10 The Bee has established its position as the leading Real Estate Paper of Nebraska. THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY fl. 1010. The Bee makes a specialty of Farm and Ranch ad vertising, and valuable lands everywhere. 4 REAL ESTATE ( ITY I'HIM'KHfV FOIl SAI.K. Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITV ntorKRTY FOH SALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITV I'Rtll'KHTV FOH SAI.R (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOI'KHIY FOH SAI.K (Contln ud.) REAL ESTATE CITV PKOI'KHTY KOK SAM;. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITV I'Jtdl'KUTV I'OH SALE. (Continued.) REAL ESTATE city rmii'Kii'rv von sai.f.. (Continued. ) ED. JOHNSTON & CO Buy Real Estate IT IS THE BEST INVESTMENT Ton Home Bargains $5,000 Very fine, new home of 7 rooms; all cak finish. Everything modern; hot water heat; two toilet, solid brass fixtures; full length mirror In chamber door; elec tric light in closets and garage. This Is a liandsome hnmn Inside and out and very well worth the prlre. $4,500 - For completely modern and new home On 18th Ave., two block south of Leav enworth street. Large corner lot. Six lame rooms and reception hall; all finished In maple. Large front and aide porches. Built by dav labor for a home, and in cheap at the figure. $4,500 - Fine home of 9 rooms, on Cass street, near 30th street. Modern In every respect; first floor oak finish; 5 bedrooms. Paved treet; fine lawn, trees and shrubbery. Lot 60x120. $4,200 On Charles street, near 31th street (which is paved), we have ft RIO flAR OAJN In an 8-room, strictly modern house. Has good barn and fine shade trees. The place Is in fine condition, and It would cost this price to build the, house now. Lot Is a gift. $3,500 Nice, new home of 7 rooms on Prist',' street, near 29th street. Modern In evei way; y, block to car line and close to school, stores and churches. $3,450-. -'8-room house with furnace, combination lighting fixtures, bath, toilet, etc., on Cal ifornia street, near 31st street. Duilt 3 years, and Jut newly painted and papered throughout. Paved street. Rents for 130 per month. $3250 Fine, new home of 6 rooms and recep tion hall, on Harney street, near 42d St. I blocks from car line. In fine neighbor hood. Modern In every respect. Tiled bath room. First floor mission oak finish. This Is a very nice little home and cheap at the price. $2,750- On South 28th St., near HlcKorv. we ha.ve a nice IVi-story. 6-room house. Mod ernl except heat. Nice fireplace with man Every one of these are bargains. Let us show them to you. Last Chance "r " BIG CUT IN PRICES " HOCTOR TERRACE From Central boulevard opposite the Vinton school, to the South Omaha city limits. Only 5 Lots Left And Every One Is a Choice One. In order to close out the balance of the lots this week, prices have been reduced. $150 and $200 Per Lot All lots graded and have city water t nd cemervfwalka. Fine Bier Lots . $550 aud $600 Take South Omaha car TODAY to the boulevard (one block. south ofo 24th and Vinton Sts.), then go east two blocks, where you will find our salesman. ED. JOHNSTON & CO, 305 South 17th St. NEW MODERN HOUSES Near High School, $5,000 8-room house, strictly modern, new, all hardwood finish, full basement, large attic, 40-Cl. lot; sevan blocks from High school. $2,750 to $3,G00 Strictly modern, new houses, from 5 to 8 rooms eacu, on beautiful earn front lota. In a high class residence district Boule vard Park. Sidewalks ' and all Improve ments in and paid fur. Buy where a good neighborhood is assured. Take Sherman Ave. car. get off at Sprague St. and you are there. prices are low and terms are wasy. Boulevard Park Its Jo75 and up buys a choice lot. while they last. Only a few are left. Sidewalks and all Improvements In and paid for. Here you can get an Inside lot at subuiDau prices if you act quickly. Terms very easy. Take Sherman Ave. car, stop at Sprague St., and see the lots. Shinier & Chase Co., Fire, tornado, plate glass Insurance. Surety bonds, factory sites and business opportunities at Ralston. 809 S. 17th Si. Both 'Phones. $3,150 2343 SOUTH 34TH STREET HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT This house has large Hying room extend ing full width of the house, with large culonade opening between this and dining room; large dining room and kitchen on first floor; has open stairway to tecond floor; two bedrooms and bath and large closets upstairs; has hasonient bricked up and cemented; furnace brut and strictly all modern In every way. This house Is about I year old, has Just been newly decorated and floors reflnlshed. See this at once if you are looking for a home In this locality. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, BENSON ACRES 3 BLOCKS NORTH OP COUNTRY CLUB. $500 will buy one of these tracts. 311x126 feet. CAN MAKK EASY TERMS. GARVIN BROS. Third Floor N. Y. Life. $2,700 CLOSE IN 1311 S. I6th St., tl roosts, modern except beat. Lot iil ft. Paving all paid. Fine shade. Very rluap. D.V. Sholes Company 111 Hoard of Trade Bldg., 16th and Farnam Sts. Fhonea Douglas 49. Independent A-2049 FOR KALE or exensng. a valuable 1.000-acr ranch, in tl famous Keystone dUtrict. with wejl-bullt modern house and arveral smaller houses for help; all fenced and cross-fenced and generally well Im proved. Owner desires to retire, and for a quick aale will take $35.00 per acre. Tele phone owner at Vb. 573 wr address Wrtner. K3 Decatur St. tel In parlor. Paved street. Cement walks. Leased for cne year to first class tenant for $300. Sure Snap ONLY $2,500 For fully modern, lVi-story, 6-room home, bul't 3 years ago- This U the cheapest modern 8-rooin house In the city. It Is located on California street, nesr 3 2d rtrect. Let us show It to you tomorrow. - $1,450 - Coiy little 8-room house on Burdette street, near 31st St., fine well, cistern, gas. good barn, bearing fruit, Small cash payment. This Is a bargain. For Close in Flats 5 MINUTES' WALK TO 1GTII AND HOWARD STS. 60 feet on 17th avenue. Price has again been cut on this, so It Is a great big bar gain. Very Choice We can sell 60125 feet on 25th avenue, lust north of Farnam atreet for $6,200. Has good 8-room modern house. Street and alley paved. At this figure you get the house for nothing. Big Bargain Fronting 2 streets, only 713 feet from the Rome hotel; 50x185 feet on 17th Ave., and 18th St. Inquire at office for price, which is low. No 'phone answers. TRACKAGE In Wholesale District 66x132 feet with party wall. Leaven worth street, near 13th street. We have a low price on this. Improved Acre One nice level sere, only one block from car line In north part of city. Has good 7-room house, lots of bearing fruit, well, cistern and electric light. Just the place for chickens and vegetables. 'Phone, Doug. 1235. FOUR CHOICE LOCATIONS FIELD CLUB Residence of 8 rooms. Urge living room, with mantel and grate In cozy corner; four bedrooms and bath on second floor; maids room on third floor; extra toilet In basement; English oak on fust floor; hot water heat; large lot. In quire for prices and terms. BEMIS PARK Modern residence of 8 rooms ana reception hall; living room, din ing room, music room, library and kitchen on first floor, wnlch Is finished In light oak; four large bedrooms and oath on sec ond floor; east front lot; one block from cur. a Dargatti at s,,ou. WEST FA RNAM South front residence has larg living room, with mantel and grate; very pretty reception hall; dining' room u-tH rt.; large kitchen and pantry; four bedrooms and bath on second floor: house finished in oak. birch and yellow pine; hot water heat; extra toilet in base inent. Inquire for price and terniB. DUNDEE South front residence, 3.1X35 ft., on ground 1x128 ft.; Urge living room with mantel and grate: dining room 14x22 ft.; both finished In white enamel; library finished In oak; kitchen finished In maple and hard pine; four rooms and bath on second floor; billiard room finished on third floor; extra toilet ar.d lavatory on first floor; hot water heat. Inquire for particulars. PETERS TRUST CO., New York Life Bldg.' HOME BAROAIN8. $100 Cash. 5-toom and 4-room cottages on Dlot; 55th and Patrick Ave. Price. $2,000. B-room, nearly new. cottage, 27th Ave., near l-ake. PTlce, 2,0. 5-room, nar I7th and Mason Sts., modern except heat. Price, f.2.6o0. 5- ioom, new, modern except heat; near '"th nnd Charles Sts. Price. $2,400. 6- room, on 2th Ave., near Lake, new, modern except h-at. Price. $3 400. 6-room. near 27ih Ave. and Lake St.. mod fin except heat. Price. $2,600. 2 6-room, modern except heut, on one lot. close in. Price. $2,300 each. 5-room. 25th Ave. near fuming St.; al most new. Price. $2,800. 8-room. 2552 Spauldlng St., modern. Price, tl'.TOJ. 20-room double brick flut. close In. Price, $11,000. Easy terms on any of above properties. WESTERN RKAL ESTATE CO., Ill Karbach 1,1k. Phone Red 3607, A-3645. $2,900 Snap Five-room bungalow, very coxy and cute; south front. H block from car line; com pletely modern; flue combination fixtures; furnace heat: nicely decorated. A peach of a home. lt 60x130 ft. No. 4308 Parker St. Easy terms. 1). V. SHOLES COMPANY, 111 Board of Trade Bldg. ltith and Farnam Sis. Phones Douglas 4!t. Independent A-3049. 27TH ANDPRATT (-room, new house, all modern, oak fin ish, south f roil l lot 6txl27. paved street This is a nice home for you. Look at It. Price $3,500. Part cash. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 70J N. V. I-- Bldg. Both 'Phones. Only Eight Lots Left in Euclid Place These are 50-foot lots, with city water. , sewer, gas, sidewalk and paving In and paid for. Good substantial residences sur round these lots. One of the best locations for a home In the Hanscom Park District. Prices are reasonable, terms easy. Plats with prices upon application. Investigate these at once. KOUNTZE PLACE $4,300 Rut want offer on good six room modern square house, oak finish, three years old, near boulevard. Lot 60jcll'4. Jo.OOO New eight-room modern house, hot water heat, deco rated first floor; never occu pied. 1,000 cash, balance easy terms. $t5,500 Well-constructed, attractive, up-to-date seven-room modern house, on Lathrop street, near boulevard; quarter-sawed oak, beamed ceiling; hot water heat. If you want one of the best homes In Kountze Place, In vestigate this at once. SOUTH TENTH STREET RESIDENCE $12,600-For this ten-room, two-story frame house, strictly modern, oak finish and floors first floor, fine oak wainscoting In dining room, full cement base ment with first-class het water heating plant; corner lot; located In the best part of the South 10th St. residence district; convenient to the wholesale, district. This has never been offered for sale be fore, but owner has left city and desires to sell at once. George & 1601 Farnam St. Down Town Investments 25x75 Near 18th and Howard Sts.. with 5-room cottage: Just right for a small store build ing. Price $3,750. 50k SO 620 South 18th. 7-room house, renting for $25; fine location for a small apartment house, one block from Dally News Bldg. and Y. W. C. 111x132 Near 20th and Douglas. House will rent for $900 per year, paying a fair Interest on the Investment until the business district reaches It. This is your opportunity to make a fortune. 67x152 On Farnam St.; fine brick buildings rent ing for $1,800 per year. Cheapest Improved piece on the street. 44x132 1 block from new W. O. W. Bldg., one and one-half blocks from 16th and Harney. Will double in value soon. A location like this will SOON BE BEYOND your reach. See Us for Invest ments Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. That Fine Corner 22d and Willis Ave., south and east front, has two modern houses and room for another house. Houses are In good order; one Is most new. Rental $60. Price $7,500. Double frame modern residence of 6 rooms each in Kountze Place, rent ing at $25 each, for $5,200. Double frame flat, two stores below, two 6-room flats above, with bath and gas, large basement all bricked up, all in good order, on Lake St., renting for $720 per year, only $5,200. W.H. GATES Room 617. N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1294. $450 LOTS Have city water, sewer, gas and per manent sidewalks. Located on 2Sth Ave. between Maple and Corby, close to school and car line. These are cheap lots, and no doubt will be sold quick. Only have two left at ther.e prices. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. $3,500 Owner will take a good residence lot In trade for his equity in a good 6 room, all modern residence In the north part of town, built three years ago. The Byron Reed Co. Phones: Doug. 297; A-3834. y 212' South 14th St. Investment Corner lot. 3-story brick building, all rented, in downtown ruall district. Price. $2;,0(il); H cash, balance one. two and three yeais. Particulars furnlhhed at office. W. KAKNAM SMITH & CO., N No. i;i20 Farnam Bt. Tel. Doug. 10H4, Ind. A -1004. Creighton's First Corner lot. 50x140 ft., cast front; one block to ear. For quick sale, tl.300- Tel. Harney 1543. PAYING $37 PER MONTH. $3,000. Well located, practically walking dis tance. Terms. Might take good clear lot as part payment. Nowata land and ixt compakt. Suite 624 N. Y. Lit Bid. Red If. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A CLOSE-IN HOME ' AT VERY LOW PRICE. 111,000 For exceptionally well-constructed brick house, beauti fully finished inside, having eight rooms five bedrooms, three toilets and two bath rooms; new hot water heating plunt; 16-Inch brick walls for foundation. 12-inch walls for balance of house; tiled roof. Substantially built brick barn, with room for several -autos and horses. This property Is located within five minutes' walk from retail business cen ter. Owner leaving city. Price several thousand dollars less than actual cost a few years ago. An Ideal proposition for some one. Investigate at once. Wan, offer. INVESTMENTS 24, 000 Two-story brick apartment house, only three blocks from 24th and Farnam Sts.: e-t front. Up to date In every re spect. Renting for nine per cent net. Reasonable terms. $15,000 S& feet of frontage on Daven port St., 132 feet frontage on 24th St., 132 feet frontage on 23rd St.; paving In and ipnid for on two streets. Two brick houses on the property. One of the best locations for rental in the city, and where rentals are bound to Increase. Inves tigate at once. $10,50055 feet on South 17th Street, 5R feet on South 17th Ave.; two . modern ten-room houses. In good repair. 17th Ave. front age still unimproved. Located south of Daily News office. $S,00Ci -Southeast corner of 16th and Cuming St.. (V?x66 feet. Good business corner. Company Douglas 75G" EASY TERMS 4:1 (MY) Five-room cottage, partly modern. In good repair, well, cistern, city water, Hewer, toilet, etc. 2327 Seward St. &3 750 Eight-room house, all modern, 4u,itjv in the best of Bhape. to(let bath, laundry In basement; nice yard and fruit. 1020 North 32d St. id. OHO Seven-room bungalow, I all modern In every respect; oak, hard pine and birch finish; toilet and bath upstairs; toilet on first floor; laundry In basement; furnace and fireplace, lust completed. 41 Capitol Ave. fi 500 Nine-room bungalow, modern qu,trw to the minute, all very large, airy rooms, fine sun parlor on the east, the living room and dining room are finished In oak, w'lth paneled walls and beamed ceilings; music room in walnut, bath In tile and white enamel: other rooms Inlaid pine and birch; toilets on both fioora and laundry In basement; furnace and fireplace. The mot sightly location In Dundee. HENRY If. PUTNAM, 5N0 Burt 8t. Telephone Harney 6). Bargains We have a large 8-room house in Kountze Place, that we can sell at a bargain on easy terms. First floor finished In oak, Hecond floor maple, with birch doors. Price, $5,000. We also have five new houses north of Field Club that we can sell cheap and at reasonable terms. Prices range from $4,00J to $5,000. If you are looking for a bargain call at eur office and see our list of bargains. International Land & Invest ment Co. 210-12-14 Bee Bids. Phones Douglas 3133, Independent A-2f76. FOR SALE ONE OF THL" Handsomest 8-U00M HOUSES IN OMAHA In Kountze Place, east front on Sherman Ave.; brand new house, with 5 bay win dows; splendid hot water heating plant; full basement; everything about tills place is the best that could be procured; perma nent walks, paving paid. Price will 'Im pend on amount of frontage sold; casv term. (let key from owner, Ceo. F. Slmpard, 1802 Wirt St., only one block west, and examine the beauty and convenience of this pleasant home. Tel. Webster 2657. Six-Room Snap 433 Parker St., H block from car; 6 rooms, 2-story, square house; large living room, dining room, kitchen, three bed rooms, large bath, finely finished and decorated, combination fixtures, full ce mented basement, shades and screens, per manent walks, brand new: lot 50xlJ0 feet: $3,9U0, $700 cash, balance t-asy-lu-buy terms. IK V. SHOLES COMPANY. Ill Bd. Trade Bldg., Telephones; Doug, tfl; mm k rarnam r-is. jnrjvpcnuent A SiHS.' AN EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN New modern homo Just completed, with parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception hall on first floor; three nice sleeping rooms and bathroom on second floor. First floor finishrd in hard wood. Very nice gas and electric light fixtures throughout. Cement bast ment under w hole house. Workman ship and material are excrp'ionally good. Paved street and cement walks. An ex ceptional bargain for anyone desiring a well built home in first-lass neighborhood. Near southeast corner of 2Uth and Hamil ton streets. Price, $3,7."jO. W. J. Deroiody Investment Co., Tel. A-203a or D. B108.) 83 N. Y. U Bldg. We have a client who has a 9-room house, all oak finish dowrstalrs. white enameled upstairs, whole house riecorulrd. corner lot. south front, Hanscom Park dlstrlrt; he will trade his equity for cheap land or mailer houtw and some cash. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 400 Brxndela Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Choice Bargains $2,4006-1'., story and half, inodt i n except furnace, new, on paved street ami car line, near good school. Terms, 4il or $50U cash, balance )2.i iiiunln. .lust like paying run. Cant be beat. $2,500 1MH Brown St., practically new, mod ern except furnace, 7 rooms, nice south front lot, eement sidewalks, shrubbery, small barn. This is cer tainly an exceptional bargain. Don't delay. $2.W)0 -i 00111, story and half, modern ex cept furnace (piped for turnacel, brand new, near ilanscom i'ark, fuil lot. $3.200 5-room. all modern bungalow, nrtl.j cany finished and substantially built, near Hanscom Park, tuil uu. $3.250 2i4 blimey St., brand new ll-ioom, story and half, all modern, lot 44x 136, permanent walks, near car line and good school. Terms. $500 cash, balance monthly. Better own this property than pay rent. $3,550 Un Sherman Ave., near Plnkncy St., 6-room, two-sory, all modern, fliu; lot, paved street. Thlu Is the cheap est property in north part of city. We will prove this statement by com paritlve values, if you will give us an opportunity. Owner anxious to sell mid might shade his price some. $3,550 North part of city, In new and rapidiy developing district, 7-room, all modern, Just being completed, full corner lot. two blocks to 24th S't. car line. Terms, part cash. $3,750 815 S. 38th Ave., Just north of Field club, fi rooms, new all modern, nice large lot. paved street, paving paid. Leavenworth car to IWth Ave., then walk south 1 blocks. Benson & Myers Co. 412 N. V. Life Bldg. Doug. 74. 15 Down Balance 1 a Month Two-story, 7-room house, Tialf block from car; high and sightly; living room, dining room and den finished In hardwood, oak floors; kitchen and refrigerator room on first floor; three bed rooms and bath upstairs; large attic, full basement; fur nace, combination fixtures; built-in seat; book cases, buffet; finely decorated; com plete, ready to move Into, price $4,5"0. I). V. SHOLES COMPANY, Board of Trade Bldg., ltith and Farnam St. Telephones: Doug. 49. ind. A-2014 $2,450 New 5-Room Bungalow Located at the a. K. Cor. 19th and throughout; gas and electric light; cement sidewalk; close to school and stores. Will sell on small payment down and the balance about the same as rent. House is -vacant, ready to move into. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. Some Homes We of ft r 7 houses below, and us usual have a special reason why each should be sold. Our reason, our business. Their reason, their business. We want to show you these houses ourselves and will walk you out to them, unless It Is muddy, when we will take you on a street car. If more than a day's ride we will t:iku an auto mobile, .Sotuo of them may be bargain, and If we can't get the cash out of you, we might let you have them on easy terms. 11!) S. CENTRAL BLVD. (S. 31ST ST.), 8 ROOMS. MODKKN. 450 DOL'ULAS ST., 7 ROOMS, MOD ERN. WEST DODUK ST., 6 ROOMS, BUNGA LOW, MODKKN. 4!)27 DA V10NPOHT, S ROOMS, MODERN. 618 EVANS. BENSON, S'4 LOTS AND LOTS OF Fit.' IT. W16 N. 4JND ST., 7 ROOMS, CITY WATER. A. P. Tukey & Son 'Phone Douglas 21S1. 444-44i Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE One acre of ground, 7-room dwelling, located in the south western part of city, about of a mile from car line. House In good condition. Acre easily worth Jl.'oO, all we are asking for land and Improvements. This Is a bargain. BEMIS-CARLBERG CO., 4S0 BRANDE1S BLDO. $500 CASH balance by the month will buy that 7-room all modern house, new, located near 22d and Poppleton Ave. P. 6. NIELSEN & CO., 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both "Phones. 6-ROOM, NEW, MODERN. $2,E0O. flood size lot. south part of town; owner hard up; chance to gc, bargain. NOWATA LAND AND LOT Cn Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red 1!M. CORNER LOT ON CALIFORNIA ST. Room for two hooses; one block from Far nam car; $1,500. NOWATA LAND AND IT CO.. 624 New York Life Bldg. Red VM. "That's My Business" Real Estate and Insurance Also Florida Farms FRED C. ROGERS, Tel. Dour. 443. l!03 Brown Blk. DO YOU WANT TO SELL PART OF YOUR LAND? Write a description of It, building, water, near what town. Make 70 words of It all and send It to The Omaha Bee with K cnta for each insertion. People In Ne braska have money and want land. They look to The Omaha Bee for real estate oi feriugs. And they get them in The Bo. 173 KKET, FRONTS ON THREE STREETS Right In town. Best location in Omaha for apartments at tbe price, owner wants to sell so badly that he will give you free fine, large, mod rn l-room house now on NOWATA LAND AND IA)T COMPANY, Suite U4 N. Y. Life Bid Rtd U9 G. W. GARLOCH Fine Bemis Park Homes $5,700 3409 Cuming street; new, C-room and reception hall, large living room, 2 4 fret long, with beamed celling; oak finish on first floor; birrh and maple on second floor; large attic room; full cemented basement; hot water heating; very fine fixtures; street paved and paid; rrontltij; on Bemls park arid close to three, car lines. An ideal home. $0,200 3405 Cuming street; large, nine rooms; new and strictly modern, with hot water heating plant; entrance hall paneled; large living room; first floor finished in oak; five bedrooms on second floor, with plenty of room for threo more on third floor (not finished). On corner lot, with laving all paid and fine car 8ervbrt. A very fine home and should bring more money. $fi,G00 3622 Lincoln boulevard: Just completed; 8 rooms and bath, large attic room, full cemented basement; fine hardwood finish; hot water heating, nice fixtures; south front. $C,S00 3614 Lincoln boulevard; new, 9-room, strictly modern; oak finish first floor. A large living room, 26 feet long with beamed celling. Second floor finished In" birch, with maple floors. Hot water heat. Fine shade trees. $7,200 3616 Lincoln boulevard; 11 rooms; just being completed; an Ideal plan, with 4 rooms, hall and vestibule on first floor; 4 Jiedroonis, bath, linen closet and large hall n second floor, finished in birch; 3 large bedrooms on third floor, nicely finished; beautiful south front. In the center of Iiemls park. See it for yourself. $7,200 3618 Lincoln boulevard; 11 rooms, ready to occupy in a week; oak and birch finish; hot water heat, very fine fixtures: all large rooms; dining room has beamed ceiling; plenty of shade trees, both front and rear, with fine view. Right opposite Hemls park's famous spring. You never saw as nice a plan in a house of this size. $7,200 3620 Lincoln boulevard; 11 rooms: new and strictly modern; nicely finished In hardwoods; butler's pantry and everything that goes to make up an elegant home. There Is no location In West Farnam dis trict as fine as this. Every house I have was built by day labor from start to finish, and no expense or labor spared In order to make them right. Better see mo before you buy. G. W. 'Phones Harney 3079; Ind., B-2671. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE Ground Floor N. Y. Life. Douglas 3963 ; A -31)63. S0ME GOOD BARGAINS THIS WEEK $ 2,200 7-room cottage, modern Conveniences except furnace, full basement, rents nonresident owner offers for quick sale on terms of $rA0 cash, balance $25 a month, 8 per cent interest. t 2,SiiO 6-room cottage on one nf the prettiest streets In REM IS PA RIC, Ml modern, paving paid In full; Immediate possession. EASY TKRMS. i 3,000 HANSCOM PARK home. 7 rooms. 2 stories, nil modern, full east front lot, on paved street; $."iC0 cash will handle. $ 3,600 :t:td and Marcy, practically new house, corner lot, G rooms and hall, 2-story, all mcdern. paving paid. Selling to close an estate. $ 4.0008 rooms, all modern, very attractive house at .Tf19 Charles St.; paving paid in full. Owner has already left city and anxious to s"U. $ 4,2i0 SfiTH AND MARCY. one of those new houses, east front, 7 rooms, all modern; very nicely arranged and finished; terms reasonable. $ 4.500 BKM1S PARK. 3304 Lafayette Ave.; first time ever offered for sale; 6 rooms and hall, all modern, built for home; excellent location and view hard to beat. $ 5,750 CLOSK IN, chance to get 9-room. strictly modern home, well located, paving paid, handy to Farnam and Harney car lines; on VERY EASY TERMS. $ 5,210 WEST FARNAM district, near Joslyn's, a 7-room, 2-story, square house, built for home, oak finish, hot water heat; reasonable terms to good party. $ 7,500 WEST FARNAM, near 3fith and Harney, a 9-room strictly modern house, south front. ' INVESTMENTS $ 7."i0 Gets trackage lot facing paved street, 66x112. $5,2oO Gets three modern cottages on N. ISth, Just south of Clark, always rented, $Tid a month. SNAP. $ 9,500 Gets two St. Louis flats, nearly new, well located, all improvements in and paid for; rent tl02 a month. .... $11,500 Gets double brick St. Louis flat, renting 5110 a month, larere lot, all specials Paid' - fiO.ooO Four-story brick business block, down-town; pays 7 per cent net. Joo.OuO business block, heart of cuy; paying 8 per cent net. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE Ground Floor N. Y. Life. Outsldo entrance on Farnam Street. Biggest Snap in Omaha, $6,500 Double 9-room brick flat, 1535-37 Park Ave.; oak finish and oak floors down stairs; all modern, furnace heat; on car line; fronting on Hanscom park; fine lot, 50x150 ft. Property originally cost to build 10,000. Biggest snap in Omaha. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 111 Hoard of Trade Bldg. lth and Farnam Sts. Phones Douglas 49, Independent A-2049.' $9,000 for the totithwest cornrr of 21st and Chi cago streets. 80x132 feet, only five blocks from the postomce. tspienuia sue ror apartment house or flats. Improvements worth 6,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., No. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. !4. Ind. A-1064. Investigate This Eight-room house, near I3d and Daven poit, double parlor, dining room, kitchen and reception hall on first floor, four bed rooms and bath upstairs. Good location; full lot, nicely terraced. These are all large rooms and a modern Jiouse. Would take good lot as part payment. Price $3,5w. BHMIN-CAULHERG CO., 4S0 BRANDEIS ULDU. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8-room modern cottage, five blocks from postoffice, one lot 60x150 feet, cemtnt walks, In Huldrege, Neb. Also 7-room house and one lot In Curtis, Neb. Both In excellent lo catkui. Will sell cheap or consider a trade. II. 8. Moores, Iexington. Neb. BEAl'TlFl'L home, must be sold quick for cash. Buy from owner and don't pay agent's commission. 6 rooms and recep tion hall. All modern. Good furnace, east front, full lot. Beautiful surroundings. Make an offer quick. Ste owner, 5020 No. 23d St., Tel. W. 233. INVESTMENT 3-Story lirick Business, $8,500 Store room and flats above. At a very low rental it brings $.(3e per annum. Can make good terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO. Suite t24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Rfd 1999. PARTY wanting suburban property can not afford to mls this rare opportunity. Seven-room house, electric lights, city water, permanent walks Inside and out side: barn and other improvements; in Vst Ames' avenue district: high and dry, overlooking the valley; mut -oil at once and will cut It loose for Il.700.u0. Pbon the owner, Doug. 74 or call at 3u8 B. l.Mh Bt. ' W. O. JEN8KN. bolide tomes rtgnt; plan fuiDlaOMl. 31U Cpaidlo Tel Web. Ms. Garloch 3704 Hawthorne Ave. 2859 BRISTOL ST., large, new, mod ern cottage; G extra large rooms, best of plumbing fixtures, fine combination lighting fixtures, fine lot; good neigh borhood; paving all paid for. See the house and talk to the owner; then see us. J. W. Rasp Co., 689-91 Brandeis Bldg. Sl'Bl'RHAN ACREAGE. 2V 5 and 10-acre tracts. Just adapted to gardening, fruit and poultry raising, ad joins RALSTON 011 north. 5 blocks from car. school and church privileges and busi ness district. Home market for all you raise In busy RALSTON, with Its mills and factories. Cull or write for descriptive clr culur of lla'Fton acre. Rest yet. SHIMKIi H CHASE CO., Agts. Omaha and Suburban Property. Industrial Sites. 30J S. 17th St., Omaha. Both Phones. SOUTH front corner, one block fronl car line, 5-room modern cottage, occu pied 6 montha at $2 0 per; on the mar ket today at $2,500; $500 cash or va cant lot as first payment. You should see It. 3120 Taylor St. J. V. Rasp Co.. 689 Brandeis Bldg. Iloug. 1653; A-2653. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. For quick sale. M.700; a new 9-ronm houc, all modern; oak finish: cement side walk; on paved street. Tel. Harney 2wS. INVESTMENTS I4.R00 will buy modern 2-storv pressed brick 8-room residence in first-class condi tion: largo lot; street paved; permanent walks. Located In .West Farnam district. This l a snap. Ilfi.ooo will buv a close in modern fr"R flat of six 8-room houses, well located and In good condition, always rented for ilso month in advance. This If '0 Vr nt on an Investment of $21.00. Can you beat It7 AV. W. MITCHELL, Hoard of Trade Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. NEAR CKEIGHTON COLLEGE MUST J?E SOLI) Owner leav ing city, offers you your choice of two fine 7-rooin hoimes. Ideal location, fine Bhado. large lots 50x1. "A paving, on car line. Lois selling at M per front foot. Do )'"U want a bargain? HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 8ROOMS, WEST FARNAM, $3,200 All modern; easy walking distance; aurely cheap hi the price; terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., PRAIRIE PARK farm conecnon oi names; terms easy; stretV paved and parked. Paxton Real Kstate (.. 10 ROOM, REAL HOME, $5,500. Not merely a house and lot, but 10 roomi of real home, modern In every way; finely located; large lot, fruit trtea, lovely lawn garage, paved atreet; ear at door. Owner wants to sell, and that's the time to buy. Terms. NOWATA LAND AND LOT IX., Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. Red W. ACREAGE FOR HALE OR TRADE 10 acres, mile north of the Country club, on the Orphanage road, 10 minutes' walk from the street, car. too fruit trees nd Dot) grapes, three years old. SNAP - I Also lot 23. Fairmont Place, on 2"ih mu Lake Sts. Call at UM Darn A bl. Ut Kirscbberg. '