Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1910, EDITORIAL, Page 9, Image 17

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The Bee has established
its position as the leading
Real Estate Paper of
The Bee makes a specialty
of Farm and Ranch ad
vertising, and valuable
lands everywhere.
citv ruoi'KHi v run sai.r
CITY r It or Kit I v KOIl SA1.R
CITY ritorK.HTl KOIl I.E.
9 All'..
fL- r i? at . ESTATE H
D. V. Sholes Company
Jjll Board of Trado Bldg.,
' lGth and Fanuun Sts.
Telephones: Douglas 49;
Independent A-12049.
1.100 4221
1,TTiO 41 Jl
I 2,ioo--iM8
Sfarf Bt.,
Krsklne 81.,
No. aith St.,
sightly. Ixt
3-ronm house and a good,
6 rooms and chicken House
deep Int.
lot 100x120 feet. I
7-ioom, two-story house, fronting east; lot MxlM ft., high
completely fenced with Iron fence. 8f this and make us
an offer.
t 11'--27th and Maple St H-room cottage, modern except heat.
2,4nO-2T.23 So. Hth, 7-room, modern except heat; lot S3xl24 feet.
I 2,3002Xri So. aith 3t., new 6-room house, modern except heat and piped for furnace.
1 1 2,S2T 1HM So. 40th. St., R-room brick cottaage, modern except heat; attic and base-
muni: lot Wtti.lO fef. He lis nnlrk.
ft S.000 euM Charles St., 6 rooms, modern except hat; lot Mxl30 feet.
- 3,4.0 JT'B Webnter St., 7 rooms, all modern. Clone In. C-eap. v
3.HO ti'J Franklin St., 7 rooms, all modern. Built three eara ago." Ixit Mbtl50 ft.
4 4,000 One block from Field club grounds; new, modern, fi-room cottage, hot water
Iheat, oak and birch finish. Three, lota 150x1 ftet.
f 4.EOO1034 So. 28th St., 7 rooms, all modern; lot 50x140 feet.
3 4,800 1131 So. S2d St., 6 rooms, new, thoroughly moderu; lot 40x150 feet.
3 n So. 28th St., 8 rooms, modern hot water heat; lot 60x160 feet.
16,3002313 So. 33d St., rooms, new, modern house, hot water heat, hardwood finish;
, on the boulevard; very high and sightly location; extremely choice and cheap.
I t 8,500 13i2 So. STith Ave., 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat, hardwood finish; hand-
Iaome decorations; lot 46x133 feet; block from the Field club.
$19,000 Near 37th and Karnam Sts., 9 rooms, thoroughly modern, beautiful quarter
sawed oak finish; lot 60x135 feet; a magnificent place for the money,
$ 8,000 Ail 8 Lincoln Boulevard, 8 rooms, modern; lot 6o!xlS8 feet; best part of Bemls
114,000 Near 34th and Karnam Sts., beautiful 10-room, strictly modern house, one of
the most beautiful living rooms In the city; fine walks, white oak finish down
stairs; splendid billiard room In basement; perfect condition; 66-foot lot; beau-
tlful shrubbery.
V2&,-West Farnam, new pressed brick dwelling; tiled roof, 10 rooms, hot water
heat, magnificent finish and decorations; brick garage. In the very cream of
I the best district In this city.
i $32,400 West Karnam, 12 rooms, magnificently finished and decorated; east front lot,
100x135 foot; brick stable and garage; location unexcelled. One of the most
complete and costly homes In the city. A great bargain.
Between 13th and 20th, north of Leavenworth St. the best and cheapest inside
(property for the building of downtown homes or for brick Investment properties of
anything offered on the market. Price, $60 per foot on time, or 6 per cent discount
for cash. Considering only 3 minutes' walk to the heart of the elty, this property
cannot help but largely enhanoe In value.
On Military Ave. between Seward and Parker Sts., one of the handsomest addi
tions in the city of Omaha at the price. Very choice, high, sightly lots, within ht
black of car, with sewer, water, gas, permanent walks, uniform grade, all new im
provements and at prices from $800 down. On easy terms or S per cent discount for
caah. fUde out on the car today and look this over and see bow pretty it is.
9 40060x100 feet, at the southwest corner 26th Ave. and Sprague St.
600-46x133 feet, northeast comer 6th and Pine Sts.; Inside lota adjoining $560 each.
$ l.aOO 60x38 feet, southeast corner 30ih and Davenport; paving all paid.
$ 1.80060x150 feet, east front on 33d, ljO feet south of Pacific; paving air paid.
$ 1.00660x170 feet, east front on Central Boulevard, between Pacifie and Poppleton.
$ 3,00098x130 feet, northeast corner SDth and Chicago Sts.; .'Ubject to paving.
$ 70x110 leet, south front on St. Mary's Ave., 70 feet east of 21st, with old 10-
room house; cheap, cloae-ln property.
I $13,300 Southeast corner 25th and Chicago, two good new brick flats and 6-room cot
tage, renting for $121 per month.
1.117.600 Southeast comer Soth and Cass Sts., that fine 8-story stone building,, renting
' for $1,00 por year; 24 rooms, hot water heat, best of oak finish. Coat over
$20,000. f
u0,000 Corner lot, 66 x77 feet, right In the heart of Omaha; is leased for 7 years at
, net rental $2,000 per year; lessee paying all text and expenses. At the end of
this leae the lot will certainly be worth double the money. One of the best
I downtown buys that we know of. ,
) $,000 Corner lot, 152x140 feet, one block, from Farnam St. and east of 20th. It Is
one of the few real snaps left in this dlstrlot. Certain to double in value.
Would make a profitable Investment either on ground lease dr with Inexpen
sive buildings. Can lease to responsible parties.
Twenty acres on West Dodge St., $ miles from downtown, very high and sightly
. and a delightful spot for suburban home. Prloe, $4,400.
Forty acres, one mile west of lrvlngton, on paved road; choice. Price, $6,000.
TH acres, with 5-room house and other Improvements; good fruit. Price, $2,300.
Two acres, with good 6-room house, barn and fruit. Price, $1,100.
5 to 10 Acre
y Tracts
Near Florence
At Fa mi Land Prices
These fine tracts are two miles west of
Florence. Just off a level concrete road.
I The cheapest and best acreage around
! PRICK $160 to $16 per acre.
I TERMS One-quarter rash, balance 1, 2,
lavrnj 3 your.
Garvin Bros.
("Third Floor N. T. Uf. Thone Doug. 9M.
' OR
T. Jorge risen
4 New Modern Homes
Walking Distance
Just Completed and Now
Offered for Sale
2102, 210(5, 2110 and 2112 Grace street. These four
attractive homes, containing six and seven rooms each.
Oak finish in parlor, dining room and reception hull;
maple floor in kitchen; upstairs finished in yellow pine.
Both up and down stairs papered with a splendid selec
tion of the latest designs of paper. Colomule opening
between parlor and front hall; both electric light and
gas, with combination fixtures; cement sidewalks and
paved street; within easy walking distance, convenient
to school and stores. If you want a swell home we know
these will please you.
Prices-$3,30O to $3,600 each.
Hastings & Heyden
1614 Harney Street.
Price $24,000
410-12-14-16-18-20 SOUTH 25TH AVE., OMAHA, NEB.
Corner lot, 94 feet east front on 25th Ave., by 80
feet south front on Dewey Ave. Both streets paved.
Six apartments of five and six rooms each. Oak
finished, all decorated, hot water heating plant. Located
within easy walking distance from retail business center.
Mortgage on property $12,500, at 5V2.
25th Ave $ 4 2.60 per mo.
25th Ave 42.50
25th Ave 37.50
25th Ave 4 2.60
25th Ave 42.50
25th Ave 40.00
per mo.
per mo.
per mo.
per mo.
per mo.
Total ....
Thone Flor. 3T.
J-story brick, $4,000 rental, $50,000.
S-atory brick, JiXO rental, 17, Mu.
$ frame houses. $1,0M rental. $8,0ofl.
I-room brick. $480 rental, 14.000.
M. 40 or W feet WEST front on Hth Rt
between Dodge and Capitol Ave., near New
V. P. Hdqtrs. btibmtt offer.
Kilt Cass, 9 rooms, full lot. $7,600.
a03 Jones. 7 rooms, modern, corner. lMl.124
! feet, room for another house, $4 500.
' Bos 8. 41st, hot water heat, $3.0uO.
1M S. a9th St., fine modern, 7-room
. bouse. Bargain at $3,400.
3 brick houses, rental $360. $2.(00
$008 N. 24th St.. S rooms, $1.A
83x116, west. S610 Davenport, $1,800
I $) acres, nln miles West So. Omaha
1 Stock Yards. $126 acre.
$ acres South Florence, $1,600.
t acres, rooms, paved road, $2.ia0.
4 aorea. 3-room house, $l,7a0.
Homes Priced for
Quick Sale
$2,700 For that brand new, fully modern
east front home of $ large rooms.
with wide stairs to big attic, on
large corner lot at 4602 N. Slat Ave
lias fine cemented basement, latest
style furnace, and up-to-date bath.
owner writes me to reduce price
from $2.C0 to $2,700, and sell It Mon
day on a reasonable payment down,
$2 will allowed for lighting fixtures
$J,i60 For a good t-room house on paved
street, In walking distance, divided
for two families. First floor rents
for $16, and upper floor for $1(. All
specials are paid. I can trade this
on a small farm.
$;,250 For a fine practically new (-room
cottage, modern, except heat, on
large corner lot, -and not far out.
Has stairs going up from front hall
to large attic. This Is a fine place,
and rbeap at $3. MO.
$1000 For a pew f-room Just completed
home with two lots lfflxljs with
well and pump. Ton can't beat this
for $2,8"0.
$l,2i0 For a nice 4-room cottage aith city
water, gas and toilet, on paved ft.,
close to tar and school, etop pay
ing rent.
$ J60 For a fine lot southwest of Hanacom
Park. We must sell this.
F. H. Drake
Hauling Ashes
Ga Furnace Room
County Taxes . . . . .
City Taxes
$247.50 per mo. or per yr., $2,970.00
EXPENSES (Per Year.)
$ 258.15
6. 50 '
J. H. Durriont & Son
Special Bargains
for This Week
10-ronm house, in first-class condition, lot
80x140 ft and barn. 4 blocks from postof-
fice. PKlCli $U..tiO. Kany terms, but no
discount for all ca!h.
li-room modern house, finished In hard
wood, hot water heut, largo corner lot with
fine shade treea and large barn; one block
from car line. FKICK 15,tn). this la a
fine downtown home. Cost $:I7.6I0, and Is as
good as new. Fur sale, because owners
family Is reduced In sixe.
9-room, modern house, with corner lot,
on f arnam car line, i-mi tj i..vuu.
fine new house with hardwood finish on
entire first floor, including kitchen.
12-room, modern house, with corner lot.
9x110 ft.. In best PHrt of West Hriiam
hill. Everything In apple-ple order ana
only JlS.TiOO. The ground alone is worth
more than $10,000.
10-room house and 2 lots In the most
sinhlly location in Dundee. PltlCK $;,.
Owners leaving city.
8-room house, with full lot and barn, on
Georgia Ave:, near Hanacom Park. PRICE
tl.COO. Easy terms. Owner has bought an
other home and wants to sell this one this
week. PRICK CUT $-00. Any reasonable
offer considered. .
3720 Lincoln Boulevard, 8-room house,
with hardwood finish, tiled bath, full south
front lor. PRICE $6,000. Easy terms. No
paving taxes ever.
3329 Lafayette Ave., $-room, modern
house, with oak finish and full corner lot;
one block from car. Roth streets paved
and naid for. PRICE $a.500. Terms. 12,000,
five years at (i per cent, optional, balance
A very desirable modern cottage with
large living room and dining room finished
in oak; hardwood floors, a bedrooms and
bath; on paved street and car line. PRICE
$3.S50. This Is a cut of $500 In the price,
and it was chesp before. Owner lives on
the Pacific coast and wanta to close out
his Omaha property.
Corner. 99xl21H ft., between High school
and Crelghton College, four good houses,
ent $1.11)4; room to build flats. This prop-
ertv Is on 24th St. car line ana oniy one-
half block from Harney line. FKICK
000. Certain to inrrease In value, ihls is
cut in price of $MW and It was cheap De-
10-ronm. modern house with lot 50x100 ft.
on Harnev t.. near Bm. r-n.n.cj i.nw.
$1,000 cash, balance monthly payments.
This property Is worth $1,000 more than the
nr ce. Rented xtiO per montn. rossession
can be had It wanted.
Two 7-room modern brlrk dwelllnga on
one of the best residence streets In Omaha;
well rented and almost new. I'RICE Jio,
,0. Also another block on same street
PRICE $11,260. Very choice property and
bringing a good net Income.
S9x66 feet, with four almost new, modern
pressed brick dwellings. Hardwood finish
and nolished floors upstairs and down
porches with tiled roofs and cement floors,
First class construction; nothing to ret oul
of reDair. INCOME $1,200. PRICE $10,000
J. H. Dumont & Son
Total ; . . . .$ 7S6.20
Net Income $2,183.80
Pays Over 9 on $24,000.
George & Co., Exclusive Agents
1601 Farnam St. Phone Douz. 750
$8,500 Buysa$l5,000
Fronting; south on Lincoln Boule
vard and Bemls park; nine rooms, all
modern; quarter-sawed oak finish
downstairs; hot water heating plant;
exceptionally large front porch, with
porte-cochere; beautiful lawn 12 Ox
197, with natural shade treea; brick
garage in rear; cement driveway. The
bouse alone cost $11,000 to build six
years ago. See us at once about this
The Byron Reed Co.
'Phones: Doug. 297; A-3834.
212 South 14th St.
Trackage Lots
ltm and Mandersun His., several lar
ion rronung on Jdih Hi.; have tracks
rear; i iu aaep. Ask for prloe.
Kixiao fronting on 10U St.. near whole
sale district. $4,000.
tuia Dear liih and I sard, I room house,
JCS a 17th Su Both 'Phone.
We Have Buyers
for outlying vacant lots cheap. Par
ties who bought lots 15 and 0 years
ago during the boom and have been
unable to sell them can And a market
for same at once if offered at the right
price. Parties living in Omaha and
parties living outside are requested to
give us a list of their lots, with prices.
We do not care for any lots In addi
tions platted within a rew years or any
lots bought on the 50-cent-pe4--week
A. P. Tukey &. Son
'Phone Douglas 2181.
444-445 Board of Trade Bldg.
N. P. DODGE & CO.,
$1,200 Four rooms, lot 60x125 ft., and barn;
$150 cash. Three blocks from car.
$1,350 Five rooms, lot 62V4xU5 ft; $100 cash.
T hree blocks from car.
$1,800 Six rooms, city water, lot 65x174 ft.;
oOO cash. Room for three more
houses. One block from car; east of
32d bt. and south of Cuming St.
$2,600 Seven-room house, modern except
furnace; east of 30th St, overlooking!
Central Blvd. $o00 cash, balance
$3,250 Eight-room all modern house, two
blocks from Farnam car. Easy terms
Lot 60x127 rt.
$3,300 Nearly six acres and 6-room house
and barn, sheds, cave, well; alfalfa,
asparagus and all kinds of fruit
Joins the city limits on the north
west. $1,800 In Building and Ixan
Association. Now rented for $19
from month to month. What more
do you want?
N. P. Dodge & Co.,
15th and Harney
Thone Doug. 690.
1606 Farnam St.
Cottage Homes Cheap
We have three cottagea for sale at
bie sacrifice. They are one blork south
of Vinton St.. between 29th and Juth fits,
faclna; 'he south Central boulevard. The
all stand nice, high and sightly, and ai
In pood condition. Only 3 blocks from the
west side car line and 6 blocks from the
South Omaha car line. We will aell them
separately as follows:
2MM boulevard, 8 rooms, large lot, $976,
$100 cash.
2W8 boulevard 60-ft. lot, 4-r., $1,150. $400
U0 boulevard, 60-ft. lot, ( rooms, $1,200,
$.00 cash.
The balance of the purchase prloe you
will pay the same as rent.
436 Paxton Block.
Some Fine New Houses For Sale
IM-J.) Pinkney Street. Open Today. Come Out. v
This place is just about completed and Is right from top to bottom. A full tf-
tory sciiiH.e house, with large basement divided Into throe rooms, plastered and
nlshed off. with sood fiiranre and laund ry room. First floor has nice reception
all. Rood parlor, dinlnc room and kitchen. Beautiful oak finish and oak floors
irouKhout. even in kitchen. Large thoroughly eutiipped puntry. beautiful oak statr-
ay, 3 nice bedrooms, with large closets and bathroom on second floor, run stair
ay to large attic, fine combination llBht Ink' fixtures. The workmanship on this
ous will surprise you. It Is the very best. I he location is tine, new nomes an
round, faelns the open campus of the I'nlverslty of Omaha, one block from car.
paved street. This sounds like a $a,000 house, but IT IS ONLY $!,S.'0.
Hanscoin Park District, $;,'J00
on the P.oiilovatd. one block from 1 la ns urn J'ai k. we have an unusually alliac
He larti". modern house, built of the vei y best of material and finished in the
inest manner, has full basement, with coal bins, fruit room, laundry room, laundry
pparatus and closet. A splendid hot water heatlnK plant The house Is STsxSH feet
n the ground, has large reception ball, parlor, iIIiuiik room, library and kitchen on
first floor, finished in uuarter sawed oak with quarter sawed osk floors, oak com
bination stairway; 4 fine bedrooms and bathroom on second floor, stairway b large
loored attic, l-oine screened-ln sleeping porch, soieetis for every window and door.
Walls In living room decorated with fine paper. You will like this place If you see It.
All the rooms are large and have beautiful windows; sodded yard, cement walks;
faces a 100-foot boulevard. Let us show y oil tills house.
Two very fine new. all modern houses on this fine street of homes, south front
ots, paved street, sodded yards, cement walk, nice terrace. The living rooms are
finished In oak. with oak floors, full basement, good furnace, best of plumbing,
beautiful combination lighting fixtures. f you want a nice home In a beautiful
addition, complete In every way, see these houses. Reasonable terma can be made
by responsible party.
A fine new 7-room, all modern house, full basement, cemented. Four bedroom.
beautiful oak finish and floors.
Douglas 4270; Web. 4638. (523 Bee Building.
Interesting to Home Buyers
One of the nicest homes In Bemls park is offered for sale by reason of
the owner having removed to Lincoln. The house is almost new, has eight
fine, large rooms, and is certainly a splendid home.
The price is $7,000, but the owner will consider any reasonable offer.
If in the market for a home, let us show you this one.
$5,600 1814 Lothrop street, Kountze Place; 8-room, almost new. strictly :
modern and worth the money.
$5,000 1329 South 28th street; 8-room and bath; Hanscom park district;,
paved street; lot 50x150. A very attractive place.
14.200 A swell 5-room bungalow In Dundee, built tor a home and no expense
4(000 3908 North 17th street; 7 rooms and bath; oak and pine finish. Hot
water heat; almost new. Full east front lot.
$3,350 and paving 2963 Dodge street; 6 rooms and bath; furnace heat, house
is well built. Is strictly modern and Is a bargain for some one. '
$2,500 18th and Corby streets; 6 rooms, large pantry and bath; modern.
Nicely located on corner lot.
$2,325 4716 North 29th street; 6 room modern cottage. A real cozy little
home, and in a fine neighborhood. Can make the payments $18.00
per month.
$1,900 2802 North 28th street; 5 rooms; fruit and shade trees. Look It over,
and see us.
We also have a large list of vacant building lots.
Payne Investment Company .,
Entire Third Floor, Ware Block.
Tel., Doug. ITS 1 .; lnd., A-1188.
$50 CASH
Five-room cottage In eastern part of
I"unde. located near 48th and Burt, tl,7o0.
Will sell for $50 cash, balance l-D per month.
This is an opportunity for you to acquire
nice little home on practically the same
terms as rent.
Red IE. A-TOJ.
Uf Brandela.
Ve offer ene e-roora and one S-room
house, modern except beat; good oondltien;
lot ttixlX)'. parinx paid; yearly rental
Prloe 17, W0. if you an look! or for a ruod
Investment with a tam future, don't fail to
lavasUfata thla.
Ula Harnr Rt
Home Bargain
4329 Parker Bt., i-room house, reception
hall, living room, dining room, kitchen on
first floor; four bedrooms and bath on
second floor; large closets; hardwood piano
finish downstairs; built-in btirfet, colonade
openings; oak floors; furnaie. combination
fixtures, full cemented cellar; permanent
walks; lot 60x150 ft. Price, $4,2&0. Kasy-to-puy
Ul Board of Trade Bldg., ISth and Farnam.
Telephones: Doug. 4. Inn. A-049
Dundee Lots
For sal by owner, northwest corner
of 6 2d and Webster Sts., just one block
from car line, near Happy Hollow
club. For price, terms, etc., apply to
.V. W. Boyles
18th and Harney Sts.
Toonei Doug. 184 or Red 3770.
NINE-ROOM bouse In Haunts PUo.
all nxjdera. full lot. B.MU. Cash enl?
and tenua aa be! anna. Act uua. Must hm
This is Not av Snap
Rot actD tai wrath snare than J 0DQ, Qim
rrtue aitked.; renine, all nvriera. m pevved
street, flue Ba!dkuama4. eewikiog auatanaa
'lfbaua ftaneew AMO for tuMmr fauliaulaxa
IKvTESTJraivT. .
wteeaa fiepit, wsrtl tnnatad. sirrs
hirrr tm waits'; new tsattsd Sat CJKO i
auuim. friam. tllseO.
Suite 124 Jd. X. 1M MUU- SUd Utei
Jvet think of ft 300 baying a large two
Mary ewclltna;. s rooms, modern except
furnace. Furnas eao be put in at little
ripen; lot. 40x119 feet: east front: paved
nrt. Owner leaving city; roust be sold.
w. o. innrvtTt.
Uta Xe-w Tera Ufa Bldg.
t-mOOV hraaa. tx Heaf Ota. SUM.
s-room Oat. la . Jtt Ave- fit
f-imtoa bBtaak, W I. Jfrta At.
rmi le a, fl Vaiw, w
1-Tesn faeaea. tip g. bCB IX
J. JI. raj RUTH, jig 3014 of Eebjbb.
Brick House and
Two Lots
An eastern estate will sell the four
room brick house and two lots located
on the south side of Sherwood Ave.
between 16th and 16th, at a sacrifice
Want an offer Monday.
The Byron Reed Co
297; A 3834.
14th fit.
Walnut Hill
f-room dwelling, nearly new, hot water
heat; lot WU0. south front. Price, $3.!u0.
r, owing cheaper In town and very few
better none at the price.
4.4) Brandela Bldg
'Sold Some
Of the very best lota on North 38th St
and 3Sth Ave.
Ask us to show you, B0 ft. on the
Ave., east front, best view to east and
south; all specials paid; surrounded
by Omaha's newest homes.
1nn!-a.4 V Y. lAtt. limit, or A 2162
Good Old House
Of 1 large rooms, would cost o,000 to build
today, with 100x167 ft. of ground; the pret
tiest location on Poppleton Ave.; lots cov
ered with large forest trees; street paved
and fully paid; lots alone worth .ouu or
more. This is 2W2 Poppleton Ave.; needs
painting and some repairing, but is good,
substantial house; eastern owner will let It
go for 15.000, on very easy terms. Vacant
now. It la a grand place lor cnuuren.
Orchard Hill Home
8-rooms, modern, good repair, full lot,
paved street, shade trees, small barn.
14.200; easy terms.
New Brick Block
Of residence property, within four blocks
of P. O., on full city lot; streets and alley
paved; rental f 1,860 per year; splendid ten
ants. 117,000.
Suburban Home
New modern house and three large lots.
Joining the Field club grounds on the west;
a beautiful country home In a growing
Harrison & Morton
N. T. Ufa Bldg.
Fine Home
GROUND 100x124
Surrounded by good homes. House
was built by Architect Mendelssohn
for bis home; has tiled vestibule, hall,
parlor, sitting room, dining room, all
finished in oak; fireplace and mantel
In dining room and parlor; butler,
pantry and kitchen, large basement;
laundry, with btatlonary tubs, soft
water, toilet and vegetable room; fur
nace beat; Ave bed rooms and modern
bath on second floor; two large rooms
finished off on third floor; large barn;
house fronts south on a terrace; cor
ner lot, with paving all In and paid
for; nice shade trees; large porches.
A very attractive place. Can't beat II
for the money. Located at 2024 Wirt
St. Price only $6,600.
Room 617. N. Y. Life. Ph. D. 1394.
On the Hill Top
Four Beautiful Home Sites
We have Just placed on the market llOx
320 foet, fronting south on California and
north on Webster, 300 feet west of 38th
St., right near all the fine residences on
the 88th Bt. hllU Will divide the tract
Into four 66xl60-foot lot or Into two llOx
160-foot lota. Both streets paved. No finer
location for a home In Omaha.
A. P. Tukey & Son
'Phone tiougiaa 2181.
444-446 Board of Trade Bldg
of an acre, with 3 houses, now
renting for $30 per month; bouses
need not be mewed to use trackage.
Thla is less than two miles from P. O.
and a giveaway at $3,500. J. W.
Hasp Co., tfSS Brandels Dldg.
Field Club Notes
On 87th and Marry rite., a choire corner,
1U3 ft., $1,000.
On 3th fct. near Pacific, three splendid
east front lots. 6oxl ft. each, $3ft per ft.
On Woolworth Ave., a few good lots left
at I2.M0; f ft. front.
On 86th Ave., a fine 8-room, thoroughly
modern house. Ijarge living room, with
Inglenook. four good bedrooms, screened
porch, large attic, 17. 500.
On same street e have a rood 9-rooni,
all modern home, with lar;e lot. Owner
will take good farm In trade.
On 37th and Marry Hts.. a good g-room
modern cottage home; large lot, 100x140 ft.,
eaat front; paved street. 86.000.
W. L. Selby
Tel. Douglaa 1510. 4M Board of Trade Bldg.
West Farnam.
Seven rooms, all modern, loutb
front, good location; two blocks to
Farnam car; quarter-sawed oak finish,
downstairs. Easy terms.
The Byron Reed Co
'Phones: Doug.
212 South
297; AS834.
14th St.
J -room, all modern house, hot water heat,
south front lot, txia0, paved street and
paid for. This a cloKe-ln bargain and
will sail quick. Prloe t&.Ouu.
1 0. NTELSEN & CO.,
XS X. T. U Blag. Both "Phonaa.
I WTO twe fine earner lets at a kar-
gam v isms at em. a. irad C Eoiaida
rwnn r i
86,600 8-room house, oak finish, hot water
heat, nice lawn, 10 minutes' walk
from ltih and Karnam rita. Built for
a home lens than 4 years ago.
JO Brandela Bldg. Omaha, Nets.
Bemla Pars. Me
uty 1212.
seonoa, modern, corner,
agMiU- Teicaliona Uai
t-ROOM heuav; strict ty mc'frn.
ft. B. UHi.
A snappy home, 43:40 Parker St., v, block
from car, bungalow .style, south front, wide
veranda, 6 rooms, living room, dining room,
kitchen, den and bath on first floor; two
bedrooms, three lance clonets on second
floor. All finely decorated, combination
fixtures, furnace heat, shades and screens,
permanent walks; lot Mil.) feet; 3.7jO, VhjO
cash, balance same as rent.
111 Bd. Trade Bldg.,
Hit h Farnam His.
Telephones: iHjug 49;
Independent A 204 P
5-Roqm Cottage
Oood size lot, comer of KUi Ave. ang
Fort St, el modem. Including furnace.
Price enly 3Z8U0, aa must ba suld without
4 BHAsrnraa kudo.
A Real Bungalew
That's a Genuine
4328 Parker St., Hock from car; I
rooms, large living room, beamed celling! '
dining room, built-in buffet, piano finish
imitation mahogany wood work, oak floors,
two bedroom, bath, fine kitchen with all
kinds of built-in cupboards, etc.; two large
rooms upstalra; large basement, wide ver.
anda, screens, furnace; In fact, eomplete In
every detail; cement walks; lot 60x130 feet
84,GuO. At your own terms.
111 Bd. Trade Bldg.,
IGlh & Karnam Sts.
Telephones! Poug. 43
Independent A Seta '
In a fine locality and splendid view; t
rooms, strictly uiodtru, oak tuUah. one
block to oar. This must be acn to be ap
preciated Special Jjrioe and terma If said
this rnouLh.
Call Owner, Haniey B2U).
of Title.