HIH OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 8. 1910. n Tim Omaha Sunday 13e& I CNt)ED'BT KUWARD RO."EWATER. VICTOR HOSE WATER, EDITOR. Entered lit Omalia postofflce as second clam matter. TERMS OP PUrtrX RIPTlOS. L'aily Itft (Including Sunday), per wik.loc J'ally Bee (without Sunday), rer week,.10c Ia.ily Bee, (without Hunday), one year..') XJUly Bee arid Sunday, onn year HOD OELIVERKU BT CARRIER. Evening Lice (without Kundayi. per week : Evening Bee (with Sunday). Der week ic ttunday Bee. one, year 12 50 Saturday Hew one yST I W Address all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City I'lri-ulatlnti Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. Kouth Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council liJurfs 15 Mmtt street. Eln.uln 61 I.lttie Building. ( hli a,o if.4S Marquette Building. New York Rooms 11011102 No. 34 West Thirty-third Street. Wanlngton-7i!o Fourteenth Htreet, N. W. CORRESl'ON DENCE. Communh atlnns relating to news and editorial matter should he addressed: Omaha Bee, . Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. RmhK by draft, express or postal order payable to The Ree l'libllnhlng Company. Only 2-rent stamps rerelved In payment of mall accounts. Fersonal checks, except on Omaha tor eastern exchange, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County, s. : George B. TmchuCk, treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly orn, aye that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Daily, Morning, Evening and Hunday Bee printed during the month t)f April, lull), wti aa follows: 1... 8... JO..." .43,800 43,910 43,100 44,400 43,770 16 42,730 17 43,300 18 43,360 It 43,680 20 43,860 ,43,840 .43,690 21..... 22..... 21 14 .43,660 .43.680 .43,100 .41,400 .it.. 43.890 ..i.... 43,060 .i.... 44,800 .......43,840 2 J.... 43,840 16 43,830 IT 43,600 38 43,690 29 43,760 20 43,970 11.. 12 43,600 12 43,000 14 43,680 15 ... .43,700 Total .....1,384,640 Returned copies 10,481 Net total..... 1,374,119 Dally average .. 43,470 UEORUE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Sutiaorlbed la my presence and sworn to before me tlils-Jd day of May, 1910. ,; M. P. WALKER, g Notary Public, Kobsrrlbera leaving the pity tem porarily ahoald have The Bee nailed to them. Addreaaea will be c-hanrd aa often aa req seated. Living these days may come higher, i but It is also better. 'r Looks aa if somebody were trying- to nag mat rauroaa bill tram. The ministers may stop Jeffries and $ave Johnson the peril of trying. Dr. rfcoosevelt .did not have to tell tiny North Pole stories to get the de gree, cither. Ancjjwhat does, Mr. Hobson think of this firusade against the microbe infested kiss?- !j It Is a cold day In midsummer when the railroads cannot find some pretext for raisins;, the rates. The census man must have missed ! T. R.,! after all, unless his neighbors put his name down for him. Paradoxically speaking, while the king was losing his last race his favor He horse was winning its first derby. Still, Bernard Shaw'B apology for living in England cannot be accepted as atonement for some of his literary sins. While Paulhan Is flying high and "Weston lying low, it is up to the rest cf us to keep in the middle of the road. Omaha and Nebraska may at least be sure that Mayor Jim will not greet Colonel Roosevelt as he did Colonel Bryan. Mark Twain will not. have to be dead twenty-five years to perfect his title to a niche in the American Hall of Fame. In the meantime, "Jim" Jeffries and 'Jack". Johnson find It all they can do to divide space with "Ty" Cobb and Hans Wagner. I . jr-rr-; Of Course, that fatal prize fight in San Francisco really did not offer any overpowering argument In favor of the Jeffrlea-Johnson affair. A New York husband complains his Tvife treats htm like a dog. Well, what Is the man kicking about? Dogs ere some women's pets. If Paris should now get out a hat with one brim turned up it must not try to pan It off on Americans as an original Parisian style. The ancient democratic rule has been broken In St. Paul by the election of a republican mayor, and that, too, In this hot-bed of insurgency. We feel certain that we could aame at least one famous orator wha would gladly Halk more than one column in exchange for that Nobel prize. The .'St. Louis demand that eggs be Ktampod with the date on which they are lafcl should call also for the name of the lien 'td give effective resource. A London photographer insists that no true artist will ever allow hts pic ture to natter a patron. Perhaps, but that doctrine carried to its logical end might ; load to starvation for most photographers. According to estimates from Wash ngton,the new tax on corporations will yield albout I2S.000.000, of which 3. 600,0iT, or more than one seventh, -will be "collected In the city of New .York. .But it will not be paid thsre. Starting; Them Eight. The agltatlon'over Immigration leg islation and the investigation into con ditions confronting tbe Immigrant after landing In this country seem to be having at least one good result in dire-tlng attention to some of the weak spots In our immigration machinery. That our unprecedented growth and procperlty Is in large part due to the steady influx of new population from abrosl In universally admitted, and even those who cry for further restric tion are careful to Inveigh only against the "unr'iesirable" immigrant. That we have been altogether too neglectful of the newcomer, and that this neglect has much to do with the degree of c'eslrabllity is also becoming plainer. With vast undeveloped resources und the Insatiable demand for skilled and unskilled labor in some parts of the country all the time, it Is found that the immigration problem is com plicated for the most part by the In adequate means of distribution with resultant congestion in the big cities In which the Immigrants first debark. The immigration authorities have been exercising scrupulous care in sifting the incoming throngs as they go through the gates, but once within our borders the immigrant has been left to shift for himself and get his bear ings as best he may in a strange land amidst unaccustomed surroundings, and among people speaking a, to him, foreign tongue. The principal thing needed by the Immigrant when he arrives here Is help and guidance to get started right. Give half a chance to the man who has the energy and grit to break all home ties in order to achieve better things in a new land, and he will take care of himself. In New York state where the immigration problem presses heavi est, it is proposed to establish and maintain a state Immigration bureau to look after the ne"w arrivals, put them In touch with friends and rela tives, assist them to reach their points of ultimate destination and to protect them in the interval against fraud and ppollatlon In the numerous pitfalls that are spread for them In a word to make easier the transit from op pression and dependence to freedom and self-support. ' This duty does not devolve on New York state alone, but should be met by other states as well, and perhaps by the genoral government itself. It goes without saying that where the states undertake to extend this help to the immigrant the federal Im migration authorities should by all means co-operate in every possible way. This country need have no fear about keeping its gates wide open to the ambitious and energetic people of the old world who may want to come here. If only we ,see to It that .they start Tight. . Do Not Scatter Your Fire. The clergy is still asking the Ques tion, "Why do not more men attend church?" One minister who sent out several hundred letters of inquiry to as many men read the answers, tore them up and from the whole formed the concrete conclusion,' "Because they do not. want to." This conclusion presupposes the present to be an irreligious age, a view which ministers as a whole are not content to take. They are show ing a disposition at last to turn the searchlight of inquiry inward, and this gives some encouragement for a solu tion of their problem. At a recent gathering of ministers in Omaha a prominent attorney, active in church affaire, delivered a toast, "The Pew's View of the Pulpit," In which he took the position that too many ministers' scatter their fire and do not concen trate enough, and also that as a con sequence they too frequently go Into their pulpits unprepared. Irreligious age or not, this Is an age when men are thinking, when the spellbinder in pulpit or on the stump cannot sway people's minds as he once did unless he has a message. Tbe preacher who spends most of the week running from pillar to post In matters that concern him only in proportion to his individual relation to society can not be thoroughly prepared to instruct dnd enlighten his congregation on Sunday, and he cannot expect long to hold the attention unless he gives something more than the huslu of superficial thought which he has been able to snatci up on the run. Complete preparation, coupled with a deep con viction and backed by an irreproach able character will go a long way toward Insuring the preacher a respect ful hearing. It Is strange, too, that ministers do not see that if each pastor concentrated his energy on 'the work cf his own church he would soon re move the occasion for diverting his activities. Infusion of this generating force into the membership of each church would soon arouse them all into a live, vorklng community, each member doing his part. And Is not this, after all, one of the ends to be attained? Uplift of the West From all parts of tbe country come comforting assurances that business Is again on a solid footing. The great manufacturing centers of the east have recovered from whatever depres sion might have checked their activity; the financial centers of the country re port a steady demand for funds and the great loan agencies have raised their interest rate a most conclusive proof that the demand for money has increased; and alongside of these cer tain indications of continued prosper ity may be ranged tbe evidence! of general activity in the west. People have become to accustomed to the building of new railroads, the creation ef new centers of population and the opening up of new regions of agriculture that the mention of qne or another excites scarcely passing notice. But amidst this general stir and bustle) the activity now animating the whole western country is worthy of attention ureat railroad systems have appropri ated enormous sums of money for the purpose of putting themselves Into con dition to care for the steadily growing traffic and to provide for the needs of the communities thev serve. New projects for the extension of the agri cultural domain are taking on dally the form of actual existence. A steady stream of new population is pouring Into the western states. Not one of them has a monopoly on this growth, but all the region generally referred to as "the west" shares in it. At no time since the great days of the early rush, to the fertile lands of the Great Plains has the uplift been more marked than it is during the present spring. This Is tha most encouraging sign now in sight. It means new life, new homes, new towns, greater growth and greater wealth, and a groater share In the gen eral bounty of the country for tho peo ple who are already established in the west. England's New King. The ascent of George V to the throne aa king of England transcends in world Interest the passing of his Illustrious father and must be fraught with a feeling of apprehension by even the closest friends of Great Britain In the family of nations. The new king finds his country on the threshold of a new era in its civic life, facing a political crisis from which it can emerge with safety only by the exer cise of the wisest statesmanship. When a single misstep might plunge It into grave danger, it is a severe crucible In which to try the metal of a sovereign. But King George brings to tbe throne no Inconsiderable qualities to match his great task. He is in the prime of life, vigorous, alert, deter mined. He is aa progressive as was Edward, if not as democratic and has had experience to season his powers. On more than one occasion he has dis played a knowledge, of affairs and breadth of view and conception of what was best for Great Britain's wel fare that have opened the eyes of his and other nations. His famous speech after touring the colonies calling on England to "wake up," still rings in the ears of commons and peers alike. The fact is the feeling of misgiving attending his ascension will arise more because of the change in rulers than because George becomes king, for neither his people nor others will have the doubt of him that they had of his father whan he went to the throne on the death of Victoria. Fortunately for him, the new king Will have his father's sober judgment and even temperament to guide him in the present turmoil of national poli tics and at the very outset becomes heir to his wisdom In securing a late date for the election which is to go so far toward shaping the future of the kingdom. It is Inconceivable that Ed ward could have foreseen his end In exerting his influence against a spring election, but in the light of events he could have acted from no wiser motive, fcr it would have been extremely con fusing for the change in rulers to come In the midst, or on the eve of a general election as would have happened had not the election been put off until fall. But the most beneficent legacy of statesmanship whloh King Edward be queathed his son and people In the ordeal of this crisis 1b to be found in the fact that today, while Parliament and the country are torn with party strife, the throne is not on trial. And It would have been on trial long ago but for the cool diplomacy of the ruler who has just laid down scepter. the The School and the State. Germany is today one of the strong est of world powers and her progress dates from the time she, adopted the principle enunciated by one of her foremost thinkers, "Whatever we put into the state we must first put into tbe schools." It Is axiomatic to speak of the German as a thinker. He is essentially the kind of thinker that Ambassador James Bryce was plead ing for In a recent speech an inde pendent thinker; he does bla own reasoning. And this is largely be cause of tbe character of his early school training. He has come to it through slow, but sure, processes. Americans boast, and rightly so, of their system of education, their public schools particularly, but American parents want to change their general view of the public school before their children derive the largest benefits that may flow from it. They want to view the school, not simply as a build ing where children are taught to read and write and spell and a few other things, but rather as the institutional center of their lives, a place where they shall learn the lessons in funda mental government, a process for character training. They need to re gard the school as tha foundation stone of civic life, aa the vitals, not the limbs of the body politic. The children, of course, have their higher lesson to learn. It la for them to be taught to exalt the Idea and ideal of education, but they will not be 'likely to learn this lesson thoroughly until the parent has learned his. But progress is being made toward this better goal, whether the essence of statesmanship, aa comprehended in the German's epigram, Is sufficiently permeating our public school system or not. We need but to look at the Institutional side of our schools for proof of this. The departments of manual training have a vital bearing on this point, and that work begins In the kindergarten and goes to the high school. It Is a dull child who falls to grasp new ideas of the purpose of ed ucatlon from making useful articles with his own hands. The natural effect is to broaden his mental vision because it diversifies his scope of ac tivitles. Nebraska and the Doctors. One of the doctors who took part in the antituberculosis congress at Washington during tho week rather severely criticised the Nebraska legis lature for the tuberculosis sanitarium law passed at the last session. It ap pears that the Nebraska law-makers have gone rather faster than the doc tors desired. This can bo accounted for only on the theory that the mem bers of the legislature thought per haps that they could not have too much of a good thing, but the doctors hold otherwise. The mistake made, if mistake it was, la not vital to the In tent of the law. While the process of Immunization by inoculation required by the Nebraska law does not meet the approval of all the doctors, it certainly has the support of some, else It would not have been adopted. Holding Ne braska up to ridicule because of the enthusiasm of men untrained In med ical lore is not the best way to attract popular support to the effort to stamp out tuberculosis. One of the chief features of the crit icism hitherto levied against the law makers has been their indifference on this point. They have been accused of appropriating money to protect farm animals, while refusing to give the same assistance to human beings. The Nebraska legislature approached the question with the zeal of a new con vert and undertook to provide all that might be essential in the effort to pro tect humanity against the great white plague, as well as to relieve those al ready suffering from Its attack. This spirit is to be commended, even if its manifestation does not wholly com mend itself to the experts who have agreed on very few points, especially when those few points are compre hended in the Nebraska law. If the Immunization feature of the law ' is seriously objectionable It can easily be removed. Rebuking law-makers tie cause they are unable to ' follow the ramifications of medical debate is not calculated to provide the solution. Healthy Public Sentiment. Men of vast fortunes , are giving millioi.B to education, religion, charity and other worthy causes. Andrew Carnegie dreads tbe thought of dying rich, John D. Rockefeller organizes a corporation by which he may dispense his wealth, D. K. Pearsons chuckles in boastful glee that he at 90 has only a few millions left, while Mrs. Russell Sage, Misa Anne Morgan, Miss Helen Gould and others are proceeding with varied plans of giving. Mani festly among tha "big rich" the vision of the purpose of wealth has changed as well as has the attitude toward the less fortunate member of society. What has brought about the change? Does Christ's warning to Nlcodemus alarm them? Does the ominous eye of the needle stare the rich in the face? Have they come at last to the real answer to that immortal query thun dered through the ages, "Am 1 my brother's keeper?" The extent of this Influence Is not to be measured, but it requires no supernatural vision to 1 see that a healthy assertive public sentiment has produced good results. The voice of the people is the motive power of the government and this voice has been raised in popular disapproval of the hoarding of falulous fortunes until it has brought a response. Through tbe channels of public expression, ibiefly the daily press, on the platform and in legislation, the people have spoken decisively in the last few years and they have created a sentiment which is working out its own results. It is one of the best achievements wrought in this country, this thing of enlisting the service of millionaires in solving everyday problems of human life and destiny and it is an inevitable refuta tion of that pessimistic disclaimer against wealth mertly as wealth. Tellinj it to the World. "Gentlemen, His Majesty is dead." Within a very few minutes after Lord Knollys thus addressed the wait ing reporters at Buckingham palace, newsboys were rending the night air with their frantic cry, "All about King Edward's death," and the suspense of dread was broken by the grief of knowledge. It was the announcement to the world that Britain's sovereign had passed away. Tbe succeeding king, to be sure, dispatched tbe sur rowful news to the lord mayor of Lon don, attaches of the court had officially advised British representatives at home and abroad and embassies flashed the messages back and forth. But not until those five words were communi cated to the patient, humble reporters, waiting outside the walls, did the world-at-large have knowledge of the king's death. It is the same in every great event of public interest the message to tbe world is transmitted through the medium of this same watting reporter who keeps bis vigil through days of trying excitement and nights of weary ing gloom, who stands behind the scenes, out of view from the eager millions that await bis word. The world little dreams or cares to think of the, large place it has to gtvf to the importance of this reporter's work. It has grown callous in its indlffereuce or Ignorance of h's cxrstence and dors not realize that the dally paper which It buys for a penny, reads and throws aside in hastening to'the next step In the day's routine, is the story of the world's activities that has come white heat across continents from this army of patient news gatherers, sitting with their fingers on tho pulse of civili zation, ready to flash out the result In an Instant, It is through him the world both speaks and hears. It is regrettable In England and tbe United States that the visit of former President Roosevelt to London may not be carried out with the spirit In which it was planned. King Edward himself had Joined heartily In the preparations for the most auspicious entertainment that any European coun tty accorded the distinguished American. It Is to bo presumed that Colonel Bryan's newly acquired British son-in- law will wear mourning bands for King Edward, the same as other British army officers. King Edward's reign was brief, but benoflclal to his country and the world. He made for peace and progress and strengthened constitutional govern ment. Mr. Roosevelt proposes an Interna tional compact to preserve peace by force if necessary. Emperor William ought to go in for this with vim and vigor. Stick Clone to the Melon. St. Louts Globe-Democrat. Secretory Wilson urges Americans to stay on the farm. That promised $8,000,000, 000 melon to be out at the harvest home Is well worth considering. ly In a Hopeless Minority. New York Tribune. In his comments on the appointment of Governor Hughes to the supreme court bench. Mr. Rryan again exhibited his ex traordinary facility for putting himself In the minority. A Frost for Klckere. New York Tribune. The senate by conferring the unusual honor of an Immediate and unanimous con firmation upon Governor Hughes on the very day when the Anti-Trust league filed its objections showed how much It was Im pressed by those objection. ( ' . ' Get on the Bright, Side. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Borne people are worried because Colonel Roosevelt Is scheduled to arrive In New York on the anniversary of the battle of Waterloo. But this doesn't mean anything. It must be remembered that Wellington as well as Napoleon was at Waterloo. I) ucketahops Hard lilt. Philadelphia Record. When the government arrested the prin cipal bucket shop operators It struck a heavy blow at amall gambling In grain and stocks. When it cut the wires it put an end to the business. Managers might be replaced, but those '"fast wires" that gave Information of what was going on in the stock exchange from 'five to fifteen min utes before the tardy ticker did cannot be replaced. Without them there is no bucket shop business. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Former President Nord Alexis of Haiti Is said to have died of grief. Obituaries give the impression that his 90 years of tige and no one to boss helped some. It Is the solemn opinion of a Nsw York court, three time expressed, that the town of Mattewan affords superior attractions as a winter and summer resort for Pitts- burgers streaked with yellow. 'The misfortune of Judge Grosscup in mixing his letter of credit with his laun dry at Monte Carlo suggests to the con stitution makers of Monaco, the need of a provision guaranteeing travel money cafe conduct through the wash. , The governor of Tennessee has a pardon record of 956 made In three years and two months. So deep-rooted Is the habit that should a caller at the excutlve mansion ex claim, "Pardon me!" the governor mechani cally answers, "Certainly, what was it you did?" The attorney general of Kansas gallantly leaps to the rtscue of the oppressed old girls of the "bleeding commonwealth" by deciding that there is nothing in the laws of the state to prevent women wearing trousers ir tliey.want to. Mans last en trenchment Is woefully bagged at the knees. Our Birthday Book May 8, 1910. General P. 11. itay, warrior and Indian fighter, w&s born May 8, 1812. He la a na tive of Wisconsin and is well known in Omaha, wher he was connected with mili tary headquarters on the department staff. Frank G. Carpenter, writer of letters of travel, globe trotter and sometimes lec turer, Is Just C6. He was born in Mansfield, Ohio, and started out as a newspaper man, becoming a Washington correspondent, and built up his own epeoialty as a descriptive writer of foreign travel. His weekly let ters have been for many years one of the attractive features of The Bee. ' William M. Davidson, superintendent of the Omaha public schools, celebrates his forty-seventh birthday today. He was born at Jamestown, Pa., educated In Kansas, graduating from the state normal and the Kansas State university, and has been given honorary degrees by the University of Nebraska and Miami university. Dr. Davidson has been In school work for nearly twenty-five years, coming to Omaha In 1890 from Topeka. C. H. Balllott, practicing attorney, was born May 8. 1843, In Crawford county, Penn sylvania. II was educated In Knox col lege and Wheaton college and began prac ticing law In 1867 at Belvldere. III. Thomas J. Flynn, street commistioner of Omaha, Is an even 40. H Is a plumber by trad and said to ba a good plumber, but has been laying political pipes for a long time In various official capacities, Includ ing member of the legislature, county Jailer and hts present Job, to say nothing of head ing th local democratic campaign com mittees. WU1 A. Campbell of the Commercial club's bureau of publicity and promotion wi born May 8, 1881, at Seward, Neb. He started out In the newspaper business at Denver and worked on a number of papers, coming t The Bee from th Kloux City Tribune and taking his present place last year. Alonxo B. Hunt, superintendent of the Omaha Water company, la 57 today. He Is a civil and hydraullo engineer by profes sion and has been conneoted with tha water company almost' from Its Inception. f All Omaha and few cities in the west for that matter docs not offer another such a delightful exhibition of - - Gifts for Fair Brides and 1910 Graduates IN BTBBZ.XRO WARES for brides' gifts, I advise the purchase of, and carry a comprehensive array of, the world' finest production i, namely i "aorham's," "Towle's," Whiting's" and "Durgfua." IW CHB8TS or BTXMWO Z show tha "Chantllly" pattern In Oor bam Silver, and the ''LaTayette" pattern in Towles' make. n CUT GLASS x make the moat of Hawka'a superbly desig-ne'd and inimitably out pieces quit the most exquisite produced. Uf OBASUATTOIT OITTS for girl, X suggest that you th hand some diamond rirga X offer at S35. These are really select white stone worth $60 offered at this price a a "flyer." Or, if you should prefer a chatelaine watch for the younr lady, see what I bare to offer in the way of a solid gold time pleoe with olid gold 5 -.tLS'iT-J11 w.tcn wlth PrkIlng gem of a diamond. A Virtual $35.00 outfit at $33.00. ??-.?.IiI5ATI?, GITTS for a young- man one could not secure SSIL r,i? lm,1y' more genuinely serviceable than the !2i?2,0 if.U1J,d offered by me this week at $18.00 And, " f 5P W Inducement thi week only, x will include fr with each watob sold, a superb gold filled ohaln. MANBELBER.G 1522 Farnam Street SERMONS BOILED DOWN. Love enlarges the limits of life. You can know true faith by Its foresight. We miss most of our blessings by refusing burdens. Thet secret of right living Is right living in secret. You never lead men into truth by using it as a whip. Nothing deceives Its owner better than pious conceit. The lights of the world never tell you to watch their smoke. Home churches seem to mistake the din ner bell for the meal. L.lfe soon denies all pleasure to those who deny themselves none. It takes a lot of love to hold our children from the snare of luxury. The man who likes people can be led to like any really good thing. Many a preacher fails because while he guards the seed . of truth sedulously he knows nothing of the soil In which he plants It. Chicago Tribune. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Tom Miss Nervie asked me last night If I would go to the end of the world to serve her. Dick Well, that's going some! Harry It's the limit! Baltimore Amer ican. Gladys Poor Mayme Is learning to be a decorator. Maybelle Well, she needs a lot of prac tice, 1 can tell you. Look, what a frowzy Job she does In decorating nerself. Chicago Tribune. "I couldn't believe my ears." "What's up?" "My wife told me yesterday that she dis covered a flat that she likes better than the one we're in now and the rent isn't a cent higher." Detroit Free Press. "But his table manners are poor, ob- served the old fashioned mother. "Poor! Why, mamma!" exclaims the dashing daughter. "He took me to lunch with him at the St. Oorgeous, and ordered nothing but the most expensive things on the menu! Judge. "How Is it that no matter If a base ball enthusiast Is 'broke,' he can alwBvs man age to get the price of admission to a game?" "In a perfectly easv wav." "How?" "Why. It comes natural to a "fan" to raise tho wind." Baltimore American. "You made a great hit with the birth day presents you gave your aunts." "Yes, 1 think I slied up their wants pretty accurately." "What did you give the beautiful one?" "A silver mounted mirror." "That was a good hunch, and what did you give the ugly one?" "A sliver mounted mirror." Houston Post. Her falr? Him ket. -Why didn't you come to our churoh -I always buy at . the lowest mar- Her But don't you every carry religion Into your business'.' Him No. I give change? Cleveland Leader. Maud I do wish Tom would hurry up and propose. Kthtl But 1 thought you didn't like him. Maud I don't. I want to get rid of him. Boston Transcript. The ceremony was over. The young bridegroom's friends showered him with congratulations and rice and slapped him heartily on the back. Uood tor you, old chap, tney exclaimed. "You're game! They couldn't scare you, could they?" - "Aw. cut It out fellers," said the happy bridegroom. "Wot's the score." Chicago Tribune. V7HAT I BELIEVE. Laura W. Sheldon In New York Times. In this varied, wild assortment umpty- seven kinds of creeds One is bound to reconsider what one thing and what one reads; But I've come to the conclusion that no one Is going to grieve Over what I chance to fancy or about what 1 believe. I may think the stars are tinfoil and tha moon made out or cneese; That it's wrong to smile on Sunday, or to eat three meals, or sneeze; I may think that It's my duty to give much and naught receive, But my neighbor will not worry over what I may believe. I may relegate divorces to th realm of evil ways. Bhun the win cup and th highball and be adamant toward plays. I may have my fixed opinions and my lit tle breast may heave, But nobody cares a farthing what I do or do not believe. I may have a lot of wisdom b progressive up to date; Hee a hundred years before me mayhap th millennial gate; , I may know that certain methods would man's coming doom reprieve. But there's no one going to listen to the things that I baUev. ' ' I Ho I've learned that It Is wiser no great f ympathy ,tp lose. But let all si-cur salvation through the Hnes they seem to choose; , And If to some precious notion, wis or foolish. I still cleave. It will not mak any difference a the world what i bellev. I am a gift goods spec ialist - - Omaha USED, SHOP WORN OR DAMAGED AsGood as Hew Ones Terms less than Rentals. Prices never so low. Oak cases, walnut cases, mahogany cases (large sizes), carved cases, plain cases. Monday we offer these at $75, $98, $115, $128, $135, $155 YOU PAY $1 PER WEEK You get your choice of some of the best grades made. HEW PLAYER PIMPS $375 Guaranteed A. HOSPE CO 1513-15 Douglas St. PURE raiHEBAL SPRING WATER Our film has for isu years been head quarter for all kinds of Mineral Waters. We are carload buyers and distributers of several kinds and handle over 100 kinds altogether. We enumerate a few: Crystal I-.lt hi a (Excelsior tfprlnga) 5 Bal lon Jug, at fil.OO Bait Hulphur, (Excelsior Hprlngs) 6 Bal lon Jug, at, $3.83 Diamond Llthla Water, H gullon bottle, now at 40o 1 doiien 94.O0 Sulpho Mallne Water, jt. bollle SSe 1 dozen, at Regent Water. Iron, qt. bottle 85o 1 dozen, at 93.85 Carlsbad Sprudel Wasser. bottle ...,50o 1 dozen, at 93. OC French Vichy Water, qt. bottle 40e 1 dosen, at 84.60 Appolllnarls Water, qts., pts. and Splits, at lowest prices. Allouex Magnusla Water, qt. bottle . 25e 1 dozen, at 93.60 Buffalo I,lthla Water, 'i gal. bottle . 60 1 dozen cae 95-71 Colfax Water, V, gal. bottle 36t 1 dozen case 93.61 Return allowance for bottles and Jugs. Iellverv free in Omaha, Council Bluffs and South Omaha. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co Corner 18th and Dodge sts. Owl Drug; Co. Corner 16th and Harney g)t. ASTEtt If you suffer, call or writ me at one and learn of something you will be grat ful for the, rest of your life. J. 0. McBRIDE, Stella, Neb. $100 for trade mark See Be May 11. nii "mi IM.I.. IMIUKII my iIMW-., 1 ' i'..i..... i- ..-i..... yf i sV ( i 9