethers, $7,3547.66; good to choice ewes, $7.007.25; fair to good ewes, $5. 50(11-7. 00. Bt. I.oais 1.1 8tok Market. ST. 1XMMS, May 7 CATTLE Receipts, SO0 head, Including 100 head Texans; market steady; native beef steers, $t;.7o48 K; cows and bsifeis, $3.60q8.00; stockers aud feeders. Staple and Fancy Produce Prices Fur nished bjr Bnyera aud Wholesalers. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered lo the retail trade in 1-1 b. cartons. 20c; No. 1, in 60-lb. tubs, 29Vfct; No. 2. in l-lb. cartuns. 31c; la 60-lb. tuos, 27Vsc; packing Block, solid pack, 20c; dairy. In OO-lb. iuds, Joe. Market changes every Tuesday. CHEESE Twins. 16c; young Amtrics. 174u; daisy, lie; limburger. 18u No. 1 brick, lbc; No. 2, 15c; domestic blocs Swiss, 22c; imported Swiss, 30c. POULTRY Dressed broilers. $9.00 do . for storage, $6.00; fori fresn springs, 20c, hens, 16c; cocks, 12Viic; ducks, 20c; geese, 16c; turkeys, J6u; pigeons, per doz., $1.20; homer squab.', $4.00 per dor.; fancy squabs. $3.50 per doz.; No. 1, $3.00 per doz. Alive: Broilers, from l'i to 1', lbs., S5c; IVi to 2 lbs., 3oc; hens, 16c; old roosters, 10c; young roosters. 16c; ducks, full feathered. 14c; geese, full feathered, 9c: turkeys, 18c, guinea fowls. 25o e.tcn, pUeons, iuc per doz.; homers, $3.00 per doz.; aquab. No. I, $2.00 per doz.; No. 2. 50c. FISH tall frozen) Pickerel. 9c; whltefish, 13c; pike, 10c; -trout, 13c; large crapples, 164 18c, Spanish mackerel, 18c, eel, 18c; had dock, 13c; flounders, 12c. Fresh catfish, 18c; trout, 13c; bud's lu. 8c; halibut, 9c; white perch, ic; whltefish. 15c; yellow perch, !)i; bullheads, 12c; while buss, 17c; roesliads. $1.00 each; shadroes, per pair, 3)c; frog legs, 30c per dos. BEEF CUTS No. 2 loins, J5'ic; No. 1 chuck, 9'ic; No. 2 chuck, R'e; No. 3 chuck. 8sgc; No. 1 round, ll-)c; No. 2 round, Utc; No. 3 round, 11' ac. VEGETABLES. IRISH POTATOES Wisconsin and na tive, per bu., 404(60c ; Colorado, per bu., 50c. SEED SWEET POTATOES Kansas, per bbl.. $-'. CABBAGE New California and southern, per lb., 4c. ONIONS Texas crystal wax, per crate, $J; yellow, per crate, $1.75. OLD ' VEGETABLES Parsnips, carrots, bet is, turnips, In tacks, per !., 2c. GARLIC Extra fancy, wnit. per lb. lie; led, per lb.. 16c NEW SOUTHERN VEGETABLES. RADISHES Per doz. bunches, tie TURNIPS Per doz. bunches, 60c. CARROTS Per doz. bunches. &uc S11ALLOTTS Per doz. bunches. iOo. PARSLEY Per doz. bunches, 6i)c. BEETS Per doz. bunches, 60c. SPINACH Per bu., 12 lbs., $1.00. EGO PLANT Fancy Florida, uuz., $1.60 2 00. TOMATOES Fancy Florida or Cuba, per 6-bsk. crate, $2.25; choice, $1.75. STRING AND WAX BEANS Per ham per, about 25 Jbs., $5.00(6.00. GREEN PEAS Per hamper, $2.50. CUCUMBERS Hot house, per doz., $1,500 t.00; Texas, per doz., 75c. HOME GROWN VEGETABLES. RADISHES Extra fancy I101110 grown, per doz. bunches, 35c. LETTUCE Ex ir fancy leaf, per doz., 45c; head lettuce li hampers, $1.76. PARSLEY i'ancy home grown, per doz. bundles, 40c RHUBARB Per dcz. bunches. 45c. ASPARAGUS Per doz. bunches, 75c. GHEEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches. 25c. MISCELLANEOUS. HORSERADISH 8 dos. In case, $10. WALNUIa-Black, per lb., ic; Califor nia, No. 1, per 10., 17c; California. No. 1 soft, per lb., 14c. A . HICKORY NUTS Large, per lb.. 4c;. small, per lb., 6 ' 1 COCOANUTS Per sack. 50o; per dos., S5c. FRUIT. 8TRAWBERRIES Tennessee ard Louis iana. H-qt. cases, per case, $4 25; 24-pt. cases, per case, $2 00. ORANGES California Camella and Pro ducer brands Redland Navels. fcO-W-lU sizes, per box. $2.SA; ltf size, per box, $3; 150-176-300-218-250 sizes, per box, $J.6o. Other brands from Riverside and other districts, ter box. $2.854jJ.OO, aO-94112 sizes, per box. $2.5va2.i$; Uavaua, atedllerraueaa baaois. 126-112 sizes, per box. $2.75; 150 and smallei sizes, per box, $3 00. LEMoNS - l.imopiera. extra fancy. 300 360 sizes. $5.50; choice, 200-:t':o sizes, per box, 4.f.O; 1!40 sire, 50c per box le.'s. HAN ANAS Fancy select, per bunch, $2.31 tjJ.iV); Jumbo, bunch. $2.75tjJ.76. GRAPE FRUIT-Florida. 46 size. $1.50; 54-64-80 sizes, per box. $5. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl.. $3.?r, California fancy. . W. Pearmalns, pel box. $2.10; California, extra fancy V. W. Penrnialns, Red Wood brand, per box, S2.25; extra fancy Iowa Jonathans, per bbl , CRANBERRIES Jersey, fresh stock, net box. $2. i DATES Anchor brand, new, 20 lift, pkgs. In box, per box, $2. FIGS California, .0c size. 80e. Minneapolis taraln Market, MINNEAPOLIS, May 7. WHEAT Sin v. $1.11': July. Ii.ny.- September. $1 o.'V t'nsii: No. 1 hard. $1.15; No. I northern $1.13ei.l3ti: No. 2 northern, S1 .1 1f& 1. li; ; No. 3. $1..1.10).. FLAX Closed. $2.35!,. CORN No. 3 yellow, RS'i'&nJlp. OATS No. 3 white. 40,41 4VgC. RYE No. 2, 7Ht73',o. Omaha liny Mnrket. OMAHA, Mav 7 HAY-Xo. 1. fg.SO; No 2. $7.50; packing, $l.,rA Straw: Whe.it. $5.50; rye and oats, $8.50. Alfalfa, $11.60. The sup ply of poor hay is much heavier than thi demand and low prices prevail. Woman Invents Vmbrrlln. SIOUX FALLS, R. D.. May 7,-(Speoial.l-By reason of her Inventive genius. Miss Katherlne Connors, late of Salem, but who now has taken up her residence In Sioux Falls, enjoys the distinction of being the only woman Inventor In South Dakota She has Just been granted a paten on a folding umbrella, which her friends believo will result In her securing a fortune. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS 4-7 Real estatn transfers for Mav 7. furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracters, 1714 Farnam. Douglas 2S05. Andrew Anderson ni:d wife to Eman uel C. Jansseii, lot 4. block 96, Flor ence '. $ John P. Rahn to Elhn Barrett, part lots 2. 3 and 4, block A, South Omaha Minnie Hant en to Otto Hansen, lot IX. block 6. Bennington Byron Reed company to Stephen I). Bangs, w25 feet In width of e:0 feet lot 3, block 2. Capitol Hill Idi B. Balls and husband to Vivian H. Murphy, lots 2) untl 24, block 1. 1st add. to Central Purk Katherine Henck and Florence 1 1. Mirk to Ernest P. Rogers, lot 21, Forest Hill Park . W. V. Stoecktr company to Alfred K. Grantham, t-22 feet In width of lot 3. block :t,L', Omaha Lizzie R. Stewart and husband t' 'George Fortran, lot 11, block 17, u ml lot 13, Mock IS. Omaha View Charles E. Gibson and wife to George Forgan, lot 14, blot k 18, Omaha View Anna B. Snvldge and husband lo Charles Vaiia. lot 1, block 11, .let ter's add Mattlo L. Ualvvmtii and Carl H. I Inches and Hughes, lot 2!, block j'liice Joseph Suptlsh and w ife '' Vo'V-'hiVrles Vans snd wife, lot 4, block 1. Ex change I'laca husband In Susie II. 2, Iienmn 11 3.1:.-. 1 I Onj rt.iti 1 ro 10 1 'v. Investment Opportunity An exeeptlonal op portunity for profit able Investment li offered in the Six 11111J one -Half per rent preferred Heri?"- Itles of a well established, rapidly gt Ing manufitetuiing Institutions doing n International business, whoso annual sales have grown from $200,000 to $2,000,000 In four years' lime and uie still growing. Manufactures and sells 11 staple line di rect to consumer for cash. Sales run as high vji $25,000 In rash per day. Has paH a dividend every year sline 01 gauizat ton. has set aside ample siiipltt off ample depreciation ace of instllutltsn Is one of ' sorvatlve expansion, of " 11 than capacity. A cruiipnny tees Its goods has office oi;anlZHl Ion, hiis charged tint. History vvili of ron iiiiind greater that gtinran- a perfect lai tory aim no open accounts, lit. liolnis against It. no liens or mortgage on any of lis property. A high class, prosp-rous legitimate,. Industrial that must expand to l. t i pace with its rapidly increasing trade. Write me today and I will give you my I" "'position In full. Ad 's dress H. E. XEI&TEli, Waterloo, lows. The I'nlU'd States olrfult court hni authorized me to Issue $210,000 of r4a culver's certificates bearing C per eu secured by a flret lien on property worth $1,000,000. I am offering a I limited number In denominations ot $100, $o00 and $1,000 to net the pur chaser 8 ',2 per cent. LYSI.K I. AIWIOTT, UKCK Telephone, A-132. 4(;l VTAJtK HUH K, Herbert E. Gooch Co Brokers and Dealers 'Bonsioaa. btocziv Omaba Office 1 1!9 Board ot Trees Bid Bell Telepuoaa, Douglas 63 1 1 Xadepsadent, A-aiJJl. Oldest ill X.arai Bouse la tb State. I WILL 8KI.L: M Rsdlo Tel I0 Collins Wlrel. (for4 l.ln. A is 1 nilM W lreleaa 7 pfd, Irene .". 1 nitea vv.rsiof v vfl, $1.UU0 New State T A. 0. ANDtKXJ M Auto-rreM uM. ' ! ln.K inoo Kim s. T. 11 m l Hl1 10 I'oi Multtraaller,. , 4I .40 1U TsUrost A. I tin. 44 PM, trans. riMe 1 fl, iran tabie H Ij Tilephena 9f UouJ, tl i4,l N, fateraus., luaa. I l'i