Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1910, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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i iir ova
f fion on TO KIOKT.
For Nebraska Kali and warmer.
For lowa-IMlr ninl warmer.
For weather report nee ;i;
VOI,. XXX1X-KO. 4;
Demise of Xing: Edward Source of
Deep Regret to Opponent!
of TTar.
Training of Dead Ruler Fitted Him
for the Work.
Policy of Geonre V Not Understood
f.t This Time.
Han' een (rtlir drr Ires a a
. Anvil Offlrrr, lint !
a Man of the
AEW YORK. May 7. 1 Special Telegiam.)
--Klnn Kdwnrds pacifying influence In
Euiopean politics makes his death a source
Of deep irgiet to advocates of universal
peace. This appear In a ststement given
by Andiew II. Humphrey. general secretary
of the American Peace nnd Arbitration
league, of which former Senator James B.
Mrf'renry Is president, former President
Roosevelt, honorary president, and which
number among Its member Admiral
Dewey and ninny of the best known mrn
In the country.
Andrew H. Humphrey, general secretary,
V "That the dealh of King Edward should
f cause the. world-wide sorrow tiiat Is ap
parent cannot be surprising when It Is
remembered lion well he earned the title
cf f" Kdward. the Peacemaker." which has
ben conferred upon him by universal
agreement. Ills death Is a great loss to
tho movement fort universal peace. No
ether ruler in Kurope believed In It more
sincerely. III? lifelong training tihder Kng--land's
great Queen Victoria especially
fitted him to be a peacemaker. His Inter
est In tha movement has been so manifest
and his success and Influence and the
amicable setilement. of Incidents of a
threatening; nature will ihihc him to be
missed In the pence councils of the near
Wetback for the Program.
"King Hdward'a death, coming at this
particular time. Is In a sense a setback for
the program of the American Peace and
Arbitration league.
"Mr. Roosevelt, who is one of the honor
ary vice presidents of this league, might
hava been expected to Invite some exchange
of views relating to the proposition to In
1 rest th (prlo court at The Hague for
the present with tho powers to be vested
In th International cnurt of arbitralon
p which It Is expecrd will lie created at tha
x , third International peace, conferenca In 1315.
"Of course It I Impossible to say Just
how far man In'the Ring's position could
tr would commit . himself on any such
question an this, but i think It Is tolerably
well known that It Is oh Of the propo.l-
tlona In tha direction of International peace
X that Interested King Kit ward deeply,
7 "What will be the attitude of Kngland s
new ruler concerning the peace question Is
problematical. He has seen active service
along the stern lines of a naal officer's
career, but he has not been In that close
and sympathetic touch with various classes
of men which made King Edward a broad
minded, far seeing and diplomatic man.
He la a mail of reserve, lacking elements
that made his father popular, and It Is pos
sible that In his Intercourse wjth other
sovereigns he may not tie able at all times
A to Inspire Unit cordiality that enabled King
( Kdward to pour oil on the troubled waters.
Nevertheless I dont' think the change of
rulers will affect the peace .movement ad
versely. "King George V derived from his Illus
trious grandparents, Victoria and Albert,
and from his una father, a rich Inheritance
of qualities that make much for the up
lift of humanity and tha richest among
them la an Innate lovu and desire for
peace." ' '
lewa Kxprriaril b) Choatr,
"With sorrow I feel at tjie death of a
nioiiaoeVi who ruled his own dominions
well ft,'1 exerted a powerful Influence . for
food throughout, there cornea to me a sense
of personal loss In the passing away of
King Kdward," ald Hon, Joseph H.
Choate, formrr American ambassador to
England. -"tif
a'maii he was ev en more Interesting
V' na a monarch and that Is saying n
" rat deal, for no king ever was more
sincerely loved by his own subjects or
more admired by the people of other na
tions. As a man he was Intensely human,
and when he put off his royalty, as he
delighted to do when opportunity off t red,
and met people In an atmosphere mote
free than that of the court, he Mas one of
the most charming of men, though never
lacking In that dignity which would per
mit none 10 forret. though for a time ft
permitted him to Ignore his high rank.
"Hla Interesting personality appeals to
, me mote at thia moment than his success-
ful, though somewhat brief, re Ian. It
would be Impossible at this tlmo to make
any adequate comment upon It, other than
to ray that the name of Kdward VII will
be one of the brightest In Kngland'a his
tory, in tils death not only the British
empire, but the civilised world, has suf
fered an Irreparable Ions."
rrcsent Organisation la Not Katlsfar
r U tdjoiaiM Urarral
VWISOX. Neb.. May I.-tSpec'al Tela
tfrl. i.) Adjutant General Hartigan of Lin
coln was In Madison et,rdy afternoon
and tl U aforeiioon Investigating Company
F. Kp has been temporarily under tha
command of Major Fraser since the resig
nation of Captain lleblis some weeks ago.
He said this morning that Company F
would lie mustered out mil reorganised at
once or else he ould take the . r..r.v
away, lie will stuuu to Madison in a few
aava and present the matter in person lo
th Commercial cjub. Fred Pankera. as
sistant cashier of the Mi ditto n State bank
and city clerk. anJ County Treasurer F. A.
Tettrson ate Icing urged as raptjin and
first lieutenant. If these men will accent
i lb'h places and undertake the respou
'. VtVv tha adjutant said there would be
pel q estlon al'igptna sp.-edy reorganlxa-
pel i
Hundred Dead,
Th ousand Hurt
By Earthquake
Further Details of Destruction of
Pa ma Pai4ii T? i Kv I
vat lugUt vvDia ikua irj
Seismic Shock.
HAN JctSK. Costa Rica. May 7.-1t Is esti
mated I' persons were killed outright and
l,f0 inoie Injured when the town of
t'aiiago was destroyed by an eartliqua ke
shock Wednesday night. The only build
ings left Handing were two wooden houses.
Four hundred and eighty-five bodies had
b'cn takr.a from the debris yesterday after
noon. The work of removing the bodies Is Im
peded by tho heavy character of the fallen
walls, combined with unsanitary conditions
resulting fiom the rapid decomposition of
the corpses.
Whole families perished while dining or
engaged In their ordinary ovation.
The devastated territory, as well as this
city and t lie smaller towns mar by. has
been rocking like a cradle for marly a
mnnth 1 1 , H I UA . r . - A., . , f ,1,- nbi.nU mr '
thoroughly unstrung.
The superstitious find a relation between
thu seismic disturbances and the appear
ance of llallry'a comet.
Dr. Becanegra, Ciuatemalan magistrate to
the Central American court, escaped with
three of his children, but his wite and
their youngest child perished.
The demolition Included ten churches and
the municipal palace.
Dr. and Mrs. Hyde
Will Testify
Defense in Swope Case Expects to
Have All Its Evidence in by
This Evening,
KANSAS CITY. May 7.-By adjournment
time tonight It Is believed the defense will
have completed Its presertation of "direct
testimony In the. trial of Pr. R. C. Hyde
on a charge of havng murdered Colonel
Thomas II. Swope.
"I expect to rest my side of the case this
evening." said Attorney Frank P. Walsh
today. "If I should not be able to do that,
I certainly shall have finished by Monday
Dr. and Mra. Hyde probably will be the
last witnesses for the defense The defense
has stated positively that both of thrm will
The opening of court was delayed sev
eral hours this morning by the taking of a
deposition In the case from Mra. John M.
Cleary. She Is H and unable to attend the
Mra. Cleary said In hr deposition that
Dr. Hyde and hla wife took dinner at her
residence on last November 21. Members
of tha Hwope- family had sworn that within
a few daya after Pr. Hyde dined, at their
home on that date several people were at
tacked w ltli fever.
Iovva Senators
on Way Home
Vote on Long and Short Haul Clause
Will Be Postponed Until
Lart of Week.
WASHINGTON, May 7. The propped of
obtaining a vote on the long and short haul
amendment to the railroad bill early next
week has been dissipated by the departure
of Senator Cummins for Iowa, and by the
Intention of Senator Polllvcr to Join him
The two Iowa senators will attend a
political conference to be held next Tues
day In Pes Moines. Mr. Cummins left last
night and Mr. polliver will start tomorrow.
They do not expect to return until Thurs
day. The legulars are still confident of de
feating the long and short haul provision
with the aid of democratic votes.
Tha prospect for the retention of the
stork and bond section Is better today. The
president Is reported to be urging this
I , 1
Roses for Cannon
Speaker is Presented with Huge
Bouquet by Members of the
Illinois Delegation.
WASHINGTON. May 7. Speaker Can
non was today 74 years old. His rooms
were decorated with flowers, the gifts of
political and personal friends, and all day
he smilingly received congratulations. The
speaker was In one of hla happiest and
merriest moods. The Illinois delegation
presented him with a huge bouquet of
American Beauty loses, , seventy-four In
all or one for each year of his life.
t ,...., i .1 .... , Tn. L , . I
engagement to go out or Washington and
Intends to sit hard on tha lid until con
gress has passed some of the legislation he
thinks the republican party Is pledged to
enact. The president will not go to Atlantic
City May 21 and ! and speak before the
labor department of the Tresby lerian
church general assembly.
Money, Crops and
7 I
These Topics Discutsed by Farmers'
Rally in St. Louis Mr. Bryan
Speaks Tonight.
f-T. LOL1S. May T.-Money. crops, the
government and the farmer's wire were
discussed at this morning ind afternoon
session Vf tha farmers rally here today.
Tonight an addrtss by William J. Bryan
will rinse the week's meeting.
The consoldatlon of the Farmers Edu
cational and Co-operative union and the
American Society of Kquity has been
agreed upon by tha executive committees
of tha organlcationa. which claim a mem
beishlp of 3.U0O0OO men. The matter Is tu
be put to a refrenuum vote next Sptem-ber.
I More Developments Coming to Light
in tha Illinois Senatorial
Election Peal.
Charges of Giving and Receiving
Money for Votes.
Representative Link Said to Have
Made a Confession.
frolic of the Urandsl Wilt lie Con
tinued In Chicago anil Will lie
started In Springfield
This Wrrk.
CIMCAOO. May ?.t Special Telegram.)
Representative Michael S. I.lnk of Mitchell
became panlcstrlrken and joined the con
fession stampede In I he big legislative bttb
ei y scandal today. Link went before the
special grand Jury, made a clean breast of
his alleged share In the transactions and
was .purged of the necessity of perjury.
Link's confession was the big sensation In
the startling revelations of graft at Spring
field following the voting of an Indlrtment
against Browne of Ottawa on a bribery
charge and Robert K. Wilson of Chicago
and I.lnk on perjury accusations, l.tnk is
the third to confess and attaches of State's
Attorney Wayman's office arej looking for
a continuance of the stampede. They are
hammering hard on other legislators In
volved in the original confession of Rep
resentative Charles A. White. Browne and
Wilson gave bonds today for their appear
ance at trial.
"Senator J.orinier will have to give up
his seat In the United States senate."
a remark dropped In various quarters to
day, as the net of evidence the prosecutor
has woven became public. Friends of the
senator Insisted that he would hold onto his
seat In the senate to nwalt the outcome of
the trials. The opinion prevails that speedy
action will In taken and t lint the men ac
cused will be cslled Into court to defend
themselves within thirty daya.
I.orlmrr Will ot Itesian.
Asked If he contemplated resigning his
seat. Senator Tvorimer said: "I have no
such Intention."
Just what Link has revealed In his con
fession Is speculation. State's Attorney
Way man would make no other comment
than that I.lnk had purged himself of per
One report was that Link had more valu-1
able Information than did Representative
Beckmeyer, who was the second to confess
to alleged graft In the' legislature. Link
was closely guarded by detectives and re
ffised to talk when asked If he had cor
roborated In detail the confession of White.
Representative Mnk -Is believed to have
corroborated the "Jackpot" deal alleged to
have been pulled off In St. Loulr. IleWas
indicted because he denied that he was In
St. Louis at the time White alleged he re
ceived Hm from tho alleged "Jackpot". The
supposition Is that lie has admitted that
Ik received money at the gathering In thetoday refused the request of Prosecutor
Southern hotel In St. Louis, and to this
extent substantiated White's story.
The probe Into the big scandal will 'be
continued In Chicago next week and will be
on In Springfield, where Stata's Attorney
Kilmund Burke has subpoenaed something
like twenty witnesses.
It was reported today that a petition is
to be sent from prominent men In Chicago
to Senator Cullom In Washington, asking
him to place the scandal before the I'nlted
Slates senate and demand a rigid Investi
gation. i i
High Water Over
Central Missouri
Railroad Traffic Generally Delayed
by Washouts in the Vicinity
of Sedalia.
SEPAL1A, Mo., May 7. High water over
central Missouri, the result of nearly three
daya continuous rainfall, has done im
mense damage to crops and has caused
some damage to railways.
Because of the washing out of a culvert
on the Missouri, Kansas & Texas, trains
on the St. Louis division of that road were
detoured over the Missouri Pacific, Via
A washout near Pleasant Hill on the Mis
souri Pacific has made it necessary to de
tour trains on the Lexington & Southern
dislsion of that road over the Missouri.
Kansas &. Texas via Nevada.
Emma Morton is
Dangerously 111
Elderly Woman in Critical Condition
Suffering Serious Form of
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., May 7.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Miss Kinina Morton, aunt to
Joy and Paul Morton, Is dangerously ill at
her home In Nebraska City with p .eumonla
Physicians have given up hope tor her re
covery and her death is almost hourly
expictcd. The extreme age of the patient.
I 74 years. It Is thought, will hasten the end
Joy and Mark Morton of Clikaxo are
alteady at the bedside of the stricken
woman and Paul Morton is hastening to
the bedside from the east. Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Cudahy of Omaha arrived from
Omaha Friday,
Ueruaaa Wlae Healer tomes from Old
Country, to llt FrlrnUa lie
Mel on Boat.
C. 1'. Eccardt. senior member or the old
wine firm of that name, of Kreuxnacli on
tha Rhine, groweie and shippers of wine. Is
In Omaha to visit his friends. Louis Metx
and Charles Fanning, whom lie met on the
steamer crossing the Atlantic. While cross
ing Mr. Kceardt promised ha would come
la Omaha to visit hla friends and ha has
kept hie promise.
an Lcno mm
A p
Governor of New Jersey RefuS8 to
Order Extradition of Packer.
IK Is Not Shown lie Waa In the State
When Aliened Offense Waa
Committed or that He la
a KngltlTe.
TRKNTON. N. .1.. May 7. Gavernor Fort
Garvcn of Hudson county for a requisition
on the governor of Illinois for the extradi
tion of J. Ogden Armour, a director of the
National Packing company, who Is under
indictment In Hudson county with other
officers and directors of packing companies
on a charge of conspiracy to unlawfully
enhance the cost of meat through the crea
tion of an artificial scarcity of the same
Governor Fort in refusing to grant the
requisition gave out a lengthy opinion In
which he sets forth the reasons for his re
fusal. The governor points out first of all
that In order for extradition papers .to be
asked for It was necessary that the per
sons whose extradition was desired he . a
fugitive from 'Justice and further that It
was essential that the accused person was
In fact In the state of New Jersey at the
time of the commission of the alleged
The governor says the only evidence be
fore him of the presence in New Jersey of
Mr. Armour on or about the time of the
commission of the alleged offense was hla
presence In Hoboken In March, 190?. to take
passage from that city - to Kurope, and
again In June, 1909, on hla return from
The governor holds that the proof before
him Is barren of. any facta warranting an
Inference that Mr. Armour waa In Hoboken
for any other purposes than the. taking of
passage to Europe and returning therefrom.
Governor Fort also saya that the proof as
to the presence of Mr. Armour in New Jer
sey does not coincide with the daya set out
In the Indictment as the time of the com
mission of the alleged conspiracy.
There are other applications pending be
fore Governor Fort for the extradition of
others connected with the meat packing
companies In the wesL but when the hear
ing waa sought by counsel for the packers
the Armour case was selected as a test one
and a hearing was given upon that alone.
W'hether applications for extradition will
now be pressed In the cases of the other
packers will depend upon Proiecutor Gar
ven. Unless some new point can be raised by
the prosecutor the applications will! remit
In a refusal by the governor to grant requi
sitions on the governor of Illinois.
Many people hae
many things to say
today in the want
Turn to them and v0u will read
every word of tliem.
It Is a great bargain counter
the plate where everybody meets.
An Interesting place where you
can find what you are wishing for,
nine tlmoa out of ten.
lieconie familiar with it.
You nrt sure to patronize it
one of the: e days.
Coming and Going in Omaha
inz past
Local Events as Viewed by The Bee's
Roosevelt Pays
Tribute to King's
! ', Work for Peace
Former President Issues Statement
Soon After -Arrival at
STOCKHOLM. May 7. -The. Roosevelt
arrived here today and were received at the
railway station by. Prince Wtlhelin.. who
drove them to the palace, where they be
came the guests of the Prince and Princess
in the absence of King Guetave V., who is
In the south of France. United States Minis
ter Graves, the staff of the American lega
tion, the premier and other members of the
Swedish cabinet were also at tne station to
rceive the American guests. An immense
crowd surrounded the party and cheered
as the train drew in. A choir stationed
on the platform .ang "My Country "Tl
qf Thee," and the Swedish national anthem.
Former President Roosevelt Issued the
following today:
"1 am deeply grieved and know that all
Americans will be deeply grieved' at the
death of his majesty. King Edward VII.
, "We feel most profound sympathy for
the British people In their loss. We u
America keenly appreciated King Kdw-ard's
personal good will toward us, which he so
frequently and so markedly showed, and
we are well aware of the. devotion felt for
him by his subjects throughout the British
empire, while foreign nations have learned
to see in the king a ruler whose great
abilities and especially his tact, his judg
ment and hla unfailing kindliness of nature
rendered him pecuiarly fit to work for in
ternational peace and Justice.
"Let me repeat that I am sure that all
American people feel at this time the deep
est and most sincere sympathy for his
family and hla nation,"
Mr. Roosvelt also sent a telegram to the
queen dowager.
' The death of King Edward will modify
greatly the program of the' festivities
planned for Mr. Roosevelt. The Swedish
government has not as yet been notified of
hla majesty's da-h, and accordingly Mr.
Roosevelt and I'tlnce Wllhelm put In a
rather busy day. However, tomorrow's
state dinner in honor of the former presi
dent, which was to have been held at fhe
palace, has been canceled and the court
will go into mourning tomorrow.
.ii .
Former Sooth Dakota Man Fleeted to
rosltlon on Harvard
Far ul ty.
SIOUX FALLS, S. U., May ' 7-tSpeclal
News has reached South Dakota to the
effect that Allen young, son. of Colonel
and Mrs. S. E. Young, superintendent and
matron, respectively, of the State Indus
trial treform) school at Tlankinton, who
has occupied the chair of political economy
at Leland Stanford university in California
the last three years, has been invited to
give a series of lectures at Harvard uni
versity the coming year.' He has been
granted a leave of absence for a period of
one year from his present position. The
offer of Harvard tarries a salary of SI.OOO
per year, aside from the honor of being
chosen to lecture In one of the greatest
institutions cf learning In the world. For
a young man who is only a trifle over 30
years of age the honor la a great one.
Bryan's Oaaabter and Hoabanil Will
Visit Poind In Colorado
and Mexico.
KANSAS CITY. May.-Lieuterant Reg
inald Owen and Mrs. own, fo-merly Ruth
Hr an-Ijeavltt. after a three da stay Ii
Kansas city resumed their Journey late to
day, going west from here. The couple will
make a trip through the southwest, taking
In the Grand Canon, and stopping for some
lime in the City of Mexico, before proceed
ing to Jamaica.
11 -..nmr K ) IK
Spectator at Ballinger Inquiry Con
tradicts the Secretary.
Mr. Rranriels tine I retinent Clashes
rtlth the Witness, Who ate
He Will Kill More
, Snnkra.
WASHINGTON. May 7.-The cross-ex
amination of Secretary Bslllnger by Mr.
Brandeia was progressing with but mo
mentary renewals of the frequent hitter
clashes of yesterday before the Rallinger-
Plnchot Investigating committee this morn
ing, when there developed the most specta
cular Incident of thr hearing.
Horace T. Jones, n special 'agent of the
land office, who testified rotne time ago
111 support of Ixiuis It. Glavls, arose in hi
place among the spectators and .announced
in a loud voles that he did not bnlleve a
statement made by Secretary Ralllnger was
true and that he desired that a wttress be
called to substantiate or deny what Mr.
Rallinger bad said.
The statement had to do with Jones'
ability as an agent and was attributed by
Secretary Ballinger to Special Agent E. W.
When tho commotion in the committee
room following Jones' Interruption had
subsided. Senator Root demanded that the
witness be admonished that a repetition of
his outburst would subject him to punish-
merit for contempt.
. o Interest In Claims.
Attorney Brandels questioned Mr. Bal
linger as to whether or not the Cunning
ham claims were not oremost In his mind
when he appeared before congress in be
half of tho remedial legislation. Mr. Bal
linger Insisted they were not.
"And I want to reiterate right here,"
added the witness, "that I had no Interest
In the Cunningham claims then,, now or at
any other time. The imputations In your
questions are unfounded and haven't a leg
to stand upon. The Cunningham claims
had gone to entry and needed no legisla
tion. , "and If I had wanted, to patent those
claims, I could have gone ahead and done
so regardless of . the Glavls report. Hut
when that report was received, It was a
mattrr of Importance to hold up the
claims and wait to see If Glavls had any
thing; to let him come through Vlth It,
which he never did.
"As matters stand those claims were
suspended by me and atill are suspended.
No harm has come to the government. Yet
If I had wanted to act In bad faith. It
would have been very easy for me to say
there was nothing in the charges against
the claims and to have them patenud."
More Snakes to Kill.
A long discussion here eusurd as to
wheth?r upeclal agrnta ever took a view
of claims other than the detectives view.
Mr. Ballinger said he was Sony to say that
that Was true, n was tasler, he delared.
to do an Injustice to the individual than
to do him Justice. Attorney Rrandels sug
gested, however, that Mr. Ballinger bad
contiol of the agenta.
"Vs." snapped the secretary, "and 1
have found that the only way tu control
some of those chaps Is to discharge them'."
"When do you contemplate taking that
snake-killing step," inquired Attorney
Brandt is.
' 1 want to say right now that If I am
to continue as had of tha Interior de
partment they will be killed, everyone or
them. If I am to admlniettr the affairs ol
that department H will be with the loya!
tupport of every man In It. I want to
servt notice to that effect."
"And will you ktndlv make that nolle
specific and enumerate Just who Is to br
"They will be enumeiated In due time,
It would not help you now In what nu are
trying to diag Into this case,"
Prince of ales Becomes George V
and Succeeds His Father,
Edward VII.
Little of Pomp and Splendor Mark
the Coronation.
Poli;ies Outlined in an Address to the
I People.
Moose,, It May lie t ,,!, r,
rial Hirni) of the I nlted Main (
o Attend the funeral
V ben llrlri.
LONDON. May T.- iSpecial Calil grant, t-M.-trkrd
by Utile of the splendor and pnnir.
of ancient custom, George V wss solemnly
pioclalmcd king at 4 o'clock ihis after
noon In the thrjne loom of St. .Unices
ptilace. The new monarch was visibly nC
fecit d by grief nt the denth of his father
the Inte King Kdward VII. Several time
In the ccerse of 1,1s addiess his olce broke
and he applied his handkei chief to his
As thr fotm.ilitles wire concluded guna
boonibed out a Silute-one-mlnute gun for
each year of the late king's life.
The privy council will he proclaimed by
heralds In the various centers of the m
plre on Monday. The proclamation iead.
'"Whereas, It has pleased Almighty (iod
to call 'to his niprcy our late sovereign,
Fdw.ird VII. of blessed and glorious mem
ory, by whose death the Imperial crown
of the United Kingdom of Oreat Britain
and Ireland In solely and rightfully come
to the hlgi, and mighty Prince ejeorge
Frederick Finest Albert, we therefore, the
lords spiritual and temporal of this realm,
be here nsststed with these of his lite
majesty's privy council, with numbers of
other gentlemen of quality, with the lord
mayor, the aldermen and rltlxene of Lon
don, do now hereby with one voice, con
sent of tongue and heart tn nubllah nn.i
proilalm that the h'gh and mighty Prince
Oeorge Frederick Kmest Albert Is now by
inn firath of our late sovereign, t.f hnnnv
momory, become our only law ful and right
ful liege lord, tieorge V. by the grace of
on. King or the United Klnsrlom .,r r:,i
Britain and Oreland. defender of the fnith
emperor of India, to whom we do ack
nowledge nil faith and constant obedience
Ith all he.trty and humble affection, be
seeching God. by w hom ' all klncs n.t
queens do reign, to bless the roval nrlnr
Oeorge V with long and happy years to
eign over us.
King? r.eorae Nrnnii.,
The scene In the throne room was ,m. of
splendor and Ki'lef. King Oeorge was
nerioii!.. .s lie announce,! Ills riVtermlna.
tion of maintaining, under tind's will,' the
traaitlons or the kingdom, he jtLooet ,-.
eral times. . .
Thus. In the 4Mh year of his life, Urorge
becomes ruler of the United Kl,
klnfc', defender of the faith and emperor of
innin. and sovereign of to tlon.tiut) people.
King Oeorge addressed the nrlvv c.nneii
and said:
"Under the guidance of Corf I vin on.
deavor to maintain the high tradition of the
.ngiiMi court and to fulfill fii t...t r
my abilities the trust I in no Srli 111 ITU It
shall he my endeavor to follow the exampl
of my father. My loss Is more, than the
loss of my faiher. We have loM a father,
a king and a friend.
"I will endcivor to keen niv lnn i
peace and plenty and to establish the wise
policies of my father, our late ruler."
Talcs Itath or Ofrt.-e.
The oath Was administered to th. bi..
by the lord chancellor. Lord lorehurn. Fol
lowing the custom, the cabinet ministers.
-.wo nuesinnce to ma new ruler, at tha
same timet tendering their senats of office.
J no Hrltlsh kinudom In enii,,n.H i
gloom, for Kdward was much beloved.
the six young nerrons who .... 1vi.t,,..
were prlnefs of roal blood awoke this
morning with vastly more significant title i
of princes of Kngland. Thev ATA th e;.ll.
dien of King eOoree and his wife, yue n
iiai y. i litre are five sons nnd one daugh
ter. The eldest is Prince u,,t ,. i...
will be Prince of Wales and will enjoy the
nereuiiary title or Duke of Cornwall. He
was born on Ji-ne 2". IS:i4. and ,,, a,
may be king of Kngland. The only daugh
ter is r-rlncess Mary, named for her
mother, and is 1.1 years of Th. n,h..
royal children are Prince Albert, aged i:,;
r-rince Ueorge, aged S. and Prince .ih,.
aged 5.
It Is reported hete that President Tf.
may appoint fornur President
Plal envoy of Hie United States to at
tend the funeral of the late king.
The Induction Into the offir. ,,t i. ,., .
took Just one hour. King Oeorge quietly
went and return d from Marlimione,.
house with a lack of display that waa
striking. Alexandra, widow of the late
king, Is now qticvn dowager of Kngland.
the first dowager which Kngland liaa had
since the time of gueen Charlotte, widow
of William IV. It Is bellcvtd she will
spend her remaining years in rnil
althoiiRh she could wield great social pres
tige ir sue so Oslred. The latter yiais of
her life have been sorrowful for i,. i,.
or.iodrd deeply o'.er the death of her son.
trine- Albeit. Dowager gucen Alexandra
is ft! years of age.
While there have been nuiiieiiMn eniie,.
at Buckingham palace, members of iIf.
royai family of tho dinbmiittlc e.irn
well as many personal frl nds, the bereaved
qui en has only' consented to ae her son,
me new King. Oueen Mary and the n n
prlncrs. Kdward and Albert.
I'r;le Grief Stricken.
There was a great riowd of ii I. f r , i.e
people about Buckingham palat e H ,.u ,
They came from all paits of the klnsdoni.
A special In memory of the laio
king was held at S. Paul's this aftern-
The great auditorium was crowded with
dlgnltiirles. Largely a Unified ppcci.ll B-rv-
cts wtrc neia at other chinches.
While lb e date of the funeral and the
place of Inti rinont has not yet be de
finitely determined. It Is believed the lnt
kina will be buried nt Fi ogiinc e. whrr.i
Queen Vicuna, tile p Inee consort, and
l'Cne. Kdward of Wales are buried and
the dale v ill probably lie May tl.
The announcement was made todsy ili.l
:lie court wH lie , mourning fur ihre
w eek.t.
All day long lei lei s of com! il n cum
in floods. The rulers of;:ctlly retry